Roscoe Knox, Pioneer of 1853 Rosco Knox of Tost died in this city Saturday, November 14, aged 07 years and 14 days. The funeral was held Monday at Xewsom creek. He was born in Missouri, Nov. 1, ISil, and crossed the plains with his parents to Oregon in 1S53, ftt tling in Lane county, near Crcs veil, where he resided until 1SS7. lie was married to Matilda Jar.e Buoy, daughter of Capt. Laban Buoy, June 22, 1S61, she dying at her home on Newsom creek, July 1 last. Thirteen children were born to them, of whom eleven are still living: S. L. Knox, Stevenson, Wash. Carrie B. Knox. Stevenson, Wn. Mrs. Maggie M. Beck, Botinp, Or Horace Knox, Boring, Oregon. E. B. Knox, Crook county. D. W. Knox, Crook county. John R. Knox, Crook county. V. C. Knox, Crook county. G. E. Knox, Crook county. Lillie E Knox, Crook county. Levicv Knox, Crook county. Roscoe Knox and family moved from Lane county in 1SS7 and settled on creek, whero he and his sons engaged in the sheep and cattle business. During his long illness, which extended over a period of eight 'months, he struggled with almost superhuman power against the crim rearer, and only yielded to r- a " w the inevitable when exhausted na lure gave out. Last Monday he was laid to rest by the side of his lifelong companion in the Newsom creek cemetery on the Knox ranch in the nresence of many neighbors and friends. He was a man of sterling char acter, fearless and outspoken in his convictions, honored and respected by all who knew him well. He was active in public affairs and took a great interest in the devel opment of the county. He was a generous neighbor and a kind and indulgent parent. He will loug be remembered by many friends end acquaintances. Leaves have thetr time to fall And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And suns to set; but thou hast all, All time for thine own, oh Death. Paulina Paragraphs. TAULINA. Nov. 17. "Uncle" McKitn vows this is Indian mm ruer, but we think it is simj ly de lightful autumn weather. Born, to the wife of James Gil christ, November 4, a son. Mr. Mosier, who has Wen laid up with a sore thumb for two months, is back at his position of cook. Arthur Kelly of Tost has re turned to Paulina and is carpenter ing on Mr. WilsonV new house. George Noble and Lee Miller made a Hying trip to Prineville the end of the week. Joseph Jacobs has returned frcm ... . . i a monms visit to rorwanu anu vicinity. Miss Maggie Hinkle has re turned to her position in Paulina after a two weeks' visit with her parents at Warm Springs, Ben Goner is building a new hous-e for W. C. Cong'eton in the Paulina valley. Th Miss Glee Lauchlin has moved into town to take advantage of the winter s school. Mr. Hall of Buck creek has tele phoned into Paulina for a house to he reserved for himself and family lhiswill materially increase our school attendance, and we are al ways glad to welcome new pupils. Homer Lanoye has Wen hauling lumber to build a new bouse on hfs homestead. Twenty-two pupils comprise the roster of the Paulina school. Henry Faulkner and bride, who was Mrs. kdith Johnson, are mak ing Paulina their home. Albert Wilson is putting up t new house on the oriental plan This is a distinct architectural gain for progressive Paulina. Elmer Clark made a trip to Prineville this week after supplies for his hotel. Sunday school wa9 organized last Sunday with Mrs. Lytle as superintendent. Galvin Morse was kicked by n horse last Saturday and bruised up considerably. , I wish to offer a vote of thanks to Mrs. Farnsworth for so kindly hauling our new Etove to the school builing last week, and also thanks to Mr. Clark for putting the stove tn condition for use. Lottie' Montgomery A Tribute ta a Coed Maa. In the death of Roscoe Knox, his family has lost a kind and in dulgent father and Crook county a worthy citizen and "God's greatest work, an honest man." I have known him over fifty years and know whereof I speak. A man of more than ordinary ability, he ad hered strongly to his convictions and advocated them fearlessly. An old pioneer of Lane county, his loss will be deeply felt there, as it is here. All an old friend can say is Farewell, Roscoe; peace to your ashes. J. L. Luckey. Redmond News. GRAND ... anksgiving all Given by Prineville Amateur Athletic Club in the Club Hall on THANKSGIVING EVE Wednesday, Nov. 25th Music by Morgan's Orchestra TICKETS ONE DOLLAR opening same and is receiving his opening stock from A. M. Lara of Bend. Geo. T. Sly has succeded in lo cating several new homesteaders on seme fine places during the last two weeks. The officials at the general land office at Lakeview have pasted favoably on the contest of Carl E. sse vs. the state desert selection No. 11. These decisions seem to bring out the smiles all over this community. from Lamonta News Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiltse re turned Monday from a visit with relatives at different valley points. Mr. J. S. McMeen went on a business trip to Forest this week. The oil company have resumed operations on their well at the base of Grizzly. They expect to put on a crew of about ten men in a few day. The llarriman surveyors have moved to Redmond, from where they will extend their survey to Bend. Mrs. Fred Mincers visited at Lamonta Monday. Waite Brothers returned Shaniko Friday. Turkey shooting at Lamonta Wednesday, November 2"th. Agents for lluttcrick Patterns and the Delineator FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING VALUES THAT SAVE YOU MONEY Men's Suits and Overcoats The entire line of " Sincerity Clothing" reduced below the profit line. $12.50 and $15 Suit., choice Culver Cullings. Culver, Nov. 17 A txiHket social will 1k rIvou lit the Culver Bchoolltoiiav Friday, Nov. 2". The program to Ih jrlven ly the school (ntul other) will lx-glu nt S p. in., fitter which the luiwketx will lie sold to the highest bidder. Thom who buy butiketM will l given ticket for the tltinee at Culver hall. Imme diately after the social. To other the dunce tickets will 1h 60 ceuts. ZX Culver ha long been n meeting place for triemU for mile nrouml a good crowil I exoetetl at the social Nov. 27. Cclvkimtk. $16.50 and $18.50 Suit.. Your choice You, JQ $12.50 Overcoats $10.00 and $12.50 pW A V.i-: KM WW Ashwood Arrows. Anil wood, Nov. lt. W. 1). Walker wn In town n few days thi week. David Wilson, Thoinn Marshall and Mi Mary Magllt left hint week for Wnnile, Oregon. Ml Maglll gov from there In a few day to The Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts A large collection of the neweat thing in Skirts and Shirt Waists which were delayed in traniit will be put on sale at Factory Price f T See our big thow windows for rock bottom prices. Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co. Dalle to enter St. Mary'n Academy. Thoiua Ia'wI and wife and Mr. Mito Wood were out camping a few day thl week. Amhth. Spray of the Falls. John Parks has moved his fam ily to Cline Falls, where bis chil dren will have better gchoool ad vantages. J. W. Wright is doing some im provement work on his homestead south of town. Mrs. Sears has moved to Madras where she can be with her husband who drives ths "big 4" between Shaniko and Madras. Llcyd Harader and John Park brought in a load or two of Madras flour for Pricket & Cochran. D. McCarty brought in a load of freight from Shaniko last week. I. L. Harader hauled two loads of potatoes to Bend last week. Mr. Johanson came in on the stage to spend a few days with his family. Mr. Sroufe, the stage man, has purchased some foot warming ap paratus for his stage. The women passengers seem to appreciate it very much. Harvie Miller and wife epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harader. Prickett & Cochran made a light ning trip to Redmond Saturday. Prineville Dairy Changes Hands. The Prineville Dairy that was for merly run by Charles Carroll has c'.ianged handf. Floyd Whelpley is the new proprietor. He will fill ull orders promptly and guarantees satisfaction. Mr. Whelpley is an ex perienced dairy man and thoroughly understands the enre of milk, and more than this he is familiar with the scientific methods in handling milch cows. Modern sanitation methods will be closely followed thus insuring absolute purity. Give him a trial. 11-lOtf Redmond, Nov. 15. Some of our old friends are heard from again this week. Miss Nellie Muma writea from Yakima that she is kept busy nursing, while word received from Miss Olive Smith states that she is very pleasantly employed in the county auditor's office at Colfax, Wash. The State Bank of Redmond is now open for business. Much freight is being moved these days. J. O. Hansen brought in a little load of 70,000 pounds for Sisters yesterday, while C. W. Muma, Finis Woods and Dan Mc Carty are kept busy looking after local needs. Mr. and Mrs. McClay were pleas antly surprised Friday night, the occasion being the 13th anniver sary of their wedding. Road Overseer McLallin has a force of men at work on the road south of town. A party at Tetherow's not long since gave our young folks from town a chance for a good long ride out and back and a good time while there in the bargain. Guy Lafollett of the county seat was a business visitor in Redmond this week. H. A. Meyers is a business trip per to Shaniko this week, Mr3. Buckley was completely and pleasantly surprised Wednes day evening, the occasion being in celebration of the fact that W. J. had finished papering the house. We are glad to learn from the Sisters correspondent that brick is being manufactured at that place. There were so many children running loose at Mr. Meyer's Sat urday as we came by, about 20 of them, that it looked a good deal like a birthday party or something of the kind. Mr. Muma had lumber hauled from the Grizzly mill this week for more improvements at his place. He will soon begin his big cement cistern. K. C. Panic. Rosland Items. ROSLAND, Ore., November 1G. Mr. Everingham is building a new house in Rosland. There will be a dance given in the hall over the new warehouse of Bogue & Co. Thanksgiving eve. A good time is expected. A new store h;is been announced in Rosland, Mr. C. V. Richie if FURNITURE JEWELRY DRUGS STATIONERY PHONOGRAPHS Diamond and Pearl Set Brooches "Qj? UJ W "W jW njts- W We are in receipt of thirty-six Solid Gold Diamond and Pearl Set Brooches, just the thing to make a nice present for a lady. These Brooches range in price from $10 to $40 each. We have others from $2.50 to $5.00 in filled goods, both Chatelaine and Plain Brooches. We have in Chains for ladies the Plain Neck Chains ranging in value from $2.50 to $12.50 each. In Guard Chains our line comprises the latest patterns and settings at a range of values from $5 to $40 each. J We have Ladies Watches both 0 and 6 size, open face, hunting and chatelaine in twenty-year twenty-five year and solid gold, fitted with Elgin or Waltham movements of any grade, including seven to twenty-one jewel. Have you a phonograph? Watch for our announcement of the NEW EDISON Phonograph next week sold on easy payments THE WINNEK COMPANY FURNITURE JEWELRY DRUGS STATIONERY PHONOGRAPHS Fire Department Ejection. Nntlra ta hirvl.y (Ivan that (he t'rlnavllla Klra N'.. iim'tit will hold tu annual election for the election uf rnlcl anil aaautanl rhlcl for Hi. enanmg year, ai ilia i II; hall In ITim-i Me, Oregon, beginning at IV l l. and continuing mil II 7 I. M tin I In' Ant Monday In liecciuuer. 1 1n following; ha la'cn chiwetl a fiittac of election: . K. tomcat lllinah, Hoy Stt't'oft anil Jaini-a Mrt'lun. The t!rrk will of. OanltuT ferry ami Maa Ilofrr. Wm liBAi-ta, I'ri'.l.lohl. Il l ti. N. I'urtiiK, Hwrotarjr. Call for County Warrant. Notice la litr,'ly Klvett that all t'rook ronnlv warranla rvnlntrrnl alnr Molr mh. !, lo and Inrluillnif rt'Ri.irrr'l warrant Numt-r tt Sovvinlx'r lllli, will I iali on .ni hl. lion to lh Tri'aauri'r of aalil rniinlv. lutirtal will I't-aae from tha rial, of thla Hour.. W. y. KIKU, t'oiillljf Trrajoirvr I'rliirvllla, Orrguu, Nov. Imh, lv. Il l'1 AdminiMtrator't Notk. Tb tintltiratcnrd. having; Imii ittpnltitil mlinlniatrntor of Hie oaiuU. of IUhthmi Knot. UtHna!!, nil Mrmiina having rlnllna again! aulit ffttitii an hi'rvliy mitilnMl to irtarnt the mini wrih trtiNr votmlirra ftl ti routi'v rlork'a oftli at I'rlur vll !, Iirtion. within nix nion'h fnim the UhI tit llio iiilillcitiiin of thla notloti. Uuieil thla tut h dnv of NnvpinlM-r, Ho. K. It. K Hon, AilinlnUlrii'or. JcituMC Khox, AUorni fur Kauiio. ll-HKiw Lost. Liwt. Ki'lilli innn'i rlnif, rnnrgvlnif nu'rumiiU lunula kInivh lioml licit. Him ttiixiiiattine. Kinilrr will plt-nit rutnrn ti I'rinevillti tlnr htftory and weive rpwiir.l. II 12 Notl. to Crtditon. Notlrr la litn'tv glvtn hv lh urnloralgnil Ihi nilmlnUirntiir ofthn raluti tif Hamiirl It. KlU'liry, iliH-rail, l all rmlltoro or ullirra Who hohl chtlliia atfalll! anltl rwtnlr In irrrnl tho aanip with this imitn-r voiii'hc r li tin umlfrnlgiiml nl liUoltliTlit l,rttMvlllf, ormiin, within nix nuiiitha fnioi tha Unta of IhU no tion, J II. II "UK. Ailmtnlatraltir uf tin" r (ulr nf Muuiiirl II. Ull. Iii-v, kH.arl 1 1 -it iNtlril lllla Mil tint of Sovi'tlllirr, HK. Notice o( Finul Salt lament. Niitlif l li.-ri'liT glvim hv tha untlonlgni'tl. tha mliiiliilatratrli wllh tin- will anii. ii .l of tho rata I a of Ali-alltir MiH.'lov, draraaril, that ahi' hua fllid with Ilia rlark of Ilia t onnty t'ntirl tier nnal aiimintlng of Ik-i a l. lolnUlrnllon of aahl alnta, and the court haa M l MiiiiiIiiv. Iha till dny of J j. ii. r, al tha mum rourl nmi In rrlnaylllc. (in-gon, aa tha tuna and pliiar for a.1 1 II nat aald final no connllng. At which lima and I'lm-c any (icraon llllaraali d III anld aalnla may UI'IK r and ohlii'l In mich final loi-oiiinlog. Haled thla Will day f Nov. lt, Mahtii ii.hi k. AdnilnUtrnltlx with the will annatcd of thacallilv of Alexander aii't'wjf.tlrfaaard. ll-l "La Vogue" y mMk 1 (Mam Why not improve your figure with one of the very modish SNUG HIP AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Just received a full line of Ladies' and Misses' Corsets. Misses Corset Waists. Also new and carefully selected Ladies Shirt Waists Call and See Them .Jmsk eucat THE LEADER HOTEL PRINEVILLE BLOCK I. MICHEL Ladies' Coats and Tailor Suits In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Grays and Browns coats in sizes for Misses also. These garments are erfectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very atest styles Coat prices from $7.50 to $25.00 Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00 NEW BEAR SKIN COATS for Misses and Children in White, Grays, Browns and Reds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell coats that make one feel and look comfortable Prices range from $2.50 Upwards JUST A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored Clothing made by tha Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co. Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and finish has never before been offered in Prineville at so modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit Clifton & Cornett THE BRICK STORE Prineville, Oregon.