Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 20, 1909, Image 3

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    rosi iovm isi !! io! m K tc tea km te tea ic sc tcs ka te tss 3 m !5 533 te5tG?ts:e:ee!e!to:ejf3!o!raoraiojra!C3fo:n
Oil 0
A heel-proof, scratch-proof, water-proof Varnish and Stain for floors, doors
and furniture, inside and outside. By the aid of Chinamel and the new
Patent Chinamel Graining System, you can make your old floors into a
beautiful imitation of hard wood with a permanent, durable finish of any grain
or color desired. Costs no more than inferior varnishes. I have a complete
color assortment.
Will be pleased to have you call and
see how easy it is to grain and var
nish by this improved system.
your neighbor about them he got tome.
F. Fonter wia In town from I'nu
Unit Hutiirriiiy.
Tlii'oiloru M. Pout wna In from
(lift tlio flntt of t lie wwk.
MIh Corn lVriiiiaon wim In I'rlms
vlllc from her liotnt' at IWinl tlila
I'.lilrr llnlley will rt-ncli at tin
Lower UniM m'IiooIIiouim next
Humlity nt .1 i. m.
Mra. Juliii Cyrua In liiillllnr nu ml
dlllon to Iht rftilili'iico proiMTty
oi)OMltt Mnrloii lllntfn' home.
T. II. llrciinnii win In from Ma
homo iii-tir raulliuk Itmt Tiioailny,
lookliiK nflt-r IminIiicmn matter.
Mm. Dm I Wrluht, tut) FiiiuiU) Oa.
horn, wlnme homo In In Portland,
wit vIhUIdii rt'lutlvtn In I'rliu'Vllk
during tli wit-k.
Harry Itldi'oiit, who luta Imh'H
working for W. W. lirowii nt I'nu
Hint li ft Tmndiiy for Brattle wln-re
ho will enu-r tho atrwt railway1
IUd-r Tlioinna II. Krrunjr, tln
vviniKvllMt arrlvwl from l'ortland
tlio lant of tin wivk and In condurt
Inir revival imt-tlnipi nt tho I'uloii
rhurch In rrlai-vlllc.
H. M. ' Ilnlloy and ftiiully wire In
town thi hint of the werk und over
Huiidny from thi-lr homo up Crooked
river. Mart il irlu-U u winning game
of lmwlull for t ho married men.
Itevtval aervlee every evening thin
week nt tho t'nlon rliurvh nt M p. m.
Khler Thomaii II. Kortitcg will con
duet tho nervlcea. Everybody In
vited. The elder In a very Interesting
Nouker. ' " '
Tho Emporium Klevtrle theatre
liti been crowded during the pant
week with pa l ronn who grvntty
Joy the exhibition of moving pictures
und lllunt rated aongH. The lillln for
Friday, Saturday, Sunday mid Mon
day night were enRfliilly Rood.
Tho mnrrli'd men were vlctorloint
In u hotly contented ImKrlmll game
with the rrlnevllle Club hint Sunday
nfteriioon nt the hall ground went
of the nkntliiK rink. The wore wan
0 to 7, nnd to the mieetHtor It wan
liiont luterentliiK game of the wanon
that haH been played In I'rluevlllo.
Tentlmoiiy lu tho content cane
brought by Karl McLaughlin ngntmt
tho hometiteiid entry of John N.
Hold ilck, covering 1U0 a itch on the
went nldo of tho Dcnchuten near
Tetherow bridge, wan heard Infore
Warren Itrowu, county clerk, thin
week. Poldrlck did not appear to
defend bin entry. Jerry (lrokruger
wan a wltuenn In tho hearing.
The nt ii(,t team coming In from
Bhanlko Monday morning were
driven ntonK Hide Kmith'a harncHn
nhop to get Home repair mado ou
tho coach. The driver went lnnldo
and tho team took a notion It wan
time to unto tho barn mid utarted,
landing one trout wheel ngultiHt the
telephone pole atnmllug on tho
corner, mid aluiont breaking It over.
Tho obntiu'lo wan miQlcleut to atop
the runaway.
Notice tho npiH'lal mile on (iraulto
ware ail vertlneit by J. IS. tstewart
Co., In title Ihhuc. Sale begin Satur
A. M. Kclnay of Hllver Creek, wiui
reglatered nt the rrlnevtlle Hunday.
K. II (illleuwtttir nnd W. C. Knox
were In town Hunday from I'ont.
J. M. Ilenkle wm In town from bin
home nt (Irlnly the (net of the week.
Mm. M. I'. DnrllnK, mother of Dick
Darllnjc U vlnltln with her koii In
Prluevlllo. Her home le Dear Kan
PleKo, Cnllfornli.
Mine Maude Oenner, who hna Ini-n
tenchlmc munlc at Klwudko diirlnjf
the pant winter, la vlaltlug theMlnaea
llaldwln In Frlnevllle.
Mra. Ueonro Mllllcnn went out to
the ranch on llenr Creek with Mr.
Mllllcnn yenterday to apend a month
or lx wecka na a cow boy.
Mra. J. II. Templeton left Satur
day to attend the (J rand IamIkv of
Itc U'knliH, at Albany. Mra. Temple
ton will nliio vlnlt relatlvea nt Inl
laa before returning home,
F.lder Kalley went to preach nt the
Powell Hutte m-hoolhoune laat Sun
day nt 3 p. in., but he went to the
wronir place. Crook county la dry
but Mr. Ualley iiilnwd Ida way. He
protnlnce to do betUT next time.
Ilnndolph Ketchum left laat week
for n trip to Albany nnd Portland
nnd Itcfore returning wilt go to
Pendleton tocomiete In the Inter
achohuitlc oratorical content, na tho
representative from Crook county.
K. N. Ktrotig, tlio repreeeutntlve of
tho Oregon Life Itintiraiice Co., went
to Itedmond Winlacnday to look up
btinlueen. Mr. Strong atatea that
hln company during hint month
wrote ii larger amount of life Insur
ance than for any In lu hlntory.
Alex Ilrown and H. F. Jonea were
lu I'rlni'vllle from Kcdmond Tuesday
attending to luattera In counectlou
with the estate of Loula II. Worley,
the murderer and aulclde, Mr. Brown
having been appointed admluln
trator of the estate.
Attorney (loo. W, Barnes nnd
daughter, Mine Valdn, left laat Mon
day by stnge for the railroad. Mr.
Barnca gma to Tim Dalles, Portland
nnd Salem on legnt bunlnesn, while
Mlna Valdu will go to Hood Hlver
and later to Independence where she
will vlnlt with sinters.
Interesting aesnlona were held by
the Women of Woodcraft Circle last
Friday mul Saturday evenings, the
occasion tielng the vlnlt to Prtnevtlle
of Mlns Iota P. Holdrege, Beclal
organlier. Friday evening's session
wna for members of the Circle only,
but on Saturday tho members of the
Woodmen Camp were Invited. Mrs.
Ada It. Mllllcnn delivered the address
of welcome, on behalf of the Circle,
while M. H. Biggs and Mayor D. F.
Stewart welcomed the guest of
honor on behalf of the Camp nnd the
City of Prlnevllle. Miss Holdrege
then talked to the company along
fraternal Hues. Monday afternoon
Mlns Holdrege was tnkeu for an auto
ride about Prlnevllle and vicinity.
R. H.Caldwell la In from Itosland.
Mlna Cora Ferguson left today for
Born to the wife i f Sam Oulllford,
May 13, liKM, a daughter.
Miss Minnie B. Taylor of Haycreek,
was In the city the first of the week.
C. 8. Congleton, ttie forest ranger,
wna In from tils station at Paulina j
last Saturday.
Fred F. Smith waa In town from
Post Weduesday looktng after mat
ters In connection with making final
proof on tils homestead eutry.
Stub Quakenbush. formerly chef
at the Skyvlew hotel for K. II. Smith
up Ochoco, Is now assisting In the
culinary department of Hotel Prlne
vllle. Med Vanderpool Is home from
Paulina, where he hna Imh-ii looklug
nfter bla Interest tor the post six
weeks. Among other joys he ex
perienced a hard siege of the grip
while away. t
W. H. Prose has bought the half
Interest In the blacksmlthlng bunl
liens owned by Ida partner, Mr.
Wing, and Is how sole proprietor.
However, Mr. Wing wilt continue
work In the shop.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Foster and
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Storkmann went
on a flihlng trip to lower Crooked
river last Sunday, camping over that
night and returning Monday even
ing. They had good sport Ashing
and an enjoyable time generally.
C. A. Young, a timber land buyer
of Portland, was In Prlnevllle this
week looklug after claims located
above Bend. While no sales are yet
reported to him. It Is probable that
he wilt buy some claims In that sec
tion owued by rrlnevllle people.
Warren Smith has given up the
barber business and has gone to
Portland to learn the operation of
automobiles. He expects to spend a
couple of months lu a garage there,
and then seek employment as a
driver. It Is understood that he Is
working with the steamers.
W. Frank Petett arrived home Inst
night from a trip to Prince Hupert,
B. C, where he went with a view to
making Investment in property and
locating. He says there Is nothing
doing there at present und that lie
has come bnck to stay. While awny
he visited for several days with rela
tives at Portland and had an alto
gether enjoyable trip.
Stroud Bros, and Davenport this
week shipped two carloads of cattle
to Portland. Tom Stroud and Wiu.
Davenport accompanied the ship
ment, and upon their return will
gather up a carload of hogs which
have already been bought from
among the ranchers In this county
and will take them to the city.
Porkers have been selling lu Port
land as high as $8.90 live weight.
Get your eyes fitted while Dr.
Walker Is In towu. Ho will do It
Will Wurzweller was a Portland
bound passenger today,
Pete 1 1 Inkle Is learning the barber's
trade under Bob Zevely.
Dr. Walker, the well known optom
etrist of Portland U registered at the
Prlnevllle. He will remain uutll the
evening of May 2(1.
F. H. Watts, The Dnllin marble
works man, spent u part of the week
here looking up business. He Is
traveling In a little Bulck runabout.
W. H. McUluuls and Al Kcmptou
of Everett, Wash., are In Prlnevllle
on a vlnlt to Interior Oregon. They
are looking for farm property. They
will stay for the races next week and
then leave for Lake and Harney
Ix'wis K. Baker of Madrus, is In
town thl week. Mr. Baker lias
made final proof on his homestead
on Agency Plains and has leaned the
land to George Klrk. He expects to
leave soon for Saxmnu, Kans., his
old home.
The first sealed bid wool sail's nt
Shaulko will take place tomorrow,
Friday, May 21. The date was set
several weeks ngo for June 1, but
numerous growers were anxious to
sell their wool which resulted In the
agreement for an earlier dute.
Forest RuiH-rvlsor A. S. Ireland
and Itnuger B. F.Johnson returned
Saturday from Mitchell and Ante
lope where they went to confer with
the sheepmen using range in the pub
lic domain In the. Blue Mountains,
about the apportionment of the
range. The meetings were entirely
Telescope and Jointed steel rods
and automatic reels at Petett's.
May Race Meet
Next Week
Twenty-three race horses are now
at the track nt the fair grounds get
ting ready for the race which liegln
next Wednesday. Two more flyers
arrived yesterday. They were bought
lu by Xell Sly nnd Billy Lloyd from
Darin, California, and are named
"Yankee Boy" and "Hero" and are
supposed to run fast in the half and
flve-elghtlis mile events.
In the baseball tournament for the
f 100 purse there were up to noon to
day two entries Prlnevllle and Kcd
mond. Definite word as to Bend's
entering the contest has not yet been
received. The two teams entered
will probably pluy three games be
ginning Friday morning, May 28, at
10 a. m., another on Saturday morn
ing and the third and last of the
series Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The
ball games will all be played on the
r rounds west of the skating rink on
the north side of the Ochoco.
Mr. J. A. Gell and Miss Lillian
Itowell were married Wednesday
evening, May 19, at the J. H. Gray
home in Prlnevllle. Kev. J. D. Lew
ellen, performing the ceremony. The
bride came to Crook county several
months ago from Sweet Home. The
groom has been an employe of Bruce
iray for some time. They will make
their home at Bruce G ray's ranch
near Post.
Large Fancy Lemons 2-"c per
d asen. Special for Saturday at J. .
Stewart & Co's.
The Ochoconians
Won the Debate
The Inter-soclety debate of the
Crook County High School lost Fri
day evening was won by the Ochc-
conlan Society, who upheld the neg
ative side of the question, "Resolved,
that United States senators should
be elected by direct vote of the peo
ple." There was not as large an audience
present as was expected nor as the
character of the debate Justified.
Those who took part spent much
time and hard work upon the sub
ject. Our high school authorities
are firm believers In the Importance
of debate as a means of education.
The silver cup donated by C. I.
Wlnnek which was won last year by
the Alphas, must now be turned
over tojthelr opponents. Individually
each member receives a gold medal.
The gold medalists are Wilford Bel
knap, Irene Barnes and Agnes Elli
ott. Baccalaureate Service
at M. EL Church
4. Scripture, 1 Kings 3, 1-15.
6. Solo, "The Good Shepherd"
Mr. Strong.
. Scripture, John 1, 1-20 Rev.
7. Anthem, "A 8ong of Victory,"
by Choir.
8. Notices.
9. No. 45, "Is Thy Heart Right
With God?"
10. Sermon, "Setting the Compass
of Life" Rev. J. D. Lewellen.
11. No. 97, "Lead Me, Savior."
It will 1e a anion service and all
are Invited.
Baccalaureate Service of the Crook
County High School at the First
Methodist church Sunday May 23, at
11 a. m., Is as follows:
1. No. 140, "Father I Stretch My
Hand to Thee."
2. Invocation Rev. Bailey.
. 3. No. 112, "The Call for Reapers."
Lost An Eastern Star emblem
pin, on Prlnevllle streets; finder re
turn to Foster & Hyde's store and
receive a reward. m20-tf
Notice of Sealed Proposals.
To remove old court bouse building no
tice to hereby (riven that aealed bida for
removing the old court houe building
will be received at the office of the county
school superintendent. The building to
be removed from its present location to the
High School ground and placed in po
sition, as directed by the High School
board. The building to be placed so that
the base ahall be above the ground, and
building leveled. The bids to be opened
on the 10th day of June 19U9. The remov
ing of building to be completed within
thirty days from the 15th day of June 11W9.
The board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. R. A.Foan,
Secretary of Crook County High School
Notice is hereby given that Chris
tian Mueller Land & Timber Com
pany has leased all of Its lands In
Crook county to F. A. Young.
All persons are hereby warned not
to trespass npon said lands or any
of them, under penalty.
Chhistian Mueller Lard and
Timber Company.
Have Dr. Walker examine your
eves. If you do not need glasnes he
will tell you so. Hotel rrlnevllle.
Buy your Screen Doors ami Win
down Screens at J. E. Stewart &
Pacific Norse Liniment Is prepared
expressly for the needs of horsemen and
ranchmen. It Is a powerful and pene
trating liniment, a remedy for emergen
cies. A soothing embrocation lor the
relief of pain, and the best liniment for
sprains and soreness. I'ntqualed tor
curing the wounds and injuries ol
BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts,
abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific
Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed.
No other Is so good or helpful in so many
ways. If it fails to satisfy, we authorize
all dealers to refund the purchase price.
. iitm msec aoTTua rim corra
Hovt Chemical Co,
Pacific Stock Remedies for sale
by Templeton & Son.
Maker & Creak Kaives
School Books
Caaera Sapplies
Wall Paper
D. P. Adamson & Co
Lswacy't Caasjea
Remember, when you want a Graphophone
Cylinder or Disc we have them in stock. We
carry a complete line of Columbia gold
moulded indestructible cylinder records, 35c.
Also the 1 0-inch double disc records, 65c
Adamson & Co.
J. E. Stewart
Gigantic Special Sale on High Grade Enamel Ware
We have just received a very large shipment of the celebrated "Onyx" Granite Ware, which we will place on sale Saturday, May 22nd.
By buying a large quantity of these goods we were able to effect a good saving and will give our customers, the benefit. Every piece is
absolutely guaranteed and we will refund your money on any purchase that does not prove satisfactory. This is your chance to get some
high-grade, first-quality "Onyx" Enameled Ware at tinware prices. We quote prices on a few articles but the goods must be seen to be
Wash Basins, regular size, special 10c
Teakettle, " " " 65c
Pudding pan, 2 quart, special 10c
Pie plates, special 10c
14-Quart Dish Pan, special 50c
Preserving Kettles, 15c to 65c
Pint Drinking Cups, special 05c
10-Quart Water Pails, specials .50c
Soap Dish, special. .10c
e m o n s
Extra special price on Fancy Lemons, Sat. 22, one day only
Fresh, fancy stock, large size, special for Saturday per dozen . . . .25 Cents
25 c Dozen