Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 18, 1909, Image 2

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    The Place to Save
The Place to Save
Spring Dry Goods
A portion of our new spring dry good hat arrived. More
to come. We are showing the beautiful new pattern in
Gingham, Swiss, Linette, Voiles, Linen Veiling
Silks, Batiste, White Goods, Cambric
Garden Seeds
Full line in
pac!.ges aiul in lulk
10-inch Talking Machine Discs, 50c
Standard, Victor and other talking machine discs, 10-inch size,
have been reduced by us to 50c each
Prineville Girl
Has Cold
Here is one on Miss Dobbs. A
special dispatch from Astoria to
the Oregonian says that "a pecu
liar accidnt that narrowly
escaped reeuuins in a serious con
fla galion occured at the Irving
Hotel. Mies M. Dobbs, a teacher
in one of the local schools, who i
a roomer at the hotel, placed an
electric iron in her bed to keep her
warm. She fell asleep within a
few moments, but awoke in a shoil
time to find the bed clothing in
Springing from the bed, she
pave the alarm and the flames
were extinguished by the inmates
of the bouse before any damage
was done other than the destruc
tion of the bedding. The young
woman received a few slight burns,
but her injuries are not of a serious
nature. '
Redmond News.
Redmond, March 14.
W. H. Davklson report that a
friends, L. E. Garlinghouae of Eoder
by, B. C, has been In with bim for a
few dara. He came as a land seeker
and will probably inveot. -He to a
planing mill superintendent, bad
only a two-weeks' vacation and
spent as much of It bere as he
thought he could afford.
Bills are out announcing the public
sale of C. N. DeLo-lmler of Walu
burff. Wash., brother of our Bert, to
be held next Saturday, March 20.
Immediately after tbe sale he will
come to the Redmond countrr with
a neighbor, Will Abbey. Mr.Abbev
already has an eighty In theJ.K.
and F. H. Woods neighborhood,
while the DeLortmler holdings are
at tbe foot of Forked Horn. Bert
DeLorlmler started yesterday morn
ing to be present at the skle and
awUt in moving. There will be two
cars brought to Shaniko, so there
will be something doing. Mr. De
Lorimier alone will bring In seven
head of horses.
We are sorry to learn that B. J.
Hennlnger has lost one of the horses
of bis team. It comes as a pretty
hard blow, being a splendid norwp
and bis only team. We hoix be will
be able to get a horse to work for Its
keep for a time.
Newt Cobb and family were down
from Sisters Friday and Saturday
visiting friends.
Mrs. Stewart Is sick with some
thing resembling typhoid. Dr. Ed
wards was called yesterday.
Among the arrivals yesterday was
Dr. Dixon from Utah. He says he
has come to stay.
The Watt eighty west of town Is
being cleared up. It will be cropped,
a house built on it, so we under-
stand.'and In the summer or fall tbe
women who have bought it will le
in to occupy it. When that time
roinc we slialj be glad to give It Ks
proper name.
Mrs. MeOuffie seems to Won the
mead though not as mpidly as
might W wished.
Today we passed small field of
fall wheat showed lVtvmWr S tul
was looking very well.
Milton Lawson had to quit work
because of an Injury to hi toot. We
did not learn particulars.
The Ijdk-s Aid met last Thursday
with Mrs. Park and we got our first
chance to attend. It surely was a
Jolly, good nauired, hard working
crowd. Next Thursday with Mrs.
McLallln, so as to get two more
meetings and those quilts done be
fore the annual meeting. E. C. Pahs
Culver Cullings.
Culver, Mat-h R
Mrs. Omer Oaypool was a Culver
visitor Saturday evening and Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard were
Cu'ver visitors Sunday on their re
tu'n from taking tbelr cattle to
M. ami Mrs. D. G. Rogers were
r-!nevllle visitors Friday aud Satur
day. Mr. McDowell and Miss Sweeting
of Madras visited Culver friends the
laner pa-t of the week.
Mrs. Elevlus of Howard, up the
Ochn-o, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs, D. G. Rogers.
Flod Oaborn was a Lnmonta
visitor from Friday toSunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMeen.
Cl I.VUtlTE.
The Inter-Sociely
Oratorical Contest
The inter-society oratorical con
test between the Alpha and t-ho-conian
litem-v societies will be
held in P. A. A. C. hall Friday
evening, March t. The orators
re working hard and it is expected
(hat the contest will be very close.
The following is the program for
the evening:
Still Is the lke ileln-lch Pfell
C. C. H. S. Nighiiiinlt.
Oration Initiative and Kefervudum
Randolph Kcictnmi.
Oration A CVntii'y of lirvnt Men
Cla-k Morse.
Vocal solo
Mt. 1.. K. Hudson.
Oration.- What Is Success
liorat-e lVlknnp.
Oration-The Courage of the Com
monplace Edgar BanicK.
Instrumental duet
Misses Unborn and Hixlp-n.
Oration Tbe Influence if Music
LeUa Urt'iield.
Oration Galileo and the Reforma
tion ItoWrt Cram
Vocal solo
Prof. E. L. Ashby.
Decision of the Judges.
1 X-'-fP
Fine Millinery
Our millinery display this year
is from the largest Eastern houses.
Includes the very latest exclusive
pattern hats, different from the
ordinary. Our Easter Opening
will be on April 2 and 3.
C. W. Elkins
Card of Thanks.
I wNh to extend my henrtfe.t
thanks to neighbors aud friends for
their kindness and sympathy du-iug
the sick cess and death of my wife.
l.ov E. !kav.
In thf ci'fuit roO' t of ihesfaleof O
for Croo cotiiiir.
f. F. Smith s i". Will H., p'ain
v . St. y. Charles K. I rawn, Ada I-mison.
F nk lV.xrn ami U. XI. Kcrliaw. ('f
fendait. To lb V.i E. Lanison ami A. la Lannon,
tm-o of a'wre-nanuM defe'iilan :
) D 1 tie name of me utoU f o ', yo.t
are lie.e:iy tentii eo toa'vMvr ami ai-'
the complaint lite' n'a'ii jof 'n ic
alioTcen.ii ie' iwi iiiuh d- ' o e
kbe ti dav of Ap'i'. 1 ' f lei if j-
so lo ap-vur and .:e p .
tke iiKiTnieni a-rai.i-t you .o- te ,un of
S i HundT-xl IKiiiais t'i r e r-i- .'e t-oii
a. the .i.eof ,er rer cent pe in-iu . om
.' Iik da of Noveinhe , V .. fo ft' i 1 j
a, o .iey' and foi- tiir' l jut u;
hi"-emerl of lb: ati. and the t'j niv's
W'U app'y to the court .'or ,!e ur .
I'efpraycii for in iie r conmia'.'t. o-v. t:
For a di-cri fon-i-'in ; he uior:;a.c
deciihilin pUiu c mp!a n; a id mi
sale of the pmpertv di-Mr;U-i it t: mO'.
paie g'Ten hy yon io v cure the rt.tyii'eu;
of t!ie aliore .iieni oned mi in and Ui-i. yu
and each of yon I lurewr bar itl and fote
c'teti of any t;U!tv or j i rh i of reut-m itin
of said ntorisaseu presu e, eiceni uefa
r;-:bi of reikrupf.oii as ii r.ioTti'ed ly
This tummon :i iuh'lied by o er of
the HonomMe H. C. li'li'.. county oi
Crook county. O e-son, made ana enie nt
on the Tt!i day of Mat-ii. TjM) i and bv
Wiiicn o oer it n-eci liel tha. this m'ij'
moni lie pnhl.ind for a fH ii.K of i .
week n me t"rM)k Oinnly Journal, a
week'v new-pape. p imed and puh'i-in-il
in 1 ireTit'e, Ouoi; coumv. stave of O e
?on. T ie dale of tlie ii"t piiliHcalion of this
sumnioii) a Mairh II, 1
il. i:. ELLIOTT,
Attorney or plain 'is.
Bear Creek Shooting.
Contimii-il from llrwt pnjio.
, - i
i to set another pin. 1 jumped lo
the door, found him with a cl.ot-1
i gun, putting two shells in, and he
! could not get the break down tjuick
enough. 1 jumped in. He swung
the gun around ami hit me on the'
right side of the head three-fourths ,
of an iiuh above the ear with the'
j limit !e thereof, 1'oUio was coming !
linbeh.nd. thesaid. kill the!
I ot a b ." V. 11. KiuUon 1
j and I we re clinched. 1 saw then'
: 1 had to do something. 1 had hold j
tot his gun with my h it hand and ,
j aimed lo t'hoot hi wrift with my
j right hand, i had my pistol
drawn when I juiucd into the;
house. It is a .;;$ caltbr lver-i
1 Johnson, hve shot, t , It. Krickson
i droppt'd hi shot gun after 1 had
: tiit-il two hots in ijtiick succession,
j 1 picked it up and the automatic
j title with it, took the two guns
I under my left aim, my pistol in
I my right hand and suited for
home. 1 thought they might
catch me. I stopped and threw
the shells out of Unit guns. There
j were two loaded shells in the shot
j gun and one loaded shell in the
barrel of the automatic ritle and
! two in Us magazine. 1 didn't
! know that the defendants had any
other gutts so 1 took it rather
lesuTly. I was t ff about i!3 or
CO road when I heard the report of
a gun. lVuie Kiicktou hallooed,
"Drop tiicm gnus," and Hellie
Krickson and C. II. Kriikoa were
co .sing oti the run toward mo. 1
stalled on a run toward home and
fi-otn them. During Ibis race C.
II. Krickson shot eight shots at me
The bullet fell right at my feet at
odd times, one went so clo.-e to my
ear that I felt the wind of il. ft.
my judgment it was a .'21 ritlo
They chafed me about Ml rods
from the cabin. They went hack.
Ceitie Krickson unhitched a black
horse fio:u the wagon got on the;
hoise, went across Lear Creek to
the opposite side from where I was.
I went home, threw the automatic
ntlo and the shotgun on the bed
and told uiy w;fe to bide them. 1
started then across Dear Creek!
iowa;d Ceorge Taylors. I was on j
loot. I went about half a mile.!
I sat down under a juniper to rest j
and sat there about tifieen minutes j
when lettie Krickson's dog camej
across little Dear Cieek. I looked i
up and saw Betiie Kiickson on a'
black horse coming toward n:e. l j
got up and ran dowu toward tieorge
Taylor's front her. W hen I got j
opiiosite a vacant Isousp known as
trlitu's house, she bet;an to the at
nie. I 'couldn't say how nianv
shots she 4: red at me, but it must
i:tve been eiht or nine. It was
the same gun in my judgment that
they used when filing ujion me on
my way .V'toe from the cabin. 1
went lo U-.orge Taylor's, l'.eltie
Krickson circled to my left in the
direction of where J. K. UoU-rts
lives. She followed use so far as 1
saw i;p to the litre of llnj thooting
a mile and a half, and I went on
lo lieorge Taylor's. I stayed at
Ueore Tayloi 'a awhile and after
wards started for the George Knox
place, but went to Kd Harris' place
end there met J. K. Huberts and
John Milliorn and they went with
me home. We stayed there last
night a nil I and Mr. HoberU came'
to Prineville this morning.
When I arrived at the cabin
the defendants were standing,
lift tie Krickson in the cabin dcor
and C. H. Krick-on leaning against
the wheel of the wagon four feet in
front of the door. This cabin is
on my land and it was about
nine o'clock yesterday morning
when I arrived at the cabin. My
horse was still tied to the corral
when I left there. My wife's name
is Mary. I.kos.vkd Wai.tkrs.
tHihrcriU-d and sworn to before me
this 14;h day of March, l'JO'J.
r..i.rn Shaw,
Jnstiee of the IVace.
Lively -Jordan - Lanius
In Women' Tailored Suits direct from one of
New York' leading importer.
Authorities on Ladies' Fashions
This week you will have to admit that
have the best showing of
ever brought to Prineville, Mr. Catalogue Mouse
not excepted, and our price will itirprise you
when you compare style, quality and finish.
The line include' the finest French Serge, plain
and striped Prunella Cloth in all the newest
spring color such a black, rocida, navy, rose,
olive and smoke. Every garment trictly
tailored and lined with silk.
Extraordinary Values$18.00 to $35.00
Come and see
for yourself,
how you.
No trouble to
Our New Line of Dress Goods
Wash Good and Novelties for spring wear
will interest you. See them. We guarantee
to save you money.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual nui'tlnj; of the utork
lii'l'trrit ot tlu MiiMuiilc UnllilltiK A.
m.k IiH Ion nt I'rtupvllle will ! lu-bl
mi s.ituriliiy. tbf 27th ibiy of March,
l'.Hi'.l, at the M.nnoule Hull.
K Kai.uw'i, Secretary.
Edison Phonographs
Combination types that
standard two-minute and
berol four-minute records.
Victor Talking Machines
$30 $40 50
Sold on Installment Plan
Wall Paper
spring you
more rooms
spring stock
and patterns
clean house this
will nave one or
Winnek's Toilet Cream
March winds chap the face
and hands. Try a bottle of
Winnek's Toilet Cream 25c
It costs you nothing if
not satisfied.
Watches Watches
Elgin and Waltham Watches
Only the better grades handled
in all sizes. Fitted in any
style of case. Prices that will
Diamond Rings, Brooches
We positively stand
and guarantee every
Jewelry we selL
For Sale.
S,ler-S(.an;;ll llatnlierg Kui; "-t-tinkriof
)j for f- OJ. A;l to I ;ne
ville C'iiiar Rwio H-) 1 1 f
Puissauit de'Lircux
1 he fine l.'lclnii Stallion nvftitly
ii)'chu'l by II. A. Myem & To. will !
Ht.i.nil the wdHon ct liKW nt the
ian'e "f If. A. Myers three-fourth
oi a mlie iiurtlH-.-ij-I of Keihiiunil, aiul
will te at the Hnmliton Stable,
."riiieville, on Friday, Mareij i'i.
K very one lnten leil In the bret'ding
ofCd horses whould not mU ee
Inyrthi borveas be has taken five
firt ttate jiniuimn and nvveep
maLe nnd Ima a wide n'jiutntlon for
U-in the liet bore of hi kind in
the northwest. Come and see him.
Very truly your, 3-11-U
Vital Treatment
Prineville, Oregon.
The yitrni I employ U the development
of the Mitli M-n-K1 no drujta, no in.liu
iiii iiH- no iUeituiiiii aLi .l. 1'atienla ei
amiiied freeof char(te. All formaof chron
ic di.vati' iiere.sfulljr trcale.1. Price
vny rruallr. Irl j rater ran now be
cuii'Ulted at his rixinn at the roindexter
t he following testimonials are from pa
tients I have treatvd at llnul, Oreiron:
r.eml. Or., Jan. 21. lltt.
!y lillle h-iy had l en aulh ritiK for the
lai-i. veur with heart, kidney anil ttomarh
troiiiile until I took him to Dr. tirater and
lie irave him netcn tn atniciil and now he
iiioka wli and U hearlj.
Mill hoik Kbickkox.
t,...i o. in nvtfi
tr. A. W. Grater I cannot find words
to eijire. my Rralit. uie to yon for the
preat lienetit and n-lief which I rweirel
from your tn atment. I will glailly rec-
oinnieiiff anyone lor treatment of Irtnale.
livrr mill kiilney tronhle of which you
t ureu me. ery truly yours,
Mia. Ll'iu.A Gmwn.
llend. Or., Feb. 2, 19H
Dr. A. IV. draier I want to tell vou
how (frnteful 1 am for the coin jilete cure of
ii'iuaie Kt-nkiirt. ami riieumauam. I lliliiK
tlie treatment wonderful. tiratefully
your-, aihk. r.KaixoTo.
Ilend, Or., Feh. 12, lino.
Dr. A. V. (Irater I will (fladly rtH-oin-mend
anyone for treatment of kidney,
liver and constipation of which you cured
me. Yours truly, K. A.I'esrr.
Ilend. Or.
Dr. A. W. Grater, Prinenilie, Or. Dear
ir I want to recommend your wonderful
treatment to the public at larnr. When
you tieun treating me 1 was very low with
a ronipliiatioii of diseases. My heart was
so pnk I cmi id hardly iret my breath and
kidneys ill bad bae. Now 1 am iinprov
ine rirlit alonn and feet sure I am cured.
Ail i need now is warm weather and I will
be a well man. I have been talking U
feverid of your patient and they say that
they have Iwcn cured of old chronic dis
eases. I feel that God is with you in these
wonderful cures, (iratefully yours.
Joiil) KlZtMoRK.
May le Inipnlnil yea nil mil by poor, or even poorly fltteil
eye KifuM-w. Whnt'a the ue or noiike ot wnatliiR your money
ti your own hurt? t'ome nnd hnve your eyea cm mined In a
aklllful nmritier nnd fitted with k I " thnt are the Ual to bo
hnd. An exnmlnatlon eimla you nothing.
W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler Optician
Main Street. PriilU, Oregon
We have the agency for the Knight No.
1 6 Gasoline Lamp, pressure system, hollow
wire, which is Safe, Reliable, and Gives
the Most Light for Least Money of any
lamp known. 1 am prepared to install
systems of any size, from one lamp to as
many as are wanted.
The City Meat Market
Home -
Headquarters for
Cured Lard
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its the best that money can
buy. You will not only sa?e money but
you will help build up a homo industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
Statement of Resource! and Liabilitie of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
the cloee of bnaineea Feb. 5, 1909
Loam and IMaeounta (311,1)1 a
UnltPd Rtatmnondi 1U0 00
Bank iromlam 12.657 M
t'aab Due from banka 90
1390,621 H
B. F. AlUa, IWeert
Will WuraweUer, Vice PrU.Bt
Capital Rtork 110,000 0"
Rorplui and undivided prodU 61.114 O
Circulation T.SOtOO
Individual Depoalta 1711.107 7S
T. M. BkMwia, CaaUer
It Baldwla, Am ! Caakier