Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 29, 1908, Image 2

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    Sunday School
In order to facilitate attendance,
especially for school teachers who
may come to Prineville as dele
gates, the date for the Crook
county Sunday school convention
have been changed from Nov. 10
11 to Nov. 13-14-15. President
Shipp believes that three days will
prove none too many, in any event,
and Sunday school workers in this
city and at Redmond uniformly
concur with him.
Indications joint to a great out
pouring of Sunday school workers,
representing every active Sunday
school in Crook county. Rev. C. A.
Phipps will al o be here from
Portland. The same spirit which
actuated the district convention at
Laidlaw last May will be evident
in amplified degree at Prineville
in November.
Speaking for the six Sunday
schools in his district Redmond,
Rend, Laidlaw, Pleasant, Ridge,
Cline Falls and Gist Fred A.
Sherwood writes Mr. Shipp from
I nm impressed we shall have n
Klorioui convention, Mmethiii 1
hope Crook county never before ex
perienced. We nre looking forward
to the event with the keenest antici
pation. Culver Cullinss.
CULVER, Or , Oct. 27. Merrill
Van Tassel and wife went last week
to The Dalles for a load of fruit,
and are expected to return next
Henry Windom, George Win
dom, Dave Earnett, Albert Collver
and U. A. Wynn drove to Shaniko
Saturday. .
Fred Killingbsck, expecting to
go across the mountains, started
n week ago last Friday for the
Willamette valley. He returned,
however, last Thursday, saying
there was so much snow that he
va3 unable to cross. He got as
far as Windy point, where he found
the snow drifted in the road so
deeply that he could go no farther.
He will go by way of The Dalles
when he again starts out.
W. J. Buckley of Redmond, who
went to The Dalles last week for
fruit, passed through Culver Mon
day on his return trip with a
wagonload of apples. He says he
is going to eat pie this winter.
Mrs. P. B. Howard of Prineville
paid Culver a flying visit Sunday.
Mrs. May Schooling returned with
her for a few weeks' visit.
Mrs. Perry Reed went to Prine
ville Thursday, expecting to re
turn early this week.
Fred McDowell and wife drove
to Madras and back Monday.
Robert and Winifred Osborn
made a business trip to Madras on
Mrs. Abbie Woodard returned
last week from an extended visit
in Iowa and Illinois.
The DeMoss family will enter
tain the people of Culver Friday
evening at Culver hall.
Ed Ilostetler, postmaster at The
Dalles, and one of Oregon's great
est Odd Fellows, passed through
Culver Friday morning. He is
visiting the I. 0. 0. F. lodges of
interior Oregon.
Mrs. Frank Os-born, who has
been visiting for the paEt two
months at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Reed, has re
turned to her home at Madras.
Thomas Alderdyce sometime ago
drove in a cart to Yakima, Wash.,
where he went to visit his daugh
ter, whom he had not seen for 20
year?. Neighbors are expecting his
return home soon.
When the Culver pupils re
turned to school Monday they
found the stove and windows fresh
ly polished. Some Bon Ami fairies
and . Sunrise brownies had been
there Saturday, being assisted in
the general brightening up by two
of the directors. The L. T. Y., the
school club, is planning other im
provements in the appearance of
the school house.
Myktiikxa E, Taylor.
Carpets to V eave.
1 am prepared to weave curpeluat the
follgwinp prices: Plain, 2()i: per yard,
etriped '2a per yard ; nnja 35c.
9-21-lm Foamcijc LmiltMAN.
Presbyterians Plan j
Library Benefit
The program following will be
given for the benefit of the Presby
terian S. S. library at the Presby
terian church Friday evening,
November 6, commencing at 7:30
o'clock. Admission, 25 cents.
M usle Orvtieat rn.
Sekvt muling Mix Ethel KtdJer.
lhiet Misa Wiunck and Ml IU10
more. Select rvndiiijf Mis Iela UuruVKl.
Solo Ml Conway.
Select rending Mr. H.l IVlkuap.
Mimic Orchestra.
Pantomime Mept halt's daitRht r.'
by Meed times Kunentierg, Hyde aud
A half hour with 'Jean Valjonn,
Victor Hugo' materpleee, !.
Miserable.' Dr. 11. C Dunsnioiv.
The Ladies' Aid Society will
serve a light lunch in the basement
immediately after the program.
County Assessor
J. D. LaFollette, the county as
sessor, has just been commended
by the Crook county board of
equalization for the thoroughness
of his work and the promptness
with which he submitted his books,
completely entered, at the tfnie the
board met.
Under the law, a county assessor
in Oregon must have his books fin
ished not later than Oct, 19 of
each year, and this Mr. LaFollette
has done.
Our most convicjn argument in
favor of the Kagle Cigar is the Eagle
Cigar itself.
Horse Lost.
Gray mare, branded 24 on left shoul
der; strayed from Barney place on .Mill
creek; information wanted leading to
recovery. Address AiU'iiua Mixjclek,
Prineville, Or.
Spray of the Falls.
CLINE FALLS, Or., Oct. 27.
The John McKinney family has
settled in the Tetherow house and
will remain for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvie Muller en
tertained I. L. Harader Sunday at
Mr. McCarty arrived Thursday
from Shaniko with a load of new
freight for the Cline Falls grocery,
returning to Shaniko Friday.
A few Cline Falls people attend
ed the dance at Redmond Saturday
Everybody around Cline Falls
is talking election, and everybody
says Bill is sure to win.
Rev. G. A. M. Lilly has come
home from the synod, and remains
on the same circuit.
The school house has been treat
ed to a little more light, Prefect
Muller having put op a few lamps
A little light on the subject ia i
good thing.
The Cline Falls Sunday school
begins now at 10:30 a. m. instead
of noon. Come out and help the
good work along.
Quite a number from here have
gone to work on the ditch near
Ashwood Items.
AS II WOOD, Or., Oct. 27. Mrs.
Mary Grater has lately returned
from Danbury, Nebr., to her home
here, and her daughter Lizzie is
now going to school.
Ed Gonser returned Friday from
a three weeks visit on the John
Day river.
W. Crosswhite, wife and three
children of Haycreek visited Ash
wood Sunday, the eldest boy being
left at the home of Mrs. Milo Wood
to attend the public school here.
Ashwood is blessed with the four
great issues of the day. Amicus.
Circuit Court
Continued from first page.
It. B. Mutzig vs. W. S. Nicholl.
Settled and dismissed.
Edward C. Pease and W. H.
Hobson (Pease & Mays) vs. J. P.
Hahn, Demurrer to complaint;
overruled. Default and judgment
for want of answer, and order to
sell attached property.
T. II. Brennan vs. John Devine,
J. L. Smith and F. Smith. Demur
rer to complaint; overruled. An
swer filed. At issue; referred to
stenographer to take testimony.
C. J. Stubling vs. Chambers &
Danley. Continued.
Fleckenstein-Mayer Co. vs. Hugh
O'Kane. Continued for term.
Henry J. Faulkner vs. L. P.
Faulkner. Decree granted by je
fault. Ida Hosier vs. Joe Lister. Con
tinued for term.
Edith Johnson vs. Pearl John
son. Decree granted by default.
The Central Oregon Banking &
II.-? c.i?-f-i? a J it - nr i
nosiery aausiacuon assured in me warranted
. IB
yf imderhose
For Girl, For Boy, For Men
Four pair in a Box for $1.00
For Women
Three Pairs in a Box for $1.00
Onc in a wKil., a If by accident, you'll
Hud a pair of ordinary made, ordinary
Ixwe to wenr fiih ly well. You'll agree,
however, that moat of them don't.
All th tim WunderlioMo give absolute
and unvarying wntlKfaetlon, Uvtuixe
they're made of good tuff they're
made right they're dyed right.
W. Warrant
them to N right and to wenr right, and
we agree to replace any that do not,
with new ntoeklng, free of ct to you
Foster & Hyde
Trust Co. vs. A. B. Estebenet.
Katie G. Estebenet and A. C. Lucas.
Demurrer to complaint; sustained.
Amended complaint filed; answer
filed; referred to Rev. II. Charles
Dunsmore. Plaintiff to have 10
days to offer evidence, defendant
to have 10 days thereafter to offer
evidence to be submitted and
passed on as of this term.
Richard Powell vs. Ida V. Powell.
Decree granted by default.
Addie Barlow vs. John Henry
Barlow. Decree granted by default.
C. J. Johnson, L. A. Booth, B.
Gray and O. C. Gray (Johnson,
Booth & Co.) V8 John A. Egan
and James W. Egan. Decree by
Bell R. Allen vs. John L. Allen.
Decree granted by default.
A. W. Boyce vs. Crook county.
Review; argued and submitted.
J. S. Bogue and Frank Boles
(J. S. Bogue & Co.); three com
plaints, vs. Rosland Lumber Co.,
vs. W. J. Hightower, vs. J. N. and
Edith Masten. Settled.
C. R. Shattuck vs. L. J. Jenas
and Pearl Jonas. Decree by de
fault. Nettie Elliott vs. E. S. Dobbs.
Application to amend complaint,
granted; amended complaint filed.
Settled and dismissed.
J. W. Boone vs. T. B. Tucker.
Default and judgment.
D. McMillen and J. D. Honey
man vs. E. F. Batten, A. Drake
and A. L. Goodwillie. Judgment
on mandate of supreme court.
Rock Island Plow Co. vs. Will
Wurzweiler and Arthur Hodges.
Findings and judgment tiled.
John F. Mackintosh vs. B. Gate
wood. Referred to Attorney Biggs;
testimony to be taken and submit
ted in vacation.
J. H. Wigle vs. Frank Elkins;
two complaints. Default and
judgment for want of answer.
T. H. Brennan vs. John Devine.
J. L. Smith and F. Smith. Passed.
Bertha 'White vs. James White.
Decree granted by default.
W. Van Schuyver & Co. vs. A.
B. Estebenet. Demurrer to com
plaint; overruled. Default and
judgment, and order to sell at
tached property.
Clinton National Bank vs. John
Atkinson, Frank West and Ovid
W. B. Riley. Continued for term;
defendants to have SO days to
Delia Stewart vs. John Stewart.
Confirmation granted.
Lulu Hahn vs. Joshua P. Hahn.
Decree granted.
The Crook County Bank and
John Siseraore vs. Walter S.
Nichol, Dora A. Nichol, Emma A.
Merrill, John Steidl, The Central
Oregon Development Co. and II.
Agents for Huttcrick Patterns and the Delineator
Men's Suits and
The entire line of " Sincerity Clothing'
reduced below the profit line.
$12.50 and $15 Suits.
$16.50 and $18.50 Suits.
Your choice
$10.00 and $12.50
r . .-J " .y
wi try
i 111
Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts
A large collection of the newest things in Skirts and Shirt Waists
which were delayed in transit will be put on sale at Factory Trices
See our big show windows for rock bottom prices.
Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co.
A. Hill. Decree by default.
Central Oregon Banking &
Trust Co. vs. The Bend Mercantile
Diamond and Pearl Set Brooches
We are in receipt of thirty-six Solid Gold Diamond and Pearl Set
Brooches, just the thing to make a nice present for a lady. These
Brooches range in price from $10 to $40 each. We have others
from $2.50 to $5.00 in filled goods, both Chatelaine and Plain
Brooches. We have in Chains for ladies the Plain Neck
' Chains ranging in value from $2.50 to $12.50 each. In Guard
Chains our line comprises the latest patterns and settings at a
range of values from $5 to $40 each, tf We have Ladies Watches
both 0 and 6 size, open face, hunting and chatelaine in twenty-year
twenty-five year and solid gold, fitted with Elgin or Waltham
movements of any grade, including seven to twenty-one jewel
I Have you a phonograph? Watch for our announcement of the
NEW EDISON Phonograph next week sold on easy payments
Why not improve your figure
with one of the very modish
Just received a full line of
Ladies' and Misses' Corsets.
Misses Corset Waists. Also
new and carefully selected
Shirt Waists
Call and See Them
Co. et al. Final report of receiver
John II. Wenandy vs. Central
Oregon Uealty Co. Continued for
George W. Noble vs. P. It. Poin
dexter, Isabel Toindexter, V. II.
Fuller, I). F. Htewart and W. A.
Booth (Fuller & Co. et al). For
confirmation; granted. Objections
E. T. Slayton, administrator of
the estate of S. It. Blayton, de
ceased, vs. G. J. Hardy and Flor
ence K. Hsrdy. Decree by default.
Krastus P. Buchanan vs. Archie
W. Buchanan and Myrtle Buchan
an. Dismissed on motion of the
A. Zevely vs. Frank Slroud. Do
fault and judgment.
Well Drilling.
II you nrx einiteiiiliitliiK ilrlllliiir
n well, nitv depth, write JOHN
MOOIti:. Ur.ltm.iHl, Orvi. O lOtf (
$250 He ward
A reward of f.VM) w ill m paid for In
formation Wiling tu the nrrtmt ami
conviction of any htii found guilty
of Interfering with Ilia How of w(cr or
Jam of tliu Kmnw I'rwk Irrigation Co.
K. T. KI.AYTON, Hecy.
New Fall Goods
lllo.LdICo Parlors
Corner Second and Main St.
"La Vogue"
Ladies' Coats and
Tailor Suits
In the latest shades of Greens, Blues, Grays and Browns
"?aUi in ,ize for M'"e These garments are
ferfectly made of beautiful materials, and are the very
atest styles .
Coat prices from $7.50 to $25.00
Suit prices from $18.50 to $25.00
for Misses and Children in White, Grays, Browns and
Reds. We also have them in Plush and Melton. Swell
coats that make one feel and look comfortable
Prices range from $2.50 Upwards
JUST A WORD about our new line of Men's Tailored
Clothing made by the Brandegee Kincaid & Wood Co.
Our new line is in, and their equal in value, style fit and
finish has never before been offered in Prineville at so
modest a price. We can save you money on your new suit
Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, . . Oregon.