Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 11, 1909, Image 3

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Ml mm Hi'umIc (,'inlil nt I'nulliia It In
thetlly this wk'
HI'diTK has organized iv ('oiiimcr
cinl Chili Willi minuter iiiriiibci'uhlp
.f -:.
I. V. Ward relumed friiiii Portland
Wednesday, where lm has liirn for
MTIll IllilUtll.
J A. Mi i, ire lift, mi today stage II.hmI Illver for u May of a
m iltil nl weeks.
Tin' iiiiiiiimI Hrciunii Hull I'
morrow night I'lldiiy I '!. II, lit
I'ltlixlox tfi'M rluk. The bl,c thiiironf
I lid yclir.
I'. H. Dayton ami V. I'. rinni,
llllllllM'llt hllslllOH lllcll of l.iildlnw
h x-ii I several l!ll,H III I'l'liHvlllc
during tin' week.
County Judge It. C. I.HIw passed
through town Sniiilay on hi way
to The Dalles, whim his father Ih
COIllllli'd III llli' hospital. '
Mrs, I.lllliiu Watts iiiul MIhm
Myrllicuu C, Taylor lire nuiniig tin1
teachers from tin1 Ma it ran wftlim
nlti'lnlltig tin- examinations Iwlng
lirlil IIiIh m ih I;.
A bnXlllg exhibition l scheduled
for tonight III tin- MrCiilllsler Imllil.
Ina; Is'tweeti Stanley Mot t in unit
Dick Li in jr. two preliminary bunts
to prcri'ilit Ha' main event.
Jiune Alli'il writes front the (It mil
Kaiiiarltau Hospital In I'orllaml
w hero hi- has been fr trvatiiii'iit,
that he Is Improving and hope to
return to Prliievllle by March 1. '
C, D, Drown states that tin' llend
lWiIld I making good progress lit
present under tin- leadership of I', P.
Smith. Several hew lnt riiincnts
l v im w mi I lie wav. Iiiul tin' tuml'
IH'hhiiii'II of the town have subscribed
aliniit (K) per tit. mt li for tlic support
nt tin' bund.
l' Mayor Will Wumvi-llor bus
been appointed receiver by I In
Merchants Protective Assts-hitl'ili of
Poriluud to take charge of the
general iiicrehandUo slmk of L. M.
Miller & Co , at PitiiHitii, wliirli linn
lin lu-i'ii declared bankrupt. Mr.
Wureli-r lum gone to raiiltiia to
tnki' over I In' business.
Tin1 warrant have been attached
to tin' tin ri. IN iiiul llii' sheriffs
ulliee In now ready lo receive pay.
liii'ilt of tuxes. Statements are bib g
mailed to the taxpayer n fast i
they ran In'' out Iiiul tin' tick
of collecting tin1 money I wt-ll under
way. Wlilliilti Johnson ha ci in
plcleil hi Work of extending tilt'
rnlN mid placed tin Ixiukri In tl i'
hand of tilt' sheriff.
lleoige V. MiT'nt'hiud wan over
from Sisters Monday nt tending to
hulsne mat lor. Wlilk' hero Mr.
Mcr'urlund lial roiifcivnce with
Messrs. Cooper and l.iifiilleite. who
expect to ojifii a creamery business
lii-ri' Homi mid htattl Hint tin'
rmii'lu'rH In tin' Slntt-rH mTtlon woulil
luiTfan' tliflr proilurlloii of iTtiilii
tu fiiw tliu cnuipaiiy Ihto foiilil
arraiit' to haiulU' It for tliriu.
At llii' lat n jitilar nii-rtliiK of tin'
LailU'M Annex It wan tlivMi-tl tofiun
pli'tely r. n ivate the fluli roonw nl
I'. A. A. t hull iiiul tin' work Ih lie
liiirttoite tliln wtfk. In roiiw ijueiiii'
of which Hi" cluli Ih i-lowil. All of
llie rooniH will he i'i'pa'fi-t"l mill re-
paluteil iiiul otlierwlHt' iiiaile attnii'
1 1 vi', tin' I'xpeiiHt' of thin Imiirove
innil to 1 1' met. with fuiiil.i fn in the
Annex tie.ifury. Mana.lni'H for the
reailhw rutim xmti' also orileivil for
the year.
lllHhop lloliert L. I'liiMoi K of the
KpUeopal IMoeeHi' of OlVtfiill Ih v
pei'teil to nrrlvo In l'llnevlllo on
Wi'ilni'Milay l' ami will liohl wrviYi'H
In tin' MethoillHt I'htiiTll that t-veli-lu
On ThurHilay evening n pulillo
rmiitloii will lie lielil at thf 'luli
roonm In liU honor, at w hleh tlnm
he will npeakoii lilntraveU In Turkey,
HuhhIii, Kitypt anil other fori'ljra
riitint rii h. On Krlilay cveulnn the
:.'!! h will iiBiila liohl hoivUxh at the
MethoillHt rhurth. Kveryom.' cnr
tllallv In it i'il to nil of llicHe ineetlngH.
lii'iHiot ter win over from Hlxlem
Mail .ViililtMif Mail ran U la town
IIiIm Wii k.
MIh Nellie 1'arrell of VoliiitfH I
iienillij; the Wriklll I 'li IM-V UU?.
T. M. Ilalilwln retiirneil Iihiiii' Moll
ilay from a IiiihIiii'hm trip to I'orllaiiil.
MUm li Inn Allen of irl..1y Im ut-
teliillliK the telliilllH t'X Hill I lilt t lull III
Amliew Larw-ii, Jr., of Mnlnw Im
III the i lly HiIm Wft k alteiulliijr the
tiaiiieiM I'xaiuliiatloii.
Aloiizo UeMiier, of Salem, a brother
of l"r. Van (ieMiier nriivetl In Trine
villi' luxl Suniliiy, to alteii'l to IhihI-
III'MH lliattl'I'M,
Leo Lllfolletto ret lll'IH i llollli' Kllll
tlny from North Ynkliuii. WiimIi.,
w here lie went to i lone up IiIm IiuhI
lit mm a flu I i h.
I'ori'Ht liiianl Walter MorrU mid
family left M outlay for their lioiui' nt
i'oht, nfler a Mtay of nevera! wii ku
III I'rliievlllt'.
J, If. liilriiiiui, nf The DalleM.
Iiuyer for the 1 uli in Meat Co., nriivetl
Monday and Im looklujr after (lie pur
liiiiiM' of fat MttK'k for IiIm 'oiiiinny.
Will Wnrcw'iiler and mui Arthur
arrived from Portland the flrnt nf
tlic week ami may upeinl neverul
miiutliH In I'rliievlllt' looking after
iiiiHlneHM uffalrM,
L. Zimmerman of Portland, who
liuyM Mtnt'k for the S. S. I'llcUlitf Co.,
of Portland arrived In Prlnevllle
Monday ami Ih lookluir after the pur-
tiiaw nf llvi'Htoek for that roiiccrii.
TleketN for the ilitin mat loll full
t"Ht to Ih' held Pi hruary at the
P. A. A. C hall, will noon Ih on Male
and imiv lie ptmiiuNt'il from any
hljth milt ml Mtildent or liy iipplyliiff
to Die principal.
John It, Lai-key will hold a lilue
rock nliooi next .Sunday nftiTiioon
on the luiHfliull KroliudH Hear Pnlll
deter link. The plan Im to liumn'
hIiIi'm, the IohIiij; Hide to provide for it
linmpiet for nil 'niiiN'tlnj; In the
event. Ill" iicciihIoii promlMeH to
lie an hiterif-tliiK one for thu Kllli
TeacherM exauilnatloll for iitnte
mid i'oii nly paptTM are now umler
wav In the court room III liiarne nf
Snpt. portl, Mrn. C. W. I'lklun and
MIhn ('nra 1'erKiiHon. Seventeen
applleaiilM were prenent at the open.
I utr WeilneMday liioriilui; ami the
work Im pri'KrvHHinu iiivordln to
At tli' 1'liKt PreHliyterlan chtinii
next Sunday monilun Ir. tiiiUMiiiori'
will preHeiit a lillile readlnjr. enpe
dally prepared for theyoiiuuer inein.
lii rn of 1 he ehnreh, whoKe at tendance
In earnextly tlcHlred. The Mtiliject In
the I'veiiltii; will lie "Lot, The Self.
Sit kcr" a eiinlluuatlon of the HerlcH
of M-n.iou-lectureH or liiarmier
MkeitiicH. Pull rfiolr ami oniuftra
at t!n rvt'iiltnr Hci-vlce. The puhllc
are coidlully Invited to nil of thcue
A. Thomtou and Duncan Macleotl
h.ive formed a part liiTMhlp In Un
real entaie ItiiHliii'HM In Portlaiitl,
where Mr. Minieod Iiiih had an oll'ne
opened for the pant month. Mr.
ThoiiiKoi.i cxpeetH to no to Portland
next week and may later remove to
that diy to make liU lioine. He
MldcM real i-Htate they will handle In-
H'lrance. I lieir Hiieciaiiy win nv
w heat anil alfalfa farniw In
Orrln MUIm m In town from Huplci'.
I'rluti" StattM cauii' over from
llelid 'J'lieMilay.
MImm TIIIIh lim it of pal Pralrlu
wiw 111 the city Kuiiilay,
JlM' KllllllKlHl k V. AM 111 toWII
from Minima hint Hiimlay.
William HtH'jtH wan up from the
i'ov. Orchard hint Prldny on IuihI-
C. W. Colby returned Monday
from li liiiHlneMM trip to nutMldi;
A. W. Iloyce, a proinliu nt rancher
from llayMtaik win In town on
IiumIih'MM Weilnemlay.
Harry Wlndoin and Kalph AmiM
troii went vlMlllnjr frleiidM in town
the luxl of the week from Culver.
('. W. I'.lkliiM Mpent M-vt-riil dayM of
IIiIm wwk on a bunlne trip Into the
MoiitlieiiHtern part of tlie county.
Mr. ami Mrn. It F. liiierln came
la from the ranch cant of Iteiul hint
Sunday to Mpend a few dnyii In tow n.
Mr. iiiul Mrn. John Ferj(UMoti were
In town front llend Suinlity. Mr.
I'VrjriiHoti wan on her way to- the
J. II. Cray Iiiih koiic Into the
Culver mid Madnm Mirtloii nil a
IiuhIiii'mm trip ami cxiM-etM to la irone
the jtreuter part of the week.
MlMMt'ora FtTBimon nrrlved from
llend Saturday ami Iuim Imi-ii In the
city nil tliU week tiHMlMtlnjr 8uperlil.
tendeiit Ford cm the lemiiem
exmiiluliiK tmanl.
Conrad StniMMcr and Ib-nry (Jndt
of Mad ran were In PrlnevllU tins hint
nf the week. Mr. (iroli wiih uttend
Injr to the matter of taking out
lluitl dlU'-iiHhlp paperM.
The La dle Aid Stnlety of tho M.
K. I'hunii will hold ait Ranter Fair
In the church on April I) and 10.
Many article of fancy work anil
uootl thlniTN to eat will lie liaccil on
The Hulijirt for the mornliiK nervlce
next Siimlay nt the Flrnt MethodlMt
church will lie "JeMUM an the Lighted
the World'.', the one for the evening
will lie. "Wind Hart Imaetm." The
Sunday miiool at 10 o'clock and
F.pworth Jeiiue at 0:39.
A new Prcchyterlnn uianMe Im to 1m
built In Prlucvllle at an early date
on the church property, Jtint Mouth
of the church building. Thin wiim
fie decUlon reached during tho bint
week, and the Intention Im to In-glii
c iimtriictlnii an noon an poMHlble.
Pay FalrchlldM, a cattle buyer
from I leppner Iiiih Ihi'II lit I'rlnevllle
dtirlnir the iniHt week and Iiiih
bought about five carloadH of beef
cat tie from local grower. Colninbn
JolniHon, Kltl .SteaniH and J. II. Gray
have each Hold him Home cattle.
The regular meeting of the "(1. W.
V." chili wn held at the home of T.
M. Baldwin lant Saturday evening.
Mm. P.itld win HiirprlHt'tl the lucmtier
of the club by unexpectedly UHherlng
lit u number of young gentlemen
friend, lifter which a pleiiHiuit
HtKial evening wiih K iit.
School PlHtrict No. 72, knowu iih
the Keynold ilUtrlct, located near
l'o well Hut ten, at a recent meeting
voted mi IxKtie of bond In the huiu
of I10U0 for the purpone of building u
new Hehool hoiiHe. The Uirectora of
(, . . I till cllntrlct are . W. Keyuold,
The Band Boys' Big Barn
Are yon njr different from th verK K;rnin? Vo you like to live
K'xil t'"1" rriiiiiiilly? Of courwj you do. Therefore don't I
liilnli'Hil into iM-'licviiiij you won't enjoj ' yourwll to the fullent extent
on thin Ofcuiiori, for if you niin it you're bound to regret it
Just stop and consider these facts for a moment
The largest hall in Crook county
The beit floor, waxed to perfection Q
Music by a full brass band; music by a
full orchestra of nine pieces: music by
other well known local talent
Quadrilles galore: waltzes, twosteps,
schottisches, or whatever you want a
plenty and then some
A delicious and appetizing luncheon
Assistant floor managers from each near
by country precinct, who will make it his
business to see that YOU have a good
time, and last of all Some Big Surprises
which we have in store for you. Come,
see and believe
DON'T FORGET THATi The bund boys are clvinn thin ball for
northy purpofe. That the community at larae in indirectly l;nefltl
by the nieces of tlii event. That tho band boy are dewrvinjc of
f'oiir sympathy, you encouragement, your co-operation. That
ittlu antinuni e from you mill make thin musical organisation one of
the beat in Ountrnl Oregon.
WIVES. Come knowing you will have a good time. We know
you will leave more than satisfied
P. A. A. C. Hall -:- Tickets $1.00 -:- March 5
Ticket on Kale at
gar v. w. f.lkixk gw
gar- F 1ST Kit A IIVPK t
gtr W. FltANK l'KTKTT
Knives, Belts
All kinds of sportsmen's
Supplies. Shotgun shells
loaded to order. Powder
shot, shells and reloading
W. F. King
lumen Turner nnd J. I. J mien.
Oregon nnd hoiiii' piod Crook county j
prujwrtit'H n iv iiiri'iuiy iihiou wiih
them, 'l'lit lr olllco Ih at BIO Swetliiml
Mrn. .1. ll.Dclort', who lint Junu.iry.
wiih coimnltii'il to the wtiito lotyhnn,
n brought buck to Frlni'Vlllo hint
t.. . .....l .. .. ..ri.ii r.mi.liliiir ln.rt.
' , , , , Kimlmul enjoying a hfiilthy growth
Hht' Hiiffcri'd nuotlii'rnltm'k ofincntnr ' ' '
Frank Uokiii', of KohIiuhI wan hi
I'rlnt'villo the llrnt of tho week nt
tontllny; to IiunIiickh lnattcrH. Mr.
Boffin; ban Bold out bin Interest In
the inercantllo buinetH there and
Ih nain jrettlnjr a start of cattle ou
IiIm ranch, lie renorta the town of
iilii'i-rallon. In the nbsciuv of Jmle
FIIIh an exauilnatloll wan held before
JtiMtlco of the Peace Ualdi iShari and
on Monday Sheriff F.lkl m took her
to Willow Creek on the. Shanlko
Mtnjte, w here nhe wan taken In charge
by her Hon. Attendant from the
alnte Institution weivat Slianlk to
take her under their care on the re
tutu to S:ilein.
It. L. (Ireene came in from Ash
wood Tuesday, where lie has Just
closed a successful term of school.
He expects to open a term school in
the Dannybrook district In the Ax
handlo neighborhood. While here
Mr. Greene handed the Journal a
well written article on the preven
tion of typhoid fever, whleh will be
published later.
Mlsa Lottie Montgomery the
Faulluii school teacher In In town
taking teachers examination.
Assessor Lnfollette lias Ixm-ii sum
moned to Salem by the secri'tury of
state to attend the meeting of the
state board of equalization.
Dr. Harold Clark, who now
makes his home on a homestead lu
the Haystack rccton, was In town
this week slinking bands with bis
many friends.
Joe .Smith of l'aullna was In town
Friday on bis way to Portland
where he was koIiijj to look nfter
some matters In connection with
bis eattle business.
.Mrs. John F.. Ilyan nnd Miss
Marian Myers departed Tuesday for
the railroad. Miss Mers Is on her
way to her home In Sun Franclsxo,
ami Mrs. Kyuu will visit In Portland.
An Interdenominational male
ouartette ban been organized lu
I'rlnevllle composed of the following:
1st tenor, Prof. E. L. Ashby, 2nd
tenor John It. Luckoy, 1st bass L. C.
Morgan, 2nd lines Hurry Lauius.
The first grade of the Prineville
public schools, Miss Cora Streltel,
teacher, was awarded the Banner of
Honor for good order during last
week. This grade had only nine
marks ot offenses against It for the
Polndester's rink now makes a
circuit of Bend, Hedmoud and Prine
ville, Monday and Tuesday nights
of each week at liend, Wednesday
night at Hedmonit and Thursday,
Friday ami Saturday nights at
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wlndom came
In from their home near Culver
Tuesday. On arriving In town
they found their (laughter Mabel,
who Is a student In the high school,
quite seriously III with a case of
tonsllltls. .
In the last Issue of the "Echo",
the olllelal organ of tho Women of
Woodcraft, appears account of the
vacation of Mrs. Ada U. Millican
when she was a "cow-woman"
with her husband at the Boar Creek
ranch. The article is cleverly
written and Is embellished with a
portrait of Mrs. Millican.
C. D. Calbreath states this week
that their arrangements for the
establishment of the new steam
laundry in Prineville are progressing.
As soon as the weather will permit j j!j
ana tney can get tne materials on ill
the ground they will commenc con-ll
building for the 1 M
structlou on the building for the
laundry nnd In the meantime get the
uecessary machinery on the way.
It Is not their Intention to go at
the business on a large scale at first
but what machinery they Install
will lie up-to date and will be In
charge of an expert laundrymaii.
They will pound the business on the
back nnd make additions to the
equipment as fast na the business
will Justify It. It Is their plau to
gather In the work from several
outside points which are now send
ing their work through Prlueville to
Portland or The Dalles.
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The 6rm of Jones & Kitter
dissolved by mutual consent.
has lieen
2 4--U
Do any of your folks like to dance
and have a good time? If so, don't
tail to get them to attend the ISand
boys' Uig Iiarn Dance.
Notice to Dog Owners.
Notice Is given to dog owners liv
ing within the incorporated limits of
the city of Prineville that you are
hereby notified to procure a license
for your dog at once for the ensuing
year of 1901).
C. L. Shattick,
l-14-4t Recorder.
Milxr& Croik K aires 4 Of MwicJ Lutrmartt
D. r. Adamson & to
Cueri Supplies Uwj's Cudies
The finest and most complete
line of VALENTINES ever
shown in Prineville.
Adamson & Co.
ef f,
tcli this-, space next week
m iej m m m m s
New Spring Dry Goods, Furnishings, Shoes, Etc