Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 12, 1908, Image 3

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Ld Kutchcr id llnyrreck was In
town tho end of this week.
HlllHTBt It tlMIH IHTMdllH allOllUI Wlltl'll
nut tomorrow, for It's Friday, thu
lliMiry Faulkner nnd IMIlti Me-
I'lilllalcr Here married near l'nulliin,
I nt week.
The comity H. K. convention
tiiectsln I'rliievlllo Friday, Hnturdny
nml Hiindity, Novi-iuImt M, II aud 15.
J. I MiH'ull (mIi nml urninUoii,
It'iyiiiouil Kinlth, left tin' end nl the
week lor Portland to Join Mrs Mc
The flnit ul CruviT & l'enor hare
taken clmruu of 1 1 10 Acme rcstanrnnt,
OpptlMt t tll Infill pimlolllce, nml will
conduct the bUNlucs lu future.
William Fnrrcll ultlio Madras coun
try was In town during the week on
business connected with school 1 !-
trlct No. US, which In one ot the new
districts In thU county.
Louis II. Arcnaiiiclcr, teacher ul the
HI Hi tirade In the local school, lias
returned from Madras, where hit went
recently to make proof on hut home-
stead southwest of that place.
There will lie n bg turkey choot an
the rhltfe north of town Sunday, with
John Lut'kcy lu charge. Marksmen
who enter will shoot nt blue rocks,
nml those noorlnic the blithest will re
ceive the turkey.
Mndrns I'loueer: I'rol. Aahhy, prin
cipal of the l'rlitcvllUt public school,
was vImUIiik In Madras Hnturday.
The professor Is Already an enthusl
uitlc ndmlrcr ol Oregon' climate, aud
snys there In n pleasing tract of coun
try tictwecu Madras ami 1'rlnevllle.
H. I). Able fractured both bones ul
the rluht forearm In a peculiar way
early this week. He was holding the
bridle ol a horse, when the uulinal
turned IK heiul suddenly, striking
Able' forenrm so forcibly with Its
iiiMM that the hone were broken. Ir.
ltociibcrg reduced the fracture.
The ladle ol the Annex are rehears
ing a tour-art drama entitled "Val
ley Farm." Twelve character are
required lor thl very Interesting
piece, nml with the excellent local
tnleut that l'rluevllle pow-MMe It
Km without snrlug the production
will he an Immense tnmni In every
way. "Valley Farm." will be given
nt therlub hall In three or four week,
shortly after Thanksgiving.
The Young Men' Itlble cluss nl the
M. K. i wilt give a social at the
home of Collin W. F.lklns Friday
evening. Nov. 20. The proceed will
In used to help furnish the church.
The following program ha lnen
arranged: Mimic, orchestra; nolo, C.
V. Klktii; rending, Trot. Atthby;olo,
Itandolph Ketchuin; pautoiulme, I
Hardmnn; mimic, orchestra. Ad
niliuclon 13 cent, children 10 cents.
ltefnuhmenU will lie nerved from
Wear Insured Sox
Ar ynflranrkatamiW Oor"Hnla-
Thla In tha wtranxv
buy II (' ol "Holaproof" 8ns
tor .' 00 and K any or all ol them
enma to bolca or nm! darolnc la al
monlhawa will rapUc lUeul wua
saw aua f ncn.
am SrrA llh abaoltitrly
la.t color., '1 hrr will not
'crock." "nut ' air " Hola
proof 801 do aot ahrlnkaoratratclt.
Von can bur lhara In aaaorlad
colnra ala pair ol a ilaa and waigbt
la a box.
Wear "Holeproof Rot one and
ym will navar waar any olhar kind.
kamamtwr-'lhay arajriMrijaMW to
tt ) moniha or you vt naw aoa
I UKIC Let at tail you a box today.
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Millard Trlplett wni over from
tic lid thl week.
Hurry Webb of thl city win In
Mndr.ut election day and voted there,
CommlNNouer Jame I lice returned
home on Wednesday' alne to May
ThankNKlvlnn two week from to
day; ClirUtuui lx week from to
The two youngest children of Wal
Icr O'Nell ant 111 with uilld ciuc of
typhoid fever.
J. II. Ileum, who ho been lck
with typhoid fever, I out of the houae
again, though atlll convah'went.
Mr. Lou HiMlge and family are
now comfortably InatnlU-d In their
new home at the weat end of Fourth
M.H. May field pnarn-d through town
Monday evening with a bunch of 100
head of cattle which he broughtlrom
hi ranch to feed below the city.
County CoiiimlHHloner II. II. Unylcy
ha returned to hi humu went of
Ialdlaw, after U-Ing In thl city for
nearly a week In attendance at county
Morgan' orcheatra will give
another of their delightful dance at
the club hall Friday evening, Nov
ember 13. Tomorrow night, Friday,
the Thirteenth.
Lover of the fcatlvf roller ikate
will be In their glory In thl city to
night, wbeu a ntnak carnival will be
given at the 1'olndextcr rink. To
night, November 12.
Judge II. & Kill I back In Item)
after aatay In the county Neat ol
nearly ten day at the Novem Ut term
of the county court. He cant hi vote
for Toft here election day.
llarrlman surveyor, for the flrat
time are giving 1'rlnevllle the "go
by." Hurvey heretofore have nl
way been run through Iimonta
gap, near thl city, but now they are
liclng run weat of Trail CroHtdug In-
Walter Foater, a brother of Frank
and Carey Foaier, wo married
on the 4th of November at Albany to
MIk llertha Holxmnn, who ha
vnited In rrlnevllle. Tho happy
couple are now at Lo Angele
enjoying their honeymoon.
County Clerk Brown exfiecta to lie
awny from hi olllce next wei'k.
Hence all land matter coming before
him will have to lie deferred until hi
return. Ill deputy can attend to all
other matter bat the law any that
the county clerk hlmaclf imiat attend
to land matter. Thl announce
ment I made o that thoae having
land buNlnima may govern themitelve
The regular service for divine wor
ship will be held at the 1'reaby tcrlan
church next Kunday. morning and
evening. It I probable that the pul
pit will be occupied. In the morning,
by Hev. C. A. Phtpp, state superinten
dent of Sunday school work, who
will tie In the city conducting the
county convention. lr. Dunamore
will probably preach lu the evening.
Tho public Is cordially Invited to nil
the service.
The Chinaman engaged by Mrs.
McDowell to do the laundry work
nt the rrlnelvlle hotel (shaving bis
own troubles thee day, or rather
night. Every evening, almost, lor
a week pant, according to Mrs. Mc
Dowell, the Orteutal washerman has
lieen greatly annoyed by boys and
young men throwing stone at the
old bulldlug lu the rear of tho hotel
where he works and sleep. The
thluamnn, with far eaatern notion,
fears for hi life, and the landlady la
afraid he will either leave or take
Mummnry vengeance on his tormen
tor. It la likely the law will step lu
too late If a clash ensues.
ILJ.Overturf wa down from IJend
Will Ford I miming a skating rink
at Lakevlew.
J, H. Merer ol Paulina paid thl
city a call Friday.
Mr. ICmma I'roae returned luat
week from Portland.
Oacnr Hyde has been In 1'ortlaud
during the past week.
W. K. Due helii and wife were In from
Haycreek Mundny.
r , rnrker of Kllver Lake was a
local visitor Kunduy.
(;. It. Mdtllen and wife were over
from IU'dmoiid Hnturday.
Lewi Throop was a bualnes
vlaltor nt the county seat Monday.
Dr. V. Coe of Ilend paid thl city a
profcaalonal call the end of the week.
llulph Kharp and family lire vlnlt
Ing at the home of Mr. Kharp's folks
In Ynklmn, Wash.
I. Michel wn In Portland on IumI
ne durlng.the week, and stopiicd at
the ImiK-rlal hoU-l.
T. N. Ualfourandson and I. 8. Wll-
son, all of Fife, sjient Saturday and
Sunday In this city.
Chester HolllngMhead has left for
his homint Uoaland after being 111
In this city with typhoid.
Fred Powell and Ix'wl Throop of
Beaver creek have Installed a single
telephone line lx-tween their bouses,
about one mile apart.
Bitter & Jones have bought the
Great Western Lumlier Co. 'a mill, and
have Installed It on theOchoco ranch.
The inllll complete as to planner, etc.
and the Arm Is now prepared to do
flrtt claaa work.
Bill Jacobs and Carl W. Cecil of the
Hllver creek country In Harney county
panned through 1'rlnevllle Monday
with 1.1,600 pounds of good and
winter feed bought at Portland. One
wagon had four teams haullug the
big lond, the other wagon the usual
two teams.
George NelMon, a brother of W. F.
Nelon, promoter of the Oregon
Trunk Line, while on a visit to Mad
ras lost week said work on the lo
cation of the Hue up the Deschutes
river Is progreaalngln a satisfactory
manner and that the survey will
soon be completed.
The Wlunek company will shortly
remove to and occupy the Claypool
building on the northwest corner ol
Main and Fourth streets. The
Independent telephone exchange
will auto be located In the same bulld
lug upHtalrs, and poles have already
Wn placed to carry the wires.
Lark F.lllott, who wna convicted
nt the spring term of court for arson,
poisoning sheep and destroying fences
In the sheep and cattle war In this
county, and who Is now serving a
four-year term In the state penitenti
ary, has fallen a victim to quick con
sumption. About ten days ago he
had threo hemorrhages In as many
hours, and there seems no hope lor
his recovery.
MIk Alwllda Wilson, teacher ol the
second grade In the city school, was
made the recipient ol a pleasant sur
prise last Friday afternoon by her
youthful pupils, who carried through
the affair with almost adult strate
gy m and Judgment. The teacher was
asked to hide her face fn her hnnds,
whereupon the merry youngs tent
brought forth a large and varied
assortment of candles, nuts, fruits
and sweetmeat from the recesses of
their desks. The teacher then equally
divided all her gifts among the 32
pupils, arter wnicn study was re
sumed to the nccompnulment of
toothsome munching-
C. Dnvls of Post wo a focal caller
F. W. McCaffery of I ted mom! Is a
local vlaltor.
W. F. Arnold was In the city from
Klsters Tuesday,
J. A. Holmes of Crook paid this
city a visit thl week.
Dr. and Mrs. C. 8. Edward left
Tuesday for Portland. .
W. D. Cyrus and W. H. Cyrus of
Bister were here Tuesday
C. II. Foster of Waters spent Tues
day at the county seat.
(). L. Gist, postmaster at Gist, was
a guest at the 1'rlnevllle hotel Tues
day. Herbert L. Whltsett and Miss
Filter May Grout, both of the Culver
neighborhood, took out a license to
wed Monday.
W. J. Lloyd, a member of the firm
known as the Western Hotel Hupply
Co. was In Prinevllle drumming up
business Saturday.
The Journal want correspondents
wherever It hns none at present, es
pecially at Buck Creek, Paulina, Post,
Crook and Howard.
This office Is In possession ol a
lady's clasp belt picked up near the
courthouse. Finder can have same
by calling at the Journal office.
Valda Barnes has returned borne
from Hood Blver, where she went
lost spring on a visit. She has re
entered the Crook county high school.
Jack Smith, father of Mrs. Thomas
Powell, Is visiting for the winter with
his grandson, Richard M. Powell, on
McKay creek. The old gentleman Is
3 years of age.
Mack Davis, accompanied by It. P.
Long, Is trying the hot baths at Hot
Lake, Union county, for ecxema.
They were driven to Shanlko last
week by Guy Alllnghum.
W. 0. Trill, of Salem, agent for the
Pacific Monthly, has arrived In this
city from Lake county on business
connected with bis 'publication. He
Is visiting with local friends thl week.
A ntclope Herald: Harry Webb and
family of near Prinevllle were lu this
city Friday lust. Mrs. Webb and
children left Saturday for Pine Creek
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mr. O.
J. McCoy.
W. F. King has cariienters at work
In his store, building a private oflice
for himself, apart from the book
keeper's office, Into which no onecan
now enter from the store without first
passing through Mr. King's own
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ryan came
down from their home above Bend
this week accompanied by Miss
Marian Myers, who Is on her way
back to her ."home In San Francisco.
Miss Iva West, who was also In the
party, goes to Portland to continue
her musical studies.
The program rendered at the First
Presbyterian church Friday evening
was one of the most enjoyable of the
season. The entertainment was fur
nished entirely by local talent, with
a large audience present. It would
not be possible to mention any part
of the program as lieiiig the best, for
all waa good. Tho pantomime ol
"Jephtha's Daughter," giveu by
Mesdames Rosenberg, Hyde and
Booth, was unique, and out of the
ordinary. The Morgan orchestra
furnished the music, and requires no
commendation, as Its music Is al
ways of the best. The Ladles' Aid
Society served a lunch In the base
ment parlors, to which ample Justice
was done at the conclusion of the
program. The proceeds are tor the
purpose of eulnrglng the library of
the Sunday school, and the Librarian
Mrs. J. 11. Wlgle, has been Indefatig
able In her efforts in Its Interests,
The city council met Tuesday night
and allowed a numlier of bills. Noth
ing was brought up about the matter
of city revenue for next year. An or
der was Issued to the city marshal
through the city recorder to have all
outhouse and barns cleaned up when
ever unsanitary conditions exist, and
the city marshal has been Instructed
to notify property holders to this
Young ladles of the M. E. church last
Katuryday evening organised a class
to be known the W. I. .V. M. at the
home of Miss Haxel Caldwell. No
mere man Is permitted to understand
the deep significance lying back of
the four Initials, the class being on
the order of a secret society. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Iva Booth the coming Satur
day evening.
The Moving Pictures.
Travelogue pictures shown at the
moving picture show this week, "A
Trip Across the Continent on the
Canadian Pacific Railroad" Tues
day night and "The Toseralte Valley"
Wednesday evening, were highly en
tertaining, Interesting and Instruc
tive, showing, as they did, some of
the finest scenery In North America,
If not In the world. Large audiences
aw the productions and commented
favorably upon the pictures, each of
hich was deMcrllMMl on the screen.
The next travelogue will lie presented
next Tuesday night, and every Tues
day evening thereafter until the
series of sixteen pictures Is complete.
Friday night, at the moving picture
show, "The Power of Labor,"a very
Interesting and instructive film, will
be shown, in company with the Illu
strated song, "I Can't Find Another
Girl Like You." Monday and Tues
day even lug the song will be
"Sraarty," and the moving pictures
"Bengular's New Trick" and "Lucky
House for Rent.
Hons for rent nn tha nnrth aiilo
Linhtand water. Address P. O. box
ax. it
ives, Belts
All lands of sportsmen's
Supplies. Shotgun shells
loaded to order. Powder
shot, shells and reloading
w. f. mng
i Li U hh;k,
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doom, Glasses, Etc Etc., Etc.
Makar 4 Craah Kaivt
Sckaai Mi
Caaara SaaaUaa
Wall faaar
D. P. Adamson & Co
Haaical bdnmatt
Lswmt's Caaawa
We have a complete line of jewelry, con
sisting of watches, chains, charms, fobs,
bracelets, rings, clocks and silverware
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Agents "Holeproof Hose
Six Months Guarantee
Agents "Mayer" Shoes
The Shoe That Wears
We have on hand about 125 boxes of Winter Apples priced from $1.75 to $2.25 according to value. Parties .who wish to lay
in a supply for Winter will do welLto see us. Special price on Five-Box Lots or more.
Still a few cans left of last years Canned Goods. Our policy is to keep our stock fresh
and clean and while our present stock lasts they will go as advertised, viz:
All Standards, per can, 15c. Diamond W or Preferred Stock, per can, 20c
If you need a good watch come to us. We have them, good ones too, and Will sell
them to you at a price that you can afford to buy.