LOCAL MENTION Trit above torn this inoriilnttl (!, V. linker of Lnlitluw is In town. O. K. Wnhlroii win down from Item! Tiii'niliiy. MIm l.ittira llntfiT Icn vos toiliiy for llriiufonl, Conn. Mr. Itvhtiul of Corvnlls U hero vUlt Inn frli iuUoinl ivliitlvi's. Mm. I'XinUt'loHliiKimt ln'r stock of inlllliii'ry. Hct'Ril, MImm 1 :i vii J. Smith will Koto lit-r linmo hi Mmlrns for tin1 holl'lny. ).nl Wit mtil Mr. Viuli-rvi-rt of Hciid wrnt In hi city uurlntf lhr Trftl Yoitujx ' Muddy rm-ii'ly iiold 4.4(H) kIiihp to Air. Lion-, of IIoIhi-, MiiIio. Juiui'm (hvrturf of HimuI j.mhh.mI throimli Imw this wisk to upend ( hrUtum nt his former homo In tho l'axt. John Combs In In rortlitiid until nflor Christum n thi jtui-nt of hln sUtfr, Mm. Kundrvl.nnd IiIm mother, Mm. J a 110 CouitiH. t'mlo Hunt Hlitwe will stitrt for hi now hoint' itenr Knlt'iii, with hi dun tly, iHwnilM-r 2L Ilereecntly bought M 0 Mi-re fruit farm thi'if. Dr. Kvlwy and wlfo.w liohuve Ik'ii stnylnit nt lhi Hotel rrtiii'vlltt while tin dentist melveil pnlknt In thl rlly, Wit on Monthly's stnge for I'ortlnnd Two now member wt-ro reoelved Into the MflhodtHt iliurt h Ktindny luomltiK and Htindny evening, one young lmly went forward for cotiwcrntlon. (!.org Tnylor and w Ifo, who were vUltlug friend and relative tit Sis ters, pnmietl through the comity soul thht week ell routs homo to their nint h on Hear creek. Mm. H, K. Tnylor mid tlnughler, of Msters, mine early thin week to visit I.H-iil frlendK. Mlwt Taylor returned Imtne Tiiemlny, but the mother will remain until after Xnuis. Word come from Snlem Hint the mipn-iiie court will not consider the appeal tifC. Ka in Smith until liexl spring; hence no iVIsh n In the matter tuny W rxvted for n iittmlter of month yet. Mm. C. A. House! write Mr. It. P. Ik'Ikniip from their new hoint' nt Dayton, WiihIi., that that city hint voted "dry" itenrly 2 to 1. Mr. Htm sel. who lately wti Methodist jmstor lit l'rliievllle, took nil nrtlve part In the nntl-lltiuor i runule then-. Jack Summers, lineman for the I'loneer Telephone Co., sny the Mntlra l'lotievr wiim In Matlra Inst Friday repairing the telephone line tn-tweeit thl plate nud rrluevllle. lr. Hummers ay he I putting On line In good repair ami that the line should be greatly Improved. Jnme MaguexN returned to Mud ra hint week t rom the camp of the Madra Oil company on (irUzly liutt where li hits htvu helping get thing In Mhnpit to htglii drlllllig. He nay that everything wit nhout ready to begin drilling the first of the week. He alo nay it U pretty ctdd on (irlisxl.v, mid that there wa ever nl Inches td miow where ho wa working. Tim Degree of Honor hit elected thene new otllcem: Mrc Itohhs, pnt chief of honor; Mr. KMc, chief of honor; Mm. Click, holy of honor; Mm.Cellu Yniit-ey, chief of cereiuonle; Mm. lltlknnp, recortler; Mr. Turk Doak, tlimiicler; Mis l'rodlit Llpp initn, receiver; Mm. Vlrn Cyrus, usher; Mr. Hugh I.tHtcr, Inner watel ; Dr. Belknap, outer wnU-h. The D. of II. ha a ranged to hold Joint 'installation with the A. O. U. W. January 12. DECEMBER 23rd These two dances will be the social events of the season and the Club extends a hearty invitation to all country friends and dancers. The floor committee is composed of Jack Summers, Frank Elkins, Harry Lanius, John R. Luckey, Frank B. Foster and others. The Club has secured a competent caller and the orchestra has new and late dance music for the occasions. The ladies will serve their celebrated Buffet Luncheon in the hall. TI OZB.TS t l- O O ' The lhipllt ladle ch ared 123 on their dinner hint Friday, Max Wuuwcllcr left fr Id new h Mile 111 I'ortlaliil onTueiay"tage. Mr. Try f Ij-Imiioii I her to provo tip oil her huliiest-lid near town. Dr. .Ionian mid faiully of Sister went out on Monday' Hhaiilko Hinge. Martini ('. Johnson of thlclty will prove up on her hoiucNtead In 17-12 15 lie t Tuesday, Dr. Diinxmore left Moiulay to peud t wo d.iy at the ranch of Jlut Cram, returning to towu Wodnomhiy. 1. Springer of Culver I a hindne caller In the city today, having come here from the llayttlack country early Wednesday morning. Mr. I'rniik ltodinnn, formerly of thl city, died n few day ago In I'tii'thiud, where her huxliantl con duet ll garage. She carried f.'.OOO lumiraiien In the rrluevllle lodge of Itoyul Neighbor. ThO HelHh r Ktllge Htlltloll U being rapidly rebuilt, and lit another week It will again Ik ready for the recep tion of traveler. It I a one and one half tory double box frame building, of the kind bct adapted to Interior Oregon. John K. Itynn hit returned from Khnnlko. where he delivered WO head of beef rattle, at the notably high price of cent a pound f. o. b. car Shanlko. 'lhee Ww we.e fed at Trout creek before Melllng. He w III have 1,000 more ready by uprlng. W. II. 1'r.we and I. M. Wing have bought out the good will and luteret of J. II. Wlglelll the blackHinlth nhop the latter ha heretofore conducted. The ileal Ihvuiiio effective DecemlH-r 1, and the new owuem will kit-p the bUMlncH uuchitugiMl from now on. Mix Verna Howard aiig "The Holy City" nt the Flrt Muthodlut church Sunday evening, l'foro n large congregation. Her luitclcnl Interpretation of thl hupreKlve nntheiii, and her motle of rendition, were excellent ami low ololt could have done lietter. I'rlnevlllecanii) No. UjiiS, Modern Woodmen of America, elected the following ot!li-er Monday night: Itay V. Countable, venerable coimul; J. O. Dowcll, aihitor; II. L. Hobb, banker, C. C. llrlx. clerk; Holier t A. Keett r, i-Mcort; A. T. Itogue, watch man. The new ollleer will bu ln MtalltMl January 11. No Intercxt I In-lng taken In tl e elty t-lectloii. w hich will be hehl Mon day, Dec. 81. Only one ticket I thu far In the Held, ami whether another will lie forthcoming on the morning of election day, next Monday can determine. No oiie.apparcully, talk about the election on the street and to all outward npiM'oraucc It would Hi-em n If no election were Impending. Prlnevllle nnHembly No. K'1, I'ulted ArtUaim, ha ehvted the followli g oili't'i. who will Im liiHtalled Jan. A: I. W. Npear, miiHter artlnan; Mr. M. It. Itlgg. tiHiintendent; Mr. II. D. llelknap, nee ret a ry; Mm. I. W, Spear, liiH-ctor; Mr, (ieek, enlor cotithtct or; Mm. U. S. Trice, Junior conductor; Mr. I". D. Howard, tumMer of ccr euionle; J. W. Ilorlgnn, treasurer; Warren ltrown, orgnulHt. Frank I.afolh-tt, while operating the picture machine during the travel ogue exhibition of 'Turk" Tuesday night mintiilned a oevere electric htck trout the urc light um-tl lu llliimlnatlng the picture. Ill left arm wa rendered uncle for many minute and hehltnnelf nearly floored by the high voltage which panned through hi body. No one In the audience, however, knew of Frank' iiilnhap, a he ntolonlly continued the perior I good i performance with lit remaining nrm. The Sixth Given by the P. A. A. C. Wednesday Eve, December 23, LOCAL MENTION D. 1. ftogeru came over from Mud ra Tuenilay. !:. J. Covert of Itedmoiid wa In town Tuesday. Mr. Annie F.te ha been on the Il k lint thl week. Mr. 1. It. Howard I numbered among the nick th! week. Mr. K.O. Hyde and Mr. J. T. Moore, who have l-'n tjulte 111, are U'tter. Jaiiie W. Mitchell of liend ha been granted a pennion of f 12 a month by I'mic Ham. There will be a turkey hoot at the l'rliievllle Mhootlug gallery Han dily afternoon, Dec. !M. Minn Jennie Hartley And Ml Hani ("obi well will leave next Thuraday for I lend toiM'Uil the holiday. The Mt-venth grade da will hold It (.'hrlHtma rxertiite nt the public chool Wcdnetlny evening, Dec. 21. When looking for Cigar for Chrlt nia gift, ak dealer to how you ChrlHtma boxe of Clgam made by the l'rliievllle Cigar Factory. The McthodlKt Iidle' Ahl Society will hold a mile of flue eatable at C. V. Klklim tore the day U-fore Chrlntina iMlnulnif at 10 n. in. Uoln-rt FvmiM, who ha Ix-cn at work on the court houne, left Wednenday for Cortland, from where ho will go to hi home In linker City to Hpetid Chrlntmn. The five ntonccut ter who have ben at work on tjie new court houne left on Wednendny' Mtuge for 1'ort land. The tinner expect to leave next week, reaching Portland Xtna eve. The court houne U rapltlly aniimliiga flnlnhed condition under the nlile Miiperliitentlency of Contrac tor J. P.. Hhlpp. At the McthodUtt church . the nubjtrt Sunday morning will lie, "The Joy of ChrlHtma Time;" even ing. 'The Meaning Chrlnt Put Into the Word 'Father.' " Sunday nehool at 10; nil clae rcpreented. Fpworth I-ngne nt 0;:t0 o'ebn-k, Mln (Joldwell, lender. The ore he ' tra and choir will furnlnh inunlc nt all service. Change have lieen made thl week lit the Interior arrangement of the Methotllnt church. The choir loft hn Ihvii retntived from It old ponl tlonnlotig the nlde wall and combined witli the chaneel mid pulpit, which have lieen doubled In le, the pulpit now In-lng much nearer the eople at n point where the preacher 'may be plainly een and heard even at the rear end of the Kuuduyechool room. The Order of the Eastern Star lant Tltumtlay elected the following new officer: Mr. C. W. Elklu. worthy matron; Dr. Hofenlcrg, worthy patron; Mln Iva Itooth, iissioiiate matron; Mm. Sarah Thom son, conductress; Mr. Oscar Hyde, tHHoehite contluctrens; Mln Fay Baldwin, secretary; Mm. T. H. La- Follette, treasurer. Joint Instal'a Itlou with the MaHou will be held December 2U. ' . Fred Foster of Summer Laks, purchased n flue stalllou of U. Sprin ger of Culver, one day last week, paying the sum of $ 1.SO0 for the horse. Mr. Foster Is to be congratu lated upon securing such a fine ani mal, and the k-ople of Summer Lake, say the Silver Lake Lender, should a well feel themselves very fortunate to have such n colt lu the community. The colt won first and sweepHtake both, nt the Central Oregon fair In l'.H)7 ns a stallion under one year old, and In VMS a a stallion over one year old against all comer. Annual RAM 3VCORC3-.3Sr'S ORCHESTRA Crook county was 1 11 ted by a general snowfall of from one to three Inches Wednesday morning, the preclpltallnii starting about 80'dock the preceding evening. The snow wa flue anil dry mid fell low)f , without wind accompaiilmeut, though Old Horea had "kicked up a whole lot of dust" during the week previous. Crook, Columbia, Douglas, (Jrant, Harney, Hood Itlver, Mnltnoinfth, I'nlon, Lake, Lincoln and Klamath counties have not yet tiled their as senniitent suinmnrle for with the secretary of .state. Iu thl county the omlloii I due to negligence on the purt of the Hnlein office lu not forwarding the iicceary blank forms to this city. Chrlnlinas exercise of tho third, fourth and fifth grades In the city grammar school will le held In the third grade clansrooia next Thursday, Dec. 24, at 10 o'clock In the morning. Olfts will be received by the pupil through the "city post oflilce" to 13 held in operation lu the room. Denlih this union mode of Chrlntina commemoration the fourth grade will decorate its room and the fifth grade will have a Christum tree lu addition to the decoration. Eighth Grade Examinations It. A. Ford, county school stterln- teutlent, give out the following Information concerning eighth grade final examinations: ItATK Jnnunry 21-22. 1009. May 13-14. im September 2 3, 1909. imiouium: Thursdays Arithmetic, Writing, History, and Civil Government. F rl 1 1 ay U ra ni in a r , l'hy si ol ogy , tjeogruphy, ant Kilning. sorm ic or 2i:kmtio.nm: Civil (iovernntent United Seates constitution. Geography State course of study. Itedway and Illinium's natural school geography. History List of topic from his tory outline In state course of study ami current event. Language liuchlcr' modern Eng lish grammar, no diagramming. Heading The teacher will send to the county stipe: Imlenileiit the ap plicant's standing In reading which shall be taken a the standing on the Stllilect. Spelling W) js-r cent from Reed's ord I'HHonn and I'D per cent from mnntiscript lu language. Writing Specimens of K-utnnnshlp a ludicathd In copied matter and from manuscript In language. Sources of Information. Arithmetic. One-fifth from State course, of study, four-tilths from Smith. Civil government. Strong & Sehafer. English literature. February, 190!, one-half from texts: Newcomer's Kugllnli Literature and Newcomer's American Literature; one-half from the following classics: Lowell, the Vision of Sir Launfal (HI v. lit. ser.) Houghton; Webster, the First Bun ker Hill Oration (Kiv. lit. ser.) Houghton: Scott, Munition (Pocket Clasnics) Maciulllau. August, 1!K)9, one-half front text: Newcomer' English Literature nud Newcomer's American Literature; one-half from the following classics: Shakespeare, Julius Ctesar (Uiv. lit. ser.) Hough ton; Buskin, Sesame and Lille (Uiv. lit. ser.) Houghton; Carlyle, Essay on Bum and Burns' Poem (Pocket Classics) Macmlllan. Geography. One-fifth from State course of study, four-fifth from Bed way & HIniuan. Grammar. One-fifth from State course of study, tour-fifths from Buehler. History, U.S. One-fifth from. the State course of study, four-fifths from Doub. Othogrnphy. Heed's Word Lessons. Physical geography. Tarr's New Physical tieogrn phy . Physiology. Krohu, Hutchinson. Christmas and New Years D Heading, JMnfe course of study, White's Art of Teaching, Oral Head. Ing. School law. Mcnool laws ol Ore gon. I heory ana 1 Tact Ice. bite s Art of Teaching. Writing. Outlook Writing Wystcin ami leu In writing. Algebra. Wells: Algebra for Second ary Schools. Dookkeeplng. Office Metloxl and Practical lliHkke-plng. Part f. ('omposltion. Ilerrlck A. Damon. Physics. Mllllkan & Gale: A First Co 11 me In Physic. I'sychologv. I5u'U. liotany.' lk-rgen: Elements of Bot any. Geometry. Wentworth: Plane and Solid Geometry, questions on Plane Geometry. History, general. Myers: General History. An examination I required upon the first thirteen subjects for a first grade county certificate valid lor 3 years; upon the flint 1 subjects for a state certificate valid for S years; and upon the 21 suhjeet for a state di ploma valid for life. If you want to please your husband just buy hi in a box of these Cigars packed esM-cal!y for Christmas by the l'rliievllle Cigar Store. Postponed. The masquerade ball which was advertised for Decent lsr IH at Templeton ballon the McKay, hits len postponed Indefinitely on ac count of sickmss. 2t Templeton Sl Arsold. Will Serpen Wood Yard. I will oprn s wood yard December 15 in connection with wood w. 12-I0-3wp H. L. IIOBBS. Sunday Afternoon December 20 TurkeyShoot AT THE Shooting Gallery This is your chance to win a Christmas Turkey. Come and try your luck. Mta a Gratk Karet ScIimI BmIi Cumti Ssppliei Jewelry WII hper D. A new and complete stock of Holiday Presents just arrived, consisting of Fancy Combs, Brushes, Dressing Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Manacure Sets, Toys, China Dishes, Stationery, Silverware, Cut Glass, books of all kinds, Clocks, Ladies and Gentlemen's Purses, etc. D.P IBALL at the Club Hall and December 30, 1908 f Ammunition Guns Knives, Belts All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD W. F. LUMBER P. Adamson DRUGGISTS Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS DECEMBER 30th BY King -1 Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY I & Co Mukal lutrascaU Magai Lnraej'i Catiiti Statiotwry Ciftrt a. Xa '2S3