HAVING LOST THE AGENCY OF THE Oliver Chilled & Steel Plows Si 40 We are prepared to close out our line of Sulky, Gang and Walking, steel and chilled Oliver Plows without regard to cost. We have a full line of repairs and extra parts for all Oliver Plows, which will be closed out at a bargain price. r" NO. 40 CHILLED NO. 11 SULKY Sharpies Cream Separators No. 2, for 300 Lbs No. 3, for 400 Lbs 5 Gallon Milk Cans w. F. KING PRINEVILLE, OREGON Big Variety Balk Garden Seeds We have the cleanest Dry Land Utah Alfalfa Seed in town; also best Timothy Mammoth Red, Altyke and Red Top Clovers and Field Peat. Special orders laKen lor large quantities IB LOCAL MENTION J. C. Price (if Nulciii U here thin week the guest ot friend. Mm. H. llooten of Post It) visiting mUIi friends In town thin week. K, 8. Hoffman returned home Mon day from a business trip to Portland. Hlsllop rillldlK k Ill-Ill Anil Wednes day service at the M. I'.. Church last evening. Colhurn Mti'hcrson, the stockman wan In from hi homo nt Haycreek Monday. Itoy mid Charlie Powell of Moro, were In thin section thin week visit ing relatives. 1 The Window Him'IiiI nt the llaptlst church Inst evening netted the Prls- villa Worker $75. Koherta Carey returned Tuesday from n two iiiiiiitU'M vUlt to Port land ami Valley point. County Clerk Warren Hrown de parted Saturday for a ten day' absence at Portland mid other points, T. J. 1'crguson mine In from hi home at Hear Creek Hnndny and ient Monday In town attending to buslm- unit (era. The Journnl Is Just In receipt of a note announcing the birth of twin itlrlMtothewlfiMitl.II. Hudson, at Sisters, January IS. Joseph I .Inter of I'liullna valley linn purchased the Wursweller residence pro.ierty In rrlnevllle and will re move here to live thin full. Mis Verun Howard ha Uen en gaged to teach a term of school In the Clay pool district tip (K'hoco and exMTt to oM'ii school next Monday. There was a new arrival at the home of Mr. mid Mr. M. A. limnn .lanuiiry ill. It wnt a tine girl baby. Mother and child dolus nicely. Mil waukee Itecord. Mrs. Terry I a inn of Powell Unites, who has la-en at the Hotel rrlnevllle for several weeks In order to receive medical treatment, returned to her home hint Tuesday. Henry Cadle left the first of the week for Portland and other valley points. Mr. Cmllu' family In now residing at CorvnlllH where Miss Ituhy Ih attending the U. A. C. Mad ran had another Ore lout Mon day evening, the third within the pant few weekn. The, renldenee occupied by Mr. Culp, the agent for the Wenandy Stage Hue burned with nil the contentn, Mr. Culp being at Bend nt the time. The building was owned by the Orlxxly Lake Lumber Company. Jesse Urater left last week fori hi old home la Iowa. Horn to the wife of J nine McClun, In rrlnevllle Wednesday, February 24, lOOt), a son. Milt Zell han gone to The Dalles to Join his wife, Mrs. Zell having gone there to receive medical attention. William Klllott, formerly of this county, who now reside In the Valley, lias lieen visiting relatives here the pant week. Adrlau Crooks departed today for Portland to resume his work us electrician at Hotel Portland, after a pleanant vlnlt In Prliievllle with relatives and frleudn. Mrs. Ida II. Morso butt Friday evening entertained the Junior Clans of the high school at her home lu honor of her son Clark Morse, who In a iiiciiiUt of that clans. Luther Dlxney of Madron, well known here, has entered the navy and has been anslgned to the "Phila delphia" the same ship with Chnrlle Hummers at the U. 8 Navy yard at Ilrcmerton, Wash. The Inter-soclety declamation con test of the Crook County High School takes place at the P. A. A. C. Hall tomorrow, Friday, evening. Eight contestant are on the program, mid musical selections wilt also be rendered. Johu E. Ityan has bought the ranch of U. F. West at the Iltg Meadows on the Deschutes, fifteen miles south ot Itcnd, which will lie until In connection with hU cattle business. The deal also Included the purchase of Mr. West' timber claim, the whole sum paid being f.'iOOO. Mr. aud Mrs. Oscar Hyde, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1 loner, enter tained their married friends at pro gressive whist at the Hydo home last Friday evening. Ten tables were filled. Dr. L. K. Hudson was awarded first prlxe for the highest nutulier of points, and Carey W. Foster the consolation. Hand wlches, pickles, coffee, cuke aud Ice cream were served. Both houses of the Legislature have panned Senator Merryman's bill ntithorlxlng county courts to provide for the use of leather pouch a ballot boxes. It was explained that In Kastern Oregon and In many remote sections where ballot boxes must lie carried on horseback the ordlnnry Iron ballot box Is In convenient. The leather pouches can be prepared with a slot for Insertion of ballots and will lie more easily carried than the Iron boxes, which were much larger than needed In remote pretinta. LOCAL MENTION his P. II. Hownrd returned to home from Mad run Wednesday. Wlllln W. Urown of Helnler was lu the city this week looking after bunluens. Minn Frieda Llppman entertained a few friends at the Llppman home last evening. Will Wurxweller came down from Paulina, Wednesday, where he has been attending to the adjustment of affairs In connection with the Miller mercantile company. K very thing Is now satisfactory and the firm Is do ing bunluenn as uhiiiiI. The subject for the morning service at the Flmt Methodist church Sun day, tho i!Nth. will lie, "The Fruit of the Spirit." The one for the even Ing will lie, "Excuses, or the reasons men give for uot accepting Christ." Sunday school nt 10 n. in. and Ep worth Iseiigue at O.:i0 p. in. Henry Llnnter, of Ilend was In town last Friday on business. Mr. Llnnter In fitting up a planing mill to dress the lu m Iht saved from lit stock when his sawmill burned nt llend some time ngo, and wilt also oK'rnte a feed crusher and pumping plant In connection with It He says he will not rebuild the sawmill. Thomas S. Kogers, who owns the gypsum deposit at Bear Creek has returned from a trip to Portland on bunluens connected with the mine. Mr. Rogers states that he has In tern sted parties lu the proerty and that active work on the property will probably lnj commenced In the spring, but no definite announce. incuts can be made now. Iseo Lafollelte and S. It. Cooper ot the Pioneer Cream Compauy, are sjendlng the week nt Redmond, Sinters and other points lu the In terest of securing butter fat for their Prluevllle creamery. Progress Is re ported along this line and there ap pears to lie little difficulty In getting the ranchers Interested lu supplying cream. 1 heir Creamery will lie own for business on Monday next, and they will begin receiving cream at that time. Willis W. Brown of Helnler was lu town Tuesday. He has delivered Ave car load of prime beef cattle at Shaulko for the Union Meat Co" of Portland. The cattle ranged better than 1300 lb?, nnd brought 4 cents. Mr. Brown has fed about 300 head this season, nnd will sell tho balance later on, when he expects a good deal better price. Prices for beef are ou the rnlHo, and some have already Iveen contracted for Aurll delivery at 5 cents. Madras Ploueer. . L. A. Booth left on today's stage for a short business trip to Portland. Be sure and attend the public re ception to lie given Bishop Paddock at the P. A. A. C. hall this (Thurs day) evening. The bishop will talk on his travel In foreign lands. Everybody cordially Invited. Peter Marnuch was up from Mad ras Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition to his own Percheron stnlllon Pete now has charge ol the big Belgian recently purchased by n company composed of Opal Prairie farmers from A. C. Iluby & Co. George P. Elliott and Mlns Bertha Hegnrdt were married at IU-dinond last evening. Mlns Hegnrdt has In-en teaching school In the county for several months and the bridegroom has a good ranch near Redmond. They will lie nt home to friends after the first of March. Miss Efta Dobbs has the huik'iIii tendency of the work of preparing the luncheon for the Band Boys Barn Dnnce March 5. Anyone who has any contributions to make In the way ot sandwiches or cake will greatly assist by informing her by telephone or otherwise. About ten days ago t!. Springer discovered In the neighborhood of Trail Crossing some bones thought to lie those of a human Ixing, Indica tions being that they had lain to the weather for a dozen years or more. The county authorities were not! lied nnd Coroner J. A McCnll, of Sinters who was lu 1'rlneville ut the time the report came went to make an Investi gation. So fur us learned there Is no certainty that the bones were those of a man. Dog Tax Ordinance Only Likely One At the next regular meeting of the city council March 2 there will probably bo consideration ol an ordinance regarding the doz tax quehtion, but this ia not definitely announced, it mere is to be any oilier city Jeaielation. us nature can not be learned at this time. Marshal Wade Huston ia in terested in the paf-sage of a Jaw that will enable the city to better control minors with rer?pect to their spending their evenings about town when they ought to be at home attending to their school studies. The curfew ordinance provides that all children under 18 years ehall be eff Wie etreets after the curfew rings at 7 o'clock, but this measure is easily Bide stepped by the boys going to the billiard hulls and other places that are deemed injurious to their develop ment into useful citizens, and to their school studies. The marshal wants an ordinance making it un lawful for minora to frequent these amusement joints. This yiew of the matter is also strongly favored by the principals and teachers of the high school and public schools, but there is nothing certain about these ideas being enacted in the form of an ordinance. Culver Cullings. Several of the Culver young people attended the dance at Madras, Mon day night. Miss Lula Osborn Is spending the early part of the week In Madras visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Howard Turner, who has lieen 111 the past month. Is able to be out again. The teachers of the Culver neighborl hood attended the Educationn Rally at Madras. Friday and Sntnr. day. Mis-l l.oiH (Klmrn vlltsi! In M,i,l. ras Friday and Saturday. Supt. Ford paid a visit to the Culver school Wednesday afternoon. CtLVEHlTK. If von did not cef. nn Itivlt;) tinn tn the Band Bova Itirn Dnnee dnn't stay away on that account. The mailing use was not complete ana it Is impossible to get the name of every dancer. Everybody welcome. Want a Telephone Line. The people In the Ochoco. Mill Creek and Summit Frairle country are requested to come out to a meet ing to be held at the ' Mill Creek School House, Thursday, March 4 at 1 p. m., to discuss way and means of putting In an Independent tele phone line. Everybody come. C. W, Stahb. W. H. Cadi-k. Position Wanted. A bright VOlln? widow with a trirl 11 years old, wants a position; la a fine eeamftresa or honrekeeper; references. Someone in need of heln write ma. Ail. dress lock box 54, Carthage, Mo. For Trees, Shrubs and Vines. P. B. Poindexter in resiilpnt nopnt Inr The Dalles Nursery. See him for Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Plants. 2-ll-4t Estray Notice. There came to my place about a year aeo a 2-year-old red steer, branded VI with bar over on right hip; ear mark crop off right ear and underslope on left. Owner can have same by paying all cwts. . J. Crai. 2 11-lmp Prlnevilie, Or. Gophers, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs annually devastate our fields of growing grain. Their numbers mnv h crpntlo diminished by a systematic warfare upon mem. "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison is tiie most reliable and destructive agent yet devised for their extermination. It is absolutely certain in its action and pvsr, kernel is warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy its strength. It requires no mixing or prenaration. and is alwavs ready for use. No other is so good. Dealers will refund the nureliase if not as claimed Pamphlet free. IIOYT Chkmicai, Co., Portland, Oregon Miller & Crcb K aires School BooLt Camera Supplies Jewelry Will Paper D. P. Adamson DRUGGISTS &Co Matical laatrvsmeati Mlli Lowaey't Cuxliet Stationery Cifart Before buying a Violin, Man dolin, Banjo, Accordion or Har monica call and inspect our stock amson UGGISTS & Co Jo Eo Stewart ok Store f?pThe place to save money in all lines c 3- Dry Goods, Furnishings, Shoes, Groceries, Shelf Hardware. Everything in Bulk and Package Garden Seeds. Agents for the U. S. Cream Separator