Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 25, 1909, Image 3

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    U III 1 ffW
flipped irlorses
Wire Nails and
We have just bought at a great
aving two carloads of wire
nails and fencing and we pro
pose to give our patrons the
benefit, if you are in the mar
ket for nails or wire fencing get
our prices before buying.
We handle the Celebrated STEWART CLIPPER, most durable,
simple and economical All working parts enclosed. Call and see
them. x
Headquarters for All Kinds of Seeds
Garden Seeds
Package & Bulk
Our seeds are the best that
money can buy. Besides
complete stock of garden seeds
we also handle Alfalfa, Clover
and Grass Seeds.
Our line of Garden Tools in
cludes everything needed in
preparing the ground, planting
and cultivating.
h s ie ;: :ei lei te: :e$ j2 ies ies : tee tee
F. II. Mliiui'i of l.iimiinlii wns In
town Monday.
George Hodman rn nit' In from
Culvor Monday,
Horn, lu rrlnevllle, Mitnh 1. IStCil,
to the wife of l'rnf. J. I'. Illiiiuhard,
a daughter.
Mint (Vlln NYlins, iluiik'MiT of Mr.
John Witch. Im III ul I'lirlliiml, niil
tinatilt) to nttrml Iht cIiimwh ut Ht.
I Mens Hull.
1'ivpnratluim nn U-lnir tnndt Ii.v
Cnrnntlon Chnph-r No. 41 for tliclr
aiiiilvinmry rt-lrtirntloii nrxt Satur
day fvi'iilnj;. All Mason Invited.
M. A. Im-Iiiiiuii who Im tiit'ti IIvIiik
nt Mllwnukli', Orrgon, writ tin
Journal to rhiiiict li Im mlilri-N to
U'Noll, when' ho ItitH ii hoiix-Mtcad.
William IMlfnnl, Ih'Hit known n
"Kcutuck" hits returned to Slutnlko
from Portland wht'rt In- luia Ihimi at
tending IiumIiii'hm colli'),'!' during the
nt winter.
F.d, Kutdirr, a pioneer reldeiit of
tha county whime homi' In nt liny
rreek, lias lieen liroulit to the city
tor medic n I iitteiillou. 111m condition
In coitMldered crltlcnl.
Chartc llortou, the Klitmuth
Mru stockman, I In I'rluevllte thin
week on hi minimi vlxlt looking
after the purvhitMe of Mock cuttle for
hi Klamath county ruuchcM.
I. A. Flndley nnd wife, who live
At ItoHlnnd, pintxed tlnoiiuli town
the Unit of the week on their way
homo from I'iiiUmihI, where they
luivtt lieen making an extended stay.
Frank Unborn of Madrnx witM In
town Monday for n whort r t n y . He
left Tuendny for point up the IV.
chute, where he pie to look up a
litmluewi proportion. Mr. Unburn
recently relirned a 1'. S. I'oiiiml
slouer at Mud rim nnd It now looking
About for ttomethlni; at which to
engage hlmwlf.
The Alpha Literary Society enter
talneil the member of ( lie Orhoct mlnn
Society of the high school limt Fri
day evening. The reception wn
held 111 the high whool building.
Member of the taeulty and Mr. nnd
Mr. J. N. WIIIIiiiiihoii weru nlno
present. A nhort program of reci
tation and iuiihIo wum rendered.
Mr. Williamson took the compiiuy
on A trip through the National Capi
tol, and Introduced them to ollk-lnl
life at Washington In nil entertaining
aildre. Ileln-HhmeiitM of puni'li and
cake were served.
Mm. Adidlii French, iucd about
OS yearn, died at the home of John
French on Iry creek up McKny,
limt Friday night after n long IIIiichh.
Wie had been licdfnMt for the piiMt
two montliN, The funeral took
place Sunday afternoon, Itev. J. I,
Lewcllcn conducting the service nt
tho (crave. Tim Interment wan In
the Odd FcIIowh cemetery at I'rlnc
vllle. IVreiiHed wiim the mother of
John and William French, and made
Iter home with her hoiim during the
pant year and a half. She formerly
lived near Salem.
t'ncle Jimmy I.iiwmoii Im reported
on the nick lint.
Alex. ThoniMon returned home
from l'ortland lii"t Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mr. Will Wurxweller
arrived hiMt ThurMdny to spend n
couple of week In town.
Mr. mid Mm. Joe Howard of
Lower Ilrldge were visiting In the
city several days HiIm week.
H. S. Stciirn Iiiim been called to
lioiigln county by the new that a'
Inter there Im (langrroiixly III.
J. II. Ileum, manager of the Cor
nett Stop Company, came In from
Hhanlko TueMilny to leud a few
day lu I'rluevllle.
11. L. Ithondc. lineman for the
l'aclllc KtateM Tel. Co., enme In
from Shnnlko the llrstof the week to
look lifter the llttcH lu tliU vicinity.
MIkm Kiln Daw departed Tuesday
for her old home at La i ramie.
Her parent nccompnuled her In
from Itedmoud, thin far, returning
home that day.
Married, In rrlnevllle, ThurMdny,
March IS, I'.tow, Mr. Win. II. Itrummer
and MImm Oku Welhorn, Itev. C. I'.
Halley olliclatln. The contracting
partleH reNlde at 1'oMt.
tieorjje Mllllenn nnd H. K. SteariiM
took a Hhlpmetit of four cnrloadM of
Ut't cattle to Shaulko the ItiMt of the
week. They Hold nt Shaulko re-
i-elvliiK -IS and i cclitn.
ServlceM nt the Fnlon Church next
Sunday, March 'JH, are n follown:
Sunday Scliool at 10 a, in. rrench
liiKatlla. in.; topic, "The Strong
Man and the Stronger." ('. K. no
clety At 7 p. m. 1'reachliiK nt 8 p. in.;
topic, "The (irent Quetitlon." A cor
dial Invitation to all. C. V. Halley,
Then Im evjdently Momctliltig
wroiiK w Ith Mm. J. II. MeHlii(;er'n
chlckeiiM. A few days ao that lady
hroiiKht to thlM olllce a curloiiH
double ithelled ejttf. Now coined the
news lu a note that another curio
Hlty Iiiim arrived In her yard In the
Mhape of a four-footed chicken which
Im four dn.vH old and look an fine am
any of the other twelve of the brood.
Mr. Hoy Chit wood and MIsh F.thel
.1. Newblll, both of lirlxxly, were
united In marriage Sunday, March
14. UKlII, In MiulniH. The wedding,
which wiim a (pilet nffnlr w ith only
the rclutlvcM of the bride preMcnt,
occured nt the home of the pantor of
the ChrlHtlan church, Elder It. F. W.
Pit man, who performed the cere
mony. Pioneer.
The "SIumuI-u" Club met with
Mrn. C. A. Lytic Saturday evening
from 7 to 11 o'clock. Hull call wah
aiiHwered with quotations from
favorite nuthor. A paper on
currentevenU was presented by Mrs.
C. I. Wlnnek. Three book reviews
were Riven, "The Mill on the Floss"
by Mrs. C. W. Elklns and "Daniel
Doronda" by Mrs. M. E. Ilrlnk, both
by Ueorge Elliott. Mrs. II. P. Ilelk
nap reviewed Orcar Wilde's "De
Profundo", nnd general dlscusslou
of the three books followed. Pine
apple mousse and cake were served.
Attorney (leorge liiirncM went to
Demi Monday.
J. II. Haner went to Portland
Suiidny on a business trip.
W. C. Ford nnd wife, formerly of
this city, are III Han Francisco.
Dr. C. A. ("line was In town from
tils home near Iiwer llrldgn last
Mm. D. X. IllggN of Sisters passed
through rrlnevllle Sunday on her
way to the railroad.
John E. Ityan returned last Fri
day from a trip to Portland. Mm.
Ityan Is still In that city.
Xlek LnmlMTt, the Pluck Dutte
rancher, wna In town on business
several days the last of the week.
Thron Tiironson left the latter
part of the week for a business trip
to Portland, and will lie absent for a
week or longer.
E. X. nullum of Madras was In
town Monday on luminous. Mr.
(fllllain Is Interested In the training
of trick horses nnd Is agitating the
subject of the County Fair Hoard
offering come premium for the best
trained horse.
Superintendent Ford spent several
days last week visiting the schools
nt Methodist Hill, Hound Dutte,
Juniper Dutte and Trull Crossing.
This week he Is visiting the schools
at tirlxxly, tinycreck and other dis
tricts north of there.
The Misses Elva J. Smith nnd
lintel raid well entertained the
teachers of the I'rluevllle public
schools last Friday evening, (inmes
music And refreshments were the
order of the evening, and the m-ca-slon
was a pleasant one.
C. L. (list has sent In his resigna
tion as postmaster nt (ilxt nnd It
looks very much like this olllce
would be discontinued soon, which
will make a great inconvenience for
the many who get their mall there.
Tuinalo Cor. Deud bulletin.
Stroud Pros, and Win. Davenport
who recently made a shipment of
hogs from Madras to Portland,
taking the porkers from Madras to
Shaulko In freight wagons, have
bought PIO head more nnd will
make another shipment this week.
Besides the hogs they will also tnke
In a carload of cattle at the same
A letter has been received from
Madison Throckmorton of Albany,
Ohio, making Inquiries about the
death of George Cllne, which took
place March 9, 100'J. The letter Is
from a nephew. In part It reads:
"I thought his home was In rrlne
vllle. The notification of death was
sent from Ontario, Or. If you do
not know him please hand this letter
to someone that doess" Mr. Cllne
was engaged In the meat business
In I'rluevUle nine or teu years. He
has relatives living in Crook county
nnd If this notice should full under
their attention they might tnke the
mutter up.
J. II. (Juliin of O'Xell was In town
on business Tuesday.
(ieorgp Anton has moved to
Howard for the summer.
Mrs. Anna Muling Is now living
at 20 Mars street, San Francisco.
T. J. Ferguson Is In town from
Bear Creek, looking after business
Win. I'rine nnd daughters came In
from Hnycreck on yesterday's stage
to visit In town. j
W. F. King nnd daughter Edith
are eiccted home from l'ortland
the last of the week.
Miss My rthenu E. Taylor closed a
successful term of school at Culver
last week. She Is now nt home near
Itev. C. P. Bailey was called to
The Dulles Wednesday evening, on
account of the serious Illness of his
wife, therefore be will not hold
services Sunday at the I'ulon church.
The Ladles Aid of the M. E. Church
will open their Easter fair In the
sample room of the I'rlnevllle Hotel
building on Friday, April 2, at 1 p. m.
Supper will Ik! served iH'glnnlug at
5 p. in. Come and help us.
C. T. Alllnghnm of Linn county
has lieen In town several days this
week. Mr. Alllnghnm Is a brother
of L. E. and (Juy Alllnghnm. who re
side In this county, and Is on his way
to the Mutolcs country Madras
To relieve the minds of those who
are worrying about the short flag
pole on the tower of the new court
house. It might, ua well be stated
that there Is no Intention of floating
a dug from this pole at all. Old
Olory will wave from the pole In the
yard as formerly, and those who
have visions of the Star Spangled
Banner laing torn to shreds on the
Iron railing on the dome may quiet
their fears In that respect.
The hearing In the Justice court of
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Erlckson on com
plaint of Leonard Walters was In
progress when the Journal went to
press last week. Walters was put
on the stand and repeated the state
ment made by him before Justice
Sharp. The defendants offered no
evidence. Justice Sharp bound the
Erlcksous over In the sum of $2500,
which bonds were furnished with
Watt Jones and Charles Daly as
At the last Rclieknh meeting, held
Thursday evening, Murch IS, four
new members were admitted. The
entertnlnment committee furnished
recreation for the members by having
a guessing contest, followed by light
refreshments. :WJtS grains of Madras
wheat were placed. In a bottle and
each member allowed one guess.
The winning number, 3347 was made
by Miss Jessie V. Hartley, who re
ceived for a prize a beautiful panel of
pyrographlc art. This young lady
was also fortunate at a similar
guessing contest held nt a previous
meeting, when she made a guess of
57(5 on a bottle containing 557 kernels
of Mrdras com.
Fred M. Smith of Paulina Is In the
Kilns Hodges will lie fonnd at tils
old stand, the Feed Yard, after the
first of the month.
Mm. Marlon Travis, who has been
visiting at her home In Iola, Kansas,
for several, months came home
Wednesday. Mr. Travis met her at
Mm. Perry lams, of Powell Bnttes,
who has been 111 for several months
was brought to town Wednesday
for medical care, being unable to
sit up. She is at the Prlnevllle.
Ora Van Tassel of Madras Is In
town. He is looking After business
In connection with buying timber
claims In the Matoles country for an
eastern firm which he represents.
The oratorical contest of the Crook
County High School takes place at
the club hall tomorrow, Friday
evening. An excellent program Is
promised and the students of the
school are showing much Interest In
the event.
At the Presbyterian Church Dext
Sunday morning, the regular quar
terly communion service will be held,
with sermon by the pastor followed
by the administration of the sacra
ments of the Lord's Supper, and
baptism of infants. In the evening,
Dr. Dunsmore will preach his fare
well sermon, as he will leave for
Independence during the coming
II. K. Xissen of Madras Is in town.
Prince Staats is In town from
Bend for a few days.
Jor. A. Brown came In from Hay
stack Wednesday bringing In a load
of potatoes.
The baseball club will give a bene
fit ball at Polndexter's rink on Fri
day evening April 2. Proceeds will
be used In equipping the team with
bats, balls, suits, etc., and In meeting
the other expenses of the club.
Tom Sly of Kosland, had a hear
ing In the Bend Justice court the
first of the week In connection with
the troubles which arose over the
Sly-FIndley horse case, as was re
ported last week. He was dis
At the First Methodist church for
Sunday morning the subject will be,
"Flowers for the Living." There j
will be no service In the evening.
The congregation will Join In the
farewell service of Dr. Dunsmore at
the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. George Rodman arrived In
town lost night from Culver with
her ten year old son, who had the
misfortune to cut off the middle toe
of his right foot with an ax yester
day. The bone was corapletly sev
ered. Dr. Belknap attended the foot,
and stack the toe back on. He says
there Is no doubt In his mind that
the member will again take np con
nection with the rest of the body
and that the toe will soon grow
bock almost as good as new.
Land for Sale.
&10 acres of land for sale: 60 acres
In cultivation; 25 miles east of Prlne
vllle; good stock location; plenty of
water; good range. For further In
formation Inquire at this office. 3-lSm
MARCH 30th AND 31t ; ;
Advance styles In spring and summer millinery. Beautiful pat
tern hats, nobby street hats, for ladles, misses and children will
be on display nt
Corner Second and Main Street, Prineville, Oregon
rrtv fffi r i?i rift rTi tt VTt tavata ta fa ta ia ta mi vttt fa r a r a r& ra rtt ta ta
Maker k GtmW Kairct
Sckool Books
Caacrt Sappliei
Will Paper
D. P. Adamson & Co
Mukil butraacatt
Lewaey'i Caaditt
Call and get a free sample of
Hair Tonic and Dandruff Remedy
Removes and prevents Dandruff by apply
ing thoroughly to the roots of the hair
every two or three days. This is an excel
lent remedy for cleansing the scalp of dan
druff and producing a healthy condition
of the hair.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Warners Rust Proof
We are agents for Warners Rust Prool Corsets.
Every pair guaranteed; they are made to fit and
wear not to rust, break or tear.
Men's Custom Made
Many new styles in our shoe department, in
Oxfords and High-Cuts.
Men's Underwear
We are closing out this line of underwear, medium
weight garment mixed wool and cotton, a good
garment, retail val 75c, while they last, garment 40c
One lot of neckties retail value 15 to 35c special, 10c
Men's Linen Collars
Regular 15 cent values, while they last
A lot of nice Three Crown Raisins, special one week at per lb..
Garden Tools and Supplies
Supply your wants in this line from us. We have everything needed such
as shovels, hoes, rakes, etc; while in the line of seeds we have both bulk
and package.
FIELD SEEDS: Red Clover, Alfalfa. Alsyke Clover.
Home Cured Meats
You don't know what good meat is if you have not tried our home cured
product; it is not killed with salt and saltpeter like "so much that you buy
It is simply delicious.