sy' ' COLUMBIA DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS A different selection on each side They fit any machine That tells the whole story except that at 65 cents for the Columbia Double-Disc you get a better record, on each side, than you ever bought be fore at $1.20 for the same two selec tions. Get a catalog! D. P. Adamson & Co. Squaw Creek Water Rights to be Settled John H. Lewis, state engineer, president of the Board of Control of the state of Oregon, announces else where In this issue that he will begin the investigation of the flow of Squaw creek, and the ditches divert ing water therefrom, on Monday, August 16, pursuant to a petition filed with the Board of Control re questing a determination of the rela tive rights of the various claimants to the water. F. M. Saxton, the superintendent of water division No. 2, will begin taking testimony as to the rights of the parties claiming water from said stream on Wednesday, September 29, !09, at 10 a. m., at the Sisters Hotel, Sisters, Oregon. Church Services. Presbyterian church. 10 a. m., Sun day school. Morning worship at 11; theme, "Unanswered Prayers." Rev. Babbidge, pastor. Union church services. 10 a. m., Bible school. 11 a. in., preaching; topic, "The Broken Vow." 7 p. m., Young People's meeting the union of the societies. Leader, Mrs. W. A. Bell. 8 p. ni., preaching by Rev. Babbidge. We trust the young peo ple will rally and have a good time, and that the Christian workers will not imitate the soldier see I. Kings, 20-40. A cordial welcome to all. C. P. Bailey, pastor. Rev. Bailey will preach at the Johnson creek schoolbouse at 3 p. m., Sunday. Gty Council Meeting. Continue! from pg 1. Cheap Land With Water. If you are looking for t chance to take up desert land and get water on to it here is a snap for you. Any resident of the county will tell you that there is some of the best land in the district be tween the Crooked and Deschutes rivers on the lower desert. Oor plan is to locate settlers and agociate to put water on for irrigation at cost. If you get some of this land you can. RAISE THE DOUCa 3 to 6 tons of clover per acre. 4 to 8 tons of alfalfa per acre. Best soil and bestc imate in Crook county. Perpet ual water right and good title at very low cost. For full information write JoKEPH G. HODSTOX, 6-24-lmo Madras, Oregon. For Sale. Good milch cows and heifers. II. A. Mycrs, 6-24 2w Redmond, Oregon. Found, on Prlnevllle street, a watch. " Owner can recover same at this office by proving property and paying for this notice. llli the con mil, signed by John Coliilw, ngent for the heirs of the J. P. Combs estate. V. U. Young, M. U. Klggs, and two who had signed the petition asking tor the order to build the walk, J. F. Morris nud U H. I- Follette. The last two named made statements saying that they had signed the petition with the under standing that all of the property owners along the street were In favor of making the Improvement, but that they had learned since that this was uot the case. Attorney M. K. Brink peatvd Imv fore the council reprvscntlng the Comba Interests and attacked the petition saying that It was fatally defective In several parts. "This petition doesn't state how long this sldewlk Is to le," snld he. "Nor does It say how wide the walk Is to be made. There Is no such street as Klghth street along a por tion of the property where the side walk is proposed. The committee of the council on streets and public Improvements was ordered to see that this walk was built according to grade, but as a matter of fact there Is no established grade tor street or sidewalks. In that pnrt of town, It there Is lu any part of the town at all. This remonstrance rep resents property owners who will have to pay for this Improvement, while the petition for the sidewalk does not show that any one of the petitioners will have to spend one cent for the construction ot this Im provement. There Is nlxtolutcly no record In this office nor In-fore the council which shows It that sidewalk Is to built in the city limits, or that it Is under their Jurisdiction. There is Just one house on the street where the walk Is proposed that would be served, and that ls?longs either to Mr. Knlghten or Mr. lyer. This Im provetnent will cost In the neighbor hood or fjOO and It looks like too much expense for the service which will le received from It." A. C. Kulghten, who was one of the petitioners stated that at the time the petition was circulated there was no misrepresentation at all to those who signed It. Those who signed the petition and after ward signed the remonstrnnce, he said, had told him that they were not opposing the Improvement After the discussion, the motion, to lay the remonstrance on the table carried. W. F. King appeared before the council asked tor Information concerning regulations about the construction of automobile garngeB and the storing of gasoline. He snld that many new machines were be ing purchased and that their owners were all planning to build houses for them. "If these nre built too close to residence property," snld Mr King, "they will materially affect Insurance rates both tor property and personul risk, and before any one hus gone to the expense of build ing the council ought to look Into these matters and see if they do not need nn ordinance controlling the construction ot the garnges and the storing of the combustible gasoline in tank quantities." Mr. King's suggestion was received with approval by the council and the matter was referred to the com mittee on fire and water to make in vestigation. ' Marshal Huston's report for the past month was presented and tiled. It showed that most all the water users had signed contracts and that that department of the city's busi ness was in good shape. During the month the marshul Impounded three cows, disposed of six dogs and made nine arrests. Moneys collected, t'J.00. City Treasurer J. V. Boone sub mitted his quarterly report to the council. It was read aud referred to the finance committee. The report follows: City Truurcr't Qaarterly Report. To the Mayor and MemlaTS of the city council of Prlnevllle, Or.: I hereby make my quarterly re port for the period ending Julyl, VM): We hereby offer $1000 to anvnne nrovintf rv rtn?m!. - " cal analysis or otherwise that GYRUS NOBLE con- tains anything excepting pure straight aged whiskies. It is distilled in an old-fashioned still and contains all those secondary products of distillation which the , U. S. Agricultural Department and the U. S. Internal Revenue Department rule must be present tqcntitle . the distillation to be called whiskey ' Alcohol does not contain these constituents. Neither tinea rkpar. cn 'rUoA' rti ..,u:.f,J , in a continuous or many chambered stiUjT Money talks. CYRUS J NOBLE-ra pureroId-honest-wUskey aged in wood.' 4 quart bottle, of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE direct to you, all charges paid to the nearest railroad express office.' $4.22 W. jAVANSCHUYyER,& CO. ErtatMed. 1864. 105-107 Second Street PortW Orrcoo i ' o ' CUT AT THIS LINE MO MAIL TO-DAT W. J. Van Schuwer & Co Pi-i n f EkWJ pic find J4.90 lor UI, pkiK lead .(ooc br Genuine Cyrus Noble. " - Nut . P. O. A4W Cwir -.Ski. w cash, consequently the warrant la drawn to the treasurer. The recorder's report, covering the time the present incumbent has licen In service, was presented and re ferred to the finance committee. The follow ing bills were allowed : I'.d Smith, labor, etc J0 00 Marshal s salary 60 00 Water supt's salary, 25 00 Disposing ot 8 dogs ...... 0 00 Fees tor 3 arrests .1 00 Cancelling tltt warrants 0 00 Fees on warrants paid , 0 37 Night watch, 3 nights 7 AO J K Stewart & Co, ntdse W P I. & W Co, light, lamps, etc.. tt 10 Iteeorder's fees 2.1 00 Piano for Sale. Good niano for sale cheai. Kor fur ther information iuiiuir at the Journal otuce, . u-l-u April 1. " 10. " 27. " 28. May 1. " 3. " 3. " 3. " 3. " 3. " 5. " 12. " 20. " 28. " 29. June 1. " 10. " 12. " 12. " 15. " 22. " 23. " 20. " 29. keckiptb. To balance on hnnd..110 90 County treasurer 110 3!) County treasurer 26 83 Shooting gallery llcen 2 00 Moving picture license 20 00 Ilecorder 7 50 Moving picture license 20 00 County treasurer 112 4S ,2 40 " 1 50 Recorder I I 50 43 SO " 7 50 Shooting gallery licen 2 00 County treasurer 2 10 Ilecorder 20 00 County treasurer 12 43 Marshal 7 50 Recorder 5 00 5 00 " 7 50 7 50 Shooting gullery licen Total t.VJO 39 DISHUHHEMKNTH. May 21. raid warrant 705...fl37 84 Balance on hand -2 55 J. W. Boone, ' Clly Treasurer. On motion the recorder was di rected to draw a warrant for $300 in favor of the city treasurer to pay the semi-annual Interest on the f 10,000 water bonds. This sum Is paid In Professional Cards 7. j(mrmmy-t-Cmm iPrinimill, Crtm. 0. JfjJ, t4imm m Calls Atwimr fomi Pat ob Niumt Orvirs On a Ihk sith or ahasmin's Dura Sroa. H01I1 dUIc .a rJ- On ft Buy your strawlsrrle nt Stew arts. Genuine Hood HI vers. jCamytr Practli-e In all State and Federal Courts jCaidtmm, OrfH Qt C. SSrijt S?ra Csiat0 Otllce wllh Geo..W. Barnes iPjkjftitimm mmd SurfB Cm mm WPmm JmM Primmmill. Crfm. Si. SSyy jfltmrnmM..i-mm iPrimtmillm, Orfm (Cmmmfjr JAjrsimm) Belknap dc Cdwards !Pkfimiam mmm iSmrfrmmt. O0m ftnw SKmf mi m tfmmm-t !Pritmill, Orgm. I For Irrigated Farms 51 ana rruu lianas IB IS THE ULSCHUIL5 VALLEY WRITE i JONES LAND CO m Redmond, - Oregon Call for Warrants. Notice in hrrehjr Riven that the tollowiiiK Priuilr '111 lit H u-uwaritu I .. 1 1 . 1 ,f.a,,,j n u i i, 1 1 innnt'l ICini prior to July I, I!i9, mint I pn-svntetl for rinui.i.n. witl.i.. .11, .In... f 1.1 i WW, otherwise tlii-y will lie runcHlod unci payment tnereafU'r lie refused as provided liy law. July HI. im-n M Rnvder on .lummrjr II, lnWfi Win VniiKlinn i " .(tfuiiir ii, io--r I HiKivtT I O" l'llfuit'r 11, IWi-lTon-Kt (jolitiliv 1 70 Hi-l'ti'mtK-r II, lij M ilmn ftii " " " Mrs Rvnl I Ml !' . " " W Uull..y 1 Wl .iBlni'M Morgun 1 6" Jnnimrr . 'WW A K Hill 1 o Man'li 12. IWK) Minor lwls I Ml June 2. 1"0 I, M Courlnuy t Hrano h rnnn S oil " " " II ( Herlllnic n no .iiivrmiKT', "' j i- .ionit o no NnveuilM-r I", l'MK'-Hnrrv Hiillcy Mi Noveniber 12, T J l.lnvlll uu I i, rn ni:r " I II 1 V 9 llH I ..l.-l In. U'lim.r ll March II. lmrJ-O HColU-t '. .' 1:1 AO July 1, 1!'2-J S B.-nnelt oil Hrptemlierf, l''l hB Mlllrr tail November , l!"'l:iHrle DHwuntxin.. M Novemuer , MM J J uu WAKRKN HROWft, S-17-fliid County :ierk. Before the Board of Control of the State of Oregon. . WiUr Divisioa No. 2, Crook County. Xotiieof proceedings to determine water ri glits. In the matter of the determination of the relative rights to the waters of Houuw creek, s tributary of the Ue. chutes river, in Crook county, Ori'tron. To all whom it may concern : In the name of the state of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby notiiied that the State Enjrmeer of the Btute of Oregon will begin the invcMtiKUtion of the How of that certain stream known as MUaw creek, a tributary of the Ikuchutes nver, sitinited in Crook county, Oregon, ami the ditches diverting water therefrom, on Monday, the Kith day of AugUHt, A.l). 1U0M, pursuant to a petition tiled w ith the Board of Control of the Rate of Oregon, reueting a deter mination of the relative rights ol the vari ous claimants to the waters thereof; and you are hereby further notiiied that the Superintendent of Water Division No. 2 will begin the taking of testimony as to the right of the parties claiming water from suid stream on Wednesday, the 2!Hh day of 8cpteiiilH?r, A. D. VMi, at 10 o'clock a. in,, of said day, at the Hislers Hotel, in the town of Bister.i, in Crook county, Or. Hy order of the lioard of Control of the State of Oregon, made the Kali day of April, 1U09. Jolllf II. I.KWIK, State Engineer. President; II. I,. llOUlATK, Superintendent Water Division No. 1; P. M. Baxtos, Superintendent Wutcr Division No. 2. Attest Jamks T. Cikbock, Secretary. 7-8-2t A wvv"' PI387 Quality I what tha careful buyer in vrstigates wlten tircliHinu jew rltf or Witches. We Maud l' hind the quality t! rvrrytlting we r-ell we guarantee it to Ixt ot the quality we re jrecent it lo 1 WATCH REPAIRING IL W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician PrinovilU, Oregon Rsthe lor rublluatloa. Not coal Umt. Dit'.llllielit of the llitrrlup I'.H, Und tlllH' at Tbo Dull.-. Orrmm. 1 my mt iiav. Notice l lieiby alvrn tlmi John XI, leiiviii.ii. f rrlnevllle, OrriKin. Int. on N'ivn,l. t, Unit. Iliml. Iiniiie.tesd U.rlul Nu. I No. I.HtiN, lor HW U wi'tliin l. town. bin iA M.utli. rang la eat, S llmuielle M.rul'mi ha. Iileil nolle ul Intention la innke Iliml IV-year pnxit, toe.lnl.ll.h cIMiii u ,a j,,,,) lni de'rllid, liefuro Warrru llniwn, isiiihty I'leik, at III' ollleo at I'rliM-ville wfTiiiii, n fit. i.iui 11H7 01 uiy, iism. 1 naiiiMa. wiiiimw.i Klanaiill A. Illluu t. II,.. II H. Il.nry J. K.lwards, Carl V. lirli, ail of" I'rlnevlllo, Or. 0-2ip t , W, Mi ii, llriil.ter. Statamant ot Ro.ourco and Liabilitiot el , The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al tha close el businou April 28, 1909 I Hkhoi m-Ka lytans and IHwnunta fUlMt M THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horeeshocing in Connct'tton) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PKI.NEV11.LE, OK EG UN Stock boardfd by the day, week or month at Reanonable rates. Remember u when in Prineville. Rates Rkasonablk. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 1 1 aX llnltMl Hlalxa Bonds.... Itank I ivmlm ltnliMnptlon ruud t'aah A lu rrum banka tlMliea 1.V4 It avA "0 vnuai r I,ST m B. F. AUm. PrMhUwl Witt Wnw,IUi, Vk PtmU. i.uiui.mica capital eiork 1 10,000 P Hurplns and ondlrldod protlu Sl.r so CtrvtilalkMi i',M0 Individual IVpoalta sisjrrt M fli.1 " T. M. BMwl, CwkW H. B.Mls. AmI CUkUt ft r.i r.s L J r.i L J r,.i LJ r.i L J n LJ r.i LJ r.i t J ri K'J r.i CJ r.i LJ r.i tJ ri LJ r.i CJ r.i LJ LJ ri Sonera iftlacksmithing, Wood Work, rrc., Neatly and Phom ptly Dosk When ft is Done Br : : : Siobort JJfooro Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed, Orkoon. Lj r 3 LJ n LJ r.i LJ r.j LJ r.r LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r,.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.3 L J r.i LJ r.i LJ LJ r.i LJ LJ riririririr.irir;iriririrnriir!Pirrrnrriiririrnrrr!iriririr,i LJL.ULJWJL.JL.LJLJL;jLJLJLJL,JL.ufLLiJL.ULLjLUt.LJL.LUL.ULULJL.UUJ ririiririniriirir,iririjr!iririirir!iriirir'iririiriririini LlLlLiJLi JkJ JLjJLJLJLJLJUjVi:jLLil.JLJi:jL JL JL JUJLJLJLJL Jk. J ri , ri LJ ri Li ri LJ ri L J ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i CJ ri LJ r.i L J ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloUE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choice wloctlon of fine candy, cltfura, orniiK' ifiuotiH, etc. (!lve uh n cull. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r. LJ r.i LJ ri L J ri L J C3 LJ r LJ ri L J tat LJ ri LJ ri LJ r..i La ri LJ nMnininirnrirnr!irririririj(riinnrrnrririrnrirircirrir!nrirj,i LJU JL JLLULJLULUl.ULULiJLuSL!JLiULUL)tiLUL;ULlUL.UL,UL;iJLJLyLUL;j LUMBER 8hinglce, Mouldings, WindowH, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Shorlff's Salo. Ill III. flrrinl Tollrt of tliv HtU uf On. Kim lor CriMik rnniiiy. V'. II. Mialiura, ilallltlir, VS Jam. II, tlrrn, ilrfi n.lnnt. liy virtus ot an rimiiiuii an. I ..( air iKiinl out uf Hi. bIkiv .ulnli-,1 'hi. i unllia Lull it.y f J nil, lime, in lnuri. Hie .llli n.ilini jusiiiiiii sun NKslil.t III. tiv ii.iiiml dffi'inlant, for tha .inn ul Ol'JI.tsj Willi tulrl llivrtHin Inuii tli. .i.i nay ui iNK-rmiwr, nsji. al iiii rale uf I111T iwr ivnt Mr aiiiiiini ami su.iriiry.' !, ami Hi. fin ilir .11111 ot fLKwcii.ts, mlttrli liiilKiuPi't a. anrollnl ami iIim l! vti-, In Hi. vlnrk's vflliv u( i.ll ihiiih li, sall ruuiily uii Ilia lAihilayor May, lisin. A ii. i a iirrw, 11 aa niniipr onixn-il .u, Irt-rvml hy llu Court thai Hi. Mlnolnu lr rlil real c.lalv, luU WWliUKi. tKV lW, and lot 4 of linn III, I ul wlion Si, loii.ili 17 south uf rii. I J ra.l, W. M., In t'r.Kik county, Ori'iiou, li ol.l liy ( Its hlirnll ot .. coiinly a. umlrr .iH'iiliiiii, Slid Hi. irt-iwl of .u li sal afli'r myUi-in. rtwts, alturttrys' Im. ami ctii.. Iirrvln .utwl, slmll l sh IIuM uiHin Hi" JuilKiiiriii, ami If ilia t,ru. itoU of Surli Ml. ! Ili.uluiU'lit, tli. ilalntin snail hava liulKinriil n, rtwic tlutt Ilia ifvlcnUalit. Jmin- It. tlrwll, tt) rrruyrr stlrll I win nr. uiilt.lil. niir. is ii.rvuy Riirvu, inai III uiimii.iii' to l. tH Uil.ui sml ordrr of snlv, I ha I.'VUmI uHin ami I lll un Ssla.y, la JU 4ty af Jaly, 10, at tli hour uf I uVlork In tlit aftprnoon uf Mtl day, at Id from iliHir ol tli court IiuUmi In III city uf I'rliH-villp. I im.k (iiiiniy, orpiii, w at iulillo atirtlun, In tli Inflict lilililcr fur fh.Ii, all tli rinlii, till ami llil.rl ul salil ilrlrn.lunl, J.iur. II, lirwii, III ami to lil ilim riU,! iiior(K!KM iroMirty, utl.ry mIi )ii.I. mriil sin) liit.ival ami allururvs' (ta. ami Oo.U ami si'i'iiiliiK iHi.l. lall till. .'Ui day of Jump, 110 KI1ANK KI.KI.Nrt. MirrllT, Cr.x.fc ruuiily, Mrrauii, Rhl I..... I t 'I.L u ' 9 4 0 i bort Urmks Drop in and See 9 Champ Smith DEALS K IN of all kinds Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek stand, Main street, two doors south First National Bank wi mm mi 15 I f I I I OFFIOER8: w. A. Booth, Pr.dd.nt D. r.STIWART, Vie Pr.ild.nt O. M. Elkins, Oa.hl.r OIREOTOR8: W, A. Booth. O. M. Elkins, . D. r. Btcwart Transacts a General Banking Business Exohange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention Notice of Final Settlement. Notlco Is hereby (riven liy tlie unuVr sIk"'. "' ndmlnutrator ol the estate uf Julin McVeiKh, devcust'U, to all persons in turestvil In snlil estate, that lie has tilt'il with the clerk of the county court his linul accouiitlnir of his ailininis. trutlun of (in id estate ami that the Court has set Monday, the 2d diiy ui August, Usui, at tne county eourirooni In J'rlneville, Oregon, as the time anil pluce lor hcnrlnu nn.l settling suid limit countlnir. At which time und liluce liny person interested in suid estate may ap pear and ohjeot to said linul ncconnting. JJuted this 1st day of July. IM). M. ft! KI.MOTT, Adminlslrutor of the estute of John Me. eiB'i. oeeeaseil. ot-zu 4 Sheriff's Sale. In lli.t'lrouil Court uf lh HUte ul Or. Kn for Crunk rounir. C. K.Mnlth siid Will If. Hinlth, plalullir.. Ctiarlr. K. IniiiMin. Ada 1-niu oii, , M. Nrrlis,l ololii l I . Mnllli, l r, Msrt and W A. ItiMilli, il f. u.lnnK. Jlyvtrlutiuf an rtmiltoii ami urdrr of al SMii-d mil ul Hi. alKv rulillnl couit on Hi I'Ui ilny of J ii in-, 'i, uion a IuiIk meiil rt-mlrrwl In sal I rourl on the 7ih day ul Mar, I '.Ml, In Itivnr of the alwv ii.nird it In I ii 1 1 lis ami aitnlnat Hip altov tiamp.1 Up fKlidntiU Clmrlrs l.aiiiuin ami Ada l-aiif uu, for Si.u ii with Inlrtr I ilirroou from ill 1I day tf Novrmlirr, IUiJ, at lh ral if ini i-r rim .pr siiiiiiiii ami w oi)l iri j !, aim .M iw co.l.. And hvrt n, il fuiHirr unli-r.! ami drvirnl l,y h I on it thai llir vrrtalu IiuIk uif ul ul tne niiinty con 1 1 ol tlivslnirof ilri-itun for Cruok county, tnlrrml Hi the )ililiiiFlil duck.ltif Mid court on the mil lay ul May, It'll, In favor ul Colunid K. rliullli and annlii.t 111 lfndnt, Charles K. Ijuuxiii, lor with interc.1 at lh rate of ten x r crnt prr annum from IM-ui. Iivr lutli, I'i7, for 117 AO ciin and .ii attornrys fw Is a mhiuuI I.sii uiuii lh hi'frln.fti r drrrilitsl prrmlMS, and lli.l tit prucwls uf sal uf .aid prrml-rs after li.fyln lh jmlKiurnl uf plsliililt alni .li'wrilM-d. Ihi .illisl to i payment uf lh .aid IudKiiiciit of Colonel r . hiiutli. That tli jiulKiiieiit of the Circuit Court uf lh flat of tin-Kim for Crunk coiinly reudernl on the lllli day uf May. lull, In favor uf l. K. Ktewart and W. A. Iloutit ami aitalust lh dc femlanta herein, Charles K. sml Ada Ijuioii, nr lh sum of flM.ISi, wttll llilere-t at the rat ul tell per cent per annum from Uctolwr 1, l''7, lor aiu.tsj atlurnrys' fee. ami (I7.'i0 costs and ill.lmm.liieiil., rtilere.l In lh Judg ment docket uf .aid court on Hie pith day of May.lisw, Is a third lien upon salil premise., and that any surplus remaining alter sali.ryliiK Hi judgment uf plnllillll. and the Juilnuienl uf Colonel K. riinilh, I applied til the .atlsfaclioii uf said )ldC mviitut I). V, Ktewart and W. A. Ilmith. Ami It was further orderr.1 ami decreeit hy the court that the following deaerihnl premlM. tli.H't NWti.and lots 3 and . MHtlon S, In township 13 suulh, ranir 13 east, W. M also an undivided uiie-thlnl intercxt in the HWti, section M. in town ship I'l aniith, range i:ies.t, W. M., all in Crutik county, Oregon, lw suid by the Hherilf of said county as under eieciilion, ami the proceeds of such sale, after paying the coals aud attorney's lews herein ststctl shall he applied upon the Judgment, and if the proceeds of such sale le iiisulltcient, the plaintiff shall have Judgment against the delciiilant. heennd -That any surptii. lie applied to lllilglneut of Colonel K. Hiuitli. Third -That any surius reinalniiig after salUfying the Jiidgtueiit of jilnlntllls ami the judgment ol Colonel r , Huiltli, shall lie applied in the satisfaction of the Judg ment of D. K. rltewart and W. A. lloolli above iletcrlhcd. notice Is hereby given that In oliedlciiee p- vu .niu erciiiinn ami order ol sale. I have levied upon, and will Oa Sslaraay, Iks 31(1 asy f July, 1909, at the hour of I o'clock In Hie afternoon of said day, at the front door uf Hi court house In the city of rrlnevllle. in Crook ounly, Oregon, ll at public auction lo the highest bidder, lor cash, all the right, title and Interest of suid liefi'iidiints, ill ami to suid liiortgngi'd premises above do scrllicil, to satisfy said judgment alsive men t loiicd, and Intercut and attorney's fees and nosts, and costs of sale. Dated this IWtli day of June, ttrntl. KKANK KI.KINS, Kheriir, ('rook county, Or. Hrst Issue 7-1, lust 7-flMi Notice to Creditari. Notice Is hereby given by the undersign ed, the administrator of the estate of Terry Cram, deceased, to the creditors of and all others having cliiiins against said deceas ed to present them with the proper vouch ers, to the undersigned at the oltice of M. It, Klliott in i'rlneville, Oregon, within six months Iroiu the Urst publication of this notice. Hated this 10th day of June, lOnfl. Warhwki t. Cham. Administrator of the estate of Terry Cram, deceased. Notice to Creditor. M .1 1. . . .. ..... ..if..,.., in iidiviiv ifivuu oy inn iiiiuvi- Jolui M. M inkier, to the creditors of emi uu persons nnving elalms sgiilnst salil ui censed to present them, with the proper vouchers, to the uiii.erslgned. at the otllce of M l l.'IH,,l 1. ii....wlll. Mr in within six months fioui the llrst publica tion ol tins notice. Dated Juno 17, 1009. frl 8. Minklcr, Administrator ol tho estuta uf John M. M inkier, deceased. u7-10