XT S The Best on the Market rlVV. y ii lO PIONEER CREAM CO. PRINEVILLE, OR. Blatter neer Farm end Garden USEFUL SONG BIRDS. Easy to Show They Ha v. an Actual Money Value. la his war opnlnst Insects mail's most Talunlile ally Is the bird. The greater number of Unis live on la aects. Even thofe which live on seeds when fully grown are fed on Insects while In t'jo nest. As young birds grow fast It takes many a worm to satisfy their hearty appetites. A feature of the warfare of 1lrd on bug is the system with which It Is carried on. Nothing ts haphazard, but each species of bird has Its own Geld of work and In many Instances certain Insects to which It Is partial. In win ter, when there seems to be no activi ty on the part of the Insects, one might expect the birds to take a rest but there Is no cessation In the work of those which live on Insects found on the bark of trees. Watch a flock of chickadees. They alight In tree and examine each twig WHITE BKtASTKD NUTHATCH RED HEADED WOODPECKJJL for grubs or eggs, the little black eyes rarely missing a mouthful of food. Birds even swing head down from the branches that the underside may not escape Inspection. Nuthatches and brown creepers explore the truck and with their long, sharp bills dig many an Insect from Its winter quarters. The woodpeckers have a work all their own. The small, downy woodpecker is a good representative of bis family. Els bill Is strong and sharp. Ilia tail feathers are stiffened to serve as a brace while he clings upright against the trunk. He cocks his head to one side, and his quick ears hear a borer under the bark. A few blows with the bill and a hole Is dug; then a long tongue barbed at the tip is shot out, and the borer is speared and snatched from its resting place. As Insects Increase with the coming of warmer weather, birds return from the south to fight them. One watches the cheerful robin hopping over the lawn. lie listens an Instant, then pokes his bill deep Into the ground. Up comes bis head, and be has cap tured a worm. The flicker, though a woodpecker. Is an Imitator of the robin. He Is fond of ants, and his big bill makes a good pick to dig them from their hills. Meadow larks and quails live entirely on insects found close to the ground. Were these birds strictly protected In the southwest instead of being hunted the boll weevil might not have things quite so much his own way In the cotton fields. The trees when in foliage are full of birds. Small warblers and viroes take care of eggs and little worms, while thrushes, orioles and catbirds attend to those of larger size. The rose breast ed grosbeak earns the right to faror BOSS BBEABTED GEOBBEAK CATBIBD. by the way he eats potato bugs. Some birds cannot eat hairy caterpillars, but they are a choice delicacy to the cuckoo, which slips quietly through the trees as It hunts for them. Insects on the wing are not safe, for swallows and swifts In rapid flight skim back and forth over the meadows and without pausing catch many a small gnat The birds called flycatch ers also take their prey on wing, but they remain quiet on a perch and only swoop down on Insects which come near at hand. Farm Notes. The prosperous farmer is seldom a soil robber. The garden should be well drained and the soil should be warm If the best results are wanted. A well cared for asparagus bed Is a permanent feature, and It brings a lot ol comfort to the one who has It There Is room for improvement In the roads of the country. It doesn't take much money either. A vJSsSm 0 ft New Legislation Affecting Schools County Superintendent Kord desires to call the attention of all school officers ami patrons to the changes tuaiJe in the state school laws at the last station cf the legislature. The fol. owing are those affectinj conditions in Crook County; What U considered the most important is the Haw'ey act, which requires tint every district in the state must maintain at least six months, school in every 12. The county court i- each county must levy a tax (or school pur poses that will pro luce an an.ount equal to at least $7 for r.icii child in the county of school ai 4 to 20 years. If a district' share of this amount does not amount to 1300 six months at ifoO a month for teachers, saliries then the countv court must levy in that district a special tax sufikient to produce the difference Intween such district's apportionment of the county fund and f300. But such special levy shall not exceed 5 mills. If the district's share of the county school fund and the amount raised by the special levy do not together amount to $ 300, then the county court must transfer from the general county fund to the special fund of such district an amount that will equal the difference. As the law now stands, the county superintendent apportions county and state funds by first giving to each district $50 and then distributing the balance according to the number of pupils in each district. The Pliilpott act provides that in future the county superintendent shall first give to each district $100 and then distri- j bute the balance according to the number of children in each district and the number of teachers employed. A bill introduced by Dodd cf Hood River and Wasco, enacted, gives the county superintendent authority to make a partial appor tionment of the money to any district on the request of the board of directors of such district. Farrell's bill provides that all doors of public buildings, including school buildings, shall open out ward. Within six months after the act goes into effect the changes must be made. Senator Cole's bill, abolishes secret societies in all public I The City ! IIORIGAN Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities Wc handle all kinds of country produce IH0RIGAN schools, including hiph sehooV. In fact, it affects high schools only, as no focret societies exist m the common schools. The University of Oregon and the Oregon Agri-. cultural college are especially ex empted. A bill introduced in the house by the Lane county delegation, was enacted providing that a countv at any general election may vote on the question oi creat ing a county high school fund. When such fund has Wen creatid it is to bo placed under th-J con trol of a county high school board, consisting of members ot the ccunty court, the county tna urer and the county school superin tendent. Every high school in such county that mtintains a school up to the standard pre scribed by the state board of educa tion is entitled to receive tuitioi. from this fund for all pupils at tending such high schools. The basis cf the distribution is the average daily attendance during the school ear. A high school shall receive not le;s than $-10 per pupil for the Grst 20 puj i!s, $30 per pupil for the second '20 and $12 per pupil for all remaining pupils, providing the total paid any dis trict shall not exceed the amount paid by the distict to the school teachers. his Puissaint de'liroux The fine l'oljrinn Stnlllon recently purchased by 11. A. Myers & Co. will stand the season t( l'.ni'.t at the stable of II. A. Slyer tliret'-fiiurtlin ol a mile northeast of Keiliuuml, mid will lie lit the Hamilton Stable. I'rinevi'.lo, ou Friday. .March -i,. Everyone interested in the breeding; of oml iiorceH should not miss Kev ins this horse as he lui taken live first state prvmltniiH and sweep stakes and has a wide reputation for lieing the lust horse of his kind In t he northwest. Come mid see him. Verv trulv yours, ;!-ll-U H. A. MYERS & CO. The R. E. JONES Lumber Mill OS THE OLD KN Kill TEN 1'LACE ON THE (iClli)tO Is now cutting f,rst-cla?s lumher which will be sold on reasonable terms. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Hides, Pelts and Furs WANTED Highest Market Price Paid Herman Poch, i 2 miles tast of l'rineville, on Oelioi o rua.l i 5 Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Ml 1 Meat Mark & STILL, Props. STILL I J p Wc have the agency for the Knight No. 16 Gasoline Lamp, pressure system, hollow wire, which is Safe, Reliable, and Gives ihc Most Light for Least Money of any lamp known. I am prepared to install systems of any si.e, from one lamp to us many as are wanted. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP ill THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH .May lie Impaired ye-t ruined by poor, or even poorly lilted eye jjlasM's. U hit t ' t he use or h.him' of wasting your money to your own hurl .' Come and have your eyes cMiluliied In a skillful maimer and fitted with nla:i- s that are the best to be hud. An examination costs j ou nothing. W. FRANK FETETT, Jeveler k Optician Main Street, Prinevillp, Oregon CS30 -SZi -X3--rC -2D- St.tcma.-.t of Reiourco ant! Liabilitit cf The rirst lxationai laanK Of Princville, Oregon At th Ki:sot kits close of lmni no'l Musiniili .. t'lillf't SUili' ISoiulii I!:ink ri'inli'i' I'tLih A I ue final bnnk -:s",ni ti . . ii,vm .. i.'..'.r M .'i2.:n- s" H'.V'il M B. F. AHco. Pr,im Will WuriwcUir. Vic PreiiJ.nl THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor I'KtM'VIl.LF.. OKIXiON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Ite.aonalIo rati p. Renieir.l r us when in Princville. Uatks Rkasos.uii.k. We have Fine Livery J ' l'ju-jl' jl -jl'jl Jl Jil Ji. JlJ. r, 1 L J r l f J r i Li k." j r i l J i i k.' J ri LJ r l k j r't LJ r :i tJ n CJ r I L':J n k. j r.i ik. i Sonera fBlacksmithing iiokkkshokimi, v(k)d w()bk, ktc, Neatly and Tkomptly Done When it is Done By : : : Robert 9oorc Satisfaction Will PlilNKVIM.K, n LJ r,i LJ r,.i l;j r i LJ ri LJ r.i n i j n LJ n v M r.i L, J r,:i LJ LJ LJ r,.i LJ r i i j lie O'Meil MILLER BUILDING, r.irinrirtrnnnnnrriir.irnr.ir .-ir,.- ;!i . ,- Firet Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Currying a choice Bclcclion of line candy, cigaru, orancR, li'inoiiH, etc. (Jive iih a call. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. .j LljLiijuL;jLuLjkUUJuJLi:jiJL.J 1 sasoime Ml Lutlnrit I"ib. 5, 1SC9 I.I Villi IIICS 1.llll Hie. k f ncrw 0" Hurptu mill umllvliliiri'tntlU 11.111 '."-I lin-ulnllon ;;i.,o l) Imtlvliluul I vprwlH '.TH.toT Jl M T. M. P'J.in, Cn.hU-r II. Plulr. A.i'l Cokivr Rigs For Rent . : I p jCl. ju Jk Jk Ji.Jw JuJJv JuJUJuJi-'J ; l.J l.J LJ LJ L J r.a i. j Lj r..i Lj L. J r.- Lj r.,i LJ r.i L. J r.i lie Guaranteed L"J r,'-i OltKfJON. L r, r i r, -t r t r. r: r. r. - r, i n r i r r n r. i LJuJbJLLLJiLJJ-'-JbjLJt jLiJJ 1 .Ll LJ Restaurant r.,i LJ L"J PRINEVIbbE, OREGON L'J LJ Li J I't L'J LJ r,'-i L'J i.j L J L'J lj r.i r -i L.J Kkiuiiiiinllon Kui. Ituvo your homo m milts attended In. DR. C. J. MORAN Vtlnianry Sur( ud Drat lit. At Hamilton SUM., piliit.villi'. Or. I'Hi'UM-b of tlllllU'ellO IlllilllllU Httl't'l'KI- futly triMi.Hl. 3'J." Land Clearing and Contracting. We are niiarri to (Mill trceii, remove i!ii;lriiiii mid prepnrw land lr crop, Itmlitititf itmvtsl. Will also ll'l nil till Mud ol eniiMrtirtiim work. Mi I. m i. in, Yot'Mi A t'o. J. A. Norwood, Cor. Seo'y, Iteilnuuiil, Oregon. 1-1 '" BiJ Wanted. III.U II r willtli'it for I lie ill. mW III Ur Hie iimniv li i k ntitt III nhrrlil ir riNik (.Mill! V. il.'IIViM V (X i lo Im ontilv Uilnr In J II III' I. I "in Tlix mi ii leu-it liv I ! eiwlilv rink l HI . v'l "H'l llli'll,' ittlUliltl llli'ilttlllvillt'lll mii.I I . IMW Iii-IiIp. 1 In' iiiii' III IIih lu oil ' i'IIWii l .tl'v A l Itii'lti'M uuUI'lr Willi l '&- Mii IiiM.Ii'. 't in' rliilii l r.''ri'il In rt lii'l any ii ii ' I i,l liU, I1LI will "lilli'it A ill I'Ji-li. WAItUK.N HIIOWN, I 'moil y I 'li'i k. Professional Cards, C. Shrink C, C. Sri ?ra Cttatt tny.ro nltli Ueo. W. lhiriie 557. Crtft 7. jftt rn0jr-mf- jCm m Print)!; Crtjom, Cai.i A smwrHf ii I'mmrriT lut on Niuni Dri ll i HMD IKKIH NlilTII (tr AlitXiHlX't limn miihk. iiniii i.mtii an ri) li 'im ! i .iotn. Ptinivillt, C: S. CttumrJt J?. !P. $1,1 nap fficlknap cf Cdwards ZP,yiiciaH$ mmd iStirynmt. !Pn'nilU, Crtjan. Ct mnmr4 jrmpty night Off' to 0' 0 Xmmj0wm' I mm Wmtm tStrM. !Prinill, Ormfom. Trvctlro hi nil State nml I'VdtTul Courts Xat'Jtctu, Oregon cpfer For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands DESCHUTES"5 VALLEY WKITK JONES LAND CO Redmond, Oregon 3 TttttSCZTEl xax&i'.miim'ZZmizrsz :,t.tTMttwa Pedigreed Stock OFFIOER8: W. A. Booth, Prtldnt D. F. Stewart, VlcPrcldont O. M. Elkins, Oaihlor DIREOTOR8: W. A. Booth, O, M. Elkins, D. F. SrewAnr Tranracts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention O PolanJ Chinas o S Duroc Jerseys g I Black Langslian Chickens E. C. PARK I f KKHMONI), OKKUON K 1 1 GBOOE COWTY -UIZ I i I nj OFFICERS; "j ii i im Notice (or Publication, Nut ennl limil. )i pnllnn iil nfthii Interior. H, linl (Mtlie ol llii I'iiII- a, Or, V Mured Kill, llkV. Nnllee l hfrrhy (Ivrii U'l Kiunk Duk V.ulholintul, I I'riK.k. Oieciin. wlio. on April l lltl, llk, iiimlv ilcnerl rnti y (hi'rll Nii.t'St-ill No..V4l fnrto, NK1,. K' HK'i. wrtlnn liwif hip l'l oiilh, run (." I rt, VV, M., Ii It lot liotleo of llilinl loll In liinko llnnl li'M'rl lir.Hif. In i'lul.li eliiiiu to tin' Inml aimvi) itiuenU'il, U-lnrv Wnrien llrnwn, rniiiity eli'ik.nl III" otllie t frliivvlllv, Oriu on llin .'Mil ilnv ol April, ! . Cliilliiiinl llnliin an llliciM'ii: Khun C, l nio'lil, of I'llnrtllle, Or.! I'M- In K, I'nrker, John M lllloi n, uil Aunllll Klti-r, nil ol Crook, Drricon. .V.'.ip C. W. Mo ihk, lti'ijlulrr. Sutnmont. hi tli llnntU Tmirt uflhr Hlnfr ufOn hi for I'nhtk tHiuniv, , It. lunklit, iinltiti rr.M,rlk Mnlliitf. Mttty Multntf itml A MM lit Milling, itrrt'iiilwiiu. To .!. tl. k Mttlliti, Mnrv Miillntf nn1 A Mill MilMllK, Oil' HlMiVr ItHIIH-d it. fllttlHtlt In lit1 ItitliH'nr lif Htitln 'f OM'guit tiU ttrtt n'ittlnMt lii HtM'ttr mt'l nnwi'r tlio iMHiii'ifitttl flli'il tiMrtliMt Vmi III Dip iiImiv inilili il i'titt ii ml ini mm mi or lf"tu thi ilV tif lilt r4mtiMt of I Ik Him' irt'Wtllri hi III orli-r rr IIh puhUcntliMi nf Uiln unmon, illil ilitlf lM lug tho .V-l ilnv of April. I'1. Mini K vnii hill lo i uii4'Nr ninl Miiwr. iinlinnii Hitil tlii'frn will U lahcll Mjulltl VU ff wiint llicnuf mi ftMMiriYit In III MM com ituinl, l-wii: Ihut lh. '.ilnIl(T Im .l--lnrrtl Ihntwnrrlti ftv imi'lr of tli Miu t tie wl Munripr, I hi' miuIIi hulfnf (In miihwl qtitkrU r I lt tMutlittt I nut Ur i( Iho iinrtlH 1 iiiflt'f iif wo tli Ml t,1M IWrnlV, Hit XMlth Iwilfof Mil tHtllUirnHt Itmrh-r, llii aotMh to if of llo iniuIIi! iimr(rr. IIh wil Imlf f ll iMrthwl iinir trr ol" M-tlmt i intr-4iti', I lit iuiliMrl nittittr-rof ilit mmiI hw-l nimt trr nf iim'IIoh tJi twi'tiiv-fwtt, ur north imiror tlit iiorin a l iititirlrr, iiioHiwi'aI iputrtrr of iioril)'l fiiufir, iho Milhonl iuirlrrof ir t Ii w t ititird-r, lln Mottlt loiir of the tiorihul ilitiuirr of wi tinti r.' iHriUr-nluf. nil in litWIialllp 'W; iMrlvi Mill til n( tith ll'i - UiMi vnl ol lhi W llliunt tti Mi-rhllHii In CrtM'k iiMittty, I'tntiot, Tliul iti h mliitiU t miittrrit lo plnllil I h ii rlfitm lii itml to tiiltl Uud; (hnl w itvrr U rltli'i-fil fon vi-r I'Hirhi ttio ilrfi-ititnitln. ninl r h of thoio, ftoiii mull I if or t'liitmititf mi v Itih ttnl in i.r hi iihl lniil or ntiv tt t ht-por ; t Imt I hr In h-ivl or I'ltttitt of nhf ilr fi nttiiU tit ttr 'o fuilil html tir itlnn-l uhM ijuml uml uilvi'r lo Hint of lnliill(T, nml ti r ufli nl hrr nml fttrllnr otih-r nml livn ki tuny MtMii iiHii nml proin-r Ii I lit trrtii hl nmiiutt im rivr( hv ptlhMi'nlton Ihi'M'tif lu thf t rokt I'mthiv Jooriiul. Iv or-th-r of (hr Hun. II -', Kills UMltff of r tit It tMtthty, urvfii.H, iiimlv, (ImUmI mui rlh'4 In IM Uvi ititHh.t nmrl Hnrvh A, lm whlrh nht orih-r r'iiiln Hint mimiimtin In thl uH imp uthllht'4 uiH n wri k for "t unn'Mlui uiHk. . A. I'KI I.. Alt irto-y fr I'lnlniiiT tvlf i.f nrl t'tihllrittlmt lirriHif M,rvli 11, hatr or lt tiiihllrnllon bi r of A rtl I Notici (or rublicatluo. Not ionl tmnl. Irnrliiiriil of lht Interior, I'.S. I.uml IMUrr, th lnllm, Oirtfoii. Mtin h IM, i MKt. NotfiMT i lirrilty ifivi n ttial iiHMK 1 itrmr. of fritter Urrtfoii, wlm on May f inrttlt' litinicnim l rnlrv (xrriftt Ko, U.'-MI No, lor S: Hi:1,, Mvli.m M, nml N1, hV't. HK'4 hV w rtUMi ?', towtt nhip J Mtiiilt, roiH'n il it, W,Mlin hint iiuiu-f tif inti-rul hi to hi uke (tfl liVf year pf.M.f, lo i tuMMi i 'utin lo Ihr Inn I hIniVi iIi'mtiIm-iI, U-foiii n i n il HroHii, county it k , tit Im oil H' nt I'rlm villi', Uri-Kon, on ttu 4tli tiiiy of May, I'JUl. I'lium int hittni') n HttntaM': Wtll unt ) 1 , loIttn, V Iiihim II, MrCoy, .l'i' 'li A Kumiitn, nil til ITlm-viHo, t'n K'in, uthl A'llli.uu It. Vtnr)ril of liriilyt Unvnii. iW?..t V. W. MmtRic. IhK'liU r. Notii (or I'liMicatioq. Nui nl Ininl. Ilipiittnii'iit i'f tin' Interior, I'.S. l.iin.l Ultlic ul 'l l'i- li.ill.-.. Ori'i-iiii, r'rlirunry i'7, I1WJ, Notli i- In lii'i-rliy kIvi ii tlml l.'WH! K. WiNdii, of rrliii'Vllli', llri'Knn, wlio, mi Jnur li l, I!i7. Iiimlti 1 1 ii -Ii ml rniry (Sirlal Nu. nl'irj) No. I.Viiit, fur hW1, mitiiui , i..ii hii I.H mmtli, riuiKV HI i'ii "I. N' . M . . IikH lill'il Ml it Ml' llf illll'llliiUI In li 1 1 1 k f i mtl llir yi'ar iroiif, to t'iUitill-li t-liiltu to thu liuul ilidVi) ili''iilnnl, liiifuri' Wurri'ii Hnmti, rniiiity clurk, nt lili olllin nt I'rlni'villi', Uri'Kuii, mi lliv lllli iluy of A pi ll, 1141. rlniiniiiit i Kin i i'.i in n Itui'iM : Jnlm lliiriiini, tiuorun T. Kltt'lilng. li'iU rt 1,. Kltrlilii),', (ii'orgi' K. tS in itli , nil nl I r 1 1 1 o v 1 i I , Or. -li ('. W, MiMiitr, IIi-kI'Iit. Notice for 1'iihllcatioii, ( Sol mill Inml. ) PrpnrtitiiMil of the I nli'rlur. It. H. l.iind OIIU nl The Dnllni. Or., iMiin li III, WJ. Notite U linri'liy kIvhi tlmt Wllfimii .Miirku, of I'riiirvilli', OriTon, who on Ki'pli'tnlifr Mill, !)-, lllllllli IliilllfBtillil flllrv (Mrrllll No. 0-liiil). No. IHI7. for KWl,' NV;, N' isW'.'.nml NW'i HK',', wr M, towinililp 1,1 Koiitli, riuiK'H 17 K, W M, him li I iiotlrx of liilentloii to iiiiikn llmil llwycnr iiroof. to iwtnlilinli clulin to tlui liuul nlmvp ili'urnlinl lii'foru Warrrii llrown, coinity i-lork, nl hm olllre nt l'rini'Villi', Ori-jjoii, on tlio 'M iliiy of April. V.m. ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iinini'H nn wlli.i'Hii'n: t hrl-tiiin I'ihtIii'Iiii, Wllliniii Ailiuim, Almn T. MorrU, Wiirrun A. Morlonl, all of I'riiKivillii, Urf'Knii, 8-lp V. W. Miiouk, lti-RlnliT. Call for Warrants. Notice Im lii'muy k'v,'i tlml nil Crook rmmty wiirriiiitu uploainl iiiclmling No. I iri, will lu paiil on pri'Kenliition to tlui TrenmircT ol mid county. IiiU'rest will ceuiiB from ilulo ot IIiIh notice. W. F. Kirtu, Dnlod March 20, 1IKMI. Co. Tri'iunrcr. SlIllllllOIIH. In the circuit court of tlio Bluto of Orcfrou for Orook county, F. Hniith in i.l Will II. Huiltli, plitln. tills, vb. CliartiM K. I ninnnii, Ailii Ijiimoii, l''rnnlt Onhoru ami II. M. Kershaw, ilu- fl'lllllllltH. To ChmicH K. I.nniMOn nml Ailii I.aiueon, two of the iilinve-niuncil ilcfcnilnntH: In the inline of Hie Mute of UreoH, you lire hcrchy required to npiie.ir una nimwi r tlio couiplnint tiled iiuuuiMt you in the uliove-entitleil court niid cniiiieon or heloia theiaitli day of April, tlX)!), und if vou luil no to npiicar nml uunwer, the plnlntilln will take iudKinent iiK'iiin.-t you for the mini of .Six Hundred Dollars with intercut thereon nt the rule of ten per cent per annum Iroin Hie 1ft day of Novemher, 11107, for I0.00 attorney 'h Icch anil for their eosta anil tlin-uiirneinont-i of tliiH milt, nml the plaliitill'i will apply to the court for the further re. lief prayed for In their complaint, to-wlt! I'or a decree forccliminn the moiimine lecrihed in plaintillH' comphiint and the ale of the property dcucrlhcd in mild mort irane given by you to necure the pnynient of the ahovo mentioned mini and that you und each of you he forever harrcd mid fore closed of any equity or right of redeniptlon of Baid niorlganeil preinixei), except nuch right of redemption an U provided hy itatiite, Thin mimmoiiH In puMinhoiI liy order of the Ilonoralile II. 0. KIIIh, county Judgo of Urook oounty, Oregon, made mid entered on the 17th day of March, WOO, in nml by which order it in prescribed that this uin mom be published for a period of nix weeks in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper printed und published in rrineville, Crook county, slate of Ore on. The dato of the first publication of this umiuoiii ts March IS, l!K). M. It. KI.UOTT, Attorney for plaintills,