SELL YOUR CREA M Al s.aa-.a a w swrir l V r K7f . M 1 1 Ullliy US UUl yitUU H11V4 vv- (Q) chop it for you TO THE EesDss :a ies :e;$3$ COMPANY PIONEER CREAM i Advance Entries No Advantage Department ot the Interior, General Lu I Office, Wasl l-igton, C, April 8, 1909. Register and Receivers, United State Lanl Office, Colorado, Montana, Ne va!, Oregon, I'tah, Washington, Wyoming, Arixona and New Mexico: Gentlement It has been brougM to the attention r4thi office-that at certain office ap plications for entry under tl.e enUrped Lonieotead act of February 19, Pk. Public No. 243, are being received and uipended. The following instructions re issued to that no misunderstanding may exitt as to the rights of such appli cants. The instruction under thi act haw been approved but have not as yet been printed for distribution. The aaid in tructions, however, contain the follow ing: "From time to time list designating the lands mht h are subject to entry un der this act wit be Vent you an I irome dittely upon receipt of such list you will note upon the tract bot kj opposite thetracU so designated, 'IVsignateJ Act February 19, 1909.' Until such lists have been received in your office no ap plication to enter should be received and no entries allowed under this act." You are, therefore, directed that any application under said act, for lands not listed, should be immediately re jected and the parties notified that they will gain no rights by the filing cf such application or by appeal from the re jection thereof. So rights whatever can be acquired under said act, either by application or settlement, prior to the time the list are received in the local land office. The instructions under this act will be forwarded within a very few dy. Very respectfully, Fam Ptssn-r, Commissioner. Redmond News. About School Teachers' Salaries April IS, 1909. Subecriler to a telephone company to the number of thirty met Friday even ing, organised and appointed com mittee. A fuller report will be made after another meeting. Mr. and Mr. Norwood have moved into their new house in the suburb and have had an addition built. Mr. Mosiaiin, who has been visiting here lately, ha returned to his home in Seattle. Mr. M. and ton remain (or a lime at her parents, F. A. Kennard, A complete surprise waa worked on Mr. Carl F.hret Tuesday night, and a jolly time was spent. Saturday night was Woodman night, dance night, and a surprise by Mrs. Ehler on George. Mrs. LauJorWk returned recently from Portland w here he attended her father during his last illness. Too much clover waa the cane of 11. A. Myers losing a cow recently. Roy and Charlie Low ther were over from their studies at Princvill yester day and today visiting their parent. We know ot several tarics for rent in this neighborhood. It i time they were timliug tenants (or the season. Mr. Low t her and Iri leave in the morning for Loa Angelet, where they will f pend the summer. W. L. McEwing has the Lowther farm just acrosa Crooked river, rented for the season and will have in about two hun dred acre of grain. E. C. Park. Egg for Sale. Full-blood White l-oijhorn lHr evttltiil of Milevn, II Mks. II. A. Mvi:iis. lu-dmond. Or. for Salo. R. A. Ford, county school superin tendent, ha received the following let ter from the state superintendent which I self-explanatory : T County Superintendent Gentle men : A number of letter have come to this department asking whether or not school board are compelled by the llawley act to pay teacher 1 50 a month. If your school officers have this wrong impression, will you please do what you can to correct it. This law provides that each district must have at least six monrhs of school each year: it also provides thst each district muet have a school fund of at Wast 1300 each year, but it lay nothing bout teacher' salaries. If a school board can secure a teacher for lee than 50 per mon'Ji, the district can have a longer term than six months. The pro visioo for a fund of t 300 was included in the bill to as to make it possible for each district to have the required six month of school. The new edition of the school laws will be ready for distribution about May 15. The legislature provided enough to furnish each school officer with one copy. Your very truly, J. 11. ACSEEXAN, Pnpt. Public Instruction. 4 1tt Land C40 ncre of land fr sftle; 50 nerval In cultivation; 2o miles east of Prlne vllle; good stink location; plenty-of water: good ran io For further In formation Inquire at thlaothVe.3-lMn - For Salo. Silver-Spangled llaniberg Kwgs: set tings of IS for 12.00. Apply to rMne ville Cigar Factory. 8-lltf TeUwojie and Jointed steel rods and automatic recta at IVtett's. Land Clearing and Contracting. We are prepared to pull tree, remove sagebrush and prepare land for crop, tluildings moved. Will also bid on all kind oi construction work. McLallix, Yovxii t Co. J. A. Norwood, Cor. Sec'y, Kedmond, Oregon. l-'.'t 3m Katie for Publication. Not coal laud. Department of the Interior, C S. Land OtHce at The Dull. a. Oregon, April lt. I'.tW. Notice is hereby given that William 1. Arnold, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June ft h. piOi, made homestead application (!-crul XO.0--MI No. IUCli,for NK section 10, township U south, range l.i e, W. M., ha filed notice of intention to make tinal live vear proof, to eUl!ili claim to the land alHve described, before Warren ltrmvn, county clerk, a. hi office at I'riueville, Oregon, on the Mh day of May, UM9. t Umiant names aa witnesses: John K. Crimes. David W. Orimes, Marion Templetou, Oiuar C. Claypool, ail of I'rineville, Or. -lAp C. W. Moor. Kegister. (night Gasoline Lamps We have the agency for the Knight No, 16 Gasoline Lnmp, pressure system, hollow wire, which is Safe, Reliable, and Givet the Mot Light for Least Money of any lamp known. I am prepared to install systems of any size, from one lamp to as many as are wanted. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP Hotic ot Final Accounting. Notice la herehv- alvn tir Hi uniteralgned. the a.linlnUiralrla or III alalor imuiaaj. Ikiuthll. uWea-rd. that ah haa mail anil rlli.,1 a-llh lliaenunlv clerk her dual MtsHiunl. In of her ailitilnlatrailim nf th ealal of l.niil. J. IVMlllllt. deceased, and thai the! court haa ant lite Hill dv of Mny, P, at I he couitlv putirtmtim In I'rhievllle, Oieenn. a I he tint and rlaiw h'f lieailm ami miiiuii hIiI dual aeeiHiiiltitc. At whleh I line ami lliee anr BeriMMi Inlrrealeit In aahl eelale oaf apiar anil olijeol to Mild Itnal aeniuiit Ina. ri.ihU A.liitlnUlralrlv of the eatala of loiOa J. Iiitullitt, ileeeaMMt, Imlr.l ilila lib Uayof April, Nstlc for Publication. , Not Coal laml. I partuient of Itm Intel lor. t. M. UiiU tim.-e. The lalli, Orim. April a, IV. Notice U hvreh liven that A w. Ilenlom of I'rlnevllle, Hrecon, whs on April trill, li". ina.le tlnilirr ant mime aiMiiM"n, l.rl,.i N IUU N,i IHtLhll l lie KA HK, u t UL'I Uk'. Ult't. .11.. Hi, l.,l.l,.lllll 14 a.iuth, ranae l eaat, w, M., haa rllml tiollee liiteiillim lo make final lluilwr anil imie ,n..r l.. n.iul,ill rl.lm lu I lie laml aUive lewrllaHl. Iteflini the rotllil eleik, at hla al I'rlnevllln, Onwoa, ua the iMlliday of June, vw. i'Imiiiu.1,1 imtitM aa wllnear: Henry A. r .Mer, Juhu W, Kll'er, William K. Klna, Ora INilnOeiiler. all of rliiellle. or. v. . aimiaa, iMTiiK-r! D. I. & P. Co. Pushing Work. The Deschutes Irrigation Jr. Power company te proeecutlnR work with Tlgor on the eeKfgatlon Iwtween Bend and the old river Uhj, con- etructlnir laterals to water all the land In the SOOO-acre tract to which patent was recently obtained. They now hare a force of 33 men and 11 teams at work under Thomas Lang don and are hiring all the men with teams they can. paying $4.75 per day tor men with teams. It seerus to be difficult Just at this evason to pro cure the services of teams as most all the ranehers are busy with their farm work at home. Mala laterals have been, construced crossing the I'rlnevllle-Beud road In five different place, and the work now being done Is said to be ot permanent character and Borne of the finest ever done by the company. This Is the tract, the Irrigation of which was held up for about a week by a restraining suit brought agatntt the company by A. M. lrake, who contended that the company was unlawfully watering the tract from the Pilot Butte Canal, when their contract called for the watering of it to be done from a canal takeu out ot the Deschutes below Bend. But this objection has been set aside and the I). 1. & P. Co. Is now proceeding to get water to the set tler on the land who need It. The other canal diverting water from the Deschutes below Bend will be con structed at some future time. Notic for Publication. Not coal laml. Department of the Interior. S. Und Othce, The Dalles. Oregon, March UW. Notice is hereby given that tieotire Turner, of Prinerille. Oregon, who on May 15. t'fl, made homestead entry (serial No. lOHi No. I'Jfil-J. for NK., SK. section 81. and NS SWi,, SKV, 5Vi, iwcuon 32, town, ship 10 south, ran if e 1 east. W. M.. lias tileti notice of intention to make final live vear proof, to e-tahlish rlaimtotiie land above described, before Warren lirown. cunty clerk, at his otWce at I'riueville, Oregon, on the 4th day of May, rianuant naniea as witness's: Wilburs H. Lottm. illiam II. Mct'oy, THE BESTiSIGHT ON EARTH May lie Impaired y ruliiiHl by poor, or even poorly fitted cyeKlnsse. W lint's the use or .nw tf wasting your numey to vnnr invu liurl'.' Come mid have your eye examine! In a skillful innnner and fitted with kI.ikws thnt;iire the Unt Jto be had. Au oxainlnatlon etists you nothing. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician Main StrMt. Prineyille, Oregon Nolle for Publnatlon. (Nut eual laml.) tviierlment of Hie Interior. l, K, Unit um.-e.el the Iwll. iKitjui. Maieh lHU, t.i. Notion l herehy lven lhal fc'n,a a liurttiea. .,f lsl nin whit, on Marell tUl, IWM, maile h.iniealeaii afl'lli-alliill t"'llal Ni. iri"l) v.. , n.r m. KllVIl', NI'At MX-IInn 14, t..n.lilf T emilh, range east, W. M ha IlleJ nolleenf Inleniliui Ui make nnal - . ,-.r Knmf. tit Mtahilali elalul lo the laml aleilrw-rlietl.letiire barren llroan, eituii' ir ci-'k. al bu ortlee al t'rliiellle, rw". II. e lllli .tnv nf May, IW. I'Ult.i.i.l mh.wb m Mr 1 1 HMWe J. IS.. i A re hi., iilliai.n. William O, rtniea.t. all nf I'.-l. un-..ii. and Kobert liriiiarla, of I'rlneyllle, Oregon. ,.lp f.W. Mimas. Ibwl.ler. Noli. for Publication. (Not eual laml) IV part me nt of Hie Interior, t'.S, Undomeeat the Itallea, dre.m Ulan h .lh. 1KW Nollee U berehy tlven that William ItatdWln. of lrlnevllle.Oreain. Who on Keplellllwr IHh liHW. maile htnnrMead rntr (wrrlal Ni. OJn'.l I N.. imki. Air NK'i aeellon ai. loa-n.lilp 14 i amill, raim 14 eaal. W. M.. haa tllr.l nullee i tit liilenll.Hl lo make final One-year tnf. lo : nlalm In I lie land alaive itewrllit i l. i.. w.rnii limarn. nmiily elerk. al lila J orrtee al l'iliiellle, Uri..n. on the IUU da of lnv. iuij. i laltiuiiil hhiiih aa wt I lie ll .t-.l i. Smith, franel" II. Bayn, Alfmt W. llayn.CailC. hrU.all of Prlneville, Or. Conttat Wotlc. iearlnienl ill (he Inlerbif, U.H Uml iimi-i.The Itellea. ir., Ma mil .. IBS. A iirnetenl nmlisit affiilnvlt havlni Iwen filed In Oils units- hy Karl M. Ijnialilin, enn. Ir.lmil, nai.ln.l h,.li.el. .l IMerlal No. IWI entry No, l.i ', mail r eiirnary n, lw, Sir H' aeellun II. n't n' amllon It Minlll, raliae IJ e, W. M , tiy John N. Iliililrlek, ciiiiiIiIisi, In wiilen II la all.n, thai aid John N. Ikililrlek haa wholly almii. it. .nr. I Mil. I Irani hir mote lliu ! limiillia al l"l; thai lie liaaiuit j uim.ii, aula yated nr liniiroveil aald Irani aa retinlreil hy lawi that aald alhwd al-enne waa not ilue In din employ nienl In tne army, navy or marine wir uf the I nll.rt Slalea Inllliieiil war, lil purllea are itereny imiineii in apiiear. reNmml, and niter eyldema loneliiitu anitt nlliHi..a al inn'flnek a in nil May IA.IWM. le-hne Warren Uniwn. wimily elerk, si hie nfll. In I'rlnevillr, Hii., and that final lirarlna will lelielil at III o 'eink a. lu.nn May Tl. Im1', liefiim Hie lti uter and Iteeelver al lite I nlieil en a ie laml omiw ill l lie I ail Ira, (in-cnn. The aiil csin'r.mni navin, in a proper am.lavlt, nie.l Mar. II t IS, eel forlb fa. It wilted alinw lhal afar due itlltevne perannal ervleeof Ilila ninliw am inn la maile, II la heh'l.y ordered and dlrveied that aiteli sotliia he I veil tiy due and i'"ler pni.ll.'n' 4 1.1 II. n.aiiHllia, ioiaur, Sal of Baal Ealat. Nollee la hereby iiven that In pimuanee nf an nr.ter of he enunlv ismrl of llieaialenf iiri-t.m ritr I niniiiy, an.i eitien-4 nn ihe Al day of a'eluuary. I", In the mailer nf lite ealate of Jnlin Me elglt, (Ineraaetl, lite untlerslaiteil. Ilie ailllllHlalrultir of aia ealale, wlllM.llal pillille atielMin lo Ilie . la l.eal bid iter Sir, and auliivet tu emllniatUio by aald enuttly eourt. Oa Salateay. U till say f May, IK, at Ihe hnur of 10 nVI.u k In the forenoon, al t lie tlieir uf Ihe eniinly etiurl liotiae In I'rlnevllle,, all ie iialit. title and In. tereatiil ll.eaal.l J,..n Me elh al lite lime if hla .leal li ami all ihe rilil, title ami In. lereal llml Ilie aaltl eatale may have ae.ulrrd llti-e the ilontll uC I J. .tin MnVel(H III all thai eeiialn parta'l nf real ealata allualrd In 1 ns.k muiiiv. tirtgon. uea,., iiaait aa nil-iuwa.- lite llitithaeal tiuarter nf ara. taelveln t!niiti lltlrimn anutiiuf ranae nineteen eaal of IV iilaineile tnerltllan. 't'lte teritta ami eitnillliona ttr aii man. Imied Ilila. am 4ay of April. I". M It Kl.l.lrytT. Aitmlnlatmlor of the ealale uf Juhu Me Velh, lio.-eu ai u. Joseph A. Kurman. all of Prineville, Ore con, and "A-illiam H. Viueyanl of jru!y. C. W. Mooai:, Register. Orevon S-Sp Statement of Reaource and Liabilitie of The First National Bank Eiguth Grade Examiaations. wi mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Praaldant O. F.Stiwamt, Vice Praaidant O. M. Clkiks, Oaihlar DIRCCTOR8: A. Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. F. Btiwakt Transacts a General , Banking Basincpa Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention At Of Prineville, Oregon the cloaa of buaineae Feb. 5, 1909 RKJJtll u :n U.ana and DtarounU Vnlted Stale Honda IU. 400.00 Itank in-mlaea U.Vd 1 t'aah A 1 u from bank loJ.IW W tSMJSl H B. F. AUeaa WtU W ar. Vic. I.IAI1II.1TIK capital Hlora t W.lM 0 Hurpluaand undlTtdcd'proflta el. til 3S el rental loa TJW 00 Individual DepoalK STa. IUT 71 n-aVCl K T. M. BaUwt. Caakwr a BaMwiai. Aaat Caakiar p 3. VV. Mooaa, lleslater. Countr School Superintendent Ford ha designated Mar 13 and 14, 1909, a the date upon which this eij:hth grade iamination sill be held. The follow ing ia the program : Thursday, Slay 13 Aiithruetic, writ ing, history and civil government. Friday, May 14 Grammar, phygi ologT, geography and spelling. i?ourc of question : Civil government United State Constitution. Geography State course of study; Red way and llinman' Natural School Geography. History List of topics from History Outline in state course of study and cur rent event. Language Bneliler' Modern Eng'ieh Grammar, no diagramming. Reading The teacher w ill tend to the county tuperintendent the applicant' das (tanJing in reading, which shall ba taken aa the applicaut' standing on j the sahject, i Spellings !i0 jHr cent from Reed's I Word Leson and SO per cent from j manuscript in language. w tltng--ecllnens ot peumanslnp aa indicated in copied matter and from manuscript in language. L fees Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON jh The City Meat Market 1IORIGAN & STILL, Props. Horse Wanted. Gentle Middle horse, cotnl walker, rnust not Ih tuon thnu eeveu yenrx: ' weight lluu or better, pot cash. A. S. lliKI.AMI, 8-25-lt rrltieville. Orvpoti. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Irineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ririr, irj v, u. . ' . . i j ' ; 7 Z 1 . ,. . . i, i. 4t-JLIL.J r ti ir a it Jt-'jt: jl Jl jl' jl Jk Jk LL.L.AkUi1' Bid Wanted. BUl,aranlt for Ihe at- nrw In us br , tn cvQnlr cwrk ami the hcnff til Cruok ' rauaiT, d.'liverir tiv-t In t matte jurior lo Jiuif 1. Th mi --.J S " ' eouBijr clrli Slr')i!". lufhMOUisiJ uifasiirvmriil and : l;lii ibsVi. The on in t moliw tH!l;uK' ami 1.U,16 in-1 all biila. Bul till t oix-m-t Vat j, lw. AKKKS HKO S, Coanly Olerk. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL Seneral ffilaccsmiihing HoRSESHOEisa, Wood Woek, etc' Neatly axd Pkomptlt Done Whes rr is Dose By : : t Siobert 7?oore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Pblveville,. Oregon. ri k'j r.t t j ri i. j ri L J r.a LJ r..i L.J r..i r.a L J r.a LJ ra L J T3 L J m LJ r.a LJ r.3 L J Siimiiiona. In UitCoui tjr Cimrt of tli Htati' of Orr Kim for t runk county. C. K. Hnilth, l.laiiiiul. a. C. K. iJiiiiwm, Ui'lrii'laiil Tu l'. K. Ijimauii, tho ilrlnulant aUiv naliir-1: In lb naniacif tlie Htaleuf Orruoli you ar Ixwtijr riuinril tu apraar ami an-r I ha ruiuiilaiiil lilwl aa-aliit yuu in til alxivv rnutlnl t'uurl anil -aui on or In. (..r the Hill ilay uf May, l'MI, alul if yml lull au lo at'tM-ar ami answer aaiit com- ilniil on or l-rdire aal.l ilale, tlir (ilalnlill alii apply to tn rouri mr iii rnri nr-iiiaiul.-l In hia cunililaltit, ti-il: The i.lauitltT tll lake juJunirlit BKaiii't vun fir the aiiin of Mixtyine ami Ct-luu lnllra wtlh tiilrret tlierevn at the rate uf ten er o-ot per annum from the li-tli itay ot I Vlu- b-r. !'.).. fur the Bum of il 'O altnrnrt a lr a ami fur hi inula and uiaburaenienla uf Ih la artlun. Tlil aumuion la Pib I-heil by onler of the Honorable II. V, Mlla, jmlga ol tne county court of th atnt of tirepon for Crwok county, niawle on the '2MU day ot Man-li, ami pn-criue.i mat una atiui imma taa pulilialied lor nil conarcutiv ti ki in the I rook I'ouniy JiMirnal. a arrckly new-paper prinleii ami puliltalieil in I'rinrtill. I rook counlv. t)reaon. The nrt piilillratioti of thia aummoiia la mane on lit -mi nay oi aia-rn. ;. . . XI. It. KI.LItlTT, Attorney for ptaintlll'. for I'uhltculioii. Not coal laml. Ilaparlmrttt of lli Interior. V. 8. Uliil Dlllre at The lall. , Or , larch Uih, liav. Kutlca la here) y Klrcn that l'rank Hi. k Mulhollatid, ol t'rta.k. tiretton, mho. on April lltth IWW, made ilraert etmy(rrlal Nu.O'3el) Nu.0 forriS !y-'i. K arrtlun 1. luwiw ahln I 'I aomh. ranne H eaal, W.M., ha tllr.l nolue of Itllrllluill lu luak Una I ileaert praif, tu ralahllali claim lu the laml alHivo ilr-rnUil, Ivfur ttirtrn lirown, county i lerk, at hia olll.-e al I'rlneville, Orreun, on the day ol A prtl, I'M), I lalmanl mmri aa altnp! Kiain t'. KaiiKhl, of l'ritietl!e. Or. i Ed- In K. I'arker, John Mllliorti, ami Auatin kiirr, all uf t'ruok, On-irmt. .V;-. p l . V . Munaa, Heitlater. r Orrf i lllllf. m tut Siiiillllona In tb Circuit Court of the tat of Oregon fur the Co inty of Lr5 1). F. Mrwuri anil W. A. IWxith, plain tiff.. a. t . K. Ijnuaon. ilelemlant. Tu C. E. Uniaon. the tlefemlaiit abut named : In the name of the (tate of OrrKon you are hereby required tu appear and anawrr the comnlaint tirvil aaainat you tn the alior enlitled court and cauae. on or be fore tin-tith day of May, 1'JIW. and If you fail au to appear and aitawer aald complaint IM-Iure aal.l uate, tne planum win In Ilia llrrull Ci.iirl nf Ilie Ml ate of On t'ruik ruutily, ' , II, iHirkln, plalul va. r'rtMt'rli- Malm. Mary Malln and Annie Mallli. itirrn4anta. Tn Irmli-rlrk Mallm. Marv Malln and Annie Mulln. Ihe alaiv.naiird ilefeltdatlta. In the nam or the Hiala uf Orwaon you are ltprl.y riiulnd In aiiiwar anil atiwr tlie eiimi.laltit ftlrd aaalnat yuu tn tlie abmre rlitlllrtl (aturl and cauae nn or twA, h (lav uf Ilie rstilrailim uf thellme nrearrtlwd li lite or.lrr hir lli punttiaiiun of Ilila auntnmna. aid dale hrlua: Hie M Oar of A l'MI, 1. and If von fall lu an ai.iM'ar ami auaw er. juitamenl and ilmm will b taken affainal yuu for want ilivrruf aa apcinril In tlie aald colli plaint, livwll: 1 imi ihe uiainlirr lw declared Ih owner in fee alini'l of the auul Itraai quarter, I lie mki( It halfuf lit auulltweat quarter, the eutheeat iliiarler of Ilia nurllteaat iiliarler of aeellun i.HUi twenlr. Ihe emilh aalfuf Oi aoiiiheaal inarlrr, Ilie auulh half of Ihe auulhweal quarter, tlie weal halfuf Ih nurthweat quar- teruf Mellon till twvntv-one. Ihe auuthweal nuarliruf Ihe aouthWfat quarter of aerllun i XI i iwrniT Iwu, the nnrlli half or In nurlli. wiil quarter, Iturlhwrat tiliarter of nortlieaal quarlrr, the auuthraat quarter of nnrlliweat lunrlrr. in ai.illi Itnir ul Ihe nurtheaal qitarler nf aeriiiin I ST I twenly-nltie, all In luwnalilp r., larW auulh ul rant. la) el. u-en eual ul ilie Willamette Worlillaii In ( rouk Thai deh nilanta tie refiulred In ealahllah thrlr rial in In and lu aald lan.t: that a derrr he entered fl.rrtrr tirli.( Ihe Ueft udanta, and earti of llirui, fmin hmkln or elnlmlna any Inlereat luor to aalil laml or an part theriMif; Hint tlie Inlereal or claim uf aald tie lenilanlH In nr naalil land la- iet.Mre4 utave. ?tienl ami adverae lo that nf plalnllrT. and ur am-h iither and further order and decree aa may areiu Inrel and proper tn UK prem- laea. Tltla aummona la aeived he pulillrallnn thereof In Hie 1'r.ol Counle Journal. Hy or. der of the lluu. II. I'. Kllla, lurtae of ( naik cuiity. ( in. hi. maile, dated and m. a In tlie Hove rnlllleit our I Man-h a, IVIM, Whl.'h on or take JmlKinent annlnat you for the aum of or)r llml ,iiinnmna In thla ault four Jinnurea r.iKtiiy-inrce ami mum i n puniiaiieii urn, a weik fur l tio.-a.iv tak.ULwatUI.ULJLalL-4L-IW-fWalUUfi.yW-llaUa.JL M Tl. . .fVlM !l T--L- t 3 ine u neu ivebiauraiu MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season r.n L J r.a L J r. LJ ri la J r.a L J r.i LJ r.a LJ ri LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ r.i LJ r.a LJ r..i LJ t."l L J ;rar-rriririnr"rinrtjir'rjraririrvirirtnriririr,i aaatkHkJbUa,Jka1klaa.iiaa1kalkeKakdbJ CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choice BoWtlon of fine cauJy, clgnre, orange, lemon, etc. Give o a call. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. Dollar with Interest thereon at the rate of ten tier cent per annum from the 21at day of tVtober. 117. for 40 0u attorney' f-e and for Ibrir coat and diaburaement of tbia anion. Thia atimmon la publtaliKj by order of the tlonurahl ll.l . Kllla, JimIk of the 1 ountv t'ourt uf the atate ot tireiton lur I 'rook county, mad on Ilia I'.th day of Mirnli. r.,i. ami preacrilied mat tnia atim- liiona be pulilitbed for i weeka in the C rook I ounty Journal, a weekly newspaper printiii and puhtiahed in rriueaille, county of Crook, atat of Uretron. I he ftrat publication of tulf aummona I" tli -lh day ot Alarch, !!tl. , M. It. ELLIOTT, Attorney for plaliililf. L JWJU JLJL JLJL Jfc. JLJL Ji.alk.J1 Sutiimuna. In the Circuit Court of the atate of Oregon tor Crook county, Al. t liri.tianl, plain titr. vi. Dorcaa Katran, John A. hui;an harah K. Hodman, lieorire Kodman, Jauiea W. hagan, V. J. Johnaon, I.. A. Itootb, ltruce Gray and O. C. Uray, de- ipn.iant". To James W. Kagan. one of the dcfi ndanU above namcil: In the name of the atate of Oreeon you are hereby required to appear ami answer Ihe complaint tiled aKain.-tt you in the alKive-eiuilleil cauae and cuurt on or before the nth day of May, t'jOll, and if you fail to o appear and anawer aald complaint on or before said date, the plaintiff will apply to Ihe Court for the relief prayed forinaaid complaint, to-wit: Kor iufnint aw-ainul yon for the aum of hix llunilrid JioIlar iih inten-t thereon at the rale of ten jwr cent r annum from the llth day of April. l!tfl for aixly-lire dollar attorney' fee. and for biacuMi and diabiiracuienta of thia suit. That a decree be made for the aale of the cm half of the aouthweat quarter of aec lion thirty-four, ami the north half of the outheat iiuarter of section thlrt -three in towns-hip twelve south of range fourteen eel oi lllaini lte nierlilian in Oregon, by the a lierllfof this county, accordiii); lo la ami the pnti lice of aaid Court, and the prucceda ol the -tale of said premikes be ap- piiru to me "auaiacuon oi lite aiiove ue- sonuetj judgment and that the defeiidnnl .win iiniueo ik rorever oar ret l ami lore Closed from all right or e,,Uity of redo nip. tion, except aa provided by statute, in every part and pan el thereof. Thia summons is published by order of ll.a. 1 1 ....... 1. 1.. II if lmi:- ... .. ..uirfiaiitT J.llia, jllllgV. oi ine County Court of the state of Oregon lor Crook county, made on the 2lih day ol Aiarvn. i, which said onler wiw duly emerea on tne Zllli day of .March, liaW ami preacnlied that this suinmoiis lie pub-li-hed for six consecutive weeks in the irooit (.oiintr journal, a weekl pajiei i'.,..iin.-,i in niieviiie, vin'iron. The 6rst publication of this summons lr made on the 23ih day of March. I. M. H. ELLIOTT, Attorney for plaintiir. weeks. W. A. HKI.I. Alt irney l plalntirr. )alei.f flral piit.ll. atlon hemif March II. If, laileuf last piilill.alli.n bemir April 1, IvUa Notice for Publication. I Not coal land.) department of the Interior. V.H. Und Olllce at Tha Dalles. Or.. March ID, liJ0, Xotic 1 hereby given that William Marks, of Prineville, Oregon, bo on Peptemlier llh. !'.-, made linmeati'ad entrv (Serial No. ivjik',1). No. 1UI7. for bWti NWU, N li SWt,.and NV',' SK', see 8, lowiialilp h uu III. range J7 K, V M, has tile.1 notice of inteniiou to make final live-year proof, to claim lo the laud aiiove tleM-riUd before Warren lirown, county clerk, at his olllce at I'riueville, Oregon, on the 23d day of April, I'.aw. Claimant names as lr.eaea! Cliri.tian Fuerhelm, William Adams, Alma T. Morris, Warren A. Morford, all of Prineville, Oregon. 8-lHp C. W. Moo, Reglater. SiiininoiiH, In the circuit court of the atala of Oregon fur Crook county, C. P. Smith and Will If. Kmlih. nlaln. tilt's, Vs. Charles K. I amsnn. Ada Lamaon. Prank Oal-jrn and 11. M. Kershaw, de fendants. Tot'harli-a K. I.ani-on ami Ada Lamaon, two of thealtove-hamed defendants: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the alioventilled court and cause on or before the day of April, IM, and If you tail so to appear and anawer, the plaintiffs will take judgment agynt you for the aum of Six Hundred Dollars with interest thereon at the rule of ten er cent per annum Irom the 1-t day of November, 11107, for StD.OO attornry'a fi-ea and for their cta and dis bursements of this suit, and the plaintiir will apply to the unirt fr the further re lief prayed for in their complaint, lo-wit: Por a decree foreclosing the mortgage deacrilted in plaiutitla' complaint and the sale of the property descrllied in said mort gage given by you to secure the payment ol the alKive mentioned sum and that you and each of you be forever barred and fore closed of any equity or right of redemption of said mortgaged premises, except such right of redemption as ia provided by statute. . This summon- Is published by order of the Honorable H. U. Kills, county judge of Crook county, Oregon, made and entered on the l"ih day of March, iws, in and by which order it is prescribed that thla sum mons be published for a period of six week m the t'rook County Journal, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Prineville, Crook county, state of Ore Kn. The date of the firt. publication of tltla siiinnioni is March IS. M. 11. ELLIOTT. Attorney lor plaintilbf.