ii ma 111 1519. Professional Cards, We hereby offer $1000 to anyone proving by chemi-: ca! analysis or otherwise that CYRUS NOBLE con tains anything excepting pure straight aged whiskies.' It is distilled in an old-fashioned still and contains all those secondary products of distillation which the . U. S. Agricultural Department and the U. S. Internal Revenue Department rule must be present tocntitle ' . the distillation to be called whiskey.' " Alcohol docs not contain these constituents. v t Neither docs cheap so called straight whiskey made . in a continuous or many chambered stilL Money talks. CYRUSl NOBLE a pure-rold honest whiskey " aged in wood.' I Jf strut, rrimmmUm, Ortymm 4 quart bottle of CENUINC CYRUS NOBLE direct to you, tH charges paid to uii nearest railroad express office. $4.22 V J.iVAN iSCHUYVER & CO. luUbUeJ. 1864. 105-107 Second StreeC PortU-d. Otrjo. CUT ST THIS tmi NO Hsa. TO-MT W. J. Vaa Sc&umr & Co. hnl..i IW f Eid-cd plea tad $4.90 far Ui plea aw at Genuine Cjrrus Nobis. Q C. SPrix 3?tat Cstat OlHce with Gfo. W. Unmet t k opea, anpiiil. four quarts c n Orwpn jfttmrmy-tttjCmm I SPrimomiliu, Or iPAjftt'cimn mint JVrfeea Calls AaiTiim Pkomptlt Par oa Nisbt V"" 'B (WK !XITH OF AHIWN I 1cti Sros. Bih an rvJ Uruce tvU-phouf. I SPrinmmjtlm, Ortfm i ' ( Ctmmfy fAtmm) Stfclknap dt 6 d wards mmm Snrfm. JIW Ommt .- , CVu - .7Wev77. Ormmmm List of Awards. Continued from 1st page MitM Lynn Nichols, crocheted lace, 2nd. MissS A Wright, crocheted lace, lat. Mabel Blxby, girl under 12. 2nd. Eulah Wright, girl under 12, 1st Mrs C D Rowe, centerpiece, 1st. Hardangtr, 1st. Mrs F F Smith, hnrdanger, 2nd. Prawn work, 1st and 2nd, no competition. MraMjrrlee, silk quilt, let, cot ton quilts, 1st and 2nd, no competition. Miss Fay Baldwin, waist, 1st and 2nd. Centerpiece, 2nd. Linen needle- w.xfc, 1st, no competition. Skirt. 2nd Mm Benj McCaffrey, handkerchief, isr. Mm S Dingee, silk quilt, 2nd. Mm R G Smith. Battenbenr. 1st. Mm Harbin, knitted socks, 1st and 2nd. Creak Ceaatj Babies. Mm Collins W. Elkins, baby, 1st Mm J H Douthlt, babr. 2nd. R W Zevely, twin babies, 1st and 2nd. Land for Sale. 320 acres of well-improved lund for sale. Call on or inquire of J. .!Primitl, w .eu, uregon. jam -.-iu wmm tmmfm mf mmm" Vfmtm Jft ..as. Orwfmn, Hoose and Three Lots for Sale. K P. 7Jyrs now HKTfWNiu nuiir T n rvm I . If to.. etc, for sale at reasonable price. Ad- UreSB, X. J. ERJl'ON, 94tl rrineville. Or. rractioe In nil state and Federal Courts Gasoline Engine Irrifatiea, SarsTiaf aaa Pnapuf Hackiaerj Fnlrbanks-Morse fOamllne lEnrines fo Pumping, sprayinj, sawloc, (rindlua. Out fits complete. KnlrKunbs Qmlu ! -1-1 Fitlrbankii-Morge Uynsmua and Motors for Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers. Fairbanks-Morse Grinders. Feed Choppers, "ell Pumps. All first quality roods at lowest prices. Always In stock. Liberal terms. Prompt rep y to Inquiries and quick shipments. Write for catalogue and prices. W. F. VHG, Afeat, Pruaeai, Ore. Fairbanks Morse & Co. PORTLAND. OREGON. S3 -J r ir and Fruit Lands ji IN THE jl DESCHUTES VALLEY f WRITE d H. F. JONES 5 Redmond, . . Oregon & feiTiEgfcra?airip Old Brewery Block Feed Yard. I have leased the Old Brewerv Block Feed Yard by the Cvhoco bridge and am prepared to take care nf tliu trnvlln,r i.nl.Mn s lflf o.l ii"lll"h 'll. .. . !l(tlf. ..111. meadow hay always on hand. Onts for sale. I respecUulIy solicit a share of your patronage. ll-S Eu Smith, Frop'r. Horses Broke. Horses broke In rlili. nml drl.-..- satisfaction giinraiitetl. IIakiiv U'.' Mamiltox. lnqulr at Smeli'r & LMI..f . i i ... . . - ciii iniiii a iu-M.mrjuit, i nne vine. n-i Wood Sawing. Having purchased the wood saw ing outfit of C. D. Caibrenth I am prepared to cut wood both for the leopie living in Prineviile and those in the neighboring district, 6-11 H. L. Hobbs, I'rlnevlile. Dillon Feed Yard Open for Business Notice for PsUicitioa. (Not rosl land.) rvpnrtmeiil of the Interior. I'. 8. Laud Ottlce at The Duties. Or . - Xepiemberai, ISMi. Notice is hereby slven tlwl Floyd A. Kowell, of I'rlnevlile. Or.in. who. on May . 19T8 made lliitiiMt..w1 kni r..-i..i v.. mm! I2ji. for W SSF.1.. KSSW w'ellon Nineteen. Townshlpstxteeii south, R If e. W. M., hn tiled n. nice of Intention lo muke filial five year proof; to estHbllnh cluliu to the hind nbove deiu'ribetl. liefore the i'ounty t'lerk. nt his ottlee at l'rinevllle. Onion, on the nth day of November, lux. Claimant niiines as wltnewes: Henry L. Parry, Mllllam H. Keehn and John 11. (fray, all of Prtiieville, Ore(ou, and Wllliulll H. Post . of Post, Oregon. 'P C. W. JKxirk, RegUter. The Dillon Feei Vant i .train mn for business. Good Brain and alfalfa nay on nana, larelul attention givt to all teams left in bit care. Uoodpa ture five miles below town. 9 17 lm B. F. Wiuiorr, Prop. I pas- Lost, Strayed or Stolen. Notice to Creditc-fi. Notice U herel.y civen. by the uniler i(rnel. the administrator of the estate of John McVeigh, drcea.sed, to all x'rsons haVltll? f'lllilim niratnttt uai.l D.t.iA i sent them with the proper voucht r to the limiei-Mgned at his otlice in Prineviile, Oregon, within six tnonth.s of the ilute of iiiih ouiit e. Uateil this lath tiay ol October. KKW. . M. R. Ki.liott, Adnmit-trator of the KsUte of John Mc eigh, Deceased. 1U-15 11 in 'i i ii ' ' aji ii I' IMALTONA? ;' ,;v f'-N'..4-. TunM.. ,TMPEftANCC;DRtW Jliooks like boor! Tastes like boor! Th. plntMwr teniMrwiea eat at U aiuo (m For talo at nil loading toinjH'raiU'o driuk Btuiul.t. Ol'ARANTKKD NON I.NTOXICATlNa NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO ASTORIA, OREGON C O For Salo by THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH May U linpivlrtHl yes ruined hy poor, or even poorly lilted eye glnsws. What's the use or s.mse of wanting your money to your own hurt? Come and have your eves examined In u skillful mauner nnd lilted with glasses that are the I test to la had. An exatuluntlon costs vou notliiug. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler 8c Optician Mam Street, Prineviile, Oregon The City Meat Market IIOKKJAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crwk county's choicest imnlucts. Its tho best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help buihl up a homo industry. Wo always carry tho best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce HORIGAN & STILL CD A A A A A A A 5 a J, j. jt rs i A. H. LIPPMAN & CO J aT mm SB Licensed Undertakers. Tho Homo Builders and Complete House Furnishers We sell the Universal line of Heaters, Moves and Kanges ?4 Oneeorrel mare about 12 years old, weicrliN nlw.nr.1im 1Kb wit). k;, --r-- "aw ii, ww i ! i nunc rjiUi on left hip, branded 3 with bar over on leit BllOUltlttr: Alnn ftn hrnm mara weighs about 1100 mt branded Bon left Administratrix' Sale of Real Property ll.t. a ...:tt.i i . mi . I ..,.., ... r J . uuiauusv awaiu nil! uc paid for knowledge of their whereabonts or delivery to the Hamilton jstahlea at Prineviile. D. G. ROtiKRS. 10-15tfN Madras, Or. 3gf3rr35r3jrariE mi mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President D. F. 8TEWART, Vic President O. M. Elkins, Cashier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, o. M. Elkins, O. F. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention Notic far Pablicatioa (Xot Coal Land.) Department of tbe Interior. TJ. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., August 24, 1008. Jotice is hereby given that of Portland. Oreeon. who. o'n Mirrh fl 190, made Timber and Stone Application No. -4572, for SENVVK, SWJiXli and diiu -ivnyt, sec a, p 10 s, r Is et w ni, una .lieu jivticc uj iiiieiiiuii u maKe linal timlwr .nil atina tinvif tnut.t.ti.k .. I - (, . , . ( "...III uii viniill to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States I SllJ f lllllk. at TL. T 1 I . . "" i iiie in, Oregon, on the Oth dav Of Nnvenihor tMl Claimant names aa witnesses: John W. Ritter, Byron Cady and R. H. Jones, all of Fnnpwillp Tlrofffm ii i . 1 1 i L.,-.. v u...j.. vs a vi viUU VMtgUII. H-'Xp C. W. Moohk, Register. in hprl.v o-lv..n tl. a In . . sn onier nl the Ci.uniy Court lor C'rwik ronniv. Mtate ol Oriitnn, maile ami entrn'il on the Aiu '1st ol ck ii'Iht. Hi, in the mailer of the e.tuie of llomrr M. ftiri'et, (Iweaseal.theiinili-rsiKned, thesilniinistratrix, thvmif. wilUi'll the here. nafterdtwriued real estate belonging to said iS'ia i.n,!,.I,,'-r ""'.S"' ' N,br . .. . ., n, iiiiiih- nm-iion or private sale, to the highest bidder lor cah in hand, or part cash, and balance payable In one year, said sale being subject t conlirmstioii by said Court. Said real property Uiug ilea. Tbes. m, NWi HW'i, and 8, 8K',., See. u, T p. II S., K. lif E W. M. The SW4 XW4. NK'i SK',, ju S and 6, See. i: iajis i aim i, ee. tfli, T. 11 b., K. 11 E.. W.M Iated this 6th day of October, lw. Mki.issa STRKET, Adminintratrix of the estate ol Homer H Street deceased. o g Report of tha condition of The First National Bank Of Prineviile, Oregon At the clos of business Sept 23, 1908 ItKHOI'KCKH , M.WIII.ITIKa lsTnn and Dlsronnts 1212,17:. B7 capital Blork 1 60.000 00 United States Honds I2.SU0 00 Horplns and undivided prolUs h'SVt 03 Hank trvmlws 1'1'sO ffi lirruliitlon K,iuO 00 1'ue from banks lVl.lL's "3 Individual IVposils '."1.011 J" Cash on hand S'l.l.'lll UO Itedeinption fund KS 00 I07J9 S3 i7.T.f S3 B. F. All.a. Pr.aU.nt T. M. B.ldwl.. Chi.r Will Wunw.ilr. Vie. Pr..Wn H. Baldwin, A..'t Ca.hUr I 1 I i ' fa I OUT SALE OSSBillSiSilLiiiiiis 1 m ALL GOODS AT COST I CALL EAR'LY DEFORE miS ARE BROKEN INLW JUM1N UhhKt High Lift Sulky Wilson's Shoe Shop I have opened up a nhoe shop in Prineviile in the McCallister building, on Main street near theOclioco bridge, and am pre pared todo all kinds of repairing. Ail work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices very reasonable. A trial will convince you that this is the beBt place to have your shoe repairing done. J. E Wilson, Prineviile, Or. oticefor Publication. Not coal land. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or , v, .. . . , October 10, 1'J03. Aottce is hereby given that fntlinh II IM I ?,9ZlI),. 0regn. who, on September 29, " i' VI T .ll nil No. Vm, for NEKNK!4 sec 2U, yBytb VI sec 28, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w. ni., has hied notice of intention to make hnal five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren llrown, county clerk, at hi oilice at Fnneville, Oregon, on the 24th dav of November, 19CW. Claimant names as witnesses: William McMeekm, Albert Cubitt, James A. Vine yard and Lewis If. Hamilton, all of Urizzly, Oregon. C. W. Moorb, Register Notice of Survey. To Jas. E. Bailey, New Virginia, la. IOtl Sr flUPfltw .1... !1f , iivwiicu iUflk VUU Will please take notice that I, the undersigned, . . . ' u' yeyor oi county oi crook. State Of Orion,. .I,.,ll .l ...,. ' survey of the following described lands Ami IUI,lil.n.nlln ....1..LI. L il ,.v.,,,,,cllv,j, cujiHi,,, lue corners and bounilHria i,rA.-.r .v-w;.. eaistW "jj9' town"'iip 12 south, range IS .nTillat 1 8ha" '"Kin 8,10,1 "tirvey on tbe lOt h day of November, 1M08, at the hour of o clock A. M. of miid day and shall pro ceed to establish the following lines and corners, to-wit: All the lines and comers of section 19, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w m. , A. Rice, County 8urvcyor of Crook Co., Oregon. Dated this 19th day of OctoLer, 190s. W-22-; t Kotice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given by J. E. Stewart, the administrator of the estate of MaryE. Stewart, deceased, that he has made and tiled bis niiai aeeouiiting ol his administration of said estate wit h the county clerk ol Crook county, Oregon. and that tttn I'iiii.i l.... ..... xi 1 lay of ovemlM!r, l'jos, at the county court room in hnneville, Oregon, as the time and r T: t ' "rl"l! nnai aixoiintliig. At wiiien lime anil place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said VUULIUJU. . . . . , . J. r.. NTKHART, Administrator of thcestatc of Mary E. Stewart, BIDS FOR WOOD WANTEdT Notli- 1m hPFfliV trlvtun Ihnl 1,1.1- or ( root, ( finniv win . .. county clerk; bid's will l opened November Z 1 .nln II lafa-.fe-fld.v. t l . . mi .t y wie couniy court tnut . ? ofirood four-fiHit gr-n Juniper wKid be boughl, delivered and corded for measure ment as follow.r ifl ,p.ru a t i. County High School ioiund 40 oorda on the " "OUne lOU AKKKM IllU.WW County Clerk The easiest running plow on the mar ket. Either Steel or Cast Shares MUlii.U.l-. Notice for Publication. (Not coal land. ) Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. ... . , . October 16, 1!XH. uutc I. iiereoy given mat E. A. l'oe Lafollctte, 0, 1901, made Homestead Entry (Herial uu. viiiu;u, luuo, lor o w -4, section 111, township 14 south, range It) eant, Willam ette Meridino hn. Kl1 MiiinA .r VI. .lIlvTllliiOll to make hnal hve-yoar proof, to establish claim to the land aliove descrilx-d, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at Ins oflice at Prineviile, Oregon, on the 24ib day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Hay, John D. Lafollette, Eichard II. Powell And Fdurnr.l 'r ul ..,.... n ..r - ; . i j mn, an ui Prn eville, Oregon. t" " V. W. Moobb, Register. Notice for Pablicatioa (Not Coal Land.) Department of the Interior. TJ. 8. Land Oilice at The Dallea, Or. v .. . , , . August 24, 1908. ium:c la iirrcoy given mat (li.tiro-i. K! I?. ,. I.. of Portland. Oregon, who, on March 9, :jn, iiiaoe iimner imil Btonc Application No. 4570. for NKJKW, HKXtiWH and Lois 3 and 4, sec 4, tp 10 s, r 18 e, w m, has hied notice of intention to make linal tim ber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land 'above described, liefore the Kegisterand Receiver of the United States Land Office, at The Dalles Oregon, on the 9th day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: II. hugene Oittins, of Portland, Oregon, and John W. Hitter, Pyron Cady and Ii. K. Jones, all of Prineviile, Oregon. S-P C. W. Moobk, Register. ! Pedigreed Stock I O Poland Chinas o 1 I g Duroc Jerseys ; g 1 i Black Langshan Chickens I IE. C. PARK I U REDMOND, OREGON H . . 4B mT HB aAV .fiV -mi j.r 1 IPS If you do not know what the John Deere plow is, it will pay you to investigate The John Deere Disc Plow MOLlNiULL. 1 HnaiHi Sold on trial guaranteed to work in heavist doby or rye sod not an experiment. PRICES RIGHT C. W. ELKINS gil I OIL WWL, lavAOn pj R. D. ADAMS. PronrUlor l?l ISlilSISlSSiligflg lT CC(a(fIf2f2fI( A I TU C LJ A AI I I TAM OT A rt I r-o I f)t 8 THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horscahocing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor prim:vii.i.i:, oki:;on Ftot k honnlctl by tho tiny, wwk or month t Kt'n.sonnldo ratt-H. Kcnifinlicr uh when in I'rim-ville. IUtra Ukahomabi.k. Wo have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent & ft ft ft Bring your job printing to the Journal 1 he 0 Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Currying u choice Ht-lcctlon of fine dimly, clgara, orange", lenioiiH, etc. (live im a cull. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. lL'yLyLCULyLlJLlJL!JL!JL.ILULiUudiLu.jSyy LJ c-J L J J 'j :j i .j rj L"4 r.i WJ n n j ,i j ,,1 LJ r.rt LJ L J r.T Li LJ r.i CJ - L J Till LJ till L J LJ LJ r"1 LJ rui LJ r.ii LJ Oil J LJ L'JLJLJLJUjLJLJLJLJLJUJUJlJjflJJUJLJLiJLjyL:jLJLJLyLJUlllJJL''J "j T M LJ L J L J IVJ r.ii L J r,.i LJ r.-i L'J Till L'J r,:i L'J LJ ri.n L"J L'J L'J nn Ll'J r. Soneral ffllacksmithing IIOUHEBHOKINO, W(K)D WoilK, KTC, NKATLY AND FllOMPTLY I)()NK Wiikn it is Donk By : : : ftobcrt Wfoore Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed Prineviu.b, Oregon. L'J Tnl LJ fj.l LJ rui LJ r.a LJ r.ii LJ rui LJ r.fl LJ Till LJ Tal LJ Til LJ ful LJ LJ LJ LJLULJLiulLyLLILyLiJLULULyLULUrLULytJLILiLiyLiLJLIJLJIJLlLlLirji.Mii.iiH.j Notice of Final Accounting. Killf.A lu lw.ri.hv nlviin llw.t IWui. W II..U.... I...- In. ..i i.i.. .' iimiii .t nun iniiiiii nun niru um nillll lli:iMIUIl lnir of Ills ml iiiln IhI nil Ion of the cmIuIc of v. nitniiy, ui-i-un.i, huh iniu. inu i;ollr. hiiR srt M. ........ I.n 't MMIU ..I I 1... 1 Ill .-I. I.. ..I- ... l.w.iT.n.n , -, i. ,,, uifui l , (I flllirK III IIki fiin iioiiii, tit the county court room In I'i IikiviIIi', Oii'koii, hh tho I lino unit nliiiMt of Slit I Imiiimt. it HulI A....I acmuntlnir. At which llmo and pit oa liny fKTwin InlcrcHlcd In sulil phIuUi limy nplii'ur mid olijti't to Mild II mil ncconni. HIIK. (iKOIIIIK W, IUii.kv. Kvpculor of the entitlo of L. V. Ilnllcy, dl'OCIIMIMl. NOTICK KOIt IMIIHJCTATION. IM'fmrliiipnt ortho Interior. , U 8. Land Olllce at Tho DiUlus, Or., -, . . . Juljr.l.llXn, Notice Is hprcby given that (Icrnld u. wniYi n, .1. i.u-miiu, num., who, nn July 21 mm, nmile llmliernnd Kl ine sworn stnU'iiiciJit No.(MlfortJK i.NK ,.Hctlo,, . Towns'iilp HH, It mine l:tlC, WlllHinetUi Murldlnn. hus Hied notice onntnntton U lunko flnul proof to cstuhllHli chihn to tbn land uloveuewrlli,-,l heforo the K-vlHlcr and HmwIv r. it T he 1"II''H, Or., on t h 2nd (liiy of Jun uary. IIKMI. nnd J,w Inirson, of (l'Ncl, (r'o "iV.t V hnT of il'or..und. Or., and J . 'i'P t, W,,.I.iob, Hcglstor.