The Place to Save Money THE LEADER The Place to Save Money December 25th Christmas Day g NOW COMES CHRISTMAS AND WITH IT THE GIFT PROBLEM tj Verily ours 13 "the ideal gift store," a treasure house of Xmas Goods, this season Hundreds of gift things everything for everybody appropriate for the Holidays is here. For many years ' we have maintained an enviable position among the dis criminating shoppers as the most satisfactory store in which to select gifts, and never before were displays so varied in assortment or prices so tempting. CJ It is not too early to begin thinking about the Holidays, especially if the gift is to go out of town. The early shopper chooses from a bran new and complete stock. We can quote no prices here or enumerate the many beautiful articles suitable for every member of the family. You must come and see for yourself and you will agree that our stock is complete. CI Ask to see our new design hand-painted imported German are. CJ Our store will be open evenings until after the holidays. Come, and come early ICHEL HOTEL PRINEVILLE BLOCK Redmond News. FENCES WILL DIVIDE CATTLE FROM SHEEP ON RANGES This Is Plan Announced by Forest Supervisor Ireland Stockmen to Decide on Lines The most important stockmen's meeting ever held in Trineville ensealled to order this itorning ly Supervisor A. S. Ireland. Many cattle and Eheep men with grazing interests in the Deschutes national forest reserve were present and much interest was manifested. Committees were appointed to decide upon lines between the eheep and cattle interests in the re serves, and Mr. Ireland announced that fences would -be built next year on lines decidecCupon by-these committees, making the action of the committees one of permanent effect. The person uel of the various committees is ns follows: District No. 2 Cattle interests: J. H. Gray, G B. Ray. V. J. John Fon, A. A. McCord, Joe Lister, E. S. Dobhs and J. W. Stanton; sheep men: Jame? Rice, A. J. Horn, J. N. Williamson, T. S. Hamilton, Thos. Brogan, M. J. Finlayson and A. J. Decker. District No. 3. Cattlemen: L. C. Stephenson, E. D.. Roberts,' P. B. Woodward. M. Giimaud; sheep men: T II McGreer, R. Rojenbaum, Nettie Friend, Thomas Fitzgerald and John McLennon. District No 4. Cattlemen: L. II. Brennon, W. C. Congleton. W. M. Coulthard, H. J. Lister, A. J. Noble, L. E. Throop, George Noble and L. D. Claypool; sheep men: C. W.Colbv, W. J. Johnson' James Connelly, R. R. Keys, J. T. Proffitt and L. L. Jones. District No. 5. Cattlemen: C. B Cress. R. Cannon, George Sigfritt and W. B. Cowne; bheepmen: M. Osborne, E. R. Laughlin, Z. T. Keyp, R. E. Wright and George Trosber. District No. 6. Cattlemen: E. E. Laughlin, Thomas Brennon, J. E. Snow and Ward Swift; sheep men: W. R. Marcall, W. B. Don aldson, F. A. Powell and S. Grimaud. District No. 7. Cattlemen: R.J Williams, J. L. Gilchrist and II. E. Wooley; sheepmen: A.L. Mackin tosh, W. W. Brown and I.M. Mills. Mrs. L. E. Hudson, Mrs. Charles Lytic, Miss Frieda Lippman. The fallowing coni'nitteea will serve light refreshments from 2 to 3:30 sVIock: Mrs. M. E. Brink, Mrs. Hugh Lister. Mrs. Granville Clifton. Miss Benlah Crooks, Mn-s Kate Williamson, Mrs. Elmer Kavler. From 3 30 to 5 o'clock: Mrs. Collins W. Elktns, Miss Rose Parrott, Miss Iva Booth, Mrs. Col. Smith, Miss Fay Baldwin, Miss Hazel Howard. UGLY VISITOR IN CAMP. Continued from page 1. Post Panegyrics. POST, T)cc. 9. The weather is fine, just enouirh moisture fulls every ilav tj dampen the grass on the range, clock 1- ttiii uoing 1 well. i All arc enjoying the lie-t of health, the j school is dui:m nicely with Mrs. X. R. i Noble as teacher. j A basket social was helil at the school near 1'ost Nov. 20, the receipts being '?3- Sabhatli school is well attended ; Mrs. O. 0. Uray, superintendent. An ice cream social was held Dec. & to aid the Sunday school. Xmas tree at school honse Christmas eve. All invited. New Year Reception. The Ladies' Annex will give a New Year's reception in the lower rooma of the athletic hall from 2 until 5 o'lock Jannary 1. All members of the club will be ex pected to attend. The committee on arrangements has appointed the following assistants: Reception Mrs. Charles Lytle, Mrs. J. II. Haner, Mrs. J. II. Rosenberg. Decoration Mrs. J. II. Wigle, were tied a short distance from the rear of the tent. Just as tbey reached the horses, the man in the tent became aware of their intentions and commanded them- to halt. Disregarding the stranger's order, the two boy? leaped upon the horses bareback and hatlcss and coatless, rode eight miles at top speed into Prine vtlle for help. The night was cool and the riders suffered consider ablv from exposure. No one returned to the tent that night. When the Sylvester party went back the next morning the unknown man was gone. He ha 1 molested nothing but the food, leaving even the firearm-j where he had found them. The boys are trying to solve the mystery attaching to the man's appearance, and the threatening way in which he acted. Had he been merely in want of food they would gladly have fed him, as any party camping out makes a practice of doing. The only reason they can advance for his actions h that he was an escaped convict, pos sibly one of the men who recently broke jail at Goklendale, Wash. Of course, the whole affair may have been a practical joke, but the Sylvesters do not deem it such after having to ride supperless and coatlesa eight miles on a cold night. Redmond, Oregon, IVconiber 7, j At n sptcial school nu tting held . Saturday a live mill tax was levied ; ! for school purposes for ths year j and it was decided to bond the, dis-trict to pay for some of the . permanent itnpro emails such s J the purchase of building lots. Fitiw Woods had the misfortune j to lose cue of his horses last week 1 i -. ii- . . i. i troiu s.uucuiiiig resen, pinn-1 eve. Meeting held tho past week by i the Presbyterians will be concluded j Wednesday night of this week by I the sacrament of the Lord's supper aud tho reception of new members, i several of whom will unito with j the church at that time. j Mr. Stewart, with Harry and Ernest Spencer, left last week to attend the owning of land at Roseburg. Mrs. Stewart remains until spring with her parents, E. 1.. lverson and wife. Mr. Daks is having lumber hauled from the Ilightower Smith mill for improvement on his homestead. Mrs. Jarrett isditwn from Sisters visiting Mrs. M. W. Kile. Wod received by J. E. Lamb from his wife states that he in improving in health under the doctor's care, at Oak'an I Calif., but she does not know vet when i she will I e home. j The "Pio Faces" on joyed surprising the "Coverts." at the I hotel last Thursday evening. Car Js, dancing and other amusements I held the board early in the even j ing and then pie reigned supreme, j Today Lamb's feed business has been moved into its new quarters in the south half of the Lauder back building. At the Woodman election held Saturday night Neighbor Smith was elected consul, Kendall for advisor, Park for clerk, Ehret for banker, Hensley for escort, Tuck for watchman, McCa fiery for sen try, Coe and Edwards physicians The social that was to he held last Thursday night was postponed for one week, and will be hold at the hotel on the 10th. We see by the Journal that Elmer Covert and Ada Tuck got a marriage license. It was quite a surprise to most of their friends and some of their relatives. A few who had tin horns and brass pans got wise, though, and pretty soon, WE SHALL MOVE TO THE MALING BLOCK DECEMBER 26 WINNEK COMPANY Spend the long evenings with a If you have no watch you need good book one We are offering the best late fiction in- Elgin and Waltham watches Swiss and eluding the best selling books for the past American movements, all sizes 0, 6, 1 2, year, copyright books, 75c to $1 .50 each. 16, 18. All prices, $ 1 .50 to $50.00 each. A1 r , . Watch Chains, each $2 to $35 A large assortment of Post Card Albums. Neck chains, each $3.50 to $20 m. Cuff Buttons, pair 75c to $20 Pyrography . a , , , We take subscriptions --a- Utters opportunity to make acceptable presents for a small investment see the For any Magazine published in the world, display in our window. Prices 25c up. f;h il m- ' -ti New pattern furniture nil the long evenings with music v ni . We are receiving each week new patterns Ldison Phonographs $2: to $60. Two in furniture. Call and inspect. You are and four minute reccrds. welcome. Ancnts for Huttcriek Patterns and the Delineator FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING VALUES THAT SAVE YOU MONEY Men's Suits and Overcoats The entire line of " Sincerity Clothing" reduced below the profit, line. $12.50 and $15 Suits. Your d1 A choice , y" $16.50 and $18.50 Suits. Your choice $12.50 Overcoats $10.00 and $12.50 ml X W: M after Ju.-tieo Jones finished the ceremony they made themselves heard. The young couple are living for the present at the hotel. E. C. Park. County Court. Court met Itveml)er 7, IMS, with II. ('. Kill!". jtnL'P, and OmuniHsintwrH U. II. Itaylt-y and Jame lih-e, present. I'pon K'titi'm, the enmity clerk we. reiiiesteil to draw a warrant on run-1 fund fvr f l.'iO.) to le accounted fur at the January, 1901), term by (aid road master. 1'pon inftpeetioii of dome on new court hnii.e and upon ouVr of I'outraetor Shipp, lie w;ih directed to phiee a fhltf pole on said dome ami to ereet an iron railing around tali domii at a co?t of not to exct ed f-". Court ailjo'irncd sine die. r.stiay Notice. liiick.-iktn Kwr, 2 years M )i)t prliiR, canif to our licit lot Novfmlicr 7, 1!JX; in'lei! ilouhle II en rinht shoulder, hold ears cut oil', tnil rut oil'. Owner will call at onre null pay all vn-lx. i:-10-3'.v JIUUIUAX A STILL. Notice to Creditors. Nrtice in hereby (riven by the meler-uned the ex"cutn j of the estate of Alexniuler Friend, deceased, to all pcmonn having chimin av.iw l said estnto to pre.H'iit the same with the proper voneheni to the undersigned at thu ollice of M. H. KUiott, in l'i itieville, Orepon, within fix months from tne lirt puolieution of thin nntiee. Dated thi loth iluv of Deeeinlier, bOH. i;i,IAl)IM'II FltlEXl). Executrix of the Kutute of Alexnndrr Friend, Ueccased. 1-10 Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts A large collection of the newest things in Skirts and Shirt Waists which were delayed in transit will be put on sale at Factory Prices f CT See our big show windows for rock bottom prices. Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co. Property Owners and Business Men's Ticket For Mnvr.r 1). F. STKNVAKT For Councilmen JOHN H. PHIIM JKSSH YANCKY WAUDWKLL CHAM For Recorder C. h. gllATTUCK For Treapurer J. V. BOONK For Marfhal WADE HUSTON Nutic for Publicitioo. U. H. Ind Orltro nt Thn Imllen. Or . Nitvim tier .'u, llitM. Nnlli'o la hereby plven llml Slum il (ir'ifon lifts Bleil In Oli ollli B im ..ll. llcill, Hcrlnl No iil MI, in Hidi'i t muter the prnvlnlmin l Hie Ai t nl Ciumri'Hii of AiihujI II, lw, mill Hie Aeln iuiii!i iii(Milnry iliereto, ih" sw'i "( H.'eilim a, Tow-nhl In Mouili. Itmigu 11 lintit, W lllnmette SI erlillmi. Auv am) nil piTwnn eUtmluK 'lereljr tho luii.l'i ileie riM d. or ili'nlrluu to olijeet liei Hime ol the iiiim tbI i 'Inirueler "I l he Imi'l. or lor miy nlher ri'iot'ill. In the ilinioiml lo nliplleAlli, mhiiiM llle their n fll.lnvlm nl irnti l In llilx ol lice mi or liciofc llie Ulh iluv "I January rr.i. ll il iil t:. W, Mooiik, lci'gllcr. -J.J-.--&- WE SHALL MOVE TO THE MALING BLOCK DECEMBER 26 n tj n L J m Li LJ tj n u r "i i:j n L'J ri w. j n LJ r i t-j n LJ r 1 LJ n L J n LJ L j ri L J n L'J r i L'J n L J n L'J n LJ ri L'J ri L'J n LJ r.T LJ n L"J ri LJ ri LJ r i LJ r 1 L"J ri L'J n LJ P.A.A.C.Hall December 18 3 e -a rarm Julia l.ytlo A comedy-drama given under the atupicet of the Ladies Annex . Cast of Characters : Harold Uutledge, a young New Yorker ...M. II. TlijrjrH l'eny I)eane, a son of the noil A. li. Roller David Ilildreth, a New York lawyer Oliver Adams KilaH Ilolcomb, ounur of the farm who visitfl New York H. Laniua Azariah Keeji, deaf eccentric tinker aluays making 'hey" Stub tJnackenhiiBh Teiininea, liutler at Kutledttn niansion Horace lU'lknap Hetty Ilolcomb, a country llower traiiHplanted to the city Lulu Kosenberg Isabel Uarney, prouU ami haughty, uisdainlu' ol country jiermio. Ju Mrs. Iiutledne, Harold's oroud and aristocratic mother. Mim Koee 1'arrolt Alvira Ilolcomb, siHter of Hilaa, good jedge o' appled 'n' folkn May Wiglo Hi.y Ann Tucker, borrows but "never goHHips" ltirdie Moriia Yerbena, hired girl at farm, Blow but sure Katie Diinmnorj Synopsis. Act I Yalley farm. An afternoon in AugiiHt, The engagement Act II Itutludge mansion, New York city, in December. Hurp nt has crept into Edon. Act HI Three weeks later ; parted. Act IV At farm again, in March. The triumph of lovo. Specialties Between Act Admisssion Adults, 50c ; Children 25c No extra charge for reHervo seats at Winnck's. T Performance to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. LJ r.i L J ri.i LJ Tel LJ r.fl L J r.- L j run L J r.n L J r.i L J LJ r.i L'J r.:i L'J r.r LJ r.;i LJ ri L J ri L J ri LJ ri L'J r.i L'J ri L J Tel LJ run LJ rui LJ Till LJ rifi LJ r,Li LJ rui L'J r.i LJ na LJ rui LJ rui L'J LJ rui LJ r.i LJ ri LJ GRAND BALL Christmas Eve and New Years Eve AT THE Skating Rink The entire floor will be covered with canvas. Supper will be served in the hall. A good time guaranteed to all. Morgan's Orchestra will furnish the music TICKETS ONE DOLLAR PERRY POINDEXTER, - Manager "La Vogue 5 CJ-5 Ladies' Coats and Tailor Suits In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Grays and Browns coats in sizes for Misses also. These garments are perfectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very latest styles Coat prices from $7.50 to $25.00 Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00 NEW BEAR SKIN COATS for Misses and Children in White, Grays, Browns and Reds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell coats that make one feel and look comfortable Prices range from $2.50 Upwards JUST A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored Clothing made by the Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co. Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and finish has never before been offered in Prine ville at so modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit Clifton & Cornett THE BRICK STORE Prineville, . . Oregon. L"J LJLUfeJLJLJLJW'JyU.JbJuJLJWbJLiU.ULULJLJLJJky-JL'JLU.JUULiU