Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 17, 1908, Image 4

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line rassioo nay
Birth, Life & Crucifixion of Christ
Hand Painted Moving Pictures
So great is the
demand for this
play at this time
of year that we
have had this one
contracted for
weeks. This is the
1900 play as giv
en by the German
Peasants at Ober
ammergau, Ger
many, and is by
greatest authority
pronounced to be
the best play, if it
may be called such
that the world has
ever seen. W e
will produce it
here but three
nights. Don't
miss it.
This Greatest of
All Great
Many years ago there was a great pestilence
sweeping over Germany. Entire villages were
depopulated and the peasants at Oberammergau
being a very religious lot of people met together
and promised in sermon and prayer that if they
were spared they would produce a play showing the
life and crucifixion of Christ as nearly as possible.
The pestilence never bothered these devoted people.
An attempt was made at one time to reproduce and
stage the play in New York but it was at once
prohibited by law. The only place the play can be
seen is at Oberammergau, Germany. We reproduce
it here by actual photographs.
4000 Feet Hand Colored
Thtir Paturei 6KoulJ B HlgK
Ciound en Farm.
AuilJ proper surronndiiur the sheep
Is tardy aulmnt. Othorw Uo It Is not.
Thousands of them are often eou In
single horda In the inoutitiilu ronton
of the om. Hut there the nlr U dry,
suit hi Is the K'inJ oil which they
Kn!V. No matter how rlrli their (ma
ture or Low carefully they may be
house.! from stonus. If tlioy are com
hIUh1 to nook their food ly wading
In mini nml vater or even In contlu
unlly going through mud to get tholr
drinking water tlu thick will not long
be a healthy one. Their foot will gel
had, ticks will Infest them, and lutor
nnl worms will trouble them. Tit
dull sheep may withstand those at
tao!;, though they will show plain
signs ef suffering, but many lambs
will perish after Mug perhaps half
Sheep arc three times profitable, for
lambs, wool and tnu t ton. mi l there In
room lu the United States for doutile
the nunilsur there now la, mid farmers
amy well grow them In uuitl or me
dtum flocks. Itut don't do It If your
pastures are low nml marshy. Iiiboiiio
portions of the year our atmosphere
Itself Is too moist for them, and when
In nddod to that a moist bod aud mud
and water for them to walk and feed
lu for long at a time success need, not
le expected.
Farmers who raise sheep, therefore,
says Amerlean Stockman, should al
ways select the highest ground for
their pasture and If possible provide
thera clean drinking water that they
on a get to without going Into mud. If
this ran be done there Is not a more
protltable animal on the farm exeept
those whose nctuul services are needed
and make them protltable.
Some Characteristic of This Hardy
Breed of Shp.
The variety known a the American
Merino Is a modltlciitlon of tho Spanish
Merino and bits been established lu
this couutry for more than a hundred
years. Its most striking characteris
tic Is the heavy folding of the body,
excepting over the back; also the small,
short hair, tho heavy twisted horns of
the male and the thin skin. Tho fleece
covers the eutlre body aud legs, often
almost couceallug the eyes. The sur
face of the fleece Is usually very dark,
owing largely to the oil end dirt.
The Hoece Is of tho very highest
grade and Is the leading business char
astcrlstlc of tho breed. Many ma
ture ewes shear twelve to fifteen
pounds and rams fifteen to twenty
pouuds or even more, some records of
Randolph Ketchum
Frank LaFollette
AME11ICAN l Kill N O.
thirty to forty-four pounds having
been made. A record Is given of thirty-six
rams, three yeurs old or over,
shearing u little over thirty -one pounds
each. The wool lu these Instances
weighed over 2o per ceut of the total
weight of the animals. Tho tendency
of Merino wool Hluce introduction Into
this couutry has been toward a greater
degree of fineness. No doubt the wool
has been Improved lu quantity and
quality at the expense of mutton quali
ty. The Merinos, although active and
muscular, do not take on much fat
and except In the grade Block are not
considered of much Importance as a
meat breed.
The Merinos are well adapted to the
conditions of the northeastern states,
doing well lu the rough luouutuln pas
tures. Were It not for the dog nui
sance It Is probable that they would
be kept In large numbers In the pas
tures which have become unsuitable
for dairy herds. They also thrive In
the ranges of the far west and endure
cold weather very well.
To Keep the Pigs In Place.
This style of feeding 4rough will
be found to be very useful. The guards
should be made of two Inch planks
twelve to fourteen Inches wide at the
widest point Two guards can be cut
from each plank, and in this way the
proper slant will be obtained,
The construction ' must be very
Ftrong, and everything must be well
nailed, as It receives hard usage. The
spout for the -feed can be made of one
Inch plank, and one spout will serve
any number of troughs.
Rheumatism In Horses.
For 'rheumatism In young horses It
Is said that three drams of salicylate
of soda three times each day for three
days, then omitting for six days and
repeating, Is an effective remedy.
For a mild smoke The La Rosa.
New line of fine silverware just ar
rived ; most suitable for Christmas gifts
u. f. AdaniHon at uo.
Christmas nuts and candies at store of
I. Michel.
Value ef This Disinfectant and How
t Lite It.
Many have the oplnlou Hint (he only
use for lime 1 for whitewashing und
use It very sparlniily even for (lint.
The Mechanical effect of good coat
of whitewash Is well worth Us ctwt, to
any nothing ef (lie udded appearance.
Lime In one ef the most reliable dis
infectants aud deodorizers that we
hare ami at (lie same time the cheap
est. Wo use It In (he form of white
wash for walls and roost l:i chicken
house aud walls of rtRlile hog
houses; also (he hog watering and
slopping troughs, a wilier In
National Ktockman and Fanner, In
the form of air slaked lime It Is one
of the best nhsorticrit of foul odors
that we hare found. If mixed with
the droppings of animals It has a
tendency to liberate the ammonia, but
It can Ih used so as to cause very lit
tle waste, end we can well afford to
sncrlilco a little ammonia for (he sake
of lstter health of our animals.
Sprinkle It on (lie stable floors nud i
on the hog house floors after (leaning!
them out and before putting lu new!
bedding. Put It en (he chicken coop
floor and lu dust baths. Tut a small
amount lu tho hogs' Rlop, not enough
to make It caustic or to turn the slop
yellow, but Just euoiiKll to sweeten It.
nd the ptgs will rvlUti It. If one
would take the (line to mix It. Ilnie.
water would le U'tter for (he hist
named pm-pivse. To make It put large
pumtltles of water on quicklime nud
use ouly clear water tint rises after
the lime settles.
Sprinkle the powdered llnip on the
feeding floors nml nlsmt tru yards.
It wii ut hurt anything, aid I be
lieve It him done ns niu ii fr in n
nny other one llilng to help lo chn-k
two or (oreo eases of hog cholera
within the last few years. Mine Ii
me of (he Ingredient of one of the
best selling Img remedies on the mar
ket today.
An old farmer said some lime ago
flmt there Is uo use of losing hogs
with cholera. When asked hi plau
he snld he always kept the following
mixture before his piss (nud It I snr
irlslng liow much they wilt en of
It): Mine, fifty pounds; sulphur. Ave
pounds; sal soda, five pounds; black
antimony, five pounds; copperas or
sulphate of Iron, live poumH
t"se fresh quicklime, add Just
nougli water to slake It to a flue
oowder. then add the other Ingredient
md milk thoroughly. Take two parts
of the mixture and one of Halt, and
keep It where they ran ret at It aud
see how quickly It U used up.
Wunted-By anilddle-nged woman,
a situation an cook, tnke care of the
sick or housework. Mrs. V. F. Iten
nie, liox 170, Prlnevllle, Or. Up
Stirring Will Ripen Cream.
It Is very essential lu rream ripen
ing to ogltate the crenui frequently to
Insure uniform ripening. When cream
remains undisturbed for souse time the
fat In the same way that It does
lu milk, though In a l- marked de
gree. The result I that the upper lay
ers are richer than the lower and will
sour less rnpMly, since the notion of
the lactic acid germs Is greater lu (hlu
than lu rich cream. This uneven rl-
oulng leads to a poor bodied cream.
Instead of being smooth nud glossjr, It
will appear coarse aud curdy when
poured from a dipper. The lniMirtauee
of stirring frequently during ripening
should therefore not le underestimated.
Colts should be kept twgether while
being weaned, because the companion
Bhlp helps them sootier to forget their
dums aud keeps them from fretting.
Reet For the Horee.
Unless a horse lies dowu regularly
his rest Is never complete, and his
Joints and sinew will stiffen. Whllo
It Is true that sumo horses will sleep
In a standing position and continue to
work for many years. It Is equally true
that they would wear much better If
they rested naturally.
Exereie the Stallion.
It Is very Important that stallions
which are kept for stock purposes re
ceive dally exercise for some tlmo pre
vious to beginning stud service, aud
also all through the stud season. A
neglect on thepart of the owner or
manager to have this dono will be
liable to give the stallion a reputation
for not being a suro font getter. Dully
exercise Is Just ns Important for a
stock horse as abundance of the best
qunllty of the most nutritious fired,
and both ore necessary to put ami keep
the stallion In proper condition to be a
sure fonl getter and Impart vigor and
stamina to his fouls.
Watering the Work Hone.
Three times a day In hot summer
weather, probably pulling on a dead
strain nil the time, Is not often enough
for tho work horse to bo watered. The
flverngo man flnds It Doeossary under
such conditions to drink much oftener.
The man who works the horse ought
to make provision for watering the
anlmnl as often ns he waters himself.
Value of Grooming.
When a horse Is very tired or Is over
heated the best thing to do for htm Is
to give film a good rubbing down
This at once makes htm more com
fortnble and enables his skin to act
normally In reducing his temperature
and removing tho Impurities duo to
muscular activity. Tho grooming Is
not a mutter of nppenrnnee only, but
of health. Farmers frequently neglect
their horses In this particular, becauso
they look upon it ns a matter of np-
pcarnnce only. Tho health of the
horse depends upon the condition of Its
skin to a much larger extent than Is
generally supposed. The rubbing down
and currying stimulate the surface
circulation and produce a feeling of
well being throughout the wholo sys
tem, which materially Impioves tho dl
gestlon and assimilation of food.
Gasoline Engine
Irrigation, Spraying and Pumping Machinery
Knlrlmnkn-MoriK) Gasoline IKimlni fa
pumpltiK, Kpruylng, sawing, grinding. Out
ois conip'ou.
Kill rim nkn Hoalcs for welKhlng.
Palrbunkn-MorKe ityuamoii and Motors for
power and llicht.
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towfirs.
Fairbanks-Morse Urlndera. Feed Choppers,
Well Puinpn.
All first quality goods at lowest prices.
Always In stock. Liberal taruia. Prompt
reply to Inquiries and quick ulilpiiit-iiht.
Write for catalogue and Jirlces.
W. F. KING, Agent, Primeville, Ore.
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
Holiday Presents
100 different rockers to eelrct from, ranging In price from l 00 to $75 00
-10 styles of Center ami Til.rsry Tablks (rout I 60 to I'M 00
.Inyx ami Uraaa Card Keeelvers....
Ladies' Irters lu Osk, Mahogany and Ilirdrey at rlee from $10 to U
Ladies' IVk in 13 different stylos
Music Cabinets and Iterord raeo in many styles
I.lirs' I'tilily Itoxee and Skirt Wanlroties
Oltlce rhairs in Wood, Cane ami leather
Couches, I mi ugos and Hctteee In all the latest oovoringt , .v...
ltoaton Smyrna and A milliliter Itugt
Art Stpimee in all site and all grade at price from ! to t"0
Mirrors all sisi and all price ,
lUsikeasee and China Closets In Hub and Piano I'ollsh
lhiffut and Sideboard in very latest style aud finishes...
Iron lied In 30 styles, all price , ,
ricture and l'lcture Frames ,
Come in and 'see this new, fresh, clean and up-to-date
stock of. Eastern-made Furniture. All our goods
are set up and fitted by best cabinetmakers obtainable
May le Impaired ye ruined by MMir, or even poorly lilted
rye glumes. What's the use or Mouse f wnstlng your money
to your own hurt? ('ntiin ntnl hnve your eye rxninlneil In n,
skillful manner nml tit tod with glnsws Unit nre the best to tie
had. An cxntiiliwitlun costs you nothing.
W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician
Main Strt. Prioeville, Oregon
Statement of Rour and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At Ik cloeo of Nov. 17, 1908
!nnn and IHecount tZfi.143 B
t'liltrd Him lr llond I3.&00 00
lUnk rvmlMM IUM O
('mil tk 1(M from bank 1SS.WJ to
B. t. Ad. frmU.!
Will Wunw.iUr, Vk TmUeal
rapllal mock I MU0O 0
Kurplu and undivided proflt i."i H
Clreulatloa T.S) W
Individual Depoali II.W H
tlJM 10
T. M. SaUtria, Coaler
H. SaMwto, Ami CaeUee
Professional Cards
Jft . S3rink
1 jCawytr
Jt ttrttt, iPrifmili; Off.
C. IBrix
2liat dial
Office with Oeo. W. Uarnes
ZPriifvit!, - 0rym
jjj? &. Ctlioll,
cp.dde mm mi
W. A. Booth, Pretieent
D. P. aTiwAsT, Vice Preeldeat
O. at. Ilsins. Oashlee
w. A. Booth, 0. M. Iisim.
D. P. Shwast
Transacts a General
Banking BusincHS
Exchange .Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
yAytean mutt Jury
Call Asawrasn PsnsrrLT Day ob Nist
Urvic Os Uooa Houth or Aoahmm'
DkuuHtors. Holh oftli e an reJ
Uhuos teluphuiie.
CAa0. J. Ctnrard Jlf. !P, S3tknap
Sftotfnap & d wards
. SPhytUian mmtl iurgton.
00n fn Swmr tl Wtmmtfm
!Pfijftiian and Sitrftm
Callt amtvtrtJ promptly day r ntykl
(m fmm mr mm-tA Xtmmpimlmm'0 .
a I mn4 tStrvt.
2tft P. -tyyers
Practice In nil Htate and
Federal Courts
Caidlaw. OrtfOH
I Pedigreed Stock
O Poland Chinas O
g Duroc Jerseys q
Black Langshan Chickens
Closing Out Sale
Fine assortment of Hats, Veils,
Ribbons, etc., to be sold at cost
I II o. LoICo Parlors
Corner Second and Main St.
Wilson's Shoe Shop
I have opened up a ahoe shop
In Prineville in the McCallister
building, on Main street near
the Oehoco bridge, and am pre
pared to do all kinds ol repairing.
All work done neatly and
promptly and satisfaction guar
anteed. Price very reasonable.
A trial will convince you that
this is the bent place to have
your shoe repairing done,
J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or.
i -1 i p
ror irngaiea rarms
i J r ii. i j
l cuiu i run. ianas
Keamona, Urcgon fih