LOCAL MENTION Ilorn.on J.nuary I), to Willlnm French, a lion. junn lioatwick ami wilt) tre back from The Dalle. Horn January 3, lo the wife of V. I!. Porter, a on. iseyi nydo l bick with pneu monU at the I'oindcxlcr. Alex Mucklntohh report 40 be low sero nt Ii'ih luce near I'aulin during the cold k1I. The county court hai nbolihlipi the olllee ol county roaduuutcr Hereafter the roul a ujiervlnor will rcnrt to the court. Horn, on January , to the wife of Hoy It. Howard of Arleta, Ore a daughter. Hoy wa a 1'riuu vill Uty a few yearn bro but in now on the staff of the I'ucilio Monthly County court adjourned Mun day to meet again February 1 At . . . An inimenne amount of minuicm was More the court. The Journa waa nearly awamiied in handling it. Mim Kiva I)i.bl finished her four month term of achool an teacher in the Rye irni dintricl nd will begin mother term at the Alkali Flat rchool a week from next Monday. J',UI-r H. r . W. Pitman and wife arrived in Madrai late Halurday from Hrookville, Ohio. Mr. Pit man la the new Chrintian mininler located in thia aection, and will have a circuit of Madrnn, Willow creek and J.amonta. Pioneer. Claude Smith wa over from i nneviue ruiuruay having come over with Mie IVarl Hightower, who had been amending a few day In the county aeat visiting with friend. Ilcnd bulletin. The county court waa interrupted in its r-ewion Monday long enough for Judge Kllia to nuke George Henecal and Annie I Quinn man and wife. Thin in the (lrt marriage Mr. Kllie haa performed in hia official capacity as county judge. Pcechutcs District No. 12 ha been enlarged on the aouth by tak ing in a email atrip of timber land while on the north some decert land waa added. Aa there ia no tax on the donor t land it was found nwetoary by the court to add a atrip of timber so that ruftieicnt revenue could be raieed for the maintenance of roads. Wear Insured Sox Ami ymir aocVa iWiwW Our "llnlo pnml" ar mmtrd lur ats mnoUia. Thia li tintuamlrr Imv alt palm ol "Holrtwoof" Sn fur l?0U ana l any or all ol Ihem coma lo holna or nomi darning In al mnnthew will rviaac Uiain IUl now tut Fttt.E. - Tf . t f W noieproot Sox' aro Irrt wlih ahinttilatv laal cnlnra, Thrr will nnl "croi a." "nil" nor l.lo. " Hole, prnul" 8ni itu nol ahrlna nor itroti h. Von can bur hem In aaaortat enl,,r-ii pain ol alia awl mlutit In a boa. Waar "Holeproof" Bo one and. foil will nevar wear any oilior kind, a Komeimlwr (hr aro gu,iramlrM eo i-nr l monlha or you net new aox IK hli. Lot ue tall you a bus today. J. E. Stewart & Co. Mixs Marion Myers of Han Frandxco is vieiling Mrs. Ityan. Ralph I'orf.l; and Mim Mabel Maben were married January 13 by Uev. Iiewellen. The infant daughter of Jac Hdrris, who Uvea in PrineviU died yeoterday, It was buried to day. Coasting is the order of the day at Prineville. The bill north town is the ace no of thia enjoyable winter sport. Kd Hodson baa sold his interest in the I'rinevillo Flouring Mills to J. W. Carlson. The new firm wil be known aa Ftewart & Carlson Henry Carlin and George Milli can have been gathering aome of their cattle this week in tl Crooked river country and expect to feed them later at Powell Duties Jack Harris passed through town last rnday evening with 1 100 bead of sheep. He wat tak ing them from the desert to hie place on the McKay for winter feeding. Sheridan Shroufe, proprietor of the Sisters etago lino who baa been sick for the past ten days, is now improving. John Park of Cliue Falls haa been driving the stage in Mr.Shroufe's stead. F. C. Iigan of Crook waa business visitor this week. He reports less snow and warmer weather in his part of the county, but says that the stink cattle are hriuking because of the cold, lly ei .i t . junn u. rpoo naa located a new sawmill al iellicrow bridge, west of Lnidlaw, and expects to begin operations this spring. Mr. Spoo is accompanied into tho Deschutes country by Joseph G. Houston, both being from Portland. Hev. J. T. Moore of this city is thinking of Tilling a regular ppointmcnt on his circuit at ilver Lake the first Sunday in each month, having been asked to o this when there lust summer. He is now serving the Daptists at Fossil two Sundays and thoso at lend one Sunday in the month. On account of the banquet to be iven by the firemen to-morrow evening, the barket social an nounced for that date has been postponed until Friday, Jan. 22, to be held at the Union church. here will bo a short program and good time in general. The ladies are asked to come with well filled baskets nnd the gentlemen to please do not forget their pursos. At the First Methodist church Sunday 11 a. m. the subject will be, "Christ as tho One moved with the feelings of our infirmities." Tho evening service will begin with "Meditation," played, by the orchestra. A full choir will sing the Christian battle Hymn "The Fight is One." Mies Howard will sing "Saved by Grace," by Stubbins. Tho Eubject for the sermon will be, St: Paul.s conver rion. Sunday school ot 10 and Kpworth League at G30. You are cordially invited to come and wor ship with us. LOCAL MENTION Otto Gray reports the loss of four blooded piss at the Itonny view farm during the cold weather F.J. Lively, Alex. Mackintosh and Duncan Maclcod left for Portland Sunday. Mr. Lively will select his spring stock of goods while at the metropolis. High school teachers and pupils tendered a reception last Friday evening to the members of the new board. A very pleasant even ing was -passed, nefrcthrnents were served and eorne timely thought informal talks made. Mr. Orval Davis and Miss Grace Parrish were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. A. Parrish, at llaycretk, Uev. C. R. Moorhead officiating. The bride is a highly esteemed young ludy with a large circle of friends in Crook county The groom has, for a number of years, been foreman of the big 1$. & L. ranch, in which capacity he has won the confidence and ... i esieein oi ins employers as well as of thoso who know him best. Redmond News. Redmond, Ore. Jan. 10. Hurrah for Oregon's mild winter climite. It is delightful and is no mistake. Saturday morninz we measured the snow and found 12 nches on a level. It haa packed enough though by a little thawing nd the weight of the falling snow so that meant 15 inches of snowfall. Mrs. Landes and Mrs. Lamb are xpected home again before long. Mr. Landes looks for bia wife in bout a week. News and the passing of teams on this road have been about as scarce this week as when tho road waa first opened. Some days no one passes at all. E. C. Park. Unintentionally Shoots Her Child Mrs. Oma Locke, formerly Miss Oina Craig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ah". Craig, of Grizzly, un intenliionally shot and killed her little three-year-old daughter Chicago at Christmas time. The Chicago dispatch dated Dec. 23 says: "While her mother was decorat ing a Cliri.tmas tree tonight Pearl Locke, three years old, picked up an old revolver and snid to her mother, Mrs. Earl Locke, "she me mama." "The mother, unaware that the revolver was loaded, pulled the trigger and shot the child through the heart, killing her instantly The revolver has been in the bouse for six months, and only one chamber was loaded." Rooms for Rent. rorainirio or uouiiie rooms or rooitiM for lioUKekeejiliifr Inquire at tlilM otllce. Ml Get Thia Separator. Kharples Cream Separator No. 2: will ell or trale for stock, cows preferred. Heparator nearly new. For i.articulari see J. II. fimitli, Prineville, Or. 12 31-2tp For Sale. One second-hand 3'i-inrh waifon. 110. 12 31-21 J. II. Dkloki, I'rineville. Or. Gty Property for Sale. A. II. Llppman line several niecin if choice city urouertv lor wile. See him. io-20tf Land Clearing and Contracting. Ke Mcf'lallln & Yonnir. Itedmond. Oregon, for hotine-movlritf, or lor any kiiiu in in un i-mnnng; HiiKenriiKli re moved, trees cut. Ktunips pulled. We are prepared to bid on unv work of HI" kind. 12-21-lniD Grizzly Butte Not So Cold. Lamonta, Jan, 10. Ed. Journal In order to correct the impreesion that Grizzly Butte is tho coldest place in Crook county, herewith send you the tempera ture taken at the sawmill. It covera bix days inclusive from January 5 to 10, and is as follows: Jan, 5. morning 4 above, evening below. Jan. 6 morning 2 below, evening above. Jan. 7 mornina 30 above, even- ing 2 abovo. r o . . Jan. o morning 4 above, even ing 10 below. Jan. 9 morning 18 above, even ing 8 above. Jan. 10 morning 12 against 22 below at Lamonta, 21 at Culver, 15 at J. L. Windoms, 38 at Madras and 26 at Prineville. Respectfully Mrs. W. II Pkck. W Caa Ltcalt Taa aa a HoaMttnJ. We lire prepared to locate intending settler on Kovernment land within iihv dlHtance of thin cltv: eun show you one claim w ith two line sprlntr. Write to I.aFoi.i.kttk & Skaiii iiv, Ho x 2U, Prl ne v II le, ( 'rook Co. , Oregon . Hides, Pelts and Furs WAN TED LOCAL MENTION The Roalaud Items hist week were received too late for publication. lietter time brlnit lietter clears at Ix-tter prlii. Kmoke clears man ufactured bjr-the I'rineville Cigar Fuctory. No mail wn received from Sbunlko Monday or TuewJay of thin week liecaiiHe of the. failure In the Wkkh Klianlko train service. It all came lu Wedncadny at V p. in. Three hundred years ko, Khakea pearesald: "We are advertised by our lovlnjr friends." Hrnoke a l, Komi and become one of our ad vertlserii. I'rineville Cluar Fact'y. Mrs. Oni Zell of Crook county, paused through Moro Tuesday at tended by her sister Wevo, and from Moro by her brother, Georj?e E. Lew- ellnn, cn route to a hospital for treatment. Moro Observer. Grants Pass Observer: Mrs. J. W. Baker, of Bend, Ore., who with her husband and daughter, Misa Melbn, have been visiting Mr. Baker's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baker, of KoHfburg, received a Ulegram call- Ing her to the bedside of her sister- in-law, Mrs. A.J. Wlmer, who Is dangerously III of ptomaine poisoning nt her home In Grants Pass. f Ammunition- Cm! s Knives, Belts Free Recipe Book. With the first purchase of a one- pound can or larger of Cleveland Baking I'owder we will give you a Cleveland Ueelpe Book which con tains more than 250 choice recipes. There Is no better Baking Powder on the market than Cleveland. J. E, Stkwaut & Co. The R. E. JONES Lumber Mill ON THE OLD KNIGHTEN PLACE ON THE OCHOCO s now cutting first-class lumber which will be sold on reasonable terms. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading :3-; outfits SOLD BY w. Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PRRRV ----- a a a a ihl PRTVU!VTT T V ODPnotf M OREGON Highest Market Price Paid Herman Poch, 2 miles rust of I'rineville, on Oclioco road Notice to Dog Owners. Notice Is given to dog owners llv liitt within the Incorporated limits of the city of I'rineville Hint you are hereby notified to procure a license toryour dog at once for the ensuing year of 11)011. C. L. SlIATTlVK, l-14-4t Recorder. chooe mm-mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Pr.tld.nl D. P. 8tcwart, Vic. Praaldant O. M. Elkins, Caihlar DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini, D. r. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention 1 I li Si Mai? A Cratli (aim Scaaol Bookl Caawri Sappliei Jewelry Wall Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Musical Lutraawots M(ai Lawafy't Caadies Sutioaerr Cifira The Leading Magazines and a complete lines of Post Cards at D. P. Adamson DRUGGISTS &. Co HOME CURED MEATS We now have on hand the first lot of our famous home cured meats put up by Mr. D. F. Stewart. The method employed and the care taken in putting up this meat makes it far superior to any other meat on this market. J Stewart Compaey U: J