Kill - Case of Accident fi "ou '''J k'v' bo'lc ol pure olJ X 1 V .whiskey in the house. jXV jjv, kLsy ne "ou-cn rty upon. 5SsJaJs'i?I-S Thai you know 1 rirhf. MV'O f. Such one it CYRUS NOBLE; for ihe v""Ai-' 'V'H r first time in H years now sol J direct to you. -$LJSjr B rt boKl, ptcktd in pltia cim JJ- Jf f ft ! V', " nert railroad pr offic for fl "" 'o danger of r it.! ltd bottles when you buy Rl rv'Vj 1 ,roro i No danger of omc cheap worthless substi- ; ' f'.v'y J i tu,e being pslmcd ofi'on you. lT ' 5! We have been the distributer! of this famous . A, A ; .i'-sjv,''Si,'' brmnd, selling wholesale only, for 44 ycrs. y iA i Pure old honest whiskey aged in wood, i A vKVw Evcry boule fiu4rantccd- ytiiSaf W- y VAN SCHUYVER & CO. TMnW ' PTttXt.-S ACE.NTS tSSA. EfcUwJIS64 105107 SW Si. PiUAO. VM W. J. Vu Schuyw & Co, Or.n. V p-arf. fa. .a, CLNUIM CYRUS NOBLE. H- .: O. "f ' c ,s Sunday School. Continued from pape 1. under the number wLo carre la t year, but the Sunday schools rep resented covered a wider field than ever before and the enthusiasm of those who came was more evident than in former years. It is likely that the fourth con vention, to be held in 1900, will be held at Redmond, though no definite steps to that effect have as yet been taken. It is merely un derstood that the people of Red mond will probably extend the l.ecessary invitation, in which case it will be formally accepted. The first three conventions have all been held in Prineville. The new officers are: J. B. Shipp, president; Fred Sherwood, ::e-president; Mrs. Anna L. Win nek, secretary; Mrs. Calbreath, treasurer. Each district also has its own vice president. Rev. Charles A. Phipps, stale Sunday school organizer, of Tort land, was the central figure at the convention, and his addresses were much enjoyed and very profitable to the delegates. He, was thorough in his work and his talks were cal culated to create enthusiasm in Sunday school work. He took up the different phases of Sunday school work, one at a time, discuss ing alike the cradle roll and the adult movement, and laying espec ial emphasis on the organized class. All numbers on the program were good and showed that consid erable time and work had betn given to the subjects assigned to each of the speakers. The paper read by M. W. File of Redmond was particularly good, so good that it was ordered published in full in the Optimist, the State Sunday school official paper. The convention closed Sunday evening with a rousing meeting at the Methodist church, Rev. C. A. Phipps having preached at the the Flue The n fil kS? Heat ferrrogy i go up 3jixJav You receive intense, direct heat from every ounce oi fuel burned" there are no damp chimneys or lang pipes to wasle the heat irom a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped witb Smokeless Device) Carry it from room to room. Turn tlie wick high or low no boihci no smoke no smell aulomalic smokeless device prevents. Brass font holds 4 quarts, hums 9 hours. Beautifully finished in nickel or japan. Every heater warranted. The sit-v-if Q'vesa bright, steady -r :i ,.,t,i uai vvuii vuu 1U1 JUInJ evenings. Made ol brass, nickel plated latest ;'m proved central drall burner. Every lamp . warranted. Ii your dealer cannot supply the Perlection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (lncorpninU'd) First Presbyterian church Sunday morning. So lanre was the crowd in the evening that the church was not big enough to accomodate all who came, with the result that some had to be turned away. BUSINESS POINTERS. For a mild smoke The La Rosa. Mince Meat lu Bulk at J. E. Stewart & Co. Fancy Drv Land Potatoes nt J. E. Stewart & Co. Lay In your wlntersupply of apples from J. E. Stewart & Co. If you would once try Hoyal Canned Good you would have no other. J. E. Stewart & Co. sell this brand. Have you tried one of those TVs chines Cigars made by the .I'rineville Cigar Factory? Clear Havana; tr one. Carried by all leading cigar stores. Land for Sale. 320 acres of well-improved land fur sale, (.all on or Inquire of J. It. Urix.v, OVXeil, Oregon. 10 1 L'm Devon Bulls for Sale. For sale Two registered Devon bulls. Write to C. S. McCorkie, Ash wood, Ore. 10-29tf Yilson's Shoe Shop I have opened up a shoe shop in Prineville in the McCallister building, on Main street near theOchoco bri iue, and am pre pared to do all kinds of repairing. All work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Price very reasonable. A trial will convince you that this is the best place to have your shoe repairing cone. J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or. MILLINERY New Fall Goods ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT Mrs. Estes' Tffiy Corner Second and Main Sti. err - yg v.. w ,i i . i i i t. a.. f- infiri ii 0 7 Jru iicwnru A rrRnl of t-.'0 ill l puid for tn-' formation leadu'g to the arrot and eonvirtioa of anv jhtfoii found puilty , M interfering ith h How of water or i laiu of the Sqnuwr I'wk Irrigation Co. ; E. T.SLAV ION, .eey. Well Drilling. 1; you are contetuplatliiK drlllinir a well, anv depth, write JOHN MOOUE, Kedimuid, Ori:. 9-lOlf Gty Property for Sale. A. II. I.lppuiun Iiuh several pli-een of elmiot' ellv propertv for !iU. See hlin. 10 itHf Pure BIood Hogs for Sale. rurv-Mood roland-t'ldna llo;r.Rlx tnontli)) )ld, both Hexes. Address J. II. Uu.wA Son. Frim-vllle, lr.T-ltu Morse Lost. dray mare, branded "i on left shoul der ; ("trave l fam- Harney plaoe on Mill cwk; informaiion wanted leading to reeovery. Avldrvss Aktiivb Minklkk, rriueville. Or. Wood Sawing. Havinn prvhas'd the wood flaw ing outfit f C. D. Calbreath I am prepared to eiit wood both tor the People living In l'riueviile and those in the ueljihliorinvr distriet. 0-U 11. I.. Ilotuis, Frlneville. Gasoiino Engine Irrijttioa, Spra;iif aaJ Panpiaf Macaiacry K:ilrlmnkH-Mors 3rtol(no 'Fnclnea fo pmnntntf, spniytuc svln, (rUiding. Out nts MnpU'te. Kiilrhanks s'a1-s f.r wrtichlni:. Kiiiriink't-MorM ltynHition aul Motors tor pouvr :init 'taht. Kjlrl:nk-Moro W'imlniUU atut Tow4r. FalrKHiiks-Mon tirluJcra i-'tvJ Cliopprr. Wt'll I'lHlll'S. All ttrst qiiiilliT kixU at lowest pelws. Alwtiy tn slxk. l.itH'nhl tMln. t'romi'l rvjtv to Innutrli1! Hint qtllt-k tihlpint'ntj. Wrlic for citlnlofue unvl prUts. W. F. EINC, Agrat, PriaKT-Iie. Or. Fairbanks Morse & Co. roUTLAND. OKKCiON. Professional Cards. Jft . Srink jCawyer ff ttrfi, SPrimtviil, Oregon. C. c- Sioal Cstala Office with Ueo. W. Barnes Organ tPrt'm em', Oregon (JJJ Cllioit, pftlomtj-at-jCam Ortgon. t 0. Jfyita iPhjfjician and Surgton CALIJ AS8WKRF1I PHOMTTLT DiT 0 NlfltlT Umci Osg nooa South of Aunwx'i Dai's Stoke. Both office au resi dence telephones. SPn'ntot'llt, Oregon County Aysteait) fflclknap c a wards Physicians and Surgeons. 00 frrsr SDr lt f tt,Bm-m Prineoilte, Oregon. !PijfSieian and Surgeon answered prompty tfeijr r neyAt si mm 9m.m f-ts. tPrin evil it, Orogom. ft, P. 7fcers jCawyor Practice In all State and Federal Courts jCaidlaw, Oregon Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. I Thk ("mri-iT f'oi-RT or Tint Statu of Ohk;on for HOOK Coe.N'TV. D. McMillan and I. I). Jloiieyman, Fl'ffs, VB. R K. ISaltr n, A. M. Drakp, t'. C. dx-. A. I,. ;ooMwilllc. J it. Ovf rturf, Iji-fm. No'le if liert-hy Kiv-n ttmt ly virtue of an execution Utue.I out of tlir- Circuit Court of tii- Htat: orontion for CrfKjk t'ounty, rn th? !2th day tf Nov. ivos, unfn n luiltrinent r-n-dertd in said Court on the l'-kh day of Oct. '''W, in favor of the above named p!alnlltl'ri, and against liie ubove nam-d diTcndantx, coiumandini; nie to make tiie Hum of gl2.Vi.'0 wit ii interest thereon at the rate of fi percent. r-r annum from the l ltli day of Feb. liimi. and the further Bum of ew.Ott with t) percent. In tercut per annum from oct. l'lh, li, and in tcrest on Ul.OtJ at it pcrc'nt. per annum font tlie lltli day of July Vjm. out of the pi-rxon-al prop-rtyof the alove named defendantH, and if sufficient could not he found, then out or the real property of Haid defendants on or art r the 1- t h day of Oct. llu. In obedience to said execution 1 have levied upon lite fotlow ine deerlljed real prora-rtv, to w it: NK!-NK!4 W'-.NU, H'4, Kcrtion 311. Township ill H, Itamte 13 Kast. W. M..HSN'i, Nj-j-S'i, Flection !:. Townslnp 17 South, Jtansjc 14 Kast, W. M., Nft"'4SK!i NW',Sli:,, KKWHE'4, N ',4H4. Section hi, Township l"i South. Itansre 14 Kast. W. M., NEVSW', WH8V'4, Section 20, N'V)4 N W Kectlon Township 17 South, Kanjrc M Kast, W. M., VY.VV Kectlon 2:, Township IK South, Ilang" 11 Fast, H . M-, in Crook County, Oregon. And I will on Saturday, the lth day of Dee. l'.OD at the hour of one o'clock 1. M. of wald day, at, the front door of the Court House In the city of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In liand, all tlie right, title and Interest the above named defendants, or cither of them, had tn and to the above riescrllied property on lite llth dav of Oct. 1'Jtin, or any timethereafter. tOBu'lsfy uld judgments and interest and costH. JJated tills ltith day of Nov, l'jns FRA?iK KLK ISM, S'lerlff, Crook touuty, (ireon. First Issue Nov. IB, last issue JJee. 17, l)ct. Notice fcr Publication. NOT COAL LAND. Prpartment of the Interior. U. S. Land Olllee at The Halle, Oregon. Novetnlicr 11X18. Notice is hereby given that (ikorob 1!. Hay of Pott, Oret'on. who, on Ucceinlipr 27th, 1904, made J)ef ert Land Entry (.Serial No. 014eH), No. 517, f. X SNW,, t-eclion 31, Town-hiji Hi South, Range 20 East, Wil lamette Sie:Hian, lias tiled notice of inten tion to make Final Desert band Proof, to establish claim to the land above dt scribed before Warren Jirown, county clerk, at his otlice at Prineville, Oregon, on the 21ird day of lX'ceiiiber, 190M. Claimant mimes as witnesses : William tJ. htneaii, Kcuben llooten and Ilarev ). Dunham, all ol f'ost, OreRiin; and W'illiam II. Kinder, o I'ri novil ic I'rinevilic, Oregon. ll-liip W. MoonK, Register THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH M.iy be Impaired yen ruined by poor, or even poorly Utted rye r1hkmk. WIuiCh the use or n,nfe of wattling your luoney to your uwii liurl? Coiue ami have your even examined In a skillful manner and titled wttli kIuksch that are the last to be had. An evamiuallon eosttt you nothing. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician Mnin Strvvt. Prtnevillo, Orrgon A. Ii LIPPMAN & CO Lioonsivl Tho Homo Dulldors and Completo Houso Furnishers We sell the Uaiversal line of Heaters, Stoves and Ranges 2 Q X W X X X W W Report of the The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At tho clot of buainott Sept 23, 1903 KKKOFUCKJ Ixuini mt Discount fj;ii.l?r ? I'lilt.-d Slutes Uonit 13.SO0 0 Hank X remlsen I'i.ViO W 1'ue from tmnka li't.0-' M casU on bund M lU-dcmplloo fund CO B. F. Allan. Pr.d.M Will Wormiln. Vic Prxid.nt CHOOE conn MI OFFICERS; W. A, Booth, Prldnt D. f. 8TIWART, Vic President O. M. Elkins, CHIr DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkimi. D. F. Stiwabt Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange nought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion r Contest Notice. PKI'AHTMKNT (F THK I STKKUm, i'nlird SlalK l4int olIUv. A stifRclciit (iiltHi iillldavlt having U-on fllc'l Id thiM ndlif hy John J. Murphy, n t"xtnt, njfuln!. h)ini"tffi cntrv . il-'7 firiti! No. iti;fVi, iiiit'It Jiuiuary 24, for N Kl4 M tlMi .'ti, TnwiiMliip !H., KaniCH lrt K-, W.M, I'V Tlnnnsu M nuit'll, rnihitf. in which it in ai l"tc-fl that, hi.IiI Miiryinuti Iiun ti't rt'KHh'tl uin xnltl clulni at nil rr tnor than one vi:i !st pat: tint 1 hf I rtcwrU t'd hh'I ahiindrtnt'il and (hat during naid past yar Ih'r-has Itfcn no ctilitvatlon. tinprovp mf'iit of said claim or Uw u of th- mhiiu hy t iu entry ui;tn for Kralni; prH)s. st or at ali; I hut for more than one. year hist mt nald entryiiian has resided at I'ortland, Ontfoii, ubout -i A) inlifH fiom wild elaiin; that t-"iU(l u ticked HOH ne not due to hi employ ment In the army, i.asy or marin- eorim of tne. ( nlted State In time of war; hum pa rile are herehv iMtified to appear, respond und otTi-r evidence, touohln haid alh'Kiill'Hi at U) o clock A. M, fin Dt-rtMiilier 7, iww, iMTfir" llie HeKiwter and K'-relver at the I'nited Htatew 1-uid utttc' In Tlie I!i'h , Oretxon. The. said eoiifstant having. In a proiK'r atlldavlt, filed Noveiiiiw-r 2. iWrt. net forth fach which kIiow tlint. aftrr due dillift nc, p- ronal m'rvlco of thlH notice can not he made, H in hrehy or-den-d and directed that such notice i given by due and proper pubttca'irtn. 1I-5P C. W. MuOHK, IU'Kiter. Sheriff's SJe on Execution in Foreclosure. In Thk finrrrr f'ornT or tiik Htatb or OltKOO.S FOR ('lt(M)K Countv A. L. Ooodwilll', TruHUe, WW, v. Hntjh 0"K"ann and Helena A. O'Kane, I)eft. J Jy virtue of an execution and order of mile IsMicd out of the above entitled Court on the 17 th day of Nov. l'. In favor of the above named plainliU'and aifulnst the above mined defendantH, for the nuin ofS.MlJi.Jtl with In lar es t tIi reon at the ratij if 1" percent, per an num from the 21! Ii day of Oct. 1.h, and v't.MJ aitornevK fee and $15 00 cost, npon a judgment rendered In said Court on the 2ltu day of Oct. 1-AM, and where I t wiut furtle-r ordered and decre-(l by the Court that the lollowlnir described mortgaged prop?rty, to wit: IjoIm Jl and 12, In hhick h'.of the town of Bend; rook County, Oregon, (Aeordlng to tlie plat t hereof as the name appearH of record in the office of the Comity Clerk of Crook ' ounty. Oregon, be wold hy the Sheriff of f'jouk bounty, Oregon, as under execution. Notice Js hereby given, that in oljedlcnce to waid execution and order of Hale, I will oti Saturday, the IVth day of Dec. II K, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of (said day, at the front door of the- court houne, In the city of Jrinevllle, Crook :ount V, Oregon, Hell at public auction U the hlghent bidder forcaHh.all tlie right, title find Interest of naid defi-udanlK. Hugh O'Kane and Helena A. (j'Kane, In and to mild mortgaged prem ise, above described, to wtUufy said judgment and Interest and attorney fees und cost und costs tf sale. liuted thU 181 h day of Nov. WU. KKANK KMCINft, Pherlrf, Crook County, Oregon. Flrwt Issue Nov, l, hiHt lmue Dec. 17, IWH. Notice for Pablic&tioa NOT COAL LAND. Department of the interior, U. 8. Lund Oflioe at'J'he Dulles. Or., November 12th. 1U08. Notice is horehy given that nuwARi) W. TrRNRR of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Heptcmher 2Uh, VM, made Homestead Kntrv (Hertul No. 01I81), No. 13Kia, for N WSKViUSK. Section 2, and NWNE'4, Hectioii II, Township 10 Mouth, ttaiipe 1 1 Eawt. Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice oi inten tion to make Final Cuinuuitatioti J' roof, to establish claim to the Innd ubove dtcrihed In'fore Warren Jirown, county clerk, at his office at iVineville, Oregon, on the &'ird day of December. l!Ki8. (Jhiitimnt name.s as witncrSHe; William J, Pancake, Charles A. (imves, Klanxon A. iiusNet and Joel A. Klliott, all of Priiicviiie, Oregon. 1 t-X!lp C. V. Moobk, Itegiwter. 7 ui lit Untlortakers. WWWWWWtXWS condition of MAIUI.ITIF otpllnl Htork 60.01)0 00 Surpliu and undivided profit AV1I.1 c)J circulation R,iU CO Individual Depoaltg IPI.OU ' T. M. Baldwin. Cuhm IL B.lilwin. Au'l Cukivr For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands DESCHUTES VALLEY VHITK II. F. JONES Redmond, . Orrgon E. C. PARK Kotiit for Pub'iiation. (Notroul land) I)i inrtniont if lli" Interior, V. S. Lau.l Ollhx 'J hv Dullc", (tr.. Novi-ihUt "Hi, lifts, Nulii'c is liiTiby giviil Hint Curnr Jl. Rice, ot l'rincvilli', Orcsruii, who, mi Ot to. Ur l-'lh, H'H, iiiinln Tihiiv-r mid Stmic Apiilii-uiimi Nii.(H;K!, fur N'aSV',', .sV', 8V W'HN'W'i. f'cliiin 12, Township 14 South. l;.'iii(.'i IS Eu-l, Williimctli' Mi-. riiliun. lull tiled notice of liitciitiun to make Kinal '1 hiilii-r mid Hlonu I'roof, to I'.iliil dih cluim to tlie land iiUivt ili'crili'd before Wiirr-n I'.rown, Coiinly Clerk, nl his (illicc nt I'rinerille, (ireiiun, on the Jnil day ol Jiiniuirv, litoii. I 'l:iiniui:t iminpx n witiic!.sc9 tieo'rp1 W. I,uclicy, Jo-rpli II. Ciook1, huiiiiicl DiiiKi'v Htid Krul A. Rice, all of l'rincville, Oregon. 11-U i;. W. Moon:, Register, Notice for Pub'iratioa. Not Cml I.nml) T'imrt incut of tint Inferior, U. Lau.l tuliw, at Th nullox. Or. Oct. Hi, l!KIN. Notice h hereby "iveii Hint Klu.ibctli l1'. Fry, lcollicr ami heir of (feiirtte 1,. I'ry, (dt ceincd), of lien I, (rejrn:i, who, on .luiiii nry 'Jnd, 1!7, iniide llomv teiid Knlry (Seri;il No. Ilpl;i), No. lor HiSK'. NKSK1,, HKl i'NK1,', t-e:iion 10. Town xhip 15 Houth, liaiitje 10 Knit, Willamette Meridian, lift lilcd notice ol intention lo make Final Commutation Proof, to ostali li.h cliiiui to the land above deserilM'd, be fore Warren Jirown, County Clerk, at bis office at rriiieville, Ori-Kon, on llio lllh day of Jccemher, P.KW. I'laiiiiant n:iini" as wiine-wn: K. T. Cox, K, T. Cox, Clarence McAlliKter and Ix-blie L. Fry, all of J'rine ville, Oregon. 11-12 C. W. Moore, Reiii-der. Notice for I'lihlication. Not coal land. Depnrtinent of the Interior. U. S. l-und (dlice ut The Dalh-H, Or , October Hi, 11.0 Notice is licreby niven that Jnxeph 1). island, offirizzly, Oregon, who. on (September 20, IICiS, made Jlo stead Kntrv (Heriul No. OI'lTr,) No, VMiit, for NKKN'K'i nee ), NNW'4,riWKN see L'K, tp 12, r Kle, w. in., bus filed notice of intention to make linal live-year proof, to cutablbili claim to the laud ubove de-ci ibed, before Warren Urown, county clerk, at hi olllce at 1'rincville, Oregon, on the i!Uh day of November, 11J0H. ('laimunt niinies as wilnenHc: Williiini McMeekin, Albert Cubitt, James A. Vine yard and Lewis Jl. Hamilton, all of Grizzly, Oregon. 10-22 . C. V. Mhohk, Register. Notice for I'lihlication. ( Not coal land. ) Department of tlie Interior. U. H. Land Olllce at The Dal lex. Or.. October 10, 1IXW. Notice is hereby given that K. A. I'oo Lufolletto, of I'rineville, Oregon, who, on Deceniher 0. 1(101, made Jloiuentead Kntiy (Herial No. 0I"70) No. 10110, for HVf, section 10, township 14 south, range 10 east, Willam ette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above docrilied, before Warren ISrown, county clerk, at bis olllce ut I'rliieviiie, Oregon, on tho 2ltb day of November, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Ray, John J). I.nfolletle, Richard II. Powell and Kdwnril T, rilayton, ull of I'rineville, Oregon, 10 22 tl. W. Moaait, Register, M it Id p 1 EEr3ZfZEfr3Bf Pedigreed Stock II b n i i m.: S h 2 s i I s Duroc Jerseys s Dlack Langshan Chickens El Ul 14 a ii M i ii i si v 3 The City Meat Market HOHKiiAN A: STILL, Props. lleaJquartcrs for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try fomo of Crook count)' choir-out lrtHluct8. Its tho lost that numoy can buy. You will not only save monoy but you will help buihl up a homo industry, o Wo alwnva carry tho best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in Ian;e quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN 1 Wi?? 1 V? rrtiJ u , k i I i THE OWL CASH STORE t B. ADAMS, Proprietor dj eF THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor I'RINKVIU.i:, OKIGON Stock boartlt'd hy tho day, week or month at IIoaHonnhlo ratcB. Komcnihcr u when in F'rintville. Hates 11e.ho.sabi.k. -Ve have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent H (3 8 8 Bring your job printing to the Journal r i LJ r, 1 LJ r, 1 LJ (.1 LU n i LJ ri Li n LJ n L J ri u j r i LJ r i L J r.i LJ r 1 LJ r.i L'J r.i LJ n i- t The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbbE, OREGON First Class Meals Fresh Oysters and CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION CttrryliiH; n It'iuiiiiH, etc. vliolce Hclcfllon Give tin a call. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. iSr-'irrrtrirnrnrrirrnnri.xrnrrrrinrirnrrnnrnrrtrr.i t: JLUL Jl JL -JLUL'JLUL'JL'JLiJLULULtlLULULyL'lJLyLLlLULULULtJLIJLIJ rir-ir.irrinir:r,r,irir;:iriiniir!iniriiriiinptr,-irnTri',nirT L JLJtJLiJLJLJL; JL Jt Ju JL JLJL Jf L JLJL JLiJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJyjL J ri L'J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L J ri LJ ri L'J r i LJ ri L'J r.i LJ r.i LJ LJ r.i L'J r.i L'J ri CJ r,i L'J ri L J Sonoral SftaccsmiVinff IIouRKfiiioKiNO, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Tromptly Donb Wiikn it in Done By : : . ffiobort 97oore Satisfaction Will PlUNEVIU.r?, r.irrirTirnrrrririrrirrririiriiirnrnriirnrnrrtrrr'inrir'iriinnrii LJLJLJLJLJL JLJL JLJLJLULJLUf LLILULUL'JLy L JLULUUULJLULUL J Notice to Creditors. Notice is licreby ftiven, by the nnder s;ned. the admlnistiator of ihe estate of John McVeigh, dcceiiHed, to all tiersong bavin)? chums against wiid estate t Jire Himt them with the proper rowdier to the tiiidcridKiicd at hi ollice in I'rineville, Oregon, within nIx iiioiiiIih of the data of thin not ice, IJated this loth day of October, J!XW. M . R. Km!ott, Administrator of the Kstate ul' John Mc Veigh, JJeceased, M4H k STILL CLOSING OUT SALE ALL GOODS AT COST CALL EARLY DETORE LINES ARE BROKEN ft ft r..i LJ r.i LJ fi T LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J LJ r..i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.1 25c and Up Fish in Season of fine canilr, clgurn, ortttiRC), LJ ri L J r-;i LJ r.i L'J m r.i L J r.i L J r-i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J rui L'J rui LJ r.i L'J rui L J ri L'J rii LJ rti L'J ra L J lie Guaranteed OltKGON. NOTlfM FOR inilll.IOATION. lleimrlinent of the Interior. V 8. Land Olllce at Tho IJalhm, Or,, Jiily2l,lU"f. Notice I hereby (tlven that (lerald (I. ((rove, of Tiieomii, Wimb., who, on July 'Jl lINIK, ininle llinlier und h! inn hwoi ii taleinent No.iiMU forHK'i HK'4, Heellon !M, Towimhlu IIM, Itinivre l:ll:., Wlllamctu, Merblliin, bun filed nollen orintentlon to make final proof lo eHtabllKh eliilm lo the html above dencrlhcit beforo tho Iti-KtMler and Heeelver, nt The Hiilles, Or., on the 2nd day of January, lima, ('liilinant nanieH iihwIIiiohkch: John Jaekmm ami .Iiki biirMon, of (I'Nell, Or., (leorue (bilcti, of Portland, Or., and J O. Oiki, ol'Hbiinlko, Or. 1U-!P 0 W, Mooiik, JteglHU'r.