fe " M""'"1 i.immii'niii ..mimmfufj LOCAL MENTI0N till Wi't'k, In Itiud on luwliieim. KiiiiU CItiM nro llnvori'il with tin (IIhUII.mI tmiixliliiK mid ruin of ( uliii A. II. Mnmmm left TiKHiliiy for rtiillmiil. Kttittlo mid California MlM, I'lilllp (trnliiuu (tin! Jiiiik-m Il""t Iiikn vicro In from llnycwk tin liut of tlio wiTk. I'. T. Monrou wn In I'rlric villi tin1 drat of t lit wtrk from liU homo on lower Troii t Unfit. MIkm llt'iiluli Hyde, who him Ihm'II liiAlliitny kIiici IunI full, returned Ihiiiic Tuendiiy. Ir, Cliurli H. IvIwrhIm wm lit ruutluii acvernl dnyn thin week on iroli'toniil IhimIiiih. Ittilpli Hreem lout a inure worth nlmut t30 hut Tuexdiiy from what wnthoii;hl to lie mint tuck of licit tti. Mm. i:il.iilicth Turner of I'owtdl lhil ten, wliii him Imh-ii very nh k ltli piii'Uiiioiilu, died tlila morning. Klie wan 61 jeuin of Hge. Joe (Jlriirdu hit rented the houae of Mm. M. II. Hell, formerly occupied by It. I.. KIiiimi in iiml family, mul In now miikliiK liU retddenre thero with lid family, Tim Nunilny chool of the Flrnt 1'reali.vterliiil elinreh him reeently pn-Melitcd the I'hlirelt with two hiimliioimt onk rolliTtloii platen, for tlio titling of the offering. Mint Jca Hartley, the IHlh jfrnde teaeher of the public Mcliool, who wiin lu'clileiitnlly hit by a xnowtnill, In niililly nroverluit and In able to rvKiime Ni'hool diitlcmipiln. I". H. I'olndexbr went to Iteml yesterday nfteriiooii to Invent lriitc matter In connection with a plan to oeii a nkatliitf rink In that city tlirvi'iilubtneiu-li weeck. The irojui. mil In that hn romliti'tn the rink In lleml thne nlnlitH each week ami the other tlm In I'rlnevtlle' lining the name nknten for both. Max Crundnll, the expert ac countant, tvho tin been ciicmkimI In cxpcrlliiir, the tuTonntn of the different county otllelaln completed lit work In t'llneville Tuemlay anil left fur hi home nt lllllnlioro Wcducxdity morula);. Mr. Cranilall In county nnnenNor of WuhIiIiikUui County. lleml dlnputch In Oregon Joiiriuil; Conntrut'tloii on many new build- lllpt In lli'tnl In nchettllleil to In fill iih noon an weather comlltloun HTinlt. The lleml. MmlniH Slmiilki) Stae com puny wllllmlhl one of the torment tiarnn In Kanterii Oregon, work on which hnn already begun. It will lie remly for occupancy by March 1. A new building In nlno under way for Heuil'n pontolllce, mul In a few ilayn A. M. Lara, who U now In I'orthuul, will begin the erection of a mauiiuoth warehoune. A ncore of new rcnl-j (li'iiccn nr planueil ami Heml will In nil probability quite a building boom the coming Hprlng. K C. l'ark, the Join iiiiI'h corren pondeut nt Heilmotul, wan In town TueHilny, ami report that newn In no Hcanc In hln nectlon that ho will not be able to mippl.V hln uewny letter thhi week. While at thin olllce he given tin the following Ileum: Mm. I.nudcH nrrlveil home Sunday. Iau (Ireeiihnugh died Saturday night at 0 o'clock. Ho han lieell nick for ii I m u t a year, and han miffered coiinlilerablo (lining the pant nix month. The funeral took place Tuenday Tom Langdon, the I). I. & P. Co., engineer In In the vicinity of Kfdiiioud with aercw of surveyor. It In expected that a ditch camp will noon be entnbllnhcd there for the pronectitloii of the Irrigation work. t'hnrku Tnktutit uf Lntnolllt, AUi III the i lly Motidity. Mr. mul Mm. Terry Iain Were In from the home nt Powell lint ten hint Friday. Minn Nora Hobbn returned to Mliiiulko Monday after a vlxlt with her parentn. Judge V. A. liell and wife departed for Portland on Knnday'n a luge, for a nhort ntny. Jainen W. Hurt, the Madran tnent market man, made a trip to Prlne vlllo thu hint of the week. 1 II. Howard came up from Madran Katurday to attend the ImmIhIiIo of hln wife, w ho In ncrloimly 111. Dan (Irecnhaugli died Saturday evening at hln home nix iiiIIcn nouth of Itciluioud. Ho wan aged about !5 yearn. 1". J. Lively, of the mercnutllu firm of I.lvely.JordauI.aiilun Co., re turned Kuiiilay from a bunlnenn trip to Portland.' II. II. Mitchell, ono of the ditch laud nettlern, near l'owell Hutten, wan In the city Friday looking after hilHluenn inntti'm, Ceorgn Mllllciin cniuo In from Hear Creek thu latter part of the week, returning to the ranch Ktimluy. The canoe ordered by Prof. E. L. Anhby mul Max Hofer In which they plan to ride the rapid of Crooked Klvermid the Dcm-hutcn, linn nrrlveil tu Hhnnlko, mid part of the outfit han reached Prlnevlllo. Ir. J. C. Mornn, formerly of Klamath Falln, veterinary nurgeon and dentlnt In now In Prlnevllle, mid can be fc mini at the Ilnmlltonntnblen. Hu In nccoinpntiled by Ienlle Allen. The gentlemen havo Junt lately arrived from Hurnn. Thenhlpuieut of In-ef cnt tic made by Htroud Uron. from Khanlko reported hint week, gut caught by the wnnh out on the Columbia Southern mid had to lay In HlianlkoO da.vn, where they were fed at an expenne of :J00. They were Junt on tlio verge of being loaded In the cam wheu the uewa of the wanhout enme. It. E. Jones wan In from hln nnw- mill nt Howard the lant of the wei-k. He reportn bunlnenn good nt the mill. They have about 12 tneu at work In the milt and logging woodn and cut about 15,000 feet per day. Ordent are already In to keep the plant buny for noine time, one order for 1,000,000 feet of jiiinber ticlng on hand. We have received word from J. II. Jncknoii of Itcdmond, clerk of nchool dlntrlct No. GO, that In the nchool enumeration puhllnhcd In lant week'n Journal bin dintrlcU wan credited with an enrollment of only is when it nhould have been 01. We cheerful ly make the correction and are glad to note that Itcdmond han nuch a llouriHhlng nchool. A new r0 line nwltchboard In lielng bmtalled at the Wlunck telephone central In Prlnevllle which will be a much needed Improvement. The new Inntrument wan supplied through C. W. Elklun. It will connect the following Crook County farmern' linen: lUvernldu, Itiverdale, Hear Creek, Paulina IJarlied Wire, Maury mid Paulina, Eagle Itock, Newcoin Creek, McKiy Cre'k, and Hye tiritnn. The Forcntry hendnuartern In the Adamnou Hulldlng over the pont olllce are renplendant thin week with new nlgun on the window. Super visor Ireland In Jtmtly proud of the Improvement. The olllce force In bimy thene dnyn completing mnpn of the grnxlng allotment In the reserve. rhe matter of all thu Individual allotment ami the division line Ik--t ween the cattle and nlu-ep ranges han not yet been entirely udjunted. rlQME CURED Jo Eo LOCAL MENTION MUn Hittln Uuliitiof O'Nell ha Iteen In town neveral dayn thin week. Plenty to attract you, more tola-U-n-nt you, everything to tempt you at the lllg Darn Dance. County Judge 11. C. Ellin came over from llcnd Monday to look after bunlnenn In town for a few dnyn. Mm. E. J, Clark of Paulina won In town Katurday. Mr. and Mm. Clark recently took up renldeuce on homenteud In that locality. J. II. Iknkley came up from Portland Sunday and left Monday for hln Cold Spring rattle ranch on the head of Crooked Hlver. lr, Eva Hognn-Mnrnh, the chlro-priu-ter, returned to her home In Portland thin week, after a ntay of several tuoiithn la Prlnevllle. I Co Lafollette went to North Yakima thin wet k, leaving here Hun day, where he will clone up hln bunlnenn inattcra. He expect to re turn to Prlnevllle to rcnlde. (1. N. Clifton, of the Clifton & Cornett company returned home lant Sunday from Portland, where he hnn U-en buying good for thu general merchandise ntore. T. J. Ferguson enme In from his Hear Creek ranch Sunday and spent n few day lit town. He nays the resided tn of that nectlon are all buny riding after livestock and In feeding. Married At Hotel Prlnevllle, Saturday evening, January 23, Mr. M. H. Elliott of Motikland, Sherman county, and Minn Jennie Phllllpn, of Madran, Dr. C. H. Dunnmore officiat ing. C. It. McLnllin of IU-dniond, of the laud clearing company of Mclallln A Young, wan In town Friday, and reportn lot of work tu his line being dune In that section. Mr. and Mm. C. H. Erlcknon, of Hew!, were In town last Friday mid Saturday. Mr. Erlcknon recently old his Hear Creek ranch to Eastern parties, mid will hereafter make hU home In Hend. Mr. and Mm. Frank Went, who live at the Ulg Meadows 15 mile south of Hend on the Deschutes, were In town thin week visiting Mr. and Mm. Ora Polndexter. Mr. Went In Mm. Polndexter' brother. Itev. Wnlkin Skinanrlli. Dm itixlrirt ruperiiitemlent, will preach at the First MuthodiHt church Kundnv morn. ItiK and evuniiiK. Mr. Skipworth it an able and for:lnl steakur well worth; of the ixxiltioa he hoitla and the congreiia tion Is ffxiMrtiiiir a rttrn trout mi llm coining Sumlay. The public Is mnst comialiy tnviUHl to come and wornliip nitii us. At the clone of the morning sermon the Sacrament of the Lord's Knnner will litt ttilfiiiniHlArtut Snmlttv school at 10 a. m. and Epworlu Leanue at o.ju. The regular service will lie held In the First Prcsbyterlnn church next Sunday, both morning and evening. Sunday nchool nt 10 o'clock fol lowed by morning worship and senium at 11. The Sixiety of Christian Endeavor meet at 6.30, and at f ..K, evening worship mid sermon. In the morning. Dr. Dunn more will speak on "The Greatest Piling In 'I he World." Kvenlnir Subject. "What In Man?" The usual choir mid orchestra will siug and piay at itie evening service. The public are most cordially Invited to an mcne service. MILLINERY Closing Out Fine assortment of Hats. Veils. Ribbons, etc., to be sold at cost AT- Mr FtpQ' Milliner I II o LolCd Parlors Corner Second nnd Main St. We now have on hand the first lot of our famous home cured meats put up by Mr. D. F. Stewart. The method employed and the care taken in putting up this meat makes it far superior to any other meat on this market. Stewart Swellest Event of the Season WHY? "If music be the food of love, Give me excess of it" The above quotation from Shakespeare expresses (he object of the Band Boys' Dance in a nutshelL A musical organization and more especially a brass hand, is a credit to any community. In our little city we have the material lor a first-class organization of that kind, and ihe co-operation of the people is most earnestly requested in this most laudable undertaking. For this reason the boys have made up their minds to eclipse any social event ever before attempted in the city of Princville. The band is practicing most faithfully to give the people a high class of music during the coming summer montlis, but is seriously handicapped for ihe want of suitable ir s'rumcnls. This dance is being given for that one single purpose, viz: to procure the necessary and much needed instruments. These instruments will not be individual property but will belong ex clusively to the band, or, more properly to the citizens who so generously assist in this most worthy enterprise. It is firmly believed that every person in the community will lend their hearty and generous support in making this event the social and financial success for which the band boys will so earnestly labor. Watch this space to see what we have to tell you next week. WHAT? THE BAND BOYS' DANCE Ticketi, $1.00 Teachers' Examinations Notice In hereby given that the county nuperlntendent of Crook county wilt hold the regular exam ination of applicant (or state mid county pupern at l'rlnevllle us fol lows: For Suit Piptri. Commencing Wednesday, Febru ary 10, at 9 o'clock a. in. and con tinuing until Saturday, February 13, at 4 o clock p. m. Wednesday i'enmanshlp, history, nM-l!!ng, physical geography, read ing, psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, composition, algebra. SaturJay Botany plane geom etry, general history, English liter ature, school law. For Cnutj Piper. Commencing Wednesday, Febru ary 10, at 0 o'cliH-k a. m. and con tinuing until Frlduy, February 12, at 4 o'clock p. in. Wednesday 1'enmanshlp, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Writteu arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physi ology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government. It. A. Foni), Couuty School Superintendent. Hides, Pelts and Furs W ANTE D Highest Market Price Paid Herman Poch, 2 mile east of Prineville, on Ovhoco road fhl R. E. JONES SaleLumber Mill OX THE OLD KNIGHTEN PLACE ON THE OCHOCO Is now cutting first-class lumber which will be sold on reasonable terms. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & WHEN? FRIDAY EVE, MAR. 5, 1909 P. A. A. C Hall Stallion for Sale. Five-year-old Bhire Stallion, weight about 1800 pound ; price, f )00. Address 1-28 II. P. Ahdrcs, Madras, Or. Eumiaitioei Free. Hv year ken BMetLi atteadej t. DR. C. J. MORAN Veterinary Sarfeta aaJ Deatist. At Hamilton table, Prineville, Or. Diseaaea of domestic animals eiirraaa. fuly treated. Maker k Greta Kaive Scleel Books Clairi Sepplie Jewelry Will Paper D. The finest and most complete line of VALENTINES ever shown in Prineville. D. P. Adamson & Go, ME Company Ammunition t Guns ECnives, Belts All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD W. F. LUMBER P. Adamson DRUGGISTS DRUGGISTS ATS ,r- ir .., L-,:,L BY Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON J Sf3Ef3Gr & Co Hosical lattraneeti Magai Lewaej't Caadief Stationery Cifar