0. Crook Coiaety COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1909. VOL XIII-N0.33 Jourail. TITANIC STRUGGLE FOR POSSESSION OF DESCHUTES Jim Hill liitrndu to jflve Iliirrlinnn tint ritllruml rnce of lit I Iff In tin' building of a railroad up the IK, chutcw canyon hit i Central Orr-iron, nml i(Nwllily on through to n t-r-mliitm nt Oakland, Citllforiiln. Thin at lnt twin to l n lotrlcal annul In the Uuv of the railroad itcvrlopmciiU nt tlii) iimt week. I ll t t Into In n. rnllroitd wiirnn In the lim-huU trorirti nml tlmt It will liMniitu liuulc proportion In the near future awiim mirv. Couilng rlht on the IhvIn of thu uiiiiMtinl ac tivity of tint llarrliiian Com In iM tlng count met Ion work on the lino I tlm canyon u ruler wny, Tortor Ilri., contractor), who have done tlitt hlKJtiKt part of Jim Hill's con nlrmilon work on lihi Important rnllroml exU-iiHlniia, hut Friday tin. IoiuIimI from tlm ntrnmor llalloy (lnt4Tt nt The Halloa forty wagon lomU of utippllc nml count ruction outfit nml hiw now hurrying them Into the I Hue h ii tin rnnyon im fiust it thi-y cum, milking the tnti-nii'iit Unit tluy nrv going to liulht a rnllroml on theOrvgon Trunk nurvt-y in turn Miitlriw nml iiiiiylKMin through the ntate. To enp thin, Innt Monilny, Porter Unw, inmhnmil the In ml nt the henil of She wagon grade whlt-li thu Harrl- riiun (orcin had built from the top of the lunik of tlm lVachuUn, went of Ornn Vnlley, t a cont of f 10,000, nml have locked the gntcw ncromi tlm rond nml put mi untied guard nt tlm Bute to keep trcupimwr off . Twohy llrcm. had fulled to aocure title to right of wny for thin wagon roud nml Porter Ilro., went In mid puld :W,000 for the land they wanted mid have thiiN Hhut off llnrrlimin'a big coiihI ruction en tup from their Imae of Miipplle nt (I run Vnlley, Thin roud lend down the Muff nt n ntrngHli point on tlm route, where there I only room for one rnllroml, nml w her) n long tunnel will le drilled through what I known n llorwe Hhoe lietid. llnrrluinii'M workmen liulltlhe roiul down the bluff nml now Porter Prow, propone to tnko their teain down the grade mid ewtulillxh camp mid put their fori1' to work on the illxptited right of wny, while thu lliirrliiiiiu crowd In hunting for mime iimnn to get their equipment onto the ground. When the North hunk road wn U-Ing built thl ort of utrntegy wn much In evidence with the flnnl remilt that Porter Pro., Jim 1 1 111 henil cont rat-tor were always aucccMiful. And furtherruori, the court held that the com puny flrat to build their grade on the dlfpuled territory had the better claim. Ko It would eem that If Porter Pro, get buxy mid get Home work done before the Hnrrlinuu crowd can flud n new route Into the cunyoii. It will give the Hill rond the advantage at leant In thl one trngetlc point. Porter Pro, deny thnt they are In the employ of J liu Hill, Put there are tunny Mlgulllcunt point which make It hard to Ullcve thnt the great rnllroml builder I not behind them. The Oregon Trunk line wn originally promoted by Seattle men, headed lie VV, F, NVImoii. ltloiiie what of A coincidence that It. A. Pulllnger once held stock In the company, though thl wiu In-fore he became CoiiimlMMlouer of the General I .arid Office, or Hwrvtary of the In- terlor. . Lwt yenr Porter Pro, and V. D. WllllntiiHon, of Hpoknne, pure hawed the Oregon Trunk. Porter Pro., a I well known, built Hill' North llauk roal. vVllllaiimon luut tlm nrord of having built one of Hill' rond Into Prltlnh ('oliimhlu. , Hill Eafiaetf tmpltjU. One of the flmt net of the new holder wan to employ, n engineer, N. V. IU thi-1, who wu right-of-way man nml engineer on the North Bank. Pethel' connection with the North Punk extend back to the day when a rnllroml down thnt Hide of the Columbia Hlver wo hoped for more than It wn anticipated by the public. , HI now recalled how Mr. Pethel cNtnhllHhcd an ofllce In The Palh- and pent two year ijletly securing rlght-of-way lor II III, between Pan co and Vancouver. In addition there hn recently be come attached to the Oregon Trunk engineering corj.a, T. II. Hanford, who wax coiiMtrnctlon englni-er on the North PanL. In addition to Unite truw pointing the direction of the wind, it I ttated here that all of the Oregon Trunk' legal bunlne I trammeled byJameaU. Kerr, of Portland, attorney for the North Hank. Ko many former Hill men engaged In thl ueweuterprbw cnue a firm conviction that the order which reached Porter Pro, on ThurHilay morning In Portland came from the Hill headquarter. After tlm return of John F. Kteveim, J fill' confidential repre wntatlve, from ' hi Incognito trip through thftOntrnl Oregon country early In July, two of the Porter Pro, were clouded with him In Port land for ncvenil hour. Now come the report that terminal land And wurfuge, I liclng bought by Hill representative nt Oakland, t'nll fomla, nnd thnt right of wny In dif ferent part of Northern California I nlo U'lng acquired by men uppoed to be In the employ of Hill. Poth of the rival coimtructlon force are getting together all the men and equlpnieut thnt they can In a manner that how great hunte, and there I now little doubt thnt Continued on 4th pnge. July Clearance Sale Extraordinary We are determined to sell every piece of Summer Goods left in our house and to clear our decks for Fall Goods now coming. We have therefore placed on sale, beginning Friday, July 24, At Actual Wholesale Cost Every Shirt Waist and Shirt Waist Suit, all white skirts, parasols, kimonas, white hose and millinery. In broken lines we have reduced the price to a mere fraction of the actual cost to make sure everything will go. Do not let this pass as we will not have another sale of such magnitude this season. All Summer Dress Goods such as printed wash goods, lalislrs, organdies, and fancy lawns at actual cost. White Hose and White Canvas Shoes (or misses and ladies. We have some sizes which you can have at less than cost as we want to close out every pair. Laces and Embroideries at a big saving. Odds and ends at less than cost to dose. Toilet Paper 6 rolls lor 25c heller grade 3 rolls lor 25c We have many odds and ends ol Summer Skirts, Ladies' Dusters etc, that are included in this sale. Goods will he marked in plain ligurcs and we do not ask you to huy unless you see a bargain. Men's Department, Men.s straw hats in dressy shapes, and a lew suits in latest styles, at cost. , Boys' Summer Suits, in Knickerbocker pants, : Boys' Shirt Waists, Boys' Straw Hats, all at cost The "College Girl" Corset Only one ol (he many styles we handle. We lit any size ' and style ligure. Bit Shoe Bargains Odd pairs ol Men's and Women's Tan Shoes, regular $4.00 to $5.00 values, at - - $2.25 Children's Moccasins, regular 1.2o at - - 85c 1.45 - 1.00 Ladies' While Canvas Oxlords, - - - 90 cents and up Children's sizes, white Oxlords 75 cents Summer Dress Goods Batistes, regular 15 cent grade reduced to 9 cents per yard Batistes " 16J cent M " 12 cents per yard rercales, regular at 12! cents reduced Ito - - - 9 cents ' , Percales. " 15 " " - . . . 10 cents Fancy Ginghams, regular 25 cent orade reduced to 171 cents ner vard 7 neavy Xnn,e1 Uucks ,n spes reduced to 12J cents per yard W J Mercerized Summer Silks regular at 57J cents, now 37J cents fffl HANDSOME SHOPPING BAGS GIVEN AWAY During this sale we will present with each purchase amounting to $5.00 or more in departments advertised in this sheet a rge, nna.onie runnec onopptng liag-a useful article to every lady. This applies to any purchase made between ana auuuji iu, C. W. ELKINS, Prineville, Oregon now COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS IN FULL FOR JULY TERM Petition lor county ro(l bjr AngaiU Kullertou Ft l. I'etitioo, rtiJayit of poatinii notir and bond for 100 with Charltf J. Ilindman and W. N. Cobb m tu retie, filed and approved. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of pro. peel roftl on August 2(1, V.W, view, review and aurvey ume and report at tbe next term of thia court. I'jiou iworn rtateinenl of Mr. R. Parriuli and examination of the recordi, the clerk ia directed to draw a w arrant on the general fund in favor of Mrs. R. Furrinii lor .t kH, the mi..c being taxe; heretofore paid on land not owned by taid Jim. h. Parrieh. The petition for count." road by A. 8. Phillip et al. wan withdrawn by re quent. Upon itstement of W. If. Cummingt, du!y corroborated by the records, ihow ing that he had paid (15.04 taxea on property for l'J08, and that the Uxei thereon had already been paid by one Ilogen, clerk ia directed to draw a war rant on the general fund for 115.04 in favor of taid W. II. Camming. The resignation of Ed Merritt aa road supervisor for Summit precinct, District No. 10, accepted and Bert Wright ap pointed as his successor. The petition of C. T. McCall et al. for county road continued to the Septem ber term because of failure to sbow legal posting of notice. Petition for county road by Jack W. Jones et al. Petition, affidavit cf cost ing notice and bond for 200 with J. D. Mayes and A. Zell as (u re ties, filed and approved. Remonstrance not proper at this time. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of road on August 24, 1909, view out, survey and review said road Dd report thereon at the next term of this court. Petition of L. A. Young to be released from bond of William Blair, justice of the peace, was granted and he ia hereby released from said bond ; and the clerk is hereby directed to notify said Blair and to request him to furnish new sure ty on bond. Surveyor's and viewers' report on the Robert B. McLane road received and approved, and said road declared a pub lic Highway. Clerk is directed to notify supervisor to open said road and to request petitioners to work one day each on said road. Tbe surveyor's and viewers' report on the J. C. Tullar road was continued to the September term. , Surveyor's and viewers' report on the Max Lueddeman road was continued to the September term to give time to file amended petition, bond and to poet notice of amended petition. The surveyor's and viewers' report on the Kirk Whlted road for private change was adopted and road declared a public highway. Clerk directed to notify sup ervisor to open said road and to request petitioners to work one day each on said road. This being a private change, clerk to notify bondsmen to pay costs. Petition for county road by E. A. Gil- lett et al. Petition, affidavit of poet inn notice and bond for f 100 with . A. Gillett, J. B. Brown, J. W. Elliott and W. R. McFarlane, filed and approved. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road on August 19, 1909, view, review and survey out said proposed road and report thereon at the next term of thia court. In order to properly prosecute the work of bridging the Deschutes river at Bend and other places it is hereby ordered that the county court draw war rant on general road fund for $1000 in favor of R. II. Bayley. me resignation ot uaipu Sharp as Justice of the Peace for Prineville pre cinct was accepted. Mark Powell was appointed to fill the vacancy, to serve until the next general election. Clerk directed to notify appointee. The resignation of A. F. Ramsay as Justice of the Peace for Laidlaw pre cinct was accepted and J. C. Thorp ap pointed as his successor until the next general election. In re the Livingston addition to the Town of Palmehn ; continued for failure to conform to Btatute as per surveyor's report thereon. Vick Butler was appointed road sup ervisor for Montgomery precinct No. 4, for the ensuing part of the year 1909. Albert Seals was appointed road sup ervisor for Lamouta precinct No. 29 for for the ensuing part of this year 1909. - J. E. New bill was appointed road supervisor for Willow Creek precinct No. 9, for the ensuing part of this year 1909. James Kaas was appointed road sup ervisor for Kutcher precinct No. 23, for ensuing part of year 1909. The plat of Charles Altschuls first addition to the town of Paulina was examined and upon due certification thereof by the county Burveyor and county assessor, the same is hereby ap proved by the court and ordered spread of record. Delegates from Crook County to the National Irrigation Congress are hereby appointed as follows: Will Wurxweiler Squaw Creek ; J. N. B. Gerking, Colum bia Southern; C. M. Redfield, Des chutes; D. F. Stewart, Crooked river; T. M. Baldwin, Ochoco. The surveyor's and viewers' report on the C. E. Roush gateway wu approved and tbe payer of petitioners for a gate way waa granted conditioned apoo pay ment of viewers fees and cost of loca ting to the county clerk and filing with said clerk the receipt for $3.00 due mentioned in said viewer' report. Petition for county road by David Travis. Petition, affidavit of posting and bond for $250 with Walter Darrow, David Travis and Wn. II. Stonehocker as sureties, filed and approved. View ers ordered to meet at beginning of said road on August 20, 1909, view, re view and survey said proposed road and report thereon at the next term hereof. In the matter of damages on account of the William Brownbill county road. I pon a full bearing and by agreement it is ordered that the county clerk draw a warrant on the road fund for $100 in favor of Willis W. Brown, the same to be in full payment for all damages and claims caused by reason of the laying out and opening of said road across the premises of said Brown, or Veaxie & Brown. The resignation of Dick Vandevert aa road viewer was accepted and J. W. Elliott appointed to succeed him. Owing to the additional duties in the office of the county treasurer since Octo ber, 1908, and the report of tbe investi gation of the May grand jury and their recommendation, it is ordered that said treasurer be allowed $25 per month, be ginning Nov. 1, 1908, for extra work, and that said allowance continue until registration of warrants ceases, or until tbe further order of this court. The term of office of tbe county health officer having expired on July 1, 1909, Dr. J. II . Rosenberg of Prineville, Or., is hereby appointed health officer for Croak county, to serve nntil July 1,1911. It is hereby ordered that the following rates shall be the maximum charger, unless under special order of this court in surgical and like cases : Office visits, other than surgical eases, $1 ; calls in Prineville, $2.50 for first call and $2 for each subsequent call on same case ; calls in country $1 per mile one way up to 20 miles, and 75c per mile one way for each additional mile. Smallpox cases double the above rates. It ia further ordered that in the filling of prescriptions and furnishing of drags and materials to or for county charges, no particular drug store, firm or corporation shall be favored. ' Henry Clow is hereby appointed jani tor of the court house at a salary of $50 a month until the further order of this court. Heia required to sleep in said building bat no cooking by kerosene, gasoline or otherwise ia allowed. All rooms and offices are to be swept, cleaned and dutted after the same are vacated for the day by the respective officers ; taid janitor is to keep the cir cuit courtroom and adjoining rooms locked, and also the attic door, but he shall, when so requested, show stran gers inrougn said building, warning them against smoking or otherwise en dangering said building from fire, espe cially while in the attic or tower. He is requested to be ever vigilant against the careless or unnecessary use or waste of electricity or water in and about said building. He is not to absent himself from his duties at any time without tbe permission of this court. He is to tee that no county property ia loaned or re moved from said building or premises without the order or written permission of this court. This appointment to take effect at 7 a. m. July 22, 1909, and the further services of Sam Rubergorhis assistant is to be dispensed with at said time. The county clerk is requested to ad' vertise for bids on the large safe now in the county clerk's office. Bids to be re ceived by the county clerk np to 6 p. m Saturday, July 24, 1909. In the matter of the rebate of tax penalty to Scanlon-Gibson Lumber Co. Upon sworn statement, certificate o! tax collection and examination of the records, tbe county clerk is directed to draw a warrant on the general fund for $34.12 in favor ot Baid company, being the amount of penalty incurred since March 15. 1909. Pursuant to statute the county court did this day burn and reduce to ashes the scalps of 241 coyotes and the front feet of 36 other bounty animals. The following bills were allowed Ed Merritt, juror's lees F F Smith " LJZ James Dyer ' R E Jones ' WmBrownhill " " !!Z 0 C Hon " " JAKlum - ."..""Z Perry Read " ' , A M Logan " R W Breese " - W H Kinder Frank Zumwalt " Com Swanson " " A D Anderson ' " S P Loving " " Tillman Reutcr " " 8K West " " A V Warren " Geo Dee Elwood Roberts ' CW Palmehn ' " J O Powell - " , 0 W Allen " T J Stewart " I W Spear ' W 0 LIthgow " " George Rodman, grand juror ... P Vlbbert T R Lafollatt " " J H Hunter " W rullertoa R Jordaa Wa Boecll " frad Hunoell, witness feM MllUrd Trlpleit, do Z. Wat Slavens do Owlsi Llndscr do Chaa rindley do Pearl Ptndler do JC Houston do . C H Harold do . " L M Hodges do Jofaa Milliora do Henry Hedges do John R Pryrear do Edward Dean do Kdwia Henry do Tneo O Becker do Joha Slsemore do L A Young do Id Hyde do OB Mayes do Joa liarrell do AnstlaKlser do W H Kilmer do KobertOsborn do Chaa Ethrldge do , Owen Morris do B P Loelllng do J H Jackson do Hollle DeHaven do Nellie Cowlea do Elsie Cow Irs do . Blisa cowlea do . LolaliEricksoa do J L Keever do TB Rogers do K W Harris do Geo Knox do E E Sherwood do TH Sands do David Hamer do LR Harrey do L A Young do John Milliora do J E Roberta do Mary Walters do Uui Walters do Leonard Walters do Was BoegU do Joha McTsggart do , IT Robinson do , , J W Livingston do . Orlando Diekenon do CW Eh ret do . eorge Rodman Fred Davis do H L Friday do H K Paxtoa do J H Friday do Mrs Wm Blair do B J Newaom do JT Disney de A L Templeton do Albert Hay do I 11 40 13 V) a oo 1 00 lg 10 11 60 a oo t 00 40 60 4 00 2 00 81 00 35 20 ss oo 35 00 82 50 32 00 33 00 81 00 85 00 80 60 27 20 84 00 35 00 28 00 30 40 26 40 do Ed McCaffrey do W 8 Andrews do Robert Osborn do Harry Hamilton do Boney Lytle do Stanley Morris do Joha Zeek do George B Taylor do C W Ehret do Perry Read 'do Robert Osborn do M C Shelton do Jim Davidson do R W Zevely do Al Hill do Floyd Caldwell Joe Smelxer do DQuakenbosh do Sam Gnlliford do C A Lnelling do V U White do Ralph 8harp do Mrs Jennie Smith H F Jones do . Don P Rea do R DeHaven do Annie DeHaven d Carrie DeHaven i C S Edwards do . I W Ward do Wm Howell do Jeff, Bilyeu do Frank Wood do Rob Tassell do L J Jonas do W F King do do Mary Hinton do Bud Fields do George Lackey do ' J C Robinson, depy sheriff, expense Millard Trlplett, bringing In witnesses.. J E Lores 11, special depy sheriff. Mrs. Jennie Smith, spl agt for 8tate. Mrs C K McDowell, board and lodging.. O C Dixon, treatment insane Olean Land Company, tax rebate Z M Brown, bringing Insane to Prinevl A H Lippman 4 Co, chair cir court room H F Jones, bringing in prisoner J H Jackson, serving subpoenas Review, printing . Sam Ruberg, janitor Wm Johnson, recording Robert Moore, blacksmithing.... Joe Kelso, labor . R A Ford, traveling expenses. John F Dell, janitor work. C W Merrill, justice fees G R Andrews, stand Burroughs Adding Machine, 1st paymt... Jesse Stearns, cost bill M F Hawthorn, serving subpoenas .. Mann & Beach, license .records Glass A Prudehomme, records C 3 Edwards, health officer salary Belknap A Edwards, care poor A insane Frank Elkina, sheriff salary " " deputy salary Warren Brown, clerk salary " " deputy salary . H C Ellis, judge's salary. . R A Ford, supt salary 166 66 J D Latollette, assessor salary , 164 6S W F King, treasurer salary , MO CO W F King, county account , 82 85 Wm Johnson, work in sheriff's office 94 50 Fred A Rice, survtyor tees 283 85 7 SO 28 50 S 60 15 00 75 10 15 00 23 20 18 85 221 CO 82 00 3 50 416 66 200 00 300 00 150 00 166 66 C D Rice, copying ubstracts O G Collver, cbalnman R 8 Murray, flagman.. ... Fred Fulgham, marker...,...., F A Taylor, flagman C W E Foot, marker W D McNemar, chainman James Kaas, flagman. G 8 Mays, chainman LF Kelly, ' . J I Jones, axman.... J W May, chainman Ira May, " C H Ellis, axman J W Patton, ' F N Wallace, chainman . J C Thorp, flagman.. J C Tullar, chainman F E Dayton, marker.... E F Dean, axman J A Brown, chainman Dick Vandevert, marker..., I N Dunkle, chainman.. ...... W N Dunkle, flagman .. Peter Delore, . " . C R McLallin, marker Eerie Benton, flagman.. 62 50 ,4 CO r 2 00 4 00 ''4 CO 10 CO 4 10 (0 00 4 10 4 00 4 CO 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 too ' 00 4 00 00 , 2 00 i a oo t 00 t oo 2 00 10 00 2 00 Continued on 2d page.