BEEF FOR THE SHOW RING. To produce a lnvf anlmn! for show purposes It Is not pulTlolont that the animal to given a few Tvovk of train ing nt the end to round liliu Inio prop er condition. It Is essential to com mence the training of the nulmal at Mrlh. For locf purposes it has lnvn my experience that the calf from an 'Angus cow. aired l'y a white or roan Shorthorn hull, has riven the best sat isfaction. I aim to have t'.ie calf Kirn Borne time between IVC. I ninl the last of January. This wl'.l pot the calf into proper condition, so that he will derive the heneflts of the early seed In the spring. From birth until August the calf Is allowed to run with tha mother. The cow Is milked twice each day, so that supply of milk wl'.l be maintained for the calf as lou;; as desirable. When six weeks old it Is glveu a little lin seed oil cake and yellow turnips. About the middle of May the cow and oalf are turned into the pasture, where they are left until the 1st of August. The calf is thou taken from the moth er and put into a o stall, which Is kept well bedded with clean, fresh straw. The cilif Is suckled twice each day and given plenty of green feed. In the moruiug I give him also a little linseed cake and ia the evouUi? a lit tle grain, consisting of equal parts of f aa EEADY FOE THE SHOW BKO. oats and bran. His exercise consists of an hour or two each afternoon la an open lot After Sept 1 I also feed him a few turnips. About three weeks before the open ing of the show I commence to give the calf more personal care and train ing. His feed continues as before, but his eseR'lse Is all taken at the rope's end. Each afternoon I lead him t ; and back a half mile lane. He is s:ilowed to travel at his own leisurely :te, but Is required to keep moving i: -id to keep his bead held up. After this he is given a lesson in siandin?, turning around and starting at the snap of the whip. Through this means he soon loses all shyness and will feel at ease when led Into the show ring. Each day, usually In the morning, 1 sponge him off with cold water and blanket him, thus encouraging the growth of the hair. A few days before ba is expected to be shown I polish his horns, oil his hoofs and curl his coat of hair. To polish .his horns I first go over them with the rasp, followed respectively by the emery, sandpaper and a piece of glass. This treatment la applied but the first time, and each day fol lowing I polish the horns with a pumice stone and a little olive oil. His feet are trimmed and a little oil and lampblack occasionally applied to give them a darker appearance. To curl the hair the calf is first sponged off with cold water until his hair Is thoroughly wet Now, beginning at the head and working back, I comb his coat straight down. Next I turn the comb edge wise and draw a series of parallel lines the long way of the animal. This Is followed by combing lightly from the bottom upward, which leaves the T ' v J ' 7 WELL SHOWN IK THE IilNd. hair in long, horizontal rows of curls. The hair is neatly parted in the mid dle on the forehead and backward over the neck to the shoulder. This is repeated each day until the day of the show. On the morning that ho 13 to be shown I polish bis hoofs and horns and curl his hair. He Is not given much feed, as this would give him a pouchy appearance. After this he Is given a short walk and Is then ready to be led Into the show ring. To handle an animal In the show ring requires a good deal of skill and adeptness. A poorer animal, well shown, quite often takes a blue rib bon over a better one poorly shown. I aim to keep the fore feet of the ani mal on a little higher ground when possible. The bead of the animal must at all times be held high and when standing should stand evenly on nil four feet. The showing Is. of course, the climax of the whole thing. I try to keep one eye on the animal and the other on the Judge. John Palmer, Herdsman at University of Illinois. Flocks That Pay. It Is not necessarily the largest flock that nets the largest profits. A smaller one well cared f r and freed from loafers may pile up the net gain much faster even if the gross Income should be decreased. Land for Sale. 320 acres of well-improved bind lor sale. Call on or Inquire of J. H. Qi'iN.N, O'Neil, Oregon. 10 1 2m City Property for Sals. A. II. Llppmun has several pieces of choice city property fur sale. See him. 10 20tf Christmas Trees. If you want a nh-e Xinns Tree for the home, leave your order with J. JC. Stewart & Co. We will deliver on December 19. Abel BroB. 12 3 r i Varitty of Grtint Pre parly Blned Civ Best Rctultt. Oac of the commonest faults la feed ing horses Is the l.iok of variety In feed. ConsldortUji the number of dif ferent pralns and feed stud's. It does sec ra strange that every team owner should not provbV for his animals a ration that would be perfectly accept able to Its system nt all times. It I a fact, however, that no more than IX per cent fei-d what may be termed a well balanced ration. The other St) ivr cent still cllnst to the old ration of corn and hay or oats nnd hay, which practical oxterti;tonts have loug since proved to bo expea ?lve and wasteful. When It comes to feeding your horses. Just think of your own npivtlto. Supposing you were IHnfojT.ihig h:id work, manual labor, how long would you 1h content to eat two articles of food, the same thing for every meal, day after day? It Is pretty safe to sjy that you would tire of your ration la a very short time. A lad digestion end a poorly nour ished body nre always the results of iaiproj-eriy balanced food, writes a I nwuT ia American Cultivator. When stiih a condition exists In either man cr horse the t-ost pli.vrical effort caa uot t e expected; it Is liv.vsiWe. Xo o:;e or two articles of fed will supply to your horses nil the elements of nu trition tli'Jt tl'.cir system r.ovds. If yon v.a;;t t!;o best results, feed a ra tion that co;;t::l;'s all ilcr.ienta of nutrition ii prrp.or'.v lolanoc.l por tlw.. Corn i.l-.i:ie Is i,ct a v.vll bal nna! pra!: t'.r f.-edhig; neither are o.:t. ti'r I'-.rlcy. Of t!:e thrie yralns cats ere probably fed more extensively tlina nre corn and barley combined. Parley is rapidly Kilning favor as a feed, however, and when properly combined with the oth er grains makes an ideal ration. We cannot emphasl.-.e too strongly the necessity for grinding the grain part of the ration. The horse owner who fails to do this loses 23 to 50 per cent of the nutritive value. The hard outer covering of the grain makes It difficult to digest and a very large proportion passes through the stomach of the animal ia aa undigested condi tion. An examination of the feeds will show the whole grain and prove the truth of this statement. When you feed a ground ration yon prepare it for c.uick digestion. Your animals utilize it more readily, and there Is practically no waste. It should be re membered that the horse digests its food oulckly, and whatever ration yon feed should be prepared with a view to supply the nutrition the horse needs. Your horses will work better nnd keep In better condition on Eve or six quarts of ground mixed seed than they will on eight quarts of whole gz-aiu. Feed a variety of grains properly balanced and have them well ground, and you will not only have better horses, but it will cost you less money to obtain this much desired result Running the Hand Separator. When running the hand separator, the handle should be turned steadily, care being taken to keep a constant even pressure all the way round, net pushing down hard and pulling up hard, while for a moment when the crank Is down and again nt the top there is no pressure npon it. Turn at the speed the directions call for, or If it is found by testing the sklmmilk that It is not skimming clean an in cre.ired speed of from three to five Perns per minute will help matters. Bulletin Michigan Experiment Station. THE SWINEHERD. Tests at the Indiana experiment sta tion Indicate that pigs make better gains when their grain Is fed dry than they do when It is mixed with water. This would suggest that those who take the trouble to mix grain with water before feeding waste their time and to a slight extent the food value of the grain. The Pigpens In Summer. In summer, if the pig keeper Is wise, a large proportion of his stock will be running out to grass. Then of course la an opportune time to give the va cant piggeries a thorough cleansing raid lime washing to set drainage of yards and outlets right and attend to structural repairs that may be necessary. On a dairy farm especially Gliould the piggeries be kept in a sani Ury condition. If neglected, offensive odors arise from them. In many casca the dairy is not far away. This is a point which should be watched. When building or rebuilding pens let them be as far removed as possible from the dairy, for this Is not only objection able, but really harmful, as few thlng3 absorb the impurities of the atmos phere more readily than milk. Protein Feeds of the Farm, For the pig two to six months old protein Is the mout important feed. Without protein it cannot build up the lean meat or grow to any size. Pro tein Is fouud in sklmmilk, clover and alfalfa. Corn Is nine-tenths carbo hydrates. Oats have a little more pro tein than corn, but not sufficient for the pig. Itye contains a Uttlo more protein than corn. Barley Is one of the best feeds on the farm. It contains more protein thau rye. In clover and alfalfa there is a largo bulk for the required nutrients, and pigs cannot get enough for a maximum growth. Even If you have corn and clover It is still necessary for the young pig to have some protelu food cowpeas, r.oy beans or Canada field peas. There Is nothing better grown on the farm to balance up the ration. Professor William Dietrich. Notice for Publication. (Net coal land.) Department of tlm Interior. U. 8. Lund Oflice at, The I;il!ei. Or.. Kovcmber l'Jtli, utB. Notice Is hereby plvcn thai Kov E. HIUAKT of Prlneville, Oregon, who, on Marr:! 3nt, miuio Homesteiui Kntrv serinl No. OUH'i No. i!H;i.J,for EHSW!.j,H!jNVV,!, Hcction 11, Town ship IS South, Itnneu IS Kusi, WilliWM'tU- MiTi'l hi n, has tiled notice of inteniion to nnike fianl nve-year proof, to establish -lHim to the l.uif! above (loscribi-l, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his oflice at t'rineviile, Oregon, on the 2i)tliday ot .December, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: ieorue Delano, Edward H. Jones, Harry Webb aud Elmira Swalley, all of I'riite ville, Oregon. ll-2Cp C. W. MOOKE, Register. All charges prcp-aid to the nearest express office. A cjutiit feotdc of CLNU1NE CYRUS rj A 90 ?,t NOBLE direct to you, U charge piJ Vg, J mmmm & to the nerct riIrod upmi offic. A Containing oil those secondary constituents the government chemists say MUST Bli THEUli that it may be called whiskey. Any so called whiskey that doesn't contain them, whether bottled in bond cr not, is alcohol not whiskey. CYRUS NOBLE is pure. It is old. It is w hiskey and nothing but whiskey. Now sold direct to you by the bi&Jcst and best known legitimate wholesalers in the Northwest. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EibbUed 1864 105-107 &cad Sc-rxi. PortUoi Otrfo. CUT T W. J. Vu Scbujnrar & Ok. EWI ptw tod $4.90 k four quuts GENUINE CYRUS Co KoUc4 for Publication. Not Coal I.aml) Pepartniont o( the Interior, I. I-a:i t OTtno, ut The Ihiilo.-. Or. Oct. Hi. t!tf. Notice is lirnl'V liiveii Iti it Iliii.iU th Fry. trotlttT timt l.cir of liewrtv I., l'rv. (ilrcca-WHil, of lictnl, Orcirc.!, who, on .l.nai ary L'tnl, i!'T, nu! llontc-teml llntry t!irt;U Nn. No. for fr-A-Wl1,. Wp l5S?outU, Uangv Ifi K;tt. Wiilatncitc .vu -nutiin, ti r.liu nuttcc i'i I'Ut-iituoi t. make Kttial Conii!ttil:ition Proof, to r-l il lish ci.iiiii to t tit" latnl aUivo tic-. riiKsl, lf fore War.en llrown, Countv Clerk, at h o.'licc nt Pritu villo. Oh l'.'Ii. on the 14th J.iv of I'ccciiiln r, !'. t'laimunt ii line' nitin scs; F. T. Co., K, T. t'ox, I lurvncc McAilii-trr ait. I Leslie 1.. Frv, .til of I'rine- villo. Oregon. i . . ji.Kire, kvi.-ut. Notice for Piltikalioa Not Coal Kami. IKrartit.ct:t nf tl Interior. T. S. Ltotiil Utlice at Tlie DulU-s Or., November 2lh, Pe. Ntticc is hereliy kivrn tliat Ci.akkmk V. Tb rr of Portinttil, Oregon, who, on Novrm!cr IT'.h, P. maile limber ami Motif Atll- at on No. 01';:i for U-t I. 2. and fi..1; NK'i, NKK'i. Sti:tiin 5. Tosii-lop Eolith, llai'ire 21 E;i-t, Vili:i!uetIe Meriil i:ui. lias blcl notice of inu ntioti ti make tiiml timht r !Uil1 "tone rroof, to o-tiib.ih claim to the iatnl aliovc, bcf. rr v nrrcn lirown, t'ouitly clerx. at Ins otlue it Prtiicville. Orec'ii, on tin' fth d:iy cf i-'ebrtiarv, Uriii. Claimant munes u it-iips-i-s: hvron fatly, Iiai'hielltts 11. Jjncs. John V. Uitter ati.t Aiilcn C. KnibUn. all of Priiieville, Oregon. 12-.'lp C. V. MiH'ivK, Uegtstor. Notice for Fnb'iMoca. Not Coal I.aml. Dep.K tment of the Interior. I. P. Land Uiiice at The I.illc) Oretrmi. S'plcinln-r 2otii, I JUS. Notice is lu-rrhy piveti that I.ILLIK h. JACOI'H of Paulina, fii-Koii, vlut, on Jntip Ttli, IfOV ti'aiie lU-.-ert h itni llntry (Serial No. I'lri'1, NO. r.'. lor t.';.ul, "-J, hW M K'i. Sectio:i 1, Towns liin 18 .South, llnnm 12 Kast. iilametie Meiblian, has tiicil notice of intuition t make ttual li--rt laml proof, to t-ytahii.ih claim to tlie himl aliove tl04cril'l, 11. in- Warren I'.rown. otiiitv cleric, at his otiic.- nt i'nneviH" urejion, on the 7th !." ol Janu iry, p. f iatmaiit name-i aa witne-es: t K. Ilenrv, William Lvtle am! li-aar M. Mill. all of Paulina, (Jrcon, ami Jli-mcr Cecil, of liiivy, Orci-n. 12-..p v. v. .iiooitE, Kcginer. Call for County Warrants. Notice is hereby riven ttmt all frook county warrants reeistere't since (a-totf-r Jctii, l'X.-, ti. ami inclutlinii re .'i-teri-d warrant Number -V. NovemlwT llili, rH,-.H, will be on prcsentH lion to the Treasur'-r of saifl comity, luurest w ill ctaae from the date oi lh: nonce. W. K. Kiso, County Treasurer. I'rincvilie, Oregon, Nov. leili, l'.'o. 11 1!1 Notice f;r Publication. Not coal Ian I. Departioent of the Interior. V. .S. l.anil Olhcc at The a!i.. Or , Noventher lstii, lt-cy. Notice i herehy that Wii.liav H. Kkehn,o( I'rineviile, Ore;;nn, wjio. on ()ctoher Ji.tti. l't:t, jn;tte Hoi.o-i-l'-int Entry -erial No. Ol'iyij, No. lir'ito, for (' ;SW' SWi.i-i-,'-;, Mei tion 17, ami NI.'JN '.V1, i--ction if, 'low le-hip 16 Sonili, ItHnp: l'J Kl'-!, V'. iSinMl etie M erhihtn, has tih-it iiJt !(.; of intention to iiiake hve-year j-r'-cf, to e-t.i l-i U)i cl-tiin to the hinl aixtve i'-Mcriift t-iore Warr. ti I'-rtwn. county clerk, at hi nil; cat 'rinevjlle, f tri'on, on the 2'.uh day of lice- mo'-r, l'.i-. cirtiinant names fis wi tn :-ii--. Kran-t Tost an-l WiIIii,in H. I'ttst, both of I'ot, Ori-?'ii, anl John H.tiray ani Flcyl Kovvell, both of l'rinevilie, frclioii. ll-aip ;. W. SJVOUZ, Kenii-ter. SLeriff't SJe on Execulion in Fcrt-loii-rt. IN Tit V. f'tlK'l.'IT Cot'HT OK TKK STATE OF OllKOON rott CR'WIK I OL'NXY. A. I,, ti&odwilllc, '1 rustce, 1111", v. Hush O'Kanenm! Helena A. O'Kane, I left h, Jiy virtue of an exei-ution ttn'l order of sale Is-uied ut or the enttileil Court on the l'th day of Nov. l', In favor of the ahove fiained plain tit!" and against the ntiove natned defendants, for the ninii orf.")l:l.'il with inter est th'Mton a' the rate if 10 p-.-rcent. p-r nn num from tiie 21th dar of net. I'.oH. and Tfru.W) attorneys fee ntol $h0 -.oKt, upon a ludKment rendered In laid Court on the -Mth day fllcL J'Ji'S, and whereas It was further ordered and decreed hy tltt; Court that the iollowlnrr descriljf-d morttraeed properly, to wit: Ixitu il and 12, In nloi k in, of the town of Bend; r)ok County, Oregon. acerirdhiK to trie plat Uiereo! as tlie Hann- appears ,r iccord in tlie office of the County clerk of Crook County. Oregon, he sold hy the Sheriff of t rook i ountv. Oneon. as under execution. Notice Is hcrehy given, that In obedience to nald execution nnd order or K:iie, J Will on Saturday, the Uth diiv of Jlee. Jtte. at I n hour of one o'clock In ih'- afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court, hou.'ie, in ttie city or rrlnevmo. croon ounty. Oregon. sell at public auction to the hlghow! bidder for cash, all the liithl. title and Inlei-est of satd defendants, liugii OJane and Helena A. O'Kane, In and to said morhraircd ptetn- ises, tt hove ies-rlied, to sa isry said jiidgna-n i and Interest and attorney fees and cot find costs or sale. Dated this 18' h day of Kov. Vm. 1'lllSK Kl.KINS, (sheriff, ''rook County, (inaron. First Issue Kov. Jtf, last Issue Dec. 17, laots. liulice fur Pullicaiicn. KOT COAL I.ANO. Jiej.firtim-nt of the Interior. U. S. Land Olljce at J'lie Dalles, Oregon, Ji:ceiiiher-lth,Il.'()8, Notice is hereby t;!ven that l.l'cy A. h'OB.'ltNS of Limonfo, Oniiron, who, on .Inly fith, lti'Wh niiifie Itonr !-.!fr:oi I'.ntry .'-c:l-ti Mo. uisii'i rso. l.jivi, for tiy,SW4. h"ciion ;n. Township 13 South, l;an;:e 11 i-ast Willamette Meridian, lots filed notlee of intention to njake Final Commutation Proof, to c.itjihlish claim to the Ik ml above des. ribed, before Warren brown, county clerk, fit his olhcc at i'riiievilie, Oregon, on the 2C-th day ot .larim;ry, bmy. Claimant names as witnesses: Irw in It. Ilasev. of O'N'eil. Oregon; Fred !(. Mincers, oi hiunonta, Oregon ; Abel cudd, of O'Neil, urecon. una jotin reigu- son, of Lumoula, Oregon. 12-lup C. w. MooitE, Kcglster. w mm TW ltt MO IM TO- rUm. Ona K.K 4rut ixl mt a) sac b ttfnm fnrui. NOBLE. Nol'.ct for Public-lion. not com. I st. IVmirlmcnt of the Interior. V. S. I-aa l urn iv ai The liilb-s, Oo gon. NovcimKt l.'tli, I'M. Notice ia hereby given that CkoWh U. Hy i f Pot. Oregon, who, ti lits-vmlaT 2"th, pvt. inaitu l'e-ett li tul l ull v (Serial No. OIK I, No. ;I7, f r S',SVi',. Section SI. Ion n -liip hi South, liange '.M Fajt, Wil lamette Me t.lian, has IiIihI notice ol iuli n- l ion to make l'iivai I ert Mini Proof, to estahli- h claiin o ihe iatul aU'Ve d.-.i-nhci h 'fore Wurivu lir- n. county clerk, at his othce nt Pri m ole, dreg oi, on Cie 2.inl lay of Dcicmber. 1:1', Claimant icone- as w itnc;.-es: Wiiiiaui Snua.l. licuhci- P.Hiten ami Harvev II. liunhatii, all id Post, On gcii: siiiii ilh.iin 11. Kinder, of Prnuviile, Oregon. pl C. W. Moirk, Ucsi.-tcr SWiff't SiU UaJrr F.ictiitioo. t; Tim Ciiici ir Cortir or Tim State or OltLOON iroK V KO'lK Cil'NTV. 0. MuMllluu and I. H. Honey mini, ITfTi, F. F. ltatten, A. M. V. C. i. A. 1. lioo lwime. J II. Ocerturf. Ivft. No hv Is tierebv gtvrn thiit by virtue of an lecut ion Issued oul of the Cireull Court of t he state of or ;on for Crook Count v. on the 1'Jttl day of Nov. I IH, upon a Judgment rcn. ilereu in said I ourl on the i-'tti lav of lh-t. !. In favor of Ihe altove nauid phiiitHir-., anil against the ataive named, tlefchdatils, i-omniamini me to the sum of 5l'.'-o it) w ith Interest thereon at the rate of d H-rcent. p-r aitnuui from t be l b h day of Feb. p.ii, and tlie further sum of ii.i.w with it percent. In-n-r.-st per nimtiui fr,un oi-t. l 'th. 1 os, an-l In terest on lhlW at 0 rc.-iit s r anmitn from the ittti day of July i'.-'s, etit of On- per-on- prots-r'v ot the above tiame'l dea-ndants. and irsutricii-iit could not be I'.mcd, tie a out if tiie r ai m-i--riv of ftef lelauts on or after tlie 1th .lay of Oct. Inobtdleme to svtld execuii.'ll 1 have levied lltoi tie' fo'tow. In.-dev.-rtlu d real iirojx-r t v. to w 1 1: NR'.N'F.'. W'.NW'., S1,, S,-.-tb n Twn-hl IH S, Hange '..( Kast. V. M ,H-N', N'-,M .. S ell oi ai TiOViiHltiti ; ; :ioe : ti. Pa U Kavf M.. N W.NF'i. N"' ;..'c, SF'iSK- Nt ,HW Section b:, l"'j nsbit! rs.iuth, lliug'-ll l-'.a-l. W.M.,NX ,isV i. ' S'.t St , -Hon "H, N N W- ,. Seele.n Tow n-hip I ', Sontll, Itatlg" II Fast. W. M..WK',,js.tli.ii(St, To-vr.'bln Is South, luinge II ivt-il, lu Crisik County, t.'regon. Aial I v. Ill on SvT'urdav, (tie CUM day ot tier, at I he hour of one o'eioek I'. M. of said day. at t tie front door of toe I ourt ll- ose In the -it v of I'nnevllie, Crs-k I ountv. Oregon, sell it natiilc auction, to I be higtte-it bidder, f-r la li.-n-l, cl! the rigtit. tille anil Inlere-t the nlsive named ilejt ndanls. or ettta r or t.ielll, had In and to the above described troperty on the lut h dav it' Oi l. l';e', in- any time tbere.ifler, tosat.-.fy said judgmeuLs aud lllteri-t and costs. Dale ! tin lUh day or Kov. i: Fkank Ft KIMS, Sher'fT. Cr'vtk 'o'luly. i tr gon. First Issue Nov. la, h.-sl Issue Dec 17, Hf . Noilee for PuWitilian. Peparlmeiit of the Intel lur. I. S. Land Ullice nt The IJalle-i. Oreaon. November 2 1 1 iOS. Notice is he-ihy given that llotn N. DoTf ol Priiieville, llnyon, who, oil April (It It, T.r7, niai'e Timber anil Stone I-lntry No. :i:C (.Serial No. f7 for N.'-jN N1,-; N'WtJ, Si'Ctioli N. Township II .South, Ratc-e H Kast. Wiilatn- U: Mt-iidiaii, has tilcl im'.ice of intention to make final proof, to i sUihlish claim to the laml above described, before the county clerk at Prine v:l'e, Oregon, on the lOtii day of February, Claimant names as wttne-He--: Uol ett (J. Stuitli ami Charlet M. Charlton, bolh of Piinc-ville, Orecon. 12-3 C. W. Mooiik, IteKistcr. Notice for Pujlkitico (Sot coal land.) fv-partmenl of I he interior. U. S. Iiiiui Uiiice at 'J he lljlics, Oregon. Novcmher , l'.IW Notice is herehy given that I.Ksl.tE A. Pol l ! U of Prim-viile, Ori'iron, who, on N'tivemher !lth. Pf IS, made I lrnher fltul Stone A pplica ion No. ml5 for 8WlN W'M, Section 2;t, Town-hin 12 Hontli, Uanire Pi Ka.-t, Wil himclto. Meridian, lets filed notice of inten tion to make hnul timber ami stone proof, tnotnbliah claim to tlie laml above de scribed, before Warren lirown, eottnty clerk, nt. hia oliiee nt Priiieville, Oregon, on the 5th day of February, llrfj Clitiiu ant nanies oa witnesses: Wade H. Huston, Henry A. Foster Hubert U. Bin i til anil Will Panics, nil of Priiieville, Ori-pon. 12-; U. W. Mookk, Uiarister. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned the administrator of the estate of Samii'-l H. Ititehey, dei-eased, to nil creditors or others who bold claims against said estate to presenl the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at li Is of lice In Priiieville, Oregon, within six months from the date of this me tlee. ,!. H. llANKit, Administrator of the es tate of Samuel II. Jtitchev, Ueeeased. U-5 Dated this .ith day of November, IIM. Natice for Polilicit'oo. Not Conl Land. Departtnent of the Inlei ior. U. S. Liui 1 Ollicc nt The Dalles, Oregon, i November Kill, VMS. Nolicc is hereby i;ivcn that AniiiiK Giiison of I'opt. Orerrnn, who, on May 22ml, im2, made Home tend F.nliy Serial No. 01 7 i H No. 1U.I2H for SU.-iJ'lW, heel inn 3: NW'J NFJif, NHN"vV!4, Section 10, Township 17 Soutli, nature l'J I'.ast, v illiimette Jler idia i, Iiuh li 1.-1 notice oi intention to make linal live-year proof, to establish claim to the land alsive de erihed. before Warren lirown. county clerk, at his oflice at. Princ- vitte, Oregon, on tlm 7th day ol January, PJ1 II. Claimant names as witnesses: Jlon roe W. Smead, Frank M. Post, John P. Pickett and (Jeorgo W. Wiley, all of Po t, Oiegnn, 12-3p W. Moore, P.cjrbler. Administrator's; Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed ad mlnistralor of the estate of Hoscoe Knox, deceased, all porsonn having elalms against sold eslaieare heretiy refiulrerl to present the same to hi ul wd Ih proper vouchers at the coun ty clerk's oflice at I'l'tnevtlle, Oregon, within six months from the da'u of ihe publication of this notice. Dated this nth day of November, K. H. K nox. Administrator. Jep-omk Knox, Attorney for Ksbile. ll-la-5w Report of the Condition ol THE CROOK COl'NTY IUNK el I'ritie- ville. In Hie suite el treoii, ni Hie .Toe el l 'lllc Neveinl'ct T,. t'vl. BK-ot r. i;c I. Htld iliiteoitltts f 7 .7. Tr Overdrntu, stH'iir. il mid unsecured I S.'!M Hii.t. eeiirlllcs, etc 7cJ M IHnkint: hou.e. (uiiiiliire mid tlvlun i ' 1 other rvl estme on iie.l ." ' lino Intm 'ireod rcucru' hauVd Clos-tfl mnl eiticrcH.a Ileum I'Ksh en liul Totnl , , la out. mi... Cafllnl aliH-k ihUI tu I lidiv ided pn'HU, les cxjicli, . all. I tnxe pull One to tanks mid hAUHert Indtvt.liiAl sul'Jeel locheik IVttlAtlil certlllemes ul h wvll , , 1'hiie oertlrtcittc. if . Cashier' ehei k oiils'.aiidtiis Suio Jcposlts , , . M.m ti Ml.',i..' IH I Si'.lVJ !' tl.ilil 01 I. TiU Ita Kit i h.imi m VM ii (i. n' Tet.l Itt.'.tkJ i Mw ol tiregen, (Viitity i( Crook, : I.C M, KlkltH, chb r ol Ull" I'.all e-llniel bank, do ftolciiinly swear thm the lsive stale nieiit t true to ltn licst ul my knou mi l Ndiel. CM Kt mss, t'uslder, Sabserlb d sad vern to U-lore me Hit. 7ili -lay ul piscnitaT, I'.KKt. M It Ki i lotT, .Notsr I'tibilc, Correct - Alte.l: W, A. Ilnovii, l. F. Stun.irr, plre, ",er. Report of the Condiliort "1 THE STATE BANK OF REDMOND t Kedtiioild, til Ihe .Htate of Or-ip-u ni 'he clout ol binlne. Nl,v. 'J7, I'.H'. UrSefK'-t, l,.Mnatt. liw-'ounta ., i,;iai H mVInd haiue, turiiHure an I Axtnrea 1 .'ti t'crr-'iit exja-inas Due from ainiroved ri-crve bstiks t'lus'ks mid iitlicr cash Item. ... C uh on xm I Talal lunii ttirs. I'.lptUl SlO k .ll. lu ..v.'l Mi .1 .'i ."711 is i.t.,Vt II. IIO.iin1 ee l ll.livble.l lilollH ,, I X Individual Uchii tit Jivt to iliis k s mi hi I -s'. Total ... tl.l.N riale ol i iregon, I'omiiy ol Cr,sk, I. tl, I. i:tilers, ca.ti'.er cl tlu' atsive nameil hank, do solemnly mmr lliat the ah-ve .t-iit-metit l true to tlio best el my kn-ia!elge and belief. i. I.. KiaR, cn.hh r. dnUcrihed and .worn to U (ore me this Itlt .1 ij- of tv-ceialsT. V.M. II. F. J.iNts, Notary public, Coricct -Alloc Cxrit S I'timr. K. 1. Ivrtisi N, Ibrecb rs. N jl:c fer Palilictlloa NaT 'ot. LVTOi. Ivpirlmenl of the Interior. C. M baud OflUv ill Tiie Ifciilcc Or., Novetuts-r lJlh, P.OX. Sol ice is hereby given that llntl lCli W. TmSFR of priiieville, lireon, who, tin Scplemlicr '.Mih. I' l. in 'de llouictcnd Fntry t-i roil So. nllN'i), No. I.M'.'. for N W .J "K. '-, K't Sivttoti J, and NWN'H1,. S.Hlion II, ToiKhip Ih South. Ilange II Fast. Wil lamette Meridian, bus li'cd n dh e ol inlcti. t ion to make Final Commutation Proof. .i e'tablish ehiitii to Ihe land above decnlil l. fore Warren Prow n, eounl v clei k. t hi otla'e at Priiieville, Or-goti, on the'.'-hd day of Deceml r. 1 I.iimcnt tnmei as nitncssc-: Willuni J. Pancake, Ch tries A. a raven, FhitHidi A. I'atsset ami Joel A. r.Tioit, till ol I'rii.evilbv Ong 'ti. Il l ip C. V. Mciik, Ka-;isla-r. Notice ol Final Settlement. Notlea Is tierehy axiv-ll bv the tinderli;tled. the aduiliililratrl v. lib tie- lll alinev.-d of the a-st.ile of A le .VleClov, dels hs d, that she b..s tll.d with 'he a 1. i it of III. Cousity Courl her tlmit aeeoiintliutif hi t leb ruin 1st ration of .aid estate, and I lie eon it In, e( Nhic.diiv. the It II laV of .Ian. P11, at tiie conntv court r.Mon in I'rlnev tile. On-ir-.n, it. the lime and plsca- for setiitm: aiibl final eountltu.-. At Mlib-li time and place miv IK-rsotl tlitereflti d 111 said astute tiuiv llfdauir and ol. ;-.- to -neb Cl la a I .-.sin n t luij. Dllteil this l'.'th day of Nov. I'jeat. Ma urn itoovrr.. AdniltiNtratrK wllhtbe will annexed of the estate of Ah xander Md -'hay, d. H-I5 Hotico for Fub'ieation. (Vet coal land) Ib tir-rtmciit of the Inp rl ir. V. S. hand Oliiee. The Dalles, Or., Nova -tuber 7th, I'M. Notice is hereby rjven thai Carrie 1). Hire, ul Priiieville, t In von, who, oil Ui to- 1.... I 'll. IIM..1 ,..-.. .....I fcO...... Apjilieiillon No. PFyNi. for N'-jSW;, SVi4 HW;, SW",NV'4. Section I., Township a . ki 1. O I .j I.-.... 11 1 1 1 VI . li.oiiLu, laani;..- ii, e iiiuiiii u- .,ia- ridian. has tiie I notice of intention to make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish claim to the laml iiIkivu de.i 'ibed Ic-foro Wiirr-n lirown, Ciiunty Ch-ik, nt his ollice at Prinerille, Orej.'oti, 'on Ihe JJiid day ot Jaimnry, l.Mti. Claimant names ns w itnessiK (!a'or)e W. Iaickcv, Jo eph II. Crooks, Sntimel IJinitceatid Fred A. liice, all of Priiieville, (Jrecnn. 11-: C. W. Moor-, Hci;i.-,ter. Citr.tioti. In tl.e County Cm.ri of t'te y.iate of Oreifou. fair the ('oiiniv of Cm ik. In the mutter ol ihe Ks'nie of John w. a' ullii,, d aed. Cl'allon. Tu all la-irs of John IV. Collins, deceased; fireetiijit : I u I he nsnie ef the Stale ol Oregon, you nre hereby citi-d and riijoired In sppear In the Coaiii'y Court of Male of oriyou. for Hie i oiii.iy of ( rook, at i lc coart rem tlo-r. -of, at 1'riln v iile ill the ('oilnly ol crook on, the Ph day of .biiiiiitry, I'.H'.i, at hi o'i lot it m the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cans'-, If atiV Ha re be whv ail onh r should not be made loitliorizlliu VV. II. Peek, ii'iiulni.-.irator of the estate of .tohn W, Coliins. flecei.sed, to sell at private sale, an much of the hereiii'dti'r dcseribci! real estate ol said aleceasa-d a:i tuny be nei essary, to wit: 'I'ha- Soutlieast nuarter of lite Northeast iiinr ter of Heetiolt K.leven In Toivnshlp Three South of liamte Klx Ucst ol Wllhimettu Men. lam In Oreiion ; Also, a part of the Iioiiatlon hand Claim of Peter Smith and wife, hounded ns follows: CoiiiineiiciuK at the southwest corner aii a tract of hind deeded to J. It, Caldwell by I-'. .1, Fryer and wife; thence mirth twelve and tlve c-ijrhths rods: thence east three rods nnd three ket: thence south twelve and live eitrltlhs rods; them-e west three rods and three feet to place ol hK'tuiiuk', coutaliiliiK oiie-lourtti acre; Also, a tract ol land bounded aa follows: ComiiiencftiK at Ihe soul In nst comer of a tract of land sold by Peier Smith to C, Cooper and bv C. Cooper's heirs pi l-iiriiln Fonts; rutinitiit thence norlh twelve and live-i'lKhtha rods; thence west lliree and one-iifih rods; thence south twelve find live-eiehtlis rods; llieiice east three and one-fifth rods to phiee of bi-iii-tiliiar, containhnf mie-fourtti of an acre, Wilness, the Hon, II. c, l-.llis, ,ludiii ol the County Court, of the Shite of Oreion, for lite County of Crook with the seal of said court af fl veil, this L'ltli day of November, A. Ii. Puts. 11-20 Allest: Wauhkn IIiiown, Clerk. Conlejt Notice. DKPMtTMKNT OF TIIK iNTKlllOlt, United Slates hand Oflice, The Dalh-a, Orecou. November IH, !lt!tt. A siifllclent contest allldavlt baviiiir been filed In tills ollic by .PIIIN O, I'OWKI.I' contestant, RfzaliiHt homestead (Serial No. ol iWi entry No. li:;s., nnide April ti, i"iii, for SKHK1;, Section 4; KW'.HW';, Hee.tlnrl H; NWNVVl. .seciion 10; NK14.SF.K, Heel lean ii; Towilslilp :l South, Halite hi liast, Wllhimelle Meridian, by Alexander IV. Ibimsey, conleslee, In which lllsalleired that said Alexander VV Kalnsev ln-.s wholly almll'lotled said tract for more than si inotl'bs lust past; that he has not rcsioed upon and 1'iiltivaled said tract as ri 'iuired by law; Hint, said nil- ited absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of tiie Cniteil Stales In lime of wtii. said parllei nre h ridjy n t ll"d to up. near, respond 1 nd offer eviih na-e touch lug sill 11 1 i 1: 11 1 1 1 an at 10 o'clock A. M. on January Ii, Iik'J, before Uarr-ii liron 11. county clerk, at his olllee in Priiieville, Oregon, Hinl fiintl henrin( will be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on -hiuiiary 1-', P.tti'i, before the Keiflster mid I'.eceiver at the Hulled Wales band Oflice ill The Italics, On-con. 'Ihe said -onlesltiiit bavliitt, In a proper aflldavlt, tiled November hi, lts-a. set forih fuels which show that, al'ler doe dlllijenee, tiersonal service, of I his notice can not be made, U Is hereby or dered ami directed that siu-h notice he ;lvcii hy due and proper publication. I'-i 10 (J. W. Mookk, KcKlsler, "fk City Meat Market UOUHiAN V STILL, Props. lloniliiuartcrs for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Trv come cf CihkiU county's (hoiccut jirotluctsi. Its tho U'st that immcy can buy. You w ill not only snvo money but you will help luiM up a home industry. Wo always c.nrry the best in Boof, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in larue quantities Wc handle all kinds tf country produce H0RIGAN iSWCLOSING i 1 W'fA i I; y: 1 a?iJ i f h it fei THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor s 1 THE HAMILTON STABLES (llorscuhoeins; in Coniicetioti) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor MUMcviiii:, our.t.o.N Ft.K k l)iarili il hy the il.iy, wwk or m-mth at r.ra.tiiiiuhlo ratcH. Ki'iiii'iiilier uh when in Iriinviile. Ratics IiKasonaiu.e. W Imve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Bring your job printing to the Journal '.UJl-Jt. Ji. J. r: 1 i. J r 1 L J r i L i L'J . 1 Cl ri v r.7 1 1 r 1 L'J ri ri L"J l:l i. 4 rn t'J r,;-i 4 n a.' J "I Tlie O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oylcrs and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a cliolttt hi'IitIIhii t)f iim,, clgnrit, uraiiKi'Sa It'llltlllH, I'lC. (ihe UH II fllll. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. UL J- -J.(Ji.'Ji. J.-UJU4t:JLUuLiiU..JLaUlywwUL,JiUL:'Jl.UL.UiLiUtJ hA''JLJLiJiJJfLJJivJLJLlJUJJLJii'JXJ'JVJiJlJLJ , r.i Li r.- L'J r.- V.J "u1 Li M l"i uj r.i L'J r.i LJ r.i i.'i . r.i Li r.i L'J ri L'J r -i U"i r. 1 L.':i r, 1 i.'.i Sonera ffllacks?nithing IIoupksuokino, Wood Woiik, ktc, NKATLY AND ritOMPTLY Donb When it is Donk By : : : Siobort 9ooro Satisfaction Will Pkinevim.e, Pil L'J LJlJIJWJujwJuULJL!jL!JL'JLJUUrLJL!iLULULULULULULJaL Notice to Creditors, Notice h liiTnliy fdvt'ti, by the iiihIit siirmnl. the iiilmiiiiNlriitor of tin, fBtut (if John MuVi'if;li, ilirctiHt'il, tu ull ii.tmohh linvitifr chutiis iitiiinyt mihI cstnte t'i pn hcnt llii'tn with tin- proper V'liiciliorH In tlie iiiidiTMini'il tit lii.s ollli'c in I'lini'villi", On:im, within six iiiiinllii i' tliu iluto ot tliia niiiicc. DutiM tliiH lfltli iluy ol Oi!tnlii.r, lima. M. H,'tT, Ailmiiiii-tniliir of the lOslute of John Mc Veigh, UvvuHMud. 10.15 & STSLL OUT SALE hi ALL GOODS AT COST CALL EARLY HLTORE LINES ALE T.ROKEN ai n r..i i. J r..i L J ri u L J ri LJ M ri ti r.i V.J til Li nnrTirrinr"trfirir?irir"iranir: t LA tut LJ r.i LJ ri LA ri LJ r..'i LJ r.i A LI Ml L"J ri L"J Tul He Guaranteed Ohkcion. LJ NOTlCK I-'fin IMIIII'KIATinN. I'a-piirliiii'iit. iiflliii Inli'iliir. U 8. 1-iitiil Ollli'u at The lialliw, tr.. Null In Ihti'Iiv (jlvon Hint Onnilil II. (irnvi'H, of 'I'liciiinii, WunIi , who, on July' 21 Inns, 11111(1(1 tlinlii'i- iiiul Hi Ull" MWIH II Ulllll'llll'lll Nn.lWI fiirHI';',: Nl'I'a, Hi'i'llim V4, 'I'llWIIshlp IIS, Kniiito IMK., Wllliiini'l.l.i Miirlilliiti, Inn flli-il niillci. of 1 11 1 en t p in o Mia Im flmil pruiiF tu i-stiilillMli f'liitui to tin1 limit itlioviMlrHi'i'llii-tl lii'fiirn tlm Hi-itlnti.r mill lirccl vcr, nt Tlio I in I leu, Or., on tlmanil (In v or.liinuiiry, 1 1 Kill. ' I ia 1 1 a i n 1 1 1 iiiiiui'H ni wIIiiiihwin: Juliii Jiii'lison mid .Inn l.iit-Miin, oi'O'Ni ll, Or., (I it(i Uiih'H, of I'lirtlunil, or., mill J O. One, ol Mliniilko, Or, )U2'.ip u W. MuoitK, Ili ulHlur, ;.1 ri LJ Li J UJ