Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 05, 1908, Image 2

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Ninety-Two New Volume! Pur
by the Ladies Annex for Room
Being Fitted in Club Building.
Mrs. John Wigle hts handed the
Journal a list of the 92 books just
purchased for the P. A. A. C.
Ladies' Annex library, as follows:
Flower ol th Pun.
Trail ol the l.onom
Jane Field.
Winston ot the Prairie.
Exploits ot Arsenoe !u-
The Forest.
Her Ladyship's
Nr. Crewe' orecr.
Black Bag.
Leaven of Ixive,
A noon ton.
The Shuttle,
The Weavers.
The Barrier.
Fishing and Shoot
ing Sketches.
Hissed Trail.
Law of Psjrhic phen
omena. Enigmas of Psvchtcal
The Squaw Man.
Tower of London.
Peviil Harum.
tiarden of Allan.
Bon Hur.
New I'iecea That Will
Take Priies.
Parrell of the Bloased
Lady of the Peroration
Captains Courageous. Story of the Champions
Call of the Wild. of the Round Table.
Keit Door. Land of the Long Sight.
The Chaperon. Altec Treasure Uouse.
The Pot t.irl. The Urand Army Man.
Sir Nigel. The City of Delight.
The Bride of the Kile. The Ldy of the Sea.
Pride and Prejudice. Lorna Poone.
Jane Eyre. Ramona.
Lea Miserable. Couut of Monte Cristo.
Korse Mythology. story of the Iliad. .
Via Orusis. Stories of the Gorilla.
The Testing of Diana The Man from Yester-
Nailery. day.
Kentucky Cardinal. Aftermath.
Autobiography of Bcnj,
Wild Animals I Hare
The First Violin.
I'nder Two Flags.
On the Height.
At the Sign of the Jack
o' Lantern.
I'p from Slavery.
The Conqueror.
The Doctor.
Soldiers ot Fortune,
lard a,
Koso NcLeod.
Husbands of Edith.
The Scrap Goal.
Pig's Pigs.
A California Story.
Prisoners of Hope.
Aunt Jane of Kentuc- The Man from Brodney.
ky HalL
The Firing Line.
The Substitute.
The Masquerader.
The Little Minister.
Canton A Co.
Prisoner of Chance.
Lighted Lamp.
The Bridge ot the Gods.
The Heart of Princess
The Nun.
The Man of the Hour.
The Fruit of the Tree.
Voyage of Donna Isabel.
Anne of Green Gables.
Death of Mrs. Price.
Redmond Hews.
Mrs. America Price, wife of Nim
rod Price, a prominent Lina
county pioneer and mother of
Strauder Price and Bruce Price of
Prineville, died at her home near
Albany Friday, October 30, at the
ripe old age of 81 years. She was
an Oregon pioneer of 1S51 and had
lived continuously in Linn county
for 56 years. She was a sister of
Strauder Froman, a hading Linn
county man, who died at his home
in Albany only the day before, Oc
tober 29. Mrs. Price had been ser
iously ill for some time, but their
deaths so near together was a mere
coincidence and not occasioned by
a shock, as neither knew of the
serious illness of the other.
Mrs. Price was a native of Illi
nois and was married in that state
to Nimrod Price October 22, 1846.
With her husband she crossed the
plains in 1851, and arrived in
Marion county that fall. The fol
lowing year they located in Linn
She is survived by seven child
dren: Curtis Price of Tolo, Or.,
Strauder Price of Prineville; Mrs.
Clara Wolverton, wife of Federal
Judge C. E. Wolveiton of Port
land; Bruce Price of Prineville;
Mrs. Charles C. LaFollette and
Mrs. Horace Powell of San Lean
dro, Cal., and Clark Price who re
sides on the old home farm near
Owing to the distance and the
late receipt of the tidings
of their mo'.her's death, her
children in this city could not at
tend the funeral. Judge and Mrs.
Wolverton of Portland, however,
being within access of Albany, left
immediately for the Price home
stead and were present at the
double funeral of Mrs. America
Price and Strauder Froman.
liEDMOXt), Nov. 1. Having htul
uch n, good aubotltnte m now
gatherer for ono treok, we 1UI not
kuovr but he or he would keep at It,
hence no letter last week from the
clilekcu totem pole ranch. Another
reason wan, we were petting remly
to go tor lumber at the time these
letter nre usually written.
Friend of Mrs. Carl Khrvt and Mr.
Norwood, especially those who had
the pleasure of making the acquain
tance of their father, who was here
something over a year ago, will be
pained to hear of his death, which
occurrvd early the past week. His
children left here Sunday night for
the home at McMlunvllle, hut did not
reach there In time to sec thelrTather
alive. They will probably te bock
in Redmond In a day or two.
There are no house for rent In
Bedmond and we think some one
iuljiht do well by putting up a few
cottages for that purpose. Transi
ents have been compelled to hunt up
an empty farm house, of which there
are ft tew, or provide themselves
with ft tent when they could not
afford to run a hotel bill for a whole
Mr. Evans Is ft late comer from
Mfchlgan who has purchased land
just west of town and already has a
house up and has sent for his family.
Mr. Getchell and family are now
liviujr on their forty east of the
Mr. Douey and family are new
settlers. lie has bought the Allen
forty north of town. We understand
that Mr. Allen will go to the Flat
head valley In Montana.
The GrUzly Lake Lumber Com
pany has reason to Know tnat mere
is something dofng In the vicinity of
Redmond. Until two weeks ago
almost no lumber has been hauled
here. Now J. E. Lamb has hauled
seven or eight loads for his building.
Mr. Trisler has already had five and
and will have more. Mr. Brown has
had we don't know how many and
will probably have as much more-
Mr. Worley has hauled for himself,
and Mr. Oakes and Mr. Meyers will
later haul for theruselvta or have
some hauled. Surely the world do
Travel to Redmond and also on
through has been heavy all summer
and fall, both freighting and emi
grant. Saturday the writer was
one of seven men with SDhoixes, who
camped for dinuer beside Lateral D,
bouud for Redmond and vicinity. In
cluding Cllne Falls, Bend and Silver
Lake. Besides these, others came by
Trail Crossing and yet others reached
Redmond In time for dinner. Not
every day is like this, of course, but
it shows the trend.
The Ladies' Aid Society had a very
pleasant meeting with Mrs. G. A. M
Lilly at Ciine Falls on Thursday.
Rev. and Mr. Lilly had a sumptuous
dinner prepared and in addition
there was what the women took
with them. One of the enjoyable
features of the day was the hayrack
ride over and back, for which Messrs.
Kendall and Chapman will receive
due credit. Next meeting In two
weeks with Mrs. Meyers.
We are glad to see by Journal let
ters that things are happening at
Culver, Cline Falls, Fowell Buttes,
Lamonta, Sisters, Ashwood and
Rosland; also that someone liesides
Three Fingered Pete or Vox Popull
is responsible for the reporting. If
they only will keep it up, we venture
the assertion that the Journal will
soon have to permanently increase
its size.
Word received from Mrs. Landis
states that her father was slightly
Improved when she arrived though
still speechless with paralysis, with
out little hope or recovery.
H. M. Smith is running a saw at
the Grizzly Lake mill.
Mrs. Trichler has retnrned to her
old home in Ohio. E. C. Park.
Hosiery Satisfaction Assured in the Warranted
Athletics at the Crook County
High School are interesting most
of the students. Attendance is
good in all departments.
A tennis court has been laid out
in front of the school edifice and
many of the pupils are getting on
to the game of "love all" with a
skill that is surprising.
Basket ball, too, has its enthu
siasts, and clubs for girls will be
A running track is being put in
1 . .1 1
condition, ana many oi ine dovs
are drilling in running and jump
inc. Some Olympic champions
may be seen there in embryo any
day. If the boys get in shape to
have anything like a fighting
chance at the athletic contests to
be held at Walla Walla, Pendle
ton and other places the school
will send them to show what Crook
county can do. So boys, do your
For Girls, For Boy, For Men
Four pair in Box for $1.00
For Women
Three Pairs in a Box for $1.00
One ia whil, na If by accident, you'll
find n pair of ordinary made, ordinary
hose to wear fairly well. You'll agree,
however, that most ot them don't.
AH th lima Wunderhose give absolute
and unvarying satisfaction. Item use
they're made of good stuff they're
made right they're dyed right.
W Warrant
them to be right and to wear right, and
we agree to replace any that do not,
with new stockings, tree of cost to you
& Hyde
Culver Cullings.
Cl'LVER, Nov. 3.-Merrlll Van
Tnssel returned Saturday morning
with a load ot apples which they had
brought from The Dalles.
Thomas Alderdyce returned last
Saturday from Washington, where
he went to visit his daughter. He
says our people over In the Yakima
country nre doing finely.
Miss May Schooling returned Fri
day from a visit to Prineville.
Dave Unmet t favored the Culver
school with a short visit Friday
O. G. Collver made a business trip
to Friuevllle last week.
A goodly crowd enjoyed the con
cert given trlday night at Culver
hall by the DeMoss lyric bards.
Rev. Mrs. Creecy delivered an ex
cellent lecture at the Culver school
house Sunday night on Prohibition.
Mrs. C. C. Lamson, who has been
111 the past week, Is much Improved.
Miss Myrlhena E. Taylor visited In
the Madras country and on Haystack
plains from Saturday to Tuesday.
Misses Bertha and Clara Homey
and Mrs. L. M. Homey of the Hay
stack plains attended the DeMoss
concert at Culver Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDowell en
Joyed dinner Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Osborn. Ctlvekitk.
Ashwood Arrows.
ASHWOOD. Nov. 2.-Mlss Bessie
Formnu ot Autilope visited Mrv,
James Wood Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Wilson, of Urnngevllle, Idaho,
Is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. C,
S. McCorkle.
Arising Sunday morning, most of
the Ashwooditcs observed that Hal
low e'en had been commemorated In
a time honored wny.
Mrs, C. S. McCorkle, daughter Dor
otlm, and niece, Miss Mary Mnglll
went to Madras Saturday to attend
the school social glveu by Miss Ellle
Taylor. Miss Mnglll s home Is at
Grangevllle, Idaho, but she I at tend
Ing school here while visiting her
aunt. Amiith.
Agents for lhittcrick Patterns .iiui the Delineator
Men's Suits
The entire line of "Sincerity Clothing'
reduced below the profit line.
$12.50 and $15 Suitl.
choice .
Rosland Items.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given by th undersigned,
the administrator of the estate of Kamuel H.
Rliohey. defeased, to all creditors or others
who hold claim against said estate to present
the same with the proper voucher to the
undersigned at hlsofficeln Prineville, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this no
tice. J. H. Hankr. Administrator of the es
tate of Samuel B. Rltchey, Deceased. 11-S
ROSLAND, Nov. S There will be an
entertainment at the ltoslaud school
house Saturday afterncon, Nov. 14, at
1 :30. Everyone is invited to attend.
Lee Caldwell arrived with a load ol
freight for Bogue A Co. Sunday.
Rev. Mitchell got loot in the timlwr
last Sunday and was not able to keep
his appointment here.
Al Trohee and wife returned homo
last Saturday. Mr. Trohee has been
working for Mr. Mitchell lor aeveral
W. II. IloIIinpthend arrived home
witli Chester laot Tuesday. Chester
has been lick for lonie tiimv.
Miss Tearl IIi(litower and cousin of
Bend were up vittiting Misa Hightower'a
parents Sunday and .Monday.
$16.50 and $18.50 Suiti.
Your choice..
1 $10
$10.00 and $12.50
p.- M
Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts
A large collection, of the newest thing in Skirt and Shirt WaiaU
which were delayed in transit will be put on ia!e at Factory Price
See our big show window for rock bottom price.
Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co.
Land for Sale.
KO nt-rea of well-Improved land for
mile. Cull on or inquire of J. II.
QriMX, O'Nell, Oregon. 10 1 2m
Lamonta News Notes.
LAMONTA, November 4. Sheriff Elkins
passed through Lamonta 8unday.
The Harriman surveyors are camped in
town and expect to remain about three
Grace Robinson yisited at Lamonta Sat
urday. School is progressing nicely with Miss
Edyth Rideout as teacher. There are
about 30 enrolled.
T. M. Smith has gone to his desert claim
at Christmas Lake.
Sunday school was organized at Lone
Pine Last Sunday. Everybody invited to
A number of the young people attended
the dance at Madras October 30, and
reported a very good time.
Halloween spirits were at work Saturday
Warren Smith visited at Lamonta Sunday.
The DeMoss Lyric Bards gave their
entertainment at Lamonta one night this
Spray of the Falls.
CLINE FALLS, Nov. 4. Quite a few
people of the falls are having a eiege of
me grip.
We are glad to hear the good nfiwa
of the Harriman railway uptheDte-
The Ladies Aid of Redmond met with
Mrs. Lilly of the Falls last Thursday.
Marion Files and wife of Redmond
passed through Cline Falls Thursday en
route to sisters.
The little dinner party at Ward Hara
der'e place was a feature of the times.
Mr. and Mrp. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd Harader attended.
We are looking for a number of new
comers around Cline Fa'ls at an early
Diamond and Pearl Set Brooches
We are in receipt of thirty-six Solid Gold Diamond and Pearl Set
Brooches, just the thing to make a nice present for a lady. These
Brooches range in price from $10 to $40 each. We have others
from $2.50 to $5.00 in filled goods, both Chatelaine and Plain
Brooches. We have in Chains for " ladies the Plain Neck
Chains ranging in value from $2.50 to $ 1 2.50 each. In Guard
Chains our line comprises the latest patterns and settings at a
range of values from $5 to $40 each. J We have Ladies Watches
both 0 and 6 size, open face, hunting and chatelaine in twenty-year
twenty-five year and solid gold, fitted with Elgin or Waltham
movements of any grade, including seven to twenty-one jewel.
3 Have you a phonograph? Watch for our announcement of the
NEW EDISON Phonograph next week sold on easy payments
Our moNt convk'tiiR urjctiiiictit In
fnvor of the Kiik'le Cljfnr In the Entile
Clgnr Itnelt.
Caalttt Natic.
t'nllt-.l Hlatra Imnit ortliv,
The Italic, Otnon. Nnvpmiirr J. 111.
A sunVlrnt Kltlilnvli livlt( lm-n
fllwl In this nrnrv ty John J. Mutptty. mti.
UwtHiit, against ttmiK'sti'att rnlry N. II'J7
'Srrlul N... cih".S), inn.lo Jitmiary il. f,,r
NKl,H.'olln 2(1, tuw nail li I'iH.. Kant K ,
W. M , liy TIkhiis K. O'I'tMllirll, mltUwbi.,
In whli'h II la ailrgrd that audi vntrymaii has
not rvaltliMi upon said rlalm at all for nmn
llmiimiit year lal iat: that lhtiM.1irt.
1 ami atwmloiiiMl ant llmt during said past
yrar thrm liaa brrn no cultivation, lmpniv
infill of aald claim or Ilia uaf of tlio same ttv
Hi fnlryman for rutin purpowa or at all:
that for inoru llian oni yritr lual pant said
piitrymsn liaa resided al Portland, linimi,
atMtut 2M) mllra from aald claim; llinl said
allci'd anacnoi. was nol dun to Ms employ,
inrnl In llicartny, tavy or martin cora of
tint I'nlti'U Hlnlcs In II mo of wur, aiild pnrtti-a
am li.ritiy nollDrd lo apiieur, ff'sitond and
nrtVr rvldrm toni'lilng said alli-aullon al 1(1
o'clock A. M. on tirut'iiilM'r 7, Iism, Imfon Ilia
Minister and lecrlvr al til I nlli't Htutca
lAiid orfliM In I'he liallea, Oregon. Th said
rontcatunt having. In a proimr affldnvll, filed
Niiveinlier '4, Iism. a forth fa;ta which show
Hint, after dun diligence, personal servlca of
Ihla notice can nol be made. II Is hereby or
dered and dlrcnled thai such notice ba given
by Oils mid proper pulillnii'lnn.
1I-6P C, W, Mikikk, Register.
Well Drilling.
II you art t'oiitttiilutliiK ilrllllnir
well, nny ili-pth, wrlto JOHN'
MOOItK, Ui'tlmoiul, On-tfo. U KMf
$250 Reward
A reward of li'iO will 1m fwitl for til
(iirniatlon Icailmu to tins arrrat and
conviction of unr ix-raon fotttnl gnilt
of iiitcr(eriii ltii I lis How of water or
Jam of tlio Squaw t'rwk Irrigation Co.
K. T.HIJ.YTUN, m-ry.
New Fall Goods
Mr FqIpq' MI,,lncrY
1 II o LoICo parlors
Corner Second and Main St.
Why not improve your figure
with one of the very modish
Just received a full line of
Ladies' and Misses' Corsets.
Misses Corset Waists. Also
new and carefully selected
Shirt Waists
Call and See Them
"La Vogue"
Ladies' Coats and
Tailor Suits
In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Gray and Browns
coats in sizes for Misses also. These garments are
1erfectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very
atest styles
Coat prices from $7.50 to $25.00
Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00
for Misses and Children in White, Grays, Browns and
Reds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell
coats that make one feel and look comfortable
Prices range from $2.50 Upwards
JUST A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored
Clothing made by the Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co.
Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and
finish has never before been offered in Prineville at so
modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit
Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, - - Oregon.