1 Why Pay More? We ave you more on every pair. Investigate. We sell Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses' and Children's Spring Oxfords and Shoes SPECIAL Until further notice we place on ale our entire tock of new Spring Oxfords and Shoes $2.00 AT PAIR $3.50 Your Money Back if, You Want It I UVLTOECEI The Leader. The Place to Save Money Undergraduate Honors In Prineville Schools Prof. Schafer Makes Scholarly Address Tin graduating exercises of the r. sluh Grade .of the PrliievtUe pub lic schools were hold at the club hall ;.-i,t Tliursdnr evening. The house w crowdod with school children and parents and friends of the claw members. Many beautiful bouquets ofeut flowers were presented to the claw", members during the rendition of the program, which was largoly composed of the delivery of essays prepared by the graduates. The class roll follows: Hugh Lawrence Lister, valedietorian; Win. Warren Yancey, salutatorian: Edith King, Leola Catharine Estes, Maude Potter, Mabel Clair Doak, Hay Howard Moore, Arthur O'Xeil. Supt. Ford presented the diplomas. Trinclpal Ashby announceil that an a result of the grades of the pupils in the Prineville cujols the teachers had selected three from each grade which were worthy of honorable mention, and that the one having the best grades in the classes, aud for deportment, neatness, effort and attendance would be honored by be . log designated as the class leader for the ensuing year. The list Us aa fol lows: First grade Frank Carroll, class leader; honorable mention Myrtle Caroll, Ester Adamson. Second tirade Alice Blanchard, class leader; honorable mention Cleoria Kinder, GlennBarnes. Third grade Nellie Tarry, class leader; honorable mention Caroline Thronson, Dale Elkins. Fourth grade Alma LIppman, class leader; honorable mention Ruth Adamson, Hazel Harris. Fifth grade Columbia Thronson, class leader; honorable mention Laura Luelling, Anna Lueliing. Sixth grade Elma Noble, class leader; honorable mention Helen Elkins, Harry Stearns. Seventh grade Arthur Michel, class leader; honorable mention Grace Reams, Robert Lister. Fifth grade Is the banner class. After the program at the hall, the teaching staff of the schools, the school board, the class members, their families, the members of the or chestra, and several Invited friends, went to the home of Mrs. Ollie Elkins, were Prof. Ashby and Mrs. Elkins had prepared refreshments of lee cream and cake, for the company, and a very pleasant social evening was spent. Prineville Will Celebrate the Fourth Joseph Schafer, professor of his tory at the University of Oregon at Eujwne, delighted his hearers with a scholarly address, which was the prlucipal feature of the high school commencement exercises hold at the club hall last Friday evening. The house was filled to overflowing and the stage was attractively decorated with flowers, evergreens and potted ! plants. Frof. Schafer talked along the line of "Fundamentals," showing the prime necessity of laying a good foundat Ion. He held u p as t he essou tiul thing in good judgment, the dis- CiTtiruent of the fundamental aud im portant points in any problem con fronted, aside from those of lessor Importance. After the opening nuralier on the program by Morgan s orciiestra, Rev. C. P. Bailey offered prayer, then the treble clef club of the high school sang the chorus, "Out in the Fields.' Frof. Schafer then delivered his ad dress, which was followed by Miss Catharine Conway's vocal solo, "The Mission of a Rose." County Superintendent R. A. Ford, on behalf of th high school board presented the diplomas to the grad uates, eight in number, and in ad dition presented to Edgar Roy Barnes a scholarship in Whitman College, valued at fJOO, Mr. Barnes having attained the best grades und highest houors of his class. The exercises closed with a selec tion from the orchestra, followed by the benediction by Rev. J. V. Lew- elien. After the exercises at the hall the guest of honor, eProf. Schafer, the members of the class, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williamson, the members of the faculty and Supt. Ford repaired to the Hotel Prineville. where a ban quet was served. The members of the class are: Ed gar Roy Barnes, Frank R. Lafollette, David Pickett, Randolph D. Ket cliuni, Horace I P.elknap Jr., Irene M. Barnes, Nora F. Stearns, Chris tina Gibson. Asa result of a canvass of the majority of the business houses of the city late today the announce ment is made that rrinevllle will celebrate the Fourth of July in n llt tiug manner. As the Fourth falls on Sunday the date of the celebration has not lieen definitely determined, but as a Rasolmll tournnmeiit will liea leadnm feature It Is probuhle that the events will commence Sun dav afternoon, the 4th. nud that the main celebration will lie held on Monday the ftth. Haycreek Wool Clip Brings Highest Price At the second h1 m) of th teuton iiereJuus l.abuut TVVXtO pomM sold at prkoa rn n'og font 15 to 22 cents. The famous IliLlwin StuH'p A tand Catmfliiy's clip uf 3:10,000 pounds brought the higliert price o-f the mH n, namely, 22 '4 cents. - Anion n tln other sales wssHlie clip of Morrow Kivnmi, M.O0O pounds, ti which J. 1 Dufonr and Charles II. Green were tied at 2tV cents. Other clips offered aud sold wers: Henry Wakerty, $1,000 pnumls, at " cents; James Connollv. ;!;i,000 pounds. at 204 cents; Malonc Estate, 8.1,000' pounds, at 22 rents; T. A. Connoll), &0.0C0 pounds, at22i cents; Miller A Harris, 22,000 pounds, at 13 cents. The principal buyers ef the day were Charles II. Green, K.Jw'm J. llutke, J. P. Pnfour, William Kllery. The licit sales here will Won June 15 and Titer is yet unsold at this point about 1,125,000 pounds. Jre gonian. Married. Mr, Lloyd lVwell nud Miss taiiora K. Houston were married Wedtios- lay anernoou m tne nome in hum bride's parents In this city, Her. J. T. Moore, officiating. Harold Hoblw and Miss Kdna ICstes nctinl as lKst man and l'st lady. Miss I.ora Steams played the wedding inarch. Several relatives and friends in the young ieople were present. The groom Is. a most excellent young man. lie is t lie son 01 M. u. Powell, one of Crook county s lead-i lug cIllM-ns. The bride Is the popu lar daughter of J. C. Houston, a prominent stockman of this county. l'he voung couple are at home on the McKay, where Mr. Powell is en gaged In ranching. Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co Bargains in Clothing of The greatest sale ins ever offered put off investigating Men's and Hoys' Ck th in CriKk county. Don't these values while iue sis etc nenrly complete. The values in Results at the May Race Meeting A Snap. If sold at once ei!lit-room house, w lot 40x120: one b;ock from Mull school. For further information call on or w rite 1 ' 11. C. Ckoss, rrinevillo, Or. 0 3 Dressmaking. j Mrs. Nora P.aker and Mrs. James; Pier have formed a partitersliip and w ill go into the dressmaking business at the hitter's home in this city. We Idins i troiisM'Siis a specialty, but will do all kinds of woi k. Call on the la lies. 0 3 Expert Saw Man. G. II. Dorv will be in Prineville three dayg the first of eacli month for the puViiose of hammering and putting saws in lirst-clasa condition; work guaran teed. Special calls should be sent to Howard. 6-3-lni Send $1.50 for the Journal One Year. The Mar raws have come' nnd gone. And now some of theexiert judges of horse flesh have a chance to cast tit accounts and determine which was the better horse. The attendance at the meet was good considering that the weather was cold nnd threatening ruin The track was in the tiest condition that it has ever leon, and some of the contests were first-class exhibitions of sport. Financially, the associa tion cleared in the neighborhood of $250 during the meet. The following is a list of the events and entries, the horses Wing named la the order In which they finished. Wednesday Quarter-mile dash; purse f 100. P.randy, Wade Hamp ton, Psyche. Time S4- Three -quarter-mile dash; ptp-se 150. Kbclthateher, Utinhtharp, Trump, Yankee Hoy. Time 1:19. Thursday Three - eighths - mile dash: nurse $125. P.rnndy, Wade Hampton, Pifgrim Hose, Lady ISan ata. Main, Princess David: time :i'i. Seven -eighths -mile dash; purse 1130. Confederate, John H., Kbcl thateher, Jerusha; time Y3. Friday Half-mile dash; purse ?150. Carrie Thatcher, lielle Uriflin, Hong Kong; time 51. Mile and one-eighth dash; purse tl"5. Confederate, Sunrise, Trump; time 2:04. Saturday Flve-elghths-mllB dash; purse $150. Uelle Orilfin, Jerusha, Wade Hampton, Lady ISaimta; time 1:05. One and one-fourth-miio dash; purse $200. John H., Confederate, Evermore; time 2:17. Lost An Knstern Star emblem pin, on Prineville streets; tinder re turn to Foster & Hyde's store and receive a reward. m2t)-tf V VM ''II'' ' ifM! 1 V 1 .1 speak lor themselves. t-verv suit has the positive Guarantee tl the makers, come and pick litem out. While they last $10.00 (sincerity Clittws Copyright our choice the of any house suit in SHOES and HATS-Now is Your Chance We h tve just received a Itrgo assortment of new artl up to-diite Shoes nud 1 1 ttt All the latest slunles sml styles p on sale at greatly winced prices. Shoes lhat ar ordinarily soM nt from J I to f 5, we offer now nt $3.00 NOVELTY HATS All the new shape sml slinde. Usually soUl for 13 50, now $2.50 i-oisaaiiiiiiiiji " 11 - . iqj 1 ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION Blaisdon Standard 8623 Hi:i)M()M), OHIUiON c o. Owned by the Haycreek Company Seasonable Goods for the Summer Kodaks Kodaks. We have them in all the popular sizes, from the little Brownie at $1 each lo the better grades to $20 each ; also Films and Supplies. Hammocks The latest and best in Hammocks is the Hammock Bed lor porch or camp. It is not like the old hammock, hut like a bed. Values horn 811.50 to $12.60. Porch Screens We have Porch Screens in white and green at $1,75 each up, according to size. Exceptional Values in Furniture We are ollering some exceptional values in our Furniture Department. Chairs (rom 90 cents up; Rockers from $2 up. Edison Phonographs Victor Talking Machines. These repre sent the best We have them in all the popular sizes. Sold on easy terms. Winnek's Toilet Cream For every day in the year, Your money back i( you don't like the cream. Elgin and Waltham Watches THE GOOD TIME KEEPERS Jewelry of all kinds Will be place at the Biggs' two weeks -IVtilsrs in Chop Feeds of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grass and Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed r t .1 3 1 3 4tt 3 3 3 43 CJ mm 3 -M 3 $4 3 3 43 3 3 3 3 9 9 The R. Bay Stallion Biggs' place, ill wi near be at M. Prineville, on the Ochoco, for two week s. The City Meat Market HOHIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country"producc SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE MILLINERY Atl vaiii'w M.vlfn In Hprliitf niul f uiiuikt millinery. lien tit If til put tern ImtH, imliliy Htrtrt ImtM, fi.r lulkM, mlMMitt iuul chllilim will lie on (IIh)Ih.v at MRS. ESTES MILLINERY PARLORS Corner Second and Main Street," Prineville, Oregon w m w s t$ r s c c t tt t u m m t ts m ra to t& t i c c -i Z Men's Spring Suits T H E B R I C K S T 0 R E We are offering some of the most attractive bargains in mens spring and summer suits ever shown in this city. All theiate College Cuts, new cloth patterns and up-to-date shades are repre sented. Prices range from $10 to $25. It pays to make good and we can on our men's suits Ladies' Tailored Suits Our line of spring suits for ladies is now on display. Prices range from $17.50 to $25.00. v 9 Clifton & Cornett THE WINNEK COMPANY H0RIGAN & STILL J