YOUR A Bring us your grain and we will chop it for you 8893&$SS&3$$3S33$iS$e8 to the PIONEER CREAM COMPANY AM SO Redmond News. Redmond. April 4. Ditch riillng lu now bejtun la earnest. J. A. Norwood and Klinvr Covert are Claude MeCmilcy' helpers, riding from Kcduiond. Mr. Norwood rides from the nine Falls road north to Crooked river, while Mr. Covert goes south. B. A. Kendall sold hi cralu the past week to the D. I. & P. Co., re ceiving 11 per bushel lor wheat and 73 cents lor t ats. An April Fool dance at the hall and at the proper time U the extent otour Information relative thereto. The writer has just received a flue big Ltlack rooster from a leading Nebraska flock and will soon bave eggs for hatching from the best winter layers. Other good things we might say of the Lnng shans 111 lie better said In the adver tising column. The Ladle Aid this week at Mrs. Ehreti hold their annual buslueiw meeting. Mrs. Davles who was taken sick, aad Mrs. FInnIs Woods who was re ported 111 last week are both Im proved today, both being under the care of Doctor Dixon. Ross Hall has quit his job at Ehrets' store and gone to work on the farm. lire. Me(iuffle was out again to day. We hope It will lie without bad results. She has her ups and downs, this being one of her up days. The Ladles Aid social as announced last week took place Tuesday night according to schedule. The photo graphs to be guessed on caused much merriment. The refreshments were 1 never better though not quite an elaborate as sometimes, consisting of cake and cocoa. E. C. Fark. That Is There Is Only On fllTPftnTiff Guarantors are Oregon Vlvuul!iZmen of financial standing" active in the business world, where they are remarkable examjiles of success. No other life insurance organization is so helpful to Oregon. Home ofica, Corbstt building, corner Fifth A. L. Mill3, President. Brewery Feed Yard. I have bought the Brewerv Feed Yard on the north side of the Ochoco and am prepared to take cure of the traveling public. The cheapest place to feed In town. Baled hay and grain for Bale. Have alo a board ing and lodging house In the McCal lister building, next door to the Journal Office. Call and Bee me. Your patronage solicited. Renpcct fully, J. F. TAYLOR, 4 lm Prineville, Or. . Horse Wanted. Gentle saddle horse, good walker, must not be more than seven years; weight 1100 or better. Spot cash. A. 8. Ireland, 3-25-4t Prineville. Oregon. Bargain Price Still b Effect Our bargain prices on Oliver Plows are still In effect. We are closing out our full line regardless of cost. W. F. Kino. Send $1.50 for the Journal One Year. m mm mi 0FFI0ER8: W. A. Booth, Preildent D. F.8tewart, Vice Preildent O. M. Elkins, Caihler DIRE0T0R3: W. A. Booth, o. m. Elkins, D. F. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion High School Students Study "Fire Blight" The curriculum of the Crook Coun ty High School has been constantly and rapidly expanding and each year the courses are placed upon a more practical basis. At the beginning of the second semester of your present school year a class la agriculture was organised under Professor Fdanchard. la their study of 'diseases common to fruit trees they found whtU I known iw the'tlre Wight" bf apple and penr trees. This disease Is very destruc tive If not handled properly. The blight may be recognized by the blackened limbs and withered h aves which remain on the diseased twljis all winter. Ofteu the blighted mid healthy part of the trie Is tsUarply separated. The tire blight Is caused by b;tctorla whhh steal the nourishment from the catubrlum, or the gvow!;st; part of the tree, between the liik and the wood. In order to destroy the blight the affected p.irt of tu- tree must be cut Off about one foot In-low the blackeued portion, and all of the brush must be burued to kill the germs. Light pruning or neglecting to burn the brush may cause the dis ease to spread. If the pruning knife or saw cuts Into the wood contain ing the germs, It should lie dipped In a solution of carbolic acid lest the bacteria be transplanted luto the healthy part of the tree. An orchard should be watched and carefully pruned at the first appear ance of the tire blight. I'pou obser vation the agricultural class of the high school discovered that the tire blight bad obtained a strong ho'd on an 'orchard or two near Criue villo and that the owners were un aware of the contagiousness of the (llseasev hence pruning Las not been sutlicleut to destroy it. Life Insurance Ccmnan THE POLICYFiODETiS' COMPANY ueneiiT. or cj;cy!i!Kif'rs exel profits of the bu.siiU'S.s from go to them. Xo otber pany is so orpr.iiized. and Korrisoa Strscts, L. Eamnel, General Ma-iaco CI.' rsncj .". LUMBER Shingles, el The City IIOKIGAN & Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and aeon Try some of Crook products. Its the buy. ' You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best ia Beef, Pork, Special rates when sold We handle all kinds fjpiGAM Notice cf Annusl Meetinj. Notice Is hereby given that the annual ntvttngof ticmN'r of the Frlneville Commercial Chili will In1 held Tuesday, the Mthday of April, I'.HHI. at N n'eliK'k p. Ill , lit t!i:Cltll Hall, In l-rliievllle. Oivg.m, for the purpose of ref trading the bonded debt and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come U'fona the ntivting. M. i:. ItiiiNK. Sivret'irv. Dated March -V., UH'tt. -I 2i Eggs for Sale. 'Full-blood White leghorn l-g!',s, H-r setting of fifteen, II. Mks. 11. A. Mvi:i;s. 4 It f ' Kedinond, Or. Land for Salo. ".in acres of land f ir sale; AOnrrviti in cultivation; 2, miles east of lVlne villr; goinl stix'k location: plenty of water; good range. For further In formation lii.iuirvnt tills oshee.;! ISm For Salo. Silver .cpi'slel ll.tmlvrg Kef: set tine of 15 for fJtH). A I'i'ly to 1' me villo Cigur Factory. " ;S-ll;t Telescope and jointed Meel and uutoniatlc reels nt lVtett's. nub Eggs for Salo. Ful!-Ilood Urovvn Leghorn Lggs ler set ting, $1. 8-lS-lmp Mks. Sim Coil. ins. Administrator' Sal of Eeal Estata. j Notice 1. hereby given that In rur-ituim of i nntr.I,'r or tlie wnnlv court of the Mute of Oinr.m for Crook county, tun. lo nit.t entered on tlie'-.l tiny of Fehrutov. i;. In the tiiitttr ofthe otute of John Mi-V.'ljih. ih.fa.eo1, the wntlcrilitoeil. the adiiiliiiatrulorof sil.l i sr:tt, will sell at pulilic auction to the !utlrI l-.t-cler for cas!i, and subject to con ton l.y county court, Oi Satariuy, tat Silt iij of Kay, 1339, at the hour of 10. o'clock In the forenoon, nl the front iltwtr of th' countv court lions, in PnncvtUe. Ortxiin. nil Hie riirlil. lit!.' an. I In UtmI of lle-.u-l Jolin Me tit IIip tliio of lili .h'uth an.i all tin rntlit. ttilc and In- lerct that tin Mild e.'llte in.'V iiav.- :i.i ilr .! since the itcatli of tlx uii.l John .M, . lull In i all ttwil vcrlnln pur.vt of mil ctal. In i'rx.k county, t in i;on. uVs.-rtt'.il as fol-! lows; l ln northwest jn:irter of sc'tlon Iwrlvtln townslilp llilrl.i u soiilti of ruuue nlnt'tiYu enst if i litiunetU' The t rnu an.t comliuoin or i! ensh. luted this stii Uay of April. I AM. M. It rt.t.IOTT. Administrator of the estate of John MeWnih, devvased. 'N O J It n ii n I I 1 t JXiJl' ii!;n Mruldinp;3, Windows, vho! :crs' f-Oin- "vi J ia;;(d for Uu. . iv. ly. All very scrc j acme Coast com- W ortknd, Cr?r;on. , .j.ijir.v.t Irlajar-xr. W I K (4 5 i E hi Doors, Glasge?, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Meat U H r 1 larket STILL, Prop county's choicest best that money can Mutton, in large of country produce II' J 1 r" L J i r 1 ! II r 1 V'4 mi Hll"-, I H r I 8 u 6ft Veal. Pi quantities I l-3 In i i r i glit G Lamps Wo have the ngency for the Knight No. 16 Gasoline Lamp, pressure system, hollow wire, which is Safe, Reliable, and Gives the Most Light for Least Money of any lamp known. I am prepared to install systems of any sie, from one lamp to as many as are wanted. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH May be luiimhvil yes ruined by poor, or even ioorl,v lltted c ye k1hss.i i.. V lutt'ti t lie iiNf tir H.oim' of witHtlug your liuniey to your own hurt? Come timl hnve your eye examined In Kkil'ifiil imiiHier an. I lilted Willi KhiMNeH thu t 'are the Im-hI to l had. An esniiiiiiiulun cohIm von nothing. W. FRANK FETETT, Jeweler & Optician Main Street, Prinevillv, Orrjon Statement of Resource and lililitic of I The First National Bank Of Prinevillc, Oregon At the tloie of buiinen Feb. 5, 1909 HKHOlKfKM lyinns and IHneountii. .. t'nlted Htatel Ilonila ... Hank ( n mlsi'S I'uxh A I'uc from Imuki ..i 12.5U1.UO . 12.V.7 6-J l V.'.'-lf- IW ri ti.s'-M i B. F. Al'en, Priudaot VV.II Wunwiilir, Vk THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor I'KIMIVILII', OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Roa.sonablo rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Rkasonable. We havo Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Ji.jv:jt:jLJkjjLJi.ji.jbJk Juf general In iiokseshoeino, wood wobk, etc., Neatly and Promitly Done When it is Done By : : : fiobcrt TJfooro Satisfaction Will Pjuneviu.e, i?-rr;.lrrr!r7T,7T;nl1rrir!ir.rJ r i t 1 1 ie v ix eu m ii L A MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVILoloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oystera and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Currying a lemon, etc. choice Heli'ctlon Give uh a call. of SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. asoiine l.lAtlll.lTIKI mrltnl Htnek iM.rrcoo Hurplniand andlTlded'im'tt I" & rlreulillnn 00 Individual IlppMt STit.loT TJt T. M. B.U1.1.. Cwbi.r H. Baldoia, Aai'l Cuiilir i. jU jl jl: jb. JCJCii ji. J lacksmitiinS ri LJ r.i LJ r,.i r.i LJ LJ r.i LJ r.-i LJ LJ n LJ r.i LJ r,;i LIU r.a LJ He Guaranteed LJ Okkoon. K.I LJ LJ Ar.nmnnmr''trmr.nnnr.nnr.a estaurant L'J rn LJ ri LJ C.l LJ K?l LJ nn LJ K.T LJ tun LJ r-i LJ r,n L J LJ na LJ r.a LJ r.i L J flue enndy, cigars, orarigeB, Kituuliiatlon KitH. lUvn your Imro'ii iniiiitli mioii.U'.l iti. DR. C. J. MORAN VtloriiMry Srt in& Drotiit. At lUinllUn 8tI.W. I'lliiovllli', Or. I i.' n of iluiiiomia niiIiiihI nv fully trfrtti.l. 3 'JS Land Clearinj anJ Contracting. Wp ro iiionrt'tl to juill troon, rnmove llfi' mi (.rrl'iirn liiu I fur nop. Ituililinva iuV(tl. will nlno liil on nil kimlH ot foutriittioii work. M i I.a i t.i x , Voi'Mi Co, J. A. XorwocRl, Cor. Seo'y, Kc.linoii.l, OreKon. 1 L'l :Iin Timber Claims Wanted. Anvomi ow iilnn tiinlicr rUlnm !t tln MuloluK Coiilitrv, tmrtli ol I liv north lino of tnw imlilp l, tlnit Mixtion lo wll n K!r.lli of irv.iii otoun, i.i'!l-o rlto Vmi TukkvI l.nn.l Co., Mlra, Or., or cull nt Journal oillit. II '.'."i It Notice fur lubluti n. (Not .-ml Iniul ) tVpnitim-ut of IIm Inlirlor. V. M. 1 jo ill Ultl.'.'. l llix I nll. . ir.K'll Mult'll .'I Ul. l l'J. Nolltv l t'n'l.r lvi'ii ilmi Kruuk A lluilxa, of tSwl, (Inimi. olio, nn Muu'li '.''l. I'1. into!'' honti'ti ml ntiiiitiiiii (M.rliil No. ir.'Mt) I N.i. Ifini, li.r h S',,il, Nl'! 1 1. j liwtilili 17 nouIIi. rnittf IM vuU W. M , hai tlli'tl iiolli'rof Itilnilloii to liutkt flmil IUi. i yi'ur o.N,f, lo rttulilMi I'lutm lollii. IiiikI j il.-i.'rll'rtl. l-.-fi.rr W nro'll ItroH It, l'tlll. tv rli"lt. i hit oiit.i. l lrl t llli-, t t. "ii, on I in.- inn j iv or iuv, i.u. ! t'liilititinl ioltu in h lliifM.t'ii' ! J. r,.l, Ar.'hlo (IIIkhiii, "llllulll (', Kiiimi.t. nil or lsi, i nt. mi. I K.iU il lwioiii K of l'rlitc lllr, tirt-KiMt. t'. W, JliH.BK.!..r. Notir fuf I'ublictt.oo. (Not ronl ImiiiI) Jti-imrlMiritt of Ho. luiioli.r. I'. M. Ij.ii.1 tun,., m 1 ,o linidia, uok 'H, Murx'li ill, IWJU. N.illif l hi-rf !.r lvnt Ilmi "liliain UnUlttlit, of I'rliti'vlll.'. Hr .i. lm on .i.inl r llili. lrJ. Il4llll.'lriul I'lilrv t. ioil No No una. for NK'( ".ll. .ii s.1, tin it liii l . ihhiiIi, rioiirii ii pn.i, w. M , lm. nit, i niii,v of ni,-tti!,.tt to tiiiiki' Mitttl fltivrt'nr prinif, lo t'litlitt lo lit lion! lllwOl ll.-lllM 'l, l-foip Wiirn-n Iirowtt, ncmu rlriii.iti o. i i.iTltf ut I nn. -Mll., Hit. Uili jajr uf ' ,M..y. i Inloi.ilil loioi" ha wilitr.w-n: ' It.Ull II. hlllllli. Krnn.U II Itivn. A!fii-d W. Until, fail L'. Htlv.nlli.f I'lln.-ull, . Or. l t'. W, Mount-, lUui.t.-r. Summon. til llii Com ty Court of tin St.itf of (Ins for I'rtM.k roiiiity. C. K, hititl!i, ihtiniill", tr.. C, K. I.itiu-oii, t1 li-ii,Utit. Tof. K. 1jiiiik.ii, tliv ili'fiiiiliiiit nlMivp liiimv.l: III tlin nnnioof !u. Slnli" .if Orruoti yon are lipti liy rrUirr. o ti , ar an. I nnrr the roiiiiluiiit lil. I nk-iiiii-t you in iln i iuulr.l t'ourt ami ikumi m or In, torn tlic liili ilay of Mity, !', nn.l if you lull o lo tti'tM'ur nn.l ainurr nai.l r.nn- (ilnttit on or U' tor ul. I ilU, tin-tilulntuf Kill apply lo tliv court for tlm r. IU f iiiaml.'.l in liiu roitioliiliil. t-il: I ht pliiulirill tki jitili.'iin'iit iiifniii'l vou for tlio huiii of .Sixt)Hiiu- nml h4-oo l..l' villi lnl. r.-( lln'r.'nn nt llir ml.' of i.-ii i-.t rt'tit ni-r ttiiiiuiii Iroin tlin loth ilnv of n. l.t Ikt, l'.f 7, for tlt mini of i m nltoriirt ' li'i-a nuil for hii coi mid Uinliumciiiituts of thlN ttrttoii. Till' suinmoin , pulvl'.lir.l ly or.lf r of liiu lloiionti.lw II. C. Kilt., y( (hi1 county court of the ntnln of Ortyon f,.r Crook ritunty. mailw on tlic 'i.ili ilny ol .Mitn It, t'MI. ami prco rilicil tlnit tin. xtiit. moll lm pnlilmlicl for m cotimvullvi. week. In tint Crook County Jounml. n weekly ncw.pitpcr prlnlcl mi l publi-licil in I'rini'Villr, t rook coiinly. On con. The lir-t pilhlii-nlioii of tlii iiintiiou I. ma. Id on tln i'Hli J:iy ol Miriii, I:mi. M. U. Kl.l.MTT. Attorney for pliilutlll. SuiniiKiii.H. In the Circuit Court of th itntn of (Ircrfon for Ihp Co iitty o( CrooU. I. V. Mi'Wiut nml V. A. Iloolli, .,ilii. tiir., v. C, K. I.ain.oii, ili'li'ii.innt. To C. K. loiiuaon, iliu tlcli'iiiiiiiit nhuvn nnini'.l : In tlit- iitittir of tlm .State of (In Roii you are hcrcliy niUir'il to nppcnr tin. I aiiancr tho couiplniiil tih'ii uilii l n-1 yuil III the liuve vtitltli'it court anil cnunV, on or Im fore the lith tiny of Mny, Itaiu, uml If you full no to nppcnr nml au.witr ani.l t'oinplaint on or lcf..rii n.ii.l ilnlc, the plulntill will tnkc JucIkiiiciiI npiiimt you for t tit mini of Kour lluii.lrid KlKlily-tlnco nml lluliitr. with luturii.t llicrcon nt tin- riilo of ten per cent per iinuuin IVoin the lul day of (liUiU'r, Ili7. for HO Oil attorney 'a feci mid for their coma nml Uiftliurncmciits of Ihia nrtioti. Thla miininona It pulill.he.l l.y r of the il.moralile. II. C. Kllia, u.l,-e of tlie County ('utiit tif tlin Blate of tireon for Crook county, luuita on the 2-itli ilay of Miirch, liaHl, nml prearrihcil tlnit thl. alim. niona lie puliliaheil for alx conaeeiitive weeka in the ('rook County .Iniirniil.n weekly newapnper printed nn.l piihllshe.l in rrlneville, county of Crook, atntu ol Ori-Koii. Tlie Krat piilillentlon of thla niiniinoii' I.. Hie i'lth titty of Muri'li, 111.1!!. M. It. Kl.I.lOTT, Attorney for pluintlH', Stllllllltill.H. In the Circuit Court of the "tale, of Orepon for Crook county, SI. ChrNlinni, plain till', v. Dorcita JCnxnii, John A. Kiijrnu, Haruli 10. itixliiiuu, ticori;u Hoilioun, Jiiinea W. Kn)fiili, (), J. John.ioii, I,. A. liooth, llruco (Jrny nml O. 0. Uruy, du ff mlunt. To Jiunea W. Knjrnn, one of tlio tlcfeiiilitiitu unuve nniiiiil: In the inline of tlm Htuto of Oicl'oii vnu nre In reliy retpilred to nppcnr itiul unmver the coiuplnint lileil itKitiiist you in t lit' nhove-cntitled cause nml court on or hefore tlie (llli dity of May, P.iihi. nml if vou fitil to ao H pi K'li r nntl aiiBwer anid couipfnint on or ncioro na id nine, ino planum mil apply to tlio Court for tho relief nnived foriiiHitlil couipliiliit, to-wit: l''or jiirtiitiitt nirainnt you for tlie an m of Mix Hundred Dollars witli inture t thereon nt the rule of ten per cent, per utiiitiiti iroin me ihii tiny ol April, lltOK for aixly-five tiollara uttnrncy'H fee. and for Ua cunts and dinlnimciiit'iita of thin suit. That n decree be iniule for tho mile of tin west half of tho aoiit'nwcHt (iinirtcr oI'hco iioii ihiriy-iour, anil the tiortli hull ol the Houtheaxt ciiui lcr of aection tlili tj-tltreo in townnhip twelve south of runj;e fouitcen eti-t of Wlllanieite nieridian in (lre(roii, liy the eheiiU'of thia county, ncnonliiiK to law and the practice of Kitid Court, and tlie proceedi of the mile of nai.l prentinea ho np tdieil to the catihfutiinn of Iho nhiice tie. ncrilicd judgment and that tlie defendant nhove iiiimed ho lortiver barred mid fore- cloned from nil right or equity of redemp. tion, except as provided by atttluto, in every part and parcel tliereof. This aiiniiiioiiH 1m liuldished by order of the Honorable Jl.tJ, Kllia, jutlo of the County Court of tho Mtato of Oregon lor Crook county, made on the 21th dnv of March, l!IUi. which mild order won iftilv entered on tho SMIh tlay of March, llWii, nntl prcMcrihed that this aiiniiiioiiH ho pub lished for nix consecutive weeks in tlie (rook County Journal, a weekly miner published in Prineville, Oregon. The first publication of litis summons is mudo on the 2Stli day of March, 1IKM. M. H. KUdOTT, Attorney for pluiiitill'. NtilUc fur rtiMUulliiii. Not eon I Inn. I. 1 1, p.trtiiieot of Ihn Iiit. I'. S. Laud I'lll. e at Tim Hull. ., Or , March IJth, llMI. N'.'lii' l licrahy Klvrti Hint Kiitnk Hi. k Mtilliollnml, ol Crook, tlieciin, hn on April .H(h tiafl nmdi ilrer pun y -etUI No.0':iM) No. ,vl forrtij N KI4, K hi.',, accii.ui S. tow if hlp it until. rniif IH ca.t. W, til,, liaa Hint n. 'li.r of intention to tuuka llnnl .leacrt, I 1 clnliti to the l.tii.l al.ov dei riU .I, Ih'Ioix arteu prown, county clerk, at hla olltei nt l'rlnvllli, tin ;. nt, 011 tlie ih tlav ol April, 1JU. t hum. ml iinioea a ii n.'.x'a : I . lii nt 1 . I niij.-h t , o I'rtnolllc, dr.; I'M. In K. I'm ker, J.iliu Millioiu, ami Auailit hlicr. ull o Crook, Hrv..ti. H-.V.p C. W. Monlta, lleijialer. Summon. Ill the Oi.'ull l'..utl of llm Hlale of llr..ii flir f rK.k county, t ', . Inukln, pialnllll, a. I iv.t. rt. k Miiltns, Muiy Milling au.l Antila .Matlna, .l.-l.'li.liiul.. . I ie.l..rl. k .M,.lli.. Mmv Muling mot Annl,. M .IIiik, Hi,. iil.v. ouiihmI .1. r. ii.IuiiI.. til Hie tonne of tin. Niilte .,f Uti-foii yuu art) ti.-rei.v t.itiii-. lo a.H'nr an.t aiuwrr tlta .iii.lnl III.., I .. a, .In. I ton In tlm ahove. cm ill .1 eonti nn.l can., on or U fi.te the tiny ol I lie e.lott..ll of the t line pr.erllMtt III 11.0 oi.l r r..r lit.. piti.liinM I II. I. iiininiiM, ul. I I n.a Mi.. J-.'.l ,lar of Aill lfi. ami If v.. it Ii. II lo . ,..l- ,.r Mil. I allaO er, lll.lallli'llt all. I 1I...1.P l Ik. li.k.-n iianlllal you for .uit it.. r.H.f u. ainH liu a In in aafil roni. plllllt, IO.! Thai tie. .nliillrf le ,ln'lnrH Ilia owner III f lini-l.- ..( ,i. wMilh. n.l iiiutlrr, the .illll It.tli .,f Hi atuti lm .. . I u mirier the a.ulti'aat .lutttier of ti.p i..itilint i.tiirier of ani-idm I.01 l. lilv. llir aoiilli li.ilfof Hip xmiI Ii, ,..t lil.irl.-r. III.. ...tilli lui.f .,f llir ..illi. Uluil.-r. Hip Kr.l liulfof I Iip UorlllWoat quar. '-'l ot M--..ti t-Jli u Ittf oltP, Hip aolllliMpal .iui.ii.r..r tin. t.iiiiiiH..t uuailprof amtiiui i.V' iM. niv tno, in.. 11..1111 liulfof Hip n..rlli. i.i,itli.r, 1...1H1W. .1 iiioirlrr of 11. .r 1 1, pp. I uuiiti. r, Hi.. .ii(I,. i..i iiouiii r of li..niil ..i!irl.r, 1 1,,, u.iiili I, 1 , iii.nlii-ual i.iut. r of ..'. l-.ii u"i Iniul), all In .. n.i.i ; 1.'; i. up aouiiiot n,i.r Inj i. tv n p,t ol II. r vt llliiliiellp Metlaiall III f lHUl V. 'O.i.111. 'I' .t.'fi-lil,ilil m retflilrrit lo eatattllalt their . I..I111 lii an.t to aul.l I..I..I. Il.i.l a ipt n !' pIiIpipiI ft. our luitrliia the tie ft-11 it a 11 la, uu.l . ... I, .,f 11. t in, r,. 111 lm. kin or nnv litt. o .t In or 1. 1 a,il. I Inn, I or anvpait tli. i. .f 1 11 ul ii... ini.-rt'.i or claim of ..Li iti. rV n.t.illl. In or '.. aul.l 1 ,11., I u ,.. Urp.l aillnr. i.l.-il int. I M- to Hint of I'lallllln". and for .ii.-h 11 lu i 101. 1 f.iiih,-r ot.t.'raml ilrct- m.iy iu wivi and promr In ll.a ptrin. I-., Till. inini..iia . keived I, piilillentlon lli. i. ..( In 11,.. 1 r..k fount Journal. Hr ut. tier of Hip lli.ii.H t', K l ll. Illtlifr of I Mull e ..inly. 11.. e .n, uin.le. itnli'.t ami ril.-a) In tlie til.'ip iitllli.. o.uii March &. Itaw, Mlilrli wild 01.I. r tilllna that alllolllolia III till, an It l-e ou.-e a ttrra for .11 aitoppmtva w-'ka. .A.I'KI.U All irtiey lor I'lulntirf. Iinie of ft rt uil..ii lo t. ..f Mi.r n II, luon. Ituteof la.l .il.i.-atlon h r of April I. Nutlet for Publication. Not nml land. lrpartmeiit of the Interior, 1'. 8. I.aud Cllu'e, I ho )nilea, llrriron, March lit, I wu. Notice la lien l.y iven Itml tit'tli;ii "1 iirner. of l'linpfilli. tin k.iii, who on May l.t, WQ, Hindi i.l enlr l.eiiul No. O'MHi N.i. I.t'l.', r NK', rf,. acctlon Jt, and N' M'1,. HK' HV',. Mfiioit S.' town, atop 'J aotllh, raiiit" Id eut, W. M., ha hle.l iiotli e of inleiiiion to ntnka llual lire year pr.u.f, lo e.lul.llali 1 Inhii to tlie hind ii'Mitro il.itcnUd, Ulore Wainn llrtiwn, entity hla olllce at I'rltieylllr, (fri'ifon. 011 the alii dny of May, llMI, fluini .nl iinint-a na wiinea.ea: ill.urn U. U.ltlii. William II. McCoy, Joa. pit A. Kin limn, nil of I'liinnlle, Hn itoii, and Wtlliuiu II. lin y.ii.l of Uruly, (rrhiii, -.' 'P C. W. Mooaa, Itenlaler. Katlt ftr I'ttblicatioo. Not coul Inn. I. 1 1. I'll I tiMiit of the Inlerlor, C. H, l.nn.l tlihie nt Tim llullia., rcl.ritnry ;'7, lu. Notice l hereby ivcu Hint l.eia It. Wilaott, of I'rltii vllle, Ori'tfon. who, tut June, loth, Pi", Hindi liotntM. u.l entry (Serial No. t'Pr.') No. I.Vtit, f.,r bV't m-ctlon 4. town .hip .H aoitili, rnnite HI etia, W. M., hna tiled notice of inl.ntioit o In, ike lllml Uvea yenr proor, to e .tnl.lUh clulni lo the Inml ahove deacrilvil, before Warren Jlrowu, coiinly clerk, nt hi. oill. e nt rrineville, OrcL..n, on the I lilt day id April, P.WJ, (Tiilninitt ttuiiini na wilncaMa: John lliirnion, l.e.iru.i T. K It.lilntr, KoUert I.. Kllrlilnt, (ieorRe K. hiuitli, nil ol I'l inevlile, llr. IMp C. W. Mmiat', lieRUter, Notice lor Publication. ( Ni t coul Inml. Iiennrlmetil of the Interior. C.H. IrftiiJ Ollice at I'be llnllea. Or., March 10, llJII. Notii'ti is hereby given that Wi ilium .Murks, or Prineville, Orenon, who on Hcptemlier Hilt, lfj, nnide hoiin.Ht.n.1 enlrv (Serial No. i.'.l), No. IIH7. for KW' NWt., N w rW'i,iind NWtj hK;, ace 8, townalilp IS south, range 17 Ii, W M, bun HUM notice of I ii I ii 1 1 . n to make liintl llvo-yenr tiroof to eatabliah clulni to the bind nbova ileacrliieil before Warren ilrown. countv clerk m I.l. oiiicb in i rincvtiie, urcgon, on tho Z.M day ol April. 111(1, ' Chiimaiit iiaiuea as wiinea.ea Chridiiui I'lierhelin. William Adiinia, A limi T. Morris, Warren A, Morford, all ofl'rineville, Oregon. f-"!' C. W. Mourns, Ueglstcr. Call for Warrants. Not ico is hereby given that nil Crook (."limy warrants up to and Including No. fl.'i, will lie paid on presentation to tho IrciiBUter ol said county. Interest will cease from date of this notice. Siimnions. In the circuit court of tlio Htuto of Oregon for Crook county. ii.V,KH,M,tl,i ,Wi" Knillh, plnli,. tills, vs. ( buries .. I ninsnii, Atln I.iiiuson, I rniik Oshorn mid ii. M. Kershaw, tie fcitdanls. ' ToChiirles K. I.ttinson nml Adit f.annon. LU'Uflll,.l .l..r. ...... . ' . .. . -- ... n iiiiuiiis: In the inline of the state of Oregon, you nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint liled ngiunst yo tK) aht.yc-ei.titled court ninl cause on or hclore the ailh day of April, HKiU d If ym, n m to appear and answer, tho plnliitiU's will take judgment again.! you for the sum of mix Hundred Hollars interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum (rout the 1st day of November, 11107. for im.(i0 attorney a fees nntl for their costa and dls burscmonts of this suit, mid the phiintlll's will apply to the court for the further re lict prayed for In their complaint, to-wit! I' or a decree foreclosing tho juorlgnge described in phuiitiuV complaint nnd the sale of tlio prnpei ty described In Haiti mort gage given by you to secure tho payment ol the above mentioned sum and that vou and each of you he forever barred and fore closed of any equity or right of redemption ol mild mortgaged promises, cxej'pt such right of redemption us is provided bv statute ' This summons Is published by order of the Jlonoi'ttblo H. 0. ldlin, county jdgo of Crook ''"''lily, Oregon, mudo and entered on tho 17lh day of March, PHW. in and by which order i is prescribetl that this sum inoni be publlslted for n period of six weeks in the Crook f!ii..i i i . weekly newsimper printed nntl published in I'linovillo, Crook countv. state of Or- iron. Thodntoof the first piibllcntion of this suiiiinoni is March 18, liKli). M. H. UI.MOTT, Attorney (or iiliiiutiil's.