S3 Commissioner's Court, Continued from atp 1. lint w ill not 1h' far out of t lie wn.v. A no par roll" wore kept nnd the men employed hail n running c count with the roiulnnuiter, n well n the foreman, It has maile It rut her dlfllcult to keep each pelce ol Improve ment nerreKted. I would mitnut that your Couit require all people handling road money to take receipt from nil IKTHoim when paying them a nn original voucher to file with their records. The record Jtwt examined, have no receipts tor any amounts expended with H few exceptions, depending on cancelled bank check for a receipt. A a cancelled check Is In the nature of personal projierty of the rond niaster, the county Is without vouch ers for these amounts. This seems tjhnvelnvn overlooked no doubt from the long custom of handling this matter by county warrants. In the statement of expenditures you will find an Item "amounts not segregated" of the sum of f 1274. 73. Thetw are amounts that were Im possible to tell from the records at hand Just which district they were expended In. Would call your atteutlon to the amount of salary as shown In this statement of the roadmaster In the year 1907 he drew only $1007.55 1 av- Inga. balance, apparently, due him of 1192.45. Do not find where any salary was paid him for months of Novemb r and December. Also there has only been paid him the sum of $USUH) tor year 190$ leaving a balance due him of 120.00 for that year. Also the roadmaster has paid him self for year of 190$ the sum of $177.00 for the use of his team separate from bis salary. The various foremen of the road work have not filed vouchers, either for the amount expended by them, and which they have received from the roadmaster and the county will have to depend upon the testimony of them. In case of a claim for wages, provided such a condition should arise. There appears In warrants drawn Jan. term 190$ on general fund for amounts covering road masters salary for November and Djcember 1907. This will cover Item above mentioned. Very respectfully, Mas Chandali., Public Accountant. rrlnevllle. Or.. Jan. 11,1909. . STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT OF EARL McLAUGHLIN, ROADMASTER, from May, 1906, to Dec 31, 1908. DEBIT. To Road Warrants, May 3, 1906,. May 3, 1906. August 8, 1906, November 10, 1900,. January 7, 1907, March 26, 1907, May 1, 1907, July 5, 1907,.. September 7, 1907, . liecember 18, 1907, March 5,1908, , May 18, 1908, July 2, 1908, September 5, 1908, November 11, 1908, December 17, 1908, CREDIT. Amount expended 1906 as per statement. Amount expended 1907 as per statement.. Amount expended 1908 as ifi r statement.. Amount on hand January 1, 1909 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES IN ROAD DISTRICTS from May 1, 1906, I 1900 1907 1908 TOTAL EXPEXIHTB. Road District No. 2 ..140 75 604 02 C4S 50 1,393 27 4 95 00 274 75 97 00 4'Wi 75 " " 5 147 00 254 9.1 N2 10 1,204 03 " " 6 12 7L ...151 25 210 52 541 53 " " 7 109 30 .1079 47 65S 31 3,327 14 8 810 17. .1413 01 ....734 40 2,957 64 " " 9 1049 40 : 209 00 1.MH5 74 " 10 829 69 .1073 57.. . 1331 47 .3,Nf4 73 11 208 50 59 00 272 49 539 99 " 12 80 25 102 85.. ..1000 02 1,180 12 " " 13 135 00 900 94 91 25 1,133 19 14 30 30 133 25 322 00 485 55 15 182 88.. . 34 50 230 50 447 8s 10 85 (XI 1 65 41 SO 128 15 17 .170 50. . 60 00 32 25 202 75 18 105 50 32 50 . ... 90 25 . 234 25 19 143 50 92 00 184 25 :.. 419 75 20 116 25. . 91 00 216 72 423 97 21 .....'130 30 41 05.. . 2196 :t0 2,573 05 22 339 19 473 25.. .1703 92 2,576 36 21 445 30 9S 00 543 30 " " 24 . 42 00 521 00 503 00 " " 25 6 25 34 25 64 00 104 50 " " 27 550 77. ...582 43 548 ) 1,682 09 " 28 216 25 2!9 49.. ..1984 80 2,500 54 ' " 29 154 55. .397 55 88 60 W0 70 30 147 10 147 10 Roadmaster's salary 792 75.. .1007 55.. ..1180 00 2,9-80 30 team hire 177 00 177 00 County material . ...528 10 44 79 572 ! Amount not segregated 674 75 600 00 1,274 75 Total expenditures 8,485 17.. 12,339 45 10,400 99 37,285 61 Referring to the item in my original report herewith pretalniug to the salary of the roadmaster for the year 1908, upon further investigation and with more Information I find thnt roadmasteru' cheek No (G, dated June 26, 1908, for tSO.00, nnd which I credited to salary, should be for claim of roadmaster for team hire for mouths of March, April and May of same year making the amonnt due roadmaster for salary for Decem ber 1100.00 Instead of J20.00 as I re ported and the amount paid himself for use of team to be f 257.00 instead of $177.00 as my original report shows. There was nothing on record to show that tills was for any other service than the regular salary checks and without other Information than what record showed would naturally suppose same was for salary. The Item of $18.10 for stationery, stamps, etc., found on his report l correct s shown by bin memorandum account kept of such matters and h is not Iteon paid. The t rem nn r's ice Ipt for the lmlnncepald by Mr. Mil.iiiiulilln of the above nmouuts and the livery bill referred to amounting to $KH'.i is herewith exhibited and a duplicate filed with the county clerk. Yours rvtfpccitullv. Max Csaxum.u Jan. 1, 1901. Bills Allowed. J WixmI. Jn.lgv election ml &! nilt.pt . S S Mark, " " I S Humillnn, Jmlire Lre Woo.1, rli-rk KP II union, C S MrCorkle, flrk. J I West, Ju.lire M J Kelly, " J U Hrey;nn. Judge Ill .. .. .. 8 ..' ( .. t .. ' .. ' ... l v .. ' .. ' .. .. s' J K A Smith, clerk and TO mile F II May.clrrk E A gather, J W Wilt, Judge W T KJititinmn, JuIk... Knoeh Cyril, ju.lgtf C I. iist, clerk R J Skelion, clerk... A Temj.loton, " and Wmilo J E Robert. Judge and miles . H W Oarlin, Jud(re ) R Harvey, Ju.lje A B rary. clerk Austin Klier, clerk i H Nye, clerk A J Noble, Judge and l;m mile ., Wm Coultbard. Judirf L D Clypol. Judge H H Pavit. clerk Albert Noble, .. Martin prate, clerk . J M Faught, Judge Wra Mark. Judge and mile C R Henry, ' J R Creese, clerk S E Adams, P T Monroe, Judge ... ... W .. w ... ' ... ' ... S t to ... s ' ... ' ... 00 n ... w . 10 ... s to ... s il ... 11 s w ... s to ... J to J H Pouthit, judge J L Brumll, " B Cram, clerk H L. Friday, J D Bolter, " and SI miles Randolph Gibson, judge.. E A l"arker, Judge C K Anderson C K Fairish, Clerk S II Barnea, " L W Bennett, and 1M miles J E Reed, judge and 70 milet Ovid Riley, judge W R Wilkinson, judge tieo Bates, clerk Tbos Tweet, ' A B Haines. F S Hoffman, judge C W Hunter, judge O 0 Collver, judge and 50 miles D W Barnet, clerk C A Whitsetl, Wm Boegli. clerk A O Kibble, judge and SH miles L W Long, judge C W Parrish, " Phillip Graham, clerk L Enderud, H Q York, ' A C Knighton, judge and it miles J H ZeTely, judge Jas Dyer, " J W" Ritter, clerk ML Elliott, r.. ... s w ... s 1X1 . is ft" ... H 00 ... s ... s t . S 00 S0 ... sw ... w ... .. s ... s 00 ... S 00 8 20 ... 3 00 ... 8 00 3 W .... 1 W .... iw ... S 00 .... 8 IV ... 8 00 ..flOOO 00 1000 00 3000 00 3311 20 100 00 1'jCO 00 2500 00 2500 00 2500 00 2000 00 2000 00 3000 00 3000 Oi faJOO 00 2000 00 loOO 00 fUS5 17 12,.'i39 40 10,4(10 99 2.- 59 37,311 20 37,311 20 to January 1, 1909. c C Hon, " 3 oo T N Balfour, judge 3 00 J L Gilchrist, " 3 00 O l Hall, " and 160 miles 19 i K S Dixon, clerk 3 W) 0 I) Mills, " 3 (X) 1 M Mills, " 8 00 John Atkinson, judge aud lso miles 10 to (j T Sly. Judge 3 00 J F Bogue, ' 3 00 M V Hawthorn, clerk 3 oo (,' V ftiehie, " 3 00 J A Mitchell, " 3 00 K T 81yton, judge 3 00 Herman I'och, ' 3 (KJ Reuter Olmsted," 3 00 Tli I.afollett, clerk and 8 miles 8 ) HSCram, " 3 00 Jesse Watkins, 14 3 00 J T Dizncy, Judge 8 00 J K Campbell, ' 3 00 J E Lou-all, 3 00 8 E (iray, clerk 3 00 M C Mason, " 8 00 H E Jacobs," and 70 miles 10 00 J C Tullar, judge and 70 miles 10 01) E B James, " 3 00 J M Siry, " ' ' 3 00 W D Barnes, clerk 3 00 Y V Swisher, " 3 00 nn w mi 1 m 1 1 4JM 1" W. J. Van r S Wallace. S Oi S IM :t 00 f 0 ? tH 3 u :t txi S CO l a j s o 3 t 1 M 3 10 s 01 Kill 3 (Xi 3 OH 3 IS) 3 t S 10 3 Ki 3 Wl 3 3 li S lti 3 00 3 ll 3 00 3 10 3 10 S 0' 3 Ml S 00 S no 11 ro 8 fO 3 0! 3 ro 3 00 3 00 3 to 3 11 3 00 3 tt) 3 00 J y n'tt-eaud. Judge J S M. M.vn, V W Bom Held," and 5 . niitea T J r.oncticld, clerk H N Valto, Oren vii,, Wm Blair, judge and uitfc I. A Young, " P S ViMn rt." Zl"". . Wm Browuhill, cKrk I. T Larsk n. CFK'.arr, " J M Montgomery, judge and IS 11 lies D A McDowell. " David Weaver. " F Koret, cU-rfe J II Mcslngcr. eleik V Butler, D E TemnletoD, judge EMMeCord, H E Rideout. J T Moore, clerk and i mile , A S Collins, " I W Spear, "' C M 1 Ister, judge W J Johnson. ' and 21 miles it P Miller, J F Cadle, clerk J w suntou, " D J Evans, " C L Huberts, judge I B Meyer, ' C W Cary. V A Carson, clerk V A Stewi rt. " E V Nelson, " and mHes Walla-e I'ost, judge and j niiies J H Gray. Judge Homer Norton, judge E E Gillenater, clerk J P Pickett, J II Kelley, T M Baldwin, Judge.... S E Hodgis. M II Bell, " Duncan Mndead. clerk H Dunsmore, " B F Johnsor, " E A Bu-sett, judge T W Hudson, and 2S miles Johu I Jones, " James Turner, clerk C R Shattui k, ' J A Kiggs, ' " F T Redmond, Judge J A Vosbiirg, E M Eby, ' ..' C R McLallin, del k C F Jackson, E C Park, " and 41 n i.es YV J Schmi.lt, Judge Ed Merritt, ' A Elmer, " L Council, clerk and So miles . A D Low rev, " , Howard Ross, " C C Covey, judge Jacob W inters, 14 f. II Tiffany, " and lim miks 3 00 3 to :i to 5 :0 :) HI :i to :! no 01 s 00 3 M) 7 40 3 00 3 tm 3 00 11 (0 3 00 3 is) 3 It) 3 00 l:: 00 no 3 ) :: o) ') j 3 00 3 ) ! W H Bishop, clerk Warren Mct'orkle, " Thos W ainann it, " A Morrow, Judge and 3'i mi P Cliltwood, Judge W' Joslln, judge L H Harniit.in, clerk Henry Montgomery. clerk (Jeorge Iki; cWrk 8 A I.ytle, delivering poll iKXiks A F Kamwy, n-gisU riug 3'.' voters Mt JetTersou IOdge, Madras, hull rent.. Chas Lampcrt, hauling voting Ixiolhs , John Llnster, rent, etc. Anna M Johnson, rent of room, etc .... 3 t 3 (.0 3 t" 1 B'i 3 '."0 T, 00 2 75 S (X) S 1". li ifl'''' POUta rfwujui ..,,mi domuw. . Where yoa want it When yoa ivant U .Io:()'(..i-(iX)J)2l No smoke IIM-,. - - Ollen PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to the room you want to heat suitable for any room in the house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing smoke or smell turn the wick as Ingh as you can or as low as you like brass lont holds 4 quarts ol oil that gives out glowing ished in japan and i ffas anywhere. Lvery ThedLamp is Ike lamp lor the student or I. -i - I ; 1 1 - -II. fc,,l. - leaser, n yiva muuwii .,.7 Inst makes study a pleasure. Made ol brass, nk iU. I.ii JmnrfMpJ nlrsl draft burner. 11 yoa cannot oblain the Perlectkm Oil Healer or flayo Lamp Irom your dealer write lo our nearest agency lor descriptive circular, BTAMIAIt I Oil. COJIPANV iininuinu "AM HI In Case of Accident 'oii houM hav a bottle cit rire old whiiKcy in ihe house. One you can rtly upon. Thai you know u riRhl. Such a one ii CVKl'S NOBLE; lor the first lime in H yean now solJ direct lo you. 4uart buttle, packfj ta pUin tasc & 11 tharcn prvnaiii la lh , 90 BC&rtt railroad eaprvu office for Nj danger of rt tilled bottles hen you buy from u. No duncr of sonic cheap worthlcM substi tute be in! painted off on you. We he been the ili(rihuterso( litis famous brand, selling wholesale only, lor 44 year. I'ure olJ honest lukey atlcj in wood. l:cry bottle gimraniccJ. W. J. VAN sailAVER & CO. " pisiiuj.iu AU Nrs fjUrJ ISM IOI075uHl.St.PgnUd.OiTM I CVt ST T1W IMS M4li 1M4I Schujrrtr & Co.. k 0m Jan es wood, delivering election auppllra S 20 A J Noble, lights for election 1 ') J II J.u-Li.ii. rtM.ni ron' I1!' l-thret Hros calU-o aud lights .... John Wilt, hall rent and Ughts 5 0" J K Frvrear, i, a'de's f.va t' II l Wall, nuking booths, etc in 00 A II l.li;iurint A l o, drartlng table ..... 12 ,V SW Miller, nglsterlilit voters 5 I" J s Watkins destrovlnj llu.imi IhNlle l'J w M K llawlhorn, hnullng voting hoolli 1,1 W H "nook. iMiiiHT nevoutil l!A 0 M K Miook. m.lso 2 IS'tnarU Bros luottK-r for bridge 17 HI I) l' Jenkins. !etrvving w,H,ds 17 50 Anton Anns, W Uvl ruble 1 la W T M 1'nldwln. Insuran.v on high scluntl. 71 to J II Itaner. " " . tl 00 Sm urdy Vault . Metal Works, mdM .... " ot Milpp A Perry, lumber a Vi t.lavs,t Prudhonune, Men docket 13 75 Typewriter Kxelmnge, riblsms 3 50 I W' l.ivlnstou, de-oroylng wis-ils 3S 75 Irw-lu-IIodou t .ni'lse i 85 W rrcn llrown, iitlleage 4 10 H J Nevcsom.. mileage M 11 ' I, Heam, rldlrf aft- r Dick Miller SOU l I Adainsou ,V l't.. mils' 5 (to Annu L Vi liim k, witness f 4 id Frank Klklns fnlary 4111 7 deputy's salary S" 0 Warren Brown, salary ft1 is) ' d puiv's salarv 150 "0 II C Kills, Judge's salary lot 117 H A Ford. su'rlntendeiil's salary IM 17 J I) IjiFollette, ats-so -s salary I Hi 07 W F King, tn nsun-r't salary l'" " t. lass A I'rudhomuie, records 57 ,V Mann v H.-aeh, huu'Prs' license nt'ord . 8 75 J 11 I el ore, cords ww.J 'l lllrdsong d Amnions, t;iutMT 2"J 7 ' MeMivkln A 'ubl;i. Iumt r 6" M I'r.K.k t'ounty Journal, printing .V A4 W' F Ixitig. stamps, ri'eord.s, etc. 15 1") ' M road uisMumt !f) A5 (' S Fdwanls, salary health ofllivr l ) C W Klkins, mdse 7'' Uobcrl Moore, hlacksmllhUig 7 &1 I rank Klkins, stamps 8 V Ed llarhln, repairing p!)es 3 in) Fr'd A Hire, surveyor's fees 1h 7o J W Elliott, viewer's fees II l Kiank Smith, viewer's fcea.... 2" n-1 W' I-unkle, cti.'tlnmuii'a f.sis 2 (l W K Colpitis, chulnman's fees 2 t) K J 1'larke, marker's f.s.s 4 ' t-'hnrlex (irtmaii, chalnman's f.s 2 oo C T Mel'all, chalmnan s lees 2 i II R McDonald, marker fe J 1. Met'ulloch. lusuraiu-e 11 S 25 " Edgar Barnes, janitor II 8 25 ii W F King, high a-liool nceount... - " II I, Ilobbs, sawing wood 6 0" Posa H Parrott, teacher high whool,.... Is" C V t'onway, ' lfi i J F lllancliiird, In" O) K n W hllteu, mdse -2 4 M B Il.H k. nherry. p'lnclpnl II H 25') l-avid Pickett, Janitor high school 25 ') I'loii'cr TAT to., telephone services ... : (to W'air -n Brown, stamps, iwns, fin 16 M r.lnevllle I. A W c o , lights If H 7 9" " " light aud water nnd wlrinz court houe J 8n ( Ij Simmons, inereharniise W" f V Iletinett, services at election ') i"1 K It James, mds' 15 if) v t K W ilson. lumU r for bridge 911 12 C Peterson, hauling road tools, ., 2" "u I K "liner. -'Hi 0) Max i.'rundiill, experttng Cf.unty h oks 2d ') T M Baldwin, premium on II H policy ... 21 oi f;uv I.nfollette, envelop s .'... 2 1 32 M F Hawthorn, balamsa due supervisor 2H fo T F McCalllster. " " " . 72 5! llJLU.lll III,. no smell no trouble. you want heat in a hurry in some room in the house the fur nace does not reach. It's so easy to pick up and carry a heal lor 9 hours. Fin nickel an ornament 1 .1 healer warranted. nickel plated and equipped Everv lama warranted. iiut J W Wilt w ,) f P f Jenmn. " " ",.' Jniuea 1'r.w " N " HI ' urae l.vlle M ' lack I ., lumlH-r U 'V luck IV. " t "4 I T Mohimo, lialoiKv due siik'i isor ... " JIM'Uik, " " " ..' I' nutwoo-t " " " .. I d K W Hlclmid.il " " - . SA i" .1 8 Waiklix " " ... IU John Nelson, Mmt work tf M W It Vadle, hitliiiicv iIiik auprrvlsor . . .. 1 A Kiilghlen, " ... . M ' Kd Merrill, " " " K W V Hint Hi, nml work f r J Mewarl, " " ' W II Kivhn, tmtnncv due siitHTVIsor .... :(a A ' Ki-oggln, I'xen'ss 4 W III Kiulili, rl woik l'l Fn-d v iImhi, " " sruee Hood, road work tt fs' K Kotdson, 11 4mauM'rlsor t Jl'A M A l!oblllou. road aupdle l W It nulden, hlaek.mUliUi . .... 1 IH) Hr'k A Tu. ker, " . , . I Ho I! O Kn.lwn, 11 due sll.er lor . 37 IS) Is aikin. nad work 71 John N. N011, " 4 no 0 i wiisoli, 11 due suH'r isr It ) It Mclalilii, ' ' IT 7 Wilson llr., liimU'r 3 H7 K A sallier, rad u.idl-s J W tt Idle, " Archie 1'iitlle. road work K W Kl. hsrdson, t" W Freeman, hal due snervlsor l .it Ho . iO , 7" , 71 St J I 7.-. I. II t.arton. road work '.'I I1 1. II Larson Jr. ' no Jsmes ibbert." " 2J is' V F klsnn. " Ill in Tunny Monner. road work ., Ill ii It Morehead, " I .V W m Urowiililll. balamv duo supervisor M ,Vi Nlvk Monner, blaclsmfhlug 3 .V Joe Stuart, fuse Mi J f A M A ltohliioii, mail uidse . It W W U ('hllders, bla. ksmllhlllg 4 i F W smith, road work Dlsirii I No ) Ml M No :'l H7 .Vi " " ' No i! 3 50 U It luilcv, commissioner's lees te iai Janus Klie. " ' is. i. Con it H.ljottmcil Mi lot IV, Jainiury 11 to moot February 1, l'.K).'. Notlca of Final Settlement. Noths is heri'by gl veil by Ihn IllldcrsttiMied, the a.lniinisiuiior or lite esiate or r n-.i r Andei.oi. deceased, Unit he has imide and tiled W ith the county elerk his final account. Ing of his administration of said islale. and thai the court bass,'! Mondav, the 1st d,iv of February, lw''i, at n o el.s'k In Hie rorcu.kou of that diiv, at the county eoutt room In l'l Inevllle, ori'gon, as the time and Itla.s. for hearing and Mdtllng said rlnui accounting. A t w blctt time aud plais. a n v pcrsi.ii Interest ed In saht estate may n.h-ar and objisd to said lual aciiiuntlt.g. M R. F.I MoTT. Administrator of the estate of Fred P. Anderson, U.ss-ased. l.'.Jl Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is her'by given by the undersigned, the administrator of the estate of John A. Mihiii, d.Hvuscd, that be has inmle and llleil his final accounting "f bis itdmlnlslrtilloii of Kiibl estatewllll theeletk of I h isninl V tsnirt, and Unit theis.uiilv csil.rl bus scl Mon.titv, the Ul day of Fcbruurv, l-.SM, at 10 o'clock III the foren.s.n of that dav, at the eounlv court r.smt In I'rlnevltle, i in gon, as the time mid place for healing said bnal aivounlli.g. H. K iim r, Adu.lnlstrator of the estate of John A. lsl.um, deit-ased. l.'"H Citation, In the t'ounty Tourl or the State ol Oregon, For the I'ountv of I'nH.k. In the mutter of the estate of John M. Velgh, I Hssas,-t. - I 'ttatlou. To l-iiis-ll luwne, 1 II. n Mtirv McVeigh and all b.-irs unknown. If any there Iai, of John McVeigh, deceased; lin-ellng: III Die name of Hie Hlate of llrioli, you nr.. hereby died und r.suln-d lo nnar in the ' tsiunlv court of the Hlate of Oregon, for the - et.unlv of I'ns.k, at the court iskiiii thens.f, jut Prlnevllle In lite county of t'lsaik, on Mon day, the 1st dav of Kel.iuary. Ml In o'clock In the for.-ntM.il of that day, then and there to ! show cause, if any them is', why an order I should not lie grunted to the administrator i of said estate anl horUIng hlui to sell certain real estate of said detS'tiM'd as In Ills petition praved for. lo w it: the Northwest nuarter of Section Twelve In Township Thlrtis ii Kouih of linage Ntnetis'ii Fast of Willamette Merid ian In iregt.n. W Hness, l he Hon. II. C. Kills, liolge of the couul v is.url of Ihe Slate of Oregon, for the eounlv oM'riM.k. wll h the seal of sabl court nltlxcd, this 2Utll day of lHeciiilT. A. D. l.sw. Attest: Wrren Brown, elerk; by May Belle li.i-d, d. puly elerk. IWl Nolle (or Pablicatioa. l)euii'tmeiit of the Interior. 1'. H. I.aud Olllee at The D.illes, Oregon. NovciuIht a i, llsjs. Notice is liereliy piven t tint Hum N. Ihny ol Prineville, Oregon, who, on April !Mli, r.m", made Timlier and M.me Kntry No. .'iis.-i (Serial No. Kif7 for N'jNK',, N'S NW1', Section H, Township II tjoutli, Kunge IS Must. Willamette Meridiem, has lile.l notice of intcutioti to tin !.e liiial proof, to eslal.lish ctaiiii to the liin.l above .lescrilied, before the county elerk at Trine ville, Oregon, on the Intli day of Kel.ruiirv, ltKJU. t'luiinaiit names ns witnesses: ltol ert li. hmltli mid diaries M. Cliurltoli, Uitli of Trint ville, On gon, 1-3 C. W. Mooiik, KeKister, Referee's Sale. IN 'NIK ClItCl'IT f'ol'lIT OK THK Hl'ATK Ol-' OUICtJON MM: THK t'OCNTY OF 1,1 NN. I)ei:irttnetit No. 'I. Henry C. lledmietli niut Mahle lleil(retli, Ills wile, riuiii'.ills, ys. Minnie K. McConl ami A. A. Mof'onl, lier Ini-linml, K. I'ron? nml J. I) Prose, her Imsl.aiil, A iiiiii K. I.al ollette linil Pop l.n i'lilietle, her liu .l.iiiel, Charles '.. (iiilliford ami Kliie (iullilord, liis wife, Olarenco (I, (iiillil'ord nnd Kay (iullilord, his wife, Sinutifl I,, (uliiford nml Mary (i'lllifonl, his wife, M. liii. li W'liillntch, llilirietla (iullilord, Insiiie, Vidn K. I ledcpet h, Kllen 11. Stafl'-nsl timl Sitralt K. i.oi", Del'cndunts. ty virtue of ii judgment, order nml ile cree duly i-sued mil of nnd under the seal of the .nliove entitled court in the above entitled muse, on Monday the 3'Hli day of Novcm Iter, l!H, upon n judnment rendered in the uliove entitled court on Monday the IKIlli day of November, l!w, in a .:irlitioit suit beiweeii the (.iirtics hereto, lor t hu sale of the hereinafter described real properly, ami ii..ilitiliLf tl,e undersigned us referee lor the mirtiie-e of nuikiriK micli sule. Which said real property is (leperihcd in. follows, to wit: The Kast Ilalf o( the Hiiuth east (Jimiterol Her. t in T. II H.. H. 1(1 K of the 'V il taiiict I ! Mernliaii, coiituinini; HO acres more or less, nil In t runk county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of siii.l judg ment, order Hud decree, nnd ns referee thereof us iiforesiiid, I w ill on siiiturdny, the 2,'Jnl day of January, 1105, nt the hour ol one o'clock P. M. lit the front door of the county court house in Prineville, ('rook county, Orefuii, sell lit public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in liutnl, till the right, title iiinl interest which the defendants herein, or cither of them, had on the said Uutli day of November, liKjX or snce have in or to the nliove described real property, or nny part thereof, to satisfy said jiulgmcnt, order nnd decree, costs anil accruing cotn. PRANK laKINS, us lieferee. Dated at Prinevillo, Oregon, this 15tli day of December, 1!)UH. ''irxt publication, Dee. 17, ID' IK. Last publication, Jan. jit, lUO'J. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed, the adiniiiislnttor of the estate of T. J. Powell, tleccimed, tha. he lias made ami lilcd in the county court Ills linal no colliding of his iiilininistrnlioii of said ci tato, aiel the Honorable (Joiinty Judge hits set Monday, the 1st day of February,' I'M), ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room in Prineville, Oregon, an the time and place for hearing nnd settling said limil accounting, At which time unit place all pcr-ons interested in said estate may appear and object to said linal ac counting. J. 0. POWKIJj, Administrator of the estate of T. J, Powell, deceased. 12-21 r The Gity Meat Market HOKKiAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters fur Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try nome ot Crook county' choicest jimlucts. Its tho lost that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help buihl up n home industry. We always carry the lest in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN Statement of Retourert anil Ijubilitirt of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At lh cloa of tu.lneaa Nov. 27, 190A III hill Itl'IH Ijottn nml IiImihihu. , t nlt. il Hlllte llolllla. ,. Hnnk r'inl iu.li ,i I'lle rniiu lunik r.'.n.U.' iw . IJ.VOtX) . W l.ni.ir.' Mi ll.1l.VH I u B. F. All., Pr.ldnl Will Wuriw.il.r, Vk Pr..ld.i.l THE HAMILTON STABLES (llorseshoeini: in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprlotor PKINl.VIU.i:, OUIICON Stink bonnU'd hy tlm dny, k or month at Kcasioiiiiljlo rated. Ueini'inlHr uh wlion in Iriiifville. Katm UK.no.SAni.K. Wo have Fine Livery LJLJkJUJLJI.JLJI.JLJtjVbJLjLJLJkJi;jLJi.Jl..lLJI.Jt:jWJLjT I The O'Neil Restaurant fi r.i MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIU.bE, OREGON ri r:T -- --------------r,j First Class Meals 25c and Up Jj , Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season r.i : fj H CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION K C'J Currylnj; u rliolt-o wliH-tloii of lino euinl.v, clunrn. oniiiKt'H, ijj Ii'inuiiH, clo, (live iih it iiill. L'J I SMEIIER & ELLEFSON, Props. L:-L'JL'JLiJLULJLJLJLJL'ULJLJLjLULJLULJLJLULyLiJLULULJLULiJ L JLJLJUJIJJCJiJJUJLJLJWJJUjfL'JLiJLJLJU'JLJWJLJLiULJLUUJLJ r.i r.i L'J r.i L'J u ri L J r 1 W"J r.i L'J r i L'J ri L'J r.rt l'J r.i L'J r,i L'J r,n L'J n L'J r.i U'J r.i Sonera ffilaccsnuViing IIOKSKBIIOEINO, 'H)D W'OltK, KTC, NKATLY AND PkOMI'TIjY Donk Whkn it is Done By : : : ftobcrt ?oorc Satisfaction Will Pmnkviu.k, LJ r.trinHrtnririnr'irir'in THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH May liu Inipalrcd yes ruined li.v poor, or even poorly lit tod eye rIuhhi'h. Wlint'H the uho or b.iiiho of wiihIIiik your money te your own hurt? Ciinie nnd luive your eyen exiiinlned In a Hklllful manlier nml llttetl with hIuhhoh that are the liewt to ho had. An examination coHtH you nothing. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician Main Street, Prineville, Oregon Bring your job printing to the Journal 1 & STILL J I I. I 111 I. Ill lit mflml Mto.li IfcUM-oH Hiitl'liiaiiiiit liinllvhlrd tirofltD m.vs n (ireulnllon 7.i CO ImllvMiiul Itviiualli ili'.KKJ H lll,.'t 10 T. M. n.ld.U. ChUr II. BliirU, Au'l Cfkimt 8 8 8 Rigs For Rent LJ M LJ r,.i L J r-i L J r.n L J r,.i LJ r.n LJ r.ii L'J r.i L J ri L'J r.i LJ r.i DJ r.i LJ n-i LJ ri LJ lie Guaranteed OltEdON. rai LJ Arnninr,!ir!!irrirrir!nri"inriri"irii!ir,,"i I