SELL YOUR DeiSe$S8i3eSe83e&3i to the PIONEER CREAM c EAM D!., ,.nui m-iin nnrl WP Will unity us ,in 0 chop it for you COMPANY R Redmond News. April 11,1909. This week we have to report the death of tbe babe of Mr. and Mr. B. r. Nichols, about seven months old which tu burial Saturday morning. They nre the only who have had to go tw Je to the little cemetery by the butte, ihere being six grave out there now. McLallin A Young made a week end trio to the Hightower-Smith mill at Gist. They are getting ready to move J. A. Norwood's house from town out into the suburb;. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kennard are be ing visiteo by a daughter, Mr Moes mann, of Seattle, with her husband and child. They came in Thursday. By-the-way, Harry Kennard haa a good position in Seattle with an exten sive house fumbling company. C. S. and Bort IVLorimier, with Mr. Abbey, got in on Tuesday. They made qui'e a cavalcade or procession. B. A. Kendall has bought a new hack to go with the team that we reported last week. J. E. and DeWitt Lamb made a trip to the Houston ranch on Fear creek a week ago for horses, atd brought back five which they are proceeding to break. The Union Ladies' Aid on Thursday elected Mrs. Morrill, president; Mr Smith, vice-president; Mrs. Jones, sec retary, and Mrs. Manderecheid, treas urer. As usual during the winter and spring quite a number have been clearing hop ing to get a few more acre in crop than before. Details of a jury trial before Justice Jones yesterday are too meager to war rant an item. Ed Kennard vs. E. C. Koby was the tille with judgment in favor of the plaintiff. E. C. Tark. Mrs. H. B. Maben Passes Away Mrs. H. B. Maben died last Friday, April 9, 1909, at the home of Mrs. Mary Hlnton, tn rrinevllle. Death Willi caused by an abscess from which she had suffered for the past two months. Deceased was aged about 56 years. She leaves three children In this county, P. H. Maben, John Maben and Mrs. Ralph Phrfily, her husband having passed away about eight years ago. Mrs. Maben came to Oregon JS years ago, and the family made their home at Medford until about three years aeo when they removed to this county, residing at what Is known as the old Webble place on Crooked River. Mrs. Maben was a member of the Christian Church. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. C. P. Bailey. The remains were Interred In Union Cemetery. Post Items. April 12, 1909. H. V. Fairchilds was transacting bncinftee in P.ineville Friday and Sat urday. Mr Wallace Post is still wrestling with tonsilitt 1 Will Port was visiting iu the city Sun day. Otto Gray of the Ronnyview Stock Farm went t Prineville Sunday and expects to return with his family Tues day. Willie GiWn and wife at Prineville were visiting Mrs. Gibson's mother, Mr J. A. Gibson, last week. E. G. Rourk, wife and daughter of Rowland are visiting relative in the basin. Easter morning dawned bright and beautiful and no rain fell du ing tbe day but looked some hat threatening toward evening. Judge Ellis' Decision Affirmed. The supreme court has affirmed the decision of Judge Ellis in thecateof Johnson vs. Crook county for the refund of taxes paid on D. I. & P. Co. lands. The case was submitted on demurrer to the complaint before Judge Ellis and in which the plaintiff afterward appealed. In the decision it was held that the land waa not subject to taxation but affirm the case on the theory that the payment of the taxes waa voluntary and, there fore, they had no right of action to re cover from the county. Eggs for Sale. Full-blood Brown Leghorn Eggs, per setting, f 1. 3-lS-lmp Mns. Sam Collins, Horse Wanted. Gentle saddle horse, good walker, roust not be more than seven years weight 1100 or better. Spot cash, A. S. I KELAND, 3-25 4t Prineville. Oregon. Eggs for Sale. Full-blood White laxtiorn l-KK. per netting of fifteen, 11 Muh, II. A. MY Kim. 41 tf lUMmnuil. Or. Land for Sale. (VW acres of land for sale; 50 acre In cultivation: 2." miles iit of Prine ville; good stock locution: plenty f water: good rnngt For further In formation Imiuirv at this otlice. S-lSm For Sale. llamhorg Ftfc: set- Apply to rune- SCni gilt a m Gasoline amps Silver-Spangled tings of 15 for 12.00 villa Cigar lactory. 3-lltf Telescope and Jointed steel rods and automatic reels at l'etctt's. Land Gearing and Contracting. We are prepared to pull trees, remove sagebrush and prepare land for crop. Buildings moved. Will also bid on all kinds oi construction work. McLallin, Yocsu A Co. J. A. Norwood, Cor. Sec'v. Redmond, Oregon. 1-24 8m Notice for Publication. Not coal Inn, I. Department of tlie Interior, V. S. 1-antt Ottice. The Dalle, lrvpn, March U, I '.mi. Notice is hereby given that (ieoige Turner, of Prineville. Oregon, a ho on May l.". t'Ci, made homestead entrv (serial No. OJXH! No. l!t ', for NK', SK,. section 31. and XS bW'j. SK1, sW1,. M'ctum 3.', town ship 12 south, range 10 ea.t. W. M.. Iia tiled notice of intention to make linal li -year pioof, to e-tahli?!! claim to the land above described. U fore arren llrown, county clerk, at hit c.lllce at Prineville, Oregon, on tlie 4th day of May, UMl. Claimant names as Witnesses: Wilburn H. Ixittin. William II. McCoy, Joseph A. Kurnian. all of Prineville. Ore gon, and William if. Vineyard of Urii'ly, Ortvou. 3-2.'p C. V. Moosk, Register. Wc have the agency for the Knight No. 1 6 Gasoline Lamp, pressure system, hollow wire, which is Safe, Reliable, and Give the Most Light for Leat Money of any lamp known. 1 am prepared to install systems of any size, from one lamp to as many as are wanted. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP Not ics ot rtnul Atcouattntt. Nolle Is hcrehv given by III undersigned. Hi ailnillilairalrt. or lb Mint of 1oiiImJ. Imuthli. ileetmmt, llial ah haa mail ami ... . .... . U a. N...I MlWIIItlU loctl won ill. hihiht a. .. ... Ins of brr adiiilnl-lrallon of th lal or I oitl.a J. iHuithlt, decaasvd, and Hial I .-our! haa al the Hh dnvof Mav, PM.atlh cotntlv pourtroom In I'rlnevlll, Oregon, as Ihe time anil uae nir iiearina an" -' mid Hnal accounting. At which lime ami phice any Peraon lnirlit In aalil tat nmy aptx'at and ubll M "did nal a'eount Iik. Mm t i iiriHii, Ali"IMlr(rU of lb valala of IaimIm J. Iionilill, diMvawMl, Ikiled Oil. ih day of April, I", RatUa for Publlcatl a. Not coal land. 1 parlnienlof th Intel lor, V. Uiiil t'm, Tb 1II. omtori, A Mill a. Haw. Nolle I. brrvliy glvm Ibat Ax W. Hi mUiii, of I'rtnpvlll, Hrrunn, rb. on April Tlh, I iihih timiM.r mol Riuii aiiellittliiin, ,,,ll No IVl.ll N. MM. ftir 111 Kl Mh', M wK'. Hl'.' Ha''i, Miilon , lowniiii h -.mill, t.iiiii l al, . M,, b lilpd iioIIp of ml. ml. ,u to make Miial 1 1 mir and ion i riKif, In malillali rlalm In III land al iiwriia-il. u-fiii Ih poimly pli, at hla einiv ill Prineville, on gun. on Ilia INIIiday iif Jmip, I'll. t'luiniaiil miiiipa as wlliip.ap: llpnrv A. iier. Joint W, Miller, William K. klua-.ora lilinli l. r. all of trliilll. Or, 4-t.i f. , M.Hiaa. IWtter. All the necessary family cook ing may be done as well on a New Perfection Wkk Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove as oa the best coal or wood range. By using the "New Perfec tion" Oil Stove, the annoyance of an overheated and stuffy kitchen is entirely avoided, even in midsummer. The scientific construction of the NEWftPERFECTSCN Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ensures quick work and a cool kitchen. The " New Perfection' has a substantial CABINET TOP for warming plates and keep ing food hot after it is cooked. Also drop shelves on which to set small cooking utensils every convenience, even to bars for holding towels. Made in three sizes. Can be had either with or without Cabinet Top. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. r- W 1 aiV. A VA I jfilsp THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH Miiy lie litipnlii'il yes rnltiecl-li.v poor, or fven poorly lltteil eye Kin aw- WImt'Ktlio llie or nonet' of wnWIlitf your liioney to voiir own liurt? fume niul Ivnve your eyea fxomlmtl In Bklllftil inniiiur niul tit toil with kIiihmh tlnit'art tlio U-atJo lw lintl. An examination rout a you iiotliliK. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler k Optician Main Street, Prini!le, Oregon Contsit Mollis. Iv part men I o( lb Inli'tlor, tt. Und Oine,Tll lallpa,or.. Marnb . If. A nltli'l.-nl nintpat artldavlt bavlna lieen tlli-it 111 Ilil. olrlp by Karl Mi I Jlinlillll. ihi Ip.lanl. aalnl lioiinu ml im rlul No t'Hwl pulrr No, i"i, mail rpiiruary V, m, ror K't applbm II. N't N' Miion V, l.ian.lllp 14 oiitll, ram 11 , W. M , liv Jubn N. Holilitrk, miilealp. Ill wlilrn li aippi llial aid J.ilin N. Iloldrlek baa wbolly doniHl Mid traet air inor Ihan al monilia Ul nI; Ibal b baa not realdpd upon, eulll. valpd or Improved ald Ira.t aa mi Hired liy law: llial aald allrgi-d ,lni waa not du In hi. employ men I In lb arioy.nairr or niarlii norpa of Hi I ' iilli-tl male lulimaof war, Hald parlb' ar hrrxl.r nnlin. d In aip. ar, rtaiiiii( ami nnrr evniamw mimpiiiii wiui lliaai, ,n ai Iii iiVliak a.m. on n l lw, li -r,ii arren llrown. eounly pterk, al bla urn,' In I'rlnpvillp, linyiui, and Dial anal hr.rlna will lie held al 10 o i'lm'k a, in, on alav tl, lia", lirfur lite Hm !ter and ltpi-pvr al Hi I nlied Hia' lauil omiw in 1 latnea. Oion. Tn ald im'riani iiavini, in a proppr il Mareli V. I, furHi IWU wlileli allow llial afir do illlli.i. p-roiial prvlivof llila nolle ran not lar mail, II la han'liy onlared and dlrveieil llial aiii h niiUm lar slvvn by duand pioivr pul.Mi-a'liMi. 4-Im V. . MtMUlK, ll.a-l.ler. Statement cf Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank At Of Prineville, Oregon tha cloia of butine Feb. 5, 1909 BKHOl HI I.M Inn and IMarounta ... I niti'd Htatp lkinda ... Hunk reinlMK Caab A 1'ue from bank t'l'.ni n . .X lJ.VW in) .. l i ,T CI LV.'.V. l :i-'6.5.,l f A Tha RSSb Lamp and very band it substantially made of brass, finely nickeled very handsome. Utvei a powerful light and burns for hours with one filling. Portable, safe, convenient just what every home needs. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) 1IIJI l m ' II MWJIIVy -I JJSAaai. I. i in 1 1 mi w-'r ria,i 'tr'- i-i" B. F. AlUa. Will r. Vice !.IAHII.ITIK capital rUork I M.OW 00 Hurpluand undivided 'prodta ei.114 13 C'ln-ulallon 7..1i 00 Individual IVpoalla 37H.luT Ti IJWI.VJt W T. M. Baldwia, Cfeiar H. Baldwia. Am'I Catbiar Notice for Publnatb o. (Not natl land.) th-inrtmrlit of lb Interior, t'. B. Ind I lia liall'-a. OreiiB. Maivb b, l ua Nntlw la brndy liven Ibal fe.-.Bt.ta A Una hp. ..r ll flr., alio, on Martltt flat. iaA, nimli liiintiwlrad applleatlnn l''lal No. IWMl So. IVnii, tur H' NVk '.M't H. epllon la. Iu nulilo U otilh. ran l eaal, W. M., ha I, I.-, I iioilii'of liiirnllon to make final five yrar 'i,.f, lo ralitlill'll rial in lo III Und Kin i iii-'riiM-ii. ik lure arren imi.n, p,,, Iv etrrh. al lil.i.rtlo at rrliipvlllp, Orvnim. on llip llin dnv al May, Imw. I liil inn lit liiihii-. a. wlllip.ea: Ji ip t, A rrlilp tillHMin. W llllam 0. amd, all of i, iieon. and Itola'rl lieliiarla. o( I'l lll. V III.-. Ilrrgoll, 4 it. t . W. Miaiaa. Kelipr. Notli-a fur 1'ubllcalioa. (Nol eoal land) la-nnrlniPlilof III tntprtor. S. Und uim-eat Hi liallp. orp.n, Mar.Ut.lli, I wW. Kollec la hereby alven lhat llllam Maldwln. ,,f l'rliH'Vlll..,llr.-,,ii, who on neplemtwr lltb, I'vJ, lioiiic'irad eiilrv (aerial No.i',iili No. IH..J, (or K'i applliin av,iownahlp S aoutli, nun:" II mat, W. M., baa nied nolle i,l liil, ml, ,ii In inn ko Anal flv.yar proof, to p.iuiill.n claim lo Hi land alarva dpaerllaal, lu lnrii linrn n llrown, eounir bla itipp nl t'rii'VillplOrou,ou lb Hlh day uf Wnv, Itaaj. liilinnnt name, aa wllnpaaea: tt.iipit II. Hniilli, Kraurla It. Bay n, Alfred W. Ilavu.t'arl C. brl. all of I'rlneville, tr. .lp C W, Hlooaa, K.-aLier. f. .eK2a3S-.O0E3--aa; Hatice for Publication. Not coal land. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at The Dalle. Orefron, April 10, 1909. Notice is hereby given that William D. Arnold, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 6th, 1902, male homestead ""application (Serial No. 02693) No. 11020, for 'E aection 12. township 14 south, range 15 e, V. M., haa filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his office at Prineville, Oregon, on the 25th day of May, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: John K. Grimes, David W. Grimes, Marion Templeton, Oinar 0. Claypool, all of Prineville, Or. 4-15p C. W. Moobe, Register. Bids Wanted. Bids are wanted for the safes now in use by the county clerk and the sheriff of Crook countv. dt'liverv not to be made prior to June 1, 1S"J9. The safe used by the county clerk is 344x69Ux8UU inches outside measurement and 15x;4x60 inside. The one in the sheriff's office is 30x31 'x36 inches outside and 13x2:1x16 in side. Theritfhtis reserved to reject any and LUMBER I Shingles, Mouldings, Window?, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON ;briiilrUTlrTdLr all bids. Bids will be opened May 5. 1WM. WARKEN BROWN, County Clerk. u mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President D. F.8TEWART, Vice President O. M. Elkins, Cashier W. A. DIRECTORS: Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought fand Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention 3ai The City Meat Market IIORIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, I'RIMlVlI.Li:, Proprietor OKIXjON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at ReaFonaMo raks. Remember us when in Prineville. Rate3 Reako.nabi.e. We have gbgjjfri G p n q Livery Rigs For Rent Summon. In tlir Com ly Coiirl of lh Hlala of Or. (!.,n lr t'roi'k county. 0. K. Mmlih, pliiiiUtir, y. . K. l.aiiiMili. di'friulaiil. To K. Ijunann, Ui dflemlanl alaiya tiamatli In Ilia name of ih Plate of OrrKon you are hrrvliy rrUirrtl lo aiH,ar anil answtr I ho coiiiliiinl lilnl aaint you In th alie i-ntiiliKl t'oiirt nil eau on or be fore Utr Dili ilay of May, Ium, ami If you lull i In apiirar ami aniarr aalil com plaint on or lwfora sall ilatv, tli plaintlll will ann V lo lua roun ror n ri-nri nr n,uii,l.', In his ciinilaliit. tolt: Tlir Inliiiiir a ill laka luilu ini'lil nirnint vou r ilia Sinn of MJtvnii' ami H4-I0U Dollar iili inlrri l ihrnun at III rato of tan wr n ut l'l-r iitimii from tha UHli ilay oi tk-lo- ..r. !':. for th siiiii of I3.H lturny's r ami fur his coals anil diaburariuanta of hifi ai'tlim. Till" siiinniom Is pub:Uhtl by onler of th llotiiirniile II. t. Mils, JililK OI in uiilv court of th stnl of Orviron for I'Kok eounly, mail on th Tih ilay of .Mnn li, !!'.. ami Iiir-cribr-n mill uus sum iitous l uiiiiiirii lor six consecutive ai'-k In th t'rook County Journal, wci'klv iicwoiiaiicr nrlnliil ml tiuhllshcil in I'riiii vlll. ( naik county. Orviron. Tlir tlrt iiuhllcnlliin of thla siiuimoui la nwi'Ui on tin' xoin ilay oi sin rn, ii. al. li. r.i.i.iii , Altornvy for plaiutilf. AdniinlstrsloCl Sill of KmI EataU. Nollna I lirivliy llwn llial In purauanr of an ortlvr of !ia ixiunlv rourl of IliaaiaUtof nrrfun for (VmiIi county, matla an4 aiiUrrtt on Oi itl ilar f Kvliruarv. In Ih niallrr of Ilia VMtala of John Mi' vlah, diHiwiwit, ilia HmtpralKliril. Ilia ailllllll Ulralor of 4I valatv, III vll al puhllc auiMlon In Ilia illirt hitl. drr fur rah. ami auulivt to vonlirmallon ly aalil eounly court, Oa Salataay, tk Slk iJ May, l0f, al Ilia hour of Id n'cha'k In Ih, al Ilia fnnit ilmir of Ilia coimlv riurl Iioiimv In I'lloovilli,, Urmon. all Ilia riahl. Iillv ami In-Im-Mof Ih aalil John Mr VI h al Ilia lima of hi .IfBlU ami all Ih ridil, lllla am) In- Irrvtti thai Itn Milit valala may Itavt. aitulrvit ilinii lliv iinain of inaaniii Joim alet nan in II thai verlaln MM of rral valala llualrtl In t runk voituiv, tinon, dvaerllivu n nl lovr: 1'lia northwrl unarwr of anvilott lavlva In townltln Ihlrtvrn wniiltof ran ninrtrvn vaal of lllamvlta nxrlillan. 1 lit lf.rma and ttdllloiiB of aiv vaali. liali'd IhUSili day of April, I" M. It. rtl.l.lOTT. Adiiilnlalrator of Ih aalalauf John M vlh, umaara. Nit leg lor I'uM leu t Urn. Nut con I lanil. IVpsrlmiMil of th lulrilor. V. 8. Uiul OUIc at 1 h lll. , tr , March Kill, HKV. Nolle Is lirral y given that Krauk link MulholUml, ol Crak, Orvuoil. who. on April l.Kh, Itsfl, mail ileorrt entry (.serial Ml. USUI) ,o. X) for Hi, N K, Kt UK' ,'. utIIoii S, loom hip I'l sou tli, ran ea.l, W. M ., haa flleil nolle ol Inlvtillon to luak Una I tlvavrt priaif, to raiahllsli clnlm to the la ml alov ilwrilanl, hvfur Warivn llroaii, county clerk, at hi oltlrv at I'rlnavlllr, tlrviron, on th ih day ol A prll, I' HI, I lainiaut names aa wilnvwea; Klatti C, KniiKlil. of I'rlneville. Or. : KJ- aln K. I'arker, Jiilui Millloin, ami Aiialin Klavr, all of Crook, OrrKon. 9-ip C. W. Mooai, llrKUIer. a & 1r",mr!'.r-r-l.-1lr7r Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL nr inrnmnmr,inr?ir?innn r i -1 kJ Sonera jftlacksmithing IIOBSESHOKINO, WOOD WoilK, ETC., Neatly and Phomptly Done When it is Done By : : : Robert 9tfoorc Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prinevim.e, Okeoon. LJ r .1 L J u kj L.J r.i u r.i L-l Tit I. J k. J ra kj r,n L'J r.i kU r .i u r-r--rririlirnrr.rrrrir?iinnr.arnn The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlalcE, OREGON First Class Mcab 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choice Kilecllon of fine candy, cittra, oraiifeOH, leinouu, etc. Give us a call. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. kj n kj ra ri kj U'J r.ji kj M kJ rm r.t ti kJ kj r-3 k. j Siimmiiiia. In the Circuit Court of the slate of Oregon fur Hie Co inly of tnml. I). K. Hlewiirt ami W. A. lliMith, plutu till'-, vs. C. K. I.iiiiihiju, ileh'iiilnut. To C. 1.. LumiKin, tlio ilvfemlant alaive nnmcil : In the name of the Hlnte of Orvnin you are hereby reiinrrd to Bpiear ml answer tlio complaint Kleil against you In the iiIhivc entitleil eulirt and cause, on or bo re Hie tub iliiv of May. 1UHU. ml If you full so to nppcar niul answer aalil complaint mi or t,i-l,, re sit l ciuto. tn niaintiil win dike juilKineiit nuiilnut you for tha sum ot I niir llumlreii MKiiiy-inre anil w-iuu Hollars with inti ret thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 21st ilay of Ortolier. 1ISI7. for I00U ttorncy's fees anil lor their costs una uisuursaiuenis 01 tliis action. Ibis summons is publisher! by order of tlie! 11.0. Kills, jitilKe of the County Court of the state of Oreiton for 1 took county, inane on me sun tiny 01 March, I'H'.i, ami prescrlhetl that thts sum- iniiiis lui pulilllieit lor six consecutive weeks III the Crook County Journal weekly iiewspuper printed ami published in I'rincvillc, county of Crook, state of Ureiron. The first (mliMrntlon of this tummons Is tlie I'.jtli ilny ol Mnrcli, wn. Al, 11. r.i.i.iui 1 , Attorney for plointlir. uijLUL.Uk:uiLUk'jik:jt.Uk.Liu.yi.ut.u Siimmoiia. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oreiton for Crook county, 41. Christum, plain, till, vs. Dorcas Kigali, John A. Kiiksu Huruli K. Itiiiliiiiin, (ienrKa Koilinsn Juini's W. Kairnii, C. J, Johnson, h, K Hi 10 111, Jlruce Ui'iiy anil U. 0, Uray, lie ciiilanlH. To Jimies W. Kiiftun, one of tbe defendants nhovn iianicil: In the mime of the stute of Oreiran you 11 ra hereby required to appear ami answer the compliiiht liled BKulnnt you In the uhovc-cntitlerl ciiusc ami court on er before tlie (ill) iluv of Muv, l'.xm, and if you full to so Hppeur uiul aiiBwur said complaint on or before suid dutc.thu jilalntllf will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: For liiiiKiiient BKaiust you lor the sum of Hix J 1 11 ml red Dullurs with interest thereon at the rate of ton per cent i'r annum troni the utn any or April llinN for sixty-live dollars attorney's fees uiul for lil.scuftii and disbursements of this suit. Tluit n decree be nuide for tlio sale of th west half of the southwest quarter of sec tion Hurt y-rour, and tha north half or the MHithcitMt (iiuirter or section lium-tliree in township twelve south of runfie fourteen eirst ol Willamette meridian In Oregon, by tlie slionll ot tins county, accormiiK to In und tlio practice of suid Court, and the proceeds of the Halo of suid premises be ap plied to tlio Nutisfuction oi the above tie- sen imi iiiiiiniicnt mm llial me ueieutiunt above mimed bo lorever barred and fore closed from all riuht or eouitv of reilcuiD tiou, except as provided by stutute, In cverv oiirt and tinrccl thereof. Tliis BinnmoiiH is published by order of the. Honorable. II. C. Kills, JudKe of tbe countv court 01 tlie stuto 01 ureeon lor Crook county, mnda on the 21th day of March, lllufe which suid order was du v entered on the 21th day of March, 11X11), uiul nrescrihed Unit this summons he pun. Itslicil tor six consecutive weeks in the Crook county Journal, a weekly paper puiinsiied 111 I'rinevuie, wreaon. The lirst publication of this summons Is muuu on inu zotn uay 01 ,iarcn, nam. M. It. ELMOTT, Attorney for pluintiir, Summons. n the (treult Conn of Hie Miale of Orrfon for t'rook county, I , II. Iiurkln, plainlllf, va. Kreiterlck Mallng, Mary Mallm ami Alllilo Malltis, il err ml a 11 la. To (nolertrk Maltnc, Mary Mallna and Annie atatiug, Ilia alMtve.iamd ilcfvudauta. In lua name of Ilia Hiale of Ureaou riu am herehv rvo.iiln'd In annear and aiuwer tha comolalnl nird atfalnt you In Ilia ataiva rntitlel nnirl and eatl nil or lirfora the ttay of in e spiral Ion or ilia lime prMerllaMl 111 Ilia order for Ihe pttblleatloii of thla summona, aid data lirlnf Ilia Xitl dav of April, 11. and if rou ran 10 so aimr ami amwrr. luiiament anil dereti will Imi lakrn aalul you for want Ihoreof aa speciriea In lh aalil com plaint, lo-wll: Thai Ilia plainlllf ha deelaifd Ih owner In f almple of Ilia aotlttiraal quarter, Ihe aoutll naif of Ihe aoiilliweal uuarlcr Ilia aoullieaat nitartar of Ilia norlhrat iiuarler of aeellon i)i twenty. Ilia south half of Ilia aoiiltieaal luarter. Ilia south ha1! of lha aouthweat quarter, the wet half of lha northwet Quar ter of aaetlou (ill Iwrnlr-olic, Ilia aolllhweal quarter of the anulhweat quarter of aeellon iili twenty. Iwo, th mirth half or Ilia north went quarter, norlhwrat iiunrter of northi-a! quarter. Ilia aotilheaMl quarter of norlhweal quarter, Ihn south half ol Ihe northraxl quarter of aeellon CP! Iwrnlv-nliie, all til lownaiup 1 ill twelve aouth ol range int m tern vaal ol t ha Willamette Meridian In t runk county, Oregon. I hul (lefciiilHUts Ih requtnMI 10 ealahllall their claim tn and lo said land; that a iteerea !' entered forever harrtnir th defendanta. and each of I hem, from tonkins: or claiming any Interest In or lo aald land or anv part thereof ; that Ihe Internal or claim of suid de fendanta tn or in said land tw declared itle- n ue 111 and adveraa lo that of plalhtllT, and for aueh oilier and further order and deems as may aeom meet and proper In Ihe preui. laea. Thla summons Is served liv ruihlleattnn IhenHif In the Crook Counlv Journal. Ity or der of tha lion. II. I'. Klll, luilurof I rixik county, Oregon, made, dated and flled In the alMive enlllled court March A, itsM, which aid order re)iilna Hint sumiiions In IhU suit imi pulillsueu unce week for alx succcaatve weeks. W.A. HKI.I, Alt irncy for pliilullrr. Pal of flral pulitlcatloii hereof March II, US1. Ixileof last pulillcatlon hereof April 16, ItU Notice (or I'libllcution, . ( Not coal luud.) Department of the Interior. U.H. LandOlllce at The Dalles. Or., March III, llmU. Notice Is hereby given thai William Murks. of Prineville, Orciron, who oil September Hlh, itsi'J, made bomestcnil entry (Herial No. 0-JI61), No. 1U47, for HW NWW, NHj MWH.and NW'( HKi, sec 8, township Ift south, ruiiK 17 K, W M, baa liled notice of Intention to make final live-year nroof. to establish claim to the laud above described before Wnrren Drown, comity clerk, nt his office at rrinevllle, Oregon, oll the kl day of April. IIRHJ, Claimant names as wltnesiest Christian Ktierhelin, William Adams, Alma T. Morris, Warren A. Morfbrd, all of Hrlnevllle, Uregon. 8-lHp 0. W. Moon, Register. Siiinnioiifl. In the circuit court of tbe state of Oregon for Crook county. C. F. Hmitli and Will II. Binlth, plnln tlir, vs. Charles K. I amsnn, Ada Lanison, Krunk Osborn and 11. M. Kershaw, de fendants. To Charles E. I.amson and Ada Lanison, two of the above-named defendants: In the name of the stuto of Oregon, yotl re hereby required to appear and answer the complaint liled agulnst you in the above-entitled court ami cause 011 or before the 'Jlllh duy of April, 11)011, and if vou tail so to appear and answer, the plaintiffs will take ludgmcnt agnlunt you for the sum of Kix Hundred Dollars wiih interest thereon at the rate, of ten per cent per annum Ironi the 1st duy of November, 11)07, for U0.U0 attorney's lees and for their costs and dis bursements of this suit, and the plalntlll's will apply to the court for the further re lief prayed for tn their complaint, to-wlt: Kor decree foreclosing the mortgage described in pluintlll's' complaint and the sale of tlie property described in said mort gage given by you to secure the payment ol the above mentioned sum and that you and each of you be forever barred and fore closed of any equity or right of redemption of said mortgaged premises, except such right of redemption as is provided by statute. This umnions is published by order of the Honorable II. 0. Kills, county Judge of Crook county, Oregon, made and entered on the 17th day of March, lix), In and by which order it is prescribed that this sum mons bo published for a period of six weeks in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspnpor printed and published in rrinevllle, Crook county, slate of Ore gon. The dato of the first publication of thla summon is March 18. HWi). M. H.KM-I0TT, Attorney for pluinllllij,