Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 24, 1908, Image 2

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    Oregon in Grip
The Place to Save
The Place to Save
of Boreal Blasts
Toyland Headquarters for Prineville
OUR store is replete with Toys and Dolls that all children love. Our assort
ment of Toys, that please the little folks, is complete. We cannot en
umerate the hundreds of articles ready for your inspection. Bring in the children.
Let them see what we have, such as
Dolls, Doll Trunks, Games, Mechanical Toys, Toy
Cook Stoves, Child's Sad Irons, Savings Banks, Doll
Buggies, Go-Carts, Doll Bureaus, Chairs, Wheelbarrows
Wagons, Etc.
We also have a beautiful selection of Toilet Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes,
Manicure Sets, Albums and Post Card Albums. Our fancy imported hand
painted Crockery is all new ami our stock is full, but make your selection early
We have just received a complete new line of the
Edwads - Stanwood Shoes
They are up-to-date in style and workmanship. Let us
fit your feet and you will wear no other make.
I. Michel,
Come early while our stock is complete
Prineville, Oregon
Winter Descend on Prineville and
Other Beaver State Cities
With Capricious Weather.
Young America
Honors St. Nick
Children's Christmas Exercises in
Three Prineville Churches to
Be Held This Evening.
Preparations are bow complete
lor the churches' Christmas exer
cise?, to be held in each of the
lo:al houses of worthip tonight.
The names of the children taking
part follow:
MrlWitt Clock.
Theora Taylor. Viola Jolmsou.
Marian Seabury. Anua Seabury.
Myrtle Carroll.
Nillle Bureh.
Bernlee Sbipp.
Oren Kester.
Arthur McKenna.
Arthur Seabury.
Bertha Carroll.
Blanche Shipp.
E-va Street,
E-ltlie MFarland.
Gvu Barnes.
Chester Carroll.
Miss l-Mlih Frlnk,
Miss Ix'la Frink,
Mis Caroline Christian),
Miss Louisa I.ruvson,
Miss Blanche Wilson
Mrs. Calbreath,
Mrs. Iteynolds.
Gladys Doak. F.thot McDunlel.
Estetla Powell. Etta Houston.
Luciie McDaniel. Dessel Jolmson.
Tressie Houston. Laura Uanisey.
Ashwood Arrows.
Beatrice Johnson. Charles Carroll.
Lizzie Osborn. Iva Harris.
Zoe Cornett. Emma Hockenberry.
Bertha Welch. Hel.-n Elkins.
Sylvan Michel. Gertrude Beams.
Besie White. Mamie Burch.
Bertha Welch. Vivian Hinkle.
Mary Elliott. Bessie Elliott.
Mary Binwiddie.
Prttbjte-ian Cburci.
Bialogue by 8 girls ol Miss Katie
Dunsmore's class.
Kecitation by Evelyn Million).
Buet, Misses Thronson and O'Xcil.
Recitation, Hobart Belknap.
Recitation, Fred Rice.
Recitation, Violet Lister.
Recitation, Eula Wrijrht.
Recitation, Bessie 1'aucake.
Recitation, Fred Rice,
Recitation, Lei and Belknap.
The program will commence as
nearly as possible after 6 o'clock,
in order to permit attendance at
other functions of the evening. The
general public is cordially invited.
Baptist Church.
Bouble quartet
Miss Elsie Osborn,
Nora llou.
Rea tus.
John Cyrus,
Bale Elkins.
Luciie McDaniel.
Tivssie Houston.
Dei'sel Johnson.
Amanda. Harris.
Everett Ramsey.
Hobert Reams.
Luciie Cohrs.
Beatrice Reams.
Emma Perry.
Tlllle Zell.
Flora Jones.
Nora jfm.
Tot Stearns.
Edbert Zell.
Recitation . Recitation
Everett Ramsey. Ilda Colirs.
Otto Hodges. Rei Powell.
Harry Stearns. Carrie Stearns.
Ernest Estes. Oscar Welch.
Peter Harris. Joddie Taylor.
Elani Huston. Arthur Huston.
Robert Osborn. Ray Moore.
Johnnie Miller.
All merchants anil others are warned
not to cash money orders drawn on
forms iss.ied from Stations, Uellingham,
Va!h.. as a number c f order forms
have been etuleii ; aNo, the M. O. J.
stamp from that station. If anyone at
tempts to cash fiicli order, detain the
party and notify me at once. Bo especi
ally cautions Saturday night after post
otlioe closes. Grv Lafollettk, I'. M.
Land Clearing and Contracting.
See McClallin & Young, Redmond,
Oregon, for house-moving, orforany
kind of land claarlng; sagebrush re
moved, trees cut, stumps pulled. We
are prepared to Mil on any work of
this kind. 12-24-ltnp
Ashwood, Dec. 22.
Ray and Ernest Kinsey and
Henry Frayer of the Antelope
vicinity were at Ashwood the end
of the week gathering up their
The Ashwood public school will
have vacation from Dec. 21 to
Jan. 4.
Fred McCollum, Bert James and
Howard Maupin attended the so
cial and dance near Haycreek on
Friday night and reported a very
pleasant time. Amicts.
Culver Cullings.
(Last Week's Letter.)
CULVER, Dec. A crowd o!
young people went over to the
shadow social at Trail Crossing,
and listened to an excellent pro
gram given mainly by the school
Bertram Powell and wife
made Cnlver a visit last week.
Omar Cyrus lost all his winter
meat, when his smoke house burned
while they were away from home,
a week ago last Sunday.
A Christmas entertainment in
the form of a cantata will be given
at the Culver school housr, Christ
mas eve. Fverybody is invited to
come and have a good time.
Culver had a sprinkling of snow
Monday evening.
We Caa Locate Ton ol Homestead.
We are prepared to locate Intending
settlers on government land within
easy distance of tills city; can show
you one claim with two fine springs.
Write to LaFoi.i.kttk & Skaiii uv,
Box 214, Prineville, Crook Co. .Oregon.
Spend the long evenings with a
good book
We are offering the best late fiction in
cluding the best selling books for the past
year, copyright books, 75c to $1.50 each.
A large assortment of Post Card Albums.
Offers opportunity to make acceptable
presents for a small investment see the
display in our window. Prices 25c up.
Fill the long evenings with music
Edison Phonographs $25 to $60. Two
and four minute records.
If you have no watch you need
Elgin and Waltham watches Swiss and
American movements, all sizes 0, 6, 1 2,
16, 18. All prices, $ 1 .50 to $50.00 each.
Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co.
This is the time o' year when
winter start in in rariiwt and with
the variety of weather old Crook
has experienced during the past
week or ten davs it will It intere.t-
ing to know how Oregon fare as a
! State.
In Prineville, a week ago today
I it snowed, Saturday it c! ared and '
Monday it clouded up again, partly j
clearing Tuetday forenoon, ftr!
i another inch of snow earlv Tuti
Iday morning. Wednesday it was
j very cloudy, auguring a big rain or j
: snowstorm, though the tet erature !
stood at o! uegrees above mo. I
Last Thursday, Friday, Saturday i
and Sunday the temperature here;
was the coldest for lVcenilnr in 10
years, touching 3 below lero and
hovering near xeru for 'Jo hours.
Harney County News: The
weather cleik has been trying to
keep up a pleasing diversity the
past wick -a little. snow, a little
thaw, some frost and lots of bright
snnshino. The winter so far ha-t
Wen delightful, but more snow is
Sherman County Observer: The
snow, the snow, the beautiful snow,
covered the earth handsomely in
Shermau county, Tuesday night, 9
snil u still with us.. Co d.
Antelope Herald: A touch of.
Winter tku morning, with the
mercuey at zero.
Lake County Kxaminer: The
weather the past week hns been
somewhat colder. Last. Wednes
day night the mercury got so low
as 11 degrees above zero. Thura
day night it was 23 above und
hung around that vicinity until
Tuesday morning it got down to
4 degrees above, and that i going
some in this country. Last jojt
the coldest all winter was only 7
above zero. The days are sunny
and fine. Eastern people here
think the weather glorious, tut
the old timers shiver, shake their
heads, and get out an extra pair of
socks. Maybe wo will do that,
too, later. But not no I
Monmouth Herald: Tuesday was
an extremely stormy day, cold and
blustery with rain, but Wednesday
morning was as culm as a Quaker
on Sunday morning.
Pendleton Tribune: The man
with a big stick is popular
these snappy mornings in I'tndie
ton if he is on his way to put it in
the stove in the bedroom.
The prices on our entire stock in all
departments will he reduced for the
holiday sale. This is not a bluff; we do
not intend to cut the price off just a few
articles, but every piece of merchandise
in our house will be sold at prices which
you cannot afford to overlook. A visit
to our store will convince you that your
dollar will buy more good goods from
us than ever before heard of in this
section of the country.
ur Clothing
Clothing at Less than the
Cost of
Nolict of Final 5ett!Mot.
Xotioe is hereby (riven, by the uihIit
it!iH'd, the ailmiriislriitor of the estate (
T.J. IWell, (iecciisi'.l, tha. lie lius made
and tiled in tiie county court hi no
e iiintini! nf hi adiiiinlitraliiiii of uil es
tate, ami the Honorable Comity Judjje hni
net MoikIiiv. the 1st (lay of I'ebrunry, 1!,
at 10 o'elock ill the forenoon, nt the county
court room in l'riueville. Oregon, na the
tmio find flare for bearing und M-tlliiiff
-a hi tinal neeountiiiK. At which time Bnil
plaee Hit pt r-ona interested in paid rotate
may nar and object to inlil dual m-
eouiituis'. J. O. 1'OWKI.I., of the rttitu of T. J.
I'owell, deceased. 12-21
Roll of Honor.
Pupils in the two lower grades of
the I'rinevillu public school who
were neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the third school month, extend
ing from Nov. 21 to Dec, 21, were
as follows:
Firit Grade.
IVto AfjiiHtln. Hubert CliamhcrH.
Frank Mailer. Cecil lltixtoii.
I'Hter Ilorlati. lMtrar I'nrry.
Harold Kiddle. .Alfred I.tiellluir.
Winter Rosenborg. Frank Carrol).
Hitter Addtiirton. Henrietta Ireland
I Sen trice Ileum. Vernu Vattdevert.
Corn Sirelti'l, teacher.
S.cooJ Grade.
IU'i llm Cnrrnll. Frank Hoiihton.
Cletint Kinder. Jon!" Mlllloru.
liverett Itanmey. Willie Keatuit,
Arthur Senlmry. Marian Seabury.
Mildred Yhiuik. Hlon I'.arneH.
Tlielum Mlll.-r. S.vlva Miller.
Alwildii WIUoii, teacher.
BtiS Orpingtons for Sale.
" 1 will Hell 2 fulMilouicd I'.nfl rpitil
ton cnektrclrt, '1 llhode l-l.i:.d liedn;
prk'o very reoimljU. C'l;irenc Kite,
I'rinevillo, Oregon. 2-i Sv
Christmas Eve and New Years Eve
Skating Rink -:
The entire floor will be covered with canvas. Supper j
will be served in the hall. A good time guaranteed to all.
Morgan's Orchestra will furnish the music 1
a vogue
The Passion Play j
Watch Chains, each $2 to $35
Neck Chains, each $3.50 to $20
Cufr Buttons, pair 75c to $20
We take subscriptions
For any Magazine published in the world.
New pattern furniture
We are receiving each week new patterns
in furniture. Call and inspect. You are
EGINNING at 4:30 Christmas afternoon we will open
the exhibition of the world famous moving pictures
THE PASSION PLAY, taken from life, as produced
by the German peasants in the year 1 900 at Oberam
mergau, Germany. At enormous expense these films
made by photography have been colored by hand. Dr.
H. Charles Dunsmore will lecture on the scenc3 during
the exhibition.
Two illustrated songs, "The Holy City" sung by Miss
Celia Nelms and "The Hymns of the Old Church
Choir" sung by Randolph Ketchum, will be presented on
the program, besides special duet.
Come out and see this grandest of all moving pictures
depicting the life of Christ while on earth. We have
made a special effort to offer you this opportunity of
seeing this most impressive drama and you can't afford
to miss it. We guarantee as fine an exhibition as can be
seen anywhere and at less cost to you. Your Christmas
will not be complete without a visit to the Passion Play.
At 7. P. M. the Same Program Repeated
Ladies' Coats and
Tailor Suits
oving Picture Show I
t Randolph Ketchum Frank LaFoIIette &
In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Grays and Browns
-coats m sizes for Misses also. These garments are
perfectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very
latest styles
Coat prices from $7.50 to $25:00
Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00
for Misses and Children in White, Grays, Browns and
Keds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell
coats that make one feel and look comfortable
Prices range from $2.50 Upwards
JUST A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored
Clothing made by the Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co.
Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and
finish has never before been offered in Prineville at so
modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit
Clifton & Cornett