Prepare now for haying time. You will find the best Machinery at King's McCormick Mowers Reapers, Binders, Rakes Milwaukee Mowers Dain Mowers, Bucks & Stackers Louden CarriersEtc. Jackson Forks REPAIRS Complete assortment for all McCormic machines. Some parts for Piano, Buckeye, Mil wauke, Acme, Osborne and Standard. Prompt attention to orders for repairs for all other machines, not represented by Prineville agents. LOCAL MENTION Z. M. Ilrown has jtiinoto I'orlltiml. ()foro I.ut-key leave tliU week lor fulvllle. Wash. Mr. Itnther of Portland U the new ihnriuiti'lKt fit Wlnnek's. Mm. IVii lUevlns of Howard was tn town lioiilnn WVlnesilny. rrliic. (ilnto Hiitl wife ninl William Pro) nml wile left Tmnilny fur the mountain to)'!! the summer. (ii-ortfo Niilili nml family of I'rliic vlll.'. nml Mis Cox of I'linlliin, li ft Kumluy fur Seattle to visit tin fair. Mm. A. 8. Irvtiiml nml children started Kumluy on a trip tu liuuitlim roiinty, win-re they will visit with relative lor several week. Mr. nml Mm. Hale Join departed Tiiedny for Hhimlki) In Hudson' ntltoou their way to Kenttl where they expeet to spend two week or more seeing the exposition. Miss Lottie Crnln and Ml Edith Klnjr nre home again. Mix Crnne him lieen nt Marslifleld with her sister for several months, while IMIth In Isfii vlnltlnix relative nml friend nt rortlnml. I. M. Mill mine tin wn from Paulina the hit of the week nml ha gone to Heitttle to Join hi family. Mr. Mill nml the children have Imtii visiting relative nt outside point for evernl weeks nml they will take In the night nt the A. Y. 1. KxpoHltlon be fore returning home. The I.ndlis of the Presli -terlan church are compiling copy for a cook b.iok which they plan to puhllxh thl fall. Among these laille nre some of the llnest cooks In the lantl, nml their rccle, tented nml tried a id found good, will form a vnlu ulile help to nny housewife who take pride In her cookery. Ollle Kllrfson will open the Polu dexter Hotel Julyl. The hotel ha lxcn thoroughly renovnted pnwred painted, etc., mid put In tlrst-clin-s shape. The new proprietor ny that he I going to run a nrst-clnss establishment nml will guarantee the traveling public that neeomino- (Intliin will lie equal to the bet to to had nny where. County Surveyor Itlce, Ilck Van- dervertnud W. II. Kinder have Jut flulHhed viewing mid surveying thir teen county road. They have been nut about u month nml have trav eled approximately WO mile. The road ure located In different part of the county mid will be passed on nt the .Inly term of the county court which convene next week. John U. Wlmer nml MIhh Cnrollre V. UmphU'tto were married In Prim vllle last Thursday evening, Justlie of the Pence Italph Sharp performing the ceremony. The groom I a eon of Geo. W, Wlmer of Tumalo, nml the bride 1 a young lady whose home ha been at Grants Pass, where Mr. Wlmer formerly resided. The wedded pair will make their homo at Tumalo, where the Wlinera have a large Irrigated ranch. J. II. Ilnuer 1 einlliig the day nt O'.Ncll on tiiiMlncN. Mm. ('. W. Klklns ha returned from her vllt to Portland. J. I Mi'CulliH'h I home from a trip to Portland and Southern Oregon. Ir. Harold Clark wn In town from Inmouta Inst Friday, greeting old friend. K. nnumler nml II. Dili of Mlchl gun nre looking over Crook county with a view of locating here. Floyd Howell arrived home yester ilny from a visit to Albany and other Willamette Valley point. Mm. M It. Bigg tin gone to Seat tle, where she will Join the family of I. M. Mill ami vllt the expoHltlon. MIhh Mallei Smith returned home to Arlington today lifter a vllt of several week with the Misses Wll lliiniHon In Prineville. ' Ml Jele Hartley lf t lat Friday for the Kcnttle fair. After taking In the exposition she will visit her old home nt Ionia, Michigan. Mr. and Mr. John Sehnffer mid daughter, of Kent, nre In the city visiting nt the home of J. W. limine. Mm. SehafTcr I a lter of Mr lloone. II. (iorinle.v, the tailor, hn re turned to Prineville nfter an ntwenee of several month. While away he made a circuit of tin town from Shanlko to Iliirn, calling nt I'iihco. Pendleton. La (irunde. linker City, Weler. Ontario nml Hum. Here port thing dull on the outside. W. II. IllrdHong, who riHrate the lien ver Creek Mawinlll of lllrdsong & Amnion, wn In town Friday to meet hi sister, Mr, ttoneh, nnd her daughter nnd son-lndaw, Mr. nnd Mm. L. Knmtra, who hnd Jnt ar rived from San Predro, Calif., nnd exicet to locate here. Mr. lllrdMoug had not seen hi sister for 2S yen in. Herman K. Kllefon nnd wife nr rived In Prineville the flmt cif the week. Mr. ICIIclsott, who I a brother of Ollle KllefKou of thl place, I com nected with the Commercial Nation al Hank of Chicago, one of the lend ing financial lntllntlonof that city. Mr. F.llcfHon wn at tending the , bankers' convention at Seattle and dropped off here to nee hi brother on hi return to the Windy City. The Epworth League of the M. K. church gave a lawn social at the home of I. L. Ketchum, nbout a mile In-low town, Wednesday evening The crowd attending wn carried to and from the social In automobile, three or four machine being In line from 7 until a late hour. The ground were lighted with Chlnee lanterns. Ice creiun, candle nnd soft drinks were served. The Print vllle band attended early In the eveulng nnd played until darkness rendered It lin poHHlble. A program, had been ar ranged but moHt of the ierformer were In attendance at the Trlce Booth wedding and In consequence the program wus not given until lute. LOCAL MENTION Judge II. C. F.lll of I lend, went to The Dalle the II rut of the week. Ml Florence Merrill of Lninonta, left on Monday for Toppenlxli, WumIi. Carl F.hret and If. F. Jones were In town from Redmond on business Monday. Mr. W. F. King hn lieen vlltlng with relatives nt Paulina during the pant week. W. F, King returned Saturday with Dr. L'dwnrd and family In the auto from Hhanlko. He had been to Portland on bUHlne. Dr. and Mm. Clin. 8. F.dwnrd re turned homo Saturday from Port bind, where they have lieen on a oelal and fraternal visit. A. II. Par key wns In from Madrn the tlrst of the week. He state that he has one of the best prospects for a wheat crop that he ever had. The new baritone purchased by I lie Prineville baud arrived lat week, and makes a substantial equlpmeut lu the way of Instru ment. The Deschutes Automobile Com pany, with headquarters lu Portland and a capital stock of $5000, ha filed article of Incorporation with the secretary of stnte. The ollicers of the D. 1. & P. Co., Itoscoe Howard, Alfred F. Illle nnd Attorney Jesse Steam, are the Incorporators of record. The purpose of the com pany I to transport passenger and freight bet ween Item! and Shanlko. L. A. Hunt and F.arl McLaughlin have returned from 'Madras, where they went to assist lu the search for the body of Percy Kidder, their brother-in-law, who wn drowned last Saturday. I'p to noon today, no trace of the body has been found. They exiieet to return to the river the tlrt of next week nml continue the search unless the body 1 recover ed In the meantime. He v. J. T. Moore got back Tuesday from hi trip to Uoseburg nnd Port Innd. He attended liaptist con vention in both places. While at Uoseburg Mr. Moore wn elected ed itor of a weekly paper that the as Hoclation I talking of publishing. Threa men have already been put In the Held In Washlngti n Oregon nnd California, nnd thl fall Ave more will be added. When the sum of $1000 Is raised the publication will I., Alexander Me Fee, a man 81 years old. who ret-liL-d betweeu Lnmonta and Madras, became violently Insane a few nights ngo, the thought that seemed to trouble him being that all the county ollicers were nfter him. He wns brought to town the first of the week and after an examination by the county olllcial was pro nounced insane and committed to the asylum at Salem.' Au attendant arrived in Prineville yesterday and left with the man this morning for the railroad. Marlon Taylor I In Prineville from Post today rustling men to help him In his hay harvest. Misses Nona Richardson nnd Maud Vandervert and Messrs. Prince and Sylvester Staats were In town this week from their home at Ilend. Mr. I. Michel and sons arrived home Wednesday from a . three week's visit to Portland and later to Elgin, where they were the guests of Mr. Michel's ulster. Dr. J. II. KosenlM-rg I home w ith a brand new 30-hore power four cylinder "Overland" car. The ma chine I one of the handsomest ever brought to town. Itosy Is fast learning the art of running It. II. F. Jones and B. A. Kendall were lu town from Kedmond yester day. They are chuck full of railroad optimism nnd believe that Harrl man train will lie running into Hed mond lu nbout one year from the present. E. 0. Ilopson ami D. C. Henny, railroad men from Portland, have been looking over different parts of Crook county this week, making trip to several points In Ed. Hod son's auto. They left for Paulina today expecting to return here this afternoon. G. Springer was lu from Haystack Monday. Among other thing Mr. Springer stated that he has received the highest average price for horses he has sold since the lirst of the year ul any grower on the Coast, the average price on eight head sold be ing f 405 ih.t head. Since the flmt of July one year ng.i he has sold $ 1000 worth of homes which he raised as well as $1000 worth of hogs. HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA Oil ef Wlfltergrcen, Thymol, Glycerin. Etc UMd u Ninpla Wash It really seems strange that so many people suffer year in and year out with eczema, when It U now no longer a ae cret that oil of wintergreen mixed with thymol, glycerine, etc, makes a wash that is bound to cure. Old, obstinate cases, it is true, can not be cured in a few days, but there Is absolutely no sufferer from eczema who ever used this simple wash and did not find Immediately that won derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation that comes when the itch is taken away. Instantly upon applying a few drops of the wash the remedy takes effect, the itch is allayed. There is no need of experiment the patient knows at once. Instead of trying to compound the oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc., in the right proportions ourselves we are using a prescription which is universally found the most effective. It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip tion, or Oil of Wintergreen Compound. It is made by the D. D. X. Co. of Chi cago, and our long experience with this remedy has given us great confi dence in its merits. The Winnek Co. LOCAL MENTION Ueorge nnd E. B. Knox of Post, are In town today. Mr. and Mm. E. N. Strong return ed from liend today, where they have Isjen for several weeks, while Mr. Strong wns looking after Insur ance business for the Oregon Life. Broslus & Pitches are fitting up a booth for the sale of Ice cream, soda, cigars, candles and fruits during the celebration In the part ot ihe build ing adjoining their moving picture theatre. Cobble Stroud, J. W. Boone, Oiner Claypool and W. B. Morse were taken to Madras Sunday In LaFoI lette's auto on a trip of Investiga tion, it being understock- that these gentlemen are considering the mat ter of purchasing some town property there. The Emporium Moving Picture Theatre has arranged for a change of program each night during the days of the celebration In Prineville. The eubjects for Friday and Satur day nights will be: "The Bride of Lammermoor," "Painting," "Bill Wauts to Wed a Toe-dancer," and "Water Sports." For Sunday night the bill will lie: "Impersonator's Jokes," "An All-wool Garment," and "The Hand." There will be new programs each night on Mon day aud Tuesday. The Dillon Feed Yard. I have leased the old Dillon Feed Yard and am now preparing and fixing it up for the accommodation of the traveling public. All kinds of hay and train kept constantly on hand. 1 so licit a reasonable share of your patron see. Respectfully, 7-1 J. M. Montgomery, Propr. Good Sawmill for Sale. All in good running order; will cut 15.000 feet per day; good No. 1 planer; 3,000,000 feet standing timber right at hand goes with the mill, and plenty more can be bought cheap. For further particulars inquire at the Journal office. 6-24 m m a a m m a a m m &i m &a w s a a e 9t MILLINERY CLEARANCE SALE Commencing July lit there will be a big reduction in the price of Summer Millinery. We must have more room for the fall stock. Now is the time. ? s s s 3 Mrs. Estes' Millinery Parlor t If your eyes give you trouble have Petett fit you with glasses. LAMB FEED CO. REDMOND, OREGON Dealers in Chop Feeds of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Qover, Grass and Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed T I MaW ft Croik (aires School Bookl Camera Supplin Jewelry Wall Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Msakal IsttraaMsti Mafaia Lswaey'a Cud its . Stationery Ciara Remember, when you want a Graphophone Cylinder or Disc we have them in stock. We carry a complete line of Columbia gold moulded indestructible cylinder records, 35c. Also the 1 0-inch double disc records, 65c WE SELL THEM y. P. Adamson & Co, DRUGGISTS BHSiiJiajiisjiiiij DISTRIBUTORS ROYAL CLUB GOODS X E. Stewar C ompany AGENTS MAYER SHOES Haying Time We have on hand for hay ing time Hay Forks, Mowing Scythes, Wire Rope, Steel Cable, Pulleys, etc. for Derricks. Lubricating Oils Choicest Groceries For an outing. If- you want something dainty and fresh come and get some of our Lunch Goods. Our line is complete. Below is a partial list Sliced Beef in Glass Deviled Ham Lunch Tongue Royal Club Shrimp Boneless Chicken Jellies in glass Potted Beef Deviled Meats Veal Loaf French Sardines Sardines and Mustard Sweet Pickles in glass Royal Club Salmon Roast Beef Sardines Cervelat Sausage Pearl Onions Sour Pickles in glass Try our Royal Club Pineapple the finest ever put in cans. Buy your Fishing Tackle of us Guaranteed Shoes We guarantee every pair of Mayer or Washington Shoes put out by us to give perfect satisfaction. We will I! have repaired, free of charge, any shoe proving defective. ai