Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 31, 1908, Image 4

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    There are two kinds of whiskey.
One is the other isn't
The kind that IS contains all the constituents that come
from proper distillation and ageing That's what makes it
REAL whiskey.
'The kind that ISN'T is made of alcohol, prune juice and
bead oil or is simplyalcohoi put in charred barrels, and
branded whiskey.
The Pure Food Law" alms at having the consumer get
exactly what he calls for.'
When you call for whiskey ask your, dealer if it will
respond to a government laboratory test.
Ask him if he guarantees it.
Then you will know what you are paying your money for.
Buy the brand you know, the standard for 70 ycars.
Cyrus Noble pure whiskey all whiskey old whiskey.
quart bottle of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE
direct to you, aJl durpi
paid to tbv netrott railroad express office.
EsUlUed 1864 I OS-1 07 Second Street. PortUnA CW
CUT T TMim lint MB HM TO-At
W. J. Vu ScKarm A Ca s rw I
EKMiWUM.90l'iUiiliKnlMilaiqn, pRpui. ha quart
In " v ,
I MX AUmm St .
ci!!? , sun,
Death of Wm. Marks D. E. Templeton Dead.
William Marks, an Orepon
pioneer of 1S52 and a resident cf
Linn county for more than half a
century, died Tuesday morning a
week ago at hia home in Lebanon.
He was the father of Mrs. E. T.
Slayton, Mrs. William Adams and
William Marks, Jr., all of Prine
ville, and on receiving tidings of
his death all three left early this
week to attend the funeral.
Mr. Marks was born in Washing
ton County, Indiana, July 11,1830,
and crossed the plains to Oregon
in 1852. Coming with his parents
to Linn county, he took up a dona
tion land claim four miles north
west of Lebanon, near Tallman
Station on the Albany-Lebanon
line. He lived there until two
years ago, when he moved to an
other farm he owned just north of
Lebanon. He had lived in Linn
county continuonsly for 56 years.
He is survived by bis widow and
the following children: James W.
Marks, of Coyote, Cal; John H.
Marks, of Denver, Colo; Mrs E. T.
Slayton, Mrs. William Adams and
William Adams, Jr., all of this
city; Mrs. Charles Reddick, of
Lebanon, and Mrs. Elbert S. Robe,
of Albany. Professor A. Wiley,
principal of the Shaver public
school, of Portland, is a stepson.
Mr. Marks is also survived by two
Continued from page 1.
Land Clearing ana Contracting.
See McClallin & Young, lU'druond,
Oregon, for house-moving, or forauv
kind of laud claaring; Ham-brash re
moved, trees cut, Ktuiupn pulled. We
are prepared to bid on anv work of
this kind. 12-24-lmp
Wc Can Locate Toa a a Koaettead.
We are prepared to locate intending
Bettlerg oa government land within
easy distance of thU eitv; can show
.vou one claim with two line springe.
Write to LaFoi.i.ettb & Skahi hy.
Box 214, Prinevilk-, Crook Co., Oregon.
ton was one of the leading citizen
of the couutry and became wealthy
before he died.
The Templeton family were
among the first settlers in Virginia,
ia Indiana, in Missouri and in
Linn county, Oregon. The mother
of David E. Templeton t&3 born
in Greene county, Pennsylv. nir,
and came with her parents to
Indiana when young. She married
there. Her ancestors were cf
Irish extraction.
David E. Templeton received
his early education in Missouri,
completing his studies in the Rev.
Mr. Spaulding's missionary tchool
in the Willamette valley. He
labored on his father's donation
claim until of proper age, then
took one for himself adioinins.
That was his home until 1S70,
when he came to the vicinity of
Prineville and took government
land and engaged in stock raising.
He quickly became one of the
largest stockowners of the dunty
With John II. Templeton, who
managed the pharmacetical end of
the business, he owned a drugstore
in Prineville, under the firm name
of Templeton & Son.
In 1855, Mr. Templeton married
Lavinia Pell, who was born in
Ohio and came with her father to
Missouri in 1852 and then crossed
the plains to Oregon. Her parents
were Calvin and Mary (McCarrenj
Pell, also pioneers of Oregon.
uaviu St.. lempieton was
commissioner of Crook county for
four years and always took a keen
interest in political matters. He
always did a great deal to advance
the interests of this part of the
State. He was a man of sterling
worth and integrity and was well
known in Oregon. He started in
life with verv little and in 1849
Modi iS
I (:lhmfiOtiQ JI1L
Just scratch a match light
the Perfection Oil Heater
and stop shivering. Wher
ever you have a room that's
hard to heat that the fur
nace doesn't reach there
you'll need a
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Just the thing for blizzard time or between seasons. Its genial
glowing heat makes any room cheerful and cozy. No smoke
nno smell smokeless device prevents. Brass
font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin-
r- I J r I l I r- l . .i
nea in japan ana nicicei. every neater warranted.
which is so much appreciated by workers and
students. Made of brass, nickel plated with the
latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp
warranted. Write our nearest agency for de
scriptive circular if your dealer cannot supply
the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp.
Standard Oil Company
went to the mints of California,
where he wss ruccmful In 1 1 t.iin
ing a goodly portion of gold.
It will lm if intiirtt to know
that he was clerk of t!ie first lec
tion held in Linn county. IVinp
then IS years of age, Ii distiueth
remembered that there weie only
17 vote cast at the election.
James Cant nil and family,
with other near relatives, came in
before his death to pay parting
homage to one whom they and li e
community felt bound to resjn-ct
in the highest degree.
Five children survive tlnir
father, as follow: Litre Vander
pool, Prineville, wife of Med
Vanderpool; Matlie PhilliU-r,
Portland; Marion Templeton,
Prineville; Ida Car.trvll, Klamath
Falls, wife of James Cantrell; and
John Templeton, Prineville.
Applications for Grazing Permits.
NOTICE I hereby Riven Unit
all npplientl.Mis for Tmitn
to grille cattle, horse tun)
whevp within I lie liKSCIU" 1T.S
wnsnii of I'.iOO, muni Ik tiled In m
ottiee at 1'rlnovllle, Ore., on or before
February IS, liKHl. Full Information
In retiarii to the icnuittii foe to lie
charged and Wank forms to 1h umM
in luaklnjf nlicatiou will tie fur
nished upon request.
U' iWt A. 8. IKKI.AND. Supervise!-.
Natkt far FaWicitioo.
Not Coal
Depart incut of the Intriior.
I. S. Land Oltio nt 1 tic 1'ulU , Orfwn.
(VptrniN-r '.Villi, llsS.
Nutii o is hereby pivrn that
I.iuiis I.. Jaouw
of Paulina. OrvRoii. ln. on Junv Till, 1!X".
mailt" lk-ert I.mii.I Kntrv (Si N,, oiriiM
No..'. fr :',NV';. Ktsvi;. sv,
SKl. t-wlii-Ti 1, l ii.-htp IS South. K.i;igv
2 Kat. Willnmi'tte .Mfiiliaii. Iut tilft
notice of inteuiion to niake tinal deport
l.iml proof, to estahlish claim to the hunt
abort tlt?cribftl, brforv Varr-ri Hrown,
county clerk, at his utile l I'riiicvilli',
Oregon, on the Tth day cf January, l'.",'.
Claiinant names as witiie-ws: I'harit U.
Henry. William I.ylle ami Isaac M. Milli,
all of Paulina, Oregon, autl Homer D.
Cecil, of Rilvy, Oremm.
12-3p C. VV. MK1RE, RcKbtcr.
Notice to Creditors.
Nctice is hcrehy given hy ttieinlcri);nej
the executrix of the estate of Alexander
Friend, ilecta.etl, to all perstons haviin;
Claims iliMiliM said estate to present the
same wilh the proper vouchers to the
uiiiiersigned at the oltice of M. It. KKiott,
in Prineville, Oreiron. within six months
from the first publication of this notice.
iatcl this 10th ilav of Dtt-eml-'r. l'v-.
kli2ai:kth fkik.nd.
Executrix of the Kstate of Alexamler
Friend, Dectaaed. U-ll)
Notice for Poblicatioa.
Department of the Interior.
I". S. Land Office at The Dulles. Oregon.
Novemtter LM, llius.
Xotice is hereby given that
Holla N. Doit
ot Prineville, Oreitun, who, on April 9ih,
1''7, made Timber and Stone Entry No.
ails') (serial No. i7t for N'XK1,, N'j
NW4. Section 8, Town-hip It South,
Rane IS Kast. Will.iniitte Meri.lian, has
tilel notice of intention to mr!;e lintil
proof, to tstahlisli claim to the land alwvc
descrihed. Iiefore the county clerk at I'rine
ville, Oreiron, on the loth day of February,
V.ffi. t'laimant names as witnesses : Hol-
ert G. Smith and t'harles M. t'harlton.
both or rnneviile. On-)t"n.
ll'-3 C. W. Moobk, Rejrist.r.
Notice for Pablicatias
(Not coI land.)
IVpnrtment of the Inferior.
C S. Laud Olhce at the Dalles, Oregon
Noveinher 17th, H
Notice is hereby given that
I.tsLlE A. PoTTr.R
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Jtovendier
iith, niiu'e Timber and Stone Applies-
iiou i.o. viou iur cs t -'4.s t, yif ret llon s ,
Township 11 South, Ranire IK East. Wil
lamette Meridian, has hied notice of inten
tion to make linal timber and stone iiroof,
to establish claim to the hind iihuve (b-
scrilM-d, Iiefore Warren llniwn, countv
clerk, at his otlice t Prineville, Oregon,
on the atti uay ot rehruary, laim
ant names as witnesses: Wade 11. Huston
llenrv A. Foster, Robert ti. Smith und
id Barnes, all of Prineville, Oregon.
12-y . C. W. MiXtKK, Kej;i.-ter,
In the County Court ol the State o( Oreiron,
for the County of Crook. In the matter ot the
rtate ot John W. t'ollins, ds-eused. Citatlen
To ail heirs of John W. ( oliins, deceased;
In the name of the State of fir'-gon, ynn ore
njreiy eneu oiki r'-'iuireu io Ki-iM-nr in the
Coumy Court of h'Hte of nre?,ni. for the
county oi crook, at Hie eourt room thT of. at
Prineville in the County of crmjk on .Monday,
memiiftyni January, iyoy, at in o'cioek in
the forenoon ol thai Hay, then and there to any there he why an nrdi'i
should not he. made authori.niK W. If. ts-ck,
administrator (d the estate of John W. Collllis!
deceased, to sell at private inle, so inueli of
the heremafU'r uescnoeu real estate of aij
aeeeas-ii as may i; itfreessary, io wil:
The Southeast quarter of the Northeast oiiar.
ter of section Klevtn in Tonhi, Thn e south
of Kanne six West of Willaiueile Meridian lu
ireeon :
Aio. a .art of the Donation Land Claim of
ret-r smith anu wife, txumUcu as follows
( omnieni'inir at the southwest corner of a tract
of Inni needed to J. It. Cahlwell hy K. J
Fryer and wife; thence north twelve and
five-eighths rods; thence east three rods atol
three leet; inen:e south twelve anu five
eiithlhs rds thence west three rrol and
three feet' to place of b- y . n n i nif , coiuaiiiiug
uio-'iouriii at I.',
Also, a trai t of land hounded as follows:
Commencing at the southeast eorner of a tract
of land sold hy Peter Smith to C, Cooper and
hy c. Cooper's heirs to larkln Fonts; running
inence nortu iweive anil nve-citrnihs roils;
thern-e west three and one-fifth roils; thence
south twelve and five-eiirhths rods: thence
east three an'l one-hfth roils to ilace of hegin
ninir. eomaininK tne-iourin o an acre.
Witness, the Hon. 11. C. Kllis. Judee of the
county court oi me state ot oreiron, Iur the
Coumy of crook w ith the seal of said court uf-
lixecj, this 2lih day of Novernher, A . I). HsiH,
ll-t Attest: v amkex lijiow.N, Clerk
Holiday Presents
100 different nicker to select fnw, riunilng lu price from II Ot) to 75 00
4() atyles of Center ami Tibr.try Tahlks from l f0 to f:W 00
'.Hiyx til Umss Ct Kinvivem ,
Ladies' I'r.nfers lit Oak, Malmk-iuiy ami Hird'cv at price from 10 to V1
liiUca' IVsks In 12 iltfferent styles , , ,.,.
Music Ciihinets aiul KtHtml cases in many styles ,.,
I.a.His1 V'tilily Hexes ami Skirt Warxlrnhc
Oillce ehiiirs in Wo.!, fane iil leather ,.,..,..,.... ,
rmiclies, Lomittes su l Settees In all tho latest coverings...... ....,
Iwifton Smyrna and Axnutister Unit ..,
Art Septate in all sues ami all graces at prices from (l to I'U)
Mirrx-rs a'.I stsca an.) all prices..... .,,. .
lwHikcates'titHl China Cloacti in Hub ami l'lano l'olisli,.
lUiffets and itt vry latest style and finishes.,
Iron Htsls in :!0 sty lea, all ticcs
ricturvs aiid ricturo Krmnea
Come in and see this new, fresh, clean and up-to-date
stock of Eastern-made Furniture. All our goods
are set up and fitted by best cabinetmakers obtainable
Contest Notice.
IVpartmcnt cf I he Interior,
I' tided .Slates I ami Olhcc.
The IVtl'.es, Oreiron tKccmler II, P.W.
A siirticicut contest ntlldnrit havinir
lieen tiled in this ot'i. e .v
Thomas It, trtis
contestant, aaai'i-t hoiuestead - Serial No.
OU'.xi eoti v No. "t.'iiJ, made Julv 8. p"'l,
fr WCjNWi, SiviKinii. K'j.N'IH,, Sic.
.11. Township l.t So.itli, l.'ane II East,
WiMamctte Meridian, hy Myron E. Ilm-ke-teiU-f
, coiitestte, in w liicti ii is alleged thai
said Myron E. UakelVllir has wholly
almndonetl tract for more than ail
months past; tliat s.ud tract is not
settled Hp n and cultivated hy said party
as roiuired hy law; that he has Wholly
a'omtdotifd said tract for more than two
years last past: that saiJ alleged ohsence
was not tins to his employment in the
army, navy or murine corps of the I'nitml
States in time of war, said parties are here
hv uotitictl to appear, rwpoud and idler
evidence tottchinc said allegation t W
o'clock a. in. on Kehruary 11, V'X In-fore
Ws-rcn llMsrn. county rlerk, at his otliie
in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear
tiiK w ill he held at 10 o'clock a. In. on Kelt
ruary lit. I'.ul Iwfore the Ktyisier and Kt
ceivt'r at the I 'nited States Land Otlice in
The Dalles, Oreson.
The aid contestant havinit, in a proper
atlidavit, tiletl Deccnilur II, set forth
facts which mow that alter due dilit nee
personal service of this nvticv can not t
made, it is herehy ordered and directed
that such notice In- given hy due and prop
er publication,
!--! C. W. Moore, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given bv thi undcrHlirnnd
theadmlntstratrix with the will annexed of
the estate or Atexamler Mc.cioy, ueeeasf-u,
that she has filed with the clerk of the
County Court her final accounting of her ad
ministration of said estate, and the eourt has
set Monday, the 1th day of Jan. i:i, nt the
county court room In Prineville, Or iron, ns
the lime and place for Hctuinjr said final Re
counting. At which time and place any
neraon interested in said estate may iipni-ur
und object to such final accounting.
iJalcU nils lain aay or rsov, i snf.
Martha iioovkr.
Artnitntstrntrix with the will annexed of
theetitule or Alexander Mc'-loy, deceased. 11-19
Notice for Publication.
(Sot coal land)
Department of the Interior,
U. H. Land Ollicc, The JJallep, Or.,
Noveinher 7th, WH.
Notice is hereby triveu that Carrie D.
nice, ot Prineville. Orecon, who. on Octo-
lr P2th, liciH, niude Timber and btonc
Application No. 01Ki, for X'AKW'A. tsWli
SVV!, Hection 12, Township
14 South, KatiRe la Kast, Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of intention to
make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before Wurren Brown, County Clerk, at
his office at Prineville, Oregon, on the SJmj
day of January, Claimant names as
witnesses (jeorge W. I.uckey. Joseph 11.
Ciooks, Samuel iJingee and Fred A. Kice,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
Jl-.ii O. W. Moore, UCKistcr.
Notice for Pub'i.atlon.
iXot Coal f.and)
Department of the Interior,
I". S. LanJ Ullue, at The Dallt-n. Or.
Oeceinlier IMh, I'JUS.
Notice is lierehy given that
William J. 1'iwiiake
of Prineville. Oregon, w ho, on August Joth,
Pitt, made llomestead Knlry (Serial No.
Cr4-), No. I.'s,s3, forS,XVJ, and NJSW,
ection 1 1, Tow nsbip ill South. Ilaturc II
Ka-t, Willamette Meridian, has tiled no
tice of intention to make Final Five-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land above
deserilH-tl, before Warren Hrown, county
clerk, at his olhce nt Prineville, Oregon,
on the 2nd day ol l eb-unry, p.e.i. Claim
ant names as witnesses- Samuel S. Sbep
svd, I banes I. Swanson, Carl C. Hrix and
Idaii-oti A. llusset. Rl! of Prineville, Ore.
l---lp C. 'V. Moore, Hegister.
Nolict for Pabticitioa
Not Coul Land.
Department of the Interior.
V. s. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or.,
November ilth, p.ius.
Notice is herehy (riven that
Ct.Aiii.cii C. Ta re
of Portland, Oregon, who, on Noveinher
17th. !!, made Timber and Stone Appli
cation No. 0PW for Lots 1, a. and fK
NK'i, NKV.SK" Section 5. Town-hip l."i
South, llai'e 21 KaL Willamette Merid
ian, has hied notice of intention t make
final timber and stone proof, t- c-titblish
claim to the land nlive t!eeribed, before
Warren Hrown. county clerk, at his uttlcc
at Prineville, oreiron, on the flh duv f
February, pslil. I'liiiiiiunt names as "wit
nesses: Itvron Cady, Knchielliis K. Jones,
John W. Uitter aiid Alden C. Knighten,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
U-3p C. W. Moope, Kegister.
r , ffi
w, A. Booth, Prtidttt
D. F.Twr, Vic Prlnt
O. M. Cikins. Cathlsr
W. . Booth, O. M. Sotiaa,
O. F. ttiwAST
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Kxchaut'o Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt atteu-
fcL-riU rd--t rJLTU-TJ-rikr tJrii BO
The City Meat Market
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try Homo of Crook county ' choicest
products. Its tho best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you will help build up a homo industry.
Wo always carry tho best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when .sold in large quantities
Wc handle all kinds of country produce
Statement of Raaourvsi and Libililisof
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Al lthclos of bvtinssa Nov. 17, 1808
Uwnsand IHseuunta R2",II3 HI tupllal Hlurk , , 00
t'lilled Blttlea llonds ILSM ID X Kuirdn an4 unitllilril"proflts tn.t'l M
Hank I remises llA'.T (ireulallon 7.W0 00
t'ssli A lue rrnin banks Isa.tsW 6U Individual Hrpaalis tl",vo N
Closing Out Sale
Fine assortment of Hats, Veils,
Ribbons, etc., to be sold at cost
Mro pcfpo Milliner
I II o. LoICo parlors
Comer Second and Main St.
Gasoline Engine
Irrifitioa, Spririag ud Psmpiof Mukiaerr
Knlrlinnks-Monw OiuHilInn IKnirlnes r
pnmiilnir, iruylng, (mwIuk, (rluUlna. Out
nt romplt'te.
Kttlrl.unlo UitalH A, W...I..1. I ...
KulrliHiik-Miro liyntttiioa and Mutora ftjr
kiwit nun UK 111.
Knlrhunk-Minie t'ltitfnlltH nnrl Tuvum
Klrl.nnk-MireUrlniler Feed I Iio.t,
"I'll l'lll!i.
All llrt nnallty moiU nt lour tut irl...
Alwy In mK-k. I.IUtiiI li'inu. l'n.iiml
reply lo Inquiries nnit iiutik lilpmuuls.
n rim iur cuuiuiKue aua prices.
W. F. KING, Apst, rriatf llc. Or..
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
I3I,:J 0
a. r. ah... trM.M
Will WmMlW, Vies
liltl 10
a ItUola, Am'I COIm
A I tup ii A 1 1 t-a- M rNnr a t- ti- I fX
(Horseshoeing in Connection)
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, wwk or month at
Ri'ationablo rates. Koincuilior us when in
LTineville. IUtts Hkamokadlk. Wo have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Referee's Sale.
Nolict for Poblicatioa.
xmmxi. i.asi.
Dcpartmem " I the Interior.
1. 8. I.Hint Ollice at The Uitllen, oreenn.
Ill temljer 4th, I'MlS.
Notice la bereliy given tht
l.n.y A. Iiiiiiiiins
ot f.nionla, Dreiion, who, on July fith, l!irt.
lim.Ie ifoii-teui Klltry f serlnl N11. 01H::;i! No.
1. ill, Iur HWi.Ntt'1-,, Heetlun .'II , 'Jowusiilp U
wjiun. r.Hit(e it i-.ri, niitAinetu. Mertinmi.
tins flit 'I notire ol InU'iitliin to miUn Kiimi
I OIII III 11 tut jllll i'rOllf, lO lIHllllllisIl I'lltllll to the
la rid ttltve ili-nerlfoed, trt-tore Warren llroMii,
toiaity clerk, nt hi ottii e at Prineville, ( ireon,
on Die aith ilny ot January, l:rj. cluliimnt
names an w itninttes: irwut l. Iiam-y. fit ti Nell
(irei-iin: Kreil 11. M intern, ol I.nlnoittH. (In-ffint
Atel Cuild, ofd'N'eil, Oregon, and John rerun-
koii, e,i i.ttiiioiua, uregini.
C. W. Mookk, Register
Notice (or Publication.
Not Coal Lainl.
Department of I lie Interior.
V. S. Land Olliee at The Dalles, On-pon.
Novetnlier Z&1I1, 1U08.
Xoticc Is hereby iriven that
A Hill IK (illlWlX
of Post. Oreiron, who, on May 22nd, Vm,
mane lloine-itead IMitry lenal Mi. HI71X
No. Wf'H for Section H; NWK
HV.'i, XKKNWK, Section 10. Township
17 South, Kanire 1 Kast, Willamette Mer
idian, Iiiih iiii-it notn e ot intention to make
linul live-year nroof. to estalili.ih claim to
the laud above de-crihed, hefoid Warren
l'.rown, county clerk, nt his otlice tit 1'ritie-
ville, Oregon, on the 7th dajr of January,
I! 'J. t laimiiiit names as witnesses : Mon
roe W. Sniesd, Fniiilc M. I'ost, John I'.
rtckctt and Oeortro W. Wiley, all ot i'Oht,
l'Wp C. W. Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication.
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or .
November ai, rjo8.
yotlee in hereby Riven that Maltj ot Oreion
haMtlleil in this olti'-c its atmliiHtlon. Keruil
No 01ill, 10 select under the provisions of the
Act of (jiuiirress of Almost M. lulu, and the Acts
supplementary thereto, the hVi of Kcellon S,
1 o liiini) 10 aoum, Kange 11 tuni, yt uiaiueiti;
Anv and all ticrsona elHilninir adversely the
lands described, or ik'sirimc to oblcct U-cause
of the mineral character of the land, or for any
other reason, to the disposal lo applicant,
should file their affidavits of protest in tills of-
nce on or ueiure me am nay 01 January vim.
W'MM C. V. Mookk, Kugistur.
hi A IK )!' DUKtluX FUR T1IK
Department No. 2.
Henry 0. Hedirpeih ami Muhle Ileilgpetli,
uis nuv, 1 minting,
Minnie E. McCorrt ami A. A. Mef'onl, lu-r
lui-liaiiil, Ida K. I'rosc anil J. 1). I'rose, her
luisbai il. Anna K. LnKollette ami I'on La
t oilette, tier hiisband, Charles K. (iullifonl
tuul Kllle Ottllifiird, Ins wife, Clarence O.
liiilliforil and I'ay tlullilord, his wife,
Hi.niiiel L. tiiilliford und Mary (lulliford,
his wife, Marion Whillitlcli, Henrietta
(iiillllord, Insane, Vida V.. Ileilgpetli, Kllen
11. Htaltord ami Haruli K. 1,'oe, Helen. Ian ts.
liy virtue of a iiidirinciit, order ami de
cree duly i-Hued 0111 of and tinder th
scut ol the above entitled court,
111 111c aoove entitled enuse, on
.Monday tho 30th (lay of Novem
Iwr, IW'8, uiioii a judgment rendered in the
ntiove enii tied court on .Monday the 30th
day of Noveinher. law. In a oanitiini .nil
hetween the parties hereto, lor the salo of
uie nereinaiter UcsiTibed real property,
and upiaiintitiK the tindrsi(rnei as referee
tor the piirpoce of making such sale.
Winch said real proriertv is dcseriheil as
follows, to wit: The Kast llalf ot the Month
east Ojuiiter ot Kec. 2 in Tp. I I H., K. 1(1 K.,
of the Willamette Meridian, coiituiuliis 80
acres more or less, all in Crook county,
ui '
Now, therefore, by virtue of said lud
nient, order and decree, and as referee
thereof us aforesaid, I will on Huturdny,
the 23rd day of January. 1IMJ. ot the hour
01 one o'clock I'. M. at tho front door of
tne county court house in 1'rineville,
Crook county, Oregon, sell at puhlio auo
tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all the right, title ond interest which the
defendants herein, or either of them, had
011 the said 3uth day of November, 1!X)S or
since have in or to the above descrilied real
property, or any part thereof, to satisfy
said jiidgpinit, order and decree, costs unci
accruing cotits.
as Referee,
Dated at 1'rineville. Oreiron. this
lav of December, l!iH.
I'irst publication, Dec. 17, 11X18.
Lust publication, Jan, 21, laoa.
lienartrnent of the Interior.
U 8. Land Olllic at The Dulles, Or.,
July 31, 1 is si.
Notice is herehv riven that Oernlil Ii
flroves, of Tacorna, Wash., who, on July '21
iww, male inniier ana si.ine sworn staiernent
No.WJforKK'iNK'i. Hcetlon 21, Township
US. Kunire l:i K., Willnmelte Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final proof
to establish claim to the land above described
before Ihe Register und Kcceiver, at The
Dalles, Or., on ttie 2nd day of January, 11011.
Claimant names as wi loesses: John Jack son
and Joe fjurson. of O'Ncll. Or., Oconee Oates.
of i'ortland, Or., und J !. Coe, ofHIianlko, Or.
iu-zyp ij w. MixiHK, ItegiNter.
Notice for Pabticitioa
Department of the Interior.
U. H. liUiid Office at The Dalles, Or.,
Noveinher 12th. 1(108.
Notice is hereby given that
Howabii W. TllRNKR
of 1'rineville, Oregon, who, on September
2tlh. IllOl, made Homestead Kntry (Herial
No. 011811), No. 13812, for N V iHK,ti4K4,
fection 2, and Hection 11,
Township 10 Mouth, Range. 14 Kast, Wil
lamette Meridian, has riled notice ot inten
tion to make Final Commutation 1'roof, to
establish claim to the hind above described
before Wurren iirown, county ckrk, at his
olllce ut Hrineville, Oregon, on the 23rd duy
of Dcc.emlier. 11X18. Claimant names as
witnesses: William J. Pancake, Charles A.
Craves, Klunson A. Russet and Joel A.
Klliott, all of Prineville, Oregon.
1 H!i C. W. McoBit, Register.
The O'Neil Restaurant
First Ciasa MeaU 25c and Up
Freah Oystera and Fish in Season .
("nrryliie; a choice m-lit-tlon of flno cunt;, cljjtiw, orange,
lemoiiH, etc. (live tin a call.
r. t r.i
L' J
v J
l J
Sonera ffilacksmithmg
iiou8e8hoe1nq, wood work, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly Doni
When it is Done By : : i
fiobort 97ooro
Satisfaction Will Uc Guaranteed
. m
Mny bo Impaired ypg ruined by poor, or oven poorly fitted
eye gliiHWH. What's tlio iiHo or House of wuntlnn; your money
to your own hurt? Come nntl have your eyes exainlned lu a
Hklllful manner and fitted wUIi'kIiihhi'h thntaro the beHt to be
li iid. An examination coHta you nothing.
W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician
Main Street, Prineville, Oregon
Bring your job printing to the Journal
8 ('
& v: