Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 01, 1909, Image 4

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An invitation to all
owners of cylinder machines
Columbia and others.
We could argue the quality cf Columbia
Indestructible Cylinder Records until a year
from now but what good would it do if
you could not prove it for yourself by coming
into our store and seeing and hearing it?
We could print a whole newspaper every
day about the special and original Colum
bia processes of manufacture and get no
where at all if the Records did not bear the
won't break, no matter how roughly they are used,
they won't wear out, no matter how often they are
played. Moreover, their tone is far purer, clearer,
more brilliant than that of any other cylinder
record made Don't merely take our word for it
come inside our store and listeaCost 35 cents!
D. P. Adamson & Co.
somewhat northerly from Ppregua Blver.
Th action of llarriman In calling lor (or extending this roa.l by begin
ring work simultaneously at Natron
ami Klamath Kails is accent a con
clusive evidence ol hit determination to
complete iu construct 'on. It U figured
that to build the t0 miles of track lor
hull bids have been invited mill prac
tically exhaust the appropriation that
lias been made for this road for the en-
inn rear. For that reason additional
ppropnations lor lurmer extensions
are looked for next year.
There can be no question of the ulti
ate purpose ofllarritnan to complete
thia road between Natron and Klamath
Falls. Completion of the extension! for
Inch proposal have been asked can
not in themselveH add materially to the
alue ot the propjrty. Ny extending
the road 25 mile northerly from Klam
ath Fal's, the northern terminal of the
southern extension would reach only
into the heart of Klamath county. The
construction of an additional So mile
southerly from Natron would terminate
the road from this end in a mountainous
nd sparsely settled district.
For these reason it is patent from a
practical business consideration that
the llarriman interests will complete
the road as soon as possible and place
the investment on a revenue-earning
basis. The primary purpose in project
ins this road was to provide for the
Southern Facific better grade for cross
ing the state and thereby avoid the more
itllcult passage now followed over the
iskiyou Mountains. When completed,
the Oregon Eastern undoubtedly will
become the main line ot the Southern
Pacific between Portland and San Fran
Not only is the road regarded by llar
riman as the most practical lor rout
ing his Portland-San Francisco traffic,
but it also enable him to reach an im
menselv productive are on the edge of
entral Oregon, which is without trans
portation (acuities. In addition to serv
ing thee purposes, the Oregon Eastern
at will furnish the Union Pacific mag
nate an ideal darting point for con
structing an extension through the
central part of the cute.
It is known that llarriman eventually
intends to build from his western Ore
gon property to ale and Ontario. At
least two routes tor such a road nave
been surveyed. One extend from a
point on the projected Oregon Eastern
north of Klamath Fall, via Lakeview,
the eastern border of the state at
either of the points suggested. The
other proposed route contemplates an
extension also from the Oregon Eastern
from Odell, southeast of Natron, through
the central part of the state to the same
objective point selected lor tne more
southerly extension.
Harriman Issues Call For Bids
on About 60 Miles
Bids for the construction of 59.48
miles of the Oregon Eastern Kailroad,
projected from Natron to Klamath Falls
will be received in the Southern Pacific
offices an San Francisco during the next
two weeks says Saturday' Oregonian
Of that mileage, 34.24 miles will be con
structed southeastery from Natron,
while the remaining 25.24 miles will be
built in a northwesterly direction from
Klamath Falls.
Bids for the construction of the
Klamath Falls end of the extension
must be submitted on or before June 30.
Contractors, however, are allowed until
July 10 to submit proposals for building
the 34 miles ot the track from Natron,
the present northern terminus of the
projected road. Local Harriman officials
will make no estimate of the probable
cost of building the two sections of this
railroad but it is believed the improve
ment will involve an expenditure of ap
proximately $2,225,000.
General Manager O'Brien and Chief
Engineer Boschke, of the Harriman
lines in the Pacific Northwest, were ad
vised late yesterday afternoon of the
proposed extensions in the Oregon East-
arn The information came in a letter
from Chief Engineer Hood, of the South
em Pacific at San Francisco, who re
quested that Portland contractors be
advised and given an opportunity to
submit bids.
The two extensions, aggregating
about 60 miles, for which bids have been
asked, cover about one-third of the
length of the proposed road, which, ac
cording to the approved survey, will be
198.6 miles in length from Klamath
Falls to Natron. The extension of 34.24
miles out of Natron is all in Lane county
and is regarded a heavy piece of con
s'.ruction work. It will extend in
southeasterly direction and will pene
trate both a mountainous and a heavil
timbered section. Construction of the
Klamath Falls end of the authorized ex
tensions will not be as difficult. From
Klamath Falls the route of the railroad
extends northwesterly and the ex
I tension of 25 24 miles will terminate in
j the vicinity of Survey station, at a point
You're sure you're getting the genuine tvhen you buy from us.
No danger of refilled bottles No danger of buying cheap worth
less trash placed in CYRUS NOBLE bottles and palmed of as the
We are now selling for the first time in 44 years direct to the con
sumer in districts where you are unable to obtain this famous brand.
quart bottles of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE
direct to you, all charges
paid to the nearest railroad express office.
Pure old honest whiskey at an honest legitimate price.
Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to
contain all the secondary constituents that make it real WHISKEY
The government officials state that any distillation that doesn't is
105-107 Second Street, Portland, Oregon
Established 1864
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Partita, OnfW'
Endued pleue find $4190 (or which plcue scad aw at cocc by apnm, prepaid, four quarts
P.O.Addm Shiyii. ,
11 J i 4M - -
Kruuri i f (A (WJiiiun vf Tk W
v .t. i i ..:.... ;u is.
Wif (VryiHS, of tkt cloa of Amine,
June 23, 1000.
swna ami duavunU t 2113!I
K-rdrIW, .retired ami unctird . W.I 4.1 07
8. llonda to aeeure circulation ia..vl IW
Itouda, Securities, ale. i.'Ati .
Nanking - house furniture and
tixturva la.nai u-
t)oa lr.mi National Hanks (not
Kwrn Advulal II
lu from Slat and Private Itaitka
ml Ituikura. I mat I oulDaillca
and Savours Hank . I
Iim from ,unved mmrva acr-iU ll.SIU 01
"hecks and other cash itema. , . I7 7.N
Nol-of other Nati.mal lUitks ... J OV,n&l ikAiMtr rurrrnfv. Ilii'kala
and cent. 4
LawrcL Mossy Kehihvi im IUxk. viii
Spei UO
l.rval-temli-r notea . . SOU
Redemption fund with I'. 8.
lrwurpoi circulation;
Will Hold Up the
D. I. P. Co. Application
After listening to an extended argu
ment by C. E. 8. Wood, representing A
M. Drake, of Bend, the Desert Land
B.arJ has decided to hold up the ap'
plication of the Def chutes Irrigation &
Power Company for the opening to sale
of 2320 acres of land, embraced in its
latest Carey act project on the Des-
butes, nntil the board can find lime
personally to inspect the project at its
forthcoming visit to Eastern Oregon
within a month says a special to the
Wood made an exhaustive argument
charging that the Deschutes Irrigation
Power Company is not com ply in
with plans and specifications for the
reclamation of the arid lands under its
Carey land contracts with the state;
that it is wrongfully diverting the water
taken from the Deschutes fr the recla
mation of one segregation for the
temporary reclamation of lands listed
under another contract so it can place
the land on the market; that the com
pany is heavily burdened with financial
difficulties and has mortgaged the set
tlers' rights to cover its deficiencies;
that it can never insure the settler a
perpetual water right under the circum
stances which now exiHt and are in
prospect; and charging the Desert Land
board with open violation ot its obli
gations to the state and the settler
under the provisions of the Cary act and
the irrigation laws of the state in grant
ing the irrigation company increases of
lien and other privileges.
SU.779 00
63S 00
, $ oo
17.C77 W
CVital stork paid in
Surplus fund .......
I n.livklrU pronta, u
&n,l Uim Itaid
National Wank me outstanding I0,aj 00
Individual deKiU subjaet to
lVwandertinctof deposit.... W
T-Ul $H!,WJ 13
P.mntv nl Pnxk
I. T. M. 1Uliwic. Chir of th alv.
Banifii 1ii k. do aotrniiilyswyar that lnato-
autvuirnt la ru to th lwt "I my unow
llg and UtUef. T. M. UALUW IN.
StiliarriW and aworn la MoT ui this
2Sth day of June, l'.Mi.
. ill. r. iirir.
Notary Public.
CoanscT AttMt:
Witt Wcnwdiiil
Carey W. Koster Directors
Z. U llrown.
Report of the Condition
vtlle. la the aiai ol Oregon, at It" rloae ol
buatntaa Juno , l:
Loans and dlseounu Vt,SX4 ti
Ovvrriratta. awund and unavund.. 1 31 tt)
Bonds. securillM. ate IB 06
Ranklna- boose, furuliuro and nxiurra 2,'.1 1
Ottarral auiownl &.J no
Dua from banks (nol reavrr banks). .' W
Dua from approvrl rwrv bauks.,.. .! H
C'hm-ka and other cash Items
Caabonband 1I.M0 71
Total IlWin 23
Capital nock pal.1 In . W
I'ndlTided proflta, teas expvuai-a and
taxca paid T.7S8
Dua to banks and bankers l.sae iu
Individual denwiu aublM-t locbnk. m. M
Demand certlitratea ol di-oall S.9AS ti
Timecertlrlcaieaol deposit &.M Zi
Oashter'a checks ouuundlng 00
Slale deposits , 91
Total 1I9.;J7 a
State ol Oregon, County ol Crook, sa:
I. C. M. Elkins. rasbit-r ol the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear thai the stove state-mt-nt
Is true to Hie best ol my knowltMice and
belle!. I - M KuiM, chl'.
Stilia-rlbed and sworn to before me this -IM
,! ot June. 1-juS. M. K. Kl.l.loTT.
Notary Pubik-
Correct Attest : u. F. svawsaT,
W. A. Booth.
Report of the Gtndition
Kedinond, In the State ol Oregon, at the close
of business June 23, VM.
Hiwot rces.
Ixjn and Discounts $15,.'i73 51
Ovenlrafts, secured and unsecured.,., 61 65
Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures HfiO 13
Due from approved reserve banks.,,. 5ju5 9fi
Checks and other cash Items 7 SS
Cash on hand AM 78
Expenses 801 97
Total tZi,485 SS
Capital stock paid In 110,000 00
Individual deposits subject to eheck,. 18,3:14 86
Time eertiflcates of deposit 161 00
Total a,W 86
State of Oregon, County of Crook, ss:
I, (i. I.. Ehlers, cannier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. G. L. Khlers, cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this :281b
day of June, 1908. H. F. Jones,
Notary Public.
Con ect Attest: Carl N. Eiiret,
E. L. Ivkrsom,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby eiven by the undersiirn
ed, the administrator of theestate of Perry
Cram, deceased, to the creditors of and all
others having claims against said deceas-
eu 10 present them with the proper vouch
ers, to the undersigned at the oilice of M.
U. Klliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six
months lrom the first publication of this
Dated this 10th day of June, 1919.
Wariiwkil Cram
Adininistrator of the estute of Prerry
vruiu, ueceastu.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, the administrator ot the estate of
John M. Minkler, to the creditors of and
all persons having claims against said de
ceased to present them, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at the office
ot M. 11. l',lliott 111 Prineville, Oregon,
wiimn six iiiuuins 110111 tne urt publica
tion of this notice.
Dated June 17, 1909.
TJri 8. Minkler.
Adniinistrator of the estate of John M.
funkier, deceased. 01-I6
Is what Hie careful luytr In
vestigates wlien purchnsinn jw
f Iry or watches. We t ml he
hind the quality of everything
we soil we giuranlee it to le ol
the quality we represent U to le
Jeweler & Optician
Prineville, Oregon
Statement of Reaources and Uabilitie-a of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
business April 28, 109
At the cloa of
Hoik (r Publleattoi,
Nol coal laud.
llenaMntrnl of Ilia Intarlor.
V, . Instill Oltlea, The DalU-a, (it.m,
May zi, imm,
Notice la licrvhy glvm thai
1 nomas W. Hudson,
of I'rtnarlllc.Urfnoii, who on April U, Itssi,
made lioinoioa-l riury t-rnai no. 04K7il
No. I.VXI, for l.t I, NKv, ti, Nt,
N K,, atx-tion SI, township 1.1 antitli, rang
lo eat, W. M.. lias lllod nolle o InUnitoii
to make Itnal llvv-yrar prixif, lo mUMiIi
t-lalm to tit Ian. I above dix-fllwd, In-lora
Warrrti Uroan, county clrrk. at his ollli'r
at Prineville, Oregon, 011 Ilia Oils day of
July. Itasi.
I lautianl naniM as wllnraarai
J. Alvlu Kiaas, lUnry J. Kdwards.
r'raitcls II. Hayn. Allrwl W. Itayn, all ol
Prineville, Uri R-oii.
ft-i7p I . V. Mooai, KoKlster,
Wat Irs lor Publication.
Not coal land.
Department ot Ilia tnlerlor.
It. 8. Laud onto al The lull, Wn,
May XI, luov.
Notice la hervby Rlvrn that
John M. TeiiKinaii,
of I'rlnvvllln, OrrKon, ho, on Novmlr
II, !!, mad Itoiiieetoail jaarlal No. tnu.'l
No. I.HtiS, lor HW S ars-tlon ', luwiisliin A
aiulh, raiigr nral, Willamalla Meridian,
liaa tiled notu-a of Intention lo wiska llnnl
yvar pruul, toeUlllh claim lo the land
above lirecrilwd, twforf Warren llrown,
county elerk, al his iitltce al Prineville,
Orriciin.ou the 1.1th day or July, HUM.
t latmatil nanrns as ttiiuoaarai
Klanaou A. Uuast, ( has. I), Hsratison,
Henry J. Kdwards, Carl O. Una, ail of
I'rinevtii, tir.
o-i'7p i . w. Muoaa, Hi-a-isirr.
ltana and ttaminia...
I'nllfd rtlatra Honda....
ltMik I rrmtses
llcdomollon fuiid
t'aab A I'ue frtim banka
H12.M7 M
ia..vo 00
. itv.i 11
lt?.S7t) W
a. f. aiu.. rwd.M
Will WanwaiUr. Vka PmUaai
rwpltal mora I U.0OO OS
Hurpltia and undlvld4 pniflta SI.TW so
cln-ulalloo l.ao00
Individual IktMMl...
... Ml
Hn,sn i
T. MJ. Baldwin. CaskUf
H. B.U.Ia. Asa'l CAW
(Ilorseshooirig in Connection)
J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor
Stock lioartk'il hy the day, week or month at
Iieasonnhle rated. Kemetuber u when in
Prineville. Ratbi Kkasonablk. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Notice tor I'uhl lent Ion.
Not coal land.
)rpanninl of Ibe Interior.
V. . iJiml Ottlce al Th r..
May juili, 1IMI.
Notice la hrly (flvrn thai
John It. fvtios,
ot 1'u.l, Oregon, who, on June Nth.
made lioniaslead antry (Serial o. U.I.-.I,
No. l:iH. lor rtWi n 10, and N .
NK',,NKJ NV, am-lloii IX Uiwn.hln I)
souili, ranv larasi, w niainsiw atanuian.
has lllrl nolle ol iiilrntiun to make llnal
.Vyrar proof, lo palabllaU claim to lha land
above tlwrilKHl, nrlorw vtanan iiniwn,
county clvik, al Ms ottU a at i'rlnavtlle,
Orreoii, on Ilia ?lh day ol July,
I lalmanl nainas aa witnivii
K.t K. Ulllenwaler. I'alrb Uavla, Marlon
r. Taylor, all of I'ost, Onitoii, and Uubvrl
Ilemarla of I'rinrville, Oiton.
(Kip I . W. Mooaa, ItrKlsler
fjf I In I lie roiitity mutt of I lie slnte of
li for th couiiiv of I 'rook -VV
I In the mailer of the estatit of Hal
fl I Itltehey, riniM-rd --1 llntloli!
IrC I lo Untie l, lllleliry and nil
(j) I ,lrvl-rfa unknown, If any lliert
Uf In the iiaine of the alatr of Orr
TJ I an lia-ebv rltrd ami mpilird to a
the comity court ol ilir ile of tirei
TI the coiin
I iher-of. a
j) ly of I'm
Hamuel II.
heirs ami
ere Ue, (reel-
l)rron, yuit
pear In
irra-on, for
tit v of Crook, al Ilia i-otitl room
at I'liheville, trea-oii. In Ilia eoun-
K)k, oil Monday, lite ftlh da of
Itilv, I'""', al piu eliH-k in Ilia forenoon of
llitil il-tv, then and liter lo show can, II
nnv Ultra lie, why ail order uf sal should
not he ntntl nulhorisina J. II- llaner. Hi
mliiiinl'lrtttiir of tli vatut of Hamiivl II.
lint her, det-eaaed. to atoll certain land Im
Shorlfrs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Ore-
eon for Crook county.
C. F. Smith and Will II. Smith, plaintiffs,
Charhni E. Imson. Ada Lannon, H. M
Kershaw. Colonel F.riinith. U.K. fctewart
and W. A. Moolh. defendants.
Bv virtue of an execution and order of
sale Issued out of the aliove entitled court
on the t.Jth day of June, l'.UO, upon a jutU
ment rentlered in aaid court oil the "til tlu!
of Mav. Its, in favor of the alwve named
plaintiffs and against the above named de-
fentlants t harles Lamson ami Ada IJim
son, for $000.00 with inlere-t thereon from
thalstdavor oveniler. liw, al me ran
of ten per cent per annum and j0.U0 at
torrtpvs' riHi anil ! (H costs.
And whereas, it was further ordered and
decreed bv the Court that the certain iudtc
nienl of the county court of the state of
Oreiron for Crook county, entered in me
judgment docket of said court on tne i.t
tlav ot Mav. !!. in favor of Colonel
8tnith and against the defendant, Chiirles
K. Latnion, for with interest at tne
rate of ten per cent per annum from Onto
ber 10th, 1!7. for $17.50 costs and W
attorneys' fe is a second Ken upon the
hereinafter dcacrilied premises, and that
the rroceetls of Bale of said pretiii-cs after
satisfying the juilginent of plaintiffs above
described, lie applied to the payment of
the said judgment of Colonel F. Umith.
That the judgment of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Crook county
rendered on the 8th day of May, PUD, in
favor of 1). F. Btewart and W. A. Booth
and against the defendants herein. Charles
K. I.auisan ami Ada Lamaoti, for the sum
of $4tt3.!M, with interest at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from October 'Jl, l'.WT,
for flO.UO attorneys' fees and $17. M) costs
and disbursements, entered in the judg
ment docket of said court on the Pith day
of Mav, l', is a third lien upon auid
premises, and that any surplus remaining
after satisfy intr the linlgmeiit of plaintiff's
and the judgment of Colonel K. Hmitli, he
applied to tne saiuuucuon 01 autu juug
ineitt ot D. F. Htewart and W. A. Booth.
And it was further ordered ami decreed
by the court that the following described
premises, the ti'4 fiW'4, and lots 3 and 4.
section 3, in township 13 south, range 13
east, W. M., also an undivided one-third
interest in the BWX, section 34, in town
ship 12 south, range 13 east, W. M., all in
Crook county, Oregon, he sold by the
Sheriff of said county as under execution,
and the proceeds of such sule, after paying
the costs and attorney's fees herein stated
shall be applied npon the judgment, and
if the proceeds of such sale be iiisullii-ient,
the plaintiff shall have judgment against
the defendant.
Heconrf That any surplus be applied to
judgment of Colonel F. Hinith.
Third That any surplus remaining after
satisfying the judgment of plaintiffs and
the judgment of Colonel F. Hinith, shall
be applied in the satisfaction of the judg
ment of D. K. Stewart and W, A. Jiooth
above described.
Notice is hereby given that In obedience
to said execution and order of sale 1 have
levied upon, and will
0a Saturday, tks 31ft Jay of July, 1909,
at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, at the front door of the court
house in the city of Prineville. in Crook
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash, all the right,
title and interest of aaid defendants, in and
to said mortgaged premises above de
scribed, to satisfy said judgments above
mentioned, and interest and attorney's
fees and costs, and costs of sale.
Dated this 28th day of June. 1!X9.
Sheriff, Crook county, Or,
First issue 7-1, last 7-29-9
1 if. 1 it' lis r. iitM-rukirtii. iu bwii rrru n imiiu
L J JUJii Jki JLiW. JL JU.jy.ll. .if i.V.t,,; .-.!.! eaUl.Mo.wit, The tort h.
yj mt i iv 'j west quarter of aecllon thirty In lownahlp
r.T 1 . . , . f '1 twelve south of ran aevrnlcen eaat of
Sencral tjlacksmithmg ti KSr'"uM1
ywiMtumiuy ?J wiu... ih iiou. u. c. Kills, ju.ig ..f
i.J lite county court of the atat ol Oregon, for
fcJ - - - -- . ... r;J county of Crook, wilh lb seal of aaid
L j L J rourt al1Ul. this 1st day of June, Itani.
pi IIOR8K81IOKI.NO, WOOD WOKK, ETC., j A Ileal- Warren llrown, Clerk. M
Neatly and Phomptly Done
r.i Notice of Final Accounting. .
WHEN IT IS DONE BY : : : r.l Notice is hereby given hy the under-
l J
Siobert TJfooro
Satisfaction Will Uc Guaranteed
I-J I slgtird, tha ailniluutrator of the ratal of
I John Prior, deccaaml, to all iieraons Inter
r I t ..i.i ,1,., k. 1... .....1. ....1
1 1 --- - --,-. . -
r,j IHed with the county clrrk of Crook eoun.
L J ty, Oregon, his llnal acconullng of his ail
r .i ministration of aaid -lte, and thai the
court has aet Monday, tit Am day ol July.
itsti, at til couniy court room 111 1 riiie
ville, Oregon, a the lint and plae for
hearing and settling said llnal at-countlng.
Uau-tl this l uay 01 June, ituu.
I .1111 Cleek.
Administrator ol the estate ol John Trior,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice herehv eiveu hv the under-
IvneH he nH miiiUtnitnr (it the estate Of
John McVeigh, deceased, to all persons in
terested in said estate, thai lie nas meu
with the elerk nf the county court
his linal accounting of his adminis
tration of said estate and that the
Court has set Monday, the 2d duy
of August, WOO, at the county courtroom
in Prineville. Oreiron. as the time and
place lor hearing ami stalling said linal so
COUnitllg. At WHICH nine mm
person interested in suid estate may ap
pear and object to suid hnul accounting.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1W00.
Administrator of the estate of John Mc
Veigh, deceased, oi-a
The 0'Neil Restaurant
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
of fine candy, cigars, oranKtu,
yayjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjy J - JUjyj uaLjkj
Notice of Final Sattlamtnt.
Notice la hereby given by the underdgti-
ed, the administrator of the K-lat of Wil
liam II. liulnn, deceased, to all ieraona In
teretitl in aaid estate, thai lb said ad
ministrator has made and riled his linal ac
counting of his administration of said
estate and the court has set Monday, the
am uay ol jiny, iibju, at tne con my conri
room In Prineville. Oregon aa the lima
and idace for hearing and settling aaid
llnal accounting. At which lime and
place, any person iuterestatl in said eatale
may apear and object to said llnal accounting.
Duteti Hits 3d day of J Jli. VM0.
as n vnt..,i
fif! Administrator of the Estate of Wil'llani if.
.f,,,, U. V. H U,
C'arryliijjf a
lcinotiH, etc.
choice Boh-ctlon
(live tm a call.
Notice of Until Settlement.
Notice la hereby given by the undersign
ed, the executor of the estate ofilary A.
lluruea, tit-ceased, to nil Iwsons Interested
In sulci estate that the aaid administrator
haa made and tiled with the county clerk
of Crook county, Oregon, his llnal ac
counting of his administration of anid
tnta ami that the county court has
.Monday, tit otn d.t v
ShingloH, MouldingB, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
See 9
4 Drop in and
Champ Smith
Soft Drinks
of all kinds
Imported and Domestic
At the old Smith & Cleek
' stand, Main street, two
doors south First
National Bank
iv of July, ItlOll, at the
county court room in Prineville, Oregon,
aa the time ami place for hearing ami set
tling anid linal accounting. Al which
time ami place all persons Interested In
anid estate may appear and object to said
mini accounting,
Win. D. Humes.
Kxcutor of the lust will of Mary Ann
Humes, deceased. o-3
Shorlfrs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon lor ('rook county.
0. H. Bhattuck, plaintiff,
James V, Oreen, defendant.
Uy virtue of an execution ami ortlor of
ale Issued out of the above entitled court
on the Kith day of June, Hum, In favor uf
tho above named plain till' and against the
above named defendant, for the sum. of
f in.W with interest thereon lrom the 21st
W. A, Booth, President
D. P. Stewart, Vie President
O. M. Elkins, Oaahler
W. A. Booth, O, M. Elkins,
O. F. Stiwart
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
ppjiSfeliitiJBJjV day of Decemher, PJ07, at the rate of ten
Ijj jl, per cent per annum and IWO.flO attorneys'
IU ...... ...... I St lees, ana tne lurlher sum of 113.00 cocts.
PUnn? PnllllTY HSu7 K wl,ir" J'lKeRt enrolled and dock
T, UikUUL UUUHIi UUSltk I in the clerk's olllce of Hld eourt In
U ValVVM til isnss I said county oil the l&th day of May, 1U0U.
aiiu niincm, o, was luriner orunreu ana
decreed hy the Court that the following
oeserioeii real estate, to-wil ! HWli SKU,
Mi'4 BWK, and lot 4 of section 10, and lot
i oi irccuun oo, lownsnip 1 sotiin or range
12 east, W. M.. In Crook countv. Oreiron.
be sold hy the Bheritr ol said county as
under execution, and the proceeds of audi
sule after paying the costs, attorneys' fees
and expenses herein stated, shall he an-
plied upon the ludgmeut. ami if the oro-
ceetls of such sale he insufficient, the
pluintiir shall have judgment ami execu
tion against the defendant, James 11.
Uracil, to recover such balance unpaid.
Notice Is hereby given, that in obedience
to said execution and order of sale, I have
levied upon and I will on
Saturday, the 31st day of July, 1909,
at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of
said duy, at the front door of the court
house In the city of Prlnevlllo, Crook
county, Oregon, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, all the right,
uiic ami im tiros i oi sum uetenilant, .1 utnes
It. tlreen, in and to said ahore described
mortgaged property, to satisfy suit! jud
ment mid interest and uttornevs' fees, and
costs and accruing to its.
uaieu tins tli uay or June, V.m.
Sheriff, Crook county, Oregon,
First Issue 7-1, lust 7--'-t