Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 04, 1909, Image 3

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Oliver Chilled & Steel Plows
We are prepared to close out our line of Sulky,
Gang and Wallcing, steel and chilled Oliver Plows
without regard to cost. -
We have a full line of repairs and extra parts for all Oliver Plows, which
will be closed out at a bargain price.
Sharpies Cream Separators
No. 2, for 300 Lbs
No. 3, for 400 Lbs
5 Gallon Milk Cans
Big Variety Bulk Garden Seeds
We have the cleanest Dry Land Utah
Alfalfa Seed in town; also best Timothy
Mammoth Red, Alsyke and Red Top
Clovers and Field Peas. Special orders
taken for large quantities
I. II. Km of Post spout the first
of thu week In tli city.
J. K. Iteod wits over from Rend on
business liiHt Htiturdny.
JS Myrtle Wlnilom of Culver In
In tijwn the guintof her sister MiiM.
I. Chit wood, road siqsTvIsor for
tho UrUily district, was In town
Joint Hoffman, nr., of Madras.
rHiii) up to Prlncvlllo. tin- Inst of tin"
V. I. Vnndorvert of Bond wnw In
Prliicvllle the Inst of the week on
Ed well F. cooper, of UrUsly, spent
Friday In I'rlm-villi-. nttoullntf to
IkihIui'hm uml tern.
County Commissioners Jnme Rice
of llnyereck nml It. II. Biiyley .f
Uildlnw nre lu town attending tin
regular tiTiti of county court.
J. C. ItolilitHon of Mm! rim made a
flying trip to Prlnovllle Tuesday
bringing Mn. Unteiidorf to the, city
where olio will receive medical tivat
ment. J. U Smith of Paulina passed
through l'rlnevUlo Wednesday with
a tltu bunch ofenttlo on the wny to
Ktmnlko. Helms 171 head and get
93.10 for Khiiulko delivery.
W. F. Klnir him gone to Portland
for tin absence of probably several
weeks. Mr. King Is nthiclod with a
growth forming on one of IiIh knee
nml I uiit gone to the city to have the
limb treated. Tim case Ih not n
serious olio. Mix Edith King ac
companied her tntlier.
A delegation of residents from near
Lower Bridge tire In town this week
on business iK'fore the county court
In regard to the county taking over
n portion of the old military wagon
road went of the IVschutes nnd mak
ing It n county road, changing the
route somewhat ho no to avoid
heavy grades nnd In order to keep
the road lu repair. Among thetn
are Johnnie Howard, Sid West,
Nick Lambert nnd Jerry Gros.kruger.
Willie Gibson nnd Miss Rose Gibson,
no relationship liy tho way, were
married Inst Sunday afternoon
February 2S, 11)00, at about 1 o'clock,
at thu houip oi Columbus JoIiiihoii In
PtinovUlo, lie v. 0. A. Uwellen of the
M. K. Church otlliintlng. Thegroom
Ih the hoii of HI nun Gibson, the well
known rancher, nnd the lirldo Ih a
popular young hcIiooI teacher. The
happy eonplo will reside nt the
Hiram (Upton ranch on tho Shnnlko
road, where the groom hits business
Interests with his father.
John D. Brown and Melvln (Illicit
drove lu from Haystuck Tuesday.
Collide Stroud went to Ileud Mon
day tifternoou an a hort btiHlueMH
W. A. Ilooth Ih back nt IiIh work lu
the Crook County Hank, after ti long
Mrs. II. II. WIiimIow depnrted
Monday for a vllt with relative nt
A. II. Llppnian returned home the
Hint if the week from IiIh trip
throiiKh Wiuliliitfton and Oregon
F. I. Mullhollaud of Crook wiih In
town the flrnt of the week attending
to matters lu connection with milk
ing final proof on IiIh dewrt cUlin.
Will Wnrsweller Murned to I'ort
lulid Sundny. Ilo w an nccompanled
by John Combs, deputy sheriff, who
govs to thu city on a short bimlneH
Jesse Wludoin of Culver the other
day sold the yearling ISelglan
stallion, which was exhibited at the
county fair as asm-king colt last fall,
for IMO.
Judge II. C. Kills arrived Sunday
from iloui) to attend probate court
cases, Monday nnd Tuesday the
regular term of Commissioners'
court oM-nlng on Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. V. West, who
formerly n-shUd ntthe Wg Meadows
above Item!, were, passengers on
Tuesdays stage for the railroad.
They will make on extended visit lu
easleru slates.
J. F. Morris last ' week sold his
young ten m of horses, tine two and
one three years old, ton representa
tive of Itusxeli, the horsebuyer, for
W0. They were taken to Shanlko
for shipment.
Superintendent II. A. Ford returned
last week from his trip In the Mad
ras section where he visited the
several schools and conducted the
educational rally at Madras. He re
ports all the schools making pro
gress. Kugene I.ussler and wife, left Tues
day on their way to l'rlnce ltupert,
It. C. Mr. Lnssler has boon In that
section iH'fore nnd thinks that with
the opening tip of the new towuslte
there In May that that district will
make some, good opportunltes tor
J. S. WIIhoii, of ltoseburg, was in
Prlnevllle this week looking for some
stock sheep which he desires to pur
chase. He did not succeed In finding
any hero for sale nt prices which he
wanted to pay, and expected to go
Into the Mitchell country lu further
, quest of sheep.
Nineteen new iiieinlsTs liavo re
cently Im-oii voted Into the I'nlted
Artisan lodge, lu 1'rltK-vllli-, making
the memlMTshlp 100.
Mrs. Italpll Jordan returned Satur
day from n visit with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Cllne, ut Lower
l'.rldgo. Mrs. Cllne nccoiu panted her
daughter to rrlnevllle and remained
in the city until Tuesday.
Mrs. Thlrzu Itelknap, who has been
residing at Kan Jose, Calif., accom
panied her sou Dr. lVlknap on his re
turn from Kaletu lust week and will
make her linine with the doctor's
family In rrlnevllle fur some time.
J. K. Wilson, uiio has for the past
six months conducted a slus- repair
ing shop In Prlnevllle, will remove to
his former home at Madras shortly
where he has employment In the har
ness shop of Postmaster Fred Davis.
Mr. Wilson has made proof on n
homestead near Madras.
On Sunday, March ltth, IU-v. J.
Anthony Mitchell ot Bend will txcnpy
the pulpit tif the F!rnt Pa-sbytorlan
church, exchanging pulpits with Dr.
DuiiRinoro, who will preach nt Bend
on that tlate. Mr. Mitchell was
formerly pastor of this church, and
bis many friends will be delighted nt
this opportunity of hearing hhn
C. Wnwrlnofsky, a rancher from
the Madras section was In the city
the last of the week. He reports
that farming conditions are very
favorable for a good grain crop this
year, but does not believe that the
acreage, planted Is much greater than
that of last year. There is plenty of
moisture lu the ground at present
aud the young grain Is growing
tieorge Mllllcan was In from Bear
Creek the last of tlie week, lie has
not yet sold his beef cattle. Mr.
Mllllcan reports the killing of three
cougars recently by a resident of
that district. Lust spring the
cougars made considerable havoc
among the colts and calves of the
ranchers there, nnd It would appear
that these animals are getting ready
for operations again this spring.
A. W. (irater this week closed lip
his laundry business in Prlnevllle and
has removed tho machinery used In
the work from the McCallister build
lug to his ranch down the Ochoco.
Mr. (irater intends to devote his
time to practice of Ills vital healing
treatment and leaves Saturday for
Bend to spend six weeks with
patients there. On his return to
Prlnevllle lie will open tin otllce.
L. H. Logan returned from the
ru II road on today, s stage.
L. A. Booth returned home today
from a business trip to Portland.
Miss Olive and Hazel Blair of
Youngs were In the city this week.
Warren Brown, county clerk re
turned Weduesday from a visit to
Portland. Hlllsboro, Walla Wulla
and The Dalles.
The new apportionment of state
taxes requires Crook county to pay
13.fiN2.50. Assessor Lafollotte says
this Is nn even thousand dollars less
than the levy called for Is fore the
change was uinde, which means
10(K) Hiived for the county to use nt
At the First Presbyterian church
next Sunday morning. Dr. Dunsmore
will deliver the second of the series
of sermons on "Bunynn's Pilgrim's
Progress", Evening service nt the
usual hour 7.-W, follow ing the meet
ing of Christian Endeavor which
liKfts nt 6.30. Everybody cordially
Carnation Chapter No. 41, O. E. S.,
Is planning for nu observance of the
anniversary of the' organization of
the local chapter on March?". This
will lie the 13th nnniversary. The
function will probably Ik- n joint one
with the Masonic brethren and mnyl
Include a banquet, but ut any rate
an elaborate program is being pre
E. C. Iloeser, representing (ilass &
Prutlhomme, of Portland, is in the
city, conferring with the county
court on the selection of otllce
supplies and furniture nnd fixtures
for the new court house. E. 1).
Payne of the Davis Safe & Lock
Company, is also here on the snme
mission, but nothing definite lins
boon done by the court toward
granting a contract for the furniture
and fixtures.
The Shu-ml-a Club met with Mrs.
C. W. Elklnslast Saturday afternoon
Roll call was responded to by
quotations from George Washington.
Mrs. Pearl Knylor presented n paper
dealing with current events, and
each member contributed quotations
from Longfellow. Miss Catharine
Conway snug "The Bridge" ns her
contribution on this part of the
program. Mrs. C. I. Whiuek read n
review of the current novel, "Peter".
For entertainment a fruit guessing
game was arranged lu rebus form.
Three of the ladies. Miss Parrott,
MissConwny nnd Mrs. Rosenberg
tied for the first prize and Mrs.
Roseuberg won by lot. Mrs. C. A.
Ly tie secured the consolation prize.
Lemon sherbet was served.
Alex Macintosh of Buplce has re
turned homefroma vlsltnt Portland.
Charley Durbln, the Antelope
sheepman, was in Prlnevllle on
business the last of the week.
Reuben Rootencame in last Thurs
day from his home nt Post to spend
a few days visiting with friends in
R. Perry Long, who has leon
spending some time at Portland and
hhnnlko, arrived from the latter
place on Monday's stage.
Everything is In readiness for the
Band Boys dunce tomorrow night
nt P. A. A. C. hull. The committee
having in hand thu matter of secur
ing donations for tlie luncheon met
with such success that they only
found it necessary to make a partial
canvass tif the town when more
good things were donated than
could lie used. Many tickets have
already been sold and the reports
from outside neighborhoods Indicate
that the crowd of dancers lu atten
dance will be a record breaker.
M. R. Biggs arrived home today
from Portland where he went to dis
pose of bis 1300 head of mutton sheep.
The Priscllla Workers will give
their fair on April 17, 1W)0. They
will have fancy and useful articles
for sale, and serve refreshments
from the booths. The assistance
and patronage of all is earnestly re
quested. The fire companies of the local
department held their regular meet
ing this week. After all the expenses
of the annual ball were pnid there
were net receipts amounting to $102,
which will be divided between the
At the First Methodist church next
Sunday jnorulng the subjift will be,
"Every Christian a personal worker
for Christ." The subject for the
evening will Is?, "The deeds of a man
lives after him; or how much of the
real Christ was killed on the cross?"
Sunday school service at 10 o'clock,
and Epworth League at 7.30 p. m.
Every member of the church Is re
quested to be present at the 11 o'clock
service as important business will be
explained at the close.
Wm. Brownhlll of Youngs Is la
town today.
Born At Saratoga, Calif., Feb. 1C,
to Mrs. Grace Belknap Smith, a son.
The annual Easter Fair of the
Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodist
Church has been set for April 2d and
3d. They are planning to eclipse all
former efforts aud solicit a generous
patronage. It will be held In the
sample room of the Prlnevllle Hotel.
John Alden Seabury, the famous
walk artist, returned from a trip to
Portland the first of the week and
has gone with his family to Astoria,
where It is understood he has em
ployment on a newspaper. He
stated that he had been granted a
six-months leave of absence from his
L. Comlni, of The Dalles Marble
Works, Is In Prlnevllle today, lie
was in Lamonta section on business
aud came over to see the new court
house, which he thinks Is a beauty.
Mr. Cominl formerly resided here and
says that he discovered the quarry
from which the stone used In the
construction of the local buildings Is
Hiker & Croik biru TV A 1 O f Muical IutmaU
D. r. Aaamson & Lo
Cunert Soppliei , Lcwaey'f Caafc
Before buying a Violin, Man
dolin, Banjo, Accordion or Har
monica call and inspect our stock
A 1
on & Co.
eThe place to save money in all lines
Dry Goods, Furnishings, Shoes, Groceries, Shelf Hardware. ' Everything
in Bulk and Package Garden Seeds. Agents for the U. S. Cream Separator