Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 29, 1908, Image 3

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Kltvtlon ilny Noveiiilier a.
Vote for Tiift next Tiiinilay.
O. M. Oxlmrii tif Culver was here
I'. I Ninllli wus over from Hint
K. V. Ilurrlnot Tlio P. ill.' "pent
Hominy lirre.
M. J. MorrUuii mine down (rum
llt-ii'l Snmlfty.
Jninm W. Unborn wit In from I'ow.
('II ItllttfNHtullllll till Week.
M, J, Ionium fnino down (nimbi
home mi ltiick rriTk Hiiiulny.
Tim nliio yoiir-nl'l mm nf .lit mm
MotitKoiiicry U nick with tlio fever.
W. K. Pm-hleii iiik! II. U. Iitlilil.'iii.f
llit.verivk were coimly m-ut vlNltor
(',('. Jlili lmmin mid u lfiMif Slater
weiv rnlli'M itt tlio Joiiriml tittlee
Tim five yinr-tiil iliitiKlili'r of Jdlui
W, Ilunlt-.v U fun vulinliitf fruiii n
H'H ( Xll'klllUH.
I'linurr l'owrll, who riium home
recently f"r it linrt vllt, rvtitniitl
thl week f'r I'm iliiinl.
V. M. Ivectit'iiinl w Id-ii ml Mm, A. I
W IU. m iuil aim, rill of itiiriix, vMteil
In thl city ilurliiit Hie n'k,
Altctiloit I i'mII.'.I to I tin Crook
county fitlrninl livestock cxikmiIiIoii
Hut wlili li iiiH'iim In iiimt her I'oliiiiin
of l hi lm.
Mr Niii'inl Salomon left Tmwluy
for Iter lioiniMit Sulem, after it iinul Ii'm
Ktny In l'rliK'vlllt'i'loMliitr ii her hit-
liltll' fHllltO.
MImm I'lortMiii. A. Hal.livlu of Port
lit ml nidi Ml Mnry IC. Ketvhnw of
Cotilllllni, (Hiln, tvuUlcml ut tin'
Hiili'l I'llui'Vlllit Mtiiuliiy.
Wllllnin Atlillim of Comli Tint
brought -'..''X) hnul of mIhvji through
rlnv tll tliirliitf tln week from t tit
miuimcr to tli winter raiiico,
L. I. notiiul. M oil i r it Womlmiiii
ili'iuity, wliiiliii Imi'ii In I'rliirvllli'
for llic pilot inoiiili, li lt mi Monday'
nUtue for Knit, Or. mid til home ut
Walla Walla. Vali.
Jtibre ItraiUlmw mid tlio itnUltlo
attorney who were prem-nt for tin
fall term of tllmilrt court lut week
di'liarti'it for their home on Satur
day ' Hilt IP'.
On.' of Hoi. Zevely' t win, tlio little
Klrl wlio riiitiiri'd flrt rle lit tli'
Crook cuiiiiiy luiliy liov, w a tiluh
unto di'iitli Sunday with n midden III
Hi, Inil I now on tin1 lui'lld.
At tin1 Mclhoilt church. Sunday,
November 1, tin subject I: "Tin'
t'liiMlrtn Faith; Wliat It I find
How Appropriated." I'.pworth Im'ii
Iiik will hold It devotional meeting
lit fl:10 p. hi. A cordial reception I
Riven to t ranker. The rciic hlnir
s-rvlcc In tht evening lieKlim at 7:110;
mibj.-ct, "TliM'rowt of Chrlft " tiood
iiiiikIc nt nil the service. J. 1). Icw
tlVll, piiHtor.
Wear Insured Sox
rrl''ti iniiraurliDinUi.
Till 1. til. X '-
lluv l fall ol "Holeproof" fin
rr CO ami II nr nr all ot tlwra
cnmo lo huln or ml dumliiK In l
rtionilitwa will rrplca Ituut wllb
now x 1U.K. jjv
mum m m
n (trod wllh ahuolnlclif n,l,ir, Thr will not
' cro. li," "ml" 0"r tn.le. " Ilolf
prodl " Ho du nol ahrlnk nor itrrlch.
Voo can buy llmtn In amnrlrrt
cnlora-ala pain ol a U kuilwaliihl
In box.
Wear "Holeproof Bon one and
ynn will ni-vi-r wrr anyothor kind.
komiinilx they are guaranty to
wear ) nionlha or ynu iivl new aox
Hit.H. Lot Ul asU fan bus today.
J. E. Stowart & Co.
Mr, Miller I wrloiialy III nt lier
hfihie up the OehiM'o.
C. V. I'.lkliiH nI wlfeK-lit Wfilliin
day nt lleiid on hiiMlnea,
J. K. ItotierU of near I'nullnii wim
n culler nt the Jourtal offlco Wed new
day. John W. MorrlM In itlll conrineil to
hi limine, though nt route hope I held
out for hi recovery.
Ml llertlin HeKitrdt KUrU till
week In Meudliitf In IteiUN from I'owell
Hutte. (ilve her the new.
II. 1 1, (Iret'lio ha comuieiieed corre
NpondltiK fortlic Journal atAli
wood. ilve him tho new.
I,. W. llarilinaiiraini'Kiinday from
t'ortland to nceept the position of
bookkeeper nt C W, Klklim' ntore.
Claude Itlddle, fon'niait of tho
Journal olllec, ha U-eu umler tho
weather for ft week pnt and unalilu
to attend to hi imuul ilutlin.
The I'rliH'llhi Worker will linTt At
the home of Mr. I'.lllo Callireath on
tint nfternoon of November 4. All
incniWra ure uwd to l prexent.
Ilavo you trleil the new "Tan
talum" lamp'.' They an tlandleM.
A liUcandle piwer filvea light eulv
aleiit to tho ordinary 21. Ak tin
electric Unlit company about them.
Work han commenced, on the II
brnrv room nt th 1', A. A. C. A
good Nclcctloii of book lum Imimi
made. Tim club I Indebted to the
ladle of the Annex for thl valuable
adjunct to tho ut traction of the
tlrand Mater Ed Hontetler, bunker
and piMitiniiMter t The Dallex, wnln
I'rliievlllo Katurday night to meet
with Oeltoeo lodge of Odd Kelow.
The Inltiatorv decree wa conferwl
on one candidate. Mr.Hontetler, who
never vllled thUclty before, wa well
pl'nel wltli I'rlnevllU' mid Crook
county, lie Uo vlnlU'd the lodge nt
Lalillawand Madnui.n'turiilng hoiue
via Mitchell and Condon.
A few day ngo there nppenrcd In
paper here ami clwwhere an ac
count of the exhumation of one or
more human bone from a lonely
grnve In the Ilenr mountain, otith
from Hear creek, Mr. mid Mr. M till
can of thl city making the find. The
article wn read by J. H. Ilimkln, of
Km-water, I'mntllla county, Oregon,
who forthwith wrote to Mr. Mllll
can naylug the rvinnln were thow
of a child, one of hi relative. Mr.
Mlllleati niiNwcred the letter, mid It
I ipilte probable that Mr. Hokln
will make a Journey to the grave to
recover It content.
A few day ngo there npiemvd la
pa-r here and elitcwher nil account
of the exhumation of one or more
bone from n lonely grave In tho Hear
mountain, Mouth from Hear creek,
Mr. and Mr. Mflllcnn of thfcfty ma
king the flnlr The account wn rend
bv J. S. lloHkln. of KreewaU-r ITma-
tllbi county, Oregon, who forthwith
wrote to Mr. Mllllcmi naylng tne rtt-
main were thoneof ft child, one of nh
relative. Mr. Mllllcan anwercd tho
letter and It lp:ilte probalethat Mr
ll.mkln will make n Journey to the
grave to recover It content.
Gty Property for Sale.
A. 11. l.lppiuan hw several plceH
of choice city property ior aie.
Cattle, Harneti For Sale.
ai,.nn Joiwr Imll. 10 mo.
old; one heifer. Jerey mid lied Dur
ham, two-year-tild; one double et of
buggy linrueM; tuie double et light
waifon liarneH, band made; and one
Muddle. W. A. Hell, l rineviue, wro.
Made in Prineville.
nr .. i,i...r 1 -rlli dolnirnt all. It
I worth doing well." If you handle
elgar handle good one; wuch a we
build, for limtnnce. The Kagle, Ia
Uora, Ochotro and leader.
Next Tuond.y It Annex meeting
Jy at the club.
M!hh Nellie Hummers it setting
type at the Journal office.
Joe Ftreet of Paulina wai in the
city the !rt ot thii week laying in
hi winter supplica.
P. Ii Howard lias gone to Madras,
where he has accepted a jiosition in
the Kobineon store.
Voter to tho number of 1,627
are regintercd here for the presi
dential election of November 3,
compared with 1,788 elector! regis
tered for the elections last spring
in Crook county.
Judge liell says that it is all a
mintake about his intention to
leave Prinevillo. While he sold
his residence property all right to
J. II. Gray, yet he will be found
doing business at the old stand.
Fire in the chimney of the house
occupied by Prof. M. It. llocken-
berry and family at 9 o'clock last
Sunday night caused a general
alarm over the city, but the flame
had been extinguished by the time
the fire department arrived on the
scene. The damage was trifling.
T. II. Lafollett sold 340 tons of
alfalfa hay to J. N. Williamson
this week for (6 a ton, with the
privilege of using sheep barns for
feeding. This com prined the bulk
ot the crop raised on Mr. Lafollett's
Ochoco place this seonon. The re
mainder of about 100 tons is stored
in hay barns for use in feeding the
stock on hi ranch this winter.
Mis I'rink, who taught the
fourth grade in the Prineville
school four years ago, has been re
employed for about a fortnight
the period being indeterminate
to take charge of Principal Ashby's
eighth grade clans while he fam
iliarizes himself with the work each
teacher is doing in every one of the
eight grade; then Mr. Aehby will
resume teaching the eighth grade.
Joe Delore was tosced from his
buggy several days ngo between the
Crooked river 'road and the river.
lie efcated unhurt except for sun
dry scratches. When his team
started to run the horses bolted
direct for the river, where the
bank is 20 feet high, with rocks be
low. When less than 10 feet from
the edge the horses swerved back
from the bank, the sharp turn up
sotting the rig and depositing
Delore on terra hrma. I he harness
was torn and one shaft smashed
Sisters Sayings.
BISTEKS, Or., Oct. 28. Sawmill
whistles, the 'cling' of saw and of
hammer, load after load of lumber
pasting through the streets, and
recent transfers ot valuable ran
ches, all this would seem to Indi
cate a real boom in Sisters.
Mr. Person, a pioneer resident of
Black butle, while out rounding op
his horses near Cold springs, saw
four black bear scramble up a
tree. He was gunless; his daugh
ter, being with her father, ran
home for a gun; result: three bear
dead, another bear-lie escaped.
Bisters is sorry to give up Its
townsman and neighbor, Joe Clay
pool, who recently sold bis ranch
and goes to live with his son some
distance from town.
Bister ' enterprising school di
rectors have let the contract to
build an addition to the excellent
school building bere.
D. A. Bow max.
Death of Mrs. Tillman.
Mrs. Ida Tillman, who came to
Prineville from Washington state
sometime ago with ber husband,
and who since then lived awhile at
the Colby and Cram ranch, died
suddenly Friday while on the road
to this city in a wagon. The trip
was continued and the remains
cared for at A. II. Lippman & Co.'s
Interment was made Sunday,
the Knights of Pythias, of which
Mr. Tillman is a member, turning
out in a body.
Mrs. Tillman had been sick with
an incurable disease for quite a
length of time, the only unusual
circumstance anent her death being
its suddenness.
Powell Buttes News.
The name of "The Baldwin Farms,"
a corporation, hna been duly
changed to "Ten Bar Ilanch" by the
filing of supplementary articles of
Incorporation for that purpose In
the olllce of the Secretary of State on
the Kith day of October, 1U08, and In
the office of the Clerk of Multnomah
County, on the 19th duy of October,
A. F. Biles
K. O. Downing V Directors.
0. 1 Katon I
J tune Steams J
10-29 2w
Devon Bulls- for Sale.
For sale Two registered Devon
bulls. Write to C. S. McCorkle, Ah
wood, Ore. 10-29H
27. Moses Niswonger is building
a 16x24 addition to the east side of
his bouse. Charles Niswonger is
doing the work. Who says Powell
Buttes isn't booming!
Will Osborne, who is now run
ning the station, went to Prineville
Saturday, returning today on the
A crowd of young people scaled
one of the buttes 8unday, partak
ing of a hearty luncheon at tbe
top. Lucile Cooke, Gladys Bayn,
Lillian Niswonger, Bertha Ilegardt,
Charles Shattuck, Ross Busset, Ora
Foster, Harold and Paul Cooke
made up tbe jolly crowd.
The well now being drilled on
the townsite of Butle is 900 feet
deep. Tbey have water, but are
not satisfied and will go deeper.
Moses Niswonger expects to re
sume charge of the station the first
of next week.
Sunday school at the Shepherd
school house at 3 o'clock every
Sunday afternoon. All invited.
Jim Green, who has been work
iog in Prineville, returned this
A daughter was born October 12
to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sears at Pow
ell Buttes.
Mrs. S. A. Wilcox, of H.llsdale,
Micb., is spending the winter at
the home ol ber daughter, Mrs.
Guy Sears.
Will Change Location.
The Prineville Steam Laundry will
move from the old Prineville Hotel
building to the bulldlnir In the rear
of MeCftlllMter'e store, where I will be
ready to take care of business as
10-22-tf A. W. G hater, Prop.
Pure -Blood Hogs for Sale,
Ture-blood Poland-China Hog. six
month old. both exe. Address
J. H. Uray&So!, Prineville, Or.7-lm
All kinds of sportsmen's
Supplies. Shotgun shells
loaded to order. Powder
shot, shells and reloading
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. -
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, IX. B., Principal
C,We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for ofBce help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Business Man s " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end." Said an E J Ufa ton "The quality of instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest"
CPpcn all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
References 1 Any bank, any newspaper, any business man la Portland.
KiWl Cratk Karat "V Vf. A 1 O aO Muical butmoU
li. r. Adamson & to -
Caaara S applies L.war'l Caniiea
We have a complete line of jewelry, con
sisting of watches, chains, charms, fobs,
bracelets, rings, clocks and silverware
D. P. Adamson
& Co,
Agents "Holeproof Hose
Six Months Guarantee
Agents "Mayer" Shoes
The Shoe That Wears
atfy' 1
Leading Lady
A Stylish Comfortable Shoe
Price ....$3.50
"Special Merit"
For Misses and Children. The
Shoe that wears like iron.
Mince Meat Time
This is the time of the year when everybody
is thinking of Mince Meat By Monday of next
week, November 2d, we will have in stock every
thing that is needed in this line and all will be
new and fresh. Royal Club Currants and Seeded
Raisins in 1-lb packages, Citron Peel, Fancy Apples'
Brown Sugar, Spices of all kinds and Pure Hood
River Apple Cider Vinegar. Prices on all very
Specials While They Last for
Cash and 30-day Accounts
In a few days we will have in our new stock of
Canned Fruits, but before these arrive we intend to
close out all our stock on hand of last year's fruits
and in order to move them make these very special
All Standard Fruits, per can 15c
Diamond W or Preferred Stock, per' can 20c
Billy Buster
Shoe ..
The Shoe With a Sole That Won't Wear Out
We don t believe that you can buy a
more serviceable shoe at any price
than the Billy Buster for Boys. We
guarantee them in every respect. If
they show up defective in any way,
either in workmanship or in materials
we will either have the shoes repaired
or will refund whatever amount is
necessary for a satisfactory adjustment.
We have them in both light and heavy