Costs Little to Dress Well If you wear one of our seasonable, light-weight ready-to-wear suits. Latest styles and newest patterns in fancy pattern at the popuiar price of. $15.00 Satisfaction in every particular is guaranteed. No better values have ever been offered, or could be offered I. Michel THE ... PLACE TO SAVE MONEY Circuit Court Civil Cases County Court Continued from page 1. aa justice of the peace for LaWlaw precinct I accepted nnd A. F. Ram any appointed In bis stead until the next general election. The bid of Claude E. Smith for safe now in the sheriff's office for the sum of f So is hereby accepted, delivery to be made on or after J une 30, l'.WS. The sheriff Is hereby requested to turn off all electric current from the county jail (including the separate cell) at the switches outside said Jail at or before 9 p. m. each and every night and leave said current off un til necessary the following evening. The semi-annual report of the county treasurer, beglnnlug October 1, 1908, and ending March SI, 1909v was presented, examined and ap proved as apparently correct and ordered filed. The county having accepted the new couH house. It Is ordered that approximately f 40.000 worth of fire insurance be placed upon said build ing In thoroughly reliable companies at a rate of not to exceed f 1.25 per hundred, and that said policies be written for three years, Inasmuch as the county will save one year's pre mium thereby; that upon the de livery of 6aid policies to the deputy district attorney and upon his ac ceptance thereof and the filing of said policies with, the cqunty, clerk, said clerk Is hereby directed to draw war rants on the general fund for the cost of said total amount of Insur ance for the ensuing three years, the total of said warrants not to exceed the sum of $1000. The folllowlng bills were allowed: Oa Collver, counting rotes Not election .1 1 06 I 00 t 26 iSO S 24 1 1 50 S 60 5 5 5 50 ft 50 550 5 70 ft 50 1 OS M 50 Ralph Sharp, Buthong Co, account book Ralph Sharp, Justice feet Mar Belle Reed, taking testimour Leonard Walter, witness fee Dr Edwards, " " Ralph Sharp, Justice fees , W D Johnson, witness teea Joe Elliott, " Leo Pelanke, " Harry Winslow," " Ralph Sharp, " Cha Houston, tpl constable , Frank Elklns, exchange oa checks II Brink, assistance in collecting taxes. Warren Brown, stamped envelope 21 M Pacific Stationery Co, records 1 60 Mann & Beach, hunters' licenses 8 75 O W Todd & CO, protectograph 30 00 Frank Elkins, sheriff's salary 41 67 1 " " deputy's " 200 00 Warren Brown, clerk's salary 300 00 " " deputy's 150 00 H C Ellis, Judge's salary 166 67 R A Ford, supt - 166 67 166 67 100 00 4 50 , 3 7J J D LaFollette, assessor's salary W F King, treasurer's salary The Winntk Co, stationery M " pauper account Gay Lalollrtre, use ot auto one day 20 tio Lackey, nursing Walters ( Frank Elkins, boarding prisoners 14 Ralph Sharp, board and nursing iusane. M R 8 Price, plowing courthouse yard Henry Bosch Co, window shades for C It 13 Prinerille LAW Co, light and water " 1 " nxtures for C H ST W F King, nuts 115 John Dell, Janitor service l Pearl Eayler, examining board 4 Joseph Kelso, labor S Mann A Beach, anglers' licenses 5 M K Brink, assisting tax collecting 22 J H Rosenberg, medical services 10 Glass A Prudhomtne, blanks and records ..152 Crook Co Journal, printing ter C H 3 M Triplets, arresting and trans prisoners. 47 Moses Niswonger, board prisoners g F A Rico, county surveyor's fees 251 Mrs C D Rice, work In surveyor's offlce. 7i Was Johnson, working on plats W W H Kinder, road viewer 40 Dick Vandevert, - S2 Chat Swanson, chatnman J E W Richardson, marker 4 H A Boggers, chatnman 4 NeU Anderson. 4 E E Oetchell. flagman 4 Belknap & Edwards, pauper account lt CE McDowell, " M Will Smith, destroying weeds pred Wilson, destroying weeds.. Sam Reichen, " " James Lee, " " Bruce Hood. - W F Thomas, - Geo Pontius. " " B C Roblson, use ot mower and hay rake. 10 Pioneer T T Co, service 1 Frank Mackey. road work t WmBrownhUl. - " S W Richardson, " MM TW Hudson. " C R McLallin, PT Monroe, " " Austin Kiier. " DIF Co, powder, etc. F W Smith, road work FW Smith, M M M I, Geo Lytic, - " R C Robinson," CC Carson, " L H Root, - " . Frank Smith, ' , . 52 -Ms . M r. 25 57 e 6 4 . 74 26 ll . 21 . . 70 .100 .1(0 .571 . 1 .253 181) 1. lno . 25 ' 25 6 36 A H Lippmsn, labor ,. 1 Hammond Sc Stephens, diplomat 21 Rosa B Farrott, May salsry (0 C V Conway, " SO R H Barley, commissoners' fees 8 James Rice, - 56 C l Rowe, prinUng, P Monroe, road work A S Collins. " ' R 8 Price, hauling M B Hockenberry, principal CCHS. Rosa B Parrott, teacher " J F Blanchard, " " Catherine V Conway, teacher " David Pickett, Janitor H 8 E B Barnes, Prineville LAW Co W F King, mdse Court adjourned until next regular term. Buy your shoes at Stewart's; big stock; low prices. A complete line of the best fishing tackle just arrived at Tetett's. Send $1.50 for the Journal One Year. Synopsis of New Fishing Laws The new fish law goes into effect May 23, which date falls on next Sunday. In order that Crook county eopls may know the provisions of the measure we publish syuopsit of it. Every person over 16 years of aje must provide him or herself with a license which can be obtained from the county clerk and cott 1. Each license hag all the rule and regulations clearly defined on the back. The catch ot trout is limited in this state to 75 in one day except in Klamath county where the catch is limited to 25 fish or 20 pounds. On bass and salmon there is no limit to the catch. The fishing season is open from April 1 to November 1 except in Baker county and Link river district in Klamath county. In Baker county, the fishing searon in the lakes is from July 1 to October 1. In the Link liver territor) the season is open from Jane 1 (o Sep tember 1. Bass and salmon trout are open to fishing all the year. It is unlawful to fish without a license and the penalty for doing so is a fine of not less than $25 and u)t more than 1150. It is lawful to fish in the Rogue river or any of its tiibutaries at any time. It ii unlawful to fish at night or one hour after sunset or one hour before rsnnrise except within the tidewaters of the Coquille river. . It is nnlawful to sell trout except those propogated in private hatchet iee and then it must be done under the supervision of the state game warden. It is unlawful to take trout, Shimon trout or bass except with hook and line. It is nnlawful to take trout, char or salmon less than six inches in length. For violation of any of the aforesaid laws named, the penalty is a fine of not less than f25 and not more than (150. Any person who uses powder, gas, lime, cocculus indicu?, poison, etc., or any person dumps, planer shavings, lumber waste, wood pulp etc., in any Htream of the state is liable to a fine of not less than (200 and not more than 13,000. Found, on J'rineville street, a watch. Owner can recover name at this office by proving property nnd pitying for this notice. Land for Sale. MOneresof land for sale; 50 ncres in cultivation; 25 miles east of Prine ville; good stock location; plenty of water; good range. For further In formation inquire at .this otlice. 3-lhm MEN'S SHOES The Celebrated WIZARD, fully guaranteed We have just added a complete line of Men's Shoes to our stock. - We have contracted with the manu faclurers of the celebrated WIZARD Shoe for Men. These shoes are a high-grade shoe that have stood the test of time. Every shoe we sell we positively guar antee. We stand back of every pair we sell and should any defect be found we will cheerfully refund the purchase price. That's fair, isn't it? You wear shoes every day, and shoes wear out, now when you want a good pair come in and let us fit you. In a Working Shoe we have several shapes fitted with Imperishable Soles. These soles ate guaranteed to outwear at least three ordinary Boles. Our prices range from 12.75 per pair to $3.50 and $4. The 13.50 shoe is, the same grade that is now being sold in Prineville for 14. Our $4 shoe is the same grade that is being sold for as much as 1 5. It is worth your while to look this line over when in need of shoes. Yours very truly $34.50 for Pictures We will pay $34 50 for pictures. We have taken the agency for the East man Kodak goods, and through our arrange ments we are enabled to make the following liberal offer for pictures taken in Crook county. We will pay $34.50 as follows: For the best picture of wild deer $5 00 Second best 2 50 For the best picture of wild bear 5 00 Second best 2 50 For the beet picture of wild coyote 2 00 Second best 1 00 For best picture of wild antelope 2 50 For best picture of beaver 2 50 For the best picture of porcupine 1 00 Second best 50 For the beet picture of birds 2 50 Second best ; 1 50 Third best 1 00 Fourth best 50 For the best picture of horses 1 00 For the beet picture of cattle 1 00 For the best picture of sheep 1 00 Anyone may compete; may use any kind of a camera; either plate or film. Only one prize of a class will be awarded to one person unless taken on different dates. The only requirements are: The person desiring to enter must register with us; place date on picture entered, where taken, and buy the supplies of, The following civil rases wero dis posed ot at the May term of circuit court, our apace being too crowded In t week to publish : K. I Sahiu vs. Madras Milling and Mercantile Company ; settled and dia mitsed. Rock Island Plow Co. vs. Will Wura welter and Arthur Hodge.; judgment. Thomson & Hodges vs. It. F, Join- and Nancy Jones ; continued for term. 1. F. Stewart and V. A. lVx.lh va. O.K. Lamaon; judgment and order to sell attached property. Northtip A Sturgia Co. va. Hugh O'Kane; continued for the term. Fleokinsteiu Mayer Co. vs. Emery Seals and I A. Moore; ontinuot tor the term. J. II. Palmer vs. J. X. (juibvrg; mo tiou to set aaide service allowed. James 11. Scott vs. A. C. Kuighten; dismissed without prejudice. T. W. Clark va. J. M. Zimmerlee; judgment on pleading. l. I. P. Co., vs. V. II. Cooper and Stat l.auj Hoard ; 1. I. A P. Co. va. W. P. Sloan ami Stale Land Board ; 1. I. A P. Co., va. W. K. KeMy and State I-anJ Board ; D. 1. A P. Co. va. Annie M. Iugull aud State Land Board ; P. I. A P. Co. va. Win. 11. Cumming aud State Laud Hoard ; default on part of all defendants except slate of Oregon. C. F. Smith and Will Smith vs. Charles E. Lumson, Ada Lauison, et al ; default and dec ee. A. M. Drake vs. Jotce Stearns, et al ; defendants tohac30 dava to further move or plead. Fred W. Wilson vs. Albert A. Collum and Mary J. Collum ; publication of summons. T. II. Brennan vs. John Pavin.J. L. Smith and F. M. Smith; argued ami submitted. Central Oregon Blnklng & Trust Co. va IWnd Mi rc intile Co. ; tiual rep rt ap prove I. C. R. Shattuckvs. James B. O.een; decree bv default. F. A. Powell and U. M. Miller vs. Lettie A. Miller; referred to referee. Nellie Cowles vs. I'. S. Cowles; dis missed. Minnie C. Low vs. B. C. Low; decree. S. A. Ferguson vs. Geo. W. Snyder; default and judgment. John R. Fryrear vs. Arthur P. Pono hue and F. E. Pavton; continued uutil first day ot next term. M. Christiana vs. Dorcas Eagan et al; Dismissed as to C.J. Johnson, L. A. Booth, Bruce Gray and 3. C. Gray. Pefault and decree as to John A. Eagan, Sarah E. Rodman, Georga Rodman and James W. Eagan; judgment on ansner as to Dorcas Eagan. Ole Getinea and Nels Layen vs. August Peterson, Itertha Peterson aud W. ti. MaaU; application to oen up decree granted. Pr. Walker, eye Hpecltiliot, Hotel rriuevllle uutll Wednesday eveuirg. HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA ' OH ot WsBtargrssa, Tnyasol, dlyesrlas, Etc Used as 5isspts Wash It really aeems strange that so many people suffer year in and year out with eczema, when It la now no longer a se cret that oil of wintergTeen mixed with thymol, glycerine, etc., makes a wash that ia bound to cure. Old, obstinate case, it Is true, can not be cured in a few days, but there is absolutely no sufferer from eczema who ever used this simple wash and did not find Immediately that won derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation that cornea when the itch is taken away. Instantly upon applying a few drops of the wash the remedy takes effect, the itch ia allayed. There is no need of experiment the patient knows at once. Instead of trying' to compound the oil of wintergTeen, thymol, glycerine, etc., in the right proportions ourselves we are using a prescription which is universally found the moat effective. It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip tion, or Oil of "Wintergreen Compound. It ia made by the D. P. D. Co. of Chi cago,' and our long experience with this remedy has given us great confi dence in its merits. The Winnek Co. Lively - Jordan - Lanius G O M P ANT SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY All of our Ladtea Spring Suits on sale at $17.50. This includes every thing from $25 to $35 which we have left in stock. Come early and make your selection as the sizes are limited. Sincerity Clot IMS Copyright p. f 1 r MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS .. to be closed out .. The entire line will be on sale until sold. This is a bonafide proposition and it will pay you to investigate. The values have never been equalled in this county before. Men's (15 to $20 suits, your choice $10 00 - Hoys' suits, 12 to 14 years, lung pants 5 00 Hoys' suits, 4 to 8 years, knet panta 2 50 MEN'S EXTRA PANTS Your choice of a good range of sizes, per pair $2.25 Saturday Specials in Grocery Department Old Dutch Cleanuer, H?r can, , 10c Floating Borax Soap, jer bar , 05c Five-Minute Muoh, 2 packages 25c imith-Rced Wedding at Bend A very pretty wediKng tmik place at the residence o' J. K. Reed, in llend, on the eve of the 12th at 7 M o'clock, when the Keverend J. Anthony Mitchell united ly tho holy honds of matrimony Miss Flossie. Violet Heed ami F.rneft A. Smith, in the presence of the family and a few immediate friend. , After tl.a i tipnssive and protty rin ceremony, the Riieet withdrew to the dining room where they were aerval with an weddimt impwir, while the air want frctf ant wit'i the perfume of roses Kitd carnal ions with which the rooms were tatefully decorated, Kveryone present thoroughly enjoyed the serenade given the happy couple by the h.ind myt, a they rendered several splendid numbers; neither till the boys' tin can brigade fort?i t them. However, they wtre quickly sent on their way rejoicing, nnd again tho tweet strains of tho hand cltiiined the at tention of all. Tho bride w as gowned in white silk and carried a bouquet of Bride's rosea; the groom wore the conventional b!ack. Both young icopIe are well known in Bend and highly esteemed by their many friends. Violet is a sister of May Belle Heed, det uty clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Smith went to their own homo the text inorninj trking with them, not only nianvr tisefu and beautiful gilts, but the gxxl wishei oi all who know them. Conmilt Dr. Wnlkerat Hotel I'rliu- vllle, nl, nut thitt headache. LAMB FEED CO. HLD.MONI), OREGON IWere In Chop Feeds of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grata and Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed 2 t S s t t t t t t t Corner Second and Main Strssts, Prineville, Oregon ft MliCi:UtmMM(tsVMC(SMIt SPECIAL ARGAINS IN FINE MILLINERY Advnnee Htyles) In sprlnir nnd mi miner millinery. Ilenutlful pat tern hiita, nobby street hat, for Indie, mlanes and children will1 lie on display tit ' MRS. ESTES MILLINERY PARLORS eiIfjmOIlMMSi OH! Prineville Races MAY 26 TO 29 INCLUSIVE Speed Programme FIHf-T DAY MAY 26. Firet race I mile and repeat Purse .Second race mile dash SKTOXD DAY MAY 27. Third racer mile and repeat " Fourth race I mile daeh " THIIiD DAY MAY 28. Fifth race mile dafh Sixth race lj mile dash " FOLKTH DAY MAY 29. Seventh race 5 mile das-h Eighth race U mile dash " $100.00 150.00 125.00 ' 150.00 150.00 175.00 150.00 200.00 $100 FOR BASEBALL - CROOK COUNTY TEAMS. W. R. POLLARD, President Men's Spring Suits B R I C K S T 0 R We are offering some of the most attractive bargains in men's f spring and summer suits ever shown in this city. All the late College Cuts, new cloth patterns and up-to-date shades are repre sented. Prices range from $ 1 0 to $25. It pays to make good and we can on our men's suits Ladies, Tailored Suits line of spring suits for 1 a- les IS nOW On disnlav. Hrirpc M. mJ Our ladi range from $17.50 to $25.00. Clifton & Comett THE WINNEK COMPANY M. R. EIGGS, Secretary