LOCAL MENTION J, i;. Roberts U In from lienr I'm k till Mil k. J. 1'.. HciiMe of (irlrly turn In (In1 t-lly Tuesday. V III tt in Mark ttrrlvi'tt In I'rlin 1 1 on Tuesday's singe. Ilini, In I'lliii'Vlllf, Tuesday, r'cby. 3, to llio wife of J. I'. Wilson, it mm. Mis Lilly Knox il I'uht wnn n county went visitor tin II ml of tlif Week. I'.. II. Knox nf I'ost m attending to IiIInIiii'NH llllltll'l In town till' pnst few days. Judge Well ll ll iimt Mr. Hell r. tiirnril lii iiiic .Sunday Irniii it v Ixl L In I 'i i r ( I it 1 1 t . Mis Murhin Rh-e returned home from I'ni timid Katurdny utter n stay il several Weeks In that i lly. Arthur Wumvelli-r rrturni'il to 1'orlliiiicl lant week nfti-r looking llftrP some tillnltu-MW mutters here. -i rij Hendricks was In Iroin l.iuiioiitit tin- first of the week bring ing In ii loiul ol freight lor Col. mi l Hiulth. The pupils of the seventh grade of tlu' public school gave Vim I'.rlnkii surprise parly nt IiIm home hint Nnltirdny. linn K. Msncii mid hU daughter, Ml Rose, were lii town hit Hut ur iluy nml Suiiilny Iroin their limnc hi'iir Mad ins, Jnluc Ktnfford, tin Silver Ijikc Imrls-r, pusscd through l'rliw lilt Tuesday nit Ii 1m way lioim1 from a trip to I'orlliiiul. (Mto (iray aiul wife of tin lloimy. view I'linn HMit several ibivn during tlut,iioit week In I'lliirx llio visiting with n-1 ill U .n nmt friend. I. II. Ream, uiunngi-r nl thi' t'oriii'tt singe limn It-It Sunday for I'orllitml. The l'rlucvllle olllcc In la I linrj,- ol Jot- Tnggnrt during III" nlim-nce. Mrs. Rose 8. Howard has Is-en aiHilnti-i post muster nt Lower Krldgc In thi t-ouuly and tin- hs-tt 11-ni ol tln olliri- will hi-n-afli-r Is' at till' JlH' IlllWIinl lllU'l', Wl-Ht nl the IVschuti-s. Kupt. It, ,. I-'ord plan to make nu ollifhll tour of vtl t lit lull to tin school of that territory In the t-oniity north ol (ooki-l River am) east ol th' iKuchUtc during tin Coining Week. I'ri-l Wlcse of NMcr wan la town Sat unlay on business. While here Mr, Wlcse, who U a n.itlvi' of licruwiuy, took out Ii 1m tlmil natural Uatloii i,iiitm Isf-tre (,'oiiuty Ch-rk Warn-n itrowu. MoihIii.v'm Millet' n-nehed I'llm-x Me at nl, out I lu it-1. in. having: Is-en de laynl hy a runiiway which is-curcd at IliUxiv. Ill thi suutshiip the tongue nl tin- roarh wn broken, mid lirlver (irovi-r ICwIng hail to liiiiki (In- trip (rout thi n' Into I'llne villi' with a w ngoii. There were no pnsscnger. I'ostmnstcr tiny l.itfill-l to tin douiicch that a change In tin- mall ronti- ln-t wiiii 'I I in l'n!U ami Sister Is to go Into effect thortly which will iiiiikp tin' ronti' run some iIImIiiiu-i' uot'tli o( tln present iiiii-. tlu-n-liy reaching a puptilou settle-mi-tit w hli-h Iimm a poor service now. 'I'lu' establishment of a now pout nlliri' In that section Im ulso possible. 1'i lnct lllc Im to have u steam latiu-lry In tlio Mprlni;. ThU Im tin miuoum-i'iiii-iit. math' hy I. I. Cal hn-ath, who m-i-ntly faun1 ln-ri' Iroin The lalli-M. Mr. Callin-ath thlukM that a Hti-aui laundry would In' a pioil tiivi'Htmt'tit hin nml Iiiim harki-il up IiIm lakh In hU JiulKini-nt by pnrtiiiiNliit a tlmt oIiimh kIi-iuh nulllt at Tin- IalliH. Ilo Ikih an l-luht foot liratrd niaiiKliT that ooHt ."it)0. Two wiiMhi-rn w III lit' liiHtalh-il to ln-uln with mnl another added when the IiiihIiii-mm Juntlth'M the Invcntiiu-nt. lCvirylhln will Im up to ilati". A llrMtH-hiHM lauuilrymmi will lii In elinrp'. Two lots Imve liti'ii purcliMHt'd on the north Hhh' ami a Inilhllnir will lu- phu-ctl tht-rv-on lor tho In u nd ry plant. SPECIALS William CoiiiIim wan ovi-r froMi IiIm Ill-nil rniii'h thU wi'i'k. Ii. V. Calil tti-ll, tin1 linn! hardware man waa lu town Siimlay. MrM. KllllnulM-i-k ol Opal I'ralrle In Ii k nt tin' I'ollldeiter hotel. I:. JaroliMou, ri-prcw-ntluK J. K. (idl & Co. ol l'ortland m la Hie idly. Waiter Mit'oln, thu 1,iiiiontn h iiMi'iaiin, wiim In town thu hint nl tin' wi-i-k. I". i). Minor camit ovi-r from Iti-ml 'aturday, on I.iihIiiimm, n-turiiliiK Tni'Milay. J. II. Ovi-rlurf nturni'il Sunilay from n vlnlt with relatlvi-M lu I'Ak horn, Ni'hniMkn. W. It. Matthi-wol Lnti& Co. nl I'ortlauil Hpent evcrnl ilayii thU wri-k lu rrlni'vllh'." Tllliiinu Keiiter wan up from Mad ran IiimI I'rlilay In liiyliiK; lu a load nf potatiM'M willed he cold In Crlm-vlHe. Ioti't lorKi't the riteiuan'M annual hall at I'oltiilexter'M rink Friday 'Vi-iiIiik: I'l-hruary 12. Sin tln-lr ml In mother roliimn. Tin' nail IH-WM wiim nielved HiIm weekliyMrM ll. L. Tarry that hi-r lather, Mr. Shea wIhimi- lioine wiim nenrHwiH-t lioim', lu Llmi -ounty had illi-d. lit' WIIM ap-il uliout "S J'l'im. Hurry Wlmlom, who Iuim Ihh-ii at tending llii'O. A. C. nt C'orvalllM Iuim reliirned to hU home at Culver, hav. Iim Ui-n lon-i'il to take a .rent from IiIm ntilillen on neeoiint of tronlli w It It IiIm I'.vi-HlKht. (', I). Krown Im over from He ml nu tiUMlui-MN. Si-vt-rnl wh-U ii k Mr, Itrowu hail thi' iiilMfortuuc to hn-ak Moine of the hulii'M la one of IiIm fet-t hut Im uettlni; nlile to In- a limit nK'iln with the ahl ol a fime. Tlu' party who horrowi-il tliv Miirveyor'M clwiln and plu'M from the l-'on-Mt StipervlMor'iiollhvlM reiueMti-(l to return the Hiime at onee to A. 8. In-lain!, I'rlnevllh', ()n-Kon. Tell new tui'iulN-rn were Initiated Into the IimiiI order of I'nlteil Artl- Maun hut Monday evening. The ci-n-monlt'M won followeil liy n Modal momnIoii ami liht n-fn-MhineiitM were Mi-rvt-d. . lti'Kular wrvlitn nt the Klmt Meth- odUt i hiiri h Sunday. Morning Hiih-1 Jirt will lie, "What It meiiiiM to nerve Chrlnt." KvcnhiK Miilijift, "Slim that Kill." Sunday Mehool at 10 ami lp worth Ix-anne at C.'IO. MrM. John I. Itynn ti'mlen-d a fare. well parly to MIhm Marlon Mycin Monday evt'tilnjr prior to hir de parture lor her home In San l-'ran- eUro. A iiuuiiH-r nt youiiK IrleudM were Invited to Mpend theevenlnn at cariU ami other loruiMol auitiMiueut. County Siierlntenileiit K A. Ford inaile a trip to Ih-tnl hint week where he Mpent two iI.-ivm lu tin olllelul vlnlt to the ptihlli' hcIiooIm. On the way houii' he vtopiH'd nt the Towell lUitteaml Arnold mIiooIh. He re- portM the work nl the m hoolM pro KreMclu In a nuiMt natlMfaetory uianiier In the three dlHtrh-tii vlxlted. Mr. and Mrn. Jei' Stearim and K. II. TltiiM ol l'ortland and ft. Ahra hauiMon of HohlredKi', Nel. were lu I'rliit-vlllt' the lat ol tne wtvk on their way toShnnlko after HM-ndlnK tjo wink or more In the liend country. Mr. SteariiM hohU hirne Interi-Nt there, and the other treiitli' meii were on n trip ol liiMpeetlon with a view to InveMtluif lu Irrigated lamlM. Ir. CIiiih. S. IMwardn wiim railed to the Kite of the oil we'd operatloiiM on the west Hide of ; liz.l y mountain hiMt TucMilay afternoon by a hurry up call, Flat Inn that Homeolie hail Ihh-ii polMoued. I'd Hudson wan Hiiuiinoued with IiTh lico runabout ami landed the doctor at the oil well IS mlhn away J tint one hour after lenvlnn rrlnevllle. The cne proved not to be one ol poisoning. K. I. lllooinlh-ld, the head driller, had Hiiffered mi attack of apoplexy, and the people there thought he had been polMoued. lr. IM wards re lieved the sufferer nml at the time he left the man could talk and wan well on the way to recovery. LOCAL MENTION T. M. r.aldwln left today for n IiuhIui-mm trip to Cortland. T. J. Mlhn I:ltf", who Iuim rharK' of ii hand of nhei-p for 'ii-ore Knox at line Mountain wan In town hint Sunday. I'.h L, Crabtreti came In from hl much on Lower Crooked river the flmt of tho week and -iit ll few iliiyn In town on IiiihIiii-mm. William WoriiMluff, ICImer Worn- mI nff and I.. I'.lllnjiHoii were ntuotijf thoMi'from I'.eiid who vlxlU'd at the comity neat during the week, MIhm Nellie HeyuohlM han rompli-b'd a term of w hool nt llayi rn k and wan In I'rlnevllli! thin .wn-k. She will noon om-ii a term nf nchool at Anh wood. J. II. Dt-lore left Monday for Ilon ton to Join bin wile who In vIhIUuk children lu the New Kntthind ntab-M. Mr. nml Mm. I)elore will be home aK'ilu lu about a month. Frank I'eti-tt the Jeweh-r and opti cian, accompanied hy I'ete Ihirnen, MM-nt part of tlm wii-k up Crooked liver on a vacation. The boyn are camping out and trapping for wild uulmaln. Sheridan Shroufe, the ntnK" nmn, iiiui n u umed bin work on the Slxlern route between rrlnevllle and tilne Fulln after a nick njM-ll nf neveral weekM. John I'ark wan driving In hln place. Charley Summern him Joined the navy. He will take up electrical en-Klueerlntr- Mrn. Summem m-elved word that lie had been ordered to the I". H. navy yard at Ureininerton, Wanli. Janien Lawnon ol Mill Creek wan In town Monday. He reportn the ntock lu til part ol the county to lie In kim nl nliaiK. The cold weather did not hint loiiff euoiiKh to effect their condition. Judge I'll In of liend In over to at tend the term nf the probate court. The hint term of coiniuiMnlouer'a court adjourned to February 1, but an no niattem are on hand, t lie work will nil 1h. of probate nature. J. II. tirny this week Bold a fine npan of foiir-vear-ohl bay hornen to Win. Wornntuff, a rancher nuldlnj; about three mllen from Iletid. The purchiiM-r wan In rrlnevllle thin week and took the team Inime with him. The price paid wiim fUM. ltev. C. V. Bailey, the Bnptixt mliilnter, formerly a renhlent or rrlne vllle, w how home In now nt The Unllcn, arrlvinl here lant week ami In conducting revival at the I'nlon church. The luectlnipi lire ncheduled to continue nil ofthlnnud next week. Harvey A. StininiervUle, n well known ntockinati In Interior Oregon, In dead, lie whhii partner of Walter Brown In the ntock IhikIih-hm intirant county and wan well known In Crook county. Mr. Suumierville wan H yearn of up- and leaven a wife and five children, hodden two nlntern nml one brother. L. K. Went, a ntiK-klmyer from Tacoinn, wan lu thin nectlon thin week and while here bought four carloudn of prime Hereford nteern from Sl.-iyton Bron. The ntirehiiMi-r nrononnri-it flu luwf llu choicest lot ol rattle he ban neen for a long time. Mr. Went wan alno looking up . the matter of buying mutton nhecp hut made no buys no far an known. The following applicants who took tlie eighth grade examination are reported by the hoard to have panned HiiccecHfully, nnd will In due time re ceive their dlphiinan from the olllce of the county niiHrlntendent: Dis trict No. 22 Mailnm Clin. Sanford. Klnle Norlhup, Curl allownv and Nora I.lvliiuwton. Dintrlct No. (12, Vlbliert Velum Klann and Noah Vlhbert. Dr. II. 1. Belknap has succeded In panning tho hill carrying an ap propriation for the Crook county full-throui;h the leglnlature over the governor'H veto. There In a ques tion lu the minds of some local people as to the amount of this appropriation, hut It Is believed to lie $750 annually, an that was the amount carried in the bill which the governor vetoed. This appropria tion Is perpetual. atardayj Goods will be sold at the prices named below on this day only. We can not afford to sell these goods regularly at the prices named, but offer them as an inducement for you to come to our store. Get started with us. We have the most complete line of groceries in Prineville and sell at the most reasonable prices. Cash or monthly accounts. Home Cured Shoulders, our own brand special Saturday, per pound Fancy Three Crown Raisins, special on Saturday per pound Macaroni, extra quality, in one-pound packages The Band Boys' Big Barn DANCE Are you ntiy different from the iverajio peron? Pi you liko to have a IT" tliiia in-i-aninnally? tif cour) yoi rfo. Therefore don't 1 iiiixlend inU helievinn you aon't enjoy yourself to the (u I lent extent on thin nccanion, for if you mi-i it you're liouud to regret it Just stop and consider The largeit hall in Crook county The beat floor, waxed to perfection Muaic by a full brasa band; music by a full orchestra of nine pieces: music by other well known local talent Quadrilles galore: waltzes, twosteps, chottisches, or whatever you want a plenty and then some A delicious and appetizing luncheon Assistant floor managers from each near by country precinct, who will make it his business to see that YOU have a good time, and last of all Some Big Surprises which we have in store for youu Come, see and believe DON'T FORCET THATi Tho band boya are civinz thin ball for worthy purpotc. That the omimunitv at'larj in Indirectly lieneliP-d by the Mirce of thia event. That tfio band boa are ilenervinf of your fympathy, you eiicouraifeineiit, your eo-oUrration. That a bttlo amiMtam-6 from you will make thia muaical organization one of the best in Central Oregon. COME ONE COME ALL-BRING YOUR GIRLS; YOUR WIVES. Come knowing you will have a good time. We know you will leave more than satisfied P. A. A. C. Hall -:- Tickets $1.00 -:- March 5 Tickets on sale at flT C. W. ELK INS im FOSTKK 4 HYDE gtsr ci.iktdx a eoKNF.Tr DAHLIXO'S HA HI'KK KII01' fir S. Fit AN K l'KTETT LOCAL MENTION John KilwunlM win over from PiMtern the hint of the week, R. M. I'owell ntutiti thia week that he expecta to ahip nbfint l.'iO head of Ixt-f cattle the flrnt nf March. They lire now lielnjj fed on the McKay. Itt. Rev. Robert L. PiuWiK-k, iiiIh- aloniiry lilnhop of I-aMtern OreKon of the KiIhcoiii1 diix-ew, will lie In l'rlnevllle Fchruary 21, and 2(5. Services will he held on Wednemlay aud Friday evenliifrH. On Thurmlay evening, the 2.1th, tho lilnlmp will lie teinlered a public reception tit wliich time he will jflve n narrative of hln traveln In Turkey, HiikkIu, Egypt nnd other countries. Thow' wlui heard thettlxhop on hln former vialt will not fail to hear him iialn. Hick I .out! was tdven the (leclHkm over Tally Hobwood In a six-round boxing match by Referee RownliertT In the content laft evenintf. ttlven under t he ninniitrenient of J. E. Wil son in the Mct'alllster building. The dccltdon met with general approval, although the lioys were evenly matcheil and It wuh nip and tuck from start to finish. A three-round preliminary Ix-tween IV te Hiukle and Stanley Morris opened the en tertainment. A btrire crowd was present, couiposed of businessmen and representatives from nil walks of life. The exhibition was Ktvatly enjoyed by everyone. No blood was spilled and the crowd was orderly. Culver Cullings. Culver, OrcRon. Feb. 1, 1909. Hurry Wlmlom, who h&a been attending . A. ('. t lie iat two cn is visillng at hlshnme near Culver. Hln oll triemls art- glad to liave tilm again In their midst. The dance given at the home of Mr. and Mm. Kalh I'etk lust week was a decided suc cess. Kvcryone alio attended had an enjoy able time. A dance Is arranged tor Culver hall, Friday, February 1J, the same night as the Modern Wtiodman dance at Madma. Miss Intie Fenilall visited with Mrs. Robert 0laru last week. Miss Thursday Kent, lately ot The Dalles, visited old I'allea Irion. Is over toward Madras last Saturday and Sunday. Miss LoIsOsborn visited with her aunt, Mrs. lwve Kogers last Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman of 1'rineville were Culver visitors last week. Miss Untie Kendall, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Osborn since the holidays, will go to Shaniko this week, w here she w ill remain for some time, Rol't. Osborn and Ralph Armstrong took a short luintin? trip last week, but must have gone at the wrong time, as they bad a very light load on their return. lUc 09c 10c these facts for a moment! gtST J. E. PTKWART A CO LOT W. F. KINti ItT LIVELY.JOKDAX-LAXIUH CO tor KTOK K.MANN'S CIGAR 8 TO It E In Honor of Lincoln. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Church has arranged to celebrate the centennial of the birth of Lincoln February 12 by giving the following program: 1- Musie by the Orchestra Selected 2- If ale Quartet. . . .Mesani. Hlilpo, Elkma, Asbby and Ketcbum. 3- Orntloii-Eulney of Lincoln... MissParrott l-Holo by Miss Conway Hcleeted 5- Why Should the Hplrlt of Mortal be Proud Mrs. H. P. Iklknap 6- Aunt Kully Lowdy Tells Lincoln Goodby Mrs. Shlpp and Guy Lafullettr 7- Solo by Prof. Asbby Selected -The Gettysburg- Speech ....Mr Draper S-Pantoinlme Lincoln Freeing the Slave Lafollette and Hardman 1" Orchestra Selected Admission 2"ic Children l"e, The ladies will serve refrxubuienta at the close of the program. Miaer t Crask K aires School Books Caraeri Supplies Jewelry Wall Paper' The finest and most complete line of VALENTINES ever shown in Prineville. 13 IP. .r.cl Celery, nice long bunches, special for Saturday Sweet Potatoes, fancy, special on Satur day, per pound..... Fancy Apples, medium size, 1 50 to 200 counts, special Saturday j V Ammu G ICnives, All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD F. i ! 1 5 t" Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Jones & Ritter ha lieen dissolved by mutual consent. 2 4-4t There Is one combination that Is sure to begat on "The Chair Trust" but you will lie too busy dancing quadrilles on the evening of March 5th to even think about sitting. w D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS amson DRUGGISTS 6o 10c 06k $1.80 nitioii uns Belts BY Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Spectacles Found. A'pair of goldrim spectacles incase was found just east ol the I'rtrevlllo Hotel and left at this office. Owner can have same by calling at the Journal oftice. Are you vaecinated? Whether you are or not, you're bound to catch the dancing fever on March 5th. Musical butrtmeoti Mafiis Lowntjr't Cudies Statieaery Cifin & Co, Company 4 I ii o