u. r Titanic Struggle. Continued frotu lKt ntr. the llnrrlmnn ioopl, IiiHlcnd of taking up thr work of building; the ronil ou their own lultl.uivr, wore driven to It by tbe kiiowlttlKV that Home other comimtiy wna going; to content for the trailie of w hat twin for yearn liecu known a the lltirrl mu pnwrvit". What will lie the outcome of thle railroad battle cat not lie fonneeii, but tbe niOKt encouraging feature of the activity now lielng displayed Is that Jlia Hill always tueuiui buliicti, and If lie la really In earliest about putting n railway line Into Central Oregou that he will either accomplish It or come io near It that the other people w ill have to build to keep him off the right of way. There 1b uo use In denying that the advent of a Jim Mill line Into this country would I more welcome than & Harrituau line, for the reason that the people have lavonie sleken ed on Ilarrtmnn'e unkept promise, and that the "Oregon feeling" ngalust the Harrimau practice ol milking this state for the purpose ol building roads In territory that al ready has transportation, has de veloped antagonism to the liarrl lnan interests. - - LOCAL ANAESTHESIA. German Scisntist Devises New Method For Operations. ' rrofessor Bier, the distinguished south German who succeeded the late Professor von Borgmann at tbe head of the surgical faculty of the Univer sity of Berlin, has devised a new and remarkable anaesthetic treatment for use In operations upon the extremities of the human body. By the application of this treatment, which Is described as a venous transfusion, surgeons who must operate upon the legs or arms , will no longer need to administer gen eral anaesthesia for the purpose of ren dering the patient unconscious, but will be enabled to work In perfectly bloodless and rainless area, while the mind and the rest of the patient's body retain an entirely norninl state. The professor employs for his venous transfusion a very weak solution of cocaine. It Is designed, of course," par ticularly for operations upon the ex tremities of persons who cannot stand a general anaesthetic. Tbe cocaine slowly finds Its way into all tbe veins of the affected area, which has pre . Tloosly been blocked off by tight band ages above and below, and tbe opera tion proceeds in a region totally freed from blood and pain without the slightest effect on any other portion of tbe patient's system. To avoid tbe dangers of cocaine In toxication by reason of even this weak solution spreading Into other veins aft er the removal of the operating band ages. Professor Bier washes out tbe veins within the operating area with a pbysiologicaj salt solution before re moving the bandages. How Tin Foil Is Made. Tin foil, which Is used extensively for wrapping tobacco, certain food products and other articles of com merce, is a combination of lead with a thin coating of tin on each side. It Is made In the following manner: First a tin pipe Is made of a thickness proportionate to Its diameter. This pipe is then filled with molten lead and rolled or beaten to the extreme thinness required. In this process the tin coating spreads simultaneously with the spreading of tbe lead core and continuously maintains a thin, even coating of tin on each side of the cen ter sheet of lead, even though it may be reduced to a thickness of a thou sandth of an inch or less. Notice for Publication. Not coal land. Department of tbe Interior, lT. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, July 23, 1909. Notice is hereby (riven that George M. Deiano, of Prineville, Oregon, who on March 25th, 1903. made homestead entry (ferial No. 0U827) No. 123H3, for W4 NE;, V' SE, section 14, township 13 south, range 15 east, W. M., has tiled notice of intention to make final tive-vear tiroof. to establish claim to the land above descrilied, before warren Urown. county clerk, at his office at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2nd xlay of U I inrrt Claimant names as witnesses : Edward S. Jones, Rov 8tuart. Harry Webb, Fred Stuart, all ol' Prineville. Or.---7-29p C. W. Moobk, Register. from the best known, strictly wholesale house estsonsned in rortisnd in INM. -1 4 quarts GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE $4.90. A pure old honest whiskey botilcd by ihc distillers. - ... Guaranteed to the United Suites Government, snd to you, to contain nothing excepting pure straight wbiskey. Many ot the railroads use Cyrus Nobe So do the bis steaoishin comoanies. So does nearly every big metropolitan hotel. Because it's pure. Because it's aeed io wood. ' Because it has that soft, delicate, palatable flavor of the ripened grain, often mentioned but rarely found. ,,--. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EitabliJied 1864 , 105-107 Second Street. Portland. Orwron 'v Cut AT THIS UNC W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Ponlud, Or(o. Eackaed please (ad $4.90 lor winch plcax scad GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. . P O.Adi. T Scrap-Book It Dated Beecher. , Among the finauclal friends of nenry Ward Beocher wan one old broker In New York, an aggressive Unitarian, which sect he often said Ifore "the trademark f honesty." On day he met Mr. 'Beecher hurrying toward Wall street ferry to avoid the down pour of a sudden rainstorm. "Take my umbrella." said the broker. "I don't need It The" coming bus takes me to my door." At the ferry Mr. Beecher met a PreslfUrlan lady. prominent worker of a sister church, who, having no umbrella,' was lament ing her Inability to reach her car'safe ly. The urKine preacher forced the umbrella upon her as he said, "I will be out your way tomorrow and will call and get It." But the great ex pounder of truth and honesty was horrified when upon opeulug the um brella the good sister at once discov ered a pasted slip uon' which was written lu a bold romidhaud, "Stolen by some lYesbyterian thief:" the uairr. A tender child of summer three, aeek- .. ins tur bad at nU:hL . Paused on the dark stair timidly. "Oh, mother, lake my hand." Mid sle. "And then the dark will bo all light" We eitlvr childrea croc our wajf Xixml dark tx-hlnd to dark before. And only wiwn our hards we lay. dear Lord. In thine the night ts day And there is darkness nevermore. Reach downward to the sunless days .whorviv,our guides are blind as we And faith Is small and hope dvt.iys. take thou the hands of r-raycr we raise. And let us feet the light of thw! Whlttier. He Failed to Pass. Geueral Benjamin F. Butler was one of a commission to examine young ap plicants for admission to the bar. and before him came a youth who failed miserably on all that pertained to Jur isprudence, case law.-clyll law, sump tuary law, unwritten law and due process of law.' Finally Butler, who rather liked the chap and wauted to see him through, asked: "What would you like to lie examined in? You have failed in everything we have sug gested." The reply came. ' "Try me on tbe statutes. I'm up on them." Butler shook his head solemnly. "My youn.f friend," he said, "I'm afraid you won't do. Tou may be ever so familiar with tbe statutes, but what is to prevent a fool legislature from repealing oil you know?" Dumas' Quick Wit Dumas found a man asleep in the Theatre Francais during the ldaylng of a piece written by his friend Sou met "Toa see thatr said he. "That's your work." Nest evening a Dumas comedy was put on. The two friends looked In again and found a sleeper. "Tou see, dear Dumas," said Sou met, "your works can produce sleep." "Do yon refer to that man?" replied Dumas. "Why, that's the man who was there lost nighty .He's, not awake yetr . A Market For Cores. The garden of the new house of the Rev. Mr. Brown backed against tbe play yard of an orphan asylum. Eight-year-old .Johnny-' g5orn was allowed to scale the fence and play with the orphans. " Presently Mrs. Brown no ticed that her apple supply was drop ping low. ..She vasked Master Johnny If he were not eating a good many ap ples for a small boy. 1 - Yes, mother," he replied. "I got to." "Oh, Indeed r queried Mrs. Brown. "Are you quite sure?" "Oh, yes, mother; they're needed! I Just got to eat all I can stuff down." 1 "But why, my dear?" - - i "Because," said Johnny earnestly, "the orphans need the cores." Dressmaking. Plain and fancv sewinjt done by Mrs. Walter Hyde ami Miss Beulah Hyde at the home of the former. Satisfaction guaranteed. . . , 7-29-1 m Property for Sale. 1800 acres of good land for sale at a bargain. On account of my health I must live in a diffeient climate. Will dispose of my holdings In tracts to suit purchaser, fine stock location. For further information inquire at this office or address Jonx Davis, Paulina, Or. 7-29 quart bottfc of GENUINE. I-YKUbftUBLE direct te yoU all charges paid to tk near est railroad express office. in the NoorfiwesC" almost exclusively. Cat Ou tw ad Snd IVJar ANO MAIL TO-OAV ' me at oacc by express, prepaid, four quarts Sha MA Suai- .1 y 73 d . YOU PROVE An invitation to all owners of cylinder machines Columbia and others. .-.We could argue the quality cf Columbia Indestructible Cylinder Records until a year from now but what good would it do if you could not prove it for yourself by coming into our store and seeing and hearing it? We could print a whole newspaper every day about the special and original Colum bia processes of manufacture and get no where at all if the Records did not bear the evidence. COLUMBIA INDESTRUCTIBLE CYLINDER. RECORDS won't break, no matter how roughly they are used, they won't wear out, no matter how often they are played. Moreover, their tone is far purer, clearer, "more brilliant than that of any other cylinder record made Don't merely take our word for it come inside our store and listen. Cost 35 cents! D. P. Adamson & Co. Teachers' Examinations Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Crook county will hold the regular examination o( appli cants for date and county papers at Prineville, in the new courthouEe, as follows : Far State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at 9 a.m., and continuing until Satur day, August 14, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, hiatory, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thurrday Written arithmetic, thecry of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiolopy, geography, com position, algebra, English literature, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history. For- CooatT Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at 9 o'clock a. m., and "continuing until Friday, Angust 13, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading, physical geography-Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, phytiiology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. Note Teuchcrs holding ierrn!tn are expected to take this examina tion. R. A. Foiin, County School Superintendent. Citation. In the county court of the state ol Oregon for the county of Crook. In the matter of the estate of Andrew J. Pinnegan, deceased Citation. To Edward A. Finnegan, John II. Firi negan and ail heirs of above named de cedent, unknown, if any there be, greeting: In t e name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at the court room thereof, at Prineville, In the county of Crook, on Monday, thefith day of Hepteni. ber, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show caune, if any tbere be. why an order of thii court should not he made authorizing the ad ministrator of the estate of Andrew J. Fin negan, deceased, to sell the folio ving de scribed ri al estate of said deceased, to-wit. The we.--t half of the nortliwe-it quarter of section eight, and the west half of the southwest quarter of section five, and the south halt of the northeast quarter, aim the- southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section seven, in township fifteen south of range twenty-one east of Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Witness, the Hon. H. C. Ellis, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon fi.r the county of Crook, with the seal of said court affixed, this 28th day of July, 19011. (Seal) Attest Warren Brown, Clerk.7-29 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice l hereby (flven by the onderniened, the executor of the estale of William (;. Win,, deceased, that he bag made and filed bin 11 mil accounting: of hln administration nr.u estate and that the Honorable cou my court jnonuay, me. oin aay ortteplemlx'r lis, at the hour of 10 o'clock In th foren.w.n at the county court room In Prineville, Orr Ron. as the time and place for hearing; and b:ii,iiijic nuiu unui accounting. At wnlch time and place any Person Interest,! In aui.i estate may appear and object to said final ac counting;. JJuteu mis ZHtb day of July, V". T.M.BALDWIN. Executor of the will of William 0. Wills, deceased. - IT! Professional Cards, Jpt . 3 rink j( jlntt, tPrimtwill, Ortyon. Ctliott, ZPrintm'llt, Ortyom. & 0. JCj,d, !PAy$ieian mn4 Jury torn Calls Axswirkd PanMrrLV IUt os Nioht Orrics ons Uooa Hocth or ADsaaoa's OauarVroas. Boi h office au ruJ duuoe tvlvphoues. SPrintviil; - - Ortffem Huy your HtrnwlKTrlcd nt Stew art. Genuine Hood Klvero. jCawytr Practice tn all State and F'ederal Courts) i-aiaiaw, Vrigon C. 3rix jfltorn f y at" jCam SPeal Cstate Office with Geo.W. Barnes ZPrinim'll, - - Ortyo !Piysiean and Snryo Calti mngwmrmii promptiy day or night Lfrm tt0 f Timrifm ' !PrinoHl; Ortfon, SPrinmmiiim, Orgon County SPAfstofan) Belknap dc Ca 'wards HPiytieian ana' Surytont. Of it &rl 2eor Cat m 1&m,ft Ortyen, Notice for Publication. Not coal land. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tbe Dalles. Oregon, July 20, Ym. Notice is hereby (jiven that Klonzo Shepherd, of l'aulina, Oregon, wlio, on July, 1!)07. niaile homestead Herial No. OIHIIj No. IWi-'fl. for V. HK4, section 82 and section S'i. township a south, rsiit;c 2 east, Willamette Meridian, hrs filed notice of intention to make mini commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his office at Prineville. Oregon, on the 1st day of September, 1909. Claimant names as. witneses: Grover Price and Orvllt I. Davison, of Prineville, Or.; Henry W. Pickett and Bruce Balfour, of Paulina, Or. 7-atp C. W. Moobk, Eegistor, PI387 Statement of Resource and Liabilities of i The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al the close of business Juno 23, 1909 MKHOI HCKH tans and lMaoounls r.'V"'.11'1" "A t'nltrd Hiatoe Uontla li-VOtll Ban It r remises U.MI ' Itixtoitipilon mnd ......... Sft (W t'aah 1'uf froiu tmiika l'.,li M B. F. All.a. freaUrat WUI Warsweilea. Via. PrM.Bl THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) . J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor l'KINEVIl.LK, OREGON Stock iHinnloil by the day, wwk or month at Reason ali! rate. Remember tin when in rrineville. Rates Rkasonabik. We hare Fine Livery Rigs For Rent nrwintnnriririnnn.ririninnnnr.irKiiririM W Jt.JkL JWJk. Ja JL. Jt. JkJL Jk. Jb: t. JaJ Jkl JkUk JC JWJt. J n r..i l : j n L J r i w J r - c J LJ r-i LJ r 1 tJ r i t. J r. i w J ri i j n u r.i LJ r-i u. J r,.i LJ n LJ Scnoral ffilacksmithing iiorsejmiokino, w(k)d work, ktc., Neatly and Pkomitly Dob When it is Done By : : : !iobcrt ?oore Satisfaction Will Pklmcvim-k, ri LJ riririnnrnririnrtnrrirvirirr,irsriMr!innrnr,.i LJLJkLJLJLJkJLJkJLJLJLJLjfL'JLULULJLJLUkJLUkiiLUkUUUUJ ' LJlIJLJl:JLJi ILJLJLJLJlLJaiUUJDJUJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLiJLJ r,-i M f 1TAI LJ I iA 1 l'Ilkl 1 1UC J lieii lVCMdUI dill u ri MILLER BUILDING. PRINEVIUUE. OREGON ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ n LJ n LJ i j LJ r.i L J r.r LJ r,,i LJ ri L J r i First Gass Meals 25c and Up 'Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Ciirrjlnif u i-liolvv Bt'ltt'lliin of flue enndj, clgan, orantri', lt'iiidiiH, etc. Give u it call. , SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ LJ nirrir-irirr.r.ririrrjrirr.iirrinnniiriiriirnrnriririiiririr.i LJLJLJkvJLJLJLJLJLaL jLJLJLJL:iJLJLUL.Lll,Uk:jLJk.ULyLJLlJLtJk,J A JV JWjfcJfc AW AJm sflkjaV afW j 4 Drop in and See i Champ Smith a i i i i i i i i i i i i i DEAXEK IN Soft Drinks of all kinds 1 Imported and Domestic Cigars : At the old Smith & Cleek stand, Main street, two ' doors south First National Bank Quality I what the rarvlul buyer in vesiigatf when jHirchasing jew elry or waklirK. Wo itnd be liind the quality of f vrrytliing wm'1I wo tuitrntp it to be ol the quality we rrirtettt it l bo WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineville, Oreg on UAIItlJTIKt rwpltal ntopk icox 00 Hurplus and undlvhlrd pniBU V.ffl H tireulatton .7:.". n.a 00 Individual Itopoalt) I; T. M. B.Mwta. Caakler H. BaMwtn, Aas'l CaakW 8 ft! ft! flL LJ n r..i L J r.i LJ LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.a LJ K.l LJ r..i LJ LJ r.a L J r..i LJ r..i LJ ri He Guaranteed Orkoom. LJ r.i L J m m r..i Mnnt-nsiMAMl- LJ LJ n LJ r.i LJ ri LJ LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.a 133 r.i Shingles, Moulding, Windows, Dooro, GlftHHes, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON rtTiTafsjjfe CROQE CQUHTY Ml . Or'FIOERS: W. A. Booth, Prsildsnt D. r. Stiwaht, Vies Prasldant O. M. Elkins, Oashlsr DIREOTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini, D. r. Stiwart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections r will re ceive prompt atten-tion lit tli Circuit Ouurl of tlit lat vt 0t4 Hti lor I'rwik iHnni. 0. It. Miattu. k, .'ainllir, Jamra II, Urran, ill fi lidanl. It y viitn of an vimaiuu aiiil xnlcr of salr Usuail mil of Ilis alaivs rnlillr.1 mrl mi lhi l.ltli ilay f Jiuir, titsj, In lavur ol lh aliorii nanivil J'laliilMl ami RKaliiKt t lis above nsiiml di'U inlaiii, fur (lia sum of t'JI.iH) alili ltilaml Ihvrrun Irtuii tlx list day of ImmvhiInt, Itai7. al lb rait, of ,.M iht irni jwr ai ii ii ii tat ami t-" ') atiornrys' riw, ami Hi imilirr sum of SI.kiu coats, aliiiii ii,latiiir-i-t aa rnnilliil ami .!.. rtinl In Iha flvrk's ollli'r of talil ruurl In said ouiinty itii th lAih day of May, AikI liar, It aa riiriltHT unlrrwl ami iliwrwtl liy Uib I'lmrl Dial tlia foll..inK Icm rilwil rral ralaic, lih KW KK4, NKLj hVVVii, and lot 4 of sn-llon , aiul lot I of sM'tloti .Hi, town.lilp ir suiuh of raiixa IJ rai, W. M., lit Crook ooiitity, tirvauii, boill by th hhariir ol aal.l ro.nu. as umlM MilUiii, and tlis nrot-nals of suoli sals ritr ayliit tlis coals, kltornvys' Im ami tiaa liarvln sUtwl, shall I ao illml Um tli juiliimimt, ami If Ills pro. , .", h. '' nmilBi-lKiit. lb plalnllll sliall hava jiKlKinrnt ami . turn sxatuxl Ilia .frlni.Uiit, Jamra II, Umn, to rmovr such balanra unpaid. NoHoa Is Uvrvby Rlvsn. that In oWdi.ncs to snld viM'utlun ami onWr of sola, I liava If v i'U upon and I will 011 Satsriay. lU list stsy si Jaly. ItOt, at lb hour of I o'clock In tli altrriioon e t aid day, at tli front door of thv court Iioum In Ilia ulty of frinwllla. t'rook oiiiity,UrK'ii. a.. al ul,p aiicllon. Io Ilia biKhit blddrr forraah, all lb rinlit, lltlaaml lntrt of aal.l ilrrndant, Jama II. lirveii, in and to aal.l alav doaorllwd morlKanisI .rorly, to aattsfyanld Imln 111111 ami Intartul and atUirncys' Icra, and sHiata and aftulnu ooala, DaUM Ibis 'Jstlt day of Juar, Hmi. Kit AN K KI.KINH, rllicrllT, Crook county. Urrvun. Klral asut 7-1. last 7k Shorlfr Salo. In tli CI rcu 1 1 Court of Ilia 8ut ol Ora. Hon for Crook comity, C. P.tfmUb and Will II. Hiiiith, lilaliitlfiB, vs Cliarli's K. Ijiiiiaon, Ada Ijiiiioii, II. M. kcrabaw, t ol.mcl P.hmtth, It.V. Htrart and W, A. II.MHh, dvtrmlaula. Ily virtue of an rawullon ami ordrrof ale IsMird nut of Ilia aliov rimtlml i-tiurt oil tli l.itb day of Jiiur, lum, upon a in. Ik 111111 rrmlvrtnlln said court on Hi 7lfi day of May, I WW. In favor of lb abova named pluiiililU and axaluat llic aliov nauicl do fi'iidnnla Cbarlr l.amaon am) Ada Ijiiii mm, for aoui.isi with Inirn-t thrn-oii fr.nn lb laLday of Novruibrr, U7, al lb ral of ten yt't c iii Mr aniiuiii and ftv.taJ at tornvyi' Ires, ami ia ID rosla. And wborraa, It aa lurllirr or.lcrvd anil dcrd by lb Conn tbat lb certain judg ment of tb roomy court of tb state of Orcnon for Crook 1 oiiiuy. entered In the Judgment docket of ..!.! court on tbe 1Mb nay ol May, ltl. In lavur of Colonel K. nmllh and aKalual I lie ilelrmlatit, Cbnrlcs K. Ijiiii-oii, for ftd.M. UI llileiot al tb late ol tell per cei.t ir aliuuni fi.nn tb-lo. Ur UHb, t.117, for 117 . n.-ia and r.uu altoruevs' fee Is a n-coiid l.fh upon lb bcrelnalier drscillail pn Hilars, and that lb proceeils of sale of ai,l tirrnilaea afler -ali.lj in lb JmlKtiienl of plalntilla aliov iteacrtlwd, I applied lolbe paymeul of the auid luilyiueiit ol Colunel I, Mnlth. Tbat lb jmlKiiiri.lof the fin tilt Court of lb Male of t'tvuoii for Crook county n udcrrd un the Mil day of May, IU-U, In favor of l. I . Mrw.rl and W. A. Iloolh and against tbe drlviidants herein. Charles K. Irfima.iu and Ada liuiaoii, ,r lb sum of tM.ut, uli Intereat at tbe rat ot ten urt cent mt annutii from Urloher XI. Iwi;, lor H'l.ui attorneys' fro and 17.Mcost and dialHirvineiiU, entered In the Judg menl da-ket of aald court on Ih imh day or May, Hmi, is a third lieu upon said premise, and that any surplus remaining alter satisfying tli Judgment of plalntilla and the Judgment ol Colonel K. biittth, Imi applied to tb satisfaction of an I.I Judg ment ol U. K. Htewart and W. A. llooth. Andllaaa furlbcr ordered and decreed by the court tlial Ilia f.illowlitg descrilied premises, theHS NW.and lota 3 and 4. ectton S, In lownabip IS south, rang 13 east, W. M., also an un.llvl.le. ohe-iliir.l intvrcat In tb rtW W, section SI. In town ship I'i south, rang 13 east, W. M., all in Crook county, Urcgon, be sold by tli Hbvriffof said county as under eieouilon, and tlis proceeda of such sale, aftar paying the costs and attorney's lee herein staled shall be applied upon Iha judgment, ami If lb proceeds of such sal lie Inautllrietit, the tilulntiir shall bsvs Judgment against lb defendant. - hecond-That any surplus I applied lo imlgmeiit of Colonel K. Hlnllh. Third Tbat anv surlus remaining after satisfying tbe Judgmeul of plalntills and Iha jiiilginent of Colonel F. buiilh, shall b applied In the sati-.fn. tlon of Ih lu.lg nient of U. K. Htewart and W. A. lloolli abov uswcrltied. Notice is hereby given that In olwlieiic to said execution and order of sal I hava levied upon, and will 0a Sslarisy, Ik 31st Jay al Jaly, 1909, al tlis hour of I o'clock In Ih afternoon of said day, at the front .1. Mir of the court bouse in the city of I'rlnsvtlle. lit Crook county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tb highest bidder, lor caah, all the right, title and interval of said defemlanla. In ami to said mortgaged premises above de scrilied, to smUfy said Judgments ataive mentioned, and Intercut and attorney '1 fees ami r.,Kt, ami cost of sale. Dated this Will day of June, HMI. KUANK KI.KINH, rilierlff, Crook county, Ur. Klrst Issue 7-1, last 7--v CU for Warrants. Notice (s hereby given that the billowing Crook county warrants, issued seven years prior lo July I, 1IM1, must lie presented for iiaymcnl within flu days from said July 1, WW, otherwise Ibcy will lie cancel lel ami paynient tricreftfter be re fined as provided ly law. July 10, iHJSt 1 M Bnyder 1 00 January It, lMWm VuiikIikii., 4 6 January II, lHWi-e Vanover 1 Ml K.'.t..ml..T l, l"W-Koret Uiilmbv , I 70 Hcplemlier 4, lw-Kmnk ItolillulUe.... I "0 Hepteuiber H,lM--0 M (Ireon I W " " " Mrs Rvl I W " " " W bailee 1 00 " " " Jniniw Morgan J W January ".'WW-A K Hill 1 10 March i, Itfuo Minor Uwls I t June'JM, I'jOO-r. M ('our limy I ' Hruno Kmns 1 (W " " II II rk-rllliif I "0 November . ml A H Jones HO N.ivein Iht ft, Marry llallcy November 111, l"0 T J lnvlll ! " " IM, Hllner ,. July. ltiOl-i.uclln Wlmer. loo Murnb II. 1W V Collet " lffto July I, lWi-J J N Hennelt ' Heptemlier, ll Chas Miller ' ISO November , Charles UHWansoo.. 1 u Novetuuer , Wl-Ueo le ! UO WABKKN HROWN. 6-7-0)tt Dounty Clerk. Notic of I'iiul Setllemcnt. Notice la hereby given hy the under Hlgned, be ndmlnlHtratorol tbe extate of John McVeigh, deceased, to all person" in terested In said estate, that be lias filed with the clerk of the county court bis (In 11 1 accounting of hia adminis tration of suld estate and that the Court lias set Monday, tlio 2d ' day of August, KUW, at the county courtroom in I'nnevlllo, Oregon, as tbe time" and place lor hearing and settling said lUial ac counting. At which time and pines any person interested in tiiid estate may ap penr and object to suld Hnal accounting. JJuted this 1st day of July, 1I"W. M. ft. Kl.MOTT, Administrator of the estate of John Mc Veigh, deceased. . ' o7-2U I For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands INTHB DESCHUTES VALLEY write inure 1 Awn rrt ..v Redmond, Oregon