Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 14, 1909, Image 1

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    6 '
NO. 5
County Commissioner's Court.
Tho matter of employing n Janitor
(or new court hntinc, continued
until tliu Mutvli term.
In tln unit irr nl iM-illldii fur conn,
ty roml by llnrolil Baldwin, Upon
petition lielngdiily lll.'il, nllldnvlt of
pouting notice mid ImhuI fur f.MH)
with George Itiiiliiuiii anil llnrolil
Baldwin an mitvtloc. It I ordered
tlmt the hoard of mini viewer meet
nttln beginning f Kulil rouil mid
View out, survey mid report thereon
nt tin' M i it'll term of tliU ciiurt.
lVtltloii for county mini ly Win.
Brownhlll ft nl. I'iioii M'tltlni,
nllldnvlt of posting notice iuhI IkiiiiI
fur f liHl with I.uiiU A. Young nml 1'.
N. Vlbliert u miretle U lllil. It U
ordered tlmt tin' lioitcil of ron i) view.
nt meet nt tlu beginning of hiiIiI
proposed mini, view out, survey mid
report t lii'Ci'ou nt tin' March term of
thin court.
lit tin matter of tli ntllduvlt m i to
the count ruction of fcin-p along the
IHvlght Itolicrt roml. Alllilnvlt of
I w lull t Itohcrta lis to completion of
fence mnl lil letter referring thereto
were received nml clerk directed to
forward mime to Mr. Jenkins, tlm
illnirlrt roml vMrvlor, with the
request tlmt lie litiiUf report tlirrcoii
lit I he Mnrcli term of thin court.
Hit' Jury Hut for t lie yi nr IlK'li. con-
Take advantage of our Odds & Ends Sale. Wc have decided to continue it during this month, to close
out all our winter goods, preparatory to invoicing. BE SURE TO CALL If you don't see what you
want, kindly notify us of what you want and we will try to hunt up a bargain for you.
ill Mllsfig"
t2:4, is W
ChiK rins and Miukob Outing
Lndies Heavy Outing Flannc
Odds & Ends Sale includes 25 pieces Outing Flannel
heavy weight, long knap, bent colora, regular 12o
values, at 9jc
Extra heavy outingR, regular 15o values at 11 Jc
Heavy Fast Color Dress Flannelettes includes Muea
grayei, redd, brownp, regular 12 jo at . 10c
Fine Dress Flannelettes in polkadots and other fancy
patterns, during Bale 12c
Best Quality Heavy Kimona Cloth finest ever
brought to tho town, dolling until this Kale at 20c . . . . 16 c
Ladies Fleeco Lined How, "Eiffel" brand, reg
20c values nt Mc
Ladies Fleece I.ned extra Heavy "Eiffel" brand,
regular 35c values 25c
Ladies Famous "lilnck Cat" Hose, regular 15c 10c
Ladies Comfort Fleece Lined Shoes regular
$2 00 grade at $100
$2.50 grade at $2 00
Odds & Ends of Slipper Stock at Cost
Woniens Low Top Felt Lined Slippers, $1 val at G5c
A few doz. pairs odd piirs Ladies and Childrens
Shoes at one-half price.
Cannod Jams and Jellies, regular 20o val, full wt 12 Jo
Campbell's Condensed Soup, asstd flavor?, reg 15o 8c
Soft Shell Crabs, 1 lb full wt, reg 40o at each 25o
Canned Hominy, 2 lb tins, reg 15o at 3 for 25o
C. W. ELKINS Big Department Store- Prineville, Or
Mtlng of 1.1 K) taxpayers, vmilrnwn.
It In iim follows:
CIiiin W Allen, farmer Lnldln w
I) I AilmiiHou, tlrugglnt I'rliii'Vlllo
II K Allen. blacksmith .. lilmk Butte
(iuy Allliighuiii, stockman "
F.iull A iiileim in, farmer .I'.enil
A I) AiiilerNuii, " MnlniN
It F Arnmlrong " ...... I. iiinoiiiii
Anton Atini', liveryman llcud
W C Iturlier, farmer .,.. Culver
Win l llnriicM.cnpltiiliMt ...... Lnldluw
K .1 Bnldiier. fanner Miidni
M W Bennett " ....... ..... "
I M lllevliiN " Howard
Win Boegll ' Oliver
W V. Bogne, MtiH'kmatl Itosliuid
J (1 Itolter, MtiK'kllilltl Cross Ke.VH
Clin Iloycl, farmer llenil
.In mm llrit'ii, farmer "
I'd llrimterliaiiH, carM-iiter "
Win Brown, farmer , Lnldluw
Wm Itrowulilll, farmer Lyle t n p
V Hutler, fanned o'.Wll
W II t inlle, farmer Mill dis k
V Cumou, farmer . Muter
I' Chit wood, farmer Grlxdv
W l Clark, laiteher l.nlillaw
A I' Clark, farmer . Lyle Gap
H ,1 Clemmeiix, HtiH'kliinll lleaver Cr
W N Col li, laiteher t'.lnck Untie
A S Cnlllim, farmer McKay
W C Couulelou, MtiM'kmau, lienver Cr
Clarence Cook, rook ltolainl
il M Cornet t, rnpltallHt .. I'rliievllle
Owwrt'ox. farmer f.amouta
() M Couch, farmer l.nlillaw
O M CyrtiN, farmer Culver
M A Davenport, farnier, Montgomery
I.niUo Ouiing Finn
iel Nilit (iown?, rep.
7"c vnl. now Wo
lieg. 11.23 val now. .H.'c
Ladies heavy outing
llinnel, lieuutifully
trimnied, 11.75 value
now ... ? ......... f 1 .25
Ladies heavy outing
flannel night gnwnp,
embroidered, rcg $2 50
value, now. ... . .1 So
Flannel Gown. . . .45c to 55c
1 PetlicoaU, now 55c
Cali'li Davis, farmer .. Post
J l IiiivIiImoii, drugglitt, .... lietid
II II IiivIn, stockman Heaver Cr
F II liaytoii, real estate Lnldluw
(ieo Jhf, farmer -..Grizzly
W I Dixon, stockman, CmnpCr
0 B IHnwhl.lle, clerk ... Prlnevllle
I'hllllp Crahaiu, farmer Ilay Cr
It C Iiove, farmer .MmlniN
I'rcxtoii l)uiiluini, xtockman, liearCr
C I, Katon, fanner lieiul
H M i:hy, farmer Itvilmoinl
J H lOilwanlM, farmer ...Lahllaw
C W i;iiret, iiierehmit Itedmoml
Olo ICi'lckNou, laliorcr...: ..ltenil
I'' ForeHt, farmer O'Xell
C W I'oHter, farmer lrlnevllli;
W H I'ullerlon, Mtockinan, i!lk. Unite
O l (ierkliiK, fanner Lnldluw
lllrmii tilliHon, furmer .MeKoy
ICImer illllam, farmer .... Ilayxtack
T H llmnlltoii, MtiH'kman, Anhwood
Alex llluton, xtockman ..Ik-iirCreek
W. II. llolliiiKxIicnd Itoxland
J N Hunter, real extate llend
Frank Hunter, farmer ..Pciil
It t." laimele, farmer Redmond
(' J JoIiiihoii, xt(M kinaii .. . I'rliievllle
Koht K Jordan, farmer Hlk ltutte
John Kemmlliit;. farnier .... McKny
Jidni I, Kifvcr, farmer.... ISend
tl W Kidder, farnier Helid
A (I Klhlw, farmer .... Ilay Creek
Aiixtlu Klzer, farmer Hear Creek
M It Knox,KtiH.'kmau New-Nome Cr
HKoopmau, xtiH'kmnu NewNomo Cr
Kd Kuteher, farmer Kutcher
Til KnFollette, farmer JoIiiimoii Cr
N.I I.amtM'it, xtiH'kman I'.lk I'.utte
ii Ends
One-Third Off on All
Ladies and Misses Suits
and Coats
Dont overlook this department
many new suits nnd coats re
cently received, & being bought
at a bargain we can show you
the greatest values of the season
Infants Fancy Jackets
Kcantiful finish, 115c., now 40c
Knit Jiu-kc'H, extra wtrni, 11.23 now 0!e
All Wool Sweater Jackets, 75c to 11.25
Stork Mapeic, tl.00 to 11.25 per set
Men's Clothing
Odd Suits, values $12.50 to $20.00
at less than half price.
Odd Pants, values $2.50 to $6.00
at one-half price.
4 doz. Odd Dress Shirts, values $1.50
to $2.50 98c
5 doz. Odd Hats at 85c
Overcoats closing out odd lots at
One-third off.
Boys Short Pant Suits
MOTHERS We are putting out about 2 dox
Boys Short l'ant SuiiH, ngea 3 to 10 years, at
ono-lialf regular price all good weight, but
o.Ul. Don't overlook these.
11 .-.'; 4 vv
Bedroom Necessities ffSlllS
Pillows penuino feather, reg.
ft .75 il.2.1 Pa" WftM
Wool batting, 1 lb bats 28,S,e Vft iM ktiM
Knitting cotton for ticing com- whi'MjzjfM JtJ
forts i 4 for 25s
Cotton lilankcts, Genuine Army Blankets, Sheetings, Comfort
OntingH and Calicoes, nil with the profit taken off.
Odds and Ends of Crockery, Glassware, Tinware and
Kitchen Specialties at about half price
LiulioB Fine All Wool Vests, Black, reg. $1.05 89c
Odds anil Knds in other lines at one-third off
Ladles Heavy Wool (ilovos, 50 and 7oc odd pairs at S3i!
Odd pairs of Ladies Winter Hose in both Floeeed and Wool, Shawls
Fascinators, Flaunolettu Wrapper?, Kimouas, at loss than tlrst cost
HC l.anliiH, iiiercliatil rrini'vtlle
l!HI,arkln, liariiexKiuuker Kutcher
Andrew Kamen. farmer Kutcher
Jon Karxen. clerks MntKmery
W II LiiWNon, farmer liedmolld
TJI-aeli, farmer Laiaoiitn
11 J I-iicli, farmer .NewNome Cr
F W lA-wrcnr., farmer.. Iilk Uutte
I) V Lliixcy, farmer liny Crwlj
II J Llxtcr, xtockman rrluevllle
W O LltliKow, farmer Itediiioiid
H II Lockyear, farmer Ileilmonil
L N Logan, xtockmnD CuinpCr
A M Logan, xtinkman lienver Cr
(I W Huoilerly, fa'riner....MontKoiuery
M L Ioui kx, farmer. Kutcher
11 M Love, farmer... Lamonta
S 1 Lovlnjf fanner Kutcher
A L McIiitoxli.MtiM'ktiian Ilardlu
Joe Mariiacli,farincr... Kutcher
Wm Markx, farmer , .UreeNe
W V Maxon, farmer . McKay
J N Maxton, fanner Koxland
F II May, farmer Powell Butte
J C Meeker, farmer Iilk Uutte
J W Memleiilmll, farmer Ilayxtack
lid Merrltt, xtockman Summit
Mike Itrown, xtockmnii Maury
L M Miller, merchant ... Beaver Cr
John Million), xtockman Bear Cr
I M MIIU, stockman.. ..llnrdln
F Minor, fanner Itoxland
II F Mitchell, carpenter McKny
JniiiexMollItt, farmer powcll Butte
I T Monroe, farnier Crtwa Key
Clin Montgomery farm Moiitgmy
A Morrow, xtooknmii (liiixly
Dick Mulliolland xtockman .. Ik'iir Cr
Frank Murk fanner Laldlaw
WV' "-
H I) MiiMtinl farmer PowellDuttes
ItBMutzlir, fanner Iiend
Ueo McCalllHter, farmer Lnldluw
Iiulph MeCatilly, farmer Hedmond
Wm MtElroy, fanner Kutcher
J W Me(JutIlevt farmer Itedmond
Chini Mi'Kenzle, farmer Grizzly
Alex Mclenimu, Anhwood
J W McTaKart, im rcliunt ...Kutcher
E W N'clHon, Ktix'kman Maury
C A New lilll, farmer Grizzly
Lynn NlchoU, farmer McKay
(1 II Nye, farmer Bear Creek
M L Oliver farmer I!lk Butte
Frank (taborn, U 8 Com Kutcher
C W I'almehu, farnier Grizzly
C E ParrlHh, Htockman .. Camp Cr
W J I'uncake, farmer....I'owell Butte
J M I'atton, farmer Laldlaw
VL Perry, farmer Itedmond
C E I'eraon, farmer BIk Butt
8 IJ Pierce, farmer Lanionta
W It Pollard, tnerchnnt Prineville
i O Powell, farmer Prineville
3n Fuller, farmer Mill Creek
II Li'rlday, Htockman Crowi Kcy
It V Paxton, farmer Kutcher
JnmeN IU-ed, farmer Haystack
C A Reeves, fanner Laldlaw
Patrick Iteilly, ntocknian..Ahwood
P It Iteladorfer, farmer iHnchutes
Tillman Iteuter, fanner Kutcher
II F Hideout, furmer McKny
J A ltltfn, farmer Powell Butte
C L Holiertu, stockmau M:n!-y
Elwood Kolierta, farmer Black Butte
O W Itodman, farmer I lay tack
D U Ilogein, farnier
E G Itourk, farmer Hotdand
G W IteynoldH farmer...Powell Buttee
W E Sandel, farmer Laldlaw
J E Sawhlll, farmer Rowland
Hubert Hcoggln, farmer Laldlaw
TIiob Sharp, Jr., furmer Montgray
Fred Sherwood, farmer Itedmond
F A Sliouquet, farnier .-.Rowland
Geo L Slmraona, farmer Lnldluw
It J Sheldon, fanner
E T Sluyton, farmer Johnson Cr
W J Smelter, baker Prinevliie
E A Smith, farmer... Bend
F F Smith, Huwinlll "
I W Spear, farmer McKay
Geo Stevens, furmer,. Prineville
T J Stewart, Btockman Maury
E M Swalley, furmer Laldlaw
Cling Swantiou, stockman. ..Ash wood
Dan Swift, farmer Haystack
T A Taylor, farmer Kutcher
Arthur Templeton, farm... Blk Butte
It M Templeton, farmer McKay
Alex Thomson, capitalist, rrlneville
H W Turner, fanner...Powell Biittt
V 51 Turner, farmer " "
J W I'sher, farmer Itosland
P N Vlbliert, farmer.; Lyle Gap
H N Walte, fanner Lamonta
A V Warren, farmer Haycreek
N P Welder, .pulnter Bend
Sidney West, farmer Montgomery
Henry Whitsett, blacksmith Bend
B F Wilhoit, farmer Montgomery
Fred Weise, farmer Black Butte
Joslab Williams, 8tock,...Johnson Cr
J .1 Wilt, stockman Black Butte
George Wludom, farmer Haystack
S W Yancey, stockman, Prineville
Frauk Znmwult, farmer, Black Butte
David Grime, farmer McKay
J T Itobinson, farmer Haystack
S A Prose, farmer McKay
D A Putman, farmer Haystack
C G Ramsey, farmer Kutcher
J Y Winters, farmer Black Butte
J H Gray, stockman Prineville
The list of road supervisors for the
year 190!) is as follows, clerk to not!
fy each appointee and send blank
bond :
No. 2 Ireland M F Hawthorn
" 4 Montgomery... Jas Montgomery
" 5 Black Butte Charles Carson
" 6 Haystack D C Jenkins
" 7 McKay A S Collins
" 8 Haycreek George Lytle
". 0 Willow Creek P Chitwood
" 10 Cross Keys P T Monroe
" 11 Ashwood J S Clark
" 12 Deschutes EW Richardson
" 13 Johnson Creek John Watkins
" 14 Mill Creek W H Cadle
" 15 Howard Ike Blevins
" 16 Summit W S Schmidt
' 17 Bear Creek J E Rjberts
" 18 Camp Creek F W Smith
" 19 Hardin J L Gilchrist
" 20 Beaver Creek Chas Henry
" 21 Maury T J Stewart
" 22 Newsom Creek W II Kf ehn
" 23 Kutcher: Rockey C Robisoa
" 24 Breese Si'as Adams
" 25 Powell Buttes Thos Hudson
" 27 Redmond C R SIcLallin
" 2S Laidlaw L II Root
" 29 Lamonta Chas W Freeman
" 30 Lyle Gap 6...Wm Brownhill
Reuewal of printing contract. Up
on due and careful investigation of
the Crook county circulation of the
several newspapers, it is hereby or
dered that the Crook County Journal
publish tho proceedings of this court
and all other matters us prescribed
by statute, upon the same terms and
conditions ns were in force for the
year 190S; that nil proceedings oi this
court be published in the first rega
Inr edition uUer each session thereof.
Petition for the rigid enforce
nieut or the weed law, pre
sented by John Sothmau et al. Pe
tition received and ordered filed. The
court is fully In accord with the
prayer of said petitioners and will
do all in Its power to enforce the
said weed law. However, It is ab
solutely necessary that the county
and county officials must have the
full and active assistance and co
operation of each aud every resident
and landowner of nald county.
Viewers report on the I). B. Mc
Donald road. Report read flrnt and
wcond 1 1 in in and Approved. Bond
declared a public highway and or.
dered opened. Clerk directed to
notify road mipervliior of mild dis
trict to open said road and to
request each tietltloner to work at
least one day on said road.
Viewer' report on the private
change In county rond by George
Renecal. Viewers' report read first
and second times, and continued to
the March term, 1909, In accordance
with said report.
Viewers' report for private change
In county road by James A. Smith.
Viewer's report approved and said
road declared a public highway.
Clerk directed to notify supervisor of
said district to open said road and
that clerk notify petitioner of cost of
said private change.
Petition for damages by J. T.
Todd. Petition read and ordered
filed; the same to be forwarded to
the district attorney for advice as to
liability of county.
In regard to special elections. In
order to avoid the necessary expense
of a Beclal election to vote upon the
so-called local option law, we re
spectfully urge the passage of an
amendment by which said question
may be submitted at the same time
as a regular election is being held.
That a copy of this entry be for
warded at once to V. G. Cozard,
Canyon City, Oregon, and to H. P.
Belknap, Prineville, Oregon.
In the matter of taxes upon unpat
ented land made by A. M. Drake.
Upon petition and opinion of district is ordered that the taxes
upon the property described In said
petition, heretofore levied be can
celled and that the sheriff be In
structed to make the necessary
In the matter of the final account
ing and settlement of Earl McLaugh
lin as road master. It is hereby
ordered that Max Crandali, expert
accountant, be employed to expert
the accounts and records of said
road master from the time of his
first nppointraedt to the present
time and make full report of bis
findings therein to this court at the
earliest date: also that said Cran
dali be paid for said services at the
rate of 6.50 per day. .-
Petition for right of way by the
Rye Grass Telephone Co. Upon
reading and filing the petition and
map of the Rye Grass Telephone Co.
for leave to construct and maintain
a telephone line from the half-mile
stake on the line between section
a1115 and section 32 13 lo over
aud along the county road to the
limits of the City of Prineville, it Is
ordered that said company be here
by given such permission, provided,
however that said line be so con
structed and maintained as not to
Interfere with any telephone or teh
graph line now constructed along
said road, and provided further that
said line shall in nowise be so con
structed as to interfere with travel
or other proper use of said highway
aud at all crossings Its wires shall be
at least 20 feet high in the clear.
In the matter of the application by
Mrs. Hacker for county aid. Upon
personal application for county aid
and other evidence, it Is ordered that
a warrant be drawn on the general
fund for $50, payable to Frauk El-
Kins, sheriff, to be by him expended
in stage fare' etc., to enable said ap
plicant and her two young children
to reach her parents In California.
In the matter of plastering the
walls of the jail by John B. Shlpp.
Upon a careful examination of the
county Jail and Its needs, It Is or
dered that the bid of John B. Shipp
for lathing and plastering the walls
of said jail for $147 be accepted, all in
accordance with his written bid now
on file with the county court.
Upon due consideration It is
ordered that the office of road mas
ter be abolished and that hereafter
all road supervisors report directly
to the county court.
Owing to the resignation of J. W.
Elliott aud the non-appointment of
a road master for the ensuing year,
W. H. Kinder aud Dick Vanderyert
are hereby appointed road viewers
for the ensuing year. The clerk is
requested to notify them of said ap
pointment. The boundary of Laidlaw District
No. 2S Is as follows:
Commencing at the-southwest cor
ner of section 19, township 15 south,
range 13 east, w m; Thence west on
section lines 12 miles to the range
line between ranges 10 and 11; thence
south on range line 2 miles to town
ship line; thence west to county line;
thence south on county line to 2
miles south of township line between
townships 16 and 17; thence east on
section line to the Pilot Butte Canal
on the south side of section 10, town
ship 17 south, range 12 east, w m;
thence northerly following Tilot
Butte Canal to the north side section
6, township 16 south, range 13 east,
w m; thence west to the southwest
corner of section 31, township 15
south, range 13 east; thence north on
range line 2 miles to the place of
beginning. '
The boundary of Deschutes Dis
trict No. 12 is as follows:
Commencing at the northeast cor
ner of section 21. township 10 south,
range 1 1 east, w m; thence west 6
miles; thence north 3 miles to the
northwest corner township 16 south,
range II east; thence west on town
ship line to the Pilot Butte Canal;
thence southerly on Pilot Butte Cn nal
to south side of section 10, town
ship 17 south, rnngo 12 east; thence
west on section lines to county line;
thence south on the county line to
township line between township 19
and 20 south; thence east on town
ship lines to the range line lietween
ranges 14 and 15 east; thence north
on range Jtne 21 miles to the place of
The boundary vi Ireland District
No. 2 is ng follows:
Commenting at the northeast cor
ner township 20 south, range 14 east,
w m; thence west on township line
to the county line; thence south on
the county line to the township line
between townships 22 and 23 south;
thence east on township line to the
range line between ranges 14 and 15
east; thence north on range line IS
miles to the place of beginning.
The boundary of Powell Buttes
District No. 23 is as follows:
Commencing at the north east cor
ner of section 12, township 13 south.
range 15 east, w m; thence west 12
miles; thence south 8 miles; thence
east 6 miles; thence south 12 miles;
thence east 6 miles; thence north 20
miles to the place of beginning.
Tuxes for 1909, levied on 1903 roll:
The tax required for state purposes
for the year 1909 being $16,575, the
following levy Is hereby made:
County and State 9.20 mills .
Genera! School . 3.00 "
Road fund (exclusive of
Prineville) 2.00 "
High School (exclusive of
School Diet. No. 12) 1.25 "
Library Fund . 0.05 "
Total levy for all purposcs..l5) mills
on the dollar.
Inasmuch as the Crook county
boundary board has duly recognized
the efficiency of the high school now
maintained within school district No.
12, It Is hereby ordered that said
school district No. 12 be exempt from
the tax levy for the . Crook County
High School, all In accordance with
the statutes and code of the state oL ,
Oregon,. .
The boundary of Haystack District
No. 6 is as follows: Commencing at
the northeast corner of township 12
south, range 13 east, thence west
about 8 miles to Crooked river;
thence up said river to, where It
crosses the range line between ranges
13 and 14; thence north to the place
of beginning.
It is hereby ordered thatthecounty
Clerk advertise for sealed bids for
furnishing the vaults of the Sheriff
and County Clerk in the new court
house at Prineville, Ore. with sec
tional fireproof furniture, also for
hardwood furniture sutiable for the
court rooms and offices in Bald court
house. All bids to be conditional so
that all or any part thereof may be
ordered at any time hereafter and
upon the written condition tnat no
payment whatsoever shall become
due or payable prior to April 1, 1910.
Bids will be opened March 3, 1909, and
the right to reject any and all bids
Is hereby reserved.
In the matter of the petition of the
personal representatives of Horace G.
Hurlburt, deceased, for repayment
by county of money found on
deceased. It Is hereby ordered that
the county clerk send a statement
of account showing the balance due
said county for cost of Inquest,
autopsy, etc. and request the pay
ment thereof.
It Is ordered that the report of
Max Crandali, experting tho books
and accounts of all county officials,
including the roadmaster, be pubr
lished lu full in the Crook Couuty
The report of Max Crandali show
ing results of experting books of
County Roadinaster, Earl Mc Laugh
liu, presented, read and ordered.. filed
and published.
Owing to the great danger of fire
in the present old court house and
the great loss to Crook county in
case Its present tax roll should be
destroyed or injured, it is ordered
that the county clerk rent a room In
the First National Bank building at
a cost of not to exceed the rate of
$10 per month and necessary fuel
therefor, aud that the wovk of ex
tending said tax roll be conducted
therein, and that said rolls shall be
kept safely in Buid bank building or
the vaults thereof.
Expert's Report on Accounts of
County Roadmaster.
To the Honorable Couuty Court of
Crook County, Or.:
Gentlemen Herewith find state
ment of account of the roadmaster,
Earl McLaughlin, from May 1, 1906,
to December 31, 1908, with a state
ment showing amounts expended in
each district as near as I was able to
determine from the way the accounts
were kept. The segregation of the
expenditures as to the various dis
tricts may not be absolutely correct
Continued on page 4.
1 '. ,