Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 29, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 46
No Competition in Many Classes Display
Representative of the County.
I, ant week the Journal published
general reaume c( the Crook
county fair, now numlerid with
its threw annual predeceMora.
rjiacn precluded montion of every
thing exhibited, hence tlieacoje of
the article aimed to embrace all
that was new while, not paaaing by
eltogttiher exhibit ihown in previ
our year.
A fair, or ripoaition of ny kind,
(m perhaps Ih-mI judged hy the
winli for merit, etc. There have
been so many demand for it that,
notwithstanding it length and the
labor involved typographically in
compooing it, the. Journal thia
week take pleaaure in printing the
full prize award liit of all exhibit
ore who earned II ret and aecond
placea in (lie various clasnc. It
will be noted that in many clam
there waa no competition. The
list follow:
I It I
Uon t rorget that we have new goods
day and that vou will find the low prices and good values
Don't forget that our store is the first place to come when
SUt m4 CaiiU.
lliihl win Khcep & Lund Co., Merino
limilt, Itaniltiiulllet nml IMnlne rnina;
3 llrata; no comix-l It Ion.
M. It. Hlgga, Hlmrl Imrn cuttle, and
herd; 7 Hrata, 3 aceonda; no cuinpetl
tlou. J. 1'. Taylor, Jeraeya; 2 flraUi. 1
liny & Iwitollet t, Jerwy Imll; second.
1. I'. AdaiiiNou, Jerwey rowi; 2
flrata; no rouiell(lin.
M. It. Mgga, aweepolnkea; (l Aral,
no competition.
H. A. Prone, (lyiteadalo atnlllon; 1
flrat, no ciiuH'tltliii.
J. M. Montgomery, Cl.vdeadnle
Mtnllloii; 1 mt'ond.
J. II. limy, Clydoadale mnre; 1 II mt.
J. I.. Wludnm, llelglnua; 1 flrat, 1
aecond; no eompelltlon.
(). Hprlngi'r, lW-lglana; 2 flrala.
llnvKtiuk L. II. Awaoelntlon, Bel
gian Atnlllon; tlmt, no cometltlou.
Maid win Hliii-p & I.aiul Co., Khlren;
4 llrata, 1 aecond, partial coinctltlun.
lis s Bi bi sa tes
Our Clothing man will show
you an extensive line of ex
cellent values in new and
becoming clothes.
Arrived Boy's Overcoats
Boy's Sweater Coats
Boy's Underwear
Don't forget that
lJ for children, boys
Beautiful Coats
Everybody is talking
about bur Ladies Coats
Have you seen them?
They are going, do not
delay. Orders by mail:
x will be filled satisfac
Will Wurxweller, Ten-heron niarca;
2 neeonda.
J. I'. Ilolterta, 1'ereheron fllly, flrat.
II. Hprlnger, IVrelieron mure, flmt.
Tliinaaa Klmrp, Jr., I'ercheron colt,
Chnrlea Montgomery, IVrelieron
mure, f)rxt.
J. K. Taylor, IVrelieron atulllon;
II mt, no comtetltlon.
W. H. Cochran, IVrelieron atnlllon;
T. J. Fcrguaon, Pereheron atnlllon;
Ktnnley MorrlM, IVrelieron geld-
Iiirm; 1 flrat, lwcond, nocoiupetltlon.
Baldwin Ktieep & IjuhI Co., awet'p.
taken, flmt; fllly, tlmt; no competi
tion. O. Rpringer, draught horaca; 4
flrota, no competition.
M. It. 1kh, thoroughbred mure;
flrat, no competition.
John Hchmeer, roiidaUTa; 4 flmt a,
no comiM-tltlon.
W. 8. Cochran, anddle home; flrat,
uo eoinpetltlon.
M. It. IllKira, atnlllon; flmt, no
W. McCaffrey, trotting marea; 1
flmt, 1 aecond; no comH-lltlon.
T. II. Lnfollett, PolamMlilnna; 1
flmt, 1 aecond.
Q. Springer, Polund-Chlnaa; 1 II mt,
no competition; 1 aecond.
i. It. Brwae, Poluud-Chlnna; 2
flmtn, 1 aecond.
Entire line of samples from large factory
bought at a big saving and we have marked
each a little less than the regular wholesale
price. Every lady should have one of these
waists can be worn with suit or skirt of
any shade
For Ladies-sizes com
plete in both woolen
and fleeced cottons.
Several good styles for
Misses and Children.
we have the "Buster
and girls.
SPECIALS-Friday & Saturday
Half pound choice Gun Powder Tea, reg 25c. .
All canned fruits at cost, while they last
Pure Hood River Cider Vinegar in quarts.
10 per cent off on all Heaters for cash only.
T. II. Lnfullett, Brown Ijeghorna;
2 flmta, no competition.
Mm. J. II. Wtgle, Ilnfl Orplngtona;
aecond, no cometlllon.
T. F. MeCttlllater, Barred Plymouth
Koclta, aecond; turkey, flrat; no
VerlJonea, I'.luck Mlnorcna, flrat;
Rhode Inland Reda, flrat; no compe
tition. Alex Thomaon, Barred I'lymouth
Iloeka; flmt.
Mm. I.. J. MeFnrland, IVklnducka;
Tillman Iteuter, oaU; flmt.
J. IC. Roberta, onta; aecond.
J. I Wlrnlom, winter wheat;
Tillman Renter, winter wheat, flmt;
wheat In atnlk, aecond.
J. II. (irny & Son, wheat In atnlk;
flmt; hurley In atnlk. flmt.
Tillman Iteuter, barley In atalk,
Irvine Crnln, honey; flmt
Toe I Jifollett, honey; wvond.
Faraft Marti.
M. It. Rlgga, nlfalfa; lut, no competition.
J. II. Grny & Son, gruHHee; lut, no
W. II. I utile, alfalfa eeed; lut, no
Brown" Shoes
arriving every
you get to town
farm PraaWu.
J. R. Itoherta, farm producta with
out Irrigation; flmt and aecond.
Jock (mile, farm products with
Irrigation; lut, no competition. Na
tive wooda; lat, no competition.
Precinct exhibit; lat, no competition.
W. II. Kirkhnro, brae retch potato;
Tillman Iteuter, bine vetch potato;
W. II. Klrkham, potatoea; 2nd.
O. Hprtnger, potatoes; lat.
II. C. KUia, taUe beet; 2nd.
W. II. Kinder, table beet; lat
J. L. Wlndom, aqunah; lat
W. H. Kinder, aquaah; 2nd.
(J. Kprlner, field corn; 2nd.
Tillman Iteuter, field corn; lat
O. Springer, aweet corn; lat no
II. C. Ellla, pnranlp?: lat
W. II. Kinder, pnmnlpa; 2nd; white
carrota, 2nd.
Tillman Iteuter, carrota; lat
W. II. Kinder, yellow Danrera
onlona; 2nd.
M. It Blgga, yellow Danrera
onlona; lat.
W II Kinder, yellow pumpkin, lat;
aweet pumpkin, 2nd; turulpa, lat, no
competition; auear beet, lat, no
Tillman Iteuter, Early Roae pota-
toee, 2nd; white Victor potatoea, 2nd;
onlona, 2 flmta, 1 aecond, partial
II S Cram, Early Roae potatoea;
Poe Lnfollett, white Victor pota
toes; lat
William Boegll, tomotoca; lat, no
Henry 1$ rummer. Burbnnk aeedllng
potatoea, lat; red Wetherfield onlona,
2nd; no competition.
T F MeCalllHter, mangela; lat, no
J L Wlndom, watermelon; lat no
Dt7 PrWacU.
Mra. J. H. Prose, butter; 2nd.
Jack Cadle, butter; lat.
Tutrj tml CWiawati.
Mra I W Spears, Iieat exhibit; lat
Mra VlraCyrua, beat exhibit; 2nd.
Mra. Ada B. MUUenn, mixed plcklea;
lat, no competition.
Mra Lela Zell, bread, lat; aalt raU
Ing bread, lat; rolla, 2nd; no compe
Mra S R Prow, preaervfd peaches;
Mra Alex Thomaon, Jar of canned
fruit, 2nd; currant Jelly. 2nd; dough'
nu ta, 1 at ; cooklea, lat no competition
Mrs. T H Lnfollett, apple Jelly, lat
aud 2nd; currant Jelly, 1st
Lealle Potter, doughnut; 2nd.
Ilda Cobra, layer cake; lat
Mra McDowell, layer cake, 2nd.
Miairili. '
T H Lafollett, coal; 1st
Herman Poch, coal; 2nd.
T Thronson, mineral display; 1st
no competition.
Mra Ada B Mill lean, hanging baa
ket; lat no competition.
Mra S J McFarland, potted plants
Guy Lafollett, potted plants, lat
geranium, 1st, no competition; rest
fern, 1st
Mra M J Price, fern collection; 1st
Mra Feuerhelra, bouquet; 1st, no
Herman Poch, Indian curios; 2nd.
Mra Ada B MUllcan, Indian curios,
1st; beet flowers or fruit In oil on
canvas, lat and 2nd, no competition;
photo collection, 2nd: landscape in
oil, 2nd.
Miss Cclta Nehns, pyrography; 1st
A B Roller, pyrography; 2nd.
Miss M P Brink, landscape in oil;
Mrs Vera Cyrus, photo collection;
A B Roller, pen and ink, 1st; car
toon, 1st; no competition.
Mrs C W Foster, crayon; 1st and
2nd, no competition.
T H Lafollett, Newtown pippins,
1st, no competition; Rauibo apples,
2nd; Tewaukee, 2nd, no competition;
seedling No. 1, 2nd; crabapples, 1st
aud 2nd, no competition; Fall But
ler pears. 2nd, no competition; Ital
ian primes, 2nd, no competition;
plums, 2nd, no competition; golden
russet 2ud.
William Boegll, general apple and
fruit exhibit 1st, no competition;
Baldwins, 1st, no competition; rus'
sets, 1st; Gravensteln, 1st, no compe
tition; Northern Spy, 1st, no compe
tltlon; white permaln, 1st, no compe
tition; Rambo, 1st; yellow Bellflower,
1st, no competition; Wolf river, 1st,
uo competition; variety not named,
1st; Idaho pears, 1st, no competition;
winter Nells pears, 1st, no competl
tlon; petite prunes, 1st, no competl
tion; Italian prunes, 1st. Peaches,
1st, no competition.
Enbroidery, Etc
Mra C F Smith, silk embroidery,
1st, no competition. Lunch cloth
1st, no competition.
Miss M P Brink, handkerchief, 2nd
Point lace, 1st Battenberg, 2nd,
Miss Lela Zell, point' lace, 2ud
Crocheted skirt, 1st Button holes,
2nd, no competition.
Continued on 4th page.
Begins Condemnation
Up the Deschutes Valley.
Harriman'a engineers pitched
their tenia at ' Madras a week ago
and by this time bars evacuated
the lower Deschutes canyon (or the
prosecution of the Harriman sur
rey through interior Crook eountj,
work in the canyon haying been
completed and data fully prepared
prior to the laying of the rails.
The engineers have rented ao office
at Madras, and evidently intend
to make that place their head
quarters in Crook connty for some
time to come.
Engineer Mills, the surveyor-in-
chief, is not divulging any of his
company's plans in this section,
other than that a line will be built
south as far as Bend and quite
possibly to Klamath. They admit
being Harriman'a party, however,
so it is believed they will practi
cally follow the route taken by
former Ilarriman surveyors, one of
which was known as the Columbia
Southern extension and the other
as the Oregon Eastern. Both of
these snrveys cross Crooked river
near O'Neil, and it is believed that
one of these will be chosen. It is
just possible, of course, that the
new Harriman survey will pursue
th course of the Central Oregon
survey which crosses Crooked river
2J mile west of Trail Crossing at
a point about 20 miles west of
Prineville. This fact, if such be
the case, will soon develop.
So Crook county feels more cer
tain than ever that its railroad
destiny will be a matter of only a
few months at most
. The Oregonian of this week says
The beginning of condemnation
proceedings against five owners of
land along the Deschutes river for
a right of way for the Deschutes
Railway Company at The Dalles is
regarded as an announcement by
Three Fined for Violations of Liquor Laws.
Kitching and McVey Go Free.
District court for the fall term '
lasted lees than one week, Judge
Bradshaw and the outside lawyers
leaving Saturday for their homes
at The Dalles, Portland, Eugene,
Bend and Laidlaw. From a crim-
aal viewpoint it was one of the
tamest sessions ever held in Prine
ville, and the "dry" condition of
Crook county may be responsible
for the lack of crime, though liquor
cases were the only ones in which
c nvictions were made.
A. B. Estebenet, a former Bend
saloonkeeper, was fined $200 on
one of four indictments, the other
three counts being dismissed on his
plea of guilty. Z. T. McClay of
Redmond was fined $25, and Ban
P jett of Prineville was fined $50,
for dispensing whisky at the polls
in Redmond June 1.
The trial of most public interest
was that in which S. J. Kitching
and George McVey were arraigned
f r alleged firing of shots into the
Methodist church a little over a
m mth ago. This case was called
Wednesday and occupied an entire
day. Kitching and McVey both
pleaded not guilty, and the jury
sustained them with a like verdict,
which exonerated them from blame
and caused their discharge by the
Joseph Elliott, John Eagan and
Ada Pierce, each of whose cases
was considered by the grand jury,
weie discharged by the court, the
state failing to return true bills
against either of them.
Several judgments and decrees
were entered by Judge Bradshaw,
all of them being reported in the
summary below.
Criminal Trial Calewlar.
State of Oregon vs. S. J. Kitching
and George McVey. Defendants
arraigned; time to plead waived;
plea of not guilty entered. Verdict,
not guilty; defendants discharged
Suits for Right of Way
the Harriman officials as to the
route that will be followed in en
tering the vast irrigated district of
Crook county and thence into the
Klamath country.
The proceedings were begun at
The Dalles by W. W. Cotton, gen
eral counsel for the Harriman in-
terests. , It is generally believed
that the suit is in reality a definite
statement by the Harriman
officials that entrance into central
and southern Oregon will be made
from a point on the Columbia river
near the Deschutes.
The tract to be condemned lies
along the bank of the river be
tween White and Crooked rivers.
One of the defendants is the Ore
gon State Land Board. The Des
chutes river extends along the
eastern boundary of the Warm
Springs reservation in Crook
In railroad circles the suit is
also believed to mean an attempt
oa the part of the Harriman in
terests either to thwart the Hill
interests or anticipate them in
reaching the rich but inaccessible
territory of central and southern
The road, if completed, would be
an outlet for 300,000 acres of irri
gated lands in Crook county.
Already the Oregon Trunk Line,
which rumor has designated as a
Hill road, is seeking a right of
way along the west side of the nar
row Deschutes river. There are
at present 12 crews of engineers in
the canyon, and the Harriman in
terests are well represented.
According to the articles of in
corporation cf the Deschutes road,
said Mr. Cotton, the proposed line
will extend from a point on the
OR & N near the mouth of the
Deschutes through Crook county
and into the Klamath country.
State of Oregon vs. J. B. Palmer
and Mrs. J. B. Palmer. Arraigned;
plea of not guilty entered by de
fendants. Verdict of not guilty on
motion of District Attorney; de
fendants discharged.
State of Oregon vs. Joseph Elli
ott. rot a true bill; defendant
State of Oregon vs. John Eagan.
Not a true bill; defendant dis
State of Oregon vs. Ada Pierce.
Not a true bill; defendant dis
charged. State of Oregon vs Ban Puett
and Z T. .McClay. Arraigned;
time for pleading waived; plea of
guilty entered by defendants. De
fendant McClay fined $25; defend
ant Puett fined $50. Three other
counts nolle prosequi.
State of Oregon vs. A. B. Este
benet. Arraigned; plea of guilty
entered by defendant; fined $200.
Three other counts nolle prosequi.
CWil Case tmi DiipMitioa.
W. Bolton, Smith French and
Nellie French Bolton (W. Bolton
& Co.) vs. John McLennan. Set
tled and diemissed.
The Noithrup & Sturgis Co. vs.
Hugh O'Kane. Continued for term.
Fleckenstein-Mayer Co. vs. Em
ery Seales and L. A. Moore. Con
tinued for term.
A. L. Goodwillie, trustee, vs.
Hugh O'Kane and Helen O'Kane.
Report of referee filed; decree
A. L. Goodwillie vs. Hugh O'
Kane. Continued for term.
Murphy, Grant & Co. vs. J. F.
Morris. Continued for term.
Ole Gennes and Nels Layon vs.
August Peterson, Bertha Peterson,
J. N. Hunter and W. II. Staats.
Report of referee filed; argued and
Continued on 2d page.