Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 18, 1909, Image 4

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    The Best on the Market
For a Better Band
the Coming Year
The Prineville Concert Band
effected a new organisation last
MondiT evening t meeting ir
the Fireman's Hull, adopted a
constitution and by-law?, elected
officers and fourteen signed the
constitution as charter members.
This reorganixition was the re
sult of the apparent need of some
manner by which the band could
handle its business matters more
satisfactorily, and to bind tht
members together so that more
interest could be aroused. The
new constitution provides for the
payment of an initiation fee of
three dollars, monthly dues 25 cts,
and fines for absence or tardiness.
It also provides that the members
may be assessed not to exceed one
dollar per month.
Officers were elected as follows
President W. Frank Petett; Secre
tary-Treasurer, L. C. Morgan;
Vice-President and Musical Direct
or C. A. Riddle. These three
officers comprise a board of trustees
who hare the management of . the
band's business affairs, subject to
the will of the members.
The president and secretary hold
office for six months, the musical
director at the pleasure of the vote
of the members. The salary of the
director was fixed at (25 pr
With the money received from
the Barn Dance and that which
will come into the treasury from
time to time from different sources
the boys plan to make investment
in new instruments and to exert
their efforts to building up the or
ganiiation rather than to make
money for themselves. The or
ganization bas worked together
for the past year. At the meeting
Monday night the expression of
each member was to the effect that
more effort would be made on his
part the coming year to make the
band better.
With this feeling on the part of
the members, and better equipment
than ever before, there is no reason
why this musical organization,
which has made satisfactory pro
gress during the past year, should
not develop into one which will be
a great credit to Prineville.
Improve City Park.
At the meeting held recently
by the advisory board of the
Civic Improvement Brigade, it
was decided to devote the energies
of the society this year toward im
proving the City Park, land for
which purpose has been dedicated
to the city by the Military road
company, just Eouth of the high
school building. The plat set aside
for the park comprisis about wo
blocks. This property is to be en
closed at once with a temporary
fence, the ground cleaned and
leveled, grass seed sown and trees
planted around the margin. Pro
vision will be made for irrigating
the tract and for giving it the care
necessary to put it in shape to re
ceive further improvements, with
a view to making the park an at
tractive place of recreation for the
people of the city.
The board taking in charge this
work will be composed of three
members of the advisory board of
the C. I. B , one teacher from the
high and one teacher from the pub
lie schools, one member represent
ing the city council and one from
the Commercial club which is now
in process of organization.
This year the C. I. B. will not
have any competitive exhibits of
flowers and vegetables such as were
held last season. The business
men responded liberally in the way
of prizes, but owing to the dis
couraging season for flower dis
p'ays last year it has been decided
to put all the efforts in on the one
ilea of improving the city park.
A committee secured by sub
scription this week about $130 for
this purpose.
Another feature of improvement
will be the erection of a flag pole
from which will float a 24-foot flag.
The flag and $20 for the "pole are
already on hand, being a residue
from a Fourth of July celebration
of several years ago.
Continued from page 1.
mount, it is practically decided
that Mr. llarriman will not build
into Central Oregon over the Des
chutes route but will le compelled
to have entirely fresh surveys made
over different routes. The reason
for this is stated to be that the in
creased cost of construction of a
high line over a water-grade line
would be $554,000 at the site of the
Government dam alone. There
would further be additional ex
pense involved in gradinp, which
taken with a 50 per cent increase
in the cost of maintenance and
operation, would absolutely pre
clude any feasibility of the Des
chutes Canyon road being adopted
by the llarrinun epginoe:.
Besides the Government dam,
there are several private dam tites
which would further increase the
height to which the line would
have to be raised, but it is believed
that these objections might be sur
mounted if the Government dam
project could be overruled. The
height of the proposed Government
dam was to be 100 feet, and this
would mean that the road along
the canyon would have to be raised
to at least that height to surmount
it. Besides this, it is said that the
dam would be the means of flocd
iog an enormous number of water
level and close to water-level
plateaus, which with the advent of
a railroad, can be made immensely
valuable as fruit ranches.
MikieauK. Cart Heavy.
A line that was suspended from
the cliff would be far more difficult
to keep in repair and maintenance
and would be in constant danger
from falling rocks and basaltic
cliffs. The high line would involve
at one point, Mr. Boscbke pointed
out, the grading of a cliff 500 feet
in diameter at a cost alone of $30,
000. Against the Deschutes down
water-grade haul the Shaniko and
Redmond extension would involve
a grade of 6022 feet east and 3235
feet west. On at least four points
on the road helping locomotives
would have to be placed, in par
ticular the Shaniko hill requiring
immense power to move an ordi
nary freight train. The survey for
this route showed both eaEt and
west the grades were so steep that
the road was declared impracticable
from an operating standpoint.
' In comparison' will! the Shaniko
extension the" Deschutes water
grade haul would have a grade of
3339 feet east and, 630 feet west.
The surmounting of IIoge,s Pass
on the Corvallis & Eastern was
similarly pointed out as an abso
lutely impossible feat from tie
railroad operator's point of view
Unless the Government declares
against the dam it would apj ear
that quite indefinite time must
pass before the Ilarriman linrs can
find a gateway into Central Oregon,
for the length. of time taken up by
the requirements of surveys over
new routes will make the Central
Oregon road more a thing of the
far-distant future than of the near
present. .
Water Power Ava2iM.
It 13 confidently stated that while
it will be impossible for the dam
to be on the Deschutes River if the
road is to be laid up the canyon,
the Government need be under no
fears of obtaining the required
force of water for water power, for
this can be obtained either by
building a dam low and easy to
Lumber Mill
Is now cutting first-class lumber
which will be sold on reasonable
Hides, Pelts and Furs
Highest Market Price Paid
' Herman Poch.
2 miles east of Prineville, cn Oclioco road
surmount or by other methodo
familiar to reclamation service
enijin eers.
That it will be impracticable to
build a dam without ft 20-mile
stretch of railroad is another fea
ture that must appeal to the rec
lamation engineers. At the point
selected for the dam, 20 miles
above the junction of the Deschutes
River with the Columbia, no sand
can be obtained for concrete, and,
together with heavy engineering
machinery, will have to be carried
at least 20 miles. The ditliculty
of constructing even such a road
as would be required is quite likely
to postpone the construction for a
considerable period of time.
"If the Government insist that
we must build ovir the dam sites
it will mean that we cannot build
the Central Oregon road, at least
not for some time, and certainly
r.ot along the easy route the
water-grade haul. We should be
shut out from our mast feasible
route. If we had to allow for the
dam being in position a mere 12
miles of our route would cost a
further $561,000 over our estimates
and together with the private
schemes further up the river the
cost of the road would be advanced
at least $1,000,000. Now to make
4 per cent for operating and
maintenance we would lave to
have an income of $430,000. But
we expect that it will be a number
of years before the country is dev
eloped sufficiently to give us any
return on our money, and we are
quart bottle of GENUINE
CYRUS NOBLE iktct to you
4 ill charge pxi to the ecar-
ett railroad eipiw oft ice.
VLSTwrr PSA iMra iS fi-'i a
You mini have ihe best tuaranlccd to be bo!uicly pure eged in wood and
We buy GYRUS NOBLE dirccl front the distil!cr-have boufclil il for t ycari.
Doo'l let them sell you omcihin( ele " just J good."
Buy the best ii'i the cheapest in the long run. bottled by the
Guaranteed 10 the United Statci Government t.d to you to contain oolhir.f except
pure straiShl aged whiskey.
For the bm time since Wrt (44 years) in luch lection as the public n uruhlc to
purchase CY HI'S NOBLE we will sell you direct 4 quart botttea for $4.90
No danger ol refilled bottles but the GENUINE CYKUS NOBLE the belt ,
made, the best selling brand in the whole world.
W. 1. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 1 05-1 07 Second Street, Portland, Ore.
' ......
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., PwtU-d, Om.
Enclosed pleue and $4.90 lor which pleaar ml I
N ,
P.O. AdA-
L. J
r i
Soneral ffilacksmithing, Wood Work, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly Done
When it is Done By : : :
Siobort 9?foorc
Satisfaction Will
L. J
u J
r. t
f. j
t j
I. J
Ha.- SB
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
Currying a choice selection of fine candy, tlgnru, orangcH,
lemoim, etc. Give uh a call.
willing to allow for that and to
help build up the country, but
besides that 4 per cent for o (rat
ing tlieie would bo an extra 2 per
cent for increased cost of operation,
which would make freight rats
brohibitive as well as unremunera-tive.
"The building of a water-grade
' road would not destroy the pos
sibility of developing an unlimited
! amount of power, by other method
: than that of a dm, and it would
be possible without a dam to obtain
: as high water power as could be
! needed.
I "The proposed dam itt is in
accessible, and rock crushers and
such heavy machinery would re
quire a road to haul them there.
"All the present route we have
surveyed are not ieasibK if the
Deschutes River grade cannot be
adopted. On the Dallea-Bey.l
route heavy tonnage would bo im
possible as an investment.
"1 h ive been intructed to com
mence work within one wes'k after
I . I .1 ...... I I... II
j vi.c I'luiiB mi? nuii'tru iv mo nu
ernment and my energies are now
directed along those lines. Within
two weeks actiul construction
would be in operation."
Mr. Boscbke seems to be rather
hopeful that the Governni'Mit
would meet the railroad officials,
and he quite plainly intimated
that it was a question of which
was more necessary to Central
Oregon, the Deschutes River
irrigation project or th? Central
I Oregon Railroad. Oregonian.
. . r ...... . J, . T rrUDAV IN
AND Kail TO-0T
t at once ty
prepaid, four quart
t j
r i
k. j
He Guaranteed
t j
Ordinance No. 169. Tt
An ordinance cm .renting, regulating,
mut restraining minor. pool room,
hillurd tooin, tnril tulilm, mut, gam
iitli, tolutivo, n-inliiouHj mull,
vinon liiUm, mnl ri tiling lur lln
Ttto people f the rily of rrinrvillo,
0.ein,'ili tmlairt follow
!-i'tnm I. Itflmll tn unlawful (or
any pertton or person to ileal, play or
carry on, chh or tttuff to Ik- oeniil,
or who hIi.iII conduct eitlnr Kimr,
ptoptii lor, or employee, wliollier for
lino or not, any puno of (urn, inonto,
roulette. room et noir, litiiiiienet.
imihIo, viiiKt-nn (or twenty one I, poker,
ilraw poker, lr;ttf, Mttft, thaw, tan, tan
tun, (in tun, kloiutike, or tiny banking
or otlmr game pla.vtsl with caul, iliee
or other mean, nlietliet tlio .iiiik tie
plat e lor money, rlnvk, rrollltt,
treat, or any other reprrontntiv Joi
value, illun vtlie citv nf 1'riueville,
Section 2. It hall W unlaw ful (or
any permit to give away, barter, wll or
Jn-iHiieol in any manner, any apirituoii,
mult, or vtnutis li itor within tl city
ot Prineville, Oregon, provMott that
this n'tuiii alinll imt lx no roiiKlnul
a to pruhihlt the le o( ptiro alcohol
(or i initilie an. I manufai luring pur
pom, or wine to church ollicml (or
MtcriimonUl purpoo, nor nlcnliolir
uti in til u lit n tueilicini) in rane ol
actual Hlcknes. Imt audi stimulant nhall
only U-ml. I ii m the- written precri
tionof a tegular piacticiug pliynician.
ilrttnt ami sigiuM by aaiil phyaiciau, nl
certitleil, on hi honor, that he, the
physician, hint personally rx.iininc.l the
applicant, naming him,' ttmt that lie
(iiiil It tin actually nick ami in tieel ot
lht ittuiiilant prem riU'il a a in ;
that no porwn shall more than owe on
mm I prescription nor shall any eroti
be periuitteil to sell at all on a pros
cription winch i not il.itcil, signnl, ami
eoruilctl as herein rtiiuc.!. That
every person selling such Munulunt
upon the prescription herein proviile.l
lor shall cancel such pre.'i iplioii bv en
itorsin thereon the wonl "catuvllo I,"
ami the date of cancellation, Mini shall
tile the s:itm rt way. Nothing in tin
soetLn shall Inj construed to prevent
one rofistcroil pharmacist selling such
alcoholic li'iiora Jo another legistereil
Section 3. It shall be ui lawful (or
any person or oroii, a owner, man
ager, emp'oyeo, rlerk or waitsr, ol any
room, rooms, bulMing or other placo,
in w hich hioI tables, billartl tables, uml
tablcg use.! or kept lor plaving cards,
ihmiI or billiinls. within the Ultr of
l'rineville, Orejon, to all j any minor
in or lnut such r kiiii, ro itti or buiKl
iug. Section 4. It ahull bo unlawful (or
nny erson or pemons, to sell, barter,
give or in any manner (urninh to any
minor any tobacco, cigara, or cigarettes
in tiny loriii, or any coiiiouihI in which
tobacco forms a comHineiit part, within
the citv of I'lineville, Dregoti.
Sections. It shall bu unlawful (or
nny minor to sniiike, chew, or in nny
way use any cigar, cigaiette, or tobacco
in any fcrut w ithiti tho city of l'rineville,
Section ti. It shall be units. (ill for
any minor to loiter in or alxitit any
room, rooms, or buildings w hich is used
in whole or io part for playing hI,
billards or card within tho city ol
i'rinevillu, Oregon.
Section 7. Any person or persons
upon being convictol Is-fore tho Ho
corder's court o( the cite ,,( l'rineville,
Oregon, ol thn violation of any ( the
provisions of this ordinurre shall bu
lined nut less than rJvo dollar nor more
than Him hundred dollars, or bo im
piisonud in the city jail not less than
two daya nnr more that thirty days, r
by both such lino and imprisonment nt
the discretion o( the court. That in
default of payment of any linn impo.ed
under the proviiions of this ordinance,
such person so defau'tin? shall U iui
prisoned in the citv jad for one day for
i each two dollars of such line, but such
j imprisonment ahull not exceed thirty
I days.
I Sectii.ti 8. That nil ordinances and
parts of ordinances in cnnllict w ith this
ordinance, le mid the hiwiio U hereby
repealwl. ' . " '
Section B. That this ordinance shnll
be in full force and effect from ntnl Bfter
being approved by the Mayor.
l'ttSMil thecouin il of thecityof I'rinrt
villo, Oregon, after the third reading
thereof, thiH i day of March l'.IUuV -Approved
March 'I, I'.tuu.
1). V. NTcWAKT.'Mayor.'
At'.est: C. I.. rJiiaTTfcic, Kecorder.'
Closing Out Sale
Fine assortment of Hats, Veils,'
Ribbons, etc., to be sold at cost
Mrs. EstaVKBsy
Corner Second and Main St.
77...- .-.--gil
inn mm mi
OFFIOERt; f j ,r .
W. A. Booth, Prealdant
O. F. 8TCWART, Vice Preildent
O. M. Elkins, ! Cathlar .
w. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini,
D. F. Btiwabt
TranHacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections .yill rxn
ceivo promtjt"iatten-''
tio'n '
Ordinance No. 16S.
An tndinmiro to tI d.ij; mnl to provrnt
bitchfi from running at Urgi diirinic
Tho -oin o( thfcllyof rilnpvillo,
Origin, do oriUln aa followa:
SiTthm 1. That rvnry Hrmin uwnlnii
or kiM'ping it iliiji within tlu i-orixirntp
limit of tlin rily ot 1'rlnvvlllti nhall ay
an annlml lax to thn dty lor audi dotf
a follow : (or rli main iloi ovrr thrr
month old two dollar and (or rvi-ry
foinalrt dii thn ainii of (our dollar, pay
alli at any time thn iliy may In (oiuid
within the city limit upon which no
tax (or th yrnr hna Iwvn paid,, (tin pny
to i' n I of tin) aitiil until of il and t ie
HM'tivily ahall lm In (nil to the .'II t
day of hw of the year In which paid.
Sui'li tax nhall ho paid to tho I'lly
Mamhal w ho nhall inane to the Mrimii
payinn nvvipt thendor thowng the
amount ri'i'xivoil and for what yrnr,
tktlir with a dorn'riptlott of tho don
upon which the tax I paid, kIvIhk
name, u, rotor, and the Nlarahnl ahull
alo deliver to the eriion pnyinn aid
tax a Intf Un which ahalt I mi priutiNl
the dnie to which the tax 1 paid.
Sottimi 2. Any Hroii pluclnu a Ian
a alxivo dcfctilM-d iikiii any don timn
whivli the tax ha lot Imtii paid, hall
he deemed KUilty ot a luiadiimeMiior and
ipoti eiinviction then-ot, ahull I pun
IhIiihI hy a tine of not Ua than ten urn
more thnn twenty live dolhir and in
default ol the payment of imld tine and
the rot ( pruwcutinn, ahalt lm run
lined in the i-tttr jail one day (or every
two do lur ol mil h tine and tivt.
Section 3. It thrill he the duty ot the
City Muiehal to take up all dogi found
runiiii'K at Inrtre upon wl lch the tax
hi not heon paid, and at the expiration
ot 5 tiny if no pnnti hll appear and
claim Mini don and pay Ihe tax there
on and one dollar to the marahal lor
hi trouhlo in tnkiiiK up mid doi, lie
nlmll diaHieol the (nine
Sii ti ui V II any Hoj eltnll li found
ruuiiiiiil at laino without the Inn a
iiIkivi providod for, worn ill a conpicimu
place iimiii niid dou, (or 6 auccenaive
lay which the Mumlnl i unaldu tot ike
tiji ua alHive providinl, lievhall ki 1 or die
Hid of tucli d.'tf.
Sect Lin r. The mariili il ahull
nil. mill for each dojl tnke.i tip
killed one dollar to U paid out ol
money icccivcd lur ill g tax and
other ie.
!fttiiii 1. Itflmll lie un'awfiil
mi v owner ot any female dog or hitch to
allow (nu ll w initial to run at larye when
In hent and any pornou riniltitt any
female dog to run at largo w title in heat
kIjiiII lie deemeil guilty ol a mladenieannr
and, upon conviction thereof, vhall lie
puutidied hv a Hue ol not leaa Uian live
dollar nor more tban llfty dollar and
upon failure to pay m h fine and the
rout ol pr.MW'cution, ahall he con lined
in (lie city jail one day (or every two
doll lira ot imch fine and cont.
Ordinance No. fifty eight and all other
ordinance or part ol ordinance In
conflict herewith are herehy retiraled.
I'nwed hv the Council March ', lSHJU.
Approved March 2, I'.wu.
I. K, rTK?AaT, Mayor.
Atteit: C. I.. NiuTrtVK, Kecorilur.
Professional Cards.
Tf itrttt, !Prim0mHI, Ortgon.
Qt C. S3rix
'. S?at Cslati
OIBi-e with Geo. W. Ilartiet
JJJ ?. Clliott,
2Piiioian ant Snrym
Call Anufcaiotii T'annrrr.Y Day o Nioht
urrKKiv looa Hooth n AnanaoN't
( .iiailu bOH. . Hiilh nrllr au ruaj
, duuoa tuliiiUuuv. :
Zftolknap Sc a 'wards
iPhytieiant and Snryom.
Ofmm flrr SDow mmt tiZmmm'
. !Piytieian and Surycon
CaiU antw0rd prompty day ar ntyAi
it mm 97am tStrM.
ZPrintot'ltt, 5 Ortfon,
t P. tyyers
1): '
- .
j JLawutr
l'ractlco In all Htate and
i' 1'Vderal Cmirtu
Catdtaul, Ortfon
Pedigreed Stock
H ' '
O Poland Chinas
g Duroc Jerseys
Black i' Langslian Chickens
e3 c. park
Bid Wanted.
Hlita am waiilril for Hi aarea nnw In nw ltr
thn .iioilv rl.'ta anil the atirrllf or rmik
riimilr, ili'ilverv nut to I mailt! irlur In Juno
I, I'Jiai 1 in. nfiurit liy iht euiiiilv I'lerh la
HI', V'U' ""' liK'lliv nlilalile inmiiirvil t
and Lit iHIW lii.liln, Tlie mw III llmalirrllt'
nftliv l li '!', W Indie oul.hlo ami IHf'l
l lttlile. Tin1 rlalii U nwrvnl l.i rrmt nny
aio I all lilita. lll.l. will in ok.ii.,I Aerll H,
IWW, "AltltHN lllltlWN,
(iuulr ( li-rk.
In Ilia tlB'iilt (nirl nf llir Hlalr of Orvfun lur
I'ruua i-ouiil, i , II. iKiikln, plaintiff,
I'lvil.-rl. a Mallnx, Mary Miillli wild A till I
Mallli. ilerellilHilla.
To, Mnllna. Mary MkIIii a lot
Annie Mnllit, Itin alHiv-imtiteft itefrinlunta.
lit lliv iiioiinnr llio Hiole uf uregmi you are
hen-liv riHininnl In nitiieur ami auawer lite
tnnnlifilllll nteil Ma!nl vi.U til tlin mImivcw
imiIHIimI einirt anil chiim. mi or Ix-fiir Hit ilav
uf llici eirwiun nf I ln I line prwaerllMMt In I lie
nriler fiir the imlilli-Milmi or thl aniiiitiitita,
aolil iIiiIk la-lii Mid ti'i ilar f A .rll. Imai. ami
If yoii full In ai nelwar ami anawrr. jmlaiiwnt
anil ili-env will im Inaeii aaalital yon for
rani Ihemif aa auoelilixl In Ilia li nun
plnliil, IikwII:
That llm ll i. In 1 1 rT Ix iteelnml Ilia owner In
f. atinile of ttir aiutti-aal iiuarlrr, lite Miulll
half uf thn atiuttiweat tlnarti-r. tll aoulllfaal
tiuaiter of Iha imrllii'ttat iitmrler tif aeellon
lli ! nl v, llm winlli half of Ilia anilltieoal
luarter, llm anutli tmlf nf Iha aoutliweat
lilarler. Ihfwel half of Itl liorltiwval qnar.
ler of aei'l loll lilt Im-lttvine, Iha aoulltweat
itarlrror llm anitlhweat nuarirr of artlott
I lit twenty -I wo, tha llullli halfiir Iha Itorllt
wi-al quarter, itorlltweal innrler of itnrtlieaat
illarler, thn aoullieat illnrteritf northweal
qiiarier, I tin aontit half ol the mirllieaat
tuarler of areiinn (J"i Iwentr-nlue, all In
lownahlp ilVi Iwolva annlh ol ralie (ll
hvn ru.l nt ih Wlllaiiiellv Merlillan III t'naik
eoiuily, ItriKon,
1'kat tlrh nilanla lie remilnM to aalahllah
tht-lr elullii In ami to aahl lnn.1; that a tleervv
lie i-nlrreit rotever tmrrln the ttaremtanta,
anil rui-lt nf Ihriit, riiint muklii or rlaliitlnir
any tnirreat In or In aalU lain! or any part
thereof; thai the lltlereal or elalm nf anld ilia.
femlnnla III or n aahl tninl Im ileelaret! uImh
1)110111 anil ailvarw In thai nf iilalnlllT. altit
for aueli nlher ami further iittteram! ileereai
a may aeent meet ami prniirr lit 111 prein
lara. Ihla aiiiiiiuona I aeivei! hy ptitilleatlon
Ihrreof In the t'rooii ftutiiv Joitrtial. tiv or.
ller of Ihe Hull II. I'. Kill.. IU!li-of I rill
county, f ireajon, ma le, ilnleil ami Dleat In Iha
a'Hivv euiiiieq eeurl ainn-ll a, naw, wnieil
aahl enter retiulrea thai aiitiintoita In Ihla auli
la. IMlhllahvil otlr a WfHa for al atliivaalvo
week. W. A. hK.I.K
Alt imey A,r .l.lnlllT
lnteorr)ra linhllentlmi hemif Mnrelt II, II' I.
Ihile uf laal pulilli-aldm hereof A nl K. I o
Kotlco ta Cr4itort.
Notice I heraliy given, h) th Under-
Ignr-I, the ailuilnlatiatur of the ratate of
I'm i.l K, Teiiipirlon ilii raaeil, to alt per.
ona hntlnit claiuia Kalnt aalil e.tate to
prexetit the anlue, with the proper vouch,
era, lo Ilia timleraigued at Ida nlllce In Hie
Klnt National Hank In I'lineville, llirgon,
wilhln all month frum Ihe llrst puhllra
H ill of llila li.illce. T. M. lUl.iiwin,
Ailnilniatralor of the ratal of David K.
TrinpU'toii, deceaavd. -ll
Notice for ruhllontloii.
Nut coal land. '
Impart nirnl of Ihe Interior.
I. H. Uud Ultlee al The llle, Or., -February
llth, liaJU,
Notice 1 bendy given thai
J. Alvln Higg.
of l'rineville, Oreuon, who on (etoler S7lh, ,
l''i, made houieateaii ei try (Serial No.
ir.1i;m, N, for lola 2, S amU, and
rK'. N V I', aertiutl 3. lowtldilp lAaoillll,
rniik-e U eaat, W, M. Iiaa tiled mil lie uf In
tention to inak llnal live-year proof, lo
eatalillah clalill to the laud almve ileaerilxnl
heforo Warren Hrowii. county rlerk. al hia
nlllce at rrinrvillo, Oregon, on Ihe 23d day .
of March, iW.
I'laiinant name a witne-xie:
Henry J. Kilwarda, lleiijauiln f. Zell,
Carl J. Ilrlx, Alfred V. Unyn, all of l'rine
ville, Uregon.
a-IHp C. W. MooMK, Ktglalrr. .
W.U. (or Publication.
Not coal Intnl.
Department if the Interior,
l 8. ljmd Ulllce at The 1 In I Ira. Orrirnn,
Kehrnary 27, IIUJSI,
Notice U hereby given that
ln la K. Wil.ou.
of I'rlui'ville, Uregon, who, on June juili,'
I',I7, made linuieatead entry (.Serial No.
iMm) No. I.Viihl, for HW'i ai-ctlon town-
hip in outl, raiiKe 111 raw!, V. M., ha
II led notice of llili litioli to lluike II mil live,
year proof, to eitahllili claim lo the land
aliove ileacrlhail, liefore Warren Hrown,
county clerk, at hia olllre at l'rineville,
UreKoii.on the llth day of April, liaju.
I'laiinant naiiie a witneaaea:
John Harmon, Oeugn T. K Itching,'
KolH-rt 1., Kltchlllg, tlvorge K. hinith, all
of l'rineville, Or,
8-lp 0. W. M ixi rot, Itcgiiiter.
Notice (or Publication.
(Net I'onl land.)
Depart nient of the I nterlor.
XT. H. Laud Ulllce at The Dallei. Or.,
March in, 1IJU.
Notice 1 liereby given that
William Mark,
of Prineville, Oregon, w ho on Hepteniber
Hlh. l!i'J, niadn homenteiid entry (Serial .
No.'il),'No. 1H47. for HWV. NWw, KM
HW'i.ami NWri HK'j, ee H, towiiahlp U
aoiith. range 17 K, W Nf, hu llled notice of
liitentiou lo iniikv llnnl five-year proof, to '
cMhIiIInIi chum to the land ahove itearriiied
before Wurren Hrown, oouuty clerk, at hi
ollloe til l'rineville, Oregon, on the ad day
of April.
t'luiuiiint niinu'i a witr.e.anea:
Cbrl'tlan Kiierhc Im, Wllliiim Adam,
Aliini T. Morrl, Warren A. Morford, all
of l'rineville, Oregon.
8-18p 0. W. Moohr, Ili'glHter. r-
Call for Warrant.
Notice I hereby given Hint Crook Colin- '
ty (lenenil Ktinil rvginlered Wurrunt No.
UII to lllft Inuluaiva, registry dute Nov. 13, '
IIKJH, to Dec. 7, MM, Inclttaive, will he paid
on preaenlutlon to the Trcnaurer of uid
county. Interest will reuse from dute of i
thin notice. W. F. Kinu, -
Dated l'eb. 20, 1001). Co. Treuiurer. "
Call for County Warrant.
Notice Is hereby given that Crook conn."
ty general fund registered warrant No.
l lo IM Inclusive! registry dute November
11 to 13 inclusive, will he nnld on presen
tation to the treasurer ol enld county. In
terest will cenae from the dute nf this no
tice. W. V. KINO,
County Treasurer. .
rrlnevllle, Or., Feb. in, U 0J.
Land Clearing and Contracting.
Wo aro prepared to pull tree, remove
mgidiriiHli and preimro land for crop,
ltuildinga moved. Will also bid on all
kinds of coiiHtruction work.
McLai.un, Youno & Co.
J. A. Norwood, Cor. boc'y, Kedmoml,
Oregon. l-!!4-8m
Call for Warrant.
Nntlcn I hnridiv irlvnn Uml .11 inn. i
.... j n " ' VI.U. 1. 1 , v 1 If PIV,
County Koad Fund Warrant, Nob. 1 tut--:
19 intiluiive, registered from January
1001), to February 10, 11)00. incluBiveW
will be pBid on preRentution to th$
treiiHnrer of cniil enuntv. Tnterauf ,,ilil. '
ceaso from dato of this notice. ' ftti.
W. 1 . Kino, County Trea. v"
Dutcd this 18th day of February, 1000: