t LOCAL MENTION V. V. Lokiiii wan In fiom Crook Monday. J. M. Join wnt here from Klmiiiith Pulls Kittiiriliiy. Jam.- (Jllt lirlHt of Unck creek wim lu town Monday. J. II. llorney wnsover from Mml mm Hnttirilay. Koltool will reopen next Mniuliiy, lifter the holiday. C. A. Hinili l Ie win here on ImihIiiom Hut unlay. MImn M. otter, of ItlUvllle, Wiuth., In vuitinn lii thu ciiy. ('. 8. C(nUt(in ciiiiio In from Paulina to mwinl Niiinlny. B. F. Kryreitr nn.l ilanulitor were over trout Nlxier Htiniliiy. it, K Simpson lunl family lift this week for their new homo tit loln, Maho. J. II. timy iumI wife spent Christ in iih with thflr family lit lUniny View Farm. Colonel Hmllh In In Portland, Imv. Inn Iteen called then a few day no on Important IiuhIiii'hh. Mr. L. C. Mil'hfMoii In In thin week from her home nt Powell Imttc n the fittest of Mm. M. H. Klennm. New school hotiw w ill m lmtlt nt'Xt vi'ar In the Heaver creek nul , Itennm dlHlrlot In eastern Cniok couutv. Mr. KllllnitUrk, llvlnjf near Mail rim, ha been very sick lor six wii'kn, nml lr. Itclknnp paid ti second vImII to her Itedslde Holiday. MUa HoiiHton. who sjietit four month thU tall nml winter nt the' C. J. Johnson ranch, him returned to her home In lleitr creek. Mr. ami Mrx, ('. W. ICIkln trnve a hilt dinner ClirUlm.it day to nil the clerkM, with tlii-lr families, who arv employed at F.lkln' store. C. W, I'.lkliiH Ti ml family have moved Into tlii-lr now homo Just Mouth of the Presbyterian church, formerly occupied by ltcnntc llooth. John Aliloa Kenbtiry and family moved out thin wov'k to "Tho House1 that Jack Unlit" on their (loldeii KukIo ranch, JtiHt off tho McKay road. V, A. llooth has liecn con lined to hU room for n week or ton day with asthma, a chronic allllctlon with him. lie I reported an hi tter today. Marriage license have Isru Issued toKniuitcl L. Ilcn nolt, Jr., of Moilfonl, mid Mary It. Scoria, of Tiimalo; Jniue A. Cottlnulu nml lather Larson, both of Yoiiiik. Htnt Senator Waller J. U.-cd, a prominent clt lien of North Yakima, Wash., tiled nt hli homo there, Ilco. 14 after an Illness extending over a year. Ho wan ox-Mayor of North Yakima, nml a western pioneer. Mr. Hood wit well known lu Prlne vlllo. lo wax the. administrator of tho Nye ivtato. Wear Insured Sox Areroof oclnt',FTrf'rhir"l!nl trHit'' S.. are iin lor six montlis. This It the i-trmHttt lltir ! paira ol "Holeproof" Rn li.r U W and It any or nil ol Ihctn come to hulPB ornoed darning la six nionihi will replaes litem Willi MW SO fit tJC noieproot Sox rm dml with bolutety ln( ciiltim. 1'hvr will not "crock," mt nor Imln. "I!ot. proof " Box do Dot nhrliiknortlrelch. Vnocm buy thmn In mioricit colom its pair ol ! uhI wsitibt In a box. Wear Holeproof" Sox one and ymi will novor wour any other kind. 9 Keniember they are gwtwtitnd to wpnr nix month or you sret new box t lltCB. Let ui tell you box today. J. E. Stewart & Co. t3 We U. II. I'.ooten of 1'oHt Mpent Sumliy at, the county wnt. '. M. liedneld ami w ife were dow n from Itenil I he tlrxt (if thin week. M ! May tx'lle lU-od lutMhoeii fpelid Inn tliet lirUlinim holiday at lleud. V. II, Kliernian mid Jmi Harney of Silver Lake Mtoppcd over here Kuu day, MIm ViMtn Younif, formerly of till clly, wax married to Harry K. ltced nt l'orlland Uec. '20, V. II. Howard of Madrai Mpeut several day laxt week la thl city vIhIiIiim; with hi family. Joint tiiNtallatlou of the Odd I'VIIowm nml ltehekah will In- held Saturday nlht. Jan. 2. ItcptoHctitatlvK II. I'. Ilelknap, will 1 in ve (or Knli in Jan. II, to attend the hchhIihi of the leilHlatiiri. It wiimJ. II. 1'roHo who hotiuht t he Siilomoii protcrly In thl fit y, not William I 'row, it Mated hint week. TholllUH I, Million of I'.end ciiiiio to thl city Saturday to Ih) limtnlled a one of tho olllcer of the MiimoiiIc 'odue. Halt I'uett returned thl week from a mouth' vllt lu I'ortland. Ho will Koto work on tho Mclntoli ranch near Paulina. Turkey mid chicken dinner wn Merved at the Lnfollct to school houno, V.unt Powell Hut to, t'hilHtina day with good iittemlatico. Mr. A. I!. Holler and brother Will Mt-Farlaiid, left Saturday for Hoar creek to vllt 'their nlt4-r, Mr. H. C. Faiijiht. They will lie mnn about one wwk. John Jottcph Cunnlnliani, iiRed hi year, proved up thl wwk on hi home toad near t'rook. He I n bachelor and ha lived on the place In iiietloii for nearly ton year. The Lndlc' Annex will hold a New Year' reception tomorrow after noon, Jan. 1, at tho club hall, and every iiii'inher I fxjMTtod to attend, If only for a few ml into. The llt of committee ha already been pub- HmIioiI lit the Journal. The Wlnnek Company moved It store till week from the old 1 cation on the northent comer of Main niul Third Mtroet to the onth wet corner of Main and Fourth Htreot, til the Malllitf block. Ilu liiex wa not wrlotLOy Interrupted by the transfer. 1'r. II. Clinrlo Diitmmore left today for I'ortland to remain over Now Year'. A a conoiiiience of the doctor' absence on a well earned vacation, there will lie no service In the l'resbyterlan church next Sunday. He exjiect to return home next week. Kev. II. Has, a former pastor of the Christian church In till city, who enme here from Kentucky n couple of your nK, became the father of a moii Hoc. It. .The news was conveyed from Itoseburi?. where the clergyman now reside with hi family, In a letter to Mi. If. 1 Ilelknap. The debate between Crook and Sherman coiintlo, to tie held at Moro, ha Ikh'U postponed one day, from Jan. N to Jan. tt, by request of the Sherman county debater. The local team, consisting of David livkctt, Frank Lafollette and Wilford Itclknnp, will leave on the Shanlko utae Jan. 7. At the First Methodist church Sun day service at 11 will be the regular preaching service followed by baptis mal services and reception of mem ber. The evenlnir topic will lie evaiiKvllstli!. Music by tho orchestra mid choir. Sunday vcuoolat 10 and ICpworth l.t'aue at 7.30. The public I cordially Invited to attend the service. Wise LOCAL MENTION "I!y Jiiijp. tht Favorite' corker fur a nickel 1" L. H. I .okii u 1 In today from hi home up Crooked river. Mr. Liana IS. Wood of Miulra I In the city the (iiest of friend. Harry Adam I back In town, lie ha Imm-ii driving stnKO Itetweoti Willow Creek and Shaulko. The mnoker ought to know what the cigar ha par fur contain. Wa ho you will tell him all kliout our La, Hon. F, F. Smith, and wlfenecoiiipiinled by I'enrl Minitower and Mis J race Vmidervort id lieud, attended the MiimoiiIc liiMtallatlon In thin city Saturday nllit. At the rrosbytorlanchtirch Sunday evenlnir, Iltincan MiicIoimI wiih pre sented with a handsome K"ld luounted watch fob and K. I'. charm, as a token of appreciation of hi ser vice In the choir. C. W. Klkiu' IMtf Department Store will make a bit; drive on an "Odd and End Sale," ls-";lnnln( Saturday, Jan. 2. Itesldea the Hue mentioned lu the ad on page 1 many attractive bargain In millinery arc l.iiiK offered. Mr. Sarah Taylor came In from Dear creek Motiday and reported that the first Christina tree ever held In t he Dear creek school house wa a marked succeMS. The holiday fcstlvltlc were followed by a dance and basket social, more than fifty person belno; preseut. Harry Hill wa arrested In thl city thl week for selling whisky In violation of law. Sheriff F.lklii, who made tho arrest, confiscated about a gallon mid a half of the amber fluid. Hill wasnt once tried b. fore Justice Kalpll Sharp, who sentenced him to pay a line of V) or spend 25 day In Jail In lieu thereof. The flue wiu not paid. Max Crnudall of Hlllsboro I ex porting the county book at the courthouse. He brought two other nu n hi with hliu. The book had been previously exH-rted up to July 1, 19t)7. ho that he ha nearly is months of work togoover. Heflnd every thing In a satisfactory condition and the county ollkial are aiding him In every way required. LcruI merchant aided, Terry I'oludexter Tuedny afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock, by sending liberal donations to the skating rink on the North Side, where seventy children of this city and vicinity enjoyed themselves hugely a the guest of the proprietor of the rink. It proved a fitting close to the Juvenile Christ mas title festivities In I'rlnevllle. County Supt. Ford haa returned from a trip to the cxtremo eastern edge of Crook county. This was hi first Journey Into that part of the county and he expresses himself a more than pleased with the delightful country ho entered, and also for the hospitality of It people. He said the school at l'auliua, I'aullua Valley, Suplee, Ma'iry and Denver united In Christina exercise at the new Paulina school house, the hour thu spent being very enjoyable. The firemen of thl city have arranged a big ball nt l'olndexter's rink the night of Feb. 12. A cauvus floor will be used HI planned to make the event the greatest ever held In this city or county and no effort will be spared which might conduce to Its success. Refreshments will bo served lu the pavilion and there will be music until 12:30 by Morgan' orchestra, which this winter Is ut It best. After 12:30 Detnarls' orchestra will play for thl all night dance. Y on We are getting ready to rearrange the interior of our Store so that we may enlarge our stock. We intend to put in a dry goods department and from this time forward our store will be the price - regulator in dry goods as well as groceries and hardware. Thanking you for many favors during the past year we wish you a: happy and prosperous New Year. Respectfully tewart Judge Fill of Dond, Commissioner Dayley of Laldlawand Commissioner Hlce of HnycrK-k will come to the county neat next Monday to hold the January term of county court. T. H. Itogor, who recently dl covered and located a gypsum claim near Dear crock Dutte, and I). O. HogorH of Madras, who by the way I no kin to T. S., called together at the Journal office today. Mr. Tlllery, a rancher who lived near Dond, tiled Hatunlny a the result of being kicked on the head by a fractlou horse. He leave a wife, baby and brother. The funeral wa held Sunday. Herlx-rt Hideout last Saturday got on the wrong end of a tug-o'-war with a runaway liorne hi own and a a result wa dragged In such close proximity to mother earth that when he recovered himself and the horse he looked a If he had been drawn through a threshing machine. Ho wa not badly hurt. A very enjoyable time wan spent by the first and seventh grade, on Thursday morning Dec, 24. A short program 'wan rendered by the little tot and those of the higher grade. Santa, who wan well represented by Van, Drink, distributed the various present. Mis Cora Streltel and Mis Elsie Osbora received many present from their pupil. The latter wa presented with a beautiful box of stationery. New Adv.. ThU Week. Firemen's ball; Feb. 12,1909. F. A. Campion ; has telescope valise. J. II. Smith ; separator for sale. J. II. Delore; wagon (or sale. Advertisement Changes. C. W. Eikins; odds and ends sale. J. E. Stewart A Co., will add a dry goods department to present store. The Winnek Co., now in new quarter. I. Michel; shoe and hat specials. Prineville Cigar Factory; cigars. Ballad of Sleepy Bill. In Piccpyvllle dwelt Sleepy BUI, Who kept a sleepy atore. A place wax It to lounge or alt And snore and snore and snore. And sometimes came to play a gams Of checkers three or (our. Cut seldom there a lady fair A bargain came to buy. For women' Iori In catalogues Quite often caught the eye. Bo tallica for sale they bought by mail At prices low or high. In town one day appeared a gay And lively youth, who quoth: "Why sit and snore and let your store Hun downT I'pon my oath, Lemmo run things and make, by jlngs, A fortune for us both!" Bill anld "O. K." and dosed away. But Mr. IJvely sized Things up at once-lie waa no dunos , And ent nnd advertised Such lurnnlns rare (Bill had 'em there) The public was surprised. The buyers came young girl and dame And youth and man and child. Thero wna a rush, a real crush-. In fact, to put It mild, , AU Sleepyvllle woke up, until The rush was almost wild. And BUI awoke and even spoke. He said: "I'm feelin' sore I never thought folks would bavs fought To patronize my store. 1 guess them ads. la pop'lnr fads I'll advertise same more!" T. SAPP, JR. The R. E. JONES Lumber Mill ON THE OLD KXIGHTEN PLACE ON THE OCHOCO la now cutting first-claBS lumber which will be sold on reasonable terms. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED a Jnl & Marriages During 1908. Leap year ends in Crook coonty with a record of 65 marriages, against CO for the year 1007 and G2 for 1906. The ladies did not make good; that's a cinch. They didn't even half try. Per h ape it waa the lack of good matrimonial timber that failed to spur the ladies to make an effort to beat the record. Of the 65 marriages six of the men and five of the women entered the state of matrimony for the sec ond time, but in this connection only two of the marriages had both principals as widowers and widows. Only one bridegroom was younger than his bride, their ages being 32 and 39 respectively. The oldest bridegroom was aged 56 years and the oldest bride 52 years; the youngest bride 16 years. The average age of the men was 28 years and of the women 23 years. More men than women who married during the past twelve months were bom outside of Oregon than women, but the adjacent Stales of Washington, Idaho and California, strange to say, furnished less than 4 per cent of the principals not born in Oregon. Apportioned by towns in Crook county, excepting the few from elsewhere, of the men there were from Madras 14, Prineville 11, Bend and Redmond 5 each, Lamonta 4, Culver 3, llaycreek, Sisters, Powell Buttee, Boeland, Ashwood and Cline Falls 2 each, and Post, Haystack, Grizzly Gist, Youngs, Tumalo and Laid law 1 each. Telescope Valiae Taken by mistake from the Prineville hotel about Dexmber 21 or 22. Valise contains clothes, letters, etc. Please notify F. A. Campion, Hotel Prineville, Prineville Oregon. ltp Maaer&CrMk Kane. TTV A 1 O aO MsMtal IataaU sd" U. r. Adamson & to Caaera Sapplies Uwaejr's CaaJies !L j , DRUGGISTS A new and complete -stock of Holiday, Presents just arrived, consisting of Fancy Combs, Brushes. Dressing Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Manacure Sets, Toys, China Dishes, Stationery, Silverware, Cut Glass, books of all kinds, Clocks, Ladies and Gentlemen's Purses,'etc. 0. P, Adamson &. Co. DRUGGISTS l , : ; ' appy Compapy Ammunition Gun ICnive s All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD W. F. New- Year s Belts BY Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON