Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 17, 1909, Image 2

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    Why Pay More?
We save you money on every
pair. Investigate.
We sell Mens, Women's, Boys', Misses' and
Children's Spring Oxfords and Shoes
le our entire
SPECIAL UntU further notice we place
stock of new Spring Oxfords and Shoes
on sal
Your Money Back if You Want It
-T- -TV yf-T-x I I I . I"
The Leader. The Place to Save Money
Negro Porter Shoots
Two at Shaniko
Just before noon today the na
gro porter who ehot Trumbull and
McLaughlin at Shaniko Tuesday
night, crowed Sherar'a bridge, go
ing toward The Dalies. There
was no one at the bridge exeept
an old man, who made no attempt
. to stop him. Sheriff Chrif man
and his men have been notified
and the capture of the negro is ex
pected at any time.
Local Sheepmen
Sell Their Wool
Tuesday night at Shaniko, B. H.
Trumbull. Portland agent tor the
Illinois Central Hallway, and Jack
McLaughlin were shot by the nepro
porter on their special car at about
1:10 a. m. Trumbull was shot In the
groin and la expected to die. Me
Laughlin was struck In the leg by a
bullet and his wound is not consider-
et serious. The negro esenped Into
the darkness and has not yet been
captured so far ns learned.
The neero Itecatnc boisterous on
the private car and Trumbull aiid
his companion started to take him
to jail. While on the way on the
street the negro broke away from
them and pulled a revolver firing live
shots, two of which took effect. The
porter then ran down the street
throwing off his white coat and
Charles Purbin hurried to Antelope
in his auto after Dr. A. E. King to
attend the wounded men and when
he and the doctor had almost made
the return to Shaniko, they met the
negro crossing the rood, in his shirt
s'eeves and bare headed. Tbey
" stopped and asked him to tide, but
h3 said they were going the wrong
way. Since that time he is not
known to have been seen by any
one. Word has been sent out In all
directions for officers to keep a look
out for him.
McLaughlin and Trumbull were
hurried by a special from Shaniko to
Portland to the hospital. They had
gone to Shaniko to attend to busi
ness In connection with wool ship
ments. The only trace that Is known of
the negro Is that the cottage of Mrs.
Paine, on the road lietween Ante
lope and Shaniko has been ransack
ed, and It is supposed that this was
done by the porter in an effort to
find ammunition or supplies that
would assist him In making the getaway.
At the Shaniko wool sales held
Tuesday about one million and a
half pounds of the staple changed
hands. The sale Included many of
the clips of Crook county grower.
The highest price paid whs that for
the wl oftne tTineviiie inna
Livestock, managed by Will Wura
weiler the price paid leing '21 ceuts.
Prices at this sale ranged a shade
lower than at the previous one.
Following is a list of the sales as re
ported by the Oregonlau's corres
pondent: Pdack Butte Land & Livestock
Company R3.000 llw. 2lo: W. U.
Asher. 14.000 llw. 'XUe: L. Kargher.
15.000 lbs. 20V: F. W. Durbln. :U.0u0
lls,21ic: William Adams. 12.000 llw.
r.tie:S. B. Davis, M.OOO Us. 1V: A.
Canning, 0000 lbs, 17.-; K. P. Orttey,
12,000 lbs, at 1V-; 11. Keys, 5000 lbs,
luc; M. J. Finlavson. R4.000 Ilm. tSV:
L. S. Hamilton. 6,0UO llw, 21V'; H.
O. Pnwtper. 2.0U0 llw. 2IV4C; J. Knsser,
50,1100 His, 22W-: H. Patjens, 50,000 llw,
2--V- W. U.Mnweall. 75.001) lbs. 21e;
A. V. Breeie. 12.000 Hs, 204'e: K.
Rtwenhnnm. lO.tXH) llw, 21c.
Alex Miijtiiv. 25.0(10 llw. 21Sie; F. A.
Powell. 23.0(10 llw, 21 v: K. K. Uuiirh-
lin. 2,000, 20e: Kd Fit xpat rick. -W.(HK)
llw. 22e: C. A Johnson. 11,0011 Hm, le
Faniuhar Mellue, ,IMK) llw. 10 V:
Macintosh Laml Ac Livestock t o.
50,000 llw, 10W; K. Homier, 1:1.000 llw
lse: Prlneviile Ijtml & Livestock
Co., 100,000 llw, 21c; Kenneth F. Me
Rnc. 100.0U0 llw. 21: Thos Fitzgerald
1.000 llw. lii'j". M. Fitzgerald, 12.CO0
lbs, 17'c: B. Iremonger, 10.000 at 10c;
MeCov& Son, 25,00" at 21c: John
Karten, 24.0U0 llw, 20V: W. Vaneey
.14 000 llw. 20: Mrs. C. Friend. 30,000.
21V; T. H. & E. McCreer, 11.000 llw,
20S,: A. P. Jones 14.000 llw, se; U.K.
Kost. 50,000, 17!.,"; C. H. Denley, 10.000
at 15V:-
The next sale at Shaniko Is sched
uled for June 20, which will be the
last for the present seasou.
Lanius-Howard Weddiug.
Laidlaw Chronicle: A proposition
to on toot to establish a cream sta
tion here to purchase cream for the
Prlneviile creamery and It should le
given every encouragement by the
farmers. It will bring many dollars
to the farmer that pntroulxes tl e
creamery and the trouble should be
but little. The Prlneviile creamery
Is now In good hands and is doing a
good business. It will pay our peo
ple toco-01 erate In the cream sta
tion here.
Dr. I". C. Coe passed through town
yesterday on his way home to Bend.
Br. Coe has been In the East for the
past three months taking post
graduate work in some of the great
est lxwpitnls In the country, and
says that he feels well "repaid tor the
effort ami expenditure the courses
required. He took special work in
surgery, saw the ln-st surgeons in
the country perform dillicult oper
atlons, and under their direction did
actual work himself. He was glad
to .le bnek and said he was
anxious to get home and get to
work again.
The subjects of the moving pictures
at the Emporium for Friday and
Saturday nights are: "Early Day
Romance In Oregon." "A Case of
Suirits." "The Ivndly Plant" and
"The Acrobatic Maid. 'these are
especially good films and should lie
seen by everyone. The past few
nights the bill has Included the
world's championship baseball game
between the Chicago and Detroit
tennis at Chicago last fall which re
sulted In a victory for Chicago with
a score of 4 to 2. The pictures show
all the famous members of the teams
at close range, many Interesting fea-
Jturvaof the git 1110 and Rhs otu h
pretty good Idea of hlgU art Iwiw- fl
'ball. I
I A traveling rotit'.iuy of four rhrd
ptntple, to men l women, li A
are touring Cvntrnl Oregon under the D
name of tlm "Colored .rihercy,' ar- f
lived in rrinrville and en Monday even- 1
iiig kvu a ht(oi luMiiee lo a rrowdmt
house at Hie Club hull. Lou Uftr,tf
the chow commenced all the se.tta in I ho T
building wor occupied and down town
establishments were raided (or chairs
aud bciii'lie to nvo;iiuitdrtle the and;,
nee, and Mill many had to timid dur
ing the performance.
Attorney M. E. Brink, accom
panied by Mrs. Brink, went to Bend
Monday where he defended V. M.
Clabouglt In Justice Merrill's eonrt
on a charge of culling a fence I e
louglng to W. T. Casey. After hear
ing the evidence Justice Merrill din-'
missed the appearing that
itlabough had only disconnected the
jfen.eof Casey from his own f. iut.
Casey and Clabough own adjoining
'lands at Powell Buttes, and have
I had some dilllculty over a line fence.
jOahough moved his fence ten feet
j within his line and Casey stretched a
panel aoross Clnbough's land to con
j uevt. It was for the cutting ot this
portlou that the effort was made to
bring an action against Clnybough.
J. It. Gray this week bought from
J. E. Crouch & Son's ngetit, the
bnu't.'ul Imported German coach
bay 111 a re, "lirvinse" and now has
her In his stables In Prlneviile. The
mare Is ids years old and weighs
about 1550. She Is said to lw one of
the most perfect animals of her tyH
ever seen In t rook county. Mie is
valued at 2500. Mr. Gray Is tut r
ested In the company which acquired
the German coach stallion, "Man
darin," aud the many purchases that
Crook county stockmen have lecn
making of Imported horse ot valu
able breeds promises great strides
tor the raising of the standard of the
hordes In this section. The day of
the "fuM tail" breed Is rapidly wan-
The contract for moving the old
court house to the high school
grounds was on Monday awarded
to L. A. Hunt for f 'i0. There were
several bids, ranging from $000 to
$250. The successful bidder will le
required to give a bond In the sum
of $500. The time allowed for the
completion of the contract l. until
July 15. The county offices are all in
the old building as yet. The new
furniture has not arrived and the
date of removal Into the new quar
ters has not lieeii determined. Coun
ty (lerk Brown is averse to moving
until some provision Is made for
placing the record in systematic or
der. To move and pile the pajH-rs
and books would make a chaotic
state and result In endless hard work
to get things in order again. The
other olhVes could Ite moved In short
Lively-Jordan-Laniiis Co
mm . i r iii
t; 'vVv-.'V inB
. 1. IT r - t- i
Bargains in Clothing
greatest sale of Men's and Boys' Cloth
ever olTcretl in Crook county. Don't
oil investigating these values while the
sizes are nearly complete. The values in
suit has the
makers. Come
speak for themselves. Every
nositive euarantee of the r
nnd pick them out. While they
" Your
Since ttir DoilM
of any
suit in
SHOES and HATS-Now is Your Chance
We have just received" a largo
assortment of new ami up to-iUte
Shoes and Htt4 All the latost
stmilcs and i-tvl'S go on sale at
greatly reduced price.
8lws that are ordinarily coM
at tfront $ I to we tfft r now at
All the new hapea and shades.
I'aually fold for Id .W, now $2.50
Piano for Sale.
Good piano for fcale cheap. For fur
ther information inquire at the Journal
office. 6-17tf
Mr. Harrv C. Laniua and Mi Haiel
L. Howard were married at the home
of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. r.
B. Howard in l'rineville. last Sunday at
12:10 p. m., ltev. C. P. Bailev perforra
ins the ceremonv. The wedilina was
witnessed only bv the family. After
partaking of a dainty wedding dinner
the happy couple left at once by auto
for the railroad at Shaniko and will
epend their honeymoon at l'ortland anl
When the auto atarted to leave town
its passage wag blocked at the Ochoco
bridgs and a crowd of friends showered
the wedding party with rice.
The groom is a worthy young business
man who located in Prineville about
three years ago. He is a member of
the mercantile firm of Lively-Jordan-Lanius-Campany.
Miss Howard is the
elder dantrhter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B.
Howard, whose home has been in Prine
ville since childhood.
Aftrthe honevmoin Mr. and Mrs.
Lanius will go to housekeeping in the
Mrs. J ine Powell residence property.
Kasparilla is the name of a new remedy
most successfully prescribed for a "world
of troubles.' For derangements of the
dipestive oreans it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, genuy Dill pcrsisienuy
stimulating a healthy activity. Ita bene
ficial influence extends, however, to every
portion of the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irreirularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list of troubles
directlv traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
If it fails to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
HovT Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon
For sale by Templeton & Son
Church Services.
Huy your utmw licrrlc tit Slew,
nrtn. (ienulne Hood Ulvera.
Second-hand Buggy Wanted.
Single biiKKV wiuited.Hecotid hand.
Cull nt IIiIh (illlce. H-IO
Seasonable Goods
for the Summer
Kodaks. We have them in all the
popular sizes, from the little Brownie at $1
each to the better grades to $20 each ; also
Films and Supplies.
The latest and best in Hammocks is
the Hammock Bed lor porch or camp. It
is not like the old hammock hut like a
bed. Values from $11.50 to $12.50.
Porch Screens
We have Porch Screens in white and
green at $1,75 each up, according lo size.
Exceptional Values in
We are ollering some exceptional values
in our Furniture Department Chairs from
90 cents up; Rockers from $2 up.
Edison Phonographs
Victor Talking Machines. These repre
sent the best We have them in all the
popular sizes. Sold on easy terms.
Winners Toilet Cream
For every day in the year, Your
money back i( you don't like the cream.
Elgin and Waltham Watches
Jewelry of all kinds
Next Sunday at !! p. in. Klder
Btillcy will prench itt the Uye (irnxH
Service ut the I'rebyteri:in church
Sunday June 21), l'.XKl. frenchlng nt
11. a. 111., and 8, p. 111. Morning
theme, "A Ileholdnnt Duty." Kven
InjI, "A Trustworthy Guide." Wide
School 10, n m., ChrlHtinn Kndenvor
7, p, m.; Kiil.Jcct, "The Hill Will
culty." You are cordially Invited to
t'nion Church aervlcca. 10 a. in.,
inatead of the regular nervIceH the
children will have an lnterewtlnj? pro
gram. 11 a. in., preaching; topic,
Special Mention to children. 7 p. m
ChrlHtlan Lndeavor meeting. H p. m.,
Drenching; topic. "The Stone with
Kyen." Oome with uh. C. P. Hailey,
At the Flret Methodixt Church
Sunday, June 20: Sundny Bchool at
10 a. 111.. and preaching at 11. Sub
ject, "Kuth'n WIhc Choice." Kpworth
Iyngue at 7 p. ni. and preaching at 8
o'clock. Subject, " From Whence
Came Evil Into the World?" Mm.
Dr. (ivle Newaoin will lng a nolo at
the evening nervlce. J. 0. Lewellen,
Bids for School Building.
Sealed hid will lxj received fur the
erection and completion of onf ftory
frame nchnol building for School Iitrict
No. "7, accnrdiiiK to plana on tile at the
olliceof Shipp A I'erry, I'rinewlle, tr..
and Mr. Mury KokI, I'aiiliiia, Or, U1.I11
will lie received until July , '.'''.
Hi '. to 1 tent to thu cleric ol llio clm-
MBd. Mar rooi.a, l lerk,
(117.;U Paulina, Or.
Call for Warrants.
Notice h hereliy ttivrn that tlie lollowinK
('riMik rounty warrmiti. i!nuei m-vi-ii ypiirs
prior to July 1, kw, mum pn-wiiu-o ir
pnyineHt wilinn no uuy iroio nam juiy i.
IlW.l, otlierwie tlu-y will I i-uniwlliil il
tmyiiient thereafter lw rcfu-icd u provided
!v In.
July in. loan r, m Hnyrter I 1
Jniiuury 11, iH'Ti Win VniiKliail 4 W
Juiumrv H. 'I '"'-I'-e Vnnover J "
K. pl.-nilw r M, l"0- Kon-l o,iiliiil)V J 70
p-pu-nHM-r , rninK ivoimoiok-.,..
Hepteiulwr II. -C M Unvn I
- Mr, Hvi.l I W
" " " Itiilley I l
" " " Jmnin Murmin I W
Jarninrv . lon-A K Hill H
Murrh it, lUiU-Mlnor U-wl 1
June , lvH) I, M fourtnuy J
Hruno Kruny. I'1'
II o WrrfllnK
NovpiiiVht ', 'M A P ,lone
Noveniiier 1". I'" lliirrr Itiilley
NoveinlH-r 1'A W" T J I -I tivill
' " " IM.IMtnir
.InlV I In. Wlmer
Mrirrh l. IW'i-O HOnllet .'
July 1, P.i2-J N Bennett ...
H. pli-uilT'J, I"'! 'llltH Miller
NoveinlK-r , Pl t'lmrlmi KHWmiBon.
V..u 't l'Hll ; ll.
5-17.Ki(t l ounly Clerk.
LAIB F 111 El) CO.
Hi:i)M()NI), OltUCON
lWcra In
Chop Feeds of all K!nda, Baled Hay, Seed Grain,
Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grata and
Garden Seeds of all Kindt.
Toll Chopping Done. Satitf action Guaranteed
t t 3 ! 3 43 3 3 3 3 43 43 3 1 3 C3 3 43 3 Jr 9
a mi
.1 l
:i oi
H m
vi no
i tm
I 4"
2 i i
The City Meat Market
Advance aljhn liiHprlng and Hummer inllllnery. Ilenutlftil put
tern hatM, nobliy direct hatx, tor Indlex, iuUnrn and children Will
In- on illMplay at
jj Corner Second and Main Street, Prineville, Oregon
14 C C4 SO K4 C4 K4 S4 14 C C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 K K- K4 r4 K4 K4 14 43
Men's Spring Suits
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its the best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you will help build up a home industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
We are offering some of the
most attractive bargains in men s
spring and summer suits ever
shown in this city. All the late
College Cuts, new cloth patterns
and up-to-date shades are repre
sented. Prices range from $10
to $25. It pays to make good
and we can on our men's suits
Ladies' Tailored Suits
Our line of spring suits for
ladies is now on display. Prices
range from $17.50 to $25.00.
v Clifton & Cornett