Crook GoMoty ( VOL. XIII PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 17, 1908. NO.l jfyroemcnt Sheepmen and Cattlemen for tho ljost tPart floe id o on DivisionJfowovor, in Vwo Districts Committee flisayreo. Cattlemen ami flit'i'innm who tk'ntlml the stockmen's meeting at at the United Gluten forestry head quarters in thin city Ut week a a rulo agreed upon the. line which should diviJo their respective ranges in the Deschutes national forest, hut in two dutricts no final decision wat readied. Until aotne duflnite arrangement can hn made governing grazing in thn disputed district the government itself will rtinvn in lull control of the situa tion, an rosy seem most equable to th ofticlal ol the forestry depart ment. District Noh, 3, 5, 0 and 7 were apportioned hy mutual agreement among the stockmen themselves, w hile Nun. 2 and 4 could not agiee. District Noi. 1, Sand !) are strictly cattle grazing region; hence no understanding with the sheepmen wn necessary therein. All of the changes suggested and those finally agreed upon by the atocknun will he tented (or a year or two heforo the line are allowed to remain a they have now been fixed. In time the government may fence the range in the national forest, hut no work of tltis nature will be undertaken for many months to come. The nine district in the Deschutes reserve are approximately as follows: No. 1. Area embraced by t!ie Maury mountain. No. 2.' Area west of the range lino between Ranges 21 and 22 east and couth ot the aummit of the Blue mountains. SPECIAL DISPATCH6:21 A. M. - "C. W." I have spent a lifetime looking over toys, dolls, games, silverware and gentlemen's neckwear and have never seen them as beauti ful or as low in price as you are showing. 1 shall buy everything of you excepting a few whips for some bachboys living over near Gospel Ridge DOLL Beautiful Dolls with first grade kid bodies 10-inch doll 20c 12-inch doll 35c 16-inch doll 75c 19-inch doll :.. $1 25 Remember these are kid bodies, with beautiful heads and hair. BIG LINE OF DOLL BUGGIES BUY A NET WAIST-We . must close ; them out We must close out all our Net Waists by Christmas. This means SACRIFICE and price-cutting that will bring the 0 buyers. We are therefore making them into: on ucanao Jumos No, 3, Went of tho Illue mount aim aummit wagon road and north of the summit of the mountain. Jfo. 4. West of the divide of the water of the aouth fork of the John Day and Crooked river, following the summit of the lllue mountain! around to the head of l)eep creek; aouth of the Blue mountain aummit. No. 5 Same description aa No. 4, except that region lie north of the aummit, extending to the east line of District No. 8 No. 6. North and east of the divide and went of the aouth fork of the John Day river. No. 7. That part of the Des chute national forest weet of Em igrant gap and lying mainly in township 19, 20 and 21 aouth of rangea 25, 2G and 27 east. No. 8. District weat of the Puulina range (south from Prine ville) in what wa formerly the Fremont reserve. No. 0. Same aa No. 8. except that district lie east of Faulina range, Tho name of aome of the 75 stockmen present wero published last week in tho Journal; other representative among them were: J. 1C. Snow and W. II. Mascan, Day ville; D. Keenin, E. S. Harrison, J. L. Parriuh, J. J. Angus and II. II. Trowbridge, Itee;" J. I). Taylor, Bear creek; W. A. Freeman, Suplee; K. K. Gilleuwater, J. II. Kelly, M. J. Finlayson, I). T. McRae, I). Koopman, (J. B. Bay, II. V. Tate. W. U. Kelly and Walter Knox, WHAT T Lot 1, all waists $3.50 to $4.00 Lot 2, Lot 3, C.W Post; T. II. Brennan, L. E. Tbroop and E. E. Laughlin, Paulina; W. T. Johnson, Fossil; J. II. Prout, Wamir; C. C. How, Howard; K. K. Key, K. and V. Donnelly and C. F. Water, Richmond; II. E. Wright, ipray; Thorn a Fitzgerald, L F. Jane, E. II. Laughlin, E. D. Roberts, R. Rosenbaum, Marion Osborn, James Butterfield and Gross & Bigrrit, Mitchell; J. D. I'roflitt and II. I). Keys, Twicken ham; J. A. Horn, T. II. McGreer, Thomas B-iogan, Farquhar McRae and George Zachary, Antelope. "Valley Farm" Friday Night Comedy Drama by Home Talent Auspices Ladies' Annex Friday night, December 18, has finally been decided upon as the time for the production by local talent of "Valley Farm," the farce to be presented this week under the auspices of the Ladies' Annex. The net proceed will be applied toward the expenses . incidental to the opening at the clubhouse of the new library. The Journal published the com plete caet of characters, with the synopsis of this play, two weeks ago, ao it will be unnecessary to again print it now. The comedy drama is one of the best ever written for presentation by amateur players and the story told in the four successive acts is at once full of fun, interesting situations and instruction to rural and urban dwellers aliko. Harold Rutledge (M. R. Biggs), a young New Yorker, and Perry Deane if A. B. Roller), a son of the soil, vie with each other throughout the farce for popular approval, .and it is difficult indeed to pick the one whose part is the more attractive. Beside Messrs. Bigg and Roller, Oliver Adams, II. Lanius, Stub Quakenbush, Horace Belknap, Lulu Rosenberg, Julia Lytle, Rose Parrott, May Wigle, Birdie Morri and Katie Dunsmore will take part in the play. To C. W. Elkins, O IT SANTA Almost acres of them, beginning at the 5c and 40c counters and through to the finest values ever ahown here at any price. Automobiles Jumping-Jacks Clowns Pop Guna Doll Dishes Doll Buggies Children's Books Presenting a wonderful variety of the most popular gifta for children at the lowest prices ever shown here. 4.50 to 6.00 6.50 to 10.00 PRESENTS FOR THE HOME BEAUTIFUL NEW SILVERWARE Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Meat Forks, Etc., in the ''Orient" Pattern CARVING SETS-Plain White Haviland China; and what woman does not desire Haviland? TABLE LINEN Snow white and choice patterns, the things for home beautifying. ions O AlaaJ . FLOCK OF FINE SHEEP C. M. Elkins Purchases 26 Hampshire LARGEST LONG-WOOL BREED Said to Be One of the Most Profitable Kinds for Both Wool and Mutton C. M. Elkins has received 20 head of thoroughbred Hampshire sheep from Weiser, Idaho, and will keep them on his Haystack farm. The Hampshire i the largest and heaviest of the Down breeds and Is only excelled in weight by the Lincoln among the long-wooled sheep. It has dark brown or black points, with bold countenance, and a large ear set on rather low and standing out well on the side. The bone is large, limbs espe cially strong and well set on, fleece fine and white. It presents a striking appearance, the rams having bold Roman countenances and the ews char acteristically strong but feminine faces. The Hampshire is essentially the sheep for the arable farm, fitted by long habit to being put in hurdles, able to consume a large amount of food and to make good mutton at an early age. The Hampshire lamb is famed for its early maturity and great weight. Well-kept llampshires are among the most profitable sheep in the world and are used largely in Idaho for crossing with Merinos. Prineville, Oregon. $2.25 3.10 4.95 of High grade Silver nothing can be nicer These are some of 9 Big liiepartmero 5" Schedule for Christinas Week. From now until after New Year there will tie no en! of entertainment anl Christina celebration In I'rlnevlile ami for the lit-nt-flt of the t:-jy reader we print tho following: Friday, T. IS "Valley Farm" home talent drama, given by I.jiil let' Annex. Wednesday, I-c. 23 Annual Xma Uall. I. A. A. C. Tliurwluy, Dec. 21 Christmas tree and exerclne at Pres byterian, Method! t and Bap tist churchett. Thuntday, Dee. 24 Grand Ball at I'oludexter'a Kink.- Friday. Dec. 25 CHRISTMAS. Gun Club shoot In afternoon. Saturdar, Dec. 28 Joint Instal lation, Mason and Eastern o IS tar. Passion Flay at Movlnjr I'lc- ture Show, Dec. 24, 25 and 2. Wednesday, Dec. 30 Annual New Year Ball. I. A. A. O. Thursday, Dec. 31 Grand New Year Bull at i'oludexter'a Kink. High School Debate. Sherman county will be repre sented in the forthcoming debate with Crook county by Dayton Hendricks, of Moro high school; Vera Dunlap.of Wasco high school, and Miss Mae Smith, akoof Wasco high school. Crook county, aa heretofore stated in the Journal, will be represented by Frank La follett, leader; David Pickett and Wilford Belknap, all of the Crook county high school. The date bet is January 8. The place of holding the debate will be Moro. The question to be decided is: "Resolved, that the federal govern ment establish a parcels post in connection with the postal system." Inasmuch as Sherman county proposed the subject, they will take the affirmative, Crook county having chosen the negative. The boys here are confident of their ability to defeat the Sherman county team, even if it has got a couple of rather good looking girls in its makeup. To use their own expression, "if Sherman county wins, they will know they have been going some." GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Are exceptionally hard to decide on, but consult us and we will save you time and money, and aid you in selection. What could be a nicer Xmas gift for husband, father, brother or sweet heart than something selected from our immense display of Gents' Holiday Furnishings in individual holidaylboxes. This elegant line includes the most beautiful patterns in Neckwear, Silk Suspenders, Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs &Ties to match, Suspenders and Ties to match and many other equally attractive articles. We can also show you an almost endless line of Sweater Coats, Dress Shirts, Pocket Books, Razors, Shaving Sets but come and see space forbids us going entirely over the list SWELL NEW CLOTMNG FOR MEN New line of Swell Clothing for men. If you want correct styles it important ' that you see this display. The highest type of art tailoring, elegant finish, in the sensible, serviceable goods BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS Boys' Knickerbockers and Overcoats. Buster Brown School Shoes Dress up the boys for the holidays in some of. our swell togs THE IDEAL WINTER SHOE for MEN "Health and Walk Easy", in several leathers, selling at $5.50 and Up LADIES' SUITS AND DRESS SKIRTS One-Fourth off on all Ladies' Suits, $20 suits now $15; $25 suits now $18.75; $37.50 suits now $28. 15. All wool Panama Dress Skirts, ele gantly trimmed and finished, regular price $6.50, now on sale at $4.75 jfssesserf Valuation n o uvor ooven Sncrease of j(6out $850,000 Over Xast 2car'-9lcw jCands Coming 'Under "Uctx ation Principal Source of Sncreaso Crook county is the abiding place for 10,088 horses, valued at $210, 974; 17 mules, valued at $340; 30,882 cattle, valued at 1310,830; 102,880 sheep and goats, valued at $176,645; 1,540 swine, valued at $4,402; and 3 dogs, valued at $150; according to the assessment and tax roll for 1908, just made public by Assessor J. D. LaFollette. Cattle have increased in number since last year, sheep have de creased and horses remain about the same. The total valuation of taxable property in the county now is shown to be $7,070,254, as com pared with $6,226,000 last year. The large increase in this respect is due principally to new lands entered under the timber and stone act, homestead and desert claims, some state lands and segregated lands filed on under the Carey act. The assessor received 33 closely typewritten page9 from The Dalles land office last January showing the names and location of claim ants who had proved op on gov ernment lands. The number of acres under cultivation is 59,135, valued at $367,559, and the number of acres of uncultivated land is 1,203,665, mostly timber or homestead lands unentered, valued at $4,467,185. The value of improvements on deeded or patented land is $178, 724, of all city or town lots $118,725, of improvements on town or city lots $188,730, and of improvements on lands not deeded or patented $65,919. SAYS tore 9I?Mu ions A valuation of $369,000 is placed by the assessor upon the canata and ditches of reclamation com panies in the county, though under the recent supreme court decision holding these improvements un assessable as held by the companies it ia unlikely the county will benefit thereby. There are 54 miles of telephone lines, with more building, the value of the completed lines is placed at $3045. Sawmills and farm engines total $38,160, merchandise and stocks in trade $130,190, farm machinery, implement and wag ons $63,173, money, notes and accounts $245,023, 750 shares of stock valued at $33,955, household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc., $47,519. In 1903, a short five years ago, Crook county valuation amounted to a scant $2,300,000, which shows a literal increase of nearly $1,000,- 000 each year since. Truly Crook county advances! H. Taylor. Hill Accused of Forgery H. Taylor Hill, formerly of Prineville, is in trouble at Fort land, according to a report appear ing this week in a Portland paper. The Journal of that city says: "That H. Taylor Hill collected $2500 on a forged note and retains in his possession a legal note for the same sum is the charge con Continued on last page. Men's Heavy Macki inaw Coats aod Pants Sheep Fleece Lined Cots, Winter Caps & Lined Gloves, Foot Warmers Buy ours and Winter Frosts have no Terrors