T f LOCAL MENTION C'tiHitip Kinlili inn family have re turiM'il from 1'iirtliiiid . Htilfi-tiP Lusalcr ami wife of Item) lire In thin t'lry vUtiln. Arthur Wuriweller returned to rrliicvllln'froin Portland Tuesday MImm Ntint I ol.lm rnino In Huiulny from Hhnulko for it two week visit with her parent. John O'Kelly win In tow n from Culver Tui'Hilny. lliU operiitlnn tin1 ( o ru;M Hodman fiiriu there, under lenne. lion. W. A. Ilooth, who Iiiih been MTlnllnljr III, till) plint ft'W Week III radldly n'Kuliiinii liU ntrenu-tlt and llOIN'SI til l lllllMlt ll IIHIIIll III II kllOI't II mi'. Herman I'ik Ii on Monday sold nil tlin iMi f hide In bin ponncssloii to nn lijrent nf Shank & Co, I'ortlnud wliu I travelling throimli thin county. It. K. Cooper of North Ynkluiii, an exert crenineryiiwin, U here hnikliiK over condition with n view of i-n-KiikIiiu In that bulucnn some time In tin fut tin. WiirJerO'Ncll U In rrlnevllle from Khiuilkii, spending tlu week with hi family. ft May tin- railroad terminus In rather dull just nt pre iMit. Mr. O'Nfll xHYt to return there tin bint of tin1' wivk. The debate, several time post poncd txt the Crook mid Hhcr mnu county hluh nehooln, lum now Urn Indefinitely postponed. Ail verse weather condition ami IIIiii'hm nuiotiK the iroMNvtlve debater In the mums Mlsn Jessie llnrtlev, ti-iu-lii-r of the flfth grade, wan struck on the head liy n hard snow ball, thrown hy a high school Imv, last Friday noun nml rviidcrvd uueoum-lotin, she wan unable to hold school tin1 afternoon of the iieehlcnt, or thin week and her romllllou In poor. A hii!h 1 1 1 u to tcneher ha Ihh-ii furnished for her chins. Jim'J. Larson wan tip from ()' Null Saturday. Ho say that ht and (h-orgo O'Ncll have bought the liilnlucnn and lease of tin- Lone puc Trading Cii., on tin ra lichen ntO'.Nell and took charge of them the first of the year. Tin new owner have leaned the properly from Trunk Forest for n n-rlod of live yearn and are preparing to make many Im provement n to the store and other buildings. Two bridge on the Columbia Hon t hern railroad were washed out hy the Hood hud. Tuesday night In the neighborhood of Moro and pnnnciigcrn and iiiiiIIm lire now Mug transferred. The bridge wen1 three lulled apart, mid thin Intervening distance lum to In1 covcrud without loeoitiottve power. Luckily there wan a train on each end of the road when the washout is-etirrctl, other wise tho tank ol getting mail to Shaulko would Ik' much morcdluii'iilt. Wear Insured Sox Are your nt-lm tnmrnl "Htr "Ml Mo pruol ' Sua xto iniHieH lor U inontlis. Thin It imnmlr llur tli pair o( "lltilrprool" Bt. Inr l-'.OO mtt II any or nil nl Dirin catna to hute or bph1 darning- In tit months we will roplaca Ibvia wlU) now sua t'ltt-K. Holeproof J m dvd wllh nhnnltiMf Ki lal t'nlora. Thc will nil "cro k." 'rtini'' nr lil. "Itnla. proul" 8ox do not shrlitk nnritrvtch. You ia bur lhm In orlod colon iu pain ol iIm and wnlvhl In a box. Wear "Holeproof" Bos one and you will nvr woar any other kind. Kemwniber thy aro guaianttnl to wrnr nix monthi or you ki new anx HIKE. Lei ui (ell yon a box today. J. E. Stewart & Co. 1'red lleimke wan up (rout Madrna thlH wi-ek. (leore Hamilton of (irUily apent WediieMilny In town. Mr. mid Mm. Iee I'ei k, of Culver, were In town Wednemlay, t'liim. V.. rarrlh of Camp t'lwk wan In the city the flrat of the week. Horn, to the wile of Walter Morrln. In rrlnevllle,' Jammry IS, l!X!li, a ilinmhter. Horn, to the w ife of M. I. Nye, In the Hear Creek ilUtrlct, January 1U, l!H)'J, a daiiKhter. A innrrhiKO llcenne Iiiih Ihiii IkmiumI to Manford ('. WatHoii" ami Mix Aura ratrlek, both of Culver. Frit iii'Ih Con tea of Khaiilko, with the rnelllt' Htaten Telephone Co., win In town thin week looking after inaltera for the roiupaiiy. 1. (). Ireland, of the company of Ireland A Fawcett, of Corviillla, horwf Importer!, In In I'rluevllle tliU wei-k with it IiIk black 1'erehenm tallloii which In for wile. Mr. Ire. land recently mld a big lielulan to n company of rancher at ltcdmon l. C. Kiitlth who nperalea the ferry on the DeMchliteM lietweell Mndriui nud WnniiHprliiK Ik In rrlnevllle for a few day. He miivm the Koveriiment thermometer at tho Ajfeney reentered .'12 below an the cohlcKt during the cold Miinp, mid that they had about two feet of hiiow In that Hectlon. A hooii iim the weather become t tied again, enabling uninterrupted Heboid attendance, the Hew truant ollleer will Ik? called upon by the Prlnevllle city whool autliorltlea to look Into the riiHeit of all boyH and glrlM of whool age who do not in tend their chiMKeM. The . compiilKory dchool age are lH'twetii 0 and M yearn. (inborn F.dwnrdrt, a young man lately from Mouth Carolina who took up it tract of laud at iixt, and who alternated hi time In tweeii (ilHt, llend nud rrlnevllle, In In jail on charge of murder In l'ortlnnd, having nhot and killed Tlioiiwot F. McJalllard, proprietor of the Klche lleti rooming bonne at .1: 1 ' ' SUth Mtreet. 'Theahootlng wan done dur ing a debauch. There will lm no preaching iter vice In the 1'tVMby terlaii church next Sunday morning, the puntor being called to the country. The unual evening nervleen v 'M lie held, meet ing of the Clirlntb..! F.ndeavor at fl..'IO evening worxlilji and Heruion at 7.I10. In the evening. Dr. lbuiHuiorv will HM'ak on "The I .lie and Character of I'aul." Munlc by full choir and orchentra. The finbllc nru cordially Invited. It htm been reported that the band boy are contemplating a menus of raln'.ug money for the purpone of buying neveral Instrument of which they are In need. It In not yet known Jont what the nature of the event will be, but the boyn nlllrin that nothing of the like hnn ever before taken place lu rrlnevllle nud they promlneyou the blggent dollar's worth of fun you ever had. Iet un all give the boyn our hearty and ntibHtantlal Hiipport. Full pnrtlc ulara giving the time, the place and the event will npiear next week. City Mamlitil Wade Hunton In Urli glng to life omw of the city ordliftncen that have long nlncc Iwen nuiiponed to be dead ones. I'nder direction of the council the stove pipe linen will have to ,1k replaced with good brick linen. Another one In the air-gun nulnnnce. No more air-gun shooting In the city limit, nay the marnhnl. The curfew ordi nance reipilren nil youngntern under IS yearn to bo off the' ntrectn after the curfew rlngn. The mnrnhal nn.vn he Intend to- luforce thin law to the letter. .El u?o LOCAL MENTION I'. Chit wood In In town thin week attending to IiuhIiii nn mutt' rn. Horn, Jan. It, to Mr. and Mr. J. C. Jiarln-r, of Wlllauilua, u noti. We KuarauUi' a nmlle wit li every niiioke from the "J,ii Itona" cigar. hrln Harry, a rancher from the Mailrim Hectlon wan In town hint Tui-nday. T. N. lialfour, J. T. Wllnou mid J i. Wllnou, all of Fife, were registered nt the rrlnevllle hint Friday. Jim? Marniich, of Madran, wan In town yenterday and took out piw-ra forcltlzeiinliln In the L', K. before County Clerk Warren Brown.- J. II, rhlrmiiii, of The Pallen, buyer for the I'nioii Meat Co., arrived In rrlnevllle Tuenday. It In under, ntooil that he will buy the beef ntock of Mennrn. Oliver, M. I)., mid It. M. I'owell for bin company. Attorney Well A. Hell ban pur chased the old Vanderpool renidence property near tlie I. A. A. Club mid I having the bonne reiuoileled Into a very couifortablecottage. The old hoiino wnji one of the very firnt to be built In rrlucTlllu. The Kpworth Ieague of the M. K. church gave nu Kdgnr Allen I'oe niH'lal lit that church Tuenduy even ing. There wan a nliort program, after which light refrenlnnetitn were nerved. Quite a number of young IH'ople were prenent. The W, I. N. M. club met hint Hnturday eveiilntr with Minn Cald well. At the clone of the btiMlnenn meeting Mrn. lielknup gave the young ladies an Interesting luldrenn upon the Sunday Kchool lesnon, aftT which an enjoyable hour wan spent, Hend Hulletln: Frank Went and wife have peen nK'udlng the week In town wltli relntlven. They were on their way to rrlnevllle for a visit with Mrn. rolndexter, but were caught In Hend by the heavy nnow nml thought they would wait over here until the road were will broken through. He v. J. T, Moore han accepted the Invitation of the Hnptlntnof Mlvcrj Lake logo to that city and hold a nie-lal revival meeting for two or three week. Ill appearance there next week will lie a continuance of a very niiccennful meeting now In pro gress, the difference living thechnnge lu preachers. He will leave to morrow for Hend, holding services there Sunday en ronte. J6hn L. Spoo, the gentleman from I'ortland who In to stmt a sawmill about 7 miles west of Laid law, report that the Corviill! & F.antern railroad In snipping great iliiantltle of tie and storing them at Detroit, the eastern terminus of that road. Just liefore leaving Lebanon, bis former home, he saw neveral carloadn of ties destined for IH'trolt. He believes thin U a sure sign that the C. Jc K. will 1m? ex tended Into Crook county. Word came to rrlnevllle thin week that J. Marlon Mlnkler a former well-known resident of thin county, was dead at (iult, California. Iar tlculars of bin death are not even known by his sons who reside here, Sidney and Arthur Mlnkler. De ceased wan aged about fu yearn. He was a member of the Manouic lodge, In Ohio, and It In understood that I the remains were buried at Cult by tho Masons, w ith the Inten tion of later disinterment nud burial in the Fast. Mr. Mlnkler was a carpenter by tiale and Arthur Mlnkler expressed Ills liellcf that his father had probably fulleu from a scaffold while engaged In building a house, an It wnu kuowu that he was employed In that work at tho time Of bin death. We now have on hand the first lot of our famous home cured meats put up by Mr. D. F. Stewart. The method employed and the care taken in putting up this meat makes it far superior to any other meat on this market. tewari Louisa Lawnon In confined to the house by Illness. Minn Ktla Duw broke a rib In an upset of the botnded on the hill north of town last week. Hay Wilson dlsbn-nted bin shoulder w hile coasting on the hill north of this ( lly the end of the week. Fight grade examination paper were mailed early thin week by County Kupt. Ford to all m hooln having the highest grammar clans. Fxamlniitlonn will beheld today mid Friday. In the aln-yance of activity by the llurrliiian linen, I'. C. Wyuu, right of way man for the (Vntral Oregon railroad, behind which stands the DettchutcH Irrigation & 1'owerCo. han returned to Madran and In again negotiating for right ol way. "Tho Firt Commandment," will tie the niibjeet for the sermon nt the First Mctlnxllnt Church next Sunday morning. The nubject for the even ing will Im, "A I Ate with a I'lirpose." Munlc by the orchestra nud choir. Sunday whool at 10 o'clock' and Ijca-ue at 7.110. Come and worship with un. J. D. Ix-wellen I'antor. Two young bloods got Into a very wordy altercation at the rluk In which I'erry 1'oindexter'n dance wan In progress last Friday nlgl.t, and nearly came to blown. They were arrested by Marshal Huston, Jailed and tho next day haled Is-fore Keeorder Hhattiick. A a result of thefruen both of the principals con tributed 112.50 toward the expense of running the city. Mr. I'oindexter say he will arrest anybody who doe not conduct himself properly at hi public gatherings. The local potato famine han lieen Home what relieved by the arrival of two large load of excellent tubers from Crook county, which were Hold here at reasonable figures. Arrange ment are made for several load to follow and the probability in the fellow who have cached their pota- t'H away lu pltn awaiting the chance to cinch the consumer five or six cent n pound, will not only find the greater portion of their supply water soaked nud spoiled, but will find little demand for even the good one. Harney County News. I I). H. Hamilton came over from Sliver Lake the first of the week where he took some three or four hundred head of full-blood Delulue Merluo rn inn. He ha still about a hundred left but expect to dispose of them in the early spring. He wu lutein getting Into that country last fall or he could have sold out long ago. He say that lliHk masters over there have never graded their wool until last spring and that the advantages ure so pronounced that It make a brisk demand for blooded stiwk. Thin demand, too, ha been helped along by the commission men of San Francisco, who assert that the best wool they get comes from Crook county. Coventor Chamberlain has an nounced that he would pardon Courtlnnd Green, rent up for life from Lane County for murder, from the penitentiary. Green was sen tenced for killing John Linn, who wan driving a bunch of horses from Eastern Oregon to the western part of the state. It Is said that Greetf, In company wltli Claude Brauton, afterwards hanged, cut Linn to pieces and buried the body, after shooting him in the Cascade Mount ains near Squaw Creek, in Crook county. Green's mother has been living in Snlem on the comity, nnd recently. It is said, somebody, whose name is not disclosed, gave a certain sum of money to the county In anticipation of the fact that her son would be pardoned. Mother and son, It Is said will leave at once go ing to another state. U .l2 ID LOCAL MENTION Mr, r. R. Howard I still on the sick lint. A fire nbirm wn turned In last Hut unlay morning cauned by a burning flue In the old I'rlnevlIIe Hotel building. The service ol the department were not needed. A rumor got started the first of the week saying that the steel bridge west of town was In danger of In-big washed out. Tho sheriff wun roused out of In-d to look after the matter. The trouble started from a Ice jam but at no time wan there u possi bility of the bridge going out. Wm. Johnson In busy at the court house extending the tax roll prepar- atory to the anuiuil collection of the ' money by the Hherirf'H ollice. He han lxt-n on the book one week now and It will probably require two more week to finish the lob. It Is Ulleved that the roll will be In nhupe for tlie work of collecting tax money to begin about the middle of February. Wednesday morning, at Shanlko, Stroud Hron. of Prinevllle loaded four car of fut Int-f cattle for the Portland yards, the shipment com prising 103 head of mixed cow and steer. Tlie cattle were a choice lot of alfalfa fed beef. Cattle price In i'ortlund are now very firm 'and good. Tom Stroud, Wm. Daven port and Gllln-rt Lawo.i drove the cattle to Shanlko. In the matter of committee appointment in the house of representatives this district has f ired pretty well at the hand of the Speaker McArthur. Dr. H. P. Helk n.ip was appointed chairman of the committee 011 medlciueaud pharmacy and a uember of the committees on elections ami on public land. H. A. Hrattain, our other representative hnslnemliershlp In the committees on alcoholic traffic, assessment and taxation, and banking. Pasture for Horses. During tlie next two month I will have good pasture for horse at ?J.0O per month per head. Kight miles from Prlnevllle at the J. JI. Prose ranch on McKav Creek. ' 1 21-4p J. II. Prose. Maker k Croib Knives Sckool Beeki Cuwra Supplier Jewelry Wall Paper D. The Leading Magazines and a complete line of Post Cards at D. Ad v Company Ammunition G ives, All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgunshells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading 1 outfits SOLD . F. a EEr3SrHrHiafI5p 3r32r373iI P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS ft 1 .amson DRUGGISTS Belts BY Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Musical lustrum eats MiftJs Lswaey'a Candle Statiaaery Cifara & Co