r Prepare now for haying time. You will find the best Machinery at King's McCormick Mowers Reapers, Binders, Rakes Milwaukee Mowers Dain Mowers, Bucks & Stackers Louden Carriers, Etc. Jackson Forks REPAIRS Complete assortment for all McCormic machines. C Some parts for Piano, Buckeye, Mil wauke, Acme, Osborne and Standard. Prompt attention to orders for repairs for all other machines, not represented by Prineville agents. LOCAL MENTION The Infant on of A. II. Holler died last Nuturdny. Tln family of P. A. Hire luui gone to Fish Luke (or nn outing. Horn-July 21), to the wife of (liiutlu Dunham of Hear Creek, n boy. W. A. Hooth nnl John Temploton left Monday for the inountnlus on a VfU'ttlloll. John Wight and family will lenre thin week for n couple of weeks' va cation oil the Matolos. liranvllle Clifton and wife loft the first of the week for a twn-wwki' vUlt to Portland and Kenttlo. Miss Fay Ualdwln returned last Friday front a month' visit to the homo of John I". Ityiia at the Tub. Mr. Van llrlnk, eon of Judge M. K. Ilrluk, of. l'rlnovllle, arrived (file noon on nn Albany visit. Albany Democrat C. M. Klkltt and fiimlly nod Mrs. Kuudrt't of Purltaud, paid a visit to relatives at rnullua the Inst of the week. 0. I. Cornet t of Kentucky, a brother of J. M. t'ornett, the stage man, enme In Sunday tor a visit of a couple of month. Miss Klvah lobbt on mo In from a vUlt to Portland Hunduy. She will tench school the coming year at Ilenverton, Oregon. The partnership business hereto fore existing between White & (iulll ford ha Urn dissolved by mutual consent, Mr, White retiring. Outer ClaypiMil, Karl Wuriwetler, 1'rof. Ali by and C. A. Kiddie Mt last Huturdny for a few week' outing at Crescent lake and Dlnmond Peak. Four young ladles Misses Lorene Wtntiek, Ilertha and Fay llaldwln. nnd Itculnh Crook had a picnic all by theiunelve last Sunday. They eout the Idea of being lonesome and report a very pleasant day of It. Mr. Charles I.ytle wai given a pleasant surprise party Monday evening at the home of Mr. Alex. ThottiNon. The Indie of Junlptr Circle planned aud carried out the affair which was most enjoyable. Morgan' orchetrn furnished the music. Mr. incite of the Prineville Pic ture show, ha gone to the Orpheum Theatre In Portland to run the ma chltte tltt-re. He will bo away three or four week. Mr, lllehcs I oper ating the moving picture machine at the Emporium during the absence of Iter huNband. Kite can do It Just us good a he can, too. The flint of the returned campers made their appearance Sunday. In the party were Mr. Cyru, Alden Knlghteit and wife, J nine Dyer and wife, Mr. Clarence Calhreath and Columbu I-ee. They were too early to get many tHrrle but all seemed satisfied with, what they got. They were over ou the Santlnm. There was coitHldurablu rain In tho moun tains. Rolert Moore and family left for the mountains the first of the week. Dick Darling and family left Sun day for the Matole for an outing. Ml lllrdle Carey of Madras, proved up on Iter homestead last week. . Park Doak came In Saturday from Williamson's sheep camp for supples. He I the camp tender. Mrs. C. Friend and J. W. Hale and wife of Aahwood, were county seat vhiltors the first of the wek. 0 rover C. Make, assistant forest rnuger south of Summit Prairie, came In Monday for a consultation at headquarter. The Pilot Iiutte Telephone Com pany Is advertising for tamarack posts. See their ad. for sealed bids elsewhere In thl Issue. It Is reported that the Squaw Creek Irrigation Company ha re ceded from Its pottltlon and has agreed to allow the Individual water users a certificate of water-right without having to litigate the mat ter. Laid law Cbrolde. C. It. Harvey wits In Saturday from Hear Creek bitttes. He left several setimeiis of a vein of lime rock (Uncovered on his place not long ago. The rock burn Into pure lime wlieu subjected to the fire. There I scarcely any core left In the kiln after the rock has been well fired. He expects to fire a kiln this week. Marlon Terapteton and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Llytle left Wednesday by team to go to the valley, across the Cascades by way " of the McKeuxle route. Mr. Temple ton and faintly will visit at Eugene aud expect to remain about six week. Mr. and Mr. Lytic will go to Salem where they expect to make their home, Mr. Lytle Intending to take up the study of law. The Italoon ascettslon attracted quite a large crowd to the fair grounds Sunday afternoon. Ownlg to the high wind the ascent waa not made until evening. Frank Little John, the aeronaut, Is a good one. He shot up Into the ulr to a height of several thousnud feet when the parachute was cut loose. After a drop of 150 feet the parachute opoued and the young aeronaut reached terra flrtua without in In Imp. He will made another ascension next Sunday afternoon. There will also be a trapese and Juggling (terformance. Sanford Fields met with a bad ac cident last Saturday morning at the Temple ton place. He waa unload ing hay by means of a derrick and large heavy hay fork. He was In t he wagon and when the fork came back tor another load the rope that was holding It broke when It was directly overhead of Mr. Fields. One of the long tines struck his breast and made a bad wouud and he was also wounded In the arms. A tele phone message brought medical help In a few minutes. Dr. Belknap was Just 15 minutes making the trip lu his Dulck car. LOCAL MENTION John E. Edwards of Gist, was In town Tuesday. Mis May Ik-He Heed left Tuesday for a visit to Bend. Judge Ellis was over the first of the week on county busbies. F.J. Lively and family returned from a visit to the seashore Monday. V. D. Chapman and wife of Red mond, were business visitors Tues day. U. M. Cornett and family left Wednesday for an outing at Belknap Springs. Supervisor Ireland got back Satur day from an official visit to the Suplce country. He was looking after range matters. B. Oormley Is at bis old stand do ing business right along. He tins Just received his samples for fall and winter good. They are the best he has ever had. He Is now prepared to turn out tailor-made garments at the lowest possible cost. The year-old baby of Mrs. James Oarrett of Hay Creek, was drowned last Saturday evening. The mother was out milking nnd left her children to play In the yard. While tooling around a watering trough one of them tell In and was drowned. Mr. Claud Smith, his mother and F. F. Smith were pleasant callers at Oeo. Winter yesterday. Claud Is now helping W. F. King In managing Mr- King's extensive business at Prineville and Claud's father and mother are out from Iowa vlsltiug their children Claud and F. F. Smith and family. Laldlaw Chronlcly. Q. J. McCoy and family of Wheeler county, and Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Nichols, daughters, passed through Prineville the last of the week on their way to Suplee for a month's outing at the hot springs. Mr. Mc Coy formerly lived at Hay Creek, this county. Miss Wllda Nye of Bear creek, Is down with nn attack of spotted fever. "This Is a disease that Is In digenous to I'tah, Idaho and Ore gon," said Dr. Belknap. "It Is emitted by the bite of a tick that Is In fected with the complaint. It Is not necessarily fatal In this country, but 0 per cent of the cases In Utah at one time proved so." Miss Nye Is pretty sick, but Is not considered dangerously so. Advices from Spokane state that the wife of Rev. Frank H. Spauldlng, who, years ngo, was pastor of the M. E. church In Prineville, was drowned while trylug to save her two sons from a watery grave. They were camped on the shores of Lake Kelso. The boys were In the lake when the older one was taken with cramps and cried for help. The mother plunged In to save him and she too was drawn beneath the sur face. The younger boy, when he heard the cries of his brother, had a lit, and he too was drowned. Mrs. Feuerhelm was burled Friday. Miss Georgia (leek boa returned from her visit to Culver. Steve Yancey and family left Wednesday for the mountains. T. M. Baldwin returned yesterday with his new Cadillac touring car. M? R. Elliott and famllyeft Tues day for a visit to the Seattle fair. Fred Stroud and wife, and his mother, Mrs. Stroud, left Sunday for the berry patch. Bud H In ton and F. B. Mllllorn have returned from their fishing trip on the Deschutes. Van Blink returned borne yester day from a visit to relatives In the Willamette valley. Jim Elliott and wife have returned from an outing at the Sulphur Springs on Wolf creek. Misses Allleand Ethel Horigan re turned Wednesday from a month's visit to outside points. George Storkrannn left Monday to Join his wife, who Is visiting with her parents at Lake view. The break In the D. I. & P. Co.'s Irrigating canal has been repaired. Water was turned In Sunday. Dr. Ed wards came In from Port laud yesterday with his new Cadil lac. He was accompanied by W. F. King. W. F. Imniele was over from Red mond Wednesday to get a couple of ball players. Bend, Sisters and Red mond will hold a tournament next Sunday at Redmond. Sheriff Frank Elklns and Mr. Ben Jones of Prineville, tarried overnight at this place last night. Mr. Elklns came out on business In regard to the Tumalo Lumber Co. It seems they are having some misunder standing In regard to their business. Laldlaw Chronicle. LOCAL MENTION Bruce Gray was a Sunday visitor. Mrs. Marlon Travis Is reported on the sick list. One of the Deroaris girls la reported sk-k with typhoid fever. Born On Monday, August 2, to the wife of John Bout wick, a son. Born On Saturday, Jnly 31, to the wife of Henry Beard, a daughter. P. W. Shannon and wife of Los Angeles, are visiting at the borne of M. D. Powell. The latter part of this week both families will leave for i Klamath Falls to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Redmond came over yesterday with Mrs. Wyckoff and daughter of MenanJo, North Dakota, who have been visiting them. Mrs. Wyckoff Is Mrs. Red mond's mother. They took the auto to Shanlko. A "Joy" ride Tuesday through the Lamonta country found the ranchers busy with harvest While many good stands of grain were seen yet some fields will not bear out of the estimate made a month ago. C. M. Elklns will harvest some of the best wheat in that part of the county. ' Dr. Mendelsohn. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, optometrist, of The Dalles, will be in Prineville this fall daring circuit court and fair time. He comes st the request of the phyaiclani of Prineville. Do not be humbugged by peddlan. 7-22 Fruit Jar Specials. Don't forget that we have a full line of fruit Jars, Scbram's automatic sealers and Masons, all sizes, half gallon, quarts and pints, with caps and rubbers for same. 1. Michel, Prineville, Oregon. Card of Thanks. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends who assisted so kindly in our late bereavement of the loss of cur darling baby. Ma. and Mrs. A. B. Roller. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth a4 Morriaoo, Portland, Orcfoa 38 A. P. Armstrong', LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest . Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. LAMB FEED CO. REDMOND, OREGON Dealers in Chop Feeds of all Kinds,' Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grass and Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed ECZEMA LODGES IN THE SKIN titi a BIm4 Pliew Cunt kr OU WtaUigrna Cmpned For many years eczema waa sup posed to be a blood disease and waa erroneously treated aa auch, but now the best authoritiea agree that eczema la only a akin disease and muit be cured through the skin. The eminent akin apeclalist Dr. D. D. Dennis, first discovered the eczema germ and his discovery was quickly taken up in Germany and France. To kill the eczema germ and at the same time heal the akin, Dr. Dennis compounded oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc. The remedy is a liquid, not a mere salve, hence it sinks right into the pores of the skin. Washing with this oil of wintergreen compound seems to take away the itch at once; soon the scales drop away and che di eaae disappear. The prescription has now been used so long aa to have prov en its absolute merit and we do not hesitate to express our confidence in D. D. D. Prescription as used with D. D. D. Soap. The Winnek Co. Maker ft Grata Kiitm ScsmI Bok Caara Sspalitt Jtwclry Will rasar D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Mukal hntrucaU thfus Lswmj's Caadics StaUoacrj CZfin Remember, when you want a Graphophone Cylinder or Disc we have them in stock. We carry a complete line of Columbia gold moulded indestructible cylinder records, 35c. Also the 1 0-inch double disc records, 65c WE SELL. THEM O. P. Aidamson & Co, DRUGGISTS DISTRIBUTORS ROYAL CLUB GOODS J. E. Stewart & Company AGENTS MAYER SHOES Plymouth Standard Binder Twine Hay Forks, Mowing Scythes, Etc Lubricating Oils All Kinds of Ammunition Choicest Groceries For an outing. If you want something dainty and fresh come and get some of our Lunch Goods. Our line is complete. Below is a partial list Sliced Beef in Glass Deviled Ham Lunch Tongue Royal Club Shrimp Boneless Chicken Jellies in glass Potted Beef Deviled Meats Veal Loaf French Sardines Sardines and Mustard Sweet Pickles in glass Royal Club Salmon Roast Beef. Sardines Cervelat Sausage Pearl Onions Sour Pickles in glass Try our Royal Club Pineapple the finest ever put in cans. Buy your Fishing Tackle of us Guaranteed Shoes We guarantee every pair of Mayer or Washington Shoes put out by us to give perfect satisfaction. We will have repaired, free of charge, any shoe proving defective.