Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 03, 1908, Image 2

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    The Place lo Save
The Place to Save
Alive with the Christmas Spirit
dolls and
toys make
their bow and
beckon in the
throngs of Christmas
gift seekers, for with us
all 'tis the children & the
gifts for the children that do
most to make the spirit of Christ
mas, that spirit of joy & generous
generous desire to give, which
is so typical of the I holiday Season
Our mammoth TOY SECTION will
b e
this year
dolls from
the best factories
dolls with long lashes
6c sleeping eyes, dollies
with light dark or auburn
hair, dolls with kid bodies,
with bisque bodies, or all of cellu
loid. 3 For the boys we have
mechanical toys, rocking horses, tool
exercise or amusement
Paulina Paragraphs.
rnullna, Oregon, November 23
A light snow till the first ot the
Miss Vivian Allen, the Warm
Spring teacher, spent Thanksgiving
in raulina. ,
Lee Miiler Is sick.
Andrew nml George Noble, prom
inent stockmen of l'aulina, ppetit
Thanksgiving with their families in
Sam Parish and Mrs. Bri?bo were
visitors from I zee last week.
Mr. Mosier, who had n linger taken
off nt the tirst joint, is having quite
n tlitticnlt time, it never having
healed. The wound is eansiug n
great deal of trouble."
Last week Clarence Wiley killed a
cougar which measured ten feet from
tip to tip.
T. H. Crennon has )t completed
a new stone dwelling ten miles east
of l'aulina.
Bruce Heisler's new house is com
pleted and the most attractive thing
about it is the three large "Halls."
Three men. Art Bennett, Jiiumie
Gilchrist and Charlie Cougieton. in
the govemmentemploy are at Bigger
Flat to liegin work on their head
quarters. Mr. Lnughlin, who has undergone
a second operation on an nffeeted
limb, this time having it taken off
just above the knee joint has re
turned to his home.
We were pleased to have our
friends from Supiee, Cold Springs,
Buck Creek, Camp Creek, Newson
Creek, Bear Creek, etc., with us on
Mr. Browlsby took the cako at the
shooting match on Thanksgiving,
shooting fifteen out of fifteen pigeons.
Itis really amazing what a small
crowd can do to four beeves, one
dozen turkey's and two dozen
chickens which were offered as prizes
at the shooting match.
A dance was given in the hall the
evening of the 2d. A large crowd
Will Remain a Week Longer.
Dr. C. S. Kelsay, dentist, will re
main in the city one more week. AH
those desiring up-to-date, high class
dentistry call at once. All work
guaranteed. Examination free. Pain
less extraction n specialty. Office in
Hotel Prineville; Boom 11. Licensed
to practice lu Oregon and Washing
ton. It
Spray of the Falls.
CLIXE FALLS, Dec. 1. Quiel
prevailed here Thanksgiving day.
with everybody reporting a good
Messrs. Whelpley and William
ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Prickett, Ward Harader and wife;
1 1. L. Harader and family spent the
day with Mr. and Mrs. bovard and
Loyd Harader and wife.
Rev. and Mrs. G. A. M. Lilly
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Norwood
and Mr. and Mrs. File of Redmond
at dinner.
John McKinney, Jess Tetherow,
Dryden Rannalls and the Misses
Johnson took in the dance at Sis
ters Thanksgiving day. They re
port a good time.
Leslie Wright made a trip to
Prineville Thanksgiving day, but
as Leslie often makes such trips we
will let him off easy.
Dan McCarty came in from
Shaniko during the week with a
load of freight for Mr. Johanson.
Jesse McKinnie, with his fon
John, Dryden Rannal's and Jess
Tetherow, retnrr.ed last week from
a bear hunt, bringing hack a cin
namon bear, a greyhound and
some deer horns.
Mr. and Mrs. John Park are en
joying a visit from Mrs. Park's
mother, Mrs. Keevts, whose home
is near Des Moines, Iowa. She ex
pects to remain until spring.
Rev. B. F. Harper, of Milton, Or.,
arrived at Cline Falls Saturday.
He is aiding Rev. G. A. M. Lilly
in a series of meetings.
Parson Bishop, the prophet of
the Deschutes valley, has returned
to the Falls. lie wears a pleasant
smile and seems as happy as ever.
Card cf THanlts.
The undersigned desiie to thank
t lie Neighbors of the Circle and other
friends who so kindly aided and
sympathized with them in their late
bereavement. Their kindly ministra
tions will always be remembered by
.Mil. and Mils. C. A. Liklunci.
Lamonta News Notes.
LAMONTA,Dec. L Mrs. B.isey.
who has been visiting her sons,
Jean and Irvin Basey, left this
weik for her homo at Ileppner
Lamonta people w ho visited at
O'Xeil were Janus McMcen and
wife, Ethel and Walter Smith.
The neighbors of Albert Moore
enjoyed a dance on Friday, Nov. 27.
Joe Quinn was a business visitor
last week.
There wes no fchrl Thursday
and Friday.
Milliam Davenport wa buying
cattle around Lamonta this week.
Mrs. Grant and Mrs. I.Iouk were
in Lamonta on buisness.
Bessie Robinson spent Thursday
with her parents at Madras.
Jtdin was a visitor here last week.
Powell Bultes News.
Powell 1 u te, N;v. IU)
Hurrah! for the thiulow social
at i ho Shepherd school house, Fri
day evening, Dec. 4th, at 7.o0
o'clock . An inteteMinsj program
is being prepared by Mis Hec,8tdt.
1! you would like to get noquati t i
ed with (he people of pumpkin!
tidge be sure to be present. You
j will find them very entertaining,
i A surprise awaits you when you
see Hum perform. V are antici
I mtlini! a irood time. lov. come
and buy shadow and you will be
sure to get jour supper.
Sunday school very Sunday at
the Shepherd school house. The
Sunday reboot is preparing a pro
gram for Christmas eve. Sunday
school every Sunday at '2 p. in.
Everybody invited to attend.
Levi Krtut of Montana is now at
! Powell Buttes improving his ditch
! land.
J Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed
I very much by those who were
i present at the Niswonger station,
where 111 iwrtook of turkey dinner,
i Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Myers, Adolphns Myers, Ua
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Brown and
daughter Viola, Mr. Davidson and
wife and Mr. C, H. Ellis and wife
and four children.
Culver Cullings.
CULVER, Dec. 1. The basket
social held at the Culver school
house Nov. 27 was a grand success,
especially from the financial stand
point, the proceeds clear of ex
penses being nearly Sl). As it was
ttie first rntf rtainnient held here
for some time, many people came
from several miles on every side.
The next entertainment arranged
for is a Christmas tree, to which
everybody is invited.
The Harrimnn party of surveyors
stationed at Madras for some time
past, is expected 'the early part of
this week in Culver to remain for
several days.
A shadow basket social will he
held at Trail Crossing school hotie
Friday evening, iK-cember II, and
many people in the neighborhood
of Culver expect to attend.
Tho Culver school roll now
shows 27 pupils in regular attend
ance. Mrs. Thomas J. Aldcrdyce left
Saturday morning for Seattle to
see tier mother, who is reported as
very ill.
Robert Osborn and wife enjoyed
Thanksgiving dinner at the home
of George II. Osborn and wife.
. -aaM - -
For 2 mild smokeThe La Itcsa.
Mince Meat in Bulk at J. K.Stewart
& Co.
Fancy Pry Land Potatoes at J. E.
Stewart & Co.
Lay in your wlntersnpply of apples
from . I. E. Stewart & Co.
10.000 rolls of new Wall Paper just
received. A. H. Lippman it Co.
If you would once try Royal Canned
Goods you would have n other. J.
K. Stewart & Co. sell this brand.
Have yon tried one of thoe Pes
chutes Cizars made by the Vrinewlie
Cijnr Factory? Cle.vr Havana; tr one.
Carri.d by all leading ciar store?.
If you want a nice Ninas Tree fur
the home, leave your order with J.
E. Stewart & Co. We will deliver
on Pcceiulier ID. Abel Bros. 11'-.'!
Vanted-I!y a middle-aged woman,
a situation as cook, take care of the
sick or housework. Mrs. C. 1". Ilcn
nie. Box 170, I'riueville, Or. ltp
Christmas Trees.
If you want a nice Xmas Tree for
the home, leave your order w ith J.
E. Stewart & Co. We will dcliveron
December P.). Abel Bros. 12:1
Spend the long evenings with a
good book
We are offering the best late fiction
eluding the best selling books for the past
year, copyright books, 75c to $1.50 each.
A large assortment of Post Card Albums.
Offers opportunity to make acceptable
presents for a small investment see the
display in our window. Prices 25c up.
Fill the long evenings with music
Edison Phonographs $25 to $60.
and four minute reccrds.
l wo
If you have no watch you need
ens - "ws"
Elgin and Waltham watches Swiss and
American movements, all size3 0, 6, 1 2,
1 6, 1 8. All prices, $ 1 .50 to $50.00 each.
Watch Chains, each $2 to $35
Neck Chains, each $3.50 to $20
Cuff Buttons, pair 75c to $20
We take subscriptions
For any Magazine published in the world.
New pattern furniture
We are receiving each veek new patterns
in furniture. Call and inspect. You are
Ashwood Arrows.
Aihwood, Nov. '2!.
Mrs. Thomas lewis pave a
bachelor! Thanksgiving dinner ;n
behalf of Fred McCollun, O-scar
Marshall and It. L. Greene.
Ed Confer has returned from
Canada and he reports a good trip.
Mrs. J.-wnc Clark Fpent Satur
day and Sunday in Afbwood.
Mrn. K. V. Crosswhile visited
at the home of Mrs. C.
Saturday and Sunday.
C. S. MtCorklo and
Oscar Marshall and D.ivid
left Sunday for Tysh Valley, Ore
gon, where Mr. McCorklo expects
to make his home for the winter.
Two ladies left Ashwood .Sunday
on the rear end of a log-chain, en
route to Patrick Ueiley'a to spend
the day, returning home in the
Mr. E. W. Crosswhite, Robert
Gibson and Jack Church, nil of
Haycreek, attended the dance at
Ashwood Friday evening.
T. S. Hamilton, wife and
little daughter, returned Friday
from The Dalles.
Household Good for Sale.
Household goods), cnneiHling (it one
bedroom ect complete, dining table and
'hairs', parlor cet, one rntf llxl.'l, Hide
board and cooking utermils. AVill pell
in whole or In part. For further par
ticulars apply to I j. A. BOOTH, I'rine
vilio, Or. 11 1!)
Auents for Huttcrick Patterns and the Delineator
Men's Suits and
The entiie line cf " Sincerity Clothing"
reduced below the profit line.
$12.50 and $15 Suits. Your
choice ... . .
$16.50 and $18.50 Suits.
Your 'choice
$10.00 and $12.50
k V
k. v ; , rem,
Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts
A large collection of the newest things in Skirt and Shirt WiU
which were delayed in transit will be put on sale at Factory Prk'es
f F See our big show windows for rock bottom prices.
Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co.
Vjwf of tlie nhlitiim "f Tli FiY'i
.Yiidmui Il.n.l., in J'riiirrillt, in tit"
St'tte (OiT7"ti, ill llif ilinK iJ btmiiirH,
Xovcmber 27 , 100S.
loan" mid di-cmmU S 2II.W7 t'Jl
Ou-rdnifU, ci'uri''l mid llllnwnml, 5..' lit
I'. S. I'ondii X'i mciire cireulution Vi.: U"
llimds, SiMirilit . tc S.'JIH 1W
I 'in i W in ' Ii. ux- fiiriiilurv and
tutiir, " U Si" a
from Niiti'iind lUtika (iit
Krwrve Au't i.t-I -T.1''' 71
lMic (rum Sutfl'iinkx and Itiiiikm 17,f "
fniiii nppnivnl mith ai-'itu ll'..'l'- !
Clu-i kf mid dllifr ousli Ileum. . . ('- fr-
Nntiw of ntlliT Nntinnnl I'nllk 1,1 W
I'mfliciwd piT oiirrriicy, liickoln
and c'iiU It HI
buvn i, Monhv IlKfHlVK in 1'.nk, VI:
Hiwi! .'Bio
ik'id t. nd. r n..t.- . . V.,7i '
Keil.inptinii fund with t'. H.
Tri un'r ('i'V of circuUti"ii) ri"t 00
T..U1 $UI ,.'! '0
r-.i.itid t.k paid in .'
Siirpl.w fund ao.OOO.OC)
l iiilividid priiliu, IfM I'Xhiiwh
nnd ta paid 13.SV2 ?l
National Hank notes oiitslaiidiiiR 7il 00
Iiiilividnid delxwiU uiji-ct to
.heck 2!I..V;n 4s
lA'iiuilid certilicateHiif depimit l!l,I.Sl .)H l3l,.V.i:i 10
RTATK OK Oltr.iiON', )
f'nlllllV "f Cl'lW, 1
, T. M. H.m.dhin, Cnlii?r nf tlio atxive-
nai I bank, lo wilemlilyaweftr that tnealmve
Htalemeiit in truu t" l!i lt id my know-IcIk-b
and Uli'f. T. M. liAldlW IN,
SiiIihoi-IIkmI and MVorn t- liffure ino tldx
,1rd .lay ol IM einlier, l!iH.
Ill m an Ma. i rn.
Notary I'lilili.'.
OjHUKf'T AtU'nt:
Wn.i, Whkxwkii.kii)
.. M. Iliown lireclor
Carey W. 1'o.mLt )
oliday Presents
100 different rockers to select from, ranging in prico from $1 00 to 75 00
40 fltyles of Center and library TablkH from f 1 50 to :I0 00
Onyx find BraHH Card Reco.ive.rB
Ladie' Dru.tscrs in Oak, Mahogany and Uird'ey at prices from 10 to $55
Ladies' Desks in 12 different styles
Music Cabinets and llecord cases in many styles-
Ladies' Utility Boxes and Skirt Wardrobes
Ollice cbairs in Wood, Cano and Leather
('ouches, Lounges and Settees In all the latest coverings
Iioston Smyrna and Axminstor llagi
Art Squares in all sizes and all grades at prices from $0 to t0
Mirrors all sizes ami all prices...
Kookeaees and China Closets in Itub and 1'iano Polish
Iiuffets and Sideboards in very latest style and finishes
Iron Beds in 30 styles, all"r rices
Pictures and Picture Frames
Come in and see this new, fresh, clean and up-to-date
stock of Eastern-made Furniture. All our goods
are set up and fitted by best cabinetmakers obtainable
Christmas Eve and New Years Eve
Skating Rink
The entire floor will be covered with canvas. Supper
will be served in the hall. A good time guaranteed to all.
Morgan's Orchestra will furnish the music
"La Vogue"
Ladies' Coats and
Tailor Suits
In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Grays and Browns
coats in sizes for Misses also. These garments are
ei fectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very
atest styles
Coat prices from $7.50 to $25.00
Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00
for Misses and Children in While, Grays, Browns and
Reds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell
coats that make one feel and look comfortable
Prices range from $2.50 Upwards
JUST. A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored
Clothing made by the Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co.
Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and
finish has never before been offered in Prineville at so
modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit
Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, . . Oregon.