The Place to Save Money Shoes for Men, Women STRAW AND FELT HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Ladies' Waists We are now showing a assortment of moderately new spring si) la. I. MICHEL, Shu-mi-a Club Holds An Indian Session There Is an old savins, 'Out Herod Herod." And that Is Just what happened to Mrs. Ada It. Mtlli can last Tuesday nisiht when it w as her turn to entertain the "Suuniia" Club. Mrs. Milliean is the mst ftrdeut lover of the Indians, and has one of the finest collections of Indian thinjrs in the whole country, and it only natural that her mind should run into Indian ideas regarding her entertainment for her sister club members. The program was to be about Indian events, the refresh " ments were to be Indian, served in Indian style, and Mrs. Milliean as liostess was to I dressed in Indian costume, but the guests went her one better and surprised her by swooping in each and every one on her toRged out in si wash dress with their war paint on. Mrs. Millieau was prepared for an Indian evening but she didn't expect the whole 'Shuuiia" tribe. There were 12 clootchuien and one brave In the band. Mrs. Milliean represented "Chepeta" the wife of the famous Tte Chief. Ouray, who figured in the Meeker massacre. Mrs. Julia Lytle was "Tobe" the Modoc woman, Miss Conway was "Tina" the Wasco, Mrs, Rova Brink, "Tilda" a Sioux, Miss Parrott rep resented "Pocahontas," Mrs. Anna Winnek took the part of "Saliy Klickitat," Mrs. Minnie Clifton, "Eilie Cushaway,"; Miss Marjorie Brink, Sacajawea," Mrs. Lula Rosenberg a Navajo woman, Mrs. Angie Smith, "CVIie Warmspring", Mrs. Pearl Kaylor, "Mattie" the Piute, and Mrs. Wilda Belknap was oue of Chief Paulina's braves, Ashamed of His Face." iln Mrs. Martha Spalding Wigle, daughter of Rev. Spalding the mis sionary at Whitman massacre, was also present. The trilie swept down on Mrs. Milliean from the Rosenberg home, where they had adjusted their war paint and feathers, and Miss Mar jorie Brink delivered n speech of salutation in Chinook, which was Interpreted by Mrs. Rosen!erK. After the general merriment over the appearance of everyone in Indian garb had subsided somewhat, one of the most entertaining programs ever prepared by the club was carried out. The program wan almost en tirely composed of Indian legends and stories of local interest, which had been prepared largely by the Edison Phonographs Combination types that standard two-minute and berol four-minute records. $30 $40 Victor Talking Machines $30 $40 50 Sold on Installment Plan Wall Paper When you spring you clean will have more rooms to spring stock and patterns covers priced roll 10c per T H WINNEK THE LEADER Our line ol Edwards-Stanwood Shoes are the kind that appeal to your good sense. They wear the, marks ol style, comfort and durability. 1 he value is all over the shoe Irom heel to toe, from top to sole. In Oxford and hiyh cut and the prices arc just right choice I v- f assistance of Mr. J. 1. I.tuKey. Mrs. Winuck and Mrs. P.rink recited personal oxpcricnon with Indian danp-rs and Mrs. ( litum's :ivr was an account written by Inr jirand mother. Mrs. Kliza Warren, who was a girl about nine years eld at the time she was an eye w itness to the Whitman massacre. A short review was made of the latest book of Mrs. Kva Emery lye, ".McDonald of Oregon", nr.ul myo graph book-mark souvenirs from Mrs. Dye were presented to the guests. These were made up in the Shuuiia Club colors, gold and bine. "Pinnola", the typical Indian dish of the southwest was served In Arizona Indian crockery, to the gnests sitting on the floor Indian style. The large bowl In the middle of the Indian mat was an Indian relic and the "Pinnola" was dished out of it with au Indian ladle. Miss rarrott who presided as toastmas ter used as a gavel a u ancient war club which had done murderous work in the hands of a Pima warrior, and Is said to still show the blood stains of his victims. A health was drunk to the guest ol honor, Mrs. Wigle. After the ses sion was over, the members of the club all went to the Commercial Club rooms where a flashlight photo was taken of the company by Mrs. Cyrus. The -'Shu-ml a" Club out-Iudianed the worst Indian of them all. G. W. Y. Party. The G. W. Y. Music club had a pro gressive afternoon with the Misses Bertha and Fay Baldwin at tlteir home last Wednesday afternoon. "Tiddledewieks", Jackstraws" Dom inoes and spearing peanuts with a OUe Oljhat Din were nnionir the eimt.wt along the'wny to iirogrosion, Miss Iva Booth lteing tlie winner of the prize. Music was one of the main features of the occasion. The house was handsomely decorated with pink carnations and potted plants, while the refreshments served con formed to a color scheme of pink and white. The afternoon was a very enjoyable one to the five members and invited guests present. New Fireless Cooker. Take a look at the New Tireless Cooker at J. K. Stewart & Co.'s. They save their cost in a short time in the price of fuel. 4 S Fine Potatoes. Unmixed fine dry land potatoes--White and Blue Victor can he had at Alma T. Munis place, 5 milts rom town on ComLs' Flat. lit play Am- $G0 house this one or paper, Our grades all from up The Place to Save Money and Children Muslin Underwear Fit up your spring wardrobe Irom our store. We are just opening up our attractive goods for ladies. PRINEVILLE, OREGON "Oregonian for Oregon." "(Irejtoiiians for Cirfoii", is Mr. Stroud's ploan. In talking to a Jourmd reporter yesterday, Mr. trorijr raid : "Orepm iaiis aro Ivg'tiniiij; to rra'iio t!;e ijrca! drain made upon the state ntinu .illy by tho Wail Street Insurance Companies. Money that never roturi.s. lit the past five years $!0,0.;l,oo-t was eent out oi Ouyoit for premium and but 1,132,915 returned here to pay death losses and dividenJs, leaving f il,S70,4 1'J as t!m net amount diained out of '.Voifi.n, sent tn enrich New York and other states by making t lit ir home companies custo diaus of these trust conpaitie." "Oregon Life' is the only "Purely Oregon" company. It insures only Oregon tans. Oregon Life makes all of its investments in Oregon securities. Oregon 1 iie is a policy!) jluert'compatty managed for the tanctit of the policy ho'dera. No other rut company i so orgjtniievt." Mr. Strong comes to Prineville with the highest recontniemlations front his company and tlie butiness world anil ill no doubt secure a large volume of business for Oregon Life liectuse Prine vi.le people are partial to Oregon enter prises. . Mr. Strongs' headpiarters are at the Hotel IYtneviile. HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA Oil ol W'tatersreea, Thymol, fllyceruie, Etc Ltil aj 5lmpl Wash ' It really a cents strange that ao many people suffer year in and year out with eczema, when it is now no longer a se cret that oil of wintergrecn mixed with thymol, glycerine, etc-, make a wash that is bound to cure. Old, obstinate cases, it is true, can not be cured in a few days, but there is absolutely no sufferer from eczema who ever used this simple wash and did not find Immadlatoly that won derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation that comes when the itch is taken away. Instantly upon applying a few drops of the wash the remedy takes effect, the itch is allayed. There is no need cf experiment the patient knows et once. Instead of trying to compound the oil of wintergrecn, thymol, glycerine, etc., in the right proportions ourselves we are using a prescription which ia universally found the most 'effective. It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip tion, or Oil of Wintergrecn Compound. It is made by the D. D. D. Co. of Chi cago, and our long experience with this remedy has given us great confi dence in its merits. The Winnvk Co. Winnek's Toilet Cream March winds chap and hands. Try a the face bottle of Winnek's Toilet Cream It costs you nothing are not "satisfied. 25c f you Watches Watches Elgin and Waltham Watches Only the better grades handled in all sizes. Fitted in any style of case. Prices that will please you. Diamond Rings, Brooches We positively stand and guarantee every Jewelry we sell. back piece of of COMPANY Pertinent Points. Itoth of the ordinances ptfi l at t ho session of the council Tuexdtiy night carry nil emergency clause, ! Only four councilman were present ; all of whom voted for the ordinances. Rivorder M. II. Itell gives It as his: opinion thitt the councilman must! vote "Vis" on nn ordinance to make i t he emergency clause vffivtlvo', nnd , t'tat he diKs not believe tliev will i lawfully go Into effect until utter ! days. j , These ordln.'iitcvs are as nearly as , Could Ik dratted copies of the stale laws on the question of gambling, nnd upon the use of tobacco by i minors, and tlie frequenting of card I and billiard hulls by those under ! lawful age, Section !! of the gambling ordinance provides as follows: "No person otherwise quallllcd and competent us a witness dm II W disqualified from teMif.vltig us such concerning tlie offenses mentioned lit this ordinance on tlie ground that his testimony may incriminate him self. Such testimony shall 1 re duced to wrltiiiir, and no prosecution shall lie brought by the City of Prlue vllle ngalust hint for tlie particular offense concerning which ho testified as a witin ." The ordinance restraining minors, N . in, In section 4 provides as follows: "It shall he unlawful for tiny minor to enter tiny room or place within the city of rriue llle, Oregon, where such room or place Is lined to play any games of cards, dice throwing, or nny otlu r g ime of chance, billi ards or pool Is played, either for amusement or otherw Ise, or to loiter in or about such room or blace with in the City of I'rliievlUe. Oregon." Whether this section will lie lit terpreted to Include the Commercial Club or lint Is not known. There cards, and pool are played for pitstlnte, and there nre several member of tlie club wltoaiv minors. Vital Treatment DR. A. W. GRATER, Prinevi'lc, Oregon. The system I I'lui'K'V is the development of the nixtii s. use -i:o dru -s, no inntni ineiils no i'.ii -tu'!is nikt.l. Paiie'itu v ainined free ul ' ii.uv. All fi. run of i limn ic ili-rasi. f.iTr -fully t r.-ttt Prices very reason;!.!. . ir. (iraler can now I consulted ut In- rooms at tlie PoimlcJti r Hotel. The followm,' t. tititniiluU are from jm tienta I have tri.U'-.l a. I'.i n.l, Orvh-uii: ' -ml. Or.. Jan. '.'1, lu'l. My little lny l;.i.l U rn snth rmg fur tin last year with In -.irt, khlnry nti.l .-.Inimirli troufile until I t - k him to lr. (irntrr and lie pave linn -evi-n tr. atiuenls and tiuw lie looks Will and is hearty. M11-. Iaii.a KaicK-oN. Ki nd, dr., J", 1.. 10, Inn. Dr. A . W. i raii r - I find words to exprcn my eralit.nlf I vou for the irr.-ut Uii. tit -in I relief which I rei eiveil fixin ir alim-nt. I will Klatlly ree oir.iiii'ii i anyone for treatment of female, liver .". 1 ki-tiiry trouhie of wliieh you cured iiv-. Very truly ymrs. Mil-. Li tux (iairr x. l'.eli.l. Or , I'eti. $ P.-. A. V. lira'.er -I Knut to tell you linw pr.iteful I am for the t-mnplete cure ol lemale ve'ikties-) Bud rlu'iiiuati.nii, I lliink l lie tnatuieiit Wonderful. lirat.-litily your. 51k. I'lKKINi.tnS. lleiid, Or., K. li. y, !M' Hr. A. W. Crater- I will cl.nllv rei'ono iii' lid iinynne for treaimc iit t kidney, liver mid i iiiitiation of which you cured me. o:in truly. It. A. PrarT. liend, Or. I).-. A. W. lirater. Prim ville. Or. lear .u - I w.Hit to ri'C.immi nd your Woinlerhi! treal meiit lo the puhlie at laive. When you lie.oi treatiiiK me I was very low with a i onipiii jitmu of diM'ases. M v heart was so weak I l oulil hardly ert mv 'hreatli unit 'idiieys in I ad !inpv. Now 1 niu iiiiprnv imr nt'lit ulong and fi-el sure I am cured. All I iifs .l now m warm weather uml I iil In-a v e man. I have been tulking to several of your patients and tliey av lliut they have heeii eured of ohl chronic d-ea-es. I feel that (iod is with you in these wonderful cure, tiratefully yours, JollM SlZKMoKK. MAY 26 TO &1 H H HPS S W H n V rU Jl AAaa V eJitU, IkI Speed Program .me FIltST DAY MAY 2G. First race mile and repeat Purse Hecond race mile dash ' BIX'OND DAY MAY 27. Third race mile and repeat " Fourth race mile dash " TIIIUI) DAY MAY 28. Fifth race mile danh , " Sixth race 1 mile dafih " KOUKTII DAY MAY 29. Seventh race g mile daah " Eighth race li mile dash " $100 FOR CROOK COUNTY TEAMS. W. R. POLLARD, Preiident M. R. BIGGS, Secretary LAMB FEED UliDMOND, OREGON Dea'ers jA Chop Feeds of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grass and T Garden Seeds of all Kinds. Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed Lively O ADVANCE SPRING Authorities on Ladies' This week you will have to admit have the best showing of Extraordinary Values $18.00 Come Our New Line of Dress Goods Wash Goods and Novelties for .spring wear will interest you. See'.them. We guarantee to save you money. Notice of Sale. Not!,- i lierrl'V (ri veil Hint I tll dl nt roiMic nuelioii one U-yrnrxiliI airrrou Sm iirdny, April 17, nt Hie lirewery frV-.l Ynrd, In 1'riiirvillv. reKn, mid anlinnl huvine come t,i m v !m-e nil pxtrny, and pr. ioiidv advertised aerimluiit I" liiw. 4-1 ' W. J. CHAIN. Notice of Final Accounting. Noller U iief'hv alvrn Itv tin tindenOani'd, 1 he N' I ml ti 11 Tutor of the ritntr of t'oniliMH litre fiiriod, tleet-anvi!, llmt lie him nmiti nnd lllett Willi Die elerk or Ihn rmirl, hu rttntl ueiMltllliif of tilH MtlfiilHtnlrallun nf unlit p tale, met that tin autlit rollrt tini M'l tlteMlh iltiv of Mi.v, luou, nl the nmntv i-ourtnwuii In rrinevlUe, (ireffiin. the limn nnil tdwi1 for heiirifitr unit M'ttltna- mdit ftnnl Reeinintlnif. At whleh lime mot t'li... Hd H-rifiM Inter ewfed til -uilit p-itrtll louy alM'!!- Hlot Oltle-t to ul-l flinil "iiiiinllnK. J. II. IIANKH. AilinliiNtriitnr of llt eitnlr of I'umiii.Hliirfi t'arriill, Ui-eeaned. 4-8 Hides, Pelts and Furs WANTED Highest Market Price Paid Herman Poch, 2 Tiiilen rant of I'rineville, on Oelioco road aces 29 INCLUSIVE $100.00 150.00 12-r).00 150.00 150.00 175.00 150.00 200.00 BASEBALL oo. in,?rf'"V-"' - Jordan - O M P A N In Women's Tailored Suits direct from New York's leading importers. ever brought to Prineville, Mr. Catalogue House not excepted, and our prices will surprise you when you compare style, quality and finish. The line includes the finest French Serges, pUin and striped Prunella Cloth in all the newest spring colors such as black, rocida, navy, rose, olive and smoke. Every garment strictly tailored and lined with silk. and see for yourself, show you. No THE WONDERFUL John Deere Disc Plow In double and triple gang, discs 24, 26 or 28 inches. JOHN DEERE SPRING TOOTH HARROWS PLANET JR. GARDEN SEEDERS : : : : at C. W. Elkins Men's Spring Suits We are offering some of the most attractive bargains in men's spring and summer suits ever shown in this city. All the late College Cuts, new cloth patterns and up-to-date shades are repre sented. Prices ranee from S10 T H E B R I C K S T 0 R E to $25. It ana we can Ladies' Tailored Suits Our line of spring suits for ladies is now on display. Prices range from $17.50 to $25.00. Clifton Lanius Y STYLES one of Fashions that we SUITS to $35.00 trouble to CJ T pays to make good on our mens suits & Cornett J