cr -J V Crook County Jounna! PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1909. VOL XIII-NO. 18 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR NEW COURT HOUSE NEARLY FINISHED Ready for County by First of May. RECEIVING FINAL TOUCHES Circuit Court Will Probably Be Held in New Building Next Month. Crook county' new court lioimo will bo ready lo turn over to the county on May I. It U hhmiI.Ih Hint Hie May term o( clicuit court will he held In the new bidding. Contractor J. 11. Shipp y that nil of tli" Interior work it now practically fliilahed. and so l the out- tuUi with the exception of installing tlie pillars on the porches. During the t wrk ttm concrete work in the vault ami in the rclt flours wnit put in, tli pluiiiliii i about finished and tli Mtnt.-ra and fliiUhurs are putting un the. tlnitl touches. A groat Improvement lm Imii made tn tlio pHriii' of the square ly trniovltig tha tree except those alHiut tha margin of the yard. Tlio yard I being ho ivily fertilized nml the water pipe for Irrigating th lawn r being lulil. It will only he a ihort time until the courthouse I surrounded by a fine luwn. The bin clock now keeps time a steady a the (tin. The new furniture for the aeveral offices will not arrive until aliout July. The furniture for the court room will not lie purchased thl year a there are no fund on hand for the pur pore and the county court dor not fit to Incur any Indebtedness at thl time. A toon a the fund are available thi hand- aoine room will be appropriately fur- Dished, and In the meantime the old benches, table and dunk will be re- Ulned and made to fsrve the nreda temporarily. Weed Killing Coats Money. Alex llolbrook returned Int Fri day friini n. vlalt to the county sent, w here ho went to we obout ft Hen which the county liohU on bin land for clearing It of weeds hint fall. Mr. Ilolhrook'a tiliice wna among those from which the county removed the weeds liutt fall, under the eo-cnlled autl-weed law, and when be re turned recently from Kiuisns, he found that the county held a lien on hi place for 1:I3. A iiiihiImt of other non-resident owners of laud In this section fared similarly, the count v court having entered vigor ously Into the work of exterminating the noxious weeds In the funning sections of the county. Their effort tit this direction are item-rally lip proved In thl dlHtrlcf. though iH-ciiHloiinlly tlio oeriulon of the law work a hardship upon some owner. Madras rioneer. TEACHERS RALLY HELD AT BEND Visitors Were Royally Entertained PRINEVILLE CORPS ATTENDS Many Pleasant Features Ikite To Make Their Trip An Enjoyable One. A successful educational meeting wiim held nt Bend hist Saturday under the direction of Superintendent It. A. Ford, there U'lng about 25 teacher In iittendniice, Including all those of IU-nd, Luldlitw, Itedmond and tlio territory tributary, as well nw all tlio tenchern of the Crook County High School and all the teacher except two from the Trine- villi imblle school. Those who went from I'rineville were: Principal M. D. Hckenlierry, Misses Hum It. I'urrott and Cather ine V. Conwny, and J. F. Bliuiehard of the high school; rrlnclpal K. I... AMhby. I.. If. 'Arenameler, and tie MUse Hazel Caldwell. F.IkUj Unborn, Jessie Hartley and Klva J. Hiulth of the public schools. The Bend U-aehers Had arrange ment all made for the entertain ment of the visiting teacher and the hoHpltallty ext4-nded by the iieople of the town on the Deschutes was Illicit ly spoken of by the l'rliievllle vis itors. Saturday afternoon the education al meeting wa held In the school building ami afterward a reception was held at the Pilot Butte Inn. An Informal program was rendered and refreshments were served. The af fair wa a most pleasant one. In t he evening a big rally was held at Lara Hall, w hich was packed with the crowd In attendance. A program was arranged for this meeting which comprised selections from the Iiend band, Instrumental and vocal music and speeches by different people on educational topics. One of the most enjoyable features of the trip to the teachers of the l'rliievllle nubile school was their entertainment at luncheon Saturday evening at the home of Miss Hazel Caldwell In Bend. On the return trip the Prlnevllle teachers came by way of Laldlaw, Cllne Fall and Kedinond, and great ly enjoyed their trip from the time of leaving until they reached home. A tea will lie given at the home of Mrs. H. l Belknap tomorrow (trt- day, April 10) afternoon from 2 to 5 bv the Ladles Aid of the Christian Church. There w HI be on sale nprons and other articles prepared for the spring fair. Everybody Invited. COMMERCIAL CLUB BEGINS TO BOOST Issued. CLUS FINANCES LOOKING UP LADIES' TAILORED SUITS For the next two weeks we are showing an elegant line of Ladies Tailored Suits, regulaa $35.00 suits at $20 to $22.50 : : : Children's Romper Suits Save washing, ironing and sewing - - 50c and Up Infants and Childrens Footwear IN TAN LEATHER-Garden sandals, low and high cut button shoes, including dozens of new lines in the ide toe style for children. Bring the children and have shoes fitted. This Week New Laces and Embroideries. New White Goods. Several Dozen New Millinery. ' New Silk Gloves in all shades. The Gotzian Shoe for Men Have our salesman show you the new styles in Oxfords and High Cut nothing finer made. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THESE CjJ! C. W. E ikins PRINEVlLLE'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Pupils from Outside DUtricU Admitted Free In PrinevOIe Public Schools. that said Shipp pat tm op t acta! co it of labor. In tha matter of the jail coiling. Whereat, tha ceiling to the jail eel I room ii amafe and nnaanilary, it 1 ordered that contractor J. B. Shipp planter the tame with adamant planter for with at a I if pratnrp Will Snnn R loUl coet not 10 "ced $75- Liieraiure niii ooon oe wliereMtherooti totbe t,e .t.nd- ing near the new court boaae are a men ace to ltn wall, it ia ordered that J. B. Shipp employ men by the day at car- rent wage to reoot infflcient of said tree to complete one row entirely around the ooUide of aaid premise; that aaid row be cat off to an even heifrht; that all remaining tree be re moved and all refuse be cnt into fuel for the court houte; that be procure forth with not to exceed 100 loads of well rotted manure at a coat to the county of not to exceed 25 cent per load and spread the same evenly over saiJ yard ; that owing to the dangerona condition of the 100-foot flag-pole now standing in sail yard be ia directed to remove the same : that he thoroughly plow, barrow and level said yard ; that a carved drive way be made from the soatheaet corner of said yard to the southwest corner thereof, via the rear entrance to the courthouse; that he construct a 2-inch plank walk to the front entraoce of said courthouse of even width with the old walk ; that be replace the fence aiound the ootside of said yard ; that Le repair water closet and storehouse on rear of lot ; place padlocks thereon and that be paint said buildings with one coat of light drab paint; said paint to be of pure white lead and boiled linseed oil, and that he paint the roofs thereof with one coat of metalic paint and boiled oil, It is further ordered that said Shipp FORESTERS ARE ASSIGNED DISTRICTS Twelve Men in the Field This Season. The first annual meeting of the Prir.e- ville Commercial Club was held in the aieembly room; of the club house Tuet day evening. President T. M. BalJwin outlined the work that had been done by the club since its organization about three weeks ago, and graphically pictured the bright prospects for the club and its usefulness in advancing the agricultural and mer cantile interests of Crook county. A large number of enthusiastic mem tiers responded to roll call, and the meeting proceeded to routine business The Committee on Statistics and Publicity reportel that they were stead ily at work preparing a concise state ment of the products and resources of the county, and that the demand for lilftritnra un nriKtnt that ft nmnll folder would be nut out in few davs Procnre bluegrass and white clover seed to be followed by a more complete pamphlet with illustrations and maps. The Transportation Committee re ported the collection and remittance of 1200 toward the improvement of the SImriko wagon road in Wasco county The Committee on Education report ed that they had succeeded in securing a ruling from the boird of directors of I'rineville District No. 1, that no tuition will be charged hereafter to pupils at tending the I'rineville school from other parts of the county, The Committee on Local Affairs rec ommended that all subscription lists hereafter to . be circulated among the business men of this city, be first pre sented to the club and, if the object is worthv. the matter be referred to a proper committee to be appointed by the president, who would fix the amount to be raised and apportion the same among the several business houses in proportion to their respective interests and ability. This recommendation re ceived the hearty support of the club and was adopted. Secretary Brink made a luminous report showing exactlv the condition of the club. Summarized it is as follows : So. members March 24. 1J09 S4 New members admitted since Man-h 2i 37 V A A C member reinstated since March it 1 Total Of this 'number 'n ire 'riSid'e'nt members and 17 uon-redideut. Financial SHEEPMEN ASKED TO MEET At Antelope May 10 and 11, and at Mitchell on May 13 and 14. Statement. Cash on hand March 24, 1909 Cash received for membership tees Cash received for dues Cash received for use of hall . fOOO 00 .. 1S5 00 and sow said yard to grass as ixn a? conditions warrant. No provision having been made in the specifications or bid for painting the floors in the new courthouse, it ia or dered that J. B. Sbipp apply one coat i hot boiled linseed oil to t aid fit or be fore the same are soiled at the cost of actual day labor, pins materials. Upon petition of O. B. Gray leave is hereby granted said Gray to bang flume under the decking of the Camp Creek bridge, providing the tail Gray shall replace or repay any and all dam ages that may be suffered by the county by reason of said flume, and provided further that the said Gray shall remove said flame at anytime upon 30 days' notice by the county. Court adjourned until Wednesday, April 7, 1909, at 8 a. m., for the purpose of carefully inspecting the new court house and of visiting and examining tue Wigle bridge on Bear creek road. Court met pursuant to adjournment with H. C. Ellis, judge, and Commis sioner R. H. Bayley present. LDon sworn petition of O. J.oray Rhowinu payment of 1908 taxes by Irwin Investment t. on lanas ownea dv them, and verification thereof by the records of Crook county, tne cierx is herebv directed to draw a warrant on the eeneral fund in favor of said com nanv for f 15.0. Demz tne total tax paid less (2.91 sittcial school tax in district No. 43. I" non the sworn petition of O.J. Oray showing 960 acres of non-timber unim proved land having assessed as timber land, and upon investigation records and on the O K of The office force of the Forest Ser vice at SupervlBor Ireland's head quarters In Prlnevllle la very busy at present getting: matter shaped up for the administration and patrol of the Deschutes National Forest this summer. There will be twelve men in the field this year besides Supervisor Ireland. Forest Rangers B. F. John son and C. S. Congleton will have general supervision of the work of deputy rangers, assistant rangers and guards. At present the assign ments for the force are as follows: Deputy Ranger C. V. Hon, grazing district No. 2, with headquarters at Ochoco ranger's station. Deputy Ranger J. C. Gilchrist, dis trict No. 4, with headquarters at Rager Creek station. Deputy Ranger F. P. Petit, district No. 8, headquarters at Rosland. Deputy Ranger W. T. Morris, dis trict No. 1, headquarters at Maury station. Deputy Ranger W. A. Donnelly, district No. 5 (Summit Prairie), with headquarters at Badger Creek sta tion. Assistant Ranger Dennis Mat thews, district No. 7, headquarters at Silver Creek. Assistant Ranger Hubert Derrick, district No. 9, headquarters at Bend or Rosland. Forest Guard I. C. Ingram, in dis tricts Nob. 2 and 3, headquarters at Mill Creek. Two more guards will be selected from the list of "eligibles," one ol whom will be assigned to district No. 6. which embraces the territory from Ixee to the John Day country, and the other man will be stationed In district No. 2, south of Summit Prairie. . In addition to this force, oerit L C. Morgan will be on duty tn tne supervisor's office. Grazing permits prepared and Total receipts. ..1334 75 DISBVRSEMEKTS. Old P A A C account for printing.. ! loor wax.. Halancc paid on sLates , Ktntmncrv. stamiis. box rent . Paid p A A u bona r.o. s ana w Cash on hand April 13, 1909. Since the secretary's report nut various of the the Crook 6 county assessor, trie clerk is directed to draw a warrant on the general fund for 170.RS in favor of O.J. Gray: said re bate being the difference between tim ber and non-timber unimproved lands. No special school tax levied against throe lands. Upon petition leave is nereby civen tne ucnoco lnueoeuuuut 24 65 ITolHiilmne Co. to construct and main . Lom a talnVinnn line or lines a Ion or the WAS SUb- I , i . ., , AMdlr anA 14 m 1 20 63 70 70 1 10 .ince tne secretary s highways of Ochoco, Johnson creek and ted he has co lested tll3..9 from S , crek , providin g said line shall be lous sources, making a total of cash . . . .r. hi; tht. iMr whr. on hand at this date of faoo.44. Aeamst this amount there exists tne following liabilities : intermit on I A A C bonds. estiinated...ll75 00 sundry old P A A c bills ia . i(j i, je-hwavs or anv part of them W6 20 and provided that said company shall save harmless roos county irum at least 20 feet high in the clear where ever the same crosses any high way or roadway; that said line or lines snail not in anywise interfere with any line now or nereauer consirucieu uwu ur This will leave the club with a net cash balance of $59.24. This is the first time the club has had all bills paid and a cash balance on hand for manv years. The club now has an income of about Hill ner month over its expenses and this will be used to put Prineville and flrnoV ponntv on tha map. The club proceeded to the election of a board of trustees and T. M. Baldwin, O. M. Elkins. D. F. Stewart, J. H, Haner and M. E. Brink were ekcted. The new board will organize sometime this week and it is altogether probable that Mr. Baldwin will succeed himself as president. The club authorued the issuance of $2500 in 8 per cent bonds to run 10 years, to re fund tne oia r. a. a. v. oonus ui m amount. These bonds will be issued ai soon as they leave tne printers ubuun They have all been subscribed by the club members. The Committee on Social Entertainment reported that they had arranged for a club "Smoker" for Tuesday evenine, April 20lh anil remiested nil members to be present. illn Commercial Club starts nut. ninl..r most favorable auspices. Its officers, committees and members are all r.rl-in f.iiihfullv and will do much to- m.l i.-nrwiiiitr IrHiln and fl U r icU 1 1 lire. The members of the. I'rineville Commercial down into their pockets to advertise the resources ot Crook county, so let every taxpayer furnish the club at once a statement 01 an nis prouucia iu tho work of the Committee ou Publicity and Statistics. any damages, or claim for damages, by rea son of the construction, operation .or maintenance of said telephone system No bids were received for the small oa ia on.t nnl mm hid for the large one. which was considered too low by the court, it is hereby ordered that said bid and the clerk be reauested to again advertise for sealed bids for ta:d safes. Bids to be opened May 5, 1909, with right reserved to reject any and all bids, are now being mailed to the appli cants, and In order to avoid as much as possible any misunoersuvnuing in regard to the territory In each dis trict, every permil win oear ou me back an accurate description of the district embracing the land for which the permit calls. Supervisor Ireland this week sent the following letter to all sheepmen who have made application for grazing permits: To Shkep Owners: "It has been decided to hold meet ings of those who will graze sheep In Districts Nos. 2 and 3, within the Deschutes National Forest during the season of 1909. at Antelope, Ore gon, May 10 and 11; and at Mitchell, Oregon, May 13 and 14, for those who use range in Districts Nos. 4 and 5, for the purpose ot allotlng ranges In these districts for the coming seasons. , , "It is urgently requested that all oben owner who will craze sheep In these districts attend the meeting at which the range for tneir aisinci, will lie allotted, for it is believed that It those Interested In the division ot the range will co-operate wtw tne forest officers much more satisfac tory results will be obtained. "The forest omcers wnu nre cm ployed In the field In the different districts will atteud these meetings and render all possible assistance in securing an equitable adjustment of the range. "It will be very much appreciated If the sheep owners will at the ear liest possible date advise this office of the names of herders and camp tenders who will be in charge of their sheep, in order that the herders identification cards may be made out and mailed with the grazing penults." County Court. ADJOURNED TERM. The county court met April 5th, pur- ciinnt In ad inurnment. Present, H. t , F.llia. iudae. and Commissioner R. II Bavlev. No provision having been made in the new court houje specifications or bid for window Bhades, it is ordered that J. r Shipp order dark green ehades with Hortshorn rollers for eaid windows, and Oyjnsures wholesome and dell- jf j Ncious food for every fayjy AIlM III 'mi t - c-:t ; ' . i