I SAVE MONEY ON PLOWS AND SHARES i AS - n s s s 0 0 B B (p! HAVING LOST THE AGENCY OF THE Oliver Chilled & Steel Plows We are prepared to close out our line of Sulky, Gang and Walking, steel and chilled Oliver Plows without regard to cost. We have a full line of repairs and extra parts for all Oliver Plows, which ill be closed out at a bargain price. --V-" "J-.. g-itla Wsr iJ NO. 40 CHILLED Q NO. 11 SULKY Sharpies Cream Separators No. 2, for 300 Lbs No. 3, for 400 Lbs 5 Gallon Milk Cans w, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Big Variety Bulk Garden Seeds We have the cleanest Dry Land Utah Alfalfa Seed in town; also best Timothy . Mammoth Red, Alsyke and Red Top Clovers and Field Peas. Special orders taken tor large quantities ,V. ' "iKcn lor targe quantities i i LOCAL MENTION C. C. lion, the forrst rnnwr, Is In town. Jamc A. Drown of Culver wit In oo butlunM this wwk. Judira ll.C. Ellta raiue over from lU-nd this morning. A. W. Iloyre wiu In frtun lit homo at llajslnt-k this week. Mis IVnrl Helm lenvcs Unlay lor her home at Vancouver, Wash. Mm. Howard Turner of Madras was In tli city laatHaturdajr visiting. A street concert will Isj Ihyih1 by the tmnd nest Hunday afternoon, weather eriiiltlliig. Win. W. lirwrn, of 1'itullna, cam a In Wednesday from Portland, wliere lis has been on business. Faniuhar McKae, the prominent shnepiunn from Antelope, wiu In rrjuevllle this week, looking after range matters before the forest svrvlce officer. Kd Harris's horse fell with blin Monday on Itear Creek, breaking one of Mr. Harris's arum. He rame to town Tueaday and Ir. Ilclknnp re duced the fracture. II. J. Healy and daughter, MIm (lara, were In town Monday from (Mr home at Culver. Mr. Healy Is rapidly recovering from his acci dent of several days ago. At the Unit MethodUt church Sun day morning the ulJict for the acr nion will be, "The New Command ment." The one for evening will lie, "'Is Man a Lump of Contradictions?" The Hunday school will lie held at 10 o'clock aud the Kpworth league at 6.30 p. in. Uuslntiui minting of the Kpworth league ou Friday night the 13th. Alt member of the league requested to lie preaeiit. Married. Hunday, March, 7, 1909, Mr. Joe Montgomery and Mis Julia V. Newhlll, at the home of the brides parent at (Irlitly. ltev. It. F. W. I'ltuum of Madras oltlclatlng. The lirldels the daughter of Mr. and Mr. ('. A. New bill, and the groom I a prominent rancher of that district, the non of Canada Montgomery. The newly wedded pnlr will nmke their home at Urltily. The rrlucvllle Dand will hold a meeting lu the Fireman's hull next Monday evening for tho purpoae of effecting a more efllcleut business or gaultatlou and to adopt new rules for the government of the band. A committee was named Wednesday night to draw up the new regula tlon and three will lie submitted at Monday' meeting. All of the band men and any others who are lutereMicd In the organisation are requested to attend. J nine Wood t In the city on llllsllles. Ilev. C. P. Mnllcy will preach at the Union church Buudiiy next. John Comb returned home from a trip to Portland Wednesday even ing, having been summoned there iim a witness before the Federal grand Jury. Jack and Clint Wood of Itedmond were In town on business Tuesday. These geutlemen are roncrous rnmiier and are eagerly awaiting railroad development In their Hcctlon of the county. At the meeting of the county iHiuudary board held lost week the petition for a change, lictwecn the chool dlMtrlct No. 65 and f7, known as Paulina and Paulina Valley, wiu dented by t he bonrd. (iuy Lafollette returned jesterdny from a trip over the county. Thin In the Unit time In three year that he ha asked the department for a leave of absence. He traveled some 00 mile, visited all the poHtolllcca on the went lile and talked on the pos tal luws In some half doteii schools. Ilev. J. Anthony Mitchell of Bend will occupy the pulilt nt the Flint Presbyterian Church next Hunday, Dr. Dunsmore exchanging pulpit with him for the day. Dr. Dmmmore goe to Menu tomorrow to visit with hi daughter and will return home tho first of the week. Mr. James MesMlnger brought to this olllce thl week a curious freak of nature In the form of a double- shelled egg. The outside shell wo n large a a goose egg, and Inside of It wa an ordinary slsed egg with a hard shell. The large shell also con tained the white of an egg In the space between the shells. Dr. C. II. Kd wards had a mlx-up with a driving horse which he wa endeavoring to harness the first of the week. The horse wa tied and begun pulling back. It stepied on the doctor's toot and threw Its head striking lilin In the face nt the same time, so that the doctor received a pair of black eye and a lame foot iiuuitaneousiy. The present faculty of the Crook County High School ha liecn unani mously re-elected by tho county board for the ensuing school year. A teacher' course for primary grades I to be added to the high school cur riculum next year. An expert teacher, thoroughly qunlllled to take up the work, will lie employed. This will be a great benefit to the schools of the county. Other changes arc In contemplation which will materially help to bring the high school In close touch with the needs of the county. We have reference more especially to the agricultural course which Prof. Hockeuberry hits so strongly urged. Redmond News. Itedmond, March 7. Mrs. Mcduffie Is ipilte 111 agnln with nervous trouble after her trip to church ami Hunday School. She had not Isi-n out for eight weeks and the trip and excitement were rather to much for her. Many friends are hoping for her complete and sHvdy recovery. The Lamb Feed Company reports heavy sales of alfalfa and clover seed for spring sowing. Kirk Whltod' building wtll soon 1st going on again, tut Messrs lleniilnger and I.andes went to the drizzly mill Friday and Saturday for him and I).t Witt Lamb and Mr. Lnuderback will go to Prluevllle Monday and Tuesday. j Mr. Atkinson Is home again from ditch work. 11. M. Smith, Alex Brown and J. K. Lamb have all liecn clearing or hav ing It done on their place. Mr Trlsler leaves tomorrow for his home In Ottumwa, Iowa. Many friend wish him a safe and pleasunt Journey. ' Orval Spencer Is pretty good on bronchos, so he did not have very much trouble In subduing the Wood man goat last night, and he Is now a full Hedged Woodman. Mclallln Young and Company are now at home from clearing opera tlous. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sturdevnnt, sr. are new arrivals, making their home with the young couple during build ing operations ou their own adjoin ing forty. Last night neighbors stole a march on Carl Khmt'stiew house nnd com IH'llcd It and all Inmates to surrender. They occupied the fortress until early this morning, eating nil their own provisions and some others and re solved that everybody bud had a good time. The surprise on Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lamb Tuesday night was so com plete that Mrs. Lamb wanted to know If they came for milk. Kvery body had a lino time though nnd re Holvedtodo It again to somebody else. K. 0. Pauk. Card of Thanks. The memliers of the undersigned organization desire to extend their sincere thanks to the general public for their patronage and co-operation at the dance given March 6, nnd especially the refreshment committee and those ladles whose donations In the way of luncheon added so much to the success of the event. Pm.NKvn.i.K Band. Now Making Butter. The Pioneer Cream Company is now turning out a first-class ar ticle of butter. They commenced its manufacture the first of the month and are using all the cream they can get. In a letter to patrons Messrs. Cooper & Lafollette say: "Our prices will be governed en tirely by the Portland market. For butter-fat delivered at the creamery in Prineville we will pay 3 cents under the wholesale price of first-grade butter. For instance, the piesent price for butter is 36 cents a pound, hence we pay 33 cents for butter-fat. On the 15th of each month we will pay for the butler-fat received during the pre vious month." The circular goes on to say that "this is an ideal dairy country and it is evident that in the near fu ture Crook county will rank among the foremost producers of dairy products in the West." This assertion can be made a reality only by the co-operation of the farmers of the county. We have the soil, climate, forage crops and herds and all we seem to lack is a little initiative in getting the work started. Those who have milch cows should lose no time in getting in touch with the creamery at Prineville. nm mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President D. F. Stiwart, Vic Pr.tld.nt O. M. Elkins, Caihl.r DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention if Special Session Called. Dr. II. P. Belknap left on today's stage for Salem to attend the special session of the legislature called to meet next Monday, March IS, by Governor Benson. The purpose of calling the extra session is to pass the genera! appropria tion bill for the support of the state institutions, which failed at the regular session because of a detect in the proceedings. It does not appear to be the intention to bring up any new legislation at this special session although there is the probability that several of the bill which were passed by the house and senate and vetoed by Governor Chamberlain, will be passod over the veto, and that some of the laws passed st the regular session which have been discovered to b defective will be remedied. THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember na when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 ft jTTafrITrlrr LTJ1CBER Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON U U. r. Adamson & to - CiBtri Sspplief Unet'i Caa&t DRUGGISTS T Call and get a free sample of Hair Tonic and Dandruff Remedy Removes and prevents Dandruff by apply ing thoroughly to the roots of the hair for two or three days. This is an excel lent remedy for cleansing the scalp of dan druff and producing a healthy condition of the hair. D. P. Adamson & Co, DRUGGISTS New Shoe Styles for Sprieg This week we received a shipment of about 50 dozen pairs of Mayer Shoes in new Spring Cuts, both Oxfords and high cuts; Oxfords in Tan, Ox-Blood and Black. This shipment opens up the best of any lot we have ever received. AH shoes bearing the Mayer brand we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction Jo Eo Stewart l Company's Store Or.