VTftVLSViZ I'X. o KOtRtSPOMriJCE SOLICITED (Copyright. 1WS. ty C. M. Parnlt. These articles and tllustratinna must not be ra pnnted without special permission. A MIGHTY PURTY PICTUR What mighty pi:rty ricliir' Wen the Ims turn reJ an' ye'ler An' S'er hear I ho apples dronpin' As they're pitttn' r.pe an' meller. Wen the cider press is stiueeatn' out The joooe that mal;a jr smi!o An" the wiminen foll.a nt sliintn' up The Ulttles fur tor bile! Yep. I've taeer.1 o' fo!!:a a-l ragjrln' Bout the oiler f the rose, Hut w en apple hjtier b ii:u" It's like honey tp ycr no-c. Ven them tluiiplln' rosy whumen Drop the s.Hts inter the J we An' the kittle Kits ter b'lim' lts Jest he'ven below bruk loose. Oh. how awful od that plctur' With the corncrib runnin' over. An' the punkins an' the taters On the barn floor In the clover. An' the purple Brapes a-hanRia' In big bunehos on the vine. An" the air so crisp an' snappy That It boosts ycr up like wine! Hark! I hear them turkeys pobblin' As they're strultin' fat an' pay. An' the bUr red rooster's cron in' Fur the feast Thanksffivin' day. Hold the fort, fur I'll sit there. Fur I'm feelln' aw.'ul spry Wen It comes to carvln' turkey An' enjoyin' punkin pie. C. M. B. START THE WINTER RIGHT. "A poof begluniug makes a pood ending" when a man starts with a cent and ends with a million, but a atart with roupy birds In November often means ft smasuup by Pecember. "What's wrong with my cockerels? In September tbey were a show bird picture, and now their tails are crooked aud combs are flop." "Your birds have lost ambition to hold their tails straight because they have roupy colds." A start with colds often knocks a winter's prospects Into a cocked hat. and all because some fellows won't learn to keep stock from running In cold fall rains, slopping In frosty mud and exposure to frosty air currents. Then there's that old suiifler that starts to cough up roup microbes when the first frost comes. She's a case of spare the ax aud spoil your success. She's worse at starting a flock to sneeze than the boys who most made you sneeze the top of your bead off at school with red popper. Now, some old stagers can stand such knocks. They are canvasbaeks In cold rains and seem Immune to the contaminating Influence of that old dis- - - h,rfw .nV - IwHTi fOTtTtsh' enough to keep. But what of those beautiful pullets whose combs begin to bloom like roses, who are singing their fondelay, who are making their Bret debut with their telltale red splashed egg? Tour winter egg sales at top notch prices depend on those yonng hens that are seeing their first snow. Ton can't sell roupy roasters and keep a reliable reputation. You don't want to be worrying, losing, doc- torlng or digging graves all winter, j Just remember The hens that start the year with cold Are shy on bringing In the gold. The hen that puts her foot to snow . Will fall to make the business go. ALL WHITE FEATHERED FOWLS. Breeders of market chickens should sit up and take notice that the world's demand Is swinging round to white feathered fowls. The day Is near when egg farms will be run entirely by the champion S. C. White Leghorn "egg machines." Flesh producers will also discard olid black, particolored and any color but white. If they answer the de mand their market poultry will be mostly White Bocks, White Pottos and White Orpingtons. This also means that the coming poultry show will not be "fancy," but "utility;" not a foolish Judging of "barred to the skin" and "seven feathers to a rooster's tall," but from the best known, strictly wholesale house mm V - v. -'-- '".'if established in Portland in 1864. ....... s , . 4 quarts GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE $4.90. i. A pure old honest whiskey botllcd by the distillers. Guarsnteed to the United 'Slates Government, and to you, to contain oothiai excepting pure straight whiskey. Many ol the railroads use Lyras INoble almost exclusively. So do the big steamship companies. So does nearly every big metropolitan hotel. Because it's pure, Because it's aged in wood. '" Because it has that soil, delicate, palatable flavor of the ripened grain, oftea mentioned but rarely found. .... W. J. VAN SCHUYLER & CO. - Established 1864 105-107 Second Street. Portland. Oregon Cut At THIS LMt W. J. Vaa Schuyver & Co, PortUae, Onto. Endued plust and $4.90 lor which pleue tend genuine cyrus noble, i n.- , , p aAii- C-T the juiigiiiR f fin fancy fit)) ami rev- The revolution Is lu full swing a.rxs the nuil already here. It's potnir to lv ail IVMn dm ks, Emb lon pocw and Wtilte Homers tx. And why? Simply a kUk afalnst lark ulnfoather. For till, tlio cus tomer (ItHwu't want dark f Is. the city dealer neither, ami Hie pickers are.nlHO klckltnr. aud, render. If you have to rat pltifeatuers, you want tbem tvhlte ti. To tost this Just Ink similar site White ami Rarrod liocks to market lu separate crates and note how quickly the Whites go In preference to the Harred. Sorry to Jar you If you keep dark fowls. Iut It's up to you to Join lu or pet left. DONTS. Don't Imagine so called "white squabs" are all wtiite feathered. Their skin U made llvkl by Tat and their parents are mostly Blue Homers. Pont vcrlte ns conccmlns th book "Plscaaca and Knemles of IVultry." There was one free Issue, aud all were snapped P years arn. Anything free rocs except the rellstou of "quit your nieanaees." RE-ENFORCED ! CONCRETE. Matsrial Proves a Success In Con struction of Boats. The utilization of re-enforced con crete as ft constructional material for various purposes for which masonry, wood or irou work hits been previously employed his undergone considerable development during tUe iast few years. One of the most novel applications- of the system, however. Is that which has been evolved and perfected by a well known Italian eugiueer. Siguor Carlo GabelHui of Dome namely. It adop tion for the construction of boats and floating structures in general, such as pontoons, floating bridges, and so forth. The system of construction is very simple. The keel Is laid In the usual manner, the Iron rod re-enforcement being auchored to the armoring of the former aud being brought up the sides of the hull In conformity with the de sired lines of the craft The Iron rod generally used has a diameter of about 'Sen.-. nr xrnoN ' COCEETB rosToos. , four-tenths of an Inch. Expanded metal which has a mesh of about two tenths Inch Is stretched between the vertical supports, to which it Is at tached by suitable metal clips. Tho concrete Is then applied to the skele ton fabric In layers Inside and s out equally, the thickness of this sheath ing varying according to the dimen sions of the craft The system has been utilized for the peculiarly shaped boats which serve to support the decks of the quaint floating bridges to be found on the river Po. Hitherto wooden boats have been strung across the waterway, the deck planking, built In sections, being laid transversely across them. The boats are of peculiar design, having sharp pointed rising ends. .' In such re-enforced concrete the same general lines nro nrmsorvei! nnlv the ends are made blunteri a greater midship 'beam Is pro vided, while they have perfectly flat bottoms, forming a kind of pontoon. Each boat Is forty-flve feet In length, with a beam of twelve feet and a depth of 3.0 feet Po satisfactory have the craft proved In service, the ab sence of repairs being a pre-eminently distinguishing feature, that the wooden boats for these quaint Coating bridges are being superseded by the re-enforced concrete craft as rapidly as poffible, over a hundred having already been buiit for this service. ' Position Wanted. Posiiion on ranch for th4 winter by reliable man with small family, l'lease write B. Kagak, Lakeview, Or. . it Dressmaking. Plain and fancv sewing donefcy Mrs Walter Hyde smi Mies Beulah Hyde at the home of the former. Satisfaction guaranteed. lm quart bottle of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE Krect to you rget paid to the near est railroad expres office. 90 in the Northwest, Cut Out iJm Coupon nd Send To-dmf NO SMIL TO-SAT su at once by etptm, prepaid, four quarts .'.:.'. ' ; Suu- - , , , i wtmmiii - -1 W v.. fcfe5 Ad I ". ' ' 'j.J' Q Bf:ml 'Ut'KH "sjv-.-' , lwns and lHaruuiita fE.''ll "ft " : I I'liltitl KlatiMi Honila t'ifcx) 00 - X Itniik ircmlM M.MI 1 W 7 Hi P Teh M FV B IL-oVntplUm ruiul DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS T .77JZ".Z I A different selection on each side 1 They fit any machine . S That tells the whole story except that at 65 cents for the Columbia Double-Disc you get a better record, on each side, than vou ever bought be fore at $1.20 for the same two selec tions. Get a catalog! . D. P. Adarnson & Co. H Alius, sviltf a-aav iwv . j ,4-w.v. f II y f sill lllssslsMMIssssssTsTTTiri ffTI IT I III VCT y - -r Teacllers, Examinations Xoticc is hereby given that '.he comity superintetiilent of Crook county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at Prineville, in the new courthoute, as follows : For Slate Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at 9 a.m., and continuing until Satur day, August 14, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday .Penmanship, hixtory, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thurrday Written arithmetic, thecry of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, com position, algebra. English literature. school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history. For CesBtjr Papers. Commenting Wednesday, August 11, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing nntil Fri lay, A'igust 13. at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading, physical geogra phy. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, phyHiology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. Note Teachers bidding permits, are expected to take this exauiiim tion, K. A. Ford, County School Superintendent. Hogs for Sale. Pure-blood Poland-China Hogs, both sexes, for sale. Prices reasonable. Can be seen at borne o( J. 11. Gkav, Prine ville, Or-gon. 7-2'J Travelers ON SANT1AM ROAD WILL FIND THE BEST Accommodations AT Lower Soda SPRINGS Hotel and Feed I'arns, Groceries Tobaccos and Provisions. Hay and Oats for sale; pasture for horses. Free camp grounds. S. L. HULIN, Proprietor HI in 1 For Irrigated Farms i ! m and Fruit Lands DESCHUTES1 VALLEY WRITE JONES LAND CO Redmond, Oregon . Q I ! IT Teacher's Institute. Tenchens Annual Institute nf Crook county will hold ltn annua! WHsiott lu the II lull School building', nt rrinevilie, October l!-'.t) 2 1.:?. Sttite Sti'riiitetid.'itit J. H. Acker man, lTesident, W. R. Kerr, t). A. (, I'roffSHor A. L. Ahlfrman, I,', of O., and other prominent educators of the county and state will be present. Friday, October 22, will lie "School Day" at the Couuty fair, and a joint session of school otlicers and teacher will Ik- held on that day. I-t u make this; a (Treat day for the cause of education lit Crook eoualy. Sincerely votiM, . It. A. Foitn. Professional Cards, $5Jr C. Brink jCawyer Ortyon. S?. Clliott, Sttorny-at-U?am 0. Jyd SPhyiician and Suryon ClLlJI Anhwekku I'aoHtTLT DT o NlORT Orvu: On Doo Hoith or aoihkon's iiKiu hicks. Hoth "Hire au reaj-di-nce ti.'li'plious. iPrintvilU, rtoon W. A. HELL Attorney -at-I.aw Prineville Oregon Qt C. &n x iieal Csiato Office with Oeo..W. Ilarnes ZPriniaillo, - O rayon J. 57osenherg ZPjiysican and Suryton Cais answmrrd jtromjffy Jay mr ntyAi tl mm 9fm Strt: SPrinmviilt, Onoon. Chaa. R divard$ Jf, P. SitlJtnap County Jiysfoian) Zftolknap 6c Cdwards iPhyiioiant and iSuryont, Off mm &rmr 2mmr mf WitMmfs Zruf Srm ZPrineut'lm, Ormyon, Koti'e for Publication. Not coal land. Department of the Interior, U.S.Lund Oillce at The. Dalles. Orwon, July M, V.0J. Notice is hereby 'ven that Klonzo bhepuerd, of Paulina, Oretron. who, on July ?, IIW, made hotnestead Herial No. 0411(1 1 No. 1.HK4, for E HEX, section 32 Ami WA KW!, icetion SS, township 20 south, nitit'e 21 ettet, Williiniette Meridian, hfs filed notice of intt iition to iimkn linul coiiimii tation proof , to e.-ttthlish claim to the land above described, before Warren iirown, county clerk, ut his office at Prineville, Oregon, on tliu 1st day of September, 1U00. '1 ni ma n t names as witnes.'-cs: Orover l'riee and Orville I. Davison, of Prineville, Or.; Henry W. Piikett and Umee Uali'out', of Paulina, Or. . 7-2!tp C. V. Moobk, Ilegisler. Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon ay ItHE HAMILTON STABLES (Horscahooing in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprlotor l'KINKVII.I.K. OKFCJON Stock bonrJotl by the tiny, week or month t Reasonable rate. Retneniber tm when in rrinevilie. Ratim IIkasonabi.K. We ,1m ve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent V7 n r 1 L. J Soneral ffilacksinithhig r. 1 u J r t U r t L. J r i u r i t. J r i tJ r.t l J -Sk- lIORSKflUOKISQ, WlHlD WoKK, ETC., N K A T L Y AND PhOMITLY DoNB When it is Dose Br : : : Siobcrt 97oorc iC3 ! ri I'tJ r. -i i.'U I r - i LJ i r 1 1 "- r.i i i. J ! r t Satisfaction Will ritlNEVILI.K, L.' J ynrvinnririnririjnnririwirnrinr'inrimw V U Jl.Jl.Jw JU Jl-Jl-JLJU JUjUJl.JLJl.Jl.Jk; JL JLJUJUJt! JWJLJUJHX LJ ri L J The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbbE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up. Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Cnrrjrlnjf a choice nelectlon of fine candy, cigars, oraiiKfH, lemouH, etc. Ulve u a call. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ L J l J r L J n u l J L"J f "1 C J r.i L J rn Li nrt L J r..i L J ri u n C'J r. ir, LiJL -iriMrjiriririririr"inir.nrsrrfirnrirnnriririr!tmr Jk JkJi. JkJU JUJUJU JCJU J1H.JLJL JL.JU, JL.Ui.JLJk.ULUk. JfcvJU.Jfc.J LUMBER HI VAAAAAKAAAAaV 4 Drop in and See w Champ Smith! DEALER IN Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic Cigars At. the old Smith & Cleek 3 Btand, Main street, two C, J doors south First pi j National Bank B Quality I wlial tlit careful buyrr In vrnligattu lien iurt'liHHiiit jew plry or walt lHK. We Ktaiul l liiiul h quality of everything we fell we puaranlee it to le of Hie nuality w repreKf nt it to WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineyille, Oregon businosa Juno 23, 1909 l.mill.lTlKS raplial Htot k iao,oooo Hurplua and unitlvlikd prortla a,at M rlr.Milall.uv l".H 00 IndlvlttMaJ lVpoalis. , 9.M.J4 17 ll',,V.'tl 13 T. M. BaMwta. CahUe II. alexia, Aw't Caakier 8 ujuJu jc jujujl.jujw.jujl:juju j Li r n L J r .i r L J a. J u r r a -j r t r 3 u lie Guaranteed r. k. r L OltKfiON. r,." L r a. LJ La Shingles, Moulding, Windows, Doora, CllaPHen, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON crook mm mi OFFIOER8;. W. A. - Booth, fratldant O. F,BT(WAMT,-VlcsPrasldanl O. M. Clkins, Oashlar DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Clkini, ' D. r. Bts WART i ! i Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold ' Collections will re ceive prompt atten ... tion I i AdmlnUliatot'M Sals of Rtul Kstatt. Nnllre lali. ili itlrfii, thai III purats. ire nl an onlrr of III t ninny I'Oimoi sits tali- of Om'k""', tor (he t'umity I'liruos, ...i., . il, Mi, ,ly uf July. list. Ill Ilia tnntUT of llio (! of ttllm'l l. Kit hoy. ,Hvavl. Ui uiiilirlliiel, ti ami i alnr of niUI rtt, iiik ii at punua in Ion to tli liiKli't I'lOiior, lor I'naii, sun. 1 toriiiiliriiiiition li ! ' ouliiy i.onri. ..ll Krlilay, tho l ly ' ft plrinlwr, ll"tt. llloYlix'ft til the tiireniMili, at in irons .or til tli f.imity ' Mrtliiiti" In I'rlnr- lllo, ( (ton, till llm risilil, ltir, ititi'r. ml liit ol tli" hl baii'uel KlU'hff nt tin' lima of hl ilxtMi, ami all tli rulit. tli'. Inlrrt unit viiil tnai me aam title luu ariinrl oilier mail or in u- itl. 'ti to that i'I naniuni u. Itltilipy at tint tlm l III' iH-alli, III illnwinitile i'rilio.1 irai'tm laii.i.m n i in iioitliwi'at tiiartr of swiinit thirty In ot.lili twi'ly aoiitli, ol ratine yiiten t ol WllUiurtts Meri.uaii ill . rtMia imiily, llri'itiiii. Teriim nml fiiinlltliiiia of )' I t'Bll, Colli roliiof Ui I'nltwIMaH'S. J. II. lUr.K, AilmliiMrntor of the rulutu of baiuiifl II, Kill liry, uwraayHl. Notice for riiblUtttluti. Not nml laml. IVvartttiriit of III Inti-rlur. V. . liiil Ultlre at Tli Ill . tr July UVlh, HtW. Nolle la lirwhy glvrii that lli'iiry ll. r'oaler. ol t.'.S'rll. tlrrnoii. who, on April 'AH It, 1 1 HI. nmtlo liuiinwit.-a.l vmrjr (mtii no, uiwi, No, Until, ..r N V VdiM tluti 14, towt sili U aoiitli, ranK' II "a-t. Willamette Mcrlillatl. Iiaalllnl tiutloe ol Intctilloii u make Itnal mi imitation lirKif, W i-atatillali rlalm l lm laml almvo ilmi rila'd Iwfnr Warien IIiiimii rouiitv rlork. at I Is oltli' at I'tlne- vl'lii, tin'gnti, on ll.e 7th Uy ol Hriii'i'Ur, IUI, t'lttliiinnt names a itiiert l.oiiH Og.len Mini Aliel t'tulil of tl'Nell, Or ; t'arl J. HiinlitttUt uf rrlnrvlll, Or.j Kii.l Jiiiin KeiKUrauii of I junoiiia, r. aoi t , . aiouaa, niier Nolle for Publication. Not roal lati'l. lrpnrt inrtil of I lie Interior, '... Uiul tMllic, Tti lalles,lrr". July ', nam. Nolle Is hfrehy ulven that llMiriic M. UeiaiKL of I'rinrt llle, viiiKi.n, who n March 3M ti. I'."1.!, IllKile llulliralrail I'lllrV ("itImI no, u27) No, r.':a. fr WS NK',, V, Hhi. wluill M. .mnlii 1.1 nillUl, raiiK 15 i l. W, M lia. Illnl liullc ul Inli'iilluit niakv llnal live-yrar imnir, to talilili clnllil In III lall'l aUn ilew'lllml, lirtiir Warn n lro n. ruunty i lrrk.at hlaollle at 1'riiH'Vllle, I "recoil, nil til Kill) day ul t . nil.rr. Iiati. I Iiiiiiimiii name an wunrsw! Kilur,l h. J.iiiea. lti.v Hltiart, Man Wrl.li. Krrl bluart. nil ol I'rliievlllp. r. 7.;1ii f. W. Mwik, Ki-KlMer. Cit.ltlon. In the roiuily rtui't ef tli slat ol Oremm Itir llm c.xniiv 1 t.im, In I no itmltrr "f Hie r'p ef AliJrw J. Kintii'tfan, iIi'ihm . Itiitli'ii. 'in Klnr.l a. r inn. nun. J.-lm U. Kin- iii-va" ami all ln !r ul iiIhitx naiurti ur- rrilflit. iiiLihiwii. II any Ilirrr . Kiwinm: tut c nam "f li al.it Itnirun, yu m linn hy clle.l an. I re,lilnil In li l ar In the 'iimty cuirl of h M.ite ul Uri'jtiHi, r tlie entiiitv ul I rhik, nl tli iimri ruuiu tliertHif, rrtnrvlll. In Hi county of Oreiik. "it Mi'ti'lav, tin- Ulh ilav ( heliu- lirr. l'i at n ii'rl.a k til Hie li relmoll of Imt 'l v. I Ih-ii ami He re t-i aliuw cau, ll anv ihi-r In-, ny an unler ul lhl etiurl ill. I in. I I in ul Blltli.'TiniK III a.l- mtiil ir.ilor il the etnl il Amlm J rtn- iivhii. Irae.l. In aril tlio fulln lliK ile- wtilait real ilnt of aahl ilrwaaeil, lill. The v t huif of tlii north we -t iiiartrr of Hi tiiiii rliflil, anil the west half of tha amitliwcat iiiiiirirr of 'tliiii lln, ami tli tilli Imlt of the northraul iinartrr, ami the aoulhrn-t iiimrier of tli norlliet Mimrlpr of section arcti, In townlil li(un amilh of ranR Iwrnly-oti el of Willamette XlrrMiau In Hren""' Witnea-. the Hun. II. t". Kills, JiiiIko of Hi county court ol Hi utola of lrKn fr he roiinlyof CriMik. with thaaral of aaul court ulliv.'il, thia V'Mth ilav of July, liajw. (Sial) Atleit - Warrrn lliown, t lerk.H Notice of Final Stlllsmcnt Nollre l hrn-br alven h the timlirlnil, tin- niTulnrul Ihe lali' of V llllam !. "Ilia. tli'ca'iiiM'il . tliul ha lina inaile ami fll!! hla flunl nr. uniting- of hla a.liiilnllrlliin ofaaltt ralaleiiii.) tlial Hi HuiKirnlil munir murt Iih wl Mitmlnv, the aili ilur o( H, plriiil r, IHiti, all In. li.iur of lu o'i'lix k In ilia rorvtiiinn at Hi eiimiiT court room In rrtiwvlll, Or Kun, atlio llim-amt i.la.w Air hcarlna ami wttllna anhl tluul aiiiiuiitlni. At whlrli IIiiii'hikI u anr ihtimiii lntimli-il In aaltt imtnlr miiy Hl'ix ar ami oliKt'rto uiUt Hnul ao isoiiiitliia. lMir.1 nils mn day of Jiilr. If". T. M. HAI.ftWIN. KXTuior of the will of Vk iiiiuui f. W Ilia, lltWIIM'tt. Call for Warrant. Notice la hereliy given Hint lit lullnwliiif ('rook county wnrrunt. laaueil avvrti years prior to July I, 1!M), must le ireenteil for imyiiii'iit willnii tW ilays from said July I. llMli, olherw Ue they will he cancelled ami luiymrut t:iereafter lm refuted as provided liy luw. July 10. IWMI 4 M Bnler I 1 09 Jnnutiry II, lav.-Win VutiKhan. 4 Mi I I 70 I 00 I Wl I ISO 1 Ul I w I 10 I M HO I no Jiimmry M, i-.'.,i-l4t Vamivor. Si'iili'iiibrr II, IW- Kore.l Uulmhv 8. )l..nlH.r 4, lH'-.'riink Holiimillu..., HelilellllN'r tl, lail-i; M (Ini'll " " Mn UvhI " " " W Hulh.y " " " .lame Murgun January . Il-A K Hill Miir.'h 1, IH"l) -Minor lwla June an, 1 "0 -I, M fouriuay n rutin r rnn. II O Herning- R "0 NovemlKT Wl A I' Jonen NiivnmtM'r l, I'WWIarrjr llitlley. NiivviiilM.r is, l T J hlnvlll it ' M " V I, l-liner ui JulyO. 11 -l.imlla Wlmer a 00 Mnreh II. I WW tt f tSillet in no July I, li-J N ll. iini.lt .... i"l s..plemlH.r, l'l-'lias Miller 160 November , l''l-tMiarle UHwanmin.. 1 o NuvvintK-r , IWI-Owi l' , 0 AllltKN MKOWN, fl-l7-l)i'd l-'ounty l-lerk. Notica of Final Settlement. Notice is lierehy k'v"' X H Under nluned, he (uliiiliilflriitnr ol the extutc of .lull n McVi'lfth. decenaed, to nil person" In tereHted in Suit) enlnte, Unit ho has riled with the clerk of the county court his tl ii ii I accounttnit of his ailnuntif tratiou of suit! ealute and Unit tha Court I ins act Monduy, the 2d day of AtiKuHt, llMit), nt the county courtroom in rrinevilie. Oregon, uh the time and plnce lor bearing and settling Haiti limit ac counting. At which time and place any person interested in niiiti eMlute may ap pear and ohject to sultl Until accounting, Dated this 1st tiny of July, llNifl. M. ft. KLUOTT, AdiiilnlHlralor of the entiite of John Mc- Veilih, deceuaed. o7-2U Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Crook County. 0. A. rltevennon, plaintiff, ri. Nottie Htecneon, defendant. To Nettie htevenson, the uhoye named tiefemlnnt: In the iinme of the Huteof OrcRon, You nre herehy le iiired to. ap pear and answer the complaint tiled UKuiiiht you in the tihove court ami notion, on or helot'H the Inst tli.y of the time pre scrihed In the order for u ilication of Ibis suuimoiiH, tc-wit: the liltn duy of Septem ber, linn), ami if you fail to so answur, for want thereof, tlie plaintiff will take Jhd. nient atiinnt you for the sum specilied therein, to-wit: For tlio sum of twenty Hi hundred (82U0O.OII) dollar, and for the costs and ilislitirenient of this action. This .summons is terved upon you by or der of the Hon. II. 0. Ellin, .Tudue of Crook County, State of Oregon, doted the 2nd day of AuifitBt, 1IKHI, ami the date ol the first publication of this summons h August 5lli, l'JOII, and the tin to ol the lust publication thereof will expire on Heiitem. her ltltli, 11)01). W. A, HKiJ. IT . IX ti (HUM. Attorney for the I'lumtllf. j(tiornmy-mt-Cmm Printout; Origan, no HO