(tlx Why Pay More? W aave you money on every pair. Invcttigatc Uf. M-- 7 . n -J v tie sen mens, it omens, doys, misses ana N Children's Spring Oxfords and Shoes SPECIAL Until further notice we place on tale our entire stock of new Spring Oxfords and Shoes $2.00 p!r $3.50 Your Money Back if You Want It I. The Leader. EEC h iT i The Place to Save Money Auto Ride Social Next Wednesday On WoiIiich lav, June SOtli tint young ri of lite Mollimlist tlmivli Willi give an wooing f mimic ilikl rn tertatniiient at tlio luin ot Mr, Ki'tolium, iiut titi!t went uf town. Tli band will be rsnt ami innit of j tliolr ch.ila wttvt ions'. IWilon th band, Mr. Winnok mtl Mr. A.Uiunou liautoftVrel tlu tin of liiu-Mrit pli (rm emli of their pluocn i( lmim'. Tliero will vo mUw by 1'iodnnr Anli'iy, Mrs. lr. Now nm wii.l Mi Howanl, aW rtvlu ions ly otlnta, Tim l-oit niutilHron tlu ro:rm will le the five truiHruticMi to mill from the g ouiuU ly mitoniotuU-tt. tVma aiul briim your frioiul. Tl.o 1W of Urlinii w ill l tlio vacant lot Jim hth tlumtreot doin Cli(Un& jC.iriirtl'a mon. This llaot will In- flxisl u a a nation. IWt forgot tho il.ito (slnw.lny, June IW, at 7 p.m. Church Services. Financial Report Prinevllle Schools M. R. Elliott, dork of the Trinox 111. whool district, ronkra lilx annual re port. It rtniis as follow: Number of porsotia tietwoeu 4 and SO years of a rwtdliiK tn this tlii trtct November 2.1. HWS: 125 male, 141 female: total The flnaneea of the school illtrlot taad M follows: t'ah on hand at the time of making last annual report June 23, 1908 WW M Received from county treas urer from district tax 2!K 19 llccelved trotu county trea urer from coontr school fnd 2M9 05 Ileeelved from state school fund..; Received from rate Mils and tuition Received from other sources.. 4S7 45 51 70 S 25 Total.. ... r. is MumUKKMKNTK. Teachers' wacvs Fuel and school supplies.. Repairs, Janitors, etc Insurance llerk's salary ..14.130 00 953 5X5 00 50 00 Total. 5702 61 Balance on hand fclTXJ 57 The estimated value of school houxea and ground Is f'WO. The . estimated . Ynliui ot iHultan- ottl apparatus Is placed at f 1000. The achoolhouse and other prop erty are limurtvl for fcWOO. Cheap Land With Water. If you are iwking for a chsnce to tsk up desert larnl and got water on to It here its snsp for you. Anv reaulent of the county will tell you that there is som of the bent land in the district be tween the Crooked and IVtchntes rivers on the lower decert. Our plan is to locate settler and aociat to put water on for irrigation at cot. If yon get some of this land you can. RAISE THE DOUGH. S to 8 ton of clover per acre. 4 to 8 tons of alfalfa per acre. 1't soil and best climate in Crook count r. I'erix't aal water right and good title at verv low cost Kor full information write Joseph G. HorTox, ft 241 mo Madias, Oregon. LOCAL MENTION Good Sawmill for Sale. All in good running order; will cut 15.000 feet rerdar; mnl n I r.l.nor- S, 000 ,000 feet etanding timler right all hand goe with the mill, and plenty more can be bought cheap. Kor further particulars inquire at the Journal j office, I F. C llowloe was In town Tues day from the Johnston ranch near IVnd. A mnrrlnge license has Nrn Issued to Jos. W. Mci'lay and Alaiu M. Archer, both of Uedmoud. W. H. Kilmer aud wife were In town, on business Monday, from their home east ot Madras. Win. H. Forter made final proof on his homestead ou the McKay be fore County Clerk Rrowu Tuesday. At the school election held Monday Mrs. V. A. Hell was elected to suc ceed her-If. M. U. KUIott was re appointed clerk. A. I Mackintosh returned from Portland the first of the week and spent a few days In Frlnevllle U-forv returning to his home at Paulina. H. J. Healy of Haystack, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Healy stated while In town that the recent rains were not as heavy In his section as lu some neighborhoods In the county County Herk Warren Brown says that his oRlce is out of bounty war rant blanks Just at present, and that parties having scalps may bring the same In, but that he cannot Issue warrants tor same until his supplies arrive. County Superintendent of Schools R. A. Ford left Prinevllle today on his way to Salem to attend the an nual convention of county school superintendents which nuwUnt tlw capital Monday, June2S. After at tending this session he expects to go on to Albany to attend the State Teachers' Association. The state laws require the state superinten dent to hold the annual convention ot superintendents and the county superintendents are required to at tend. The program for the con vention sent out by Supt. Ackerman Include the discussion of 25 topics nil of great Interest to educators. The apieal for a new trial in the case of C It. Krlckson and wife, who were fouud guilty in the last sesslou of the Circuit court forCrook county, Is now filed in the supreme court f Oregon. Erickson's attorney, Oeo. W. Barnes, states that the work of the court is now IS months liehind and that it will probably 1h that long before t he case ever comes up tor a hearing, which w ill U at Pen dleton. The appeal of C. Sam Smith which was taken last- year Immedi ately after the May term of court has never yet lieen argued. Attor ney Barnes says that It will proba My receive the consideration of the court next month. Walter T. Morris, forest guard, was in town from PoU Tuesday, making proof on a destrt claim which he holds thcrv. Ash W. Benton of Corvaliis, who formerly worked for W, F. King, came In yesterday to prove up on his timber claim. Mr. lien ton's claim hung lire In the land ottice tor a long time and consequently he proves up uiuler the old law. Mrs. Cora Chapman has lieen on gaged by the board of directors of the Uedmoud school to teach a nine months school tn that district, Ik ginning on the first Monday In Scp temlier. Her contract with the dis. trlct otlieors Is now on file with the county superintendent and Is the tlrst to be tiled for the coming year. Cases Filed in Circuit Court. Since the May term the following eases have been filed In the circuit court: Mrs. Jana Smith vs. C. C. Smith, of Madras: divorce. Arthur llightower vs. Rosland Lumber Company; to collect f.W, balance alleged to le due for labor. Meier Frank Com pay, of Port laud, vs. Hugh O'Kane ot Bend: to collect 1450.:'kS claimed tola' due on promissory note. Win. C. Buekner vs. Hawley C. North; foreclosure of mortgage on $1000 note. .jnKEs W., jjmr W mm W RECORD Pacific Mors Liniment is prepared t pressiy lor the aeeiis of har emen snd rtachiiiea It is a powrrful id pene. trttinf (inimtnt, remedy lor eincrjren. cies. A soothing etntVotaiKMi lor the relief of pais, and the best tiniment lor sprains od soreness. Iru qualcd lor curinf the wounds and injuries of BARBCD W IRE and for hcafof cuts, ihra&ions, sores and bruises Pacific Horse Liniment is fuilr (uarantced. .No other is so food or helpful in so many wa s. II it (ails to satisfy, w e authorise all dealers to refund the porchase price. imi iuu Mmn nm ccwra HOVT ChCMICAI. CO, tanun, Om. 25 - booklet tiSBzg rtre Pacific Stock Remedies for sale by Templeton & Son. Seasonable Goods for the Summer Kodaks Kodaks. We have them in all the popular sizes, Irom the little Brownie at $1 each to the belter grades to $20 each ; also Films and Supplies. Hammocks The latest and best in Hammocks is the Hammock Bed lor porch or camp. It is not like the old hammock, but like a bed. Values Irom 511.50 to $12.50. Porch Screens We have Porch Screens in while and green at $1,75 each up, according to sire. Exceptional Values in Furniture We are oHcring some exceptional values in our Furniture Department Chairs from 90 cents up; Rockers from $2 up. Edison Phonographs Victor Talking Machines. These repre sent the best We have them in all the popular sizes. Sold on easy terms. Winnek's Toilet Cream For . every day in the year. Your money back i( you don't like the cream. Elgin and Waltham Watches THE GOOD TIME KEEPERS Jewelry of all kinds Htmlay servleta nt the I'nlon church as follows: 10 a. m., Sunday school. U . m., preaching, topic, ".V IVIIghtful Experience." vm., C. K. Society. X p. m preaching, topic, "A Command that Cannot l Xegltvted." Come with us. C. 1". Bailey, pastor. Tor Sunday, June 27. at the First Methodist church: Sunday school nt 10 a.m., and preaching at 11: sul jeet, "The tieneral Kulcs ot the Met I odlst church." Kpworth league ser vice at" p. m., and pn aching at a o'clock; subject, "The Word as a Uunp I nto My Feet." IVulnuliig with the first Sunday lit July the evening services will Ik union, the three pastors and their congrega tions worshipping together. Yon are invited to attend theser vices nt the Presbyterian church Sunday, June 27. Suuday School at 10 p. m., Christian F.udcnvor, 7 p. in ,! subject, "Missionary Pocket Hooks. Preaching services at 11 a, in., and t p, m. Subjtvt for the morning dis course, "The Contpierlng Church." evening theme, "A Man That Went for .a Walk, and Never Pvtunud." This will lie the last evening service! licfore the commencement of the sum mer union Sunday evening services. F.lder l'.alley will preach at the Lower McKay c hoolhousc- next Sunday at 3 p. tu. Piano for Sale. Good piano for Nile cheap. For fur ther information inquire at the Journal oilice. tUTtf Professional Cards, jCatvytr Crrytm. Qt C. S3rix ?rat Cslai Office with Ueo..V. ISarnw Primtm'H; - - Ortgtn 3?. Ciliott, !Primm, Crtjtn. CiLU Avirn pomT Dt oi Smut mc Om 1kx NinH or akiimii'i Ion stoki. Botit oflK r an rJ-df-ooe U-l-jbon. Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co Bargains in Clothing The grcatcat sale of Men'a and ly Cloth ing ever offered in Crook county. Don't put off investigating these values while the sizes tire nearly complete. The values in for themselves. Every suit has the positive guarantee of the makers. Come T.Si3 ' r fnxr SincorltT Clutbaa Cppjrlht Your choice of any suit in the house SHOES and HATSNow is iYour Chance We Iiave- just received a large assortment of new and up to-date Shoe ami Huti All the latest shades and styles go on sale at greatly reduced prices. Shoes that are ordinarily sold t from ti to 5, we offer now at $3.00 NOVELTY HATS All the new thass and shades. Tsually sold for 13.50, now $2.50 I5uy your strawberries nt Stew, arts. Genuine llotid lilvers. Second-hand Buggy Wanted. Slunk' buggy wanted, Sicoud hand. Call at this olhce. tMO Bids for School Building. Scaled bids w ill l received U t the erection ami completion of a oi)i-tory framp etiool luilluii fur S'IhhiI listri-t No. 27, aceoriliim to p!n mi tile at the oilice of Shipp A Perry, 1'rineville, dr., and Mrs M.irr Fiile, Paulina, Or. Hi 1 sill tie mvtveil uutd July 0. l'.n;. Hi la tu t tent to the clerk of the dis trict. Mas. Mav Kim.i c. Clerk, fl 1 7-3t Paulina, t)r. Call for Warrants. Notice i hcreliy (riven Ihat th tolluniiig Orok rouniy warrrtnl. iwtie"! wvrn years prior to July I, U, iiiuki I pn-n iiir.! for pavno ut wilUin Ml .las from imoi! July 1, lim. ollirrm i;r tlii y iil le rancellt-d and p.iynient t.tvrraflrr I refu-eii an provi'itil (v lutr. Julr in. lw M Nmrtxr on L AM .13 FEEiD CO. Kl-DMOMl. OIUT.O.N Dea'srs lu Chop Feed, of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grass and Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed Janunrv U, W , YuKhun --- Januurr II. '! miovcr ........ Mt pi. ini r U, l'- Knrrt tjulmlir .. Hrpu-nihrr 4, lws Krnnk K'SiUiilUe . M-.t' ml r H.hH-cy . wn " ' Mm Kvwl " " W IU.M. T " .Iiium MorKan .... .'niinarr , l)i -A K Hill WiMvti li Minor Uili. June 1 I. M ( urlnNy " " Bruirn r'rnnn " " " II i Herrtiiia Xowmhor. l'l . I- Jour Nnvemi'-r t. I'o-Harre lullfr Niimnlw 1-. ! T J l.lnvlll " " V I. I'llncr ,1'ilr . ltl-t.o. l ln,-r Mn-h 1. I;".'- ti lM'olu-t Jiilr 1. 1 J X !i- nn.'ll jieniir . I''l ho Millar . N.ihiuIi r 9. l'fl -H"liMrte IiSwanm Sov,'iiii-r 9. 1'-1! -4i,-o 1 n' AIU1I.X litOI" .", &-1T-BNJ i ounlv l.-rk. 4 V I I M I n I . I Ml 1 ttl I V I 10 I ( 'HI s n 1 m I til 1 3 43ttlll33 ! 1 ! ! 3 ! J g M - SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE MILLINERY MRS. ESTES MILLINERY PARLORS Corner Seond ,d Mo Siraelt. Prineeilk Or..o t t r t t c t t t t so t t t c t co to co co c The City Meat Market IIOKIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the be.9t in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities Wc handle all kinds of country produce Men's Spring Suits T H B R I C K 0 R We are offering some of the most attractive bargains in men's spring and summer suits ever shown in this city. All the late College Cuts, new cloth patterns and up-to-date shades are repre sented. Prices range from $10 to $25. It pays to make good and we can on our mens suits Ladies' Tailored Suits Our line of spring suits for ladies is now on display. Prices range from $17.50 to $25.00. S s 5 4 3 s 8 8 i2 Clifton & Comett THE WINNEK COMPANY H0RIGAN & STILL J