Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 17, 1908, Image 6

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The ration for driving nj MiM!e
horses should lie different from that
of the averajre work horse. TUU
la due In a large measure to the pecul
iar demands of such animals.
They should l fed much loss rough
age In proportion to their slse than
horses at ordinary work, writes a Ken
tucky breeder la Farm rropress. The
roughage should also be of a different
The driving and saddle horse must
hav plenty of endurance, thus must
be fed roughage which will not tnany
way cause looseness of the digestive
system, or "washiness," as It Is gen
erally known.
In this respect timothy hay seems to
lie the very best kind of roughage for
eueh animals. Mixed hay does fairly
well where the horses hare very lisht
work to perform. Clover hay when
dusty Is very likely to cause wind
trouble. When gooil, pure clover hay
Is fed It is too loosening. Thus a
driving or saddle horse fed on this
kind of a ration la soft and "washy."
Millet may lie fed In very smaU
quantities. Good, pure oat or barley
efraw may be used in small quantities.
For grain nothing Is equal to good,
clean, heavy oats. Other foodstuffs
may be equal as heat and flesh pro
ducers, but they do not possess th
stimulating qualities which are fgund
in oats. This Is supposed to be due
to a specific albuminoid which la fouud
tuly In the oat grain.
It gives the horse his fire and snap,
which are so desirable In the driving saddle horse. Oats should form
the major portion of the ration. Some
other feedstuff's can usually be added
to the oat ration and by so doing re
duce the cost Some bran, shorts,
com, gluten feed, barley, wheat and a
great variety of other feedstuff's might
be mentioned In this connection. Oats
should always constitute at least one
half or, better still, two-thirds of the
ration fed. For Instance, a ration of
three parts oats, two parts corn and
one part of either bran, shorta or
gluten feed will give good results.
In regard to the amount of rough
age and grain to be fed. It will vary
some, depending on the amount of la
bor to be performed. It Is not best to
feed over ten or twelve pounds of hay
and from twelve to fifteen pounds of
grain to a horse regularly employed.
For horses which have light work
about the same amount of rougha
and from six to ten pounds of grain
shoulbe fed. This will have to be
regulated by the amount of labor being
performed. It 13 not necessary to cut
the roughage or grind the grain for
horses which have good teeth and
plenty of time to feed. Steamed feed
or a mash of some kind should be fed
at least twice a week.
Some green feed during the summer
season and roots during the winter
months should be supplied. They will
have a favorable influence on the
health of the animals.
ane watering of these animals Is
an especially important matter. They
should always be watered before being
fed grain and should not receive any
lor at least two hours after foedine.
It Is not best to give driving and sad
dle horses a large quantity of water
at one time, especially just preceding a
drive, as It is very likely to affect the
digestive system and may cause the
animal to scour.
The horse which Is required to make
a long drive should receive water every
two hours, especially In warm weather,
j Buying Stock Cattle.
In selecting steers for feeding pur
poses we prefer good, thrifty yearlings
if we can get them. We then get both
growth and gain, says a New York
breeder. The weight averages from
650 to COO pounds and costs from Zi
to 4 cents a pound. We buy in early
ran u possible and feed light grain
ration during the winter, finishing on
grass the following summer. Our
greatest profits have been made from
a medium grade of cattle, as they cost
less at the beginning and make good
beef If handled properly. We feed
about twenty head each winter. Do
not pay too much for stock, and, above
nil, do not buy scrubs at any price.
j Breeding That Pays.
How often do we read in the horse
market reports that the common sort
offered, chunks and those still poorer.
go begging at low prices, while the de
mand Is strong, with prices ruling
nign, ror the best horses of every type.
It pays to raise good horses for the
market It costs little more to raise a
f200 horse than one which will bring
only $75.
Notice for Publication.
(Not coal land.)
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Oilice at The Dalles. Or..
. , , November 19th, l'J08.
Notice is hereby given that
Of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 3rd 1WV2
niade Homestead Kntry aerial No. iiificol No'
ih'?',JH K SW!4HNWk, Section
ship 18 South Kannelf) KaHt, Willamette Merid
ian, has Hied notice of Intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Warren Brown, countv
?k j Ht h" ."9iee " frineville, Oregon, on the
tnday ol iJecember, lnus. claimant names
as witnesses: (ieorge Delano, Kdward 8. Jones.
Harry Webb and Elmira Swalley, all of l'rine
VJlle, Oregon.
J1"26? C. W. Moore, Register.
a H. Taylor Hill Accused
Continued from page 1.
tained in a suit file J in the circuit
court by B. B. II trishaw. The
latter pays lie (ears that tha true
note will pass into the hatula ol
innocent parties ana that an
attempt will be made to collect
f'.jUU Iroiu him twice on the tame
"Ilinshaw states that he finned
a note (or f J500. payable to Hill
as guarantor for J. Ney Ilinshaw,
on January 13, H08. He says the
money was paid through the
Petaluroa National hank of Pcta
luma.Cal., in September Lift but
that Hill presented to the bank a
forged instrument, knowing it was
forged, for the purpose of defraud
ing Hinshaw.
"llinshawsays lie signed only
one note, and he aks the court to
apply the 12500 paid through the
Petalurua bank to tho true note
and then to cancel the indebted ties?.
If this is not done he fears that the
note will be gold to in inrovnt
purchaser and he will be com
pelled to pay thej J25CO over
Soil Similar to
Famous Fruit Belt
"Aecond Wenatchee lies at ti e
door of Prineville."
Such was the remark passed a
day or two ago by J. D. Lewellcr,
who came here this fall from Ftn
dleton to assume the pastorate of
the Methodist church, and who
familiar with fruit conditions
they exist in the Wenatchee and
Yakima valleys of Washington.
"The Boil north of Prineville,
between this city and the foothills
of the Blue mountains," said Mr.
Lewellen, "looks to me almost ex
actiy pimuar oom in appearance
and composition to that at Wenat
chce. I see no reason why. if the
danger from frost can be obviated,
you people can not raise equally
is good apples or peaches, and in
equal abundance per acre, with the
apples and peaches raised and
marketed at Wenatchee."
T. II. Lafollett, a pioneer Prine
ville rancher whose first farm in
Crook county was and still is at
Powell buttes, recently told in an
interview in this paper how he had
successfully raised fruits and table
vegetables on his place for 17 years
with only one crop failure due to
frost, and that failure only partial.
The only drawback, apparently, to
a great output is lack of water, and
this will come with irrigation.
The particular tract which Mr.
Lewellen referred to is situate di
rectly in the path of what will
probably be the next government
reclamation project in Oregon, be
tween Ochoco and McKay cretks.
As there is less frost here today
than formerly, and as it is a well
established fact that frost always
decreases with cultivation of the
soil, it does not require a far reach
of the imagination to foresep. as
Mr. Lewellen predicts, a great ap
ple and peach producing region in
the immediate vicinitv of Prine
From Every Ounce 0j
danger no
tor and gives nine hours of
cozy comiort at one filling of
brass font Finished in
nickel and japan. Every
healer warranted.
J, . ,
or lew bv it won I lire vottr ev
drill burner. Made ol bran, nickel plaled. Every Ump warranted.
II your dealer cannot aup-ply the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil
Healer, write our nearest agency lor 1 deacriptive circular.
. You're sure you're (jetting the genuine when you buy from u.
No dancer of refilled boalcs No danger of buying cheap worth
less trash placed in CYRUS NOBLIi bottles and palmed off a the
Wc arc now selling for the first time in 44 years direct to the con
sumcr in districts where you arc unable to obtuin this famous brand.
quart bottle of GENUINE CYRUS NODLE
direct to you, all charges
paid tj the neareit railroad cxprtw of fie.
Pure old honest whiskey at an honest legitimate price.
Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to
contain all the secondary constituents that make it real WHISKEY
The government officials state that any distillation that doesn't is
alcohol. t
DuUiJd 1864 105-107 Second Street. PortUad, OtfjoB
cur t TNia line
J. Vaa Schuyw & Co, FwiIm Onma.'
ttdmi U U $4.90 lor wW plew
P.O. AJJnm-
Call for County Wan-ants.
Muice is lu-rehy Kiven that all Crook emmtv
warrant registered u.-e tviotvr ItMli. lyrt, to
and melttditiit rcKistcred aarraitt Number &:,
November Uih, will be ni.l on irenu-
lion to the i reasnrer of aid ceuntv. luurrat
will au( from the dale of this notice.
W. Ktso, c'ouutv Treasurer.
rriDcvllle, Orvgou, Nov. lotb, U-19
Notice for Publication.
Not coal land.
Department of the Interior.
V. S. Land Oilicc at The D.iU. s. Or ,
November IStb, lyoS.
Notice is hereby ftiven that
William II. Kkeun, of 1'riin ville, Oregon,
who. on ivtoK-r Kih. hut, made lltmet ad
Kptrv r serial No. Uliilfi;. No. l.Nsw. hr S',sw'.
SW'.SKi,. f.wtion 17. ami SK'.SW'i, tS. turn
A1. Tow nship 16 .South. Kance 1 Ka.t, illam
ette .Veri-liKti, bK.t tiled tunice of intention to
make Anil ti ve-year proof, to establish claim to
the land above describe-i before warren Hrown.
county clerk, at Ins othceat lTinevlle, nr. ,
oniheJthday of Nvcmtier. lis. Claimant
names an witnesses Frank Post and Wi!liHm 11.
Post, both of 1'ost. Oregon, and John It. lira)
and Floyd Kowell, both of I'nueville, orcicou.
U -tip . C. W. Moons, Register.
Sheriff Sal oa Eiecstioa ta Foreclosure
Is Tub CtRcrtT Comr of thic .Statu or
Okb roB Ckook Cocsrr
A. U Good w II He, Trustee, 1'1'ir,
Hnsh O'Kune and Helena A. O'Kane, Tfta.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
!uet out of the above entitled Court on the
I7ih day of Nov. In favor of the nlaive
named plain tin and utfuint the utnive named
defendants, foi the suui of fVl!:13l wlti Inter
est thereon at the rate of 10 percent, per an
num from the !Mth dny of K-L I. on, a:i
f-jo.ou attorneys fee and fl5 0t) coat, upon a
luogment rendered tn sal j court on the :tlh
dar of tict. I1, and whervaa It was further
ordered and decreed bv the 'ourt that the
billowing described niortgHXed property, to
w it: Lots U and 12, In block in, of the town of
Betid: Crook County, Oregon, uivordlin; to
the plat thereof as the same aptiears of record
In Hie office of the County Clerk of Crook
County. Oregon, be Bold by the (sheriff or
'rook County, Onion, as under exeeutlon.
N'ollce Is hereby given, that In obedience to
laid execution and order of sale, I will on
Saturday, the lth day of Iiec. IV-, at Hie
hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said
day. at the front door ot the court house. In
the city of Prineville, Crook County. Oregon,
aell at public auction to the hlitheM bidder
for cash, all the rleht. title and Interest of
said defendants. Hugh O'Kane and Helena
A. o Kane, tn anil to aald morttfiured mem.
Ises. atsive described, to aa'Hfy aald judgment
and Interest and attorney feea and c t and
costs of sale.
.Dated thla IStn day of Nov. 1WH.
Kkakk Klkihs.
Sheriff, Crook Countv, Oregon.
First Issue Hoy. IV. last lsue liec. 17, 1'ivn.
Kctice for Publication.
Not Coal I,and.
Department of the Interior.
T. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Orecon.
fieptftnlr25th, 18.
Notice is hereby given that L. Jacoim
cf Paulina, Oreaon, fho, on June 7th. lflffi.
made Desert Lund Kntry (Serial No. 01719)
No. 602. for riE'iXWK, ESW(4, HVVJi
SKU, t-ection 1, Townsiiin is tioutli. Kanire
22 East. WiUumettc Meridian, lias tiled
notice of intention to make linal desert
land proof, to establish claim to the lurid
above described, before Warren lirown,
county clerk, at his oilice at i'riiieville.
Oregon, on the tti day of January, lOift.
Claimant names as witne-ses: Charles R.
lienry, William Lytle and Isaac M. Mills,
all of Paulina, Orcxon, and llonier D.
Cecil, of Riley, Oregon.
12-3p C. W. Mooee, Ri-Kiiter.
en the mercury drops out of sight, and
you just can't keep the house warm, you'll
lind it wonderfully convenient to use a
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
If very light carry it about heat any cold
room. Turn the wick high or low no
smoke no smell. Easily cared
wilh ill flood ol ilcady,
brilliant light it idea) lor
Innn winl.p fvniniw
" - y.
l..l imnnwnl r.nir.l
id Kmint-iiitiei ii 4r .
mo ma to-oa
mmi m 1 tact bjr ufaai. m4 four autrts'
NotK for PaUicatioa.
NOT coal LANtl,
apartment ofthe Interior.
U. 8, Laud OUI.v at The lnle. On ton.
NovciiiUt l'ih, lyoj.
Notice is iK-reby Rtveii t hat
CiKoHoK it. Kay
i.flVtt, Ores.Mti, who, on Doccmlier 2Ttli,
l!kl, ni.nle Desert Land Kntrv (Serial No.
Ot-Ni). No. M7, f- r S',NV',, Swtton SI.
lowiislitp lit fHUith, liaoire -.M Ka-t, Wll
latnetto MciJiau. baa nlinl notice tnten-
tton to make Hnul Desert IjiihI Troof, to
estalilMi clntm to the latul above ilcscrihetl
before Warren lirown, t-ountv clerk, at lii
othce at frineville, llm', on the 2.1r.l
day of l)ecetnber. I'JtlH. t'liiitnant names
as witnesses: William C. rSmeail, Keulicn
llooten and Ilarvev 1. Pnnhum, all of
I'ost, Urepon; ami tlliiim 11. Kinder, ol
I'nueville, Oregon.
il .'. W. Moohk, Kcgister
Sheriff! Sale Uailer Eitratwa.
Im Tub Cmct-iT Cocht or thk htatk or
tihKi.oM roll Ckook CoL'NTV.
D. McMillan and I. IX Honey man, ITITs,
F. F. Batten, A. M. Drake, f. C. Coo, A. I.
U.sxlwlllle. J if. Overturf, Di-fls.
No hs'la hereby riven that bv virtue of an
execution Issued out of the circuit Court of
ine mate ot i iretjon ror I rook county, on the
'-'Hi day of Nov. I, upon a Juiia-ineni ren
dered In laid Court on the ii'th day of Oct.
l'JOa, In favor of the above named nbilmlirs.
and aaalnst Hie above named defendant,
eoiuniandliic in lo make the sum of l4Si.uo
wnn interest tnensm at the rale of p-r.snt.
is r annnui from the l.Hth dav or Feb. lisst, ami
the further sum of i.'l.l with a prnnt. In
u rs-st per annum froiinict. I'Jih. l., and In-b-rest
on Sll.uu at B rs-ris nt. per annum from
the Uth dav of JulV lB"S. out of the ncrsiin.
al pn rtv of tlie alsive n,iined di fendatits,
and Ifsufflcleiil touUI not ts- round, then out
of the real nmncrtr ofstild b-r,.fi,lfoits
sfterthe I'Jth day of tat. liw. In nticul-'iu-e to
sulil execution I have levied iim the roilow
ln ileserliwd real proiertv, to wll: NK',N'K'
i it.H'i, hes-iion Si. Township ltl M,
llltnire i. rast, w. .si..M-i's, W-iH't, .N-ctlnll
"i township it Moitth, itnnite 11 Fast, n M.
SW'iVK i, NWVsMK's.tsF.fl-:1,, NW'.Mtt's,
ecuon tf, lownsnip i.iswintli. Katige 14 l-'ast.
w. si., sr;-.,swr, lll;, Nss-tlon it, N
NW'i, rs-ctlou S-j, Township 17 Mouth, liani
II FjisI. W. l.. SK'., siertlon 1. Tnwnshln
.South, Itnnite 11 Fjisi, , M , In C'risik County
onion, aiiii i win on
Kitiirdiiv, the luth day of Dee. .H
at the hour of one o'clock I". M. of said dav
al the front door of the Court House In the
city or i'rinevllle. Crook County, onvnti. sell
at public auction, lo the highest bidder, for
cash In hand, all the rlnht, 1 1 1 It. and Interest
the above named defendants, or either of
Hum, nan In and to the above rlencrllH'd
property on the mm day or Oct. rjus, r anv
time thereafter, to aa'dufy aald Judgments and
iniervM anu cosis.
Dated this lljtb day of Nov. U" H.
Fkank FLk'INa,
S'inrirr, Crook t'o'Uity, orKon,
First Issue Nov. 1, hist Issue Dee. 17, 1H.
Notice for Publication.
. Pcparttnent of the Interior.
I,. S. Lau.l Oilice lit The Lnl!e, Oreiron
Aovemlier 2U, lUyd.
Notice is lietehy given that N. Dutr
ot Prineville, Oreiron, who, on April 9tli
IIKI7, made Timber and Stone Kntry No,
(Serial No. Mirt7) for N'.sjNKW, NVJ
reci'on n. lownotiip H South
Khiikc IS hast. Willamette .Nleriilian, has
hied notice or Intention to nuke linal
proof, to establish claim to the land ntiove
described, litfore the county clerk tit I'rino-
vnie, uregon, on ine loth lay or rebrnar
1!JU. Clnitniint names as witnesses; Ko
ett t. hniltli and Charles bl. (.Iiarllon
both of frineville, Oregon.
12-3 C. W. Moork, ReKister.
Notice for Publication .
(Not coal Inni.)
Ueparlmenl of the Interior.
U. S. Land Oilice at Tlie Dulles Oregon
November 17th, lUUtt
Notice is hereby given that
Lksi.if. A. 1'ottkb
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on November
ilth, 1!W8, made Timber and Ktone Anplica-
tion no. oioio ior c vv y y, necuon 2;,
Township 12 South, Kange II) Kant, Wil
lamette Meridian, hun died notice of inten
tion to make linal timber and atone proof.
to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Warren Drown, county
clerk, at liia oilice at Prineville, Oregon.
on the 5th day of February, V.m Claim
ant names as witnesses: Wade Jl. Huston
Henry A. Foster, Robert O. Hniith am
Wid liarnes, all of P rineville, Oregon.
C. W. Mooint, Jtcgister.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned
the administrator of the estate of Haiuuel II.
Kltchey, deceased, lo all creditors or others
who hold claims against said estate to present
the same with the proper vouchers lo the
undersigned at hlsofllceln i'rinevllle, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this no-
uce. ,i. ti. hank. ii. AiiminiKiriilnr of tlie es-
lale orrlatnuel li. Kltchey, Deceased. 11-5
Dated this 5th day of .November, li)8.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
IT. 8. Land Oflicu atTiie Liallcs, Oregon,
December Ith, 1D08.
Notice Is hereby given that
I. icy A. Dobbins
of I.amonta, Oregon, who, on July Bill, lflOIS,
made Homestead Kntry Serial No. oWfiil No.
Vm. for HVV4NVi4, Section 114. Township 18
Booth, Hange 14 Kast, Willamette Meridian,
hns tiled notice of Intention to make (final
Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the
land Mtiive ifiurlwt l.ofi.p,. va--.. o.......
( wunty clerk, at his office at I'riiieville, Oregon!
n'u urey ji .iniiuury, i.ev, i;iniinaill
nsmesas witnesses: Ir'vin D. Ilasey, of O'Nell,
Oregon; Kred H. Mlngers, of hainonta, Oregon;
Abel Oudd, of O'Neil, Oregon, and John Fergu
son, of Lamonta, Oregon.
12-1P 0. W. Moore, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
The undersigned, having been appointed
administrator of the estate of Uoscoe Knox,
deceased, all persons having claims against
said estate ore hereby required to present the
same tohlm with proiier vouchers at the coun
ty clerk's olHce at Prineville, Oregon, within
six months from the date of the publication
of this notice.
Duled this 18th day of November, 1S08.
K. H. Ksox, Administrator.
Jkkomk Knox, Attorney for Katnte, ll-lu-6w
Roforoo's Solo.
ix TiiK nwortr roi'itr ok thk
M A I r. Of t'liKt.ON FOR TIIK
Depart men No, t.
Henry V. llislepeih and Mahlc lledj-ptUli,
ins wue, i lainiitta,
Minnie h. M.fortl ami A. A.Mefonl, lier
huslwiiil, Ida K, I'rose ami J. D I'imsp, lier
litishai il, Anna K. I.alolletie ami Too i.a
r'ollette. lier husband, l'liarls K. titillifont
an.l Fill tliilltford, his wli,., Clnrenca ti.
tiuinior.1 ami Fav Uuililonl, his wife
!amtiel 1 tlullironl ami Mary (lullilortl,
liia wife. Marion Whillalch, lienrielta
tliillllonl. Insane, Vldn K. HtsU'pelli, Kllen
n. fiauoni ami faran t.. foe, Delelolan Is
isy virtue nfa ludKiiient, ocrJm ilr-
orow tiitty isaue.1 toil of and under the
seat oi me above entitled court
oi me aimv etititieii cause, tilt
Monday the 3tli day of Novem
ler, lii), tiiion a judKmeni rendi nd In the
aiHivr eiiiitic.1 tsiiirt on Monday the 30th
day of Novemlier. in a partition suit
between the Parties hereto, tor the sale ol
me neretnatter deonlsi real iropsrtv
ami apHiiniiu trio uiolersinncl as rvlen-e
tor jno iiurpose ol making suelt sale,
nu ll aaiu real prtcrlv Is tleacrilMSl an
iiuiowa, to wut I he Half ol the Smtli
east Uuaiter ol S.w. in T. uu u i.i s.
of tliu A' lllamette Meridian', eoiii'tlii'lini m
a.-is-s mo or tens, nil in crook county,
Now, therefore, liv virtue of atd )mg.
ment, order ami tlrs-rve. and as rcf.c-c
thereof as nforranttl, I w ill on .satttrtltiv,
the i:irtl day of January, Ismti, n t the umr
ol one oVUh k I1. M. at the front door of
the county court lions in I'rinevllle,
t'rtaik routity, Oregon, aril at pulilio auc
tion to the liiiiliest tmlder forcish in hand
all the riisht, title and Inlcret which the
ilcfendanls heiSMii. or either of I linn had
on the said Jnh iMy of November, l'.kH or
since nave in or lo the above descrila-d real
property, or any imrt Ihereol, lo antisfv
snl.l judemt lit, orvfer ami di-cree. costs mid
accruing coal.
r'lt.VNK KI, KIN'S,
Dated at IVinevtlle tlts,i., imi.
ilav of IkvemlaT, l;t.
First inil-llcuiion, ly, 17, urns.
Last puhlication, Jan. 'Jl, luou.
Noti far Publicatioa
kot ltlL Linn.
lVp'irtment of lb Interior,
, H Uind i'HU-e at The l"llrs. Or .
Novemiar l.'ih, 1AK1.
Notice U hereby giyen Hint
HoWAKIl W, i 1 kN'Kk
of I'rinevllle, Oregon, who, on Siptclnls r
.'Ith. l'l, made H'iliic-tcn,l F.nirv is. ri ,1
No. Olistll, No. Lis I S. for N SViSK',sK' i
S.vti.n S, an.l Xtt'i.SK',, Mcction It,
Townshiji III South, KntiK 11 Kast. Wll
lamette Meridian, has tiled notice ol inten
tion to make Final Commutation I'riMif to
establish claim to the land above descrilwd
la-fore Warren Urown, county clerk, at hl
otlice at I'rinevllle, OreKoti, on the '.'am day
of Uvremlwr. l:kW. Claimant names a's
itneaaes: William J. Pancake, Charlea A.
(iraves, Klanum A, Husset and Jovl A.
Kllloti, all of I'rinevllle. On-non.
It-P'P V. W. Mil) lis, Keclster,
Notlct of Finn I Settleincnt.
Notice Is hereby given bv the und"rslned
i lie aoiiiiiuairairi t wnn the will aunesed
Iho estate of Aleiamb-r McCiov, ibss-nsei
mat sue lias nieil Willi the clerk of the
ouniy ouri lier nnal aisliiiifltt( of del
ministration of said esla'e. and the court bis
set Moiidav. the 4th day of Jan. I, at the
isniiiiy wun nsitn in I'rinevllle. linunn,
the time and place for w-Uiltur said lliml ao
couiillini. Al which tl me and plies, any
is-rsoii Interested In an Id estate may appear
ii.i .Mifts-i io such nnal nceoiiiiiinii.
lated thla l''th day of Nov. !'..
Admlnlstrntrtx with the will aniiene.t of
the. slaie of All land, r .Mi luy,diss'aiM.
Notice for Publication.
(N'otcmil land)
Iepnrtnitiit ofthe Interior,
tJ. K. Liud Ottice. The Dalle, Or..
. November 7th, lsH
Notice Is hrrebv iriven that Carrie Ii I'rinevllle, Oregon, who, on Oct
Irl2th, l:iH. made Tiniier and htmiK
Appiicatlon .No. 0l.HI. for N'i.SW'.'. dtt
HVW, tiV.,SV. riection t '. Townshir
HmiIIi. liange is Knl. Wlllannttc Me
ridian, has tilej notice of iutrtilinn lo
mnkerinal llmtM-r and Stone i'roof. I
estahlifh claim to the laud abov described
befor' nrr-n. lirown. County Clerk, al
his olHce at Prinerille, Oregon, on the Uimi
day of January, i'.sr i. Claimant iiaines ns
witnesses Oeorge W. Ltickev, Jo-eidi ii
t rooks, ttainucl Dingee ami Fred A. Kice,
all of I'riiieville, Ore.-on.
It-: 0. W. Moore, Hegl'ter.
in me iwiniy i niirt ol Ihe statu of Oregon
tor tlie rmiiiiy nl crook. In the matter of the
r.'iate olJiilin . l olllns, tlecenird, t'ltatinn,
lo all heirs ol John W. liillllia, llecea.ed
i n ine nnine oi ine atate ni (iregnn, ynii are
hereby cited and required to appear In the
( 'uiiij i unri oi fiaie oi iircKtin, f(,r tlie
I oiinty ol crook, at the court room thereof, at
rrineviiui in me county ol crook mi Monday
the 4ili day of January, nasi, al 10 o'clock In
Ihe forenoon ol that day, then and there to
show cause, If any them be wbv an order
snouiii not iw mane aiitliorllng V. II I k
administrator of the estate of John V, rolllim!
ileceaaeil to sell at private anle, so milch il
the lierelnalii r descrllivd real estate ol said
u'" i n" niaj lie necessary, lo Wll:
The Southcait iiuarter of the Norlheast onar-
ter of Section Kleven In Tnwnslilp Three Hoiith
ot Range Hlg West of V lllamette Murldtan In
Also, a part of the Donation Land Claim of
reier fimitu ami wile, bournicd as fol ows
Commencing at the southwest corner of a tract
ot lanu to j. k, Caldwell by V. J
Kryer ami wile; tbeiice north twelve anl
rtve-elnhths rods: therce east three rods and
tliree leet; tlienca south twelve and flve-
eignins rocs; luenre west three rods and
three feet to place ol bcg.iiulng, containing
one-fourth acre;
Also, a trni l of land boundi d as follows:
Commnieliig at the southeast corner of a tract
of land sold by I'eter Kinlili to :, Cooper and
ny c. cisiper a n.-irs to l.nrhln r'onis; running
iiirnee norm iweive ami n ve-eig titlis rotls
iii'-oi e hi-si inree ami oue.llltn roils; tllellce
ooui twelve aim live-t'lghths rods; thence
earn tnrce ami one-tlllli rods to place of begin
nlng. eoiitaiiilng one-fourili of an hi re.
Witness, the Hon, II. (. Kills, Jiulgo of the
County Court of the Hlute of oreuoii for n,
county oi crooK with the seal ol snld court a(
nxe,i, una zuu nay oi Kovemts-r, A. D l'J"S
U-M Attest: w aiikks Hhow'n, Clerk,
Notice for Publication
Not Coal Land.
Department ofthe Interior.
8. Lund Oilice at The Dalles. Or..
November 2-itli, llsJH.
Notice la hereby given that
of Portland, Oregon, who, on November
17th, HKH, made Timber and Mono A noli.
cation No. 0IHISJ for Lots 1, 2. and HKi
NF., NKKK, Hcction 15, iowusli, l",
8outh, Hange 21 F.ict, Willunictte Merid
ian, has filed notice of Intention to make
linul tuiihcr and stone nroof. tn esi llbl tub
claim to the land above described, before
Warren lirown. countv clerk, at bin nlllee
at Prineville, Oregon, on the HUi dav of
ic'""Oi urn. iiainiiiiit names as wit-
n Ciulv. Hachiellits K. Jones
John W. Hitter atid Alden 0. Knlvhimi
all of I'riiieville, Oregon.
lis-up o. W. Mooiib, Register.
Conteit Notic.
United Htntes I,and Olllee,
The Dalles, Oregon. November W, 1008.
A sufficient contest allldavlt. bnvinir
filed In tills office by
John o. Poweix
contestant, against homestead (.Serial No
0:w) entry No. 14;iS2, made April ill, iwif,, for
brkhk.. Hectioii 4; WiiSW'4, Suction
NWU'NWU. Heetion KM NKWNfiW. Hcction II
Township 111 Houlh, Hange 111 Kast, Willamette
Muriuian, oy Aiexanuer w. Kamsey, contestee,
In which It Is alleged that said Alexander W
Kamsev has uhol v iiIihikIoiu.,1 knUI ir..,.t o.-
more than six mouths hist past; that he has
not resided upon and cultivated mild tract as
required by law; that said alleged absence was
not due to his employment in tho iirniv. naw
or marine corps of the Culled Htntes In time of
war, soi'i parties are n rcby not, Hi d to an-
near, respond and offer evidence touch-
ng sulci allegation at 10 o'clock
A. M. on January 5, l(K,fl, before Warren
H row ii. county clerk, at his oilice In I'riiieville
Oregon, and that linal hearing will be held at
10 o'clock A. Jl. on January U, l!i, beforo the
Register and Receiver at the l ulled Htalea
Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said
contestant having, In a proper alllduvlt, filed
November Hi, won. net forth facts which show
Unit, arier due diligence, personal service of
Ibis notloe can not be made, it is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publlciillon.
i"" V. W. Mooiik, Heglstcr.
The City Meat Market
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try Bomo of Crook county'a choicest
products. Its tho best that money can
buy. You will riot only savo money but
you will help buihl up n homo industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in lare quantities
Wc handle all hinds of country produce
R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor
(Horscshooing in Connct'ttoit)
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stotk boarded by tho day, week or month at
KeaKonubia rates. Remember uu when in
frineville. IUtks Reabonablk. We have
Fine Livery
Bring your job printing to the Journal
The O'Neil Restaurant
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
t. 1
Cnrrylno; a
lciiiotiH, etc.
elioleo nelectloii
(Jive UM a call.
r, i
Seneral IRlacksmithing
Neatly and PnoMrTLY Done
When it is Done By : :
flpbert Ttfoore
i j
Satisfaction Will
Notice to Creditors,
Notice Is luireliv irivRii. hv tlm umliin.
sineil. the adniliiistrator of (lie estato of
John McVeigh, ilcceiiHot, to all iwrsotm
having chimin m-iiiiiMt miiil Htlitn fn icnl.
Hont thciiii with the proper voucher to the
liiiiler.signeil tit liia oillne in i'riiieville,
Oregon, within hIx months of tlie ihito of
una niiiice.
ilateil this IStli day ol October, 1008.
k , . M. 11. Kl.MOTT,
Adniinifrtnilor of tho Estato of John Mc
Veigh, Deceased. 10-15
Rigs For Rent
L 4
I cl
of due cnntlj, clgnrg, ranu;i'H,
L j
lie Guaranteed
. iN-piirlinent, or tho Interior.
U 8. Land Oilice at TI10 Diilleii, Or.,
x, ., . , . July 21, innn,
Notlen Ij hereby given that tlenild (I,
i,Jl)v""',J ' T;u,'"". Wimli., who, on July 21
11 8,,!!;',!'1 11,11 K'r "n.a ,n" "worn mittemim!
No. WMirorHK'iN K'j'. Hi'ellon in, Towimlilp
UH, limine IKK., Willamette Meridian, him
tiled niillee of liitniitlnn u iiuike linal pnmr
o eHtuli ImIi elalin to tlie lnnil nliovedeHeillied
lieroro Iho Ki-nlHter and Heoelver, lit. The
Dal lea, Or., on the 2nd day of January, 1IKIII.
laluiiint iiiiiiich km wltiiowNKMi.liilm ,iiekKoti
and Joe barmm, oro'Nell, Or., (leoritn Oaten,
of I'ortland, Or., und .1 n. One, ofHIianlko, Or.
1U P CJ W. Moobk, Ili glHter.