otiiety T7 j ota ran 601 fi r s il SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK: COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1909. VOL. XHI-NO. 13 CifooIiC C J i i f BAND BOYS' DANCE WAS A GREAT SUCCESS One of the Largest and Mcst Enjoyable Ever Given Here Cleared $103.30 for Band. Tho Hand Hoys Ilig K.irn I'ance was no disappointment. All Unit It was heped or expected to hen an Diijynlil rorinl event and fin nneinl mireeim f r the hem-fit of the land wan actually realised. The lu rgpnt and ih'kI tialund crowd that Ii.k ever I een at a dartre in I'rinevilU attended and tripped t lie light liintaMic ton from 8:-"i0 p. tn. until Into into tlm niht, n rcore of couple continuing tint dance until :.'S0 tlm ix xt morning, and tlit declaration made by every one attending in th.it it wait the bent dance ever pivct) in tlm city. A a remit tho until k u hi of l().'!.;!0 now repo-e in tho lank p.iyahlo to the order of the I'line villo Hand, after nil rx'H-uaeii amounlinn to over $Hl) hud l--en paid. One hundri-d and forty eit'lit nuiiihera were rold and in tint neighborhood of l.r) people ate lunch. Tho hall wur decorated by count lesa phieurdii ruHpcndi'il on cordri Inuring mottoes sm iiml other wise, ads f.ir the tow tit-people and up-to-date j lin. Thice furnished no Kiimll hit of aioUM'lneiit for the company. When the curtain went up fur tho fcrai.d mnrcli the hand (Uncovered in a barnyard creue, all the tue'iihrrii ni:ii-ked and arrayed in typical hayseed costume. The band rendered t-everal dance selec tiona and was aucccetlcd by Mor pin's erchct.tra of nine piece?. Never wm tin' music of the orches tra better than that played fur the dance lust Friday, in what the dancer are till xayiti;. At about 11 o'clock the luncheon wan served on large tables arranged on tho back of tlm stnep. Ami what a luncheon it wa. Tho pen erou ladies of I'rii.'evillo hud done their very bent the clioicet of salad, delicious a nil withe.", the daintiest cake, and coffee that was a fine an nectar. Tho ladies of the city have placed the band boy under ft lasting obligation for their service in preparing and M-rving this elegant little upcr, and when the opportunity arrive for the band to return the favor in any manner poible, it can afely he ttid that they will not bo found wanting. I. U. I'oindi-xter was bend floor mnniippr, and with hi able lieu tenant kept thine moving lively. There was no tlrBj, no delay it was a lime when everyone feeined to have cat-t care to the wind and went in to have a good lime and they had it. It i not just that thin matter should bo pnsfei over without giv ing credit for this big success where it i duo. All rnendier of tho band have htlH'd Home, but the planning and airanping of the big event devolved largely upon Mr. l C. Morgan. Then, too, Misses Kffa Dobbn, Iva I loot h and Frieda Lippman, who canvaed the town for the luncheon, nro de n rviner of much credit beside all Uiom kind ladie who baked, and mixed, and served the luncheon. SEEK TO REFER DEER ORDINANCE Referendum Petition Signed But Not Filed OLD ORDINANCE CAUSES HALT But Council May "Back Pedal" and Draw Up New Ordinance to Fit the Requirements This week a petition addressed to City Kecorder (?. 1.. Shattuck asking for Ihe referendum of the city ordinance passed by the coun cil March 2 restricting the lale of near l-ver and regulating card and billard hall, which appears below in full, was circulated among the voters of the city aod about 40 signatures secured. The petition asks that the ordinance be sub mitted to the voters at the regular By SJ1 .Expres 1 mmrm luesant amcm Laclieg Suits Each one a beauty--rcprcsenting the season's newest shades and patterns Visit our suit department and get prices Spring Dress Goo O.S Dress Ginghams 12 1 -2c and upwards best values and prettiest patterns we have ever had. CJJust take a look at our new Scotch and Zephyr Ginghams, new mercerized goods including Silks, Taffettas and Pongees. J Do not overlook our Dress Ginghams at 15c. tj Special line containing 25c patterns at 16 2-3c. Thirty New Styles in Woolen Dress Fabrics Offer you the opportunity for an exclusive pattern. We will reserve your selection (if?fNI Eiffel r I i Mi? 'mm Hosiery Closing Out Fleece-lined Cotton Hose Lot 3150, reg. 20c now 2 pairs for 25c Lot 7360, reg, 35c, now, pair 25c Lot 3170, out-size, reg. 40c, now pair . . . 27c The New Waists Have Arrived Beautiful lines at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 New Net Waists long sleeve, $3.50 nmmW Special-TnrkisSi Towels Regular 20o vuluo at, each 15c Extra heavy towel, each 25c Our special towel 3 for $1.00 Largo buck towel, each 15c Sheets and Pillow Cases Sheets 72 x 90 inches, regular 85c, at each 70c Tillow Slips 42 x 38 inches, per pair 45c Special prices on sample line of Infants' Long Dresses and Flannel Petticoats During this month fJ! Ht tf'l 1M, S Emroeres ALL GOLF GLOVES r .. TO MAKE ROOM FOR one-third off. PRINENiLLE'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE new lot-i-4 off cily election to be held next December. But the petition baa not yet been filed with the recorder and it may never be filed. The case brings op a rather interesting development. In the event of the petition being filed it suspends the new ordinance until after tne election in December at least. But the new ordinance repeals the old one, which provides for the payment of a $500 license fee, and in cafe the new one is not in effect, the old one is, and those who want to sell near beer would have to pay f 500 annually for the privilege. The report is current about town that the council is considering the plan of enacting a new ordinance to take the place of the one given below, which will permit the sale of near beer under a license of about $100 annually, but no in formation from an authoritative source can be had on this point. As it is the several drink coun ters in town are selling near beer, it being the understanding that thirty days of grace will be allowed in order to give them a chance to dispose of the stock on hand at the time the ordinance was passed. The ordinance under discussion follows. The other new ordinance regulating the dog tax will be found on the fourth page. MONEY FOR THE THIRTY ROAD DISTRICTS IN COUNTY Table Showing Assessable Values, Road Tax and Amount Available to Each This Year ; ) ! t The following table shows the total arcount of taxable-' f roperty In eaeh road district, the amount of road tax and the amount' available nndor the Rtatute (50 per cent) for nee by the road Buptrvisor of each district. Each road district ia allowed 2 mills of the assessable proporty of the district for road purposes. These figures were taken from the 1903 tax roll : . Total tax able Road Amonnt Road Dietrict property Tax ' "Available No. 1 FrinevUle tM3,.1!3 00 L... " 2 Ireland 971. (KM 00 $I942 05 !I71 00 " 3 I'-end . 72,7) 00 145 50 72 78 " 4 Montgomery 5X5,505 00 vn nn , qa no 6 Itlack Butte 779,44 0O. 1558 00 779 45 6 Havntack.. 7 McKay. 8 Havcreck . " 9 Willow Creek... " 10 Cross Keys " 11 Aghwood. " 12 Iteschutes 113,433 00. 22,910 00 m.i 53 00 128.449 00 77,34 00 402,848 00 (43,4t'i 00 118,010 00 . 220 85.... .459 88 " 13 Johnson Creek " 14 Mill Creek " 15 Howard " 1 Summit 228.0H5 00 " 17 Bear Creek 21,7C7 00 ' 18 ('amp Creek.. " 19-Hardin 411.102 00 .. 1W,512 00 " 20 Reaver " 21 Maury " 22 Newsom " 23 Kut her " 24 Breesp " 25 Powell Buttes. " 27 Redmond " 28 Laidlaw " 29 Lamonta. " 30 Lyle Gap 102,314 00 . 28'J,iM9 00 283H317 00, 115,338 ()0 178,300 00 104.010 00 81,074 00 52,512 00 00,954 00 198,70 00 83,252 00 15,501 (W..., 113 42 229 C4 96 15 128 4 5 77 85 , 402 85 643 4ti 118 00 . 411 20 . W 50 228 05 . 283 70 . 102 30 . 289 95 , 283 33 230 (i5 115 32 .192 90. 25H M....i. 154 70 .. 805 70 i..; 12HU 92 235 00 822 40 333 00 45 10 507 40 204 60 679 90 5it 65 350 80, 328 00.. 1(52 15...... 105 00 121 90 397 56 ; 50 31 00 178 40 164 00 81 07 62 60 60 95 198 78 83 25 15 50 Ordinance No. 169. An ordinance concerning, regulating, and restraining minors, pool rooms, billard rooms, card tablss, cards, gam ing, tobacco, spirituous, malt, and vinous liquors, and providing for the puniehment thereof. The people of the city of Prineville, Oregon, do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to deal, play or carry on, open or cause to be opened, or who shall conduct eithrr as owner, proprietor, or employee, whether for hire or not, any game of faro, monte, roulette, rouge-et-noir, lansquenet, rondo, vingt-un (or twenty one), poker, draw poker, brag, bluff, thaw, tan, tan tan, fin-tan, Klondike, or any banking or other game played with cards, dice or other means, w hethei the same be played for money, checks, credos, treats, or any other representative of value, within the city of Prineville, Oregon. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to give away, barter, sell or dispose of in any manner, any spirituous, malt, or vinous liquors within the city of Prineville, Oregon, provided that thiH section ehall not be so construed as to prohibit the sale of pure alcohol for scientific and manufacturing pur poses, or wines to church officials for sacramental purposes, nor alcoholic stimulants as medicine in cases of actual sickness, but such stimulant shall only be sold upon the written prescrip tion ot a regular practicing physician, dated and eigned by said phvsician, and certified, on bis honor, that he, the physician, has personally examined the applicant, naming him, and that he tinda him actually sick and in need o the stimulant prescribed as a medicine ; tnat no person snail more than once on said prescription nor shall any person do iermittea to sell at all on a pres cription wnicn is not dated, signed, and certilied as herein .equiret). That every person selling such stimulant upon the prescription herein provided for shall cancel such prescription bv en dorsing thereon the word "cancelled," and the date of cancellation, and shall tile the same away. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent one registered pharmacist selling such alcoholic liquors to another registered pharmacist. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, as owner, man ager, em p!oyee, clerk or waiter, of any room, rooms, buildinz or other place, in which pool tables, billard tables, and tables used or kept for plaviug cards, pool or billards, within the City ot Prineville, Oregon, to allow any minor in or about such room, rooms or build ing. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to sell, barter, give or in any manner furnish to any minor any tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes in any form, or any compound in which tobacco forms a component part, within the citv of Priiieville. Oreson. l" . : x i. i l . ....... 1 r DCVUUU Ui il tJMUU UO UUIUHIUI 1UI any minor to smoke, chew, or in any way use any ciijar, cigarette, or tobacco in any form within the city of Prineville, Oregon. Section 6. It shall be unlawful tor anv minor to loiter in or about any room, rooms, or buildings which is used in whole or in part for playing pool, billards or cards within the city of Prineville, Oregon. Section 7. Any person or persons upon being couvicte:! before tlie Re corder's court of the cit- of Priiieville, Oregon, of the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinan:e shall be lined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be im prisoned in the citv jail not less than two days nor more than thirty days, or by both such tine and imprisonment at tho discretion of the court. That in default of payment of any tine imposed under the proviEions ot this ordinance such person so defaulting shall be im prisoned in the city jail for one day for each two dollars of such Sue, but such imprisonment shall not exceed thirty days. Section 8. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, be and the same is hereby re)aled. Section 9. That this ordinance shall be in full force and t.Tect from and after being approved by the Mavor. Passed the council of the city of Prine ville, Oregon, after the third reading thereof, this 2 day of March 1909. Approved March 2, 1909. I). F. Stewart, Mayor. Attest: C.L. Shattdck, Recorder. County court met March 3rd. Preaent Judge Elli, CorumiHsioners Bayley and Rice, Clerk Brown and Sheriff Elklns. The resignation of John Lewia aa Justice of the pence for Grizzly precinct was accepted and L. H. Hamilton nppointed in hie stead. The petition of J. Alton Thompson et al for county road was continued to the May term lor waut of bond and affidavit of posting notices. The petition of E. W. Richardson et nl for county road was filed. Bond for $200 filed and approved; notices duly posted. Viewers or dered to view out, review and sur vey said proposed road and for that purpose are to meet at the beginning of said road on March 24, 1909, and that due report lie mnde thereon at the May term thereof. The petition for country roud of F. A. Shink et al was continued until the May term for want of affi davit of posting notices. The petition of D. A. Yates et al for county road was placed on file. Bond for 200 approved; aflidavit of posting filed. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of said proposed road on March 22, 1909, vlewout and survey said road and report thereon at the May term of this court, v Affidavit of wrongful assessment of W. J. Johnson was placed on file. Certificate of Sheriff that, he had allowed W. J. Johnson I10.S5 on the roll of 1908 for property not owned. The Clerk is hereby directed to credit sheriff on the roll of 190S with said tlO.85. The town plat of Paulina filed by Charles Altschul was rejected because plat does not conform to statute. The petition of L. F. Kelley et al for couuty road received. The matter was continued to the May term for want of bond and public notice. The petition for damages for wrongful survey by John Y. Todd was received. Upon opinion of of District Attorney Wilson, dated Feb. 23, 1909, the prayer of the peti tion of said John Y. Todd is hereby disallowed. Owing to the removal from the county of C. H. Foster, justice of peace for Black Butte precinct, upon petition David A. Bowman was ap pointed to fill the vacancy. A vacancy beinir caused by O. V. Stiles, justice of the peace, moving away from Laidlaw precinct, Fred N Wallace Is hereby appointed justice of the peace for said Laidlaw precinct. Upon petition leave is hereby given the Farmers' Independent Telephone Co. to construct and maintain a telephone line upon and along the Ovid W. B. Riley road from Laidlaw, Ore., to the city limits of Bend, Ore gon; said line to be at least 20 feet lu height wherever the same crosses the publie highway, and shall not interfere with any line now in opera tion or hereafter constructed on said route. Upon affidavit of Dwight Roberts, corroborated by the affidavit of D. C. Jenkins, supervisor, that the con ditions relative to the fencing aud opening of said road have beeu fully compiled with, said Dwight Roberts road Is hereby declared a publie high way. " ' ' A communication was received calling attention to the condition of the Kirk Whited road. Clerk directed to forward same to the road supervisor of the Redmond district. The resignation of P. Chitwood as road supervisor of District No. 9 was accepted. The resignation of J. E. Roberta a road supervisor of District No. 17 (Bear creek) was received and accepted. Austin Klzer was ap pointed in his stead. The petition for county road by E. J. Clark et nl was continued until the May term for want of posting legal notice. . , The petition for county road by Dan Burris et al was continued to the May terra for want of posting legal notice. The petition for county road by J. C. Tullar et al was continued to May term tor want of due notice. The petition for change In county road by Agusta Fullerton was con tinued to May term for amended aflidavit as to when notice was posted. ' '' Petition for county road by E. A. Gillette et al received and filed. Petition signed by about 77 peti tioners. Bond for flOO with W. F. Thomas, J. P. Sumner, W, R. Mc Farland and J. B. Brown filed and approved. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road on March 16, 1909, viewout, review and survey same and report to this court at the next term thereof. It Is further ordered, by agreement of' petitioners, that assistants for said work be selected from the petitioners, who agree in open court to serve. without cost or expense to the count-. The surveyor's aud viewers' re port on the Harold Baldwin county road was approved aud road de clared a public highway and super-, visor ordered to open same and that he request petitioners to work ono day each on said new road. . The surveyor's and viewers' report on the Win. Brownhill county road was approved except as to the pay ment to Lyle & Brown and as to that part further action is continued to the May term hereof. . , The semi annual reports of the Couuty Clerk, Sheriff and county 1 treasurer, from Oct. 1, 1907, to. Oct, 1, 1908, were approved as apparently correct and ordered filed. 1 The expert's reports on county ij books was approved aud ordered ' tiled. I The resignation of Dr. David Hill f as justice of tho peace for Ireland 1 precinct was accepted, bonds re-1 leuseu uuu ueurge . aiy uppoiuieu 5 of the peace for as justice 01 the peace for said 1 precinct. - . . - lu tho matter of the construction of a bridge over the., Deschutes river iu Ireland precinct. It Is ordered S that said bridge: be constructed substantially upon the direct east and west Hue; that said bridge lie built of lodgepole pine as far as possible and R. H. Bayley Is hereby requested to take charge of same aud build bridge by day's work and that work thereon bo deligently prosecuted as soon as the condition of the weather and river warrant. In re expenditure of 50 per cent of general road fund under statute. It being the desire of the majority of the County Court that Commissioner R. II. Bayley take general ehargo of the expenditures of 50 per cent of the general road fund, as provided by statute, and the said R. II. Bayley having evidenced his will ingness to accept said work, It Is hereby ordered that the said R. H. Bayley be given general charge, under the Instructions of this court, of the direct expenditure of said 50 per cent of the general .. road fundof Crook county, Oregon, forthecurrent year, and that he be paid the legal Continued on pnge4. .... . t .... v.fc. f''-